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Open Journal of Accounting, 2021, 10, 1-8

ISSN Online: 2169-3412
ISSN Print: 2169-3404

Research on Data Analysis of Chinese Public

Accounting Firms in the Big Data Era

Meng Kang, Fuangfa Ampornstira*

School of Management, Shinawatra University, Bangkok, Thailand

How to cite this paper: Kang, M., & Am- Abstract

pornstira, F. (2021). Research on Data
Analysis of Chinese Public Accounting The rapid development of computer and Internet technology has brought
Firms in the of Big Data Era. Open Journal human society into the era of information technology, and it has a profound
of Accounting, 10, 1-8. impact on human’s past work, production, management and consumption
methods (AICPA, 2014). Even the social economic structure has changed in
Received: April 4, 2020 this general environment. With the rapid development of information tech-
Accepted: December 25, 2020 nology, tradition has been unable to meet current needs. By combining the
Published: December 28, 2020 concept of big data and the characteristics of audit work in the era of big data,
this article explores the effective countermeasures for optimizing the data
Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
analysis in the era of big data (Richins et al., 2017).
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International Keywords
License (CC BY 4.0).
Big Data Audit, Data Analysis, Public Accounting Firms
Open Access

1. Introduction
With the continuous penetration of the Internet concept, modern information
technologies such as computers, servers, databases, optic fiber network, and
communication technology (especially the 5G technology is getting more and
more mature) have been widely used in social practice activities, and they have
played an important practical role in different fields (Clatworthy et al., 2020).
Based on the concepts of energy conservation and environmental protection, the
efficient use of resources has become a necessary condition for enterprises and
government agencies. At the same time, audit resources and evidence clues are
also moving towards paperlessness, the scope of the audit is further extended to
the electronic data, internal control system, and information system (Adrianto,
2018). All these indicate that auditing must adapt to the current digitization and
information flow conversion to ensure that audit efficiency and quality supervi-
sion functions are fully utilized (Sjöberg & Johansson, 2016). These changes have

DOI: 10.4236/ojacct.2021.101001 Dec. 28, 2020 1 Open Journal of Accounting

M. Kang, F. Ampornstira

prompted the audit work that takes audit accounting books and corresponding
economic activity materials as the main forms to face huge challenges (Appel-
baum et al., 2017).

2. The Concept of Big Data

Based on big data, Gartner research institute put forward this definition: big data
refers to the collection of data that cannot be processed, captured and managed
by conventional software tools within a certain period of time, but requires new
processing modes to have strong insights Discovery power, decision-making
power, and process optimization capabilities to adapt to high growth rates, mas-
sive and diverse information resources (Li & Gong, 2015).
The McKinsey Global Institute (2011) put forward this definition: a data col-
lection that is so large that it exceeds the level of previous database software tools
in terms of acquisition, storage, management, and analysis. It has high-speed
data transfer, massive data scale, and multiple data types.
Yuan Ye (deputy auditor of the China National Audit Office) believes that big
data provides rich data resources and full-dimensional intelligent analysis pers-
pective for audit work, and also brings a series of difficulties and challenges to
the audit work.
A definition also appeared in the research report of Doug Laney—an analyst
of the IT analysis company META Group (now acquired by Gartner) in 2001.
Doug Laney noticed that the growth of data is three-dimensional, that is, capac-
ity, diversity, and speed. The same viewpoint is three characteristics of big da-
ta-volume, variety, and velocity (Zikopoulos & Eaton, 2011). The definition of
3Vs is still being expanded. To describe big data, authors at Gartner and most
industry giants such as IBM and Microsoft continue to use the “3Vs” model to
describe big data. In general, big data has four characteristics: Volume, Variety,
Velocity, and Veracity (Chen et al., 2012). Later, in the big data Value book pub-
lished by IBM, the ultimate impact of big data is to realize its true value (Mike,

3. Characteristics of Audit Work in the Era of Big Data

3.1. Comprehensive Audit Content
Four-fifths of China’s useful data is controlled by the government, but it has
been kept secret for a long time. In the past, it was very difficult for enterprises
to obtain macroeconomic data. In February 2016, the General Office of the State
Council issued the “Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Openness of
Government Affairs,” which called for accelerating the construction of a centra-
lized and open platform to realize the large-scale disclosure of government data.
The disclosure of government data encourages and promotes the in-depth anal-
ysis and application of government public data. After processing a large amount
of government basic data, it can be transformed into a market-competitive re-
source to realize its attached economic value and be applied to big data (Gepp et

