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1. What is the image saying about the world

2. What do you think has contributed to the
easy access and exchange of information
these days? Why?
3. In transacting or communicating in a
global setting, what vital preparations
must be done? Why?


Globalization is the communication and assimilation among individuals,

ethnicities, races, institutions, governments of various nations supported by
technology and compelled by international trade. Due to globalization, the more you
become exposed to diversity --- the valuing of the uniqueness or differences in gender
preference, color, age, religious affiliation, ethnicity, education, social and economic
status and political beliefs.

Globalization is not a new process or concept. Years before the advent of

technology, people had been purchasing and selling each other properties, goods and
other objects of certain value.

Communication is so constant and widespread that one cannot escape its influence.
Without it people would be isolated and unable to give and receive ideas. Civilization
itself would be impossible. However, the breakthroughs in communication in the past
decades and in our 21st century have spurred increases in cross-border trade,
investment and migration so large that many observers believe and we now claim we
live in “one world” the globe world. Globalization is the process by which people in the
world are unified into a single society and function together.
Globalization is about the interconnectedness of people and businesses across the world that
eventually leads to global cultural, political, and economic integration. It is the ability to move
and communicate easily with others all over the world to conduct business internationally.
How global issues affect communication?


For the global issues to affect communication this may include: The sudden rise of issues in
specific countries- this may affect communication in ways such as banning people from their
countries or by cutting communications due to a much larger issue that made that particular
area inaccessible for people.


Communication has since been increasingly global, blurring national

boundaries. The ability to communicate effectively in a global setting can be a
challenge. Hence, to effectively communicate in a global context, a general
understanding of the differences in conducting communication from one country to
another or from one culture to another helps avoid miscommunication.

People’s background and experiences influence their view of the world and the
values, beliefs and behavior patterns assumed to be good. The following are possible
cultural barriers to effective communication in a global environment:

1. Cultural relativism- is the notion that a culture should be understood on its

own terms not using standards of another culture, it involves looking at another
culture by its own perspective instead of one’s own culture. A person who
believes in cultural relativism understands that one culture is not better than
2. Lack of knowledge of others’ culture
3. Discrimination and harassment
4. Language differences

To get the desired outcome or response, the above barriers must be properly
addressed. It is the responsibility of the parties involved in the communication process
to eliminate the possible hindrances in their exchange. The goal of effective global
communication is to achieve communication that gets the desired response leading to
harmonious connections. Krizan (2014) suggests these strategies to become an
effective global communicator:

1. Review communication principles.

2. Analyze the message receiver.
3. Be open to an accepting of other cultures.
4. Learn about cultures and apply what is learned.
5. Consider language needs.

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