Feeding Small Ruminants: Developing A Grazing System For Sheep and Goats
Feeding Small Ruminants: Developing A Grazing System For Sheep and Goats
Feeding Small Ruminants: Developing A Grazing System For Sheep and Goats
Small farming operations are becoming more popular as the amount of land available for large
livestock enterprises and row crops is reduced by urban sprawl. Small ruminant livestock systems such
as goats and sheep fit well with small farm operations. Forages, whether are grazed or hayed, supply the
major source of nutrition and a critical component to small farm enterprises to maintain sustainability.
Many of these small farm owners are either newcomers to farming or people living in urban areas and
see them as “hobby” farms. There is a critical need to educate them on the basic agricultural practices
and forage utilization for this type of livestock management.
The grazing habits of sheep and goats differ from traditional livestock production and they can
be incorporated into the grazing systems for cattle and horses. Goats tend to browse more while sheep
tend to graze. Goats are efficiently used in pasture utilization controlling brush and weed, but they need
higher quality forage than cattle because they cannot digest cellulose.
Sheep and goats offer an alternative to utilizing forage and vegetation which is otherwise
"wasted” (Figure 1). In a pasture situation goats are "top down" grazers, consuming only the best parts
of a wide range of grasses, legumes, and browse plants. Browse plants include brush, shrubs, trees, and
vines with woody stems. This behavior results in uniform grazing and favors a first grazer-last grazer
system using a goat flock as the first group and cattle as the last group. This management is most
appropriate with lactating does or growing kids. The quality of feed offered is usually most directly related
to the age or stage of growth at the time of grazing. Sheep do very well grazing annual cool-season
forages like oats, annual ryegrass, winter wheat, or triticale. Annuals forages can be ready to graze
approximately six weeks after seeding. Feeding some hay for the first week before grazing annual cool-
season grasses provides fiber and reduces scouring. Portable cross fencing to restrict sheep to small
paddocks will reduce trampling. Creep gates can be used to give lambs access to areas separate from
the ewes.
Feed is the single largest cost associated with raising small ruminants, typically accounting from
60 to 65% of total production costs. Pastures /forages are the cheapest feed sources for both sheep and
goat production. Therefore, they should use them to the fullest extent. Establish a grazing system using
both cool-season species such as tall fescue and warm season grasses such as bermudagrass,
bahiagrass, and dallisgrass in mixture with legumes (white, red clover, or alsike clover). For winter
feeding, planting small grains (wheat, rye, oats and barley) and annual ryegrass in combination with
crimson clover or arrow leaf clover reduces feed cost and the need for stored forage. The addition of
forage legumes to grazing or haying systems provides additional protein, energy, and palatability to the
feed produced. Further, legumes add nitrogen to the soil for grasses to utilize and assist in filling in the
grass sward to inhibit weed growth. The selection of the "best" grass/legume system must consider both
the adaptability of a particular type of forage to a specific site and soil, the nutritional needs of the
animals, and the management goals of the producer.
Legumes such as alfalfa, clover, and lespedeza tend to be higher in protein, vitamins, and
minerals (especially calcium) than grass hays. The energy, as well as protein content, depends upon the
maturity of the forage when it is being grazed for forage. Maintaining an adequate grazing height is
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important because these small ruminants eat in layers from top of the plant to the bottom. Pasture height
and biomass will greatly affect intake, quality, and nutritional status of sheep and goats. Several studies
have shown that intake by goats decline when forage availability is below 1000 to 1200 lb of dry matter
per acre because the animal cannot get a “mouthful” with each bite. Overgrazing the pasture not only
affects animal intake but also affects forage recovery time because the remaining leaf area for
photosynthesis is minimal.
80 Weeds
70 Browse
Percent of Diet
Cattle Goat Horse Sheep
Figure 1. Dietary preference of different livestock species. Source: AnPeischel, 2005.
Managed grazing with sheep and goats usually results in a substantial increase in vegetative
cover by favorable grass and legume species while reducing or eliminating unwanted shrub species.
