Prayer Service Bday
Prayer Service Bday
Prayer Service Bday
Good Morning dear fathers and brothers in Jesus Christ. A flower makes the garden, a
tree makes the forest , a star guides the ship, a vote changes the nation. In a similar
way we have a beautiful, single and unique gift of God in the person of Fr.
Berchmans whose birthday we celebrate today. Dear Fr. Berk, your very presence is the
joy for us. A Colourful birthday wishes to you dear father. The warmth of love that
radiated through face; fills our life bright every day. Father you are a special rose in the
garden of St. John Bosco. Your loving words make us feel more active and alive. We are
very much grateful to you, because your very presence has been such a source of joy
and inspiration to all of us. We are presenting you this prayerful birthday wishes
today with all our hearts. We thank God for giving you to the Salesian congregation and to
the refuge community. We wish you a very happy birthday and may the good Lord
shower his choicest blessings on you. Let us thank the Lord for the gift of life given
to our beloved Fr. Berk . And through our prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God let
us celebrate the life. In a special way let us pray for the good health of Fr. Berk and that he
may continue to spread the love and radiate the joy to all the people whom he meets daily.
With this thought let us enter into this Eucharistic celebration with a grateful heart.
2. Lord while we thank you for the gift of Father to our community and to each of us
personally, we ask you to bless him that he may enjoy good health of body and mind
and that he may continue to spread joy, love and peace.
3. Lord we thank you for all the blessings that you have showered upon our Father, for
all the experiences you have given him, and for all the love you have lavished upon
him. Continue to guide him so that he may experience your powerful presence,
fulfilment and happiness in his life.
4. Lord we pray for the family members, friends, dear and near ones of Father. Bless
them with all the graces that they stand in need of.
5. Help us Lord that we may realize the truth, that Life is your gift to us and that what
we make of our life is our gift to you. Grant us your grace that we may make of our
life, a beautiful gift pleasing to you and to others.
6. Heavenly lord, we pray for the repose soul of parents of Fr. Berk and his brothers and
sister who were his support and constant guide in the life of Fr. Berk grant them the
eternal rest in your heavenly abode.
Prayer service Introduction
Dear Fathers and brothers we have gathered here to celebrate the birthday of Fr.Berk George.
It is indeed a great joy for us. As we celebrate the gift of Fr. Berk today, we in a special way
thank God for the person he is. It is true that he is a true human being, with flesh and blood
who has dedicated his life for the Kingdom of God.
He is very generous in giving and cheerful giver. He is friendly with all whomever he
contacts with. Dear Father we appreciate you the person that you are and the model that you
are to us in your words and deeds. We thank you for the pain and suffering you undertake for
keeping good relationship with all of us here in this community.
We thank you for all the good things that you are doing for all of us. We hope that Smiles and
laughter, joy and cheer, heavenly happiness may stay throughout the year, and fill your life
with surprises and joys. So on this very special day, we would like to tell you that we love
you, we appreciate you, and we admire you for what you are to each one of us. However long
the time may be, your loving presence is that which makes huge difference. Let us join
together thanking God for the gift of Father to all of us. During this prayer service let us pray
for his good health, friends and dear and near ones.
Concluding Prayer
We praise you Lord, for calling us even before we were
conceived in our mother’s womb to be a loving father and
prudent guide of the young in the path of St. John Bosco;
Give us the fervent zeal like his and all the necessary
graces we stand in need of. May your blessed mother be
our guide and protector throughout our life. We make this
prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen