Sonu Dy - HR 18 11.3 Mahagenco-Admit Card

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Manager (HR)
ROLL NO: 23073118852 PIN NO : 10061986

K.D.K. College of Engineering, K.D.K.

College Road, Opposite Nandanvan
VENUE Telephone Exchange, Great Nag
Road, Nandanvan, Nagpur,, Nagpur,
EXAM TIME: 12.30 PM‐2.30 PM
Madam / Sir,
With reference to your Online Application for the above recruitment & notification of examination, you are hereby admitted
provisionally to the examination (Online Test) on the date and time at the venue mentioned above. Please bring this admit card with
your photograph affixed thereon, currently valid Photo identity proof in original and a photocopy of the same ID proof which you
bring in original ‐ THIS IS ESSENTIAL. Please hand over this admit card alongwith photocopy of photo identity proof duly stapled
together to the invigilator. Currently valid photo identity proof may be PAN Card/Passport/Driving Licence/Voter’s Card/Bank
Passbook with photograph/Photo Identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead /Photo Identity proof issued by a
People’s Representative on official letterhead/Identity Card issued by a recognised College (Valid for the current
year)/University/Aadhar Card with a photograph/Employee ID/ Bar Council Identity card with photograph. Your name as appearing
on the admit card should exactly match the name as appearing on the photo identity proof.You must report at the examination venue
before the reporting time as printed on this admit card. Candidates reporting later than the reporting time mentioned above will not be
allowed to appear for the online examination. You will not be allowed to leave the examination hall without the permission of the test

Invigilator’s Signature
Left Thumb Impression Candidate’s Signature
(Candidate’s signature and Left thumb impression
(should be clearly affixed in the presence (To be signed in the presence of the invigilator at
obtained in my presence and photograph verified
of the invigilator at the time of examination) the time of examination).
by me).
IMPORTANT : Your photograph affixed on the Admit Card should match the one uploaded in the online application form failing
which you may not be allowed to appear for the examination. Your signature should tally with the signature uploaded. In case of
discrepancy, you will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
If you are coming without stipulated currently valid photo ID card in original and photocopy of the same ID proof which is brought
in original will not be allowed to take the test. Photo ID should be valid as on the day of exam.
* Late comers will not be allowed to take the test.
* No Travelling expenses will be reimbursed for attending online test.

General Manager (HR)

1. The examination will be conducted online. You will be required to enter User name and Password to enter the On‐Line exam site. Please
ensure that your Name and other details which will subsequently appear on the screen are correct. You must maintain secrecy of the
username & password.
2. You are required to bring this admit card along with photo affixed thereon and currently valid photo iden ty proof in original and
photocopy of the photo iden ty proof. Please note that your name as appearing on the admit card (provided by you during the
process of registra on) should exactly match the name as appearing on the photo iden ty proof. [Female candidates who have
changed first/last/middle name post marriage must take special note of this. If there is any mismatch between the name indicated
in the admit card and Photo Identity Proof you will not be allowed to appear for the exam.]
3. A handout giving informa on about the type of examina on is available on the Company’s website.. Please download the handout and
study it carefully.
4. You should put your Le Thumb Impression clearly and sign in the respec ve space provided on the admit card in the presence of the
5. You must bring a ball point pen with you.
6. You are called for the on‐line examina on without verifying your personal details viz age, qualifica on etc. with your cer ficates.
Before appearing for the on‐line examina on, you must ensure that you fulfill the eligibility criteria s pulated in the adver sement in all
7. Your responses (answers) will be analysed with other candidates to detect patterns of similarity of right and wrong answers. If in the
analy cal procedure adopted in this regard, it is inferred/concluded that the responses have been shared and scores obtained are
not genuine/valid, your candidature should be cancelled and/or the result withheld.
8. You must report at the examina on venue before the repor ng me as printed on this admit card. In case you arrive late, you will
not be permitted to appear for the on‐line examination.
9. Use of books, notebooks, calculators, watch calculators, pagers, mobile phones etc. is not permi ed in this examina on. You are
advised not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of examina on as safety arrangement
cannot be assured. Any candidate found resor ng to any unfair means or malprac ce or any misconduct while appearing for the
examina on including giving/receiving help to/from any candidate during the examina on will be disqualified. You should be vigilant to
ensure that no other candidate is able to copy from your answers.
10. Any request for change of date/session/centre/venue will not be entertained.
11. You may please note that this admit card does not constitute an offer of employment with the Company.
12. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring poli cal or other outside influence with regard to their
selection/recruitment shall be considered as DISQUALIFICATION.
13. The possibility for occurrences of some problem in the administra on of the examina on cannot be ruled out completely which may
impact test delivery and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rec fy such problem, which may
include the conduct of another examina on if considered necessary. Decision of the Company in this regard shall be final. Candidates
not willing to accept such change shall loose his/her candidature for this exam.
14. Please note that you will be allowed to appear only once in the online examina on for the above men oned post. Mul ple appearance
(for the same post) in online examina on will result in cancella on of candidature. In case more than one admit card has been
generated (for the same post), candidates are advised to appear only once on the date and at the me men oned on the respec ve
admit card. All other admit card (for that post) are to be surrendered to the invigilator.
15. Anyone found to be disclosing, publishing reproducing, transmi ng, storing or facilita ng transmission and storage of test contents in
any form or any informa on therein in whole or part thereof or by any means verbal or wri en, electronic or mechanical or taking
away the papers supplied in the examina on hall or found to be in unauthorised possession of test content is likely to be prosecuted
and candidate candidature should be cancelled.

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