1) Approch To Managment of Hypertension (Notes)
1) Approch To Managment of Hypertension (Notes)
1) Approch To Managment of Hypertension (Notes)
ANS: C because she has family history so this is most correct, but B and D could also be correct
How is blood pressure measured? classic OSCE station
** this is diagnostic
Ambulatory BP measurement
*Not always available and some patients may not tolerate it so u can replace it with home monitoring NICE
Ambulatory BP measurement
avoid this!!
Australian guidelines
Ambulatory BP
Australian guidelines
Nocturnal Blood pressure
*Someone with HTN and they are young and have risk factors like hyperthyroidism, SLE, DM you should screen them for OSA
**You should do urine analysis
***Do duplex, CT or MRI, in textbooks they mention abdominal bruit but it is difficult to identify and not very specific
****Keep in mind in young women
Secondary HTN
Last 2 are not seen often but they can be stressful to the patient.
This is not her image sign of fibromascular dysplasia
Case 1
• 35 F, BP 149/98 mmHg, FHx father, brother. No significant PMHx
• Labs: CBC normal, Urea 4, Cr 56, Na 143, K 3.1, Cl 89, HCO3 30
• LFT Normal, TSH Normal
• US Kidneys: R kidney 11.2 cm, L kidney 12 cm, Dopplers Normal
renal artery flow
some evideince of hypokalemia and alkalosis and because of her age
she might have primary aldosteronisim so order aldosterone ratio
It is very hard to interpret because most of the patients who have HTN are already on
treatment, and most hypertensive treatment can alter the reading of the test so it is not the
best test but it can give you some idea.
so whatever the reading is whether its high or low you need to do some confirmatory tests.
PA Confirmatory tests
• Try to inhibit Aldosterone (demonstrate that it is regulated)
• Oral salt loading (1 g po od x3days) it wont be supressed in case of PA
• NS infusion (500 ml)
• Captopril challenge
• Fludrocortisone + Na
• Results:
• High Aldosterone
• Low Renin
B. Fundoscopy
C. Urinalysis
D. CT Scan of the head he has headache which is worrisome
malignant hypertension in
previous terminology it is
not used anymore.
Case 2 – CT Scan - Brain
This is a normal CT head,
there is no hemorrhage.
in cerebral hemorrhage u
would see shifting and
compression of surrounding
Blood is white in CT u will see
hyper-density in the
distriubution of the arteries .
Hypertensive Crisis it can be classified into 2:
Explanation in the next slide
A Piani et al, Definitions and Epidemiological Aspects of Hypertensive Urgencies and Emergencies,
High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention volume 25, pages241–244(2018)
1- Hypertensive emergency you have to admit the patient for treatment under monitoring.
2- worsening organ damage like a patient who has history of MI or IHD and is stable but
now he complains of severe chest pain this is worsening of his angina.
3- End-organ damage can be classified as changes in CNS or CVS, renal changes, eye
Eclampsia and pre-eclampsia are important and often forgotten.
-perioperative HTN is considered as hypertensive emergency and you need to treat them
so they do not bleed to death.
Which one of the following treatments is given for
Hypertensive Emergencies
A. Metoprolol IV infusion it affects the rate of the heart mostly not the blood pressure
B. Labetalol IV infusion
C. Nifedipine IV infusion There is no IV formulation of nifepidine
Explanation in the next 2 slides
Hypertensive emergency treatment:
1- do not confuse nicardapine with nifepidine, they are both CCB but we do not use nifipedine for hypertensive emergency because it only comes in an oral
3- The one we use the most is labetalol, it is widely available, the only down side is that it causes bradycardia, so if that happens switch to another agent.
4- Esmolol has a significant effect on the rhythm so avoid it in heart failure.
7- Furosemide is not used for HTN emergency, it is only used for special cases, like heart failure with HTN emergency.
8-Hydralazine is not often used because it is associated with tachycardia which can precipitate coronary artery disease.
9- Nitroglycerin can be used but you might have tolerance after 24 hrs.
10- Nitroprusside is associated with cyanide toxicity.
In summary:
- Labetalol is the first choice.
- if nicardipine is available use it.
- In case of heart failure use furosemide + labetalol.
- In hypertensive emergency you have to decrease the BP by 25 mmHg within 1 hour because of end organ damage, you start with 1 medication if the BP
does not reach the goal within an hour then you increase the dose until the maximum, if still it is not improved you can add another agent.
Summary Important slide
when to screen: