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Learner Guide

Operate computer-aided design
(CAD) system to produce basic
drawing elements

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MEM30031A Operate CAD system to produce basic drawing elements

UNIT SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 3

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................... 8

SECTION 1 – GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ................................................................................................... 9

Learning Activity 1 – Review Questions................................................................................................ 53

SECTION 2 – ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS). ...................................................... 60

Learning Activity 2 – Review Questions................................................................................................ 63

SECTION 3 - CAD PROGRAM CAPABILITIES AND PROCESSES ..................................................... 64

Learning Activity 3 – Review exercises ................................................................................................. 96

ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 104

Assessment 1: Multiple Choice Test ............................................................................................................. 104

Assessment 2: Observation of practical tasks .......................................................................................... 105

Learning Activities Checklist ................................................................................................................ 107

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MEM30031A Operate CAD system to produce basic drawing elements

Unit Descriptor

This unit of competency covers the skills and knowledge required to apply functions
of computer-aided design (CAD) software programs that are typically used in the
production of detail drawings.

Application of the Unit

This unit is suitable for those working within a CAD or drafting work environment and
may be applied across engineering and manufacturing environments. It covers
competent use of a CAD program to perform basic drawing tasks used in the
development of detail drawings. Drawings may include plans, diagrams, charts,
circuits, systems or schematics. This unit includes using computer equipment and
selecting software functions in order to generate basic drawing elements. Work is
conducted under supervision.



Elements and Performance Criteria


1.1. Confirm purpose, scope, and information
Section 1
and presentation requirements for drawing
1.2. Review available information relevant to
project and work requirements, and identify Section 1
and address further information needs
1. Confirm drawing 1.3. Identify computing equipment and
Section 3
requirements software used in the organization.
1.4. Identify work flow and procedures for
Section 3
work supervision.
1.5. Examine requirements for presentation of
Section 3
2.1. Describe types of CAD software used for
detail drafting, their key features and
Section 3
suitability for producing specific drawing
2. Identify key features outcomes
of CAD software 2.2. Describe types of CAD software used for
design drafting, their key features and
Section 3
suitability for producing specific drawing

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2.3. Identify differences in CAD process to

generate 2-D drawings and 3-D models, and Section 3
reasons for each presentation
2.4. Identify differences in CAD process to
generate single and multiple view drawings, Section 3
and reasons for each presentation
2.5. Identify CAD software used in the
organisation and confirm compatibility with
Section 3
other software programs and peripheral
2.6. Identify software features for linked
Section 3
3.1. Open software and navigate
Section 3
organisational filing and library system
3.2. Identify organisational and software
Section 3
templates and determine uses
3.3. Identify organisational symbols, codes
3. Access software and
and standards to be applied in drafting work Section 1
set up for drawing work
and how these are accessed and applied
3.4. Apply workplace procedures to retrieve
and manipulate required information and Section 3
navigate computing technology
3.5. Set up working environment Section 3
4.1. Use CAD functions to produce basic
Section 3
drawing element
4.2. Use editing and transfer tools and
Section 3
methods to modify drawing element
4. Produce basic 4.3. Apply dimensions, text and symbols to
Section 3
drawing elements drawing elements
4.4. Import and export files into/out of working
Section 3
4.5. Generate different views and perspective Section 3
4.6. Organise presentation of work. Section 3
5.1. Save and file drawing elements
Section 3
according to organisational procedures
5.2. Print drawing elements and evaluate
Section 3
5. Complete CAD
5.3. Evaluate work and identify areas for
operations Section 3
5.4. Close applications, perform CAD
housekeeping and maintain organisational Section 3
filing system

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Evidence that confirms skills in:
• literacy skills sufficient to read instructions for drawings work Section 1
• using computer technologies and navigating software Section 3
• numeracy skills sufficient to interpret technical information and
Sections 1, 3
determine scaling and layout issues
• navigating software to:
- manipulate drawing entities
- modify dimension styles
- create and use layers
- manipulate the drawing origin
- define and utilise symbol libraries
- utilise grids/grid snaps and object snaps
- display views at multiple scales
- add title blocks/frame to layout a drawing for printing Section 3
- prepare advanced drawings in plane orthogonal or
- set up prototype drawings
- define and extract attribute data
- create bills of materials (BOM) utilising attribute data and
party application software


Evidence that confirms knowledge of:

• general knowledge of different approaches to drawing Section 1

• awareness of copyright and intellectual property issues and

Section 1
legislation in relation to drawing
• environmental and occupational health and safety (OHS) issues
Section 2
associated with the tools and materials used for drawing

• quality assurance procedures Section 2

• CAD program capabilities and processes Section 3

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CAD software may include:
- AutoCAD
- Inventor
- Revitt
CAD software Section 3
- Solidworks
- ProSteel
- XSteel
- other programs
Key features may include:
- 2-D
- 3-D modelling
- built-in specifications
Key features Section 3
- file import/export
- save
- undo
- scale
Specific drawing outcomes may include:
- 2-D
- 3-D modelling
Specific drawing
- drawings for specific Sections 1, 3
engineering applications
- orthographic/isometric/perspec
Basic drawing elements may include:
- points, line angles, circles, arcs,
planes, figures and solids
- squares, rectangles and
Basic drawing elements Sections 1, 3
- bisected lines and dividing lines
- polygon, ellipse, spline,
dimension and hatch
Editing and transfer tools and methods may
- delete, fillet, chamfer, erase,
trim/extend, break, undo and
redo commands
Editing and transfer tools
- zooming and panning Section 3
and methods
- moving, copying, rotating and
- polar and rectangular
- object snaps

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- dimensions
- selecting entities
- dividing
- scaling
- measuring
- grouping

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This learner guide provides information to guide you through all learning and
assessment activities. Assessment requirements and assessment activities are at the
back of this learner guide. You will be required to complete all learning activities in the
Learning Activities Checklist.

You must get your trainer’s signature after you have completed each activity. You must
complete all learning activities in the Learning Activities Checklist before undertaking
assessment activities. It is your responsibility to bring this learner guide to every class.

1. Learning Environment:

Classroom – theoretical learning

Laboratory classroom – practical training

2. Learning Resources:

The resources needed for this unit include:

- Written job instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures

- AutoCAD software tutorials.

3. Assessments:

Assessment 1: Multiple Choice Test

Assessment 2: Observation of Practical Task (3 tasks)

See detailed information about assessment activities at the back of this learner guide

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1.1. Different approaches to drawing

The different approaches to technical drawing are manual or hand drawing and CAD
drawing or digital.

To create drawing manually some drafting tools will be needed: set of H, HB pencils, set of
straight edge rules, set of square rules, a T rule, scale rule, good quality eraser, set of
compass, letters and numbers templates, tracing paper, plain paper of different sizes.

Manual drafting is a time-consuming approach, at present it is used to create sketches and

quick representations of ideas.

Technology has progressed and new approaches to technical drawing have been created to
illustrate and visually communicate the required information that will allow a manufacturer to
produce a specific component.

A. AutoCAD is a flexible computer drafting program that lets you create two-dimensional
drawings, three-dimensional models and shaded rendering for a wide variety of
applications. Computer 3D modelling has become a common tool in the design
industry giving more options to present work creating isometric, orthogonal and
perspective drawings, while the 3D model is developed.

