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Cry of Balintawak or Pugad Lawin • Gregorio Zaide identified the cry as having • 500 members of the KKK, gathered

of the KKK, gathered in the

happened in Balintawak on August 26, 1896, house of Apolinio Samson on August 22, 1896.
• The 19th-century Spanish colony experienced while Teodoro Agoncillo put in Pugad Lawin on
a significant event known as the " Cry of August 23, 1896, according to a statement by • Pugad Lawin was a storehouse of Juan Ramon,
Rebellion". Pio Valenzuela. son of Melchora Aquino over a thousand
members of the KKK gathered to discuss
• In August 1896 Philippines Declared a • Milagros Guerrero, Emmanuel Encarnacion, whether or not the revolution should start on
rebellion against the Spanish. and Ramon Villegas claimed the tower. August 29, 1896
• Teodoro Agoncillo emphasized the event when
Bonifacio tore the cedula before the
Katipuneros. The two primary Sources are the Accounts of
Guillermo Mangsakay and Pio Valenzuela.
• Emilio Aguinaldo Commissioned a "Himno de
Balintawak" to inspired the renewed struggle
after the pact of Biak na Bato failed.
Guillermo Mangsakay

• On August 26, 1896, a big meeting was held in

Difference Dates and Places of the Cry Balintawak Apolonio Samson's house in
• Guardia Civil, Lt. Olegario Diaz, Identifies
their cry which happened in Balintawak on • At 9 o'clock on August 26, the meeting was
August 25, 1896. opened by Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Jacinto
to discuss the rebellion.
• Teodoro Kalaw, A Filipino historian, marked
the place to be in Kangkong, Balintawak, on the • Bonifacio intensely and convincing the speech
last week of August 1896. members of the KKK destroyed their cedulas to
symbolize their defiance and severance from the
• Santiago Alvarez, in Katipunero and son of Spaniards.
Mariano Alvarez, leader of the Magdiwang
faction in Cavite, put the cry in Bahay Toro in
Quezon City on August 24, 1896.
Pio Valenzuela
• Pio Valenzuela, who knows Katipunero and
has been privy to many events concerning the • Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Procopio
Katipunero, states that the cry happened in Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, and Agueda del
Pugad Lawin on August 23, 1896. Rosario while Pio Valenzuela himself arrived at
the said place the next day.
1973 AND 1987)  Philippine Republic has been the end Kasunduan sa Biak-na-Bato na
sought by the Revolution in the existing naglalaman ng mga sumusunod:
war, begun on the 24th of August, 1896. 1. Pagpapatapon kay Aguinaldo at sa iba
 By the power delegated by the Filipino pang matatapang na lider ng rebolusyon
Evolution of Philippine Constitution - defined
people, interpreting faithfully their sa Hong Kong.
as a set of fundamental principles or established
desires and ambitions, we the 2. Pagbayad ng Espanya ng Php 800,000
precedents according to which state or other
representatives of the Revolution, in a sa mga rebolusyonaryo.
organization is governed.
meeting at Biac-na-bato, November 1, 3. Php 400,000.00 Mexican Pesos-sa
1897: Constitution of Biak na Bato - The 1897 unanimously adopted the pag-alis ni Emilio Aguinaldo sa bansa.
Constitution of Biak-na-Bato was the following articles for the constitution of 4. Php 200,000.00 Mexican Pesos-kapag
provisionary Constitution of the Philippine the State. higit sa 700 ang bilang ng mga armas na
Republic during the Philippine Revolution, and isusuko.
was promulgated by the Philippine 5. Php 200,000.00 Mexican Pesos -
Revolutionary Government on November 1, kapag inawit ang Te Deum o awit ng
1897. Freedom of Religion pasasalamat at kapag naipahayag na ng
Gobernador Heneral ang
The Republic of Biak-na-Bato was the second Freedom of Press pangkalahatang amnestiya.
revolutionary republican government led by 6. Pagbayad ng Espanya ng Php 900,000
Emilio Aguinaldo during the Philippine Right to Education
sa mga sibilyan na nagdusa sa
Revolution that referred to itself as the Republic himagsikan.
To end the clashes between Filipino and
of the Philippines. 7. Pagsuko ni Aguinaldo pati na ng mga
Spaniards, Pedro Paterno volunteered to act as
negotiator. armas ng hukbo.


President Emilio Aguinaldo The pact was signed in San Miguel, Bulacan,
Vice-President Mariano Trías  Isuko nila Aguinaldo ang Rebolusyong
Filipino sa mga Kastila in the house of Pablo Tecson, a Philippine
Secretary of Foreign Antonio Montenegro
 Disyembre 15, 1897- nagpatawag ng revolutionary captain who served as brigadier
Secretary of War Emiliano Riego de negosasyon si Gobernador Heneral general in the 'Brigada Del Pilar' (military
Dios Primo de Rivera sa pangkat ni Emilio troop) of General Gregorio del Pilar during the
Secretary of the Isabelo Artacho Aguinaldo kung saan namagitan si Revolution.
Pedro Paterno. Sa negosasyon na
Secretary of the Baldomero Aguinaldo
Treasury naganap ay nakipagkasundo si
Aguinaldo sa mga mananakop na
 After the signing of the truce, the POLITICAL CONSTITUTION OF 1899
Filipino revolutionary leaders accepted a 1. Philippine Organic Act of 1902
payment from Spain and went to exile in  The 27 articles of Title IV detail the 2. Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916,
Hong Kong. natural rights and popular sovereignty of commonly referred to as "Jones Law”,
Filipinos, the enumeration of which does which modified the structure of the
 The newly reformed Philippine
not imply the prohibition of any other Philippine government.
revolutionary forces reverted to the
control of Aguinaldo, and the Philippine rights not expressly stated Title.
Declaration of Independence was issued  BARASOAIN CHURCH, MALOLOS -  In 1982, The bill was opposed by then
on June 12, 1898, together with several The church where the constitution was Senate President Manuel L. Quezon and
decrees that formed the First Philippine ratified. consequently, rejected by the Philippine
Republic.  Title III. Article V. also declares that the Senate.
 The Malolos Congress was elected, State recognizes the freedom and  By 1934, another law, the
which selected a commission to draw up equality of all beliefs, as well as the TydingsMcDuffie Act, also known as
a draft constitution on September 17, separation of Church and State. the Philippine Independence Act, was
1898, which was composed of wealthy  Title II. Article 4 The form of passed by the United States Congress on
and educated men. government is to be popular. 30 July 1934, with Claro M. Recto
representative, alternative, and unanimously elected as president.
 The document they came up with,
approved by the Congress on 2 responsible, and shall exercise three
November 1898 and promulgated by distinct powers, namely: legislative,
Aguinaldo on 21 January 1899, was executive, and judicial.
titled "The Political Constitution of  The 1899 Malolos Constitution was  The constitution created the
1899" and was written in Spanish. never enforced due to the ongoing war. Commonwealth of the Philippines, an
 The document was patterned after the administrative body that governed the
Spanish Constitution of 1812, with Philippines from 1935 to 1946.
influences from the charters of Belgium, 1935: THE COMMONWEALTH  Draft of the constitution was approved
Mexico, Brazil, Nicaragua, Costa Rica CONSTITUTION by the constitutional convention on 8
and Guatemala and the French February 1935 and ratified by then US
Constitution of 1793.  It is worth mentioning that after the President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 25
 Father of Malolos constitution - Felipe Treaty of Paris, the Philippines was March 1935. Elections were held in
Calderon subject to the power of the United States September 1935 and Manuel L. Quezon
of America, effectively the new was elected President of the
colonizers of the country. From 1898 to Commonwealth.
1901, the Philippines will be placed  Afterward, upon liberation, the
under a military government, until a Philippines was declared an independent
civil government will be put into place. republic on 4 July 1946.
1973: CONSTITUTIONAL Commission, a central agency in charge TOPIC 2: AGRARIAN REFORM POLICY
AUTHORITARIANISM of government personnel; the
Commission on Elections, mandated to POLICIES ON AGRARIAN REFORM -
 In 1965, Ferdinand E. Marcos was enforce and administer all election laws Agrarian reform is essentially the rectification of
elected president, and in 1967. and regulations; and the Commission on the whole system of agriculture, an important
 The convention began formally on 1 Audit. aspect of the Philippine economy.
June 1971, with former President
Carlos P. Garcia being elected as
convention president.
 His opponent in the snap elections, Pueblo Agriculture System - Rural communities,
 The 1987 Constitution provides for three
Benigno Aquino Jr.'s widow, often dispersed and scattered in nature, were
ways by which the Constitution can be
Corazon Aquino, was installed as organized into a pueblo and given land to
president on 25 February 1986. cultivate.
 The 1987 Constitution, starting with the
1987: CONSTITUTION AFTER MARTIAL presidency of Fidel V. Ramos who Encomienda System - Where Filipinos worked
LAW succeeded Corazon Aquino and paid their tributes to the encomendero.
 The first attempt was in 1995, when then
 President Corazon Aquino's government Secretary of National Security Council Hacienda System - It developed in the beginning
had three options regarding the Jose Almonte drafted a constitution of the 19th century. The Spanish government
constitution: revert to the 1935  The second effort happened in 1997, implemented policies that would fast track the
Constitution, retain the 1973 when a group called PIRMA, hoped to entry of the colony into the capitalist world
Constitution and be granted the power to gather signatures from voters to change
make reforms, or start anew and break LANDOWNERSHIP IN THE PHILIPPINES
the constitution through a people's
from the "vestiges of a disgraced UNDER THE AMERICANS