Since goats, cattle, and sheep prefer different forages, in many pasture situations these species do not
compete for the same food. Therefore, they can be managed quite successfully in a multispecies grazing
system, allowing the land to be used more fully and generate more income. Some studies have shown
that land grazed by both goats and cattle returns 25% more than land grazed only by cattle. Adding
sheep and goats to a grazing system will have weed control benefits. Goats will eat such weeds,
therefore decreasing the need for commercial herbicides or mowing.
Sheep make efficient harvesters of forage crops. However, one of the biggest challenges of
grazing sheep is the economical and effective control of internal parasites. Sericea lespedeza is a legume
that grows in low fertility and acid soils and it has been associated with parasite control. Sericea
lespedeza is a high-tannin forage that has been scientifically proven to reduce parasite loads in sheep
and goats. Sheep and goats may need time to adjust to grazing sericea. Cattle will graze sericea if it is
not too mature. Producers should not rely on sericea as the sole method for controlling internal parasites,
but could be used as part of the parasite/de-worming program in small ruminants.
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Understanding the nutritional needs of goats and sheep is important in developing a forage
program (Table 1). Sheep and goats must consume a more concentrated diet than cattle because their
digestive tract size is smaller relative to their maintenance energy needs. Average meat goats require
about 10-14% crude protein and 60-65% TDN (on a dry matter basis) in the total diet. Pasture, forbs, and
browse are usually the primary and most economical source of nutrients for sheep and goats (Table 2).
In most cases, pasture is all small ruminants need to meet their nutritional requirements since they tend
to be high in energy and protein when it is in a vegetative state. Rotating the pastures to keep plants in a
vegetative state is important since palatability and digestibility decline as the plants mature. During the
early part of the grazing season, browse (woody plants, vines and brush) and forbs (weeds) tend to be
higher in protein and energy than ordinary pasture. Sheep are excellent weed eaters. Goats are generally
considered a browse-consuming species and they have the unique ability to select plants when they are
at their most nutritious state.
Bucks (80 – 120 lbs) 5.0 11.0 60.0
Dry Doe 4.5 10.0 55.0
Late Gestation 4.5 11.0 60.0
Avg. Milk 4.5 11.0 60.0
High Milk 5.0 14.0 65.0
Weanling (60 lb) 2.0 14.0 68.0
Yearling 3.0 12.0 65.0
90% Dry Matter Basis
Source: National Research Council, 2007.
Small ruminants (goats and sheep) should have access to clean, fresh water at all times in the
pasture. A mature animal will consume between ¾ to 1 ½ gallons of water per day and water intake
increase greatly during late gestation and during lactation of small ruminant. Water requirements also
increase substantially when ambient temperatures rise above 70 °F and decline with very cold
environmental temperatures.
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Table 2. Nutritional content of various forages and browse plants commonly used for grazing sheep and
Forage Type Crude Protein (%) Energy (TND) (%)
Poor Hay 8 50
Grass Hay 12 58
Mixed Hay 15 50
Legume Hay 18 62
Alfalfa 18 62
Bahiagrass 8 51
Bermudagrass 10 55
Chicory 15 65
Clover Pasture 25 69
Cowpea 16 64
Kudzu 14 55
Mature Pasture 8 50
Millet (pearl) 27 63
Rye 16 69
Sudangrass 16 70
Switchgrass 10 61
Tall Fescue 12 62
Vetch (common) 19 59
Wheat 24 66
Browse Species
Broomsedge 7 50
Brush 16 72
Curled Dock 13 74
Honeysuckle 13 69
Hackberry 14 41
Juniper (leaves) 6 64
Oak Skin 13 65
Mulberry (leaves) 21 72
Sumac 13 77
Source: National Research Council, 2007.
There is not just one type of pasture than can or even should, be used. It is good to have a
diversity of cool- and warm-season grasses to minimize hay need. This is not to say that different plant
species do not each have their own specific advantages and disadvantages. Maintain low stocking rates
and graze sheep and goats with cattle, or in a rotation with cattle or horses. Provide tannin-rich forages,
such as sericea lespedeza. The role of goats and sheep as biological control agents will become
increasingly important in pastures in the future due to elevated costs of other control methods such as
mechanical cutting and herbicide application, where energy utilization is an issue.
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