B. Inventor is a 3D mechanical solid design software develop by Autodesk to create 3D

digital prototypes. It is used for #D mechanical design, design communication, tooling
creation and product simulation. This software enables users to produce accurate 3D
models to aid in designing, visualizing and simulating products before they are built.
These simulation tools enable users to design cars or automotive parts and to
optimize the strength and weight of the product, identify high-stress areas, identify
and reduce unwanted vibrations and even size motors to reduce their overall energy
Autodesk Inventor's finite element analysis feature allows users to validate the
component design through testing part performance under loads. The optimization
technology and parametric studies permit users to design parameters within
assembly stress areas and compare the design options. Then, the 3D model is
updated based on these optimized parameters.
Autodesk Inventor also uses special file formats for parts, assemblies and drawing
views. The files are imported or exported in a DWG (drawing) format. However, the
2D and 3D data interchange and review format that Autodesk Inventor uses most
frequently is design web format (DWF).

C. ProEngineer, Creo Elements/Pro (formerly Pro/ENGINEER), PTC's parametric,

integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE solution, is used by discrete manufacturers for
mechanical engineering, design and manufacturing.
Pro/ENGINEER was the industry's first rule-based constraint (sometimes called
"parametric" or "variational") 3D CAD modelling system.[5] The parametric modelling
approach uses parameters, dimensions, features, and relationships to capture

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intended product behaviour and create a recipe which enables design automation
and the optimization of design and product development processes. This design
approach is used by companies whose product strategy is family-based or platform-
driven, where a prescriptive design strategy is fundamental to the success of the
design process by embedding engineering constraints and relationships to quickly
optimize the design, or where the resulting geometry may be complex or based upon
equations. Creo Elements/Pro provides a complete set of design, analysis and
manufacturing capabilities on one, integral, scalable platform. These required
capabilities include Solid Modelling, Surfacing, Rendering, Data Interoperability,
Routed Systems Design, Simulation, Tolerance Analysis, and NC and Tooling
Creo Elements/Pro can be used to create a complete 3D digital model of
manufactured goods. The models consist of 2D and 3D solid model data which can
also be used downstream in finite element analysis, rapid prototyping, tooling design,
and CNC manufacturing. All data are associative and interchangeable between the
CAD, CAE and CAM modules without conversion. A product and its entire bill of
materials (BOM) can be modelled accurately with fully associative engineering
drawings, and revision control information. The associativity functionality in Creo
Elements/Pro enables users to make changes in the design at any time during the
product development process and automatically update downstream deliverables.
This capability enables concurrent engineering – design, analysis and manufacturing
engineers working in parallel – and streamlines product development processes.

D. Revit, Autodesk Revit is building information modelling software for architects,

landscape architects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, designers and
contractors. The original software was developed by Charles River Software,
founded in 1997, renamed Revit Technology Corporation in 2000, and acquired by
Autodesk in 2002. The software allows users to design a building and structure and
its components in 3D, annotate the model with 2D drafting elements, and access
building information from the building model's database. Revit is 4D BIM capable with
tools to plan and track various stages in the building's lifecycle, from concept to
construction and later maintenance and/or demolition.
Revit can be used as a very powerful collaboration tool between different disciplines
in the building design sphere. The different disciplines that use Revit approach the
program from unique perspectives. Each of these perspectives is focused on
completing that discipline's task. Companies that adopt the software first examine the
existing work-flow process to determine if such an elaborate collaboration tool is

E. SolidWorks, is a solid modelling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided

engineering (CAE) computer program that runs on Microsoft Windows
Building a model in SolidWorks usually starts with a 2D sketch (although 3D sketches
are available for power users). The sketch consists of geometry such as points, lines,
arcs, conics (except the hyperbola), and splines. Dimensions are added to the sketch
to define the size and location of the geometry. Relations are used to define
attributes such as tangency, parallelism, perpendicular, and concentricity. The
parametric nature of SolidWorks means that the dimensions and relations drive the

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geometry, not the other way around. The dimensions in the sketch can be controlled
independently, or by relationships to other parameters inside or outside of the sketch.
In an assembly, the analogue to sketch relations are mates. Just as sketch relations
define conditions such as tangency, parallelism, and concentricity with respect to
sketch geometry, assembly mates define equivalent relations with respect to the
individual parts or components, allowing the easy construction of assemblies.
SolidWorks also includes additional advanced mating features such as gear and cam
follower mates, which allow modelled gear assemblies to accurately reproduce the
rotational movement of an actual gear train.
Finally, drawings can be created either from parts or assemblies. Views are
automatically generated from the solid model, and notes, dimensions and tolerances
can then be easily added to the drawing as needed.

F. ProSteel, with ProSteel software you can efficiently create accurate 3D models for
structural steel, metal work, and steel assemblies. You can then quickly generate
design drawings, fabrication details, and schedules that automatically update
whenever the 3D model changes. Additionally, detailed output to CNC machines
automates the steel fabrication process. ProSteel fully supports your construction
and planning tasks for structural steel and metal work in a 3D modelling environment.
Working with AutoCAD or MicroStation, you get an intuitive and integrated multi-
material modeler perfectly suited to layout complex structures, produce shop
drawings, assemble all your connections, and manage your bills of materials.
Quickly extract 2D drawings that automatically update when the 3D model changes.
Easily exchange information with other disciplines thanks to interoperability with other
Bentley and third-party applications.
Efficiently create parametric assembly modelling for common objects such as steel
stairs, handrails, and ladders.
Rapidly investigate multiple scenarios to provide the most economical options to your
Design and detail structural steel connections, including beam-to-beam, beam-to-
column, brace end, and complex multi-member connections. Simplify the
arrangement of plates, stiffeners, bolts, and welds with a comprehensive library of
standard connection types. Easily compare the economy and practicality of
connection scenarios.

G. XSteel, Tekla Structures is a building information modelling software able to model

structures that incorporate different kinds of building materials, including steel,
concrete, timber and glass. Tekla allows structural drafters and engineers to design
a building structure and its components using 3D modelling, generate 2D drawings
and access building information. Tekla Structures was formerly known as XSteel (X
as in X Window System, the foundation of the Unix GUI).
Tekla Structures is used in the construction industry for steel and concrete detailing,
precast and cast in-situ. The software enables users to create and manage 3D
structural models in concrete or steel and guides them through the process from
concept to fabrication. The process of shop drawing creation is automated. It is
available in different configurations and localized environments.
Tekla Structures is known to support large models with multiple simultaneous users,
but is regarded as relatively expensive, complex to learn and fully utilize. It competes

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in the BIM market with AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit, DProfiler and Digital Project, Lucas
Bridge, PERICad and others. Tekla Structures is Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
compliant, among about 40 other competitive systems.
Modelling scopes within Tekla Structures includes Structural Steel, Cast-in-Place
(CIP), Concrete, Reinforcing Bar, Miscellaneous Steel and Light Gauge Drywall
Framing. The transition of XSteel to Tekla Structures in 2004 added significant more
functionality and interoperability. It is often used in conjunction with Autodesk Revit,
where structural framing is designed in Tekla and exported to Revit using the
DWG/DXF formats

