g5 q3w5 DLL Science (Melcs)

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DAILY LESSON LOG School: Sto Nino Elementary School Grade and Section: V

Teacher: Maricel M. Acierto Subject: Science

Teaching Dates: NOVEMBER 27-30, 2023 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 2nd QUARTER


a. Content Standards How different objects interact with light and sound, heat; and people and objects
The effects of heat and electricity, light and sound on
b. Performance Standards
c. Most Essential Learning Relate the ability of the material to block, absorb or transmit light to its use (S5FE - IIIe – 5)
Competencies (MELCs)
d. Learning Objectives a. describe the uses of materials that can block, absorb, and transmit light;
b. differentiate characteristics of transparent, translucent and opaque materials; and
c. identify examples of materials that are transparent, translucent, and opaque.

II. LEARNING CONTENT How light interacts with How light interacts with How light interacts with How light interacts with
(Subject Matter) different materials different materials different materials different materials
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials Raquel, M. (2020). Quarter Raquel, M. (2020). Quarter Raquel, M. (2020). Quarter Raquel, M. (2020). Quarter
(SLMs/LASs) 3 – Module 3: Interaction of 3 – Module 3: Interaction of 3 – Module 3: Interaction 3 – Module 3: Interaction of
Light on Different Materials Light on Different Materials of Light on Different Light on Different Materials
(Self-Learning Module]. (Self-Learning Module]. Materials (Self-Learning (Self-Learning Module].
Moodle. Department of Moodle. Department of Module]. Moodle. Moodle. Department of
Education Retrieve Education Retrieve Department of Education Education Retrieve
(January 01, 2023) from (January 01, 2023) from Retrieve (January 01, (January 01, 2023) from
https://r7- https://r7- 2023) from https://r7- https://r7-
2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl
e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php?
id=13096 id=13096 id=13096 id=13096

Gadia, G. (2021). How light Gadia, G. (2021). How light Gadia, G. (2021). How light Gadia, G. (2021). How light
interacts with different interacts with different interacts with different interacts with different
materials [Learning Activity materials [Learning Activity materials [Learning Activity materials [Learning Activity
Sheet]. Department of Sheet]. Department of Sheet]. Department of Sheet]. Department of
Education Education Education Education
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning paper, quiz notebook or
Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, test paper
notebook notebook notebook notebook
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous Directions: Choose the Directions: List down at Directions: Identify the Directions: Read and
lesson/Drill correct word inside the least three objects found in term being described using analyze the table below.
parentheses to complete school, at home, or around the words inside the box. Put a check (/) mark on the
each sentence. Write you that are transparent, Write your answers in your appropriate column
your answers in your translucent, or opaque science notebook. whether the material is
science notebook. materials. transparent, translucent, or
1. Rainbow is made up Transparent opaque.
of ________ colors. 1. TRANSPARENT Translucent
(five, seven, eight) a. Opaque
2. A cabinet made of b. Shadow
________ reflect light. c.
(rock, wood, glass) ______1. Do not let light
3. A mirror will show 2. TRANSLUCENT pass through them.
your __________. a.
(reflection, shadow, b. ______2. Formed when
energy) c. some light is blocked.
4. A shadow is formed 3. OPAQUE
when light is _________. a. ______3. Water is an
(reflected, transmitted, b. example of this material.
blocked) c.
5. To protect travelers’ ______4. Some light is
eyes from too much light absorbed, and some are
from the sun, they wear reflected.
_______. (sunglasses,
goggles, mask) ______5. Things behind
this object cannot be seen.
C. Establishing a purpose Copy the table below, then Observe the following Why we wear light shade
for the lesson/ Motivation give the possible use/s of Why is it that every time picture. clothes in summer and
the given materials. Write the sun or light shines on dark shade clothes in
your answers in your us, we see our shadows? winter/cold season?
science notebook.

Possible uses of the

Materials Use/s Can you see the difference
among the windows?

D. Presenting Without light, there would Without light, there would Without light, there would We prefer white coloured
examples/instances of the be no sight. The visual be no sight. The visual be no sight. The visual clothes in summer
new lesson/Motivation ability of humans and other ability of humans and other ability of humans and other because white colour is
animals is the result of the animals is the result of the animals is the result of the poor absorber of heat and
complex interaction of light, complex interaction of light, complex interaction of so they keep us cool
eyes, and brain. We can eyes, and brain. We can light, eyes, and brain. We during summer. On the
see because light from an see because light from an can see because light from other hand, during winter
object can move through object can move through an object can move we prefer black and dark
space and reach our eyes. space and reach our eyes. through space and reach coloured clothes because
That is why we see That is why we see our eyes. That is why we black colour is good
materials as transparent, materials as transparent, see materials as absorber of heat and thus
translucent and opaque. translucent and opaque. transparent, translucent they keep us comfortably
and opaque. warm during winter.
E. Discussing new Can you imagine living in a Can you imagine living in a Can you imagine living in a Can you imagine living in a
concepts and practicing world without light where world without light where world without light where world without light where
new skills No. 1 you can’t see anything, you can’t see anything, you can’t see anything, you can’t see anything,
and you can only sense and you can only sense and you can only sense and you can only sense
most objects by sound, most objects by sound, most objects by sound, most objects by sound,
touch, and smell? How do touch, and smell? How do touch, and smell? How do touch, and smell? How do
you think you would feel? you think you would feel? you think you would feel? you think you would feel?
F. Discussing new When the light hits different When the light hits different Different materials have HOW COLORS AFFECT
concepts and practicing materials, the light materials, the light different ways of HEAT ABSORPTION?
new skills No. 2 behaves differently. It behaves differently. It transmitting light.
depends on whether the depends on whether the
material is transparent, material is transparent, 1. TRANSPARENT
translucent, or opaque. It translucent, or opaque. It MATERIALS
serves as the foundation serves as the foundation allow all light to pass
for how materials are used for how materials are used through them. Clear Do you know that the
in our daily lives. in our daily lives. plastic, clear glass and eye amount of heat an object
glass are examples of absorbs or reflects depend
Types, descriptions, and Types, descriptions, and transparent materials. on its color? The more
uses of materials based on uses of materials based on colors an object absorbs,
how they interact with light how they interact with light the more heat it absorb.
The more colors an object
reflects, the more heat is
2. TRANSLUCENT reflected. Thus, objects
MATERIALS that absorb more colors
allow some light to pass also absorb more heat,
through them. Stained making them hotter than
glasses, frosted windows the things that absorb less
and tinted car glass are color or reflect more colors.
examples of translucent
materials Black fabric absorbs all the
colors of the light and is
therefore warmer than
white fabric which reflects
all colors. The colors of the
spectrum appear the
do not allow light to pass
darkest and most like
through them. Concrete
walls, wooden doors, and black. (violet, indigo and
books are examples of green or brown) will
opaque objects. produce the most
thermal/heat energy; the
other colors (red, orange
and yellow) will produce
the least thermal energy
because they appear
lighter or more like white.

Take black for example,

since black is the absence
of all colors, it does not
reflect any of the colors but
rather absorbs all of them.
Thus, black absorbs the
most heat because it
absorbs all the colors. The
more colors it absorbs, the
more light is absorbed.
And since more light is
absorbed, more heat is
also absorbed since light is
a form of energy.

White on the other hand,

white is the presence of all
colors. White therefore,
reflects all colors and does
not absorb any of it. The
less light is absorbed, the
less heat is absorbed. The
sun’s energy reaches
Earth in the form of
electromagnetic rays. We
feel these electromagnetic
rays as warmth. Darker
colors absorb more of this
energy, which is why they
get warmer more quickly
than lighter colors. The
lighter colors reflect more
of the sun’s energy, so
they remain cooler.

So on a hot summer day,

it is more comfortable to
wear light-colored clothes.