dictatorship."  The succeeding president, JOSEPH The Philippine Bill of 1902 - Provided
 In March 1986, President Aquino EJERCITO ESTRADA regulations on the disposal of public lands. A
proclaimed a transitional constitution.  The administration of the succeeding private individual may own 16 hectares of land
 In 1986, a constitutional convention was president , BENIGNO AQUINO III. while corporate landholders may have 1,024
created  In an upsurge of populism, President hectares.
 The new constitution was officially Rodrigo Duterte won the 2016
adopted on 2 February 1987 presidential elections Act No. 496 or the Land Registration Act -
 The legislative power resides in a  On 7 December 2016, President Duterte Introduced the Torrens system.
Congress divided into two Houses: the signed an executive order creating a
Senate and the House of Representatives Homestead Program - Was introduced, allowing
consultative committee to review the a tenant to enter into an agricultural business by
 The Constitution also established three 1987 Constitution.
independent Constitutional acquiring a farm of at least 16 hectares. This
Commissions, namely: the Civil Service program, however, was limited to areas in
Northern Luzon and Mindanao
The system introduced by the Americans a 70-30 sharing arrangement between  President Aquino issued Presidential
enabled more lands to be placed under tenancy, tenant and landlord, respectively, and Proclamation 131 and Executive Order
and led to widespread peasant uprisings, such as reduced the interest of landowners' loans 229 on July 22, 1987, which outlined
the Colorum and Sakdal Uprising in Luzon. to tenants at six percent or less. her land reform program, which
 Under the term of President Elpidio included sugar lands.
Colorum Uprising - Uprising in Tayug, Quirino, the Land Settlement  In 1988, with the backing of Aquino, the
Pangasinan against the Americans and Development Corporation new Congress of the Philippines passed
haciendero. It was led by Pedro Calosa on (LASEDECO) was established. Republic Act No 6657, also known as
January 11, 1931.
 LASEDECO- was established to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Sakdal Uprising - A peasant rebellion in Central accelerate and expand the peasant Law (CARL)
Luzon. Lasted for two days, ( May 2-3, 1935). resettlement program of the government.  By 1996, the Department of Agrarian
 NARRA - to resettle dissidents and Reform (DAR) distributed only 58.25%
Social Justice Program landless farmers. of the total area target to be covered by
 A major stride in land reform arrived the program.
National Rice and Corn Corporation (NARIC) -
during the term of President Diosdado
Assign public defenders to assist peasants in
Macapagal through the Agricultural
court battles for their rights to the land.
Land Reform Code (Republic Act No. TOPIC 3: TAXATION
Court of Industrial Relations - Exercise 3844).
jurisdiction over disagreements arising from EVOLUTION OF PHILIPPINE TAXATION
landowner-tenant relationship.
MARCO'S  taxation is a reality that all citizens must
National Land Settlement Administration contend with, for the primary reason that
 President Marcos declared martial law governments raise revenue from the
(NLSA) - Continuation of the homestead
in 1972 people they govern to be able to
 Presidential Decree No. 27, or the Code function fully.
MANUEL L. QUEZON of Agrarian Reform of the Philippines,
became the core of agraria reform TAXATION IN SPANISH PHILIPPINES
President Manuel L. Quezon espoused the during Marcos regime.
"Social Justice" program to arrest the increasing  16 – 60 years old are obligate to to pay
social unrest in Central Luzon. POST-1986 AGRARIAN REFORM the tribute that cost 8 reales or 1 peso
every year.
 The overthrow of Marcos and the 1987  OTHER MEANS OF PAYMENT –
Constitution resulted to a renewed (trading like gold, rice, abaka and etc.)
POST-WAR INTERVENTIONS TOWARD interest and attention to agrarian reform,
AGRARIAN REFORM  Polo y Servicio also known as Force
as President Corazon Aquino envisioned Labor
agrarian reform to be the centerpiece of
 The administration of President Roxas
her administration's social legislation.
passed Republic Act No. 34 to establish
 Males were required to provide labor for established to create more revenue for
40 days a year (reduced to 15 days a the government.
year in 1884).
 The polos will be called prestación
personal (personal services) by the
second half of the 19th century  Income tax rates were increased in 1936,
 Primary Source: Mariano Herbosa adding a surtax rate on individual net
Writes to Rizal About Taxes Source: incomes i excess of 10,000 pesos.
Mariano Herbosa to Jose Rizal,  In 1937, the cedula tax was abolished,
Calamba, 29 August 1888 Letters which appeared to be a progressive
Between Rizal and Family Members move
(Manila: National Heroes Commission,  In 1940 a residence tax was imposed on
1964), 239-241. every citizen aged 1 years old and on
 In 1939, the Commonwealth
 The Americans who acquired the government drafted the National Interna
Philippines aimed to make the economy Revenue Code.
self-sufficient by running the
government with the smallest possible
sum of revenue and create surplus in the
 From 1898 to 1903, the Americans
followed the Spanish system of taxation
with some modifications, noting that the
system introduced by the Spaniards
were outdated and regressive.
 In 1907, provinces were authorized to
double the fee for the cedula to support
the construction and maintenance of
 In 1913, the Underwood-Simmons
Tariff Act was passed.
 In 1914, an income tax was introduced,
in 1919, an inheritance tax was created,
and in 1932, national lottery was

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