Vahidi 2020
Vahidi 2020
Vahidi 2020
1 Department of Otolaryngology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Address for correspondence Thomas S. Lee, MD, FACS, Department
Richmond, Virginia of Otolaryngology, Virginia Commonwealth University Hospital, 1200
2 Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Associates, Facial Plastics, East Broad Street, 12th Floor, South Wing, Suite 313, PO Box 980146,
Fort Worth, Texas Richmond, VA 23298 (e-mail: [email protected]).
3 Department of Otolaryngology, University of Rochester, Rochester,
New York
Abstract Radiation therapy is an important and commonly used treatment modality for head and
Keywords neck cancers. Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is a potential debilitating complication of
► osteoradionecrosis
Radiation Therapy of cellular reproduction and tumor cell death. Normal cells
are generally better able to withstand the effects of the
Radiation therapy is an important and commonly utilized ionizing radiation; however, even cells that survive may
treatment modality for head and neck cancers. Radiation have impaired mechanisms for the production of collagen
therapy is generally subdivided into external and internal and regulatory enzymes. This ultimately results in a progres-
(also called brachytherapy). Most head and neck cancers are sive loss of vascularity, cellularity, and tissue integrity.2,3
treated with external beam radiation therapy using high Radiated tissue is often unable to revascularize spontane-
energy photons generated by a linear accelerator.1 Mecha- ously, leading to one of the well-known complications of
nistically, the process involves targeting ionizing radiation osteoradionecrosis (ORN). One of the well-established risk
toward pathological tissue, which causes tissue damage. The factors for ORN is an increased radiation dose, usually doses
ionizing radiation creates free radicals, which cause genetic of 65 to 80 Gy, which diminishes capillary density to only 20
degradation on a cellular level and ultimately result in a loss to 40% of that of nonirradiated tissue.4 There appears to be an
Issue Theme Complications and Copyright © 2020 by Thieme Medical DOI
Secondary Management and Repair in Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0040-1721759.
Head, Neck and Plastic Surgery; Guest 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA ISSN 1535-2188.
Editor: Yadranko Ducic, MD, FRCS(C), Tel: +1(212) 760-0888.
Osteoradionecrosis of the Midface and Mandible Vahidi et al. 233
increased risk of ORN when the radiation dose was 65 Gy. after 2.5 years. Trauma-related mandibular ORN shows a
Side effects of radiation therapy are generally classified as bimodal distribution, with a peak at 3 months and the other
acute or chronic in nature. Acute effects of radiation therapy peak occurring at 5 years.2 ORN of the maxilla and skull base
include mucositis, thickened secretions, mucosal infection, has also been well described and are more commonly seen in
pain, and sensory disruptions. Chronic effects typically in- combined therapies. Between 70 and 94% of ORN cases occur
clude tissue fibrosis, salivary gland dysfunction, increased within the first 3 years after radiotherapy.6
susceptibility to mucosal infection, neuropathic pain, senso- Postirradiation dental extractions are thought to be among
ry disorders, ORN, dental caries, and periodontal disease.1,5 the most common causes of ORN, with an estimated incidence
between 2 and 18% following extractions. Studies have shown
an increasing risk of ORN related to dental extractions in the
first 4 to 5 years postradiation treatment. Hence, it is best to
Etiology avoid extractions during this postradiation period as much as
ORN is defined as exposed devitalized irradiated bone that possible with all necessary extractions ideally being per-
fails to heal over a period of 3 to 6 months in the absence of formed prior to the start of radiation therapy. Timing is also
local neoplastic disease. Radiographically, it is described by relatively important with respect to preirradiation dental
decreased bone density, lytic areas, cortical interruption, soft extractions. Ideally, extractions can be performed at least 3
tissue thickening, and sometimes pathological fractures to 4 weeks prior to radiation therapy, and if timing constraints
(►Fig. 1). Patients with ORN typically present with com- exist, at least 10 to 14 days should be allotted to allow recovery.
plaints of poorly controlled, persistent orofacial pain and The goal is to allow sufficient time for healing prior to the strain
chronic bone exposure, and go on to develop pathological that occurs during radiation therapy.9,10
Fig. 1 Radiographic images of left-sided mandibular osteoradionecrosis. Left mandibular angle pathological fracture (yellow arrow) can be seen
with bony resorption and loss of cortical bone. (A) Coronal view. (B) Axial view. (C) Sagittal view.
The original staging system proposed by Marx outline three tions, dental extractions will not be needed; however, occa-
stages to classify and organize disease manifestations and their sionally such circumstances may arise. If extractions are
response to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO).11,14 Since 1983, multiple necessary, they should be performed with careful soft tissue
new staging systems have been proposed each with different handling and primary wound closure. Prophylactic high-
guidelines and management strategies (►Table 1).4,11,15–18 dose broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage is important, ide-
ally continued for at least 2 weeks. Preventative HBO therapy
Prevention has also been proposed in high-risk patients.19
Over recent years, our ability to identify risk factors for ORN
and devise preventative strategies has improved. Current
Management of Osteoradionecrosis
protocols are divided into three phases: before radiation
exposure, during radiation exposure, and after radiation Medical Management
exposure. The first phase is focused on screening and initia- Early stage ORN, which is described by small areas of exposed
tion of preventative measures. During radiation therapy, the bone, is traditionally managed with conservative measures.
preventative measures are continued along with treatment These measures include thorough wound care involving oral
and counseling for acute complications. In the postradiation rinses (e.g., chlorhexidine), saline irrigations, and a strong
phase, prevention is important along with treatment of focus on oral hygiene. Acute exacerbations are managed with
chronic and late complications, and therefore close follow- broad-spectrum antibiotics and appropriate analgesia. With
up during this period is extremely important (►Table 2). conservative measures, complete resolution of ORN is esti-
Common treatment methods to combat radiation-related mated to occur in 8 to 33% of patients within 1 year.4,18 It is
side effects include daily sprays or lozenges for mucositis, important to understand the limits of medical management
chlorhexidine mouth rinse for plaque removal, pain relief and utilize appropriate adjuncts or surgical options before
rinses (e.g., viscous lidocaine or sucralfate suspension), sali- additional worsening complications arise.
vary substitutes (e.g., Biotene) for oral dryness, and trismus
prevention with mouth opening exercises. Extractions post- Hyperbaric Oxygen
radiation therapy pose a significant risk for the development HBO therapy has been described for the treatment of ORN
of ORN. Ideally, with pretreatment screenings and evalua- since the 1960s; however, its use remains controversial. The
Table 2 Outlines preventative measures before, during, and after radiation therapy
Preradiation therapy
• Thorough assessment of dentition, periodontium, and oral hygiene (obtain radiographic information as needed)
• Extraction of nonsalvageable teeth (allow 3–4 wk for wound healing)
• Initiation of preventative measures (brushing teeth, topical fluoride application, oral rinses, trismus prevention exercises)
• Nutritional consultation (optimization of nutritional status)
During radiation therapy
• Continue preventative measures (brushing teeth, topical fluoride application, oral rinses, trismus prevention exercises,
avoiding denture use)
• Appropriate follow-up with the dental team per institutional policy
• Employ treatment measures as needed for mucositis, plaque removal, pain relief, oral dryness, and trismus
Postradiation therapy
• Close follow-up with the dental team
• Continue preventative measures (brushing teeth, topical fluoride application, oral rinses, trismus prevention exercises, wait
for 3 mo before denture use)
• Ideally no extractions needed; however, if needed, it should be carried with appropriate measures taken
purpose of HBO therapy is to increase the oxygen gradient bosis, fibrosis, and tissue necrosis. Several drugs have been
and enhance diffusion of oxygen into hypoxic tissues. The proposed in the management of ORN including pentoxifylline,
these pharmacological modalities and further analysis is The overall goals of surgical treatment include the
needed.25 following:
Fig. 2 Mandible ORN surgical treatment algorithm. (A) Partial-thickness mandibular bone defect algorithm. (B) Full-thickness mandibular bone
defect algorithm. ALT, anterolateral thigh; CTA, computed tomography angiography; FAMM, facial artery musculomucosal; FF, free flap; FFF,
forearm free flap; MMF, maxillomandibular fixation; ORN, osteoradionecrosis.
for increased vascularity to the distal tip of the flap. Distal as a sign of how robust the tissue will be during the healing
tips necrosis of a radiated regional flap can be relatively process. Aggressive soft tissue debridement is extremely
common, and this may lead to a host of complications important during the initial interventions, particularly in
including salivary fistulas. One may use distal tip bleeding the setting of chronic infections. One must avoid
overestimating the area of reliable soft tissue and, instead, air grafting and went on to achieve bony union without any plate
toward being more aggressive in soft tissue debridement to fracture. Assuming one can achieve reliable, watertight seal
ensure that any regional flap will be in contact with healthy intraorally, they recommend concurrent nonvascularized iliac
soft tissue. Additionally, if there are any signs of infection bone grafting at the time of ORIF to increase bone healing
surrounding implanted hardware, it is important to potential. They additionally noted that reconstructive plates
completely remove all compromised tissue while utilizing should be used whenever possible instead of miniplates due to
bleeding tissue edges as a healthy margin. Lastly, one may the risk of plate fracture, particularly if limited mandibular
consider the use of Dermabond (Ethicon) or a fibrin glue bone height exists.34
intraorally to create a watertight seal along the mucosal Although vascularized bone grafts are regarded as superior
incision line as an added layer of protection. in the setting of ORN, nonvascularized bone grafts may also
Small concurrent oral mucosal defects overlying the ex- play a role when there is adequate soft tissue coverage and
posed mandible can be reconstructed with vascularized local reliable mucosal closure to avoid a salivary leak. Nonvascular-
flaps, such as the facial artery musculomucosal (FAMM) flap, ized bone grafts are generally restricted to smaller mandibular
infrahyoid flap, buccal mucosal flap, or floor of mouth defects, less than 5 to 6 cm in size, and defects of the posterior
advancement flaps, among others.30–33 Due to previous mandible (lateral/posterior to mental foramen). These grafts
radiation history, one should assume poor intraoral closure are less reliable due to uneven blood supply, smaller bone
healing potential and be cautious of placing a significant stock, and limited resistance to infection in the setting of a
amount of hardware when an osseous free flap is not used or salivary leak. This can be disadvantageous if bone stock is
when insufficient soft tissue is present. needed for stabilization or dental implant placement.35 In
With respect to hardware placement, it is typically best to some cases, a bulky muscular flap, such as pectoralis major
Fig. 3 (A) The patient in ►Fig. 1 had undergone radiation therapy for mandibular squamous cell carcinoma and subsequently developed left
mandibular osteoradionecrosis. A pathological fracture can be seen upon subperiosteal dissection of the mandible bone (arrow). (B) A 7-cm
segmental mandibulectomy was performed spanning from the midbody to the midramus with resection of unreliable intraoral mucosa as well as
external skin that had gotten infected at the site of the pathologic fracture. (C) An approximately 7-cm excised mandibular segment. (D) An
osteocutaneous fibula free flap with a reconstruction plate was used for the reconstruction. Portion of the skin paddle was used for the intraoral
mucosal defect reconstruction, and the rest of the skin flap was deepithelialized and buried on top of the reconstruction plate and bone to
provide soft tissue coverage. The external skin defect was closed with neck local tissue advancement flap.
tissue bulk that may be hard to inset. Radial forearm free flaps classification schemes for describing various maxillectomy
are typically limited in terms of the amount of bone length and defects often resulting from cancer resection defects.37,38
height that can be obtained. Nonetheless, iliac crest and radial Depending on the location and size of the defect, there is a
forearm free flaps may be used successfully in select patients wide range of reconstruction options available for the max-
and depending on patient anatomy and surgeon preference. illary reconstruction addressing facial trauma or cancer
Medical management
• Oral rinses (e.g., chlorhexidine) and saline irrigations
• Antibiotic therapy (broad spectrum) for acute infections
• Appropriate analgesia
• Steroids may play a role in acute inflammatory response
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
• No clear evidence of utility in prevention or treatment; however, side effect profile is relatively low if used in select settings
• No general consensus; preliminary studies appear promising, but further investigation is needed
• Published regimen: 400 mg pentoxifylline twice a day, 1,000 IU vitamin E, and 1,600 mg clodronate for 5 consecutive days
alternating with 20 mg prednisone and 1,000 mg ciprofloxacin 2 d per week
• Treatment duration depending on clinical improvement
Surgical management
• Mild-to-moderate disease
- Aggressive bony debridement and vascularized LTA options
include buccal mucosal flap, floor of mouth advancement flap, FAMM flap, and infrahyoid flap
• Severe disease: failed conservative therapy or previous debridement with LTA
- Avoid using nonvascularized bone graft especially if mucosal closure is unreliable
- Perform aggressive bone resection including segmental mandibulectomy until healthy bleeding bone edge is encountered
- Provide adequate rigid fixation with hardware and provide adequate soft tissue coverage on top of the bone and hardware to
prevent exposure
- If the bone defect is relatively small (< 6 cm) and posterior (posterior to mental foramen), one could consider a vascularized
pedicled flap (such as pectoralis flap) with reconstruction plate placement with staged nonvascularized bone graft (iliac bone
graft once the oral lining has sealed up). However, reconstruction plates in this setting may cause a delayed complication of
either intraoral or external exposure. Wrapping the pectoralis muscle around the plate may minimize the risk of plate exposure.