H. CATIA, commonly referred to as a 3D Product Lifecycle Management software suite,

CATIA supports multiple stages of product development (CAx), including
conceptualization, design (CAD), engineering (CAE) and manufacturing (CAM).
CATIA facilitates collaborative engineering across disciplines around its
3DEXPERIENCE platform, including surfacing & shape design, electrical, fluid and
electronic systems design, mechanical engineering and systems engineering.
CATIA facilitates the design of electronic, electrical, and distributed systems such as
fluid and HVAC systems, all the way to the production of documentation for

I. MicroStation is a CAD software platform for two and three dimensional design and
drafting, developed and sold by Bentley Systems and used in the architectural and
engineering industries. It generates 2D/3D vector graphics objects and elements and
includes building information modelling (BIM) features.
Its native format is the DGN format, though it can also read and write a variety of
standard CAD formats including DWG, DXF, SKP and OBJ and produce media
output in such forms as rendered images (JPEGand BMP), animations (AVI), 3D
web pages in Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML), and Adobe Systems PDF.
At its inception, MicroStation was used in the engineering and architecture fields
primarily for creating construction drawings; however, it has evolved through its
various versions to include advanced modelling and rendering features, including
boolean solids, raytracing, and keyframe animation. It can provide specialized
environments for architecture, civil engineering, mapping, or plant design, among
In 2000, Bentley made revisions to the DGN file format in V8 to add additional
features like Digital Rights and Design History - a revision control ability that allows
reinstating previous revisions either globally or by selection, and to better support
import/export of Autodesk's DWG format.[8] Additionally, the V8 DGN file format
removed many data restrictions from earlier releases such as limited design levels
and drawing area. CONNECT Edition versions continue to use the V8 DGN file

In a technical drawing, all information needed to manufacture a component, or an entire

assembly must be drawn and must be clear and concise to avoid confusion.

To see all information about the object in the drawing multiple views from different view
directions are presented can be accommodated. Often cut views of the component or
assembly is needed to represent covert geometries.

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Technical drawings are usually in A4 size paper up to size A0 created. The drawing format
must be chosen, and information of an object can be displayed easily. Drawings in different
scales can be made. I.e. The objects are either increased or decreased. When an elected
scale, for example, 2:1 (spoken: "two to one") is the object twice as large as depicted in
reality. Draw the same object, for example, with a scale of 1:2, it is only half as large as
depicted in reality it is.

The creation of a technical drawing is now usually associated with computer CAD drawings,
previously, drawings were created with ink pen and the help of sign boards, stencils, ruler
and pattern and template tools created characters.

When creating drawings, the information must be precise and follow the standards and rules
for all elements of technical drawing. For example, line types and strengths for each line item
accurately determined. There are rules for view cutting representation, and standard graphic
representation of parts (screws, nuts, etc.) is precisely defined.

Engineering drawing is the most important aspect of mechanical engineering, as it is the

fundamental need to develop the design and assembly of a machine. While the
interpretation of a component in terms of sketching can be done in various methods, related
to Descriptive Geometry, the three most necessary techniques of drawing/projection are:

1. Orthographic Projection: In this method the object is placed in space in such a way
that the front view of it is captured in the vertical plane, and the top view of the same,
is captured in the horizontal plane. The projections of the object are perpendicular
with the planar screen, and hence, the name 'orthographic'.
2. Perspective Projection: This is a simple technique of drawing an object as how one
views it. The observer's eye position, height, and the distance from the object, all
influence the outcome of the drawing. Two sub-methods are adopted for this
projection technique, namely, Visual Ray Method and Vanishing Point Method.
3. Isometric Projection: This form of projection gives the total detail of the component
under consideration. The basic principle behind isometric projection is that it involves
the consideration of three axes that are inclined to each other making equal angles
(thus the name since iso- means equal) with each other (120 deg). This is followed
by transfer of actual dimensions to the isometric scale involving some basic
trigonometric calculations.

1.1.2. A mechanical drawing usually present:

• The product or component to be manufactured

• Multiple view from different direction
• Cut views of the component
• Shapes
• Size (The thickness, diameter, radius, etc.)

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1.1.3. Drawing Standard

According to Australian Standard 1100 – Technical Drawing – Part 101 – General Principles:

 Engineering drawings must be done so that all tradespeople and engineers can
interpret them against recognized standards or conventions.
 Drawings are made to a standard so that they:
o Use the same symbols, lines, dimensioning techniques, etc.
o Can be understood in different work locations, around Australia and in the
 The drawing must be on standard sized sheets, ranging from A0 to A4.

1.1.4. Identify type of lines

To understand a drawing, first you will need to understand the meaning of lines. If all lines on
a drawing were the same, the drawing would be confusing to interpret. To help with it,
drawings have different types of lines with different thicknesses to illustrate various parts of
the object. To make sure everyone interprets drawings in the same way, Australian Practice
1100 Drawing Practice clearly defined the use of each type and thickness of lines.

Type of Objective Example

Object lines  Show the edge of an object
 Intersection of surfaces
 Extent of a curved surface
Hidden lines Show the same features as object
lines except it cannot be seen
because they are hidden behind
the surface of the object
Centrelines Centre point of
• Circles
• Acrs
• Round
• Symmetrical objects
Dimension Dimension lines ends touch the
lines object being measured, or they
may touch the extension line
extending from the object being
Numbers in the dimension line or
next to it give the size or length of
an object.

Extension Lines extending from an object

lines that locate the points being
Cutting Represent an imaginary cut
plane lines through the object. They are used
to expose the details of internal

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parts that would not be shown

clearly with hidden lines.

Section lines Show the surface that has been

imaginarily cut away with a cutting
plane line to show internal details.
Different types of materials can be
identified by using different
Break lines Long break lines and short break
lines show that part of an object
has been removed. This is often
done when a long object needs to
be shortened to fit the drawing
Leaders and Point to a part to identify it, show
arrows the location, and/or are the basis
of a welding symbol
Phantom Phantom lines show an alternate
lines position of a moving part or the
extent of motion (such as the
on/off position of a light switch).
They can also be used as a place
holder for a part that will be added

1.2. Orthogonal drawing

Orthogonal drawing is the basic technical working drawing. This is a 2-Dimensional drawing
and it shows the object in detail. Orthogonal drawing is very time consuming with a lot of
details and dimensioning. Some simple object only needs one orthogonal drawing with one
view, but for some other object, you need a set of drawing to present the whole object.

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1.3. Isometric drawing

Isometric drawings are 3-Dimensional drawings to show depth in a drawing. They are by far
the most common pictorial drawings that are to be found in most technical publications. They
show three sides, all in dimensional proportion, but none are shown as a true shape with 90-
degree corners. All the vertical lines are drawn vertically but all horizontal lines are drawn at
30 degrees to the base line. Isometric is an easy method of drawing 3D images.

Isometric drawings

1.3.1 Oblique drawings

Oblique drawing is not really a ‘3D’ system but a 2-dimensional view of an object with forced
depth. It shows only one face as a true shape, while depth lines are drawn at an angle from
that face, usually at 45 degree.

