Maxillofacial Osteoradionecrosis
Maxillofacial Osteoradionecrosis
Maxillofacial Osteoradionecrosis
Review Article
Maxillofacial osteoradionecrosis
Amit T. Suryawanshi, S. N. Santhosh Kumar, R. S. Dolas, Ruchi Khindria,
Vivek Pawar, Manju Singh
Department of Oral and Osteoradionecrosis is a severe and delayed radiation‑induced injury, characterized by bone tissue necrosis and
Maxillofacial Surgery, failure to heal. Cases of osteoradionecrosis present to the clinician with features of pain, drainage, and fistulation
DPU, Dr. D. Y. Patil of the mucosa or skin related to exposed bone in the previously irradiated area. The tumour size and location,
Dental College and radiation dose, occurrence of local trauma, dental extractions, infection, immune defects, and malnutrition are
Hospital, Pimpri, Pune,
predisposing factors. A better understanding of risk factors leading to the development osteoradionecrosis
Maharashtra, India
and of the underlying pathophysiology may improve the ability of the clinician to prevent the occurrence and
help improve the prognosis of this complication. Although the frequency of osteoradionecrosis has declined
since the introduction of newer methods of radiotherapy, this review focuses on the etiology, pathophysiology,
Address for correspondence: clinical features, radiological features, diagnosis, and treatment modalities including the newer modalities.
Dr. Amit Suryawanshi,
E‑mail: amitsuryawanshi999 KEY WORDS: Jaws, management, osteoradionecrosis, physiopathology, risk factors
How to cite this article: Suryawanshi AT, Kumar SS, Dolas RS, Khindria R, Pawar V, Singh M. Maxillofacial osteoradionecrosis. J Dent Res Rev 2014;1:42-9.
Classification and staging systems • Marx’s Hypoxic, hypocellular, and hypovascular theory[20]
• Delanian’s Radiation‑induced fibroatrophic theory.[21]
There have been several staging or scoring systems that have
been proposed. These systems are based on response to HBO Meyer’s radiation, trauma, and infection theory
therapy, degree of bone damage, clinical–radiological findings,
length of bone exposure through the overlying skin or mucosa, In 1970, in an excellent monograph on infectious disease of the
and treatment needed [Tables 2 and 3].[8‑15] jaws, Meyer defined the classic triad of osteoradionecrosis as
radiation, trauma, and infection [Figure 1].[19] Meyer portrayed that
Risk factors the trauma provided the portal for invasion by oral microbiological
flora into the underlying irradiated bone. Meyer’s theory lasted
The existing articles in literature fail to give an exact etiology
for a decade and became the foundation for the popular use of
for osteoradionecrosis. The etiology of osteoradionecrosis is
antibiotics with surgery to treat osteoradionecrosis.[19]
considered to be multifactorial. These factors may increase the risk
of the patient for development of osteoradionecrosis. The factors
are classified into four groups as shown in Table 4.[15‑18] Marx’s hypoxic, hypocellular, and hypovascular theory
Pathophysiology Robert E Marx in his landmark study noted that there was no
injury before the onset of osteoradionecrosis in 35% of his cases.
The pathophysiology of osteoradionecrosis is not very clear till He also found that composite irradiated tissues were more hypoxic
date. However, literature reveals three theories that have been than those that had not been irradiated [Figure 2].[20] Marx
put forward since 1970, as mentioned in the following: concluded that “Osteoradionecrosis is not a primary infection
• Meyer’s Radiation, trauma and infection theory[19]
Table 2: Classification systems of osteoradionecrosis
Table 1: Definitions of osteoradionecrosis Year Authors Basis for classification
Year Author(s) Definition 1983 Coffin’s classification[10] Based on the extent of involvement
1983 Marx[8] An area of exposed bone greater Minor and Major
than 1 cm in a field of irradiation 1983 Marx classification[8] Based on time period between
that had failed to show any evidence radiation therapy and occurrence of
of healing for at least 6 months osteoradionecrosis
1983 BeumerIII, Harrison, An exposure of bone of the maxilla Type I-III
Sanders and Kurrasch[9] or mandible within the radiation 1983 Marx staging[8] Based on the treatment modalities
treatment volume persisting for involved along with HBO therapy
more than 3 months or longer Stage I-III
1986 Morton and Simpson[9] A loss of soft tissue integrity and 1986 Morton and simpson’s Based on the duration of occurrence
exposure of radiation damaged bone Classification[11] of osteoradionecrosis
1987 Marx and Johnson[9] An exposure of nonvital irradiated Minor, Moderate and Major
bone, which fails to heal without 1987 Epstein’s stages[10] Based on the progress of the disease
intervention Stage I-III
1987 Epstein, Rea, An ulceration or necrosis of the 1995 Late effects of normal Based on subjective symptoms and
Wong, Spinelli and mucous membrane (In the absence tissue/ Somatic objective signs of osteoradionecrosis
Stevenson-Moore[9] of recurrent or metastatic disease), objective management Grade 1-4
with exposure of necrotic bone for analytic (SOMA) scale[12]
more than 3 months 1997 Clayman’s Based on the presence/absence of
1989 Widmark, Sagne and A non healing mucous or cutaneous classification[13] soft tissue break down
Heikel[9] ulcer with denuded bone, lasting for Type I and II
more than 3 months 1998 Radiation therapy Based on the severity of bone
1990 Koka, Deo, Lusinichi, A persistent ulceration with oncology group morbidity