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al., 2018). Analysis creates wealth for the enterprise. With the enterprise big data
platform, enterprises can easily obtain macro data that was previously difficult to
obtain (Chen et al., 2012).
Cloud computing, the Internet, and big data reduce the cost of companies to
acquire and use information data, and enable audit departments to fully and
timely grasp internal data. With the help of Internet technology, auditors can
easily obtain data related to the audited events, including internal data and ex-
ternal data. On the one hand, external data covers: government data and eco-
nomic data disclosed by government departments according to law, as well as
many data disclosed by companies according to law, etc. This provides certain
data support for the evaluation and supervision of auditors. On the other hand,
at the level of internal data acquisition, enterprises can use big data technology
to classify, summarize and store many data related to production operations, fi-
nancial data and business data formed in the operation of the enterprise.
The audit database is generated. Based on this, enterprises can no longer be
limited to single item and financial level audits in audit work, and the audit ob-
ject has also changed from random sampling to full sample, which in turn makes
the audit sample more comprehensive. The information silos that exist between
the audit department and the audited unit and between the various departments
of the enterprise will be truly broken, which will help the audit department to
break through the professional industry data and correlation analysis and mul-
ti-angle analysis to break the current departmental constraints, improve the abil-
ity to obtain evidence and discover hidden clues, and strengthen the combat ef-
fectiveness of audit departments.

3.2. The Continuity of the Audit Process

In the information environment, auditors generally collect electronic data from
the audited company according to the needs of the audit task, and then prepro-
cess the electronic data and complete the data analysis to obtain audit evidence.
This method of conducting electronic data auditing can be called on-site elec-
tronic data audits. At present, the audited unit has a high degree of informatio-
nization, and the information system is involved. There are many types of data
to be collected, not only structured electronic data in the database, but also some
meeting records, meeting resolutions, official notices, office documents, and un-
structured data such as policies, internal control manuals, and individual system
manuals. Different from the traditional data audit, the audit activity under the
characteristics of big data environment is a big data audit. Therefore, the audit
work is inextricably linked with big data. In the electronic data audit work, the
data is very important to the auditors, and the audit process is also a process of
“speaking with data and making decisions with data.” The development of in-
formation technology has made audit informationization develop in a conti-
nuous, dynamic, and real-time direction (Byström, 2019).
Continuous auditing (CA) has become an important development direction of
audit informationization; to obtain audit evidence, it is not difficult to find that,

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compared with on-site electronic data auditing, the principle of networked au-
diting can be regarded as a process of collecting electronic data from the audited
company by remote networking and analyzing. The application of networked
auditing technology has accumulated a large amount of electronic data for au-
diting units, which provides conditions for conducting audit big data analysis
(Kuhn Jr. & Sutton, 2010). It can be seen that continuous auditing has laid the
foundation for the development of big data auditing (Zhang, Yang, & Appel-
baum, 2015).
The academic field has been exploring continuous auditing for many years,
but it has relied on it for a long time. Due to the constraints of information
technology conditions and level quotas, this auditing method has not been im-
plemented in real work. In the context of big data, the continuous development
of information technology provides a technical basis for China’s continuous au-
dit work, and promotes the continuous audit from the previous assumptions in-
to reality. The continuity of the audit process is characterized by its “continuity”.
The enterprise audit department can continuously obtain business-related busi-
ness data and financial data, and perform special audits, risk prevention and
control, and continuous monitoring and other tasks to implement The risks in
the business link are continuously monitored and audited, and the internal op-
eration risks and financial risks of the enterprise are effectively reduced.

3.3. Audit Management Intelligence

The intelligent features possessed by audit management run through the entire
process of audit work, covering the design of early audit programs and the allo-
cation of audit resources, and the implementation of audit tasks in the event de-
velopment. Sorting, refining, secondary utilization of post-audit results and
real-time inspection of the auditee’s rectification status and audit management is
intelligent. During the audit planning period, the formation of the audit plan
mainly stems from the continuous monitoring of the doubtful point database,
risk database, and problem database formed by the actual auditing system to
strengthen the accuracy of the audit work. During the period of audit organiza-
tion, the audit system will reasonably allocate related work according to the
content of the audit work and the status of the audit workers, appropriately al-
locate manpower, material and financial resources, and maximize the use of au-
dit resources. During the period of audit execution, auditors can use special data
information analysis models and general data analysis APPs to analyze prob-
lems, and automatically generate relevant audit papers to promote the standar-
dization and standardization of audit execution, and can also greatly reduce au-
dit workload. On the other hand, in the management of the audit process, the
audit system will continuously monitor the progress of the audit work, grasp the
status of audit work practice, coordinate and coordinate audit resources, and
enhance audit effectiveness. In addition, the audit work will fulfill the standar-
dized and standardized document format content and business process, imple-
ment all-round quality control of the audit work, optimize the actual quality of

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the audit report, and help the audit work quality inspection and supervision.

