Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
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9 authors, including:
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This article forms part of our ‘Tests and results’ series for 2011 which aims to provide • Suspected nocturnal hypertension or no night time
information about common tests that general practitioners order regularly. It considers areas
such as indications, what to tell the patient, what the test can and cannot tell you, and
reduction in BP (dipping)
interpretation of results. • Hypertension despite appropriate treatment
• Patients with a high risk of future cardiovascular
events (even if clinic BP is normal)
Keywords: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
• Suspected episodic hypertension.
Ambulatory BP monitoring may also be useful for:
• titrating antihypertensive therapy
Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring • borderline hypertension
involves measuring blood pressure (BP) at regular • hypertension detected early in pregnancy
intervals (usually every 20–30 minutes) over a 24 • suspected or confirmed sleep apnoea
hour period while patients undergo normal daily • syncope or other symptoms suggesting orthostatic
activities, including sleep. The portable monitor hypotension, where this cannot be demonstrated in
is worn on a belt connected to a standard cuff on the clinic.
the upper arm (Figure 1) and uses an oscillometric
technique to detect systolic, diastolic and mean When is it not recommended?
BP as well as heart rate.1 When complete, the There are no specific contraindications to ABP monitoring,
device is connected to a computer that prepares however, it is important that this test doesn’t delay
a report of the 24 hour, day time, night time, and commencing drug therapy in patients with severe
sleep and awake (if recorded) average systolic and hypertension (ie. clinic BP grade 3; defined as systolic BP
diastolic BP and heart rate. ≥180 mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥110 mmHg) as ABP can
be valuable to confirm adequacy of treatment. While not
The accuracy of ABP monitoring has been validated in a a contraindication, ABP monitoring may be inaccurate in
range of patients including young, elderly, pregnant and patients with irregular heart rate and arrhythmias.1
obese subjects (provided the correct size cuff is used).
Ambulatory BP monitoring is safe and is not usually Where does it fit in a diagnostic
associated with complications. Occasionally oedema or approach?
petechiae of the upper arm or bruising under the inflating Ambulatory BP monitoring provides a more reliable
cuff may occur. Modern ABP devices are quiet, lightweight measure of a patient’s BP than isolated clinic measures
and easy to wear, but inflation of the cuff may cause and is not subject to the ‘white-coat effect’, which
some transient discomfort, particularly in people with can overestimate BP, particularly in susceptible
hypertension or when multiple readings are triggered due patients. While clinic measurement of BP is useful
to errors in measurement. Ambulatory BP measurements for screening, and in the management of suspected
during the night may disturb sleep; potentially requiring and true hypertension. Ambulatory BP and home
retesting if there are poor nocturnal BP measurements. BP measurements add considerably to the accurate
diagnosis of hypertension and the provision of optimal
What are the indications? care. Recent recommendations from expert groups such
• Suspected white-coat hypertension (including in as the United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health
pregnancy) and Clinical Excellence strongly advocate wider use of
• Suspected masked hypertension (untreated subject with ABP monitoring in the diagnosis and management of
normal clinic BP and elevated ABP) hypertension.
Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 40, No. 11, november 2011 877
clinical Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
878 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 40, No. 11, november 2011
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring clinical
1200 1500 1800 2100 0000 0300 0600 0900 1200 Time SBP: Grade 2
≥148 mmHg
Min Mean Max STD BP load (<20%)
Systolic 125 151 183 13.4 94%
Diastolic 71 90 115 11.9 67%
Heart rate 54 70 94 9.5 DBP: Grade 1
Day summary 6:00 to 22:00 hypertension
≥84 mmHg
Min Mean Max STD BP load
Systolic 125 152 176 12.2 91%
Diastolic 73 91 111 10.9 68%
Heart rate 54 71 90 8.7
Night summary 22:00 to 6:00
Min Mean Max STD BP load
Night SBP Systolic 129 146 183 14.7 100%
Diastolic 71 86 115 135 70%
Heart rate 57 69 94 11.1 Night DBP
% Night SBP dip (>10%) 3.9% % Night DBP dip (>10%) 5.5% dipping
Awake summary 7:00 to 1:30 abnormal
Min Mean Max STD BP load
Systolic 132 155 183 11 93%
Diastolic 75 92 115 11 68%
Heart rate 55 73 94 9
Asleep summary 1:30 to 7:00
Min Mean Max STD BP Load
Systolic 125 134 143 5 100%
Diastolic 71 76 85 5 55%
Asleep SBP
Heart rate 54 60 67 5 Asleep DBP
normal % Night SBP dip (>10%) 14% % Night DBP dip (>10%) 28% dipping
Interpretation: Patient ABP day, night, awake, asleep BP, BP load values are all above normal
hypertension grade 1 threshold (shown in red). While night summary suggests ‘nondipping’
(<10%) this is due to very late sleep onset. The nocturnal dipping based on awake and asleep
values are satisfactory (>10%)
Conclusion: Confirmed grade 1 hypertension
Recommendation: Commence or increase antihypertensive therapy. Assess cardiovascular risk
to determine correct target BP. Reassess after modification
Figure 2. Example of ambulatory blood pressure report. Values in red are above hypertension thresholds based on reference 2
Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 40, No. 11, november 2011 879
clinical Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
therefore need ongoing assessment of absolute Servier, BI and Novartis for lectures; Arduino
cardiovascular risk and continued monitoring with A Mangoni has received payment for travel,
clinic and home BP measurements. Repeat ABP accommodation and lectures at international
every 1–2 years. conferences from Pfizer and payment from NAPP
For patients with high cardiovascular risk or Pharmaceuticals for lecturing; Alison Wilson
suspected masked hypertension it is appropriate works for the National Heart Foundation of
to perform an initial ABP and repeat ABP Australia. This work was resourced internally
monitoring in 1–2 years, even if clinic BP remains by the National Heart Foundation using donated
normal. Repeat ABP and/or home BP monitoring in funds.
these patients should be guided by the initial ABP
profile and response to treatment.
1. McGrath BP. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
An inconclusive test can occur if there has Med J Aust 2002;176:588–92.
been insufficient valid readings (patient removes 2. Head G, Mihailidou A, Duggan K, et al. Definition
of ambulatory blood pressure targets for diagnosis
or inactivates device) or when there has been
and treatment of hypertension in relation to clinic
sleep disturbances which may obscure the correct blood pressure: prospective cohort study. BMJ
assessment of night time BP. 2010;340:c1104.
3. Staessen JA, Byttebier G, Buntinx F, Celis H,
Authors O’Brien ET, Fagard R. Antihypertensive treat-
National Heart Foundation and High Blood Pressure ment based on conventional or ambulatory blood
Research Council of Australia Ambulatory Blood pressure measurement. A randomized controlled
Pressure Monitoring Consensus Committee: trial. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring and
Treatment of Hypertension Investigators. JAMA
Geoffrey A Head, Monash University Baker IDI
Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, 4. Ejaz AA, Kazory A, Heinig ME. 24-hour blood
[email protected]; Barry P McGrath, pressure monitoring in the evaluation of supine
Department of Medicine, Southern Health, hypertension and orthostatic hypotension. J Clin
Melbourne, Victoria; Anastasia S Mihailidou, Hypertens (Greenwich) 2007;9:952–5.
Department of Cardiology and the Kolling Institute
of Medical Research, Royal North Shore Hospital
and the University of Sydney, New South Wales;
Mark R Nelson, Discipline of General Practice,
School of Medicine, University of Tasmania and
Menzies Research Institute Tasmania; Markus P
Schlaich, Neurovascular Hypertension & Kidney
Disease, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute,
Melbourne, Victoria; Michael Stowasser University
of Queensland School of Medicine, Princess
Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland;
Arduino A Mangoni, Division of Applied Medicine,
University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom; Diane
Cowley, University of Queensland School of
Medicine, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane,
Queensland; Alison Wilson, Heart Foundation,
Melbourne, Victoria.
Conflict of interest: ICMJE forms completed by all
authors: Geoffrey A Head works for an institution
which has received a NHMRC grant related to this
work. He also has stocks in Telemetry Research;
Barry P McGrath is a paid board member of
Boehringer-Ingelheim and Abbott Pty Ltd;
Anastasia S Mihailidou, Mark R Nelson, Michael
Stowasser and Diane Cowley have declared no
conflict of interest. Markus P Schlaich receives
paid board membership of Abbott Pty Ltd and
institution grants for NHMRC project goals. He
also receives payments from Abbott Pty Ltd,
880 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 40, No. 11, november 2011
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