Oblique drawings

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1.3.2. Perspective drawing

Perspective drawings are also a 3-Dimensional representation of an object, it is the most

accurate view of an object, but the proportions are not true. It created the object by showing
the front and two side of an object with a horizontal line joining a vanishing point. It gives the
description of what the object looked like from one direction. But because the object is being
looked at from an angle, the front, side and top would be distorted. One-point perspective

Objects or structures are drawn ‘front on’ on the picture plane. Sides of the object recede
with lines

converging to one vanishing point on the horizon line. The vanishing point may be situated

the object for an exterior view, or inside it for an interior view. Actual measurements may be

consistently to the horizontal and vertical lines (parallel to the picture plane) but not to the
receding lines. Two-point perspective

Objects or structures are drawn with a corner closest to the viewer and sides drawn with
receding lines

converging to two vanishing points on the horizon line. The corner closest the viewer may be

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anywhere between, but not outside, the vanishing points.

Perspective drawings

1.3.3. Planometric drawings

Planometric drawings are very similar to Isometric drawings. However, the base of the object
retains its true form with both sides receding at 45 degrees (or one side recedes at 30
degrees and other at 60 degrees).

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Planometric drawings

1.3.4. Exploded drawings

This method of pictorial representation is purely used to show someone how a multiple part
objects is assembled, and it is commonly used to assemble self-assemble furniture. These
exploded views could have any of the other pictorial view methods incorporated.

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1.3.5. Drawing sheets and sizes:

There are 6 standard sheet sizes the most common are from A4 to A0

Size of sheet Size of frame

mm mm mm mm

A0 841 1189 791 1139

A1 594 841 554 804

A2 420 594 380 554

A3 297 420 267 390

A4 210 297 180 267

A5 148 210

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1.4. Dimensioning

Unidirectional dimensioning, where all dimensions, figures and notes are lettered horizontally
and are read from the bottom of the drawing. It is preferred over the aligned system because
it is easier to read and understand.

Aligned dimensioning, dimensions are placed parallel and above the dimension lines,
preferably in the middle and not by interrupting the dimension lines.

Projection lines are used to indicate the extremities of a dimension, they are generally
drawn up to 1 mm from the outline of the object.

Dimension line is a thin line with arrow heads at each end, it can be broken to allow the
placement of the dimension value depending in the type of dimension used in the drawing.

Arrow heads, must be well defined and maybe open or closed. General rule is length of
arrow 3 times the width, or from 3 to 5 mm. depending on the size of the drawing.

1.4.1. Dimension placement

There are several different ways to dimension any given object, they should be selected
based on the function of the part.

The following rules provide some guidelines to be followed when placing dimensions on a

• The dimension should be applied in the view that provides the best description of the
feature being dimensioned. For example, holes should be dimensioned in a view where they
appear round. A slot should be dimensioned in a view where the contour of the slot is visible.

• Apply dimensions in a view where the feature appears true size.

• Reference dimensions should be placed in parenthesis.

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• The overriding principle of dimensioning is clarity.

• Angles shown on drawings as right angles are assumed to be 90 degrees unless otherwise
specified and they need not be dimensioned.

• The dimension should be centred between the extension lines. The dimension may be
placed outside of the dimension lines if there is insufficient space. The arrows may point out
or in depending on the available space.

• Place larger dimensions towards the outside so that extension lines don’t cross dimension

• Do not over-dimension. Each feature should be dimensioned once and only once.

• The dimensions on a drawing should be aligned so that the dimensions are all oriented in
the same direction.

• Dimension lines should not end at object lines. Use extension lines to relate the dimension
to the feature being described.

• Do not place dimensions in the view. Use extension lines from the feature and locate the
dimension outside of the view.

• Use the diameter dimension to specify the size of holes and cylinders. Precede the
dimension with the diameter symbol, φ.

• Leaders should not be drawn horizontal or vertical.

• Concentric circles should be dimensioned in a longitudinal view.

• Stagger the dimensions if they are stacked.

• Use the times symbol, ×, to indicate repeated dimensions or features.

• Use the radius to dimension an arc. The radius dimension is preceded by the symbol, R. A
leader line is commonly used for diameters and radii. The leader line should be a radial line
directed through the centre of the arc or circle.

• Use appropriate symbols for describing common features.

• Begin dimensions from a common origin when possible (baseline dimensioning).

Functional considerations of the feature override this principle.

• The depth dimension for a blind hole is the depth to which the hole maintains the full

• Dimensions should be uniformly spaced.

• Group associated dimensions.

• Circular features should be located by dimensioning the centre lines.

• Avoid dimensioning to hidden lines. Create a section view, if necessary, to dimension to an

object line.

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Technical drawings must be able to tell you everything you need to manufacture a
component or assemble several components together. Dimensioning is about adding
measurements to drawings using dimension lines. Dimension line is a thin continuous line
that describes a component on an engineering drawing. Dimension is a measurement in
millimetres that describes a component on an engineering drawing. It is always written next
to the dimension line. This notation is usually written in the title box and it help the drafter
from having to write ‘mm’ after each dimension that is placed on a drawing

1.4.2. Dimensioning Rules

Australian Standard AS/NZS 1100.501:2002 defines the general applications for


 Dimensions should be kept outside the view where possible. However, there are
times when it is better, for clarity, to put the dimensions on the view.
 Dimensions on the drawings should appear once only. Length of the item should be
shown on the front or top view, rather than both.
 Avoid using centrelines as dimension lines. However, they may be used as projection
 Dimension lines should not touch outlines
 Do not use outlines as dimensioning lines
 Dimension and projection lines should not cross one another
 Projection lines can cross one another in some instances
 Do not dimension on features shown by hidden outlines. Only dimension features
shown by outlines whenever possible `
 When the not “dimensions are in millimetres” appears, it is unnecessary to show the
millimetre sign with the dimensions.

1.4.3. Projection and Dimension lines

Lines are used to show how the dimensions and notes are related to the views on drawing.

Projection lines are thin continuous lines that come away from the drawing at the feature
being sized.

Dimension lines are thin continuous lines with an arrowhead on both ends.

All parameters of dimensioning are variable and must be set according to AS1100. It is
normal practice to use gaps and extension in excess of 2 mm.

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1.4.4. Location of dimensions

 Horizontal dimensions are placed above and in the centre of the dimension line
 Vertical dimensions are placed above and in the centre of the dimension line,
usually when seen from the right-hand side of the drawing sheet
 Angular dimensions are place in the angle.

1.4.5. Local Notes

Local notes apply to specific features only connected to a feature by a leader. Notes should
always be lettered horizontally. Leader arrows for notes should always point toward the
circular view of the hole feature and if extended, would pass through the centre. Local notes
showing hole features, using the above symbols, are presented below.

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1.4.6. Linear pitches

Holes can be “pitched” along a straight line. It called a pitch line and drawn as a centreline.
Various methods are used to dimension the pitch as indicated below.

Method 1:

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Method 2:

Method 3:

Method 4:

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1.4.7. Datum

Datum is used to:

 Prevent accumulate errors occurring during marking out and manufacturing

 To keep dimensions relative to a certain position

Datum may be edges or centrelines

The symbol for a datum is a filled triangle. It is placed on the datum line as shown in the
example bellow. A letter inside a circle provides a reference for the datum

1.4.8. Circular pitches

Holes can be pitched around a circle which is called a pitch circle. It is described as a circle
or part circle from a centre. The diameter of the circle is designated as the pitch circle
diameter or PCD.

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1.4.9. Multi-view dimensioning

 Each dimension should appear on one view only

 All horizontal dimensions should be readable from the bottom of the sheet
 All vertical dimensions should be readable from the right-side of the sheet
 All dimensions should be outside the views

1.4.10. Isometric or Oblique Dimensioning

When placing dimensions on a pictorial drawing, the following information may assist:

- Projection lines are drawn:

o Parallel to a plane
o Away from the object
- Insert dimension lines with arrow heads
- Dimensions are sometimes placed within the view if they are clear to read.
- Dimensions are drawn parallel to a plane

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1.5. Tolerancing

1.5.1. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing

Engineering drawings need to show the dimensions for all features of a part. Next to the
dimensions, a tolerance value needs to be specified with the minimum and maximum
acceptable limit. The tolerance is the difference between the minimum and maximum limit.
For example, if we have a table that we would accept with a height between 750 mm and
780 mm, the tolerance would be 30 mm.

However, the tolerance for the table implies that to accept a table that is 750 mm high on
one side and 780 mm on the other, or has a waved surface with 30 mm variation. In this
case it is necessary to appropriately tolerance the product, it needs a symbol to
communicate the design intent of a flat top surface. Therefore, an additional flatness
tolerance in addition to the overall height tolerance is needed.

Similarly, a cylinder with a tolerance diameter will not necessarily fit into its hole if the
cylinder gets slightly bent during the manufacturing process. Therefore, it also needs a
straightness control, which would be difficult to communicate with plus-minus tolerancing. Or
a tube that must seamlessly match a complex surface that it’s welded to requires a surface
profile control.

The art of tolerancing means to specify just the right variations for all specific design features
in order to maximize product approval rate within the limits of the manufacturing processes
and depending on the part’s visual and functional purpose.

In the metric system, there are International Tolerance (IT) grades that can also be used to
specify tolerances by means of symbols. The symbol 40H11, for example, means a 40 mm
diameter hole with a loose running fit. The manufacturer then only needs to look up the basis
table for hole features to derive the exact tolerance value.

The standards do not only pertain to designers and engineers but also to quality inspectors
by informing them how to measure the dimensions and tolerances. Using specific tools such

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as digital micrometers and calipers, height gauges, surface plates, dial indicators, and a
coordinate measuring machine (CMM) are important to tolerancing practice.

When measuring and defining a part, the geometry exists in a conceptual space called the
Datum Reference Frame (DRF). This is comparable to the coordinate system at the origin of
a space in 3D modelling programs. A datum is a point, line or plane that exists in the DRF
and is used as a starting place for measuring. Make sure to define the datum features
relevant to the functionality of the part. Unless there are mating features of one part to those
of others in an assembly, a single datum can be used. Always make sure that the primary
datum has a reliable location to derive other measurements from, for example, where the
final part will have little unpredictable variation.

1.5.2. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing guidelines

An engineering drawing must accurately convey the product without adding unnecessary
complexity or restrictions. The following guidelines are helpful to consider:

• Clarity of a drawing is the most important, even more so than its accuracy and
completeness. To improve clarity, draw dimensions and tolerances outside of the
part's boundaries and applied to visible lines in true profiles, employ a unidirectional
reading direction, convey the function of the part, group and/or stagger dimensions,
and make use of white space.
• Always design for the loosest feasible tolerance to keep costs down.
• Use a general tolerance defined at the bottom of the drawing for all dimensions of the
part. Specific tighter or looser tolerances indicated in the drawing will then supersede
the general tolerance.
• Tolerance functional features and their interrelations first, then move on to the rest of
the part.
• Whenever possible, leave Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing work to the
manufacturing experts and do not describe manufacturing processes in the
engineering drawing.
• Do not specify a 90-degree angle since it is assumed.
• Dimensions and tolerances are valid at 20 °C / 101.3 kPa unless stated otherwise

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1.5.3. Tolerancing symbols

Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing is feature-based, with each feature specified by

different controls. These fall into five groups:

• Form controls specify the shape of features, including:

o Straightness is divided into line element straightness and axis straightness.
o Flatness means straightness in multiple dimensions, measured between the
highest and lowest points on a surface.
o Circularity or roundness can be described as straightness bent into a circle.
o Cylindricity is basically flatness bent into a barrel. It includes straightness,
roundness, and taper, which makes it expensive to inspect.
• Profile controls describe the three-dimensional tolerance zone around a surface:
o Line Profile compares a two-dimensional cross-section to an ideal shape. The
tolerance zone is defined by two offset curves unless otherwise specified.
o Surface Profile creates through two offset surfaces between which the feature
surface must fall. This is a complex control typically measured with a CMM.
• Orientation controls concern dimensions that vary at angles, including:
o Angularity is flatness at an angle to a datum and is also determined through
two reference planes spaced the tolerance value apart.
o Perpendicularity means flatness at 90 degrees to a datum. It specifies two
perfect planes the feature plane must lie in between.
o Parallelism means straightness at a distance. Parallelism for axes can be
defined by defining a cylindrical tolerance zone by placing a diameter symbol
in front of the tolerance value.
• Location controls define feature locations using linear dimensions:
o Position is the location of features relative to one another or to datums and is
the most used control.
o Concentricity compares the location of a feature axis to the datum axis.
o Symmetry ensures that non-cylindrical parts are similar across a datum plane.
This is a complex control typically measured with a CMM.
• Runout controls define the amount by which a feature can vary with respect to the
o Circular Runout is used when there is a need to account for many different
errors, such as ball-bearing mounted parts. During inspection, the part is
rotated on a spindle to measure the variation or ‘wobble’ around the rotational
o Total Runout is measured on multiple points of a surface, not just describing
the runout of a circular feature but of an entire surface. This controls
straightness, profile, angularity, and other variations.

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1.5.4. Feature control Frame

The Feature Control Frame is the notation to add controls to the drawing. The leftmost
compartment contains the geometric characteristic. In the example above, it is a location
control but it can contain any of the control symbols. The first symbol in the second
compartment indicates the shape of the tolerance zone. In this example, it is a diameter as
opposed to a linear dimension. The number indicates the allowed tolerance.

Next to the tolerance box, there are separate boxes for each datum feature that the control
refers to. Here, the location will be measured related to datum B and C. Next to the tolerance
or a datum feature is an optional encircled letter, the feature modifier.

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The following possibilities can occur:

• M means that the tolerance applies in the Maximum Material Condition (MMC)
• L means that the tolerance applies in the Least Material Condition (LMC)
• U indicates an unequal bilateral tolerance, i.e. for a 1 mm tolerance it may specify it
as minus 0.20 and plus 0.80.
• P means that the tolerance is measured in a Projected Tolerance Zone at a specified
distance from the datum.
• No symbol installs the tolerance regardless of feature size (RFS)

For this example, if the part is not in MMC, a bonus tolerance can be added proportionally to
the deviation from MMC. If a part is at 90% MMC, the tolerance will also loosen by 10%.

1.5.5. Linear fits and tolerancing

Linear tolerancing:

• Caters for imperfect manufacturing processes

• Size within functional limits

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• Variation in value of a dimension

• Controls the manufacturing process

• Controls variation between mating parts

• Allows the interchange of parts.

1.5.6. Method 1 – Limit of size

This is by specifying both limits of size. The maximum limit called (the upper limit of size) is
placed above the dimension line, while the minimum limit (called the lower limit of size) is
placed below the dimension line.

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1.5.7. Method 2 – Bilateral tolerances

This method specifies the basic size (25) followed by the limits of tolerance above and below
the basic size (±0.25). This means that the upper and lower deviations have the same value,
but opposite signs.

1.5.8. Method 3 – Unilateral tolerancing

This method specifies the basic size followed by an allowable variation in size can occur
above or below the basic size.
In the hole-basis system the lower deviation and the upper deviation of the shaft is zero

The figure below shows and example of chain dimensioning:

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The figure below shows and example of chain and progressive dimensioning:

Important definitions of shaft and hole sizes and limits:

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1.5.9. Some Definitions

HOLE: A hole is defined as the member which houses or fits the shaft

NOMINAL SIZE: This the size by which an item is designated as a matter of


BASIC SIZE: This is the size from which the limits of size are derived by the

application of the upper and lower deviations. It is usually equal to the nominal


LIMITS of SIZE: These are the extremes of size which are allowed for a tolerance


Two limits are possible:

1. Max Allowable Size = “upper limit of size”

2. Minimum Allowable Size = “lower limit of size”

Maximum Material Limit (MML): The maximum (upper) limit of size for an external feature
(shaft), the minimum (lower) limit of size for an internal feature


Least Material Limit (LML): The minimum (lower) limit of size for an external feature (shaft),
the maximum (upper) limit of size for an internal feature (hole).

The figure below is showing classes of fits using the unilateral holes basis system:

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The figure below shows a selection of fits: Hole-basis system (deviations)

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The figure below shows a selection of fits: shaft-basis system (deviation)

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1.6. Sectioning

1.6.1. Types of sections

A cutting plane does not necessarily need to cut the whole object. There are three common
types of sectioning used in engineering drawing:

a. Full sectional views, named when a plane right cross the object, it is referred as a full

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b. Half sectional views are used when an object is symmetrical. Only one half is used as a
sectional view to show the inside and the other half shows the outside view.

c. Part sectional views, are local or part sectional views that show typical inside details
anywhere on the drawing, or details for one small section only.

1.6.2. Other sectional types

a. Offset sectional view

Used to show parts and features that do not line up with each other; cutting plane line does
not travel in a straight line, the offsets and bends in the cutting plane line do not show in the
section; the versatility of this section makes it very useful.

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b. Aligned sectional view

Used on symmetrical circular parts; place the cutting-plane line to show the most detail; all
parts and details are rotated into the section view, ribs and spokes can be left un-lined for
better clarity in the section view.

c. Revolved sectional view

Used to show a small portion of a drawing, show a cross-section of an area turned 90

degrees or perpendicular to the object, put into a drawing to show an area not normally

Required section views, usually two but possibly three or more views maybe needed to fully
describe a component. When choosing views we must consider:

• All six possible outside views;

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• Sections on any of the more important centre lines;

• Views or sections looking squarely at inclined features of the component to show them in
true shape.

1.6.3. Placement of views

The normal disposition of views a view deviated from the method of projection being used in
a drawing should be adequately titled. The direction in which the object is viewed is indicated
by an arrow usually twice the size of those used to terminate dimensions lines and letters.

1.6.4. Cutting planes

It is very important to visualize what the part will look like after it is cut open.
When choosing the type of section and location of the plane and each sectional view should
be linked to its appropriate cutting plane.
It is important, making the cut and drawing the view in the proper location.

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1.6.5. Labelling of cutting planes and section views: labelling usually recognised as
coding is used in a technical drawing to describe the cross referencing parts of a drawing,
either within the same sheet or from one sheet to another, shorthand letter codes are used
rather than words and it relies on everyone understanding how to read them. See previous
drawing examples.

1.6.6. Orthographic projection

Orthographic projection, or often know as mechanical drawings, is a drawing that

communicates the shape and size of an object through a series of related two-dimensional
views. Despite a few differences in how the views are laid out, mechanical drawings have
been called the universal language especially for the engineering and fabrication industry
because they are produced in a similar format that understandable worldwide.
There are two methods of locating the views:

First Angle Projection Third Angle Projection

Used in Europe, Asia Australia (According to AS1100.101) and
United States
The object is imagined to be in first The object is imagined to be in third quadrant
The object is lies between the observer The plane of projection lies between the
and plane of projection observer and object

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The plane of projection assumed to be The plane of projection assumed to be

non-transparent transparent
When view is drawn in their relative When view is drawn in their relative position
• Top view comes above Front view
• Top view comes below Front view
• Right side view drawn to the right-side
• Right side view drawn to the left elevation
side of elevation

Imagine the object you are viewing is Imagine the object you are viewing is suspended
suspended within a glass box. First angle within a glass box. Third Angle projection will
projection will project each side of the object project each side of the object outwards to the
across to the far side of the glass box side of the box.

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1.7. Detail drawing

A revolutionary idea has value only if it can be effectively communicated. For engineers to
imagine, create and design the products, devices and systems that have lasting impact on
society, they must know how to present and archive their designs in a manner that is
understood by all engineers across cultural and geographical boundaries. Given proper detail
drawings, manufacturers know exactly how parts are created without the need for additional
verbal explanation from engineers. A detail drawing stands on its own, so to speak, and
provides a record or archive of the engineer's precise intent. Well-crafted detail drawings
preserve creative work from one generation to the next.

An Engineering Detail Drawing contains the key points to enable the manufacture or
description of a single component that defines and communicates part of a complete design
to other interested parties.

Detail Drawings must provide enough information to enable a part manufacture.

Enough orthogonal views: enough views to adequate describe the component.

Dimensions: Must be evenly distributed, structured and not duplicated.

Scale: Drawing must state the scale used to fit the component onto the drawing sheet.

The type of projection: Third Angle Projection is mandatory.

Drafting Standard (AS1100): This will be effectively covered.

The name or title of drawing: What is the name of the component?

The drawing number: What is the number (in-house system) of the component?

Dimensional units used: mm, m, inches, feet etc.

Tolerances: What are the manufacturing tolerances for each part of the component.

Surface texture (or roughness): How smooth/rough each part of the component must be.

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Treatments (coatings, tempers etc.): Does the component need protective coatings?

Reference to assembly drawing: What does my component fit into?

Material: What material is the component manufactured from?

Drafter (who drew it), Checker (who checked it), Approver (who approved it) and dates
Zones: Where on the drawing are you referring to?

Revision: What has been revised and why and what revision is this drawing?

Sheet Size: A4, A3, A2, A1 or A0

Company: School of Engineering, Baxter Institute.

Sheets Reference (e.g. Sheet 1 of 3): When more than one sheet is required.

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1.7.1. Bill of Materials

Material list of Bill of Material (BOM) specify what inventory items are needed to fabricate a
finished goods item or a sub-assembly. The material list usually include:

• Item Number
• Quantity – the number of a particular part needed for the assembly
• Part or drawing number – a reference back to the detail drawing
• Description – usually the part name or complete description of a purchase part
• Material Identification – The material of the part
• Information about vendors – for purchase parts

Material list location depends on company standards. Commonly it located in:

• Above the title block

• Upper right coner of the title block
• Upper left corner of the title block
• A convenient location on the drawing

1.8. Symbols
1.8.1. Surface finish
The goal of the designer is to specify surface finishes that are as coarse as possible but will
still function within the part’s desired operating parameters. The goal of the machinist is to
achieve surface finishes on parts that are as good as those required by the designer, but not
better as that results in the cheapest to manufacture parts. It’s important for designer and
manufacturer to agree on exactly which parameters (Ra, Rz, etc..) are to be used for
inspecting and parts acceptance.
Surface Finishes vary tremendously by the manufacturing process used to achieve them. A
flame cut plate edge has a radically different surface finish than a ground surface, for
example. Choosing a process that’s capable of achieving the desired surface finish is the
first step in figuring out how to manufacture a part that requires a particular finish.
Finishing surfaces are listed in the table below. The most common surface finish used with
Australian standards is N7 and that refers to rotating shafts and with bearing seats.

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Finishing symbols:

1.8.2. Weld finish

The most common weld symbols are: fillet, butt, stich and spot welding. Fillet and butt welds
are required for rotational parts, and structural constructions, they have special
characteristics and follow different techniques that is mandatory to be specified in a technical
With butt welds, the welding symbol will tell you final finish or controu
- It may be ground off flush
- It may be left in its original state – convex
- Concave welds are rarely used
Below are some example of weld contour

Fillet weld
8mm leg (other side)

Fillet weld both side

6mm leg length (arrow side)
12mm leg length (other side)

Fillet weld (both sides)

8mm leg lengths

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Fillet weld
6mm leg lenth
Weld all round

Single V butt joint (arrow side)

Weld arrow side

Butt joint – open square

Welded arrow side

These graphics are from the CIGWELD Welding Consumables Pocket Guide

1.9. Awareness of copyright and intellectual property issues and legislation in

relations to drawings
Blueprints and technical drawings are entitled to copyright protection as pictorial, graphic or
sculptural works. They must meet two standards to be eligible for copyright protection:
- They must be the author’s original work. This also means that they must show some
minimal amount of creativity.
- They must be fixed in a tangible object, such as paper or digital medium you cannot
copyright an idea or concept.
Blueprints and technical drawings do not have to be artistic if they show the required amount
of creativity.
Architectural blueprints are copyrightable separately from the architectural works they depict.
Only permanent buildings built after December 1, 1990 and habitable by humans are entitled
to copyright protection as architectural works, but blueprints can be copyrighted for a much
wider range of structures.

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Learning Activity 1 – Review Questions

1. List and describe the new computer technologies and software to produce technical




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2. The following is a production card, review that card and using AutoCAD produce
and orthographic drawing, use the appropriate sheet size, include all required
dimensions, shaft diameter, tolerances, keyway, connecting holes and specify the
overall weight of the part.

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3. The following is a CY730 impeller assembly production card, using

AutoCAD produce an orthographic drawing assembly to Australian Standards,
include all dimensions, tolerances, all set of drawings, welding procedures,
and overall weight.
Airfoil blade assembly details are also in a production card below.

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3. Name the following projections

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_______________________ _______________________


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2.1. Issues associated with the tools and materials used for drawing.

2.1.1. Hazards

Drawing inks are usually water-based, but there are some solvent-based drawing inks.
These usually contain toxic solvents like xylene.

Alcohol-based markers are less toxic than aromatic solvent-based markers.

2.1.2. Precautions

1. Drawing materials can be: Toxic, can cause physical injury by inhalation, ingestion or by
skin contact. They can be irritating, causing inflammation of the skin, eyes, mucous
membranes or pain.

2. Do not eat or drink from the work area (to avoid accidental ingestion).

3. Familiarize yourself with substances that are dangerous.

4. Hands must always be clean during work.

5. Wash your hands thoroughly after working with baby oil, soap and water,

6. Keep the work area clean and try to keep it in order.

7. Ask your doctor if you are taking medication or are pregnant about what precautions you
should take with regards to work tools such as ink, which can in some way affect health.

8. All drawing instruments should be kept clean with a cloth or towel.

9. Identify the location of the extinguishers and the first aid box.

10. Notify your boss of any health conditions or medications that may affect your work.

11. Always have adequate ventilation.

12. When using liquid drawing media such as ink try using those that are alcohol-based as
they are less toxic.

13. Never paint your body with markers or drawing inks. Body painting should be done with
cosmetic colors.

14. Hazards: Drawing inks are generally water based but there are some solvents that
generally contain solvents such as xylene so precautions should be taken.

15. Permanent felt tip markers used in the design or graphic arts contain solvents. Xylene, is
a highly toxic aromatic compound

16. New markers often contain propyl alcohol which, although less toxic, is irritating to the
eyes, nose and throat. The greatest risk of using permanent markers is the use of them at
close range.

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17. Try not to accept the measure.

18. Try to always keep the eraser free of ink and graphite.

19. Have a brush to wipe away any debris from the eraser.

20. Never deliver a project with small perforations caused by the compass.

21. Always try to have a natural light entrance at your workplace.

22. When using the pencil sharpener, make sure your hands are clean and free from any
trace of graphite.

23. Never carry your work items into your mouth.

24. The pencil should always be kept sharp and should be used properly. It should be kept
away from the drawing sheet and other instruments.

25. Hand contact with the drawing sheet should be avoided.

26. Rubbing or erasure should be done correctly with a soft eraser.

27. If you suffer from allergies or have sensitive eyes, always try to protect your eye lenses.

28. If you wear long hair, you should try to pick it up, so it does not interfere with the process
of drawing creation.

29. Every 30 minutes try to rest your eyes for 10 minutes.

30. The ink containers and all working instruments should be kept at a reasonable distance
from the technical drawing work being executed.

31. Never leave glasses near the project being carried out.

32. Try to have the least contact with the drawing in which you are working.

33. Never support your elbows or body in the drawing project that is being carried out.

34. Always try to make the entrance of natural light or the lamp you use to have a spotlight
on the left.

35. The paper in which you work should always be on the left side of the board and if you
are left-handed, on the right side.

36. Always keep your drawings protected in a cylinder or folder that prevents them from
becoming soiled.

37. As far as layout lines are concerned, always make sure that they are sharp and that they
are never blurred.

38. When the compass is used, the mine must always be sharpened.

39. Before submitting your project, look for a second opinion from a colleague who gives you
his point of view regarding the hygiene of your drawing.

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40. After finalizing your project, clean your work area, your instruments and always keep
your area flawless.