4. Effective Countermeasures for Optimizing Audit Data

Analysis in the Era of Big Data
4.1. Building a Sound Audit System
In the context of the era of big data, audit companies have also changed at the
level of economic activity. The most notable is that the e-commerce industry is
more frequent at the level of economic interaction, and this has also caused the
difficulty of collecting information data from audit departments (Chen & Smie-
liauskas, 2017). Under this situation, enterprises should build a sound audit sys-
tem and conduct comprehensive audits of digital certification organizations
(Ho-Quang et al., 2020). For management and legal qualifications, they can be
raised to the legal level and unified management. In addition, the relevant audit
department should also build relevant systems based on the actual situation of
the audit work, continue to explore enterprise audit methods that can meet the
current era of big data, and build certain targeted standard regulations in the
audit system. In this way, not only can the idea, process, experience, and means
of audit data analysis work in the context of big data be clear, but it can also ef-
fectively prevent unnecessary problems in the collection of audit worker data
information (Ji, 2017).
The results indicate that five aspects of big data have relatively significant im-
pacts on auditing, including big data collection, big data mining, big data inte-
gration, big data storage, and big data analysis. This is manifested by the use of
information technology that brings updates to auditing (Adrianto, 2018).

4.2. Increase Management of Big Data

Ensuring the security of audit data information is the basic condition for audit
data analysis in the context of big data. Auditors, while making full use of the
advantages of big data technology, should also increase their investment in hu-
man, financial and material resources in their work to strengthen the security
management of data and information. On the one hand, strengthen the man-
agement of the storage platform of audit data information, design a reasonable
and scientific management mechanism according to the current status of the
platform, and carry out according to the management system in the storage of
data information, and then guarantee the true security of data information. On
the other hand, build a data information analysis system, which can analyze the
relevant data contained in the data information storage platform (Sjöberg & Jo-
hansson, 2016).
Data transmission is safe (Xu & Duan, 2019). In addition, it implements hie-
rarchical management of audit data, establishes relevant authorization for data
information, and then guarantees the security of all levels of data information,
and should take targeted protection measures against sensitive data to prevent
theft or tampering of data information.

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4.3. Strengthen the Comprehensive Quality of Auditors

As far as the current situation is concerned, the audit work is mainly conducted
by audit business workers, but most of the workers themselves have low auditing
ability and cannot meet the standards required by enterprises or auditing work
themselves. Under the background of big data, the phenomenon of unqualified
auditors will inevitably hinder the audit work. Due to the lack of audit-related
professional knowledge and unskilled technical practice, the length of the audit
work has been greatly extended. However, professional program writing work-
ers, professional data analysis workers, professional statistical analysis workers,
etc., are all necessary for a relatively complete audit team. Only in this way can
audit work keep up with the times and social development. Therefore, enterpris-
es should improve the construction of audit work teams and attract professional
talents by increasing salary and treatment. At the same time, enterprises should
also improve the professional quality of internal auditors and use diversified
training activities to strengthen the data processing level and business literacy of
auditors. And in order to promote internal auditors to actively participate in
training to learn new knowledge and new technologies, enterprises can create an
evaluation system to assess the learning situation of auditors in real time within
a certain period of time, thereby prompting the audit to quickly adapt to the big
data technology environment. In addition, we should also innovate the audit
concept. Auditors should innovate past thinking patterns, dare to apply many
modern and informatization software, extensively collect information data to
create databases, analyze and evaluate their relevance, and make judgments
based on the analysis results and actual conditions.

5. Conclusion
To sum up, audit data analysis is a relatively long and complicated project, so it
will be improved along with the progress of information technology, but if you
want to ensure the smooth and stable execution of audit data analysis, you
should focus on audit data, analyze the risks and problems in the work and
adopt efficient and scientific coping strategies in a timely manner. In addition,
the corresponding departments should strengthen the emphasis on audit work
in the context of big data. In the aspects of building a complete audit system,
strengthening big data management and enhancing the comprehensive quality
of auditors, the audit department puts forward strategies to reduce the risks and
problems in audit work. This research proposes solutions to the advantages and
challenges of auditing currently faced by big data, but based on limited research,
it fails to explain in depth how this measure works.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-

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