G. Developing Mastery Directions: Classify the Directions: Identify the Directions: Match the Directions: Fill in the table
(Leads to Formative materials found in the box term being described using descriptions in Column A with color absorbed and
Assessment) below under the the words inside the box. with the concepts in reflected by the following
appropriate column. Copy Write your answers in your column B. objects. Check whether
the table on a separate science notebook. they absorb more or less
sheet of paper. Complete Transparent heat.
or fill it in with your chosen Translucent
answers that correspond Opaque
with the proper heading. Shadow

glass window ______1. Smooth and

wax paper clear materials that
concrete wall wooden transmit light easily.
plastic cup
______2. Allow all light to
glass window fishbowl
frosted glass pass through them.
metal spoon
mirror ______3. Materials that
tissue paper eyeglasses can transmit, absorb and
plastic container umbrellablock the light.
clear water bottle
______4. Scatter the light
Trans Transl Opaq from its source.
parent ucent ue
______5. Permit some
light to pass through them.

H. Finding Practical Light is the source of all life Light is the source of all life Light is the source of all life Light is the source of all life
Application of Concepts on our planet. Light on our planet. Light on our planet. Light on our planet. Light
and Skills in Daily Lives interaction with matter is interaction with matter is interaction with matter is interaction with matter is
an important part of our an important part of our an important part of our an important part of our
everyday lives. Not only is everyday lives. Not only is everyday lives. Not only is everyday lives. Not only is
this what makes us see this what makes us see this what makes us see this what makes us see
things in the first place, things in the first place, things in the first place, things in the first place,
light-matter interaction is light-matter interaction is light-matter interaction is light-matter interaction is
also responsible for also responsible for also responsible for also responsible for
phenomena such as our phenomena such as our phenomena such as our phenomena such as our
reflection in the mirror, oil reflection in the mirror, oil reflection in the mirror, oil reflection in the mirror, oil
on water appearing to have on water appearing to have on water appearing to on water appearing to have
color, and the sky being color, and the sky being have color, and the sky color, and the sky being
blue. Give at least two (2) blue. Give at least two (2) being blue. Give at least blue. Give at least two (2)
importance of light importance of light two (2) importance of light importance of light
interaction in our daily interaction in our daily interaction in our daily interaction in our daily
lives. lives. lives. lives.
I. Making Generalization How light interact with the How light interact with the How light interact with the How do light and heat
and Abstraction different materials? different materials? different materials? interaction with different
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Identify the Directions: List down 15 Directions: Read and Directions: Reflect with this
following objects as objects found at carefully analyze the question.
TRANSPARENT, home/school that are situation and answer each
TRANSLUCENT OR opaque, translucent, and question. It is sunny outside, and you
OPAQUE. Write your transparent. Fill in the table want to go out and play.
answers on the blank below for your answers. 1. You have a clear glass How can you keep your
before each number. window in your room. As body cool? Will the color of
Trans Transl Opaq the sun rises, the sunlight your shirt matter?
1. Wooden blocks parent ucent ue enters your room,
1. 1. 1. disturbing your sleep and ________________
2.White plastic
2. 2. 2. making your room warmer. ________________
3. 3. 3. You do not want to make ________________
3.Cardboard 4. 4. 4. your room dark either. ________________
4. Red 5. 5. 5. What will you do?
cellophane ________________
5.Tinted glass ________________
___________________ 2. Your family wants to set
6. Brown up a flower garden. You
envelope have various orchids that
7. Eye glass need to be continuously
exposed to a little amount
8. Frosted sliding of sunlight to grow and
window produce flowers. What will
9. Molding clay you suggest to your
10. Rubber tire parents?
3. You heard over the
radio that the solar eclipse
would be happening at
10:00 AM. People were
advised not to look directly
at the sun. What are the
safest ways to view a solar
K. Additional activities for
application or remediation
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction
and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the
purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of
the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the
learners learners learners learners learners
VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in
the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning
process when process when process when process when process when
incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating

A. No. of learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of learner who
scored below 80% ( needs
C. No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share w/other teacher?

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