Roland and Schwaab[9] exposure of devitalised bone, scoring[12] Grade 0-5
cellulitis, fistula and a pathologic 2000 Store and Boysen’s Based on the extent of involvement
mandibular fracture. Patients staging[11] of soft and hard tissues
tumour free at primary site Stage 0-3
1992 Harris[9] Exposed and necrotic bone 2002 Kagan and Schwartz’s Based on the clinical assessment
associated with ulcerated or staging[14] and physical findings of
necrotic surrounding soft tissue osteoradionecrosis
which persists for greater 3 months Stage I-III
in an area that had been previously 2003 Notani et al’s For mandibular osteoradionecrosis
irradiated (not caused by tumor Classification[12] after clinical examination and
recurrence) orthopantogram
1993 Mirante and A loss of viable bone resulting from Class I-III
Urken et al.[9] radiation therapy 2009 National cancer institute Based on clinical presentation of
1995 Van Merkesteyn, Bakker A bone and soft tissue necrosis common terminology osteoradionecrosis
and Borgmeijer-Hoelen[9] of 6 months duration excluding criteria (version-IV)[12] Grade 1-5
radiation-induced periodontal
LENT: Late effects of normal tissue, SOMA: Somatic objective
management analytic
of irradiated bone, but a complex metabolic and homeostatic It was introduced in 2004 when recent advances in cellular and
deficiency of tissue that is created by radiation‑induced cellular molecular biology explained the progression of microscopically
injury; micro‑organisms play only a contaminating role in observed osteoradionecrosis [Figure 3].[21] Three distinct phases
osteoradionecrosis; and trauma may or may not be an initiating are seen:
factor.”[20] • The initial prefibrotic phase in which changes in endothelial
cells predominate together with the acute inflammatory
Delanian’s radiation‑induced fibroatrophic theory response
• The constitutive organised phase in which abnormal
Radiation‑induced fibrosis is a new theory that accounts for the fibroblastic activity predominates, and there is disorganisation
damage to normal tissues, including bone, after radiotherapy. of the extracellular matrix
Figure 1: Meyer’s radiation, trauma and infection theory Figure 2: Marx’s hypoxic-hypocellular-hypovascular theory
• The late fibroatrophic phase, when attempted tissue difficult to differentiate from recurrent tumour if bone changes
remodelling occurs with the formation of fragile healed are not visible on CT.[28]
tissues that carry a serious inherent risk of late reactivated
inflammation in the event of local injury.[10] PET scan is helpful to differentiate between osteoradionecrosis
and recurrent tumour.[28]
Radionuclide bone scanning with technetium methylene
Osteoradionecrosis was earlier attributed to secondary infection diphosphonate (99mTc‑MDP) can identify pathophysiologic
in the traumatized irradiated tissue following the nonhealing
wounds and exposed bone. However, this was challenged by Table 5: Microbiology of osteoradionecrosis
Robert Marx in 1983.[20] The detailed description of various Year Author(s) Microorganisms isolated
microorganisms detected in osteoradionecrosis is given in [8]
1983 Marx Surface contaminants
Table 5.[8,22‑27] Further studies on bacterial flora associated with 2005 Store and Polymicrobial bacterial infection-rods,
osteoradionecrosis are required, which may contribute to a more Olsen[22] spirochetes and cocci. Rods were the
precise use of antibiotics. predominant
2005 Støre, Eribe Porphyromonas gingivalis
and Olsen[22] Actinomyces species
Clinical features 2006 Hansen, Actinomyces species
The incidence of osteoradionecrosis varies from 0.95% to 35% Kirkpatrick
as shown in Table 6.[28‑36] The patient is usually asymptomatic. and Kunkel[23]
Pain and evidence of exposed bone are the most common chief 2007 Nason and 50% of the oral and 80% of the
Chole[24] intestinal indigenous bacterial flora
complaints. Trismus, fetor oris, and elevated body temperature
consist of uncultured phylotypes
are usually present during the initial period although acute 2005 Aas, Paster, Firmicutes
infection is usually not present. Other clinical features of Stokes, Olsen Actinobacteria
osteoradionecrosis are swelling, nonresolving painful mucosal and Dewhirst[25] Proteobacteria
ulcer, dysgeusia, dysguesia, xerostomia, food impaction, Fusobacteria-Fusobacterium nucleatum
malocclusion, telangiectasia, orocutaneous fistula, and missing
hair follicles. The tissues surrounding the bone may be Campylobacter gracilis
indurated. Surface texture changes such as cutaneous flaking and Streptococcus intermedius
keratinisation may be present. Surface colour changes may also Peptostreptococcus sp. oral clone FG014
be seen. Pathologic fracture of the jaws may be evident in severe Uncultured bacterium clone RL178
cases. Rarely, Deep cellulitis of face and neck may be present.[28] Prevotella spp
1988 Calhoun, Streptococcus sp.
Shapiro, Bacteroides sp.
Radiological features Stiernberg, Lactobacillus sp.
Calhoun and Eubacterium sp.
The presence of osteoradionecrosis cannot always be diagnosed Mader[26] Klebsiella sp.
radiographically and often clinically obvious signs of exposed
2006 Kjetil Treponema spp
necrotic may not be accompanied by significant radiologic Pedersen[27] Porphyromonas gingivalis
changes in bone earlier than conventional radiography because at sites of osteoradionecrosis, confirming that it is a hypovascular
scan changes reflect osteoblastic activity and good blood flow.[28] and hypoxic tissue with decreased metabolic rate.[28]
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