Make A Difference: Be Extra!: Worship

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M A RC H 2 7, 2 02 2

Great Things, How Great MATTHEW 5:14-16 Who you work for is far more important – your job may be difficult,
Thou Art, Alive in You, or boring, but once you understand you work for the King of
Unbroken Praise, 10,000 14 “You are the light of the world. kings, it changes everything! We must all remember that when
Reasons, Since Jesus we work, we must be M.A.D. – to be ready to make a difference!
A city set on a hill cannot be
Came into My Heart How? Remember B.E.E. – inspired by the amazing work honeybees
hidden; 15 nor does anyone do to produce honey for the world.
light a lamp and put it under a
WELCOME basket, but on the lampstand, 1. BE INTENTIONAL
and it gives light to all who are Jesus tells us how to work and has given us a mission to be the
in the house. 16 Let your light light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Light’s purpose is to illuminate.
What was your dream In a world is full of darkness, we must ask – “where is the light?”.
profession growing up? shine before men in such a way When Jesus talks about the world, He pertains to our own sphere
Did you pursue that dream? that they may see your good of influence. Dr. Bill Bright years ago identified the followin spheres
Why or why not? works, and glorify your Father of society:
who is in heaven.”
• Religion
• Family
• Education
• Workplace
• Politics and Government
• Media
• Entertainment
• Sports

We must be intentional in whatever sphere of influence is entrusted

to us – Matthew 28:19-20 reminds us of the Great Commission to
MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations. We’ve got to impact the spheres
of the world! How do we do this? Matthew 5:14,16 reminds us to
let our light shine, not for personal gain, but so that people can
connect our behavior to the goodness and faithfulness of God!

Jesus continues in the same chapter, (v.41) and reminds us to go
the extra mile. If we just do what everybody else is doing, how
would we stand out? We must be EXTRA in our work performance
and attitude. Jesus commanded tough things in Luke 6:28, and
vv. 31-32 – to love enemies, bless and pray for them, and treat
others with respect. Only by the power of Jesus can we do all
these things! You are the light of the world. It is sad when Christians
do not apply this in their own communities. We are to be extra, but
instead, we practice cancel culture. To make a difference, we
should be EXTRA – extra kind, extra good. In Luke 6:35, Jesus
emphasizes what we have learned so far in this series – our reward
as children of God living out His values, will be given to us in full.
All of us must excel for Jesus in the marketplace.

Entrust our future to the Lord. We see these principles in the
following examples:

RUTH – a widow, was told by her mother-in-law, Naomi, to go and

look for herself a new husband. Ruth declares trust in the LORD,
the God of Naomi, and committed to stay with her (Ruth 1:15-17).
She did something “extra”. Ruth did not have to do that, but she
did. And her going extra and trusting God had a great impact. In
MA RCH 27, 20 22

Ruth 2:10-12, she is complimented by Boaz, a successful businessman DISCUSSION
(and her future husband). Her good deeds were noticed by others, QUESTIONS I. Thanksgiving
who wished for her to be rewarded by God. (Leaders: Please choose questions • Worship God for who He is,
that are appropriate to the level of what He has done, and what
Archbishop William Temple said, “To choose a career on selfish spiritual maturity of your members) He will do in our lives
grounds is probably the greatest single sin that any young person 1. Self-Check. II. Country and the World
can commit… it is the deliberate withdrawal from allegiance to God How do you find purpose in • For God’s sovereignty to be
of the greatest part of time and strength”. Are you giving the best your day-to-day activities? on display over our upcoming
years of your life to God? Our hope is that none of us will regret national elections; godly,
not serving God in all the years we spend at work, school, and in 2. Setting It Right. competent leaders to be voted
whatever we do. Many times, our good works and good behavior In what way can you go into government posts at all
are not recognized by the company we are part of. But let us simply the extra mile in your levels.
entrust everything to God. What example do we have of this? spheres of influence? • For the Russian invasion of
Ukraine to stop; peace and order
DANIEL – he was committed – a young man who went extra for 3. Living It Out. be restored, lives spared. Russian
What is God calling you and Ukrainian soldiers, families,
the Lord, and he was favored because of his excellence, and the to do this week - whether leaders to turn to Christ; refugees
various kings (from Babylon to Medo-Persia empires) all had good at school, work, ministry, be given safe passage into
words to say about him. Daniel 6:1-3 describes him as “distinguished or with your family? surrounding nations.n
and as having extraordinary spirit”. He was appointed prime minister
of the king for the quality of his performance. Out of envy, the other III. Church
satraps (leaders) tried to pull him down, but they couldn’t (Daniel 6:4). • That CCF Members would honor
They couldn’t find anything bad about Daniel. He was also extra and love God and make disciples
faithful to the king and have not been negligent at work. His attitude • Elders, Pastors, Leaders, and
and performance were unquestionable! The only “weakness” they Families
found about him was his commitment to the LORD, and they worked • Ministries and Churches
their way to create accusations about him in relation to this. Daniel
WORKS worldwide
was an example of someone who shone his light in the culture around PRAY CARE SHARE
IN ACTION IV. CCF Facilities
him through his political/government sphere of influence. And he • Worship and Training Center
did not cower in fear – he continued his excellence performance Pray for those challenged • Prayer Mountain
and also his commitment to God (Daniel 6:10-11). to make a difference at
work. Make time to send V. Personal Concerns
Because of his faith in God alone, Daniel was sentenced to die in them an encouraging text • Deeper intimate relationship
a lion’s den (Daniel 6:17). There will be times when God will allow us or give them a phone call to with God
to be taken into situations like being in a “lion’s den”. There are remind them that the Lord • Righteous living
times when our future seems finished, and we feel hopeless. But we sees their hard work and He • Salvation of family and friends
do have an amazing God! When the king, unable to sleep got up will sustain them. Share the
early and rushed to the den, he found Daniel alive (Daniel 6:20-22)! love of Christ through the MEMORY VERSE
This experience led to the king’s recognition of Daniel’s God as gospel that will enable and MATTHEW 5:14a,16
“the living God, enduring forever…” and commanded his vast empire strengthen and them be salt
to fear the God of Daniel (Daniel 6:25-28)! and light in their workplace. You are the light of the
world…let your light shine
If, like Daniel, we entrust our future to God, we can be sure about before men in such a way
how He can turn our tough situations to be moments of victory, and that they may see your
for glory He alone deserves. Do you have stories to tell of how you good works, and glorify
have entrusted everything to God, and He changed your story at your Father who is in
work or in school? heaven.
In our Sunday services, we were commissioned as God’s servants
(inspired by 1 Samuel 16, Numbers 27, Acts 13:2-3, Rom. 12:1) – and
were reminded of the example of Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9 –
who worked hard while he was on a mission. We are all missionaries
of God in the marketplace. May we dedicate our lives, our work,
our performance, and our activities to GOD to shine our lights in
this world.

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