- If the bone defect is relatively large (> 6 cm) and/or involves anterior mandible (anterior to mental foramen), typically a
vascularized bone flap will be necessary to span the bone defect while rigid fixation is performed with a reconstruction plate.
Osseous or osteocutaneous fibula or scapula free flap can be used. Skin from the free flap can be used to reconstruct intraoral
and/or concurrent external skin defect, whereas deepithelialized portion of the skin flaps can be used for coverage for hardware
and bone.
Abbreviations: FAMM, facial artery musculomucosal; LTA, local tissue advancement; ORN, osteoradionecrosis; PENTOCLO, pentoxifylline/tocopherol
(vitamin E)/clodronate.
Postradiation-related complications of the maxilla can be fistulas resulting in adjacent bony exposure and unnatural
diverse and can present with challenging wound healing issues communication along the orbital bone, anterior skull base, or
as well as irreversible scar contracture issues that can signifi- maxillary bone. The following complications are also rela-
cantly distort normal skin and cartilage and result in severely tively common: (1) VPI resulting from a palatal defect in a
compromised function and facial disfigurement. The multi- situation where a flap placed intraorally failed to heal with
tude of functional problems can involve the orbit, sinus, nasal an air and watertight seal along the entire palate, (2) nasal
airway, skull base, and intraoral region. Depending on the obstruction and VPI with a concurrent large septal perfora-
location involved, these patients may present with a combi- tion and palatal defect, (3) nasal obstruction from severe
nation of problems that may require a combination of different twisting of the nasal tip or total collapse of the nasal
specialists (skull base specialist, rhinologist, oculoplastic sur- cartilage, or nasal vestibular scarring from asymmetric radi-
geon, rhinoplasty specialist, microvascular surgeon). ation effect of treating only one side of the face (ipsilateral to
When a maxillary ORN patient presents with a combina- the tumor side), (4) massive nasal cutaneous fistula resulting
tion of problems, it is important to prioritize what needs to from postradiation full-thickness tissue breakdown along
be addressed first and stage future surgeries to address lesser the Weber Fergusson incision/external lateral rhinotomy
important issues at a later point. For example, if a patient incision, and (5) orbital or skull base bony exposure.
presents with a sinonasal fistula at the site of Weber Fergu- Management of radiation-related complications is a chal-
son incision after getting radiated to the ipsilateral maxilla, lenging process. The treatment of oronasal fistulas and VPI is
such a patient may present with a host of problems including one such example that depends on a multitude of factors
(1) sinonasal fistula, (2) localized sinusitis, (3) nasal obstruc- including palatal defect size and severity of the functional
tion as a result of severe contracture of the nasal tip toward deficit. Depending on the reliability of the local tissue a
Fig. 4 (A) A patient with a right-sided maxillary squamous cell carcinoma underwent medial maxillectomy and partial rhinectomy of the entire
right ala and right nasal wall. During the initial resection, the patient underwent rib cartilage grafting and melolabial flap surgery to address the
partial rhinectomy defect. However, after postoperative radiation therapy, the patient developed osteoradionecrosis, which was likely related to
an odontogenic infection arising from the ipsilateral maxillary canine and incisor. This led to extensive maxillary bone osteomyelitis and a
cutaneous fistula formation with a communication into the nasal cavity as well as the oral cavity through a defect along the upper lip region. The
severe twisting of the nasal tip is typical of unilateral radiation therapy. Attempts at using medial cheek advancement and supraclavicular skin
flap led to a persistent fistula formation and ongoing infection. (B) The patient eventually required a radial forearm free flap (arrow) to provide
Another radiation-related nasal deformity we encounter ing a large musculocutaneous free flap in the orbital socket
relatively commonly is associated with the use of an external at the time of the initial resection with the expectation that
lateral rhinotomy incision or Weber Ferguson approach. In radiation therapy will result in significant flap volume loss.
