Orozco, Karlo J. - Detailed Lesson Plan Music 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region-XI Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao Oriental
Poblacion, Governor Generoso

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 9


Teacher Education Certificate Program
I. Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the students must have:

A. Identified some famous classical composer based on their contribution to

B. Performed some musical elements used during classical period; and
C. Realized that each western composer was given a title to easily recogize
them from others.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Music of the Classical Period
B. Reference: MAPEH 21st Century 9 by Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D. (pages
C. Materials: Musical instrument (piano keyboard), speaker, laptop, envelop
and other information media tools.
D. Value Focus: Understanding, Listening, Analyzing and Relating.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Everybody, please stand up.
Kindly lead the prayer ________. Let us pray.

2. Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning, sir.

3. Checking of attendance
Class secretary, who among the (The class secretary will say the name(s) of
class are absent today? the student(s) who is/are absent.)

4. Review
Barak Rosenshine's First Principle:
In your previous lesson, you have
learned a lot about Baroque music, right? The famous Baroque composers are Johann
As a review, who can give me the 3 Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, and
famous Baroque composers? Antonio Vivaldi.
Johann Sebastian Bach is known as? He is known as “The Greatest Genius of
Baroque Music’.
How about George Frideric Handel,
what is the title of his great oratorio? He is the composer great oratorio “The
And what is the best composition of
Antonio Vivaldi? Antonio Vivaldi is known as “The Greatest
Composer of Four Seasons”
Alright it seems that you’ve learned a
lot from your previous lesson, lets us
proceed to the next lesson.

As we proceed to the next lesson, I

assure to you that a lot of things will be
imparted to you.

B. Motivation
Jerome Bruner’s theory of Instruction:

I will divide you into three groups. I

prepared here a song in titled “Row,
row, row your boat”. Each group will
perform independently.
Here are the intructions:
1. I will sing first the song
with the keyboard. (Students will perform the song)
2. All together will perform
the song.
3. After familiarizing the
song, each group will sing
independently and the
other group will follow on
my cue.

What can you say about the flow of the The flow of the music is simultaneous.

That’s what we called Polyphony. Polyphony is a type of musical texture

So, what is Polyphony based on our consisting of two or more simultaneous lines
activity? of independent melody is performed at the
same time.
And Polyphony has 2 kinds.
Round and Partner Song.

What is Round Song? It is a polyphonic texture where the same

melody is sung or played in different layers
where each layer is coming in at different
How about Partner Song?
It is a polyphonic texture where two
different melodies are sung or played at the
I have another song, the title is same time.
That’s what we called Homophony.
Based on what you heard, what is
Homophony? Homophony consist of a melody with

C. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation of the Lesson
Polyphony, Homophony is a musical
elements used during classical period.
Musical composers began to change
direction to adhere to certain elegance,
simplicity, dignity and correctness of

When you heard the word classical, what

comes into your mind? (Students’ answers may vary)

Classical period was an era of classical

between 1750 to 1830, associate with the
style of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.

Classical period falls between what

Baroque and Romantic periods.
And Classical music has a lighter, clearer
texture than Baroque music.

In this lesson you are expected to

identify some famous classical composer
based on their contribution to music.

Richard Mayer's Cognitive theory of

Multimedia learning:

Show to the class the image of composer.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Ludwig van Beethoven

Let’s meet the famous composer of

Classical music.

What is the name of the first composer?

What instruments he learned since he Franz Joseph Haydn.
was young? He played Harpsichord and violin.
According to them, Haydn called as
what? “The Father of the Symphony and the String

What is the name of the Second

Mozart is best known as what? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
He is a child prodigy, and known to as
How many composition mozart have “Genius Among Geniuses”.
He composed more than 600 works.
What is the name of our last composer?
What kind of musical instruments Ludwig van Beethoven.
Beethoven played?
According to them, Beethoven is best He played Violin and Piano.
known as what?
He is known as “Master Composer of
Symphonies, Sonatas, Concertos, and String
2. Activity Proper
Jean Piaget's theory of learning:

Answer the following questions below.

Why we are studying this kind of music?

Studying classical music makes us a well-
rounded, confident musician and teaches us
to comfortably express ourselves.
What did you feel after listening to their
composition? I feel great, listening to music helps me relax
and it takes my stress away, I feel myself
vibing and I love hearing wonderful voices
and songs.
Does music help us in our living in this
world? Yes! Music can raise someone's mood, get
them excited, or make them calm and
What is the role of music in our life?
Music can transform the emotions and
feelings of certain people within no time. It
can lessen the stress, pain, struggle,
distraction and bring positivity and
3. Generalization calmness in our daily life.
To sum up our lesson, what are the
elements of music used in Classical The elements of music used in Classical
Music? Music are elegance, simplicity, dignity and
correctness of style.

Who are the 3 famous composer of The 3 famous composer of Classical Music
Classical Music? are Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van

Franz Joseph Haydn is best known as? He is best known as The Father of the
Symphony and the String Quartet.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is best He is best known as Genius Among

known as? Geniuses.
And Ludwig van Beethoven is best He is best known as Master Composer of
known as? Symphonies, Sonatas, Concertos, and String

4. Application
Vygotsky’s theory of learning:

I want you to group yourselves into 3

In this activity you will be performing
Polyphony music either round song or
partner song.

Each group will be given an envelope.

Inside the envelope is the song that they
will be performing.

I will give you 15 minutes to do your

work. After the given working time, each
group must go infront of your Criteria:
classmates. Group work --------------------------- 10 points
Before you proceed to your activity, Performance -------------------------- 10 points
please be guided with the following Creativity ----------------------------- 10 points
criteria. TOTAL ------------------------------30 POINTS
Please read_________.

None sir.
Do you have any question? (The students should be working with their
You may now start doing your work. groups)

The teacher will let the students present

their work.

Group # 1. (The students will perform Twinkle, twinkle

They will perform a Round song. little star song)

Group # 2. (The students will perform Three Blind

They will perform a Round song. Mice)

The students will Perform Tao Tao Po and

Leron Leron Sinta folk song)
Group # 2.
They will perform a Partner song.
Thank you, sir.

Getting life lessons from composers’ None, sir

What lessons or values do you get from
the composers’ brief biographies?
Write a few words or phrases on the
space provided.
Then discuss this in the class
Getting life lessons from composers’
What lessons or values do you get from
the composers’ brief biographies?
Write a few words or phrases on the
space provided.
Then discuss this in the class
Good job class.

We are now done with our lesson; do

you have any questions?

Bloom’s Domains of Learning; Bloom’s Taxonomy:

IV. Evaluation

A. Multiple choice: Select the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a genre of music between 1750 to 1830 that has a lighter, clearer
texture than Baroque music.
A. Romantic B. Pop music C. Polyphony D. Classical
B. Identification: Write the name of the corresponding classical composer.
2. He is best known as Master Composer of Symphonies, Sonatas,
Concertos, and String Quartet.
3. He is best known as Genius Among Geniuses.

C. Identification: Write the correct musical texture used in the songs you will
about to hear.
4. The teacher will play an example of Homophonic song.
5. The teacher will play an example of Polyphonic song.

1. D
2. Ludwig van Beethoven
3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
4. Homophony
5. Polyphony

IV. Assignment
Define the meaning of instrumental music of Classical period. Write your
answers in a 1 whole sheet of paper.
a. Sonata
b. Symphony
c. Minuet
d. Rondo

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