CSC427H5S LEC0201 Syllabus
CSC427H5S LEC0201 Syllabus
CSC427H5S LEC0201 Syllabus
Course Description
Network attacks and defenses, operating system vulnerabilities, application security (e-mail, Web, databases), viruses, spyware,
social engineering attacks, privacy and digital rights management. The course will cover both attack techniques and defense
Students who lack a pre/co-requisite can be removed at any time unless they have received an explicit waiver from the department.
The waiver form can be downloaded from here.
Tool of the week: Chosen from, for example, the top 125 tools, typically taken from Kali Linux. This includes a scenario setup as
well as
demonstration of use. The presenter should speak about typical use cases, demonstrate the tools use from the point of view of an
attacker and defender, explaining options, files, configuration etc.. A mini tutorial is left on the course website as well as updates to
course virtual machines left for students to explore tools further. Sample exercises/questions are left for further exploration.
OWASP top 10/Mobile top 10: Typically a 30 minute presentation, chosen from the OWASP top 10, 2017 list. A vulnerable
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scenario is presented with an explanation. One or more exploits are demonstrated. Best practices to mitigate are discussed and
demonstrated via a repaired application. All of this is placed into course repo as well as all documentation and tutorial and
exercises/questions (with a VM) contributed to the class.
In-Depth: Typically a 60 minute presentation on a current topic of significant interest to Information Security. While these may not
involve technical issues specifically, a significant investigation of the issue should be presented. If the In-Depth report involves a
technical issue, then requirements will be similar to the OWASP top 10 or Tool of the week components. In any case, the report is
contributed to the course website as well as sample questions and exercises.
Presenters will be marked on how well they understand the material as well as how well they convey it and on their contribution to
the course, questions, updates to VMs, report contributed to the course website.
Each of the In-Depth, Top-10 and Tools talks are accompanied by a practical. The group is to prepare and run a one hour
practical session in which the class gets hands on exposure to their presentation topic, or another topic agreed upon by the team and
the instructor/TA. The group is responsible for preparing the practical website, the system/VM setup, the exercises, and for running
the class through the exercises. As part of their presentations and practicals, students will provide questions for ongoing weekly
practicals, giving
their classmates practice with topics presented in class.
Training: Some tutorials/lectures/tasks will be based on challenges, pitting you against your classmates for some marks. This may
involve capture
the flag type challenges as well as investigations into vulnerable machines such as WebGoat. Students are also expected to
contribute to the creation of the events.
Five (5) grace tokens will be available to you to use with your assignment submission. Each grace token provides you an additional
3 hours, you can choose to use all grace tokens on a single assignment or spread them out across multiple assignments.
If you are unable to complete an assessment due to major illness or other circumstances completely outside of your control, please
contact the course coordinator ([email protected]) immediately. It is always easier to make alternate arrangements before a
due date, so please inform us as soon as you know that you will need accommodation.
Exact accommodations will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will not be given automatically. In other words, you risk
getting a mark of zero (i.e., a grade of 0) for missed work unless you contact your instructor promptly.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is essential to the pursuit of learning and scholarship in a university, and to ensuring that a degree from the
University of Toronto Mississauga is a strong signal of each student’s individual academic achievement. As a result, UTM treats
cases of cheating and plagiarism very seriously. The University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters outlines
behaviours that constitute academic dishonesty and the process for addressing academic offences. Potential offences include, but
are not limited to:
In academic work:
Keep in mind that the department uses software that compares programs for evidence of similar code. Below are some tips to help
you avoid committing an academic offence, like plagiarism.
Never look at another student’s lab/assignment solution(s). Never show another student your lab/assignment solution. This
applies to all drafts of a solution and to incomplete and even incorrect solutions.
Keep discussions with other students focused on concepts and examples. Never discuss labs/assignments before the due
date with anyone but your Instructors and your TAs.
Do not discuss your solution publicly on the discussion board or publicly in the lab rooms/office hours.
All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated following procedures outlined in the Code of Behaviour on
Academic Matters. If you have questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate academic behaviour or appropriate
research and citation methods, you are expected to seek out additional information on academic integrity from your instructor or
from other institutional resources.
Students may use artificial intelligence tools, including generative AI, in this course as a learning aid or to help produce
assignments. Students are ultimately accountable for the work they submit.
Plagiarism Detection
Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to the University’s plagiarism detection tool for a review of
textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their essays to be included as source
documents in the tool’s reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that
apply to the University’s use of this tool are described on the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation web site
Students may wish to opt out of using the plagiarism detection tool. In order to opt out, contact your instructor by email no later
than two (2) weeks after the start of classes. If you have opted out, then specific information on an alternative method to submit
your assignment can be found below.
Additional Information
Use of git, quercus, and the lab machines to contribute to the course website may be required. Please do not alter the structure of the
website, or contribute in unexpected ways, and outside of your alotted time, without the instructors permission.
Last Date to drop course from Academic Record and GPA is March 11, 2024.