the setting of radiation, surgeons should be aware of the poor Despite appropriate preventative precautions, orbital exen-
wound healing capability of these incisions and the potential teration poses a particular reconstructive challenge as these
for large nasocutaneous fistulas to occur along the incision patients can develop a fistula to the sinus or the anterior
after the radiation therapy in a delayed fashion. Therefore, it skull base. To seal off the fistula, a secondary free flap may
is the senior authors’ opinion that lateral rhinotomy or be needed for additional volume. Alternatively, local re-
Weber Ferguson incisions should be avoided whenever gional flaps may provide adequate reconstructive options in
possible if postoperative radiation is required. Instead, a situations when a free flap is deemed too big for the size of
midfacial degloving approach can be used for access to the the defect. We have had success reconstructing such orbital
entire midface with less likelihood of fistula formation along fistula postradiation using a combination of pericranial flap
the incision. Once a nasal fistula has developed along the and a temporalis muscle flap. The pericranial flap is used to
previous lateral rhinotomy incision, one should consider line the anterior skull base and orbital roof once the
reconstruction from both a cosmetic standpoint and a func- devitalized bone has been drilled away. The temporalis
tional one. The PMFF can be a versatile option for the muscle flap is then raised and tunneled into the orbital
reconstruction of nasocutaneous defects. To properly seal socket by making a large bony opening immediately poste-
off the fistula, the PMFF should be raised with an underlying rior to the lateral orbital rim and removing the lateral
pericranial flap attached at the base to increase the flap orbital wall. One may also consider creating an osteoplastic
thickness to provide an additional layer of vascularity bone flap involving the lateral orbital rim to improve
(►Fig. 5). If the PMFF is inadequate or too small for the exposure while drilling along the lateral orbital wall, al-
reconstruction of the defect, utilizing a radial forearm free though that is not always necessary. Any skin defects that
flap may provide an ideal reconstruction option as it pro- arise can be closed with either local tissue advancement or
vides relatively thin, nonirradiated, vascularized donor skin grafting depending on local factors and the size of the
tissue. skin defect (►Fig. 6).
During maxillectomy, orbital exenteration is performed The exact type of flap reconstruction required for max-
if there is gross cancer invasion of the orbital content. illa depends largely on the amount of full-thickness bone or
Postoperatively, the orbit will be covered with radiation soft tissue flap that will need to be reconstructed. Coskun-
treatment in these malignant cancer patients. The recon- firat et al published a case series of microvascular recon-
struction of the orbit should be able to tolerate a full dose of structive options for maxillary defects. They utilized a
radiation therapy, and the underlying orbital bone and combination of flap options including anterolateral thigh,
anterior skull base bone should remain covered under a radial forearm, rectus femoris musculocutaneous, and
vascularized flap. In these situations, we recommend plac- supracondylar chimeric flaps. They concluded the
anterolateral thigh was the most versatile option for oblit- common belief, scapular free flaps can tolerate osteotomies
erating large dead space and for soft tissue defect recon- by maintaining the periosteal attachments and also allows
struction without needing bone reconstruction.40 However, dental implant placement depending on the bone thickness.
if the anterior arch of the maxillary bone along the hard Similarly, a fibular free flap has also been utilized for the
palate is involved with a full-thickness bone defect (be- reconstruction of the bony maxilla. The fibula provides
tween the canines) and if bony reconstruction is desired to several advantages including a long vascular pedicle, which
maintain proper skeletal support to prevent irreversible may be preferable in patients with depleted cervical donor
midfacial skin contracture that can occur with radiation vessels for optimal vessel reach, and easier dental implan-
or for dental rehabilitation, the scapular free flap may be an tation due to its thicker bone when compared with a
ideal option as reported by Miles and Gilbert.41 Contrary to scapula flap.42
Funding 5 Sroussi HY, Epstein JB, Bensadoun RJ, et al. Common oral com-
None. plications of head and neck cancer radiation therapy: mucositis,
infections, saliva change, fibrosis, sensory dysfunctions, dental
caries, periodontal disease, and osteoradionecrosis. Cancer Med
Conflict of Interest
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