2.2. Quality assurance procedure

Quality assurance procedures in relation to CAD drafting will be about making sure all CAD
models and documentation are accurately produced, stored, transmitted, and plotted with
the least amount of error/rework humanly possible.

In a CAD context, a simple error such as incorrect text can be fixed immediately without
stopping production, but a bigger problem like an error in a base model or coordinate
misalignment, for example, it may mean that it’s time to stop the project and get key players
involved to fix the underlying error before things get even worse.

Make Everyone Quality-Minded

“Flagging and Fixing” illustrates the true basis of quality control: making everyone quality
minded. Here are the key points:

When everyone looks for errors, everyone pays more attention to their own work. After all,
you don’t want the embarrassment of others finding your mistakes, so you’re more likely to
follow the standards, check your work, and do whatever you can to make sure you aren’t a
source of errors. When everyone starts to think that way, that’s when the magic happens.

The Andon cord makes errors public. It isn’t just that one person might find an error you
made, but rather that everyone will know about it. That brings the motivation to do things
right to an even higher level, since nobody wants to be the one who necessitated a break in

Kaizen makes quality a responsibility and a creed. By dissecting how errors happen and
assigning personnel to make sure it doesn’t happen again, there is no doubt that quality is a
priority within the organization.

Over time, the motivation to eliminate errors as much as possible while dealing aggressively
with any problems that do arise establishes a culture of quality. Rather than being driven by
a “fear of messing up” mindset, workers are motivated by an attitude of “I want to be sure
what I do is top quality.” As everyone on the team adopts this attitude, you’ll see a true
culture of quality emerge.

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Learning Activity 2 – Review Questions

1. What are the hazards presented in relation to dry drawing media?

2. What are the precautions to follow while working with dry media?
3. What are the hazards presented in relation to liquid drawing media?
4. What are the precautions to follow while working with liquid media?
5. What quality assurance procedures need to follow when working with free hand

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3.1. Computer technologies and navigating software

Computers and engineering are distinct technological pursuits, as people often equate
engineering with large macroscopic projects while computers are seen as producing effects
that are contained on microscopic chips. However, since the 90s we have increasingly seen
the widespread adoption of computer-aided technologies into traditional engineering fields.
As a result, engineers are seeing a significant expansion of options in how they can pursue

The use of computer technology in engineering fields dates back to the 80s, but recent years
have seen the two become almost completely dependent on one another. Many engineers
rely on computer software in order to ensure accuracy in their projects. Similarly, many new
software development projects keep engineering applications in mind during their

One recent example of the incredible merger of computer technology and engineering was
the use of computer simulations of origami models in order to assist in space satellite
assembly and deployment. These computerized origami models have also been used in
certain nanotechnological applications as well, including attempts to create more durable
and sustainable materials and substances for manufacturing industries.

Engineers are responsible for the development of our smallest technologies — like the
microprocessors in our smartphone — to our largest technologies — like spacecraft and
nuclear reactors. In the 21st century, we not only rapidly develop technology, but we
incorporate it into many new aspects of our lives. We now live in the age of smart homes,
self-driving cars and private spacecraft, and engineers are the ones who make these things

At present there are a few design and navigation software. In the design field we have
AutoCAD, Solid Works, Revit, Pro Engineer, Catia, ProSteel, Xteel, Inventor, Microstation.

In the navigation field we have GPS, TOM TOM, AGI to name a few.

Navigation software is based on a vector base map often with a picture in the background
and design software also is based on a vector base graphics.

3.2. AutoCAD

One of the major uses of computer technology in engineering is with CAD software.
Computer aided design software is the application of computer technology for the purposes
of design.

This industrial art is now widely used in many traditional industries, such automobile
manufacturing, shipbuilding, aerospace, prosthetics, architectural projects and even special
effects in movies. It is essentially the evolution of a merger between a graphical user
interface and Non-uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS) geometry, and currently functions for
all major platforms.

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CAD software is an element of product lifestyle management, which involves tracing a

product from inception to completion. PLM includes Product Data Management, which can
be used to study and assess buildings for structural integrity, ergonomics, voltages and even
electromagnetic emissions. PLM fields also helps engineers with specific tasks, such as
circuit boards, schematics, and civil engineering.

Computer Aided Drafting by Autodesk is the most popular drawing program easy to
manipulate and is available in many student versions for free online at:


• 2D line drawings
• 3D constructions
• Rendering
• Part Assemblies.

To install follow the instructions, it will take a few minutes. It will ask a series of questions
including your email address and institution where you are studying at present. An email will
be sent that will require confirmation, soon after the product key, serial number and the term
will be sent.

3.2.1. Setting up the workspace

When AutoCAD is all set and working then we will be ready to use all its capabilities and
manipulate the necessary features to produce specific drawings with the appropriate
requirements for printing and presentation. The person or organization that require these
drawings must be satisfied and therefore approve its contents, it is then when the required
part or assembly will be manufactured.

To begin working with AutoCAD we will click on star drawing and then we will set the
required preferences.

Click on the big A then click at Options

The option window is where all preferences within the drawing will be set.

Click at New, then drawing, then default template acad.dwt,

At the top of the ribbon a dropdown command arrow and set the workspace to Mechanical,

Click on the User preferences tab and set right click customization

At the next window set on:

Default mode: Repeat last command

Edit Mode: Repeat last command,

Command mode: Enter

Then Apply and close

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At the same tab User Preferences, insertion scale, Source content, use Millimeters then
Target drawing units, click on Millimeters.

At the Display tab search for colors and set on black 33,40,48

Then apply and close,

At the Selection Tab, set Grips to:

Pickbox size to 35% and grip size to 20%

Snap and aperture settings are on a totally personal basis.

There are many options as: Grid, Orthographic Polar snap, Object snap. Dynamic UCS,
Dynamic Input, etc, set them at your own advantage.

At AM: Standards click on ISO; it will lead you to metric standards

Click on Apply and close.

Some common Commands:

a. 2D Commands:

Line, Rectangle, Circle, Polyline, Trim, Extend, Offset, Move, Mirror, Scale, Rotate, Text

b. 3D Commands:

Extrude Union, Subtract, 3D Rotate.

Helpful Commands:

Units, Properties, Measure, Dimension.

3.2.2. Paper space:

There are two distinct working environments, called "model space" and "paper space," in
which you can work with objects in a drawing.

• By default, you start working in a limitless 3D drawing area called model space. You
begin by deciding whether one unit represents one millimeter, one centimeter, one inch,
one foot, or whatever unit is most convenient. You then draw at 1:1 scale.
• To prepare your drawing for printing, switch to paper space. Here you can set up
different layouts with title blocks and notes; and on each layout, you create layout
viewports that display different views of model space. In the layout viewports, you scale
the model space views relative to paper space. One unit in paper space represents the
actual distance on a sheet of paper, either in millimeters or inches, depending on how
you configure your page setup.
Model space is accessible from the Model tab and paper space is accessible from the layout

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3.2.3. Viewports

Layout viewports are objects that display views of model space. You create, scale, and place
them in paper space on a layout.

On each layout, you can create one or more layout viewports. Each layout viewport is like a
closed-circuit TV monitor of a view of the model at a scale and orientation that you specify.

3.2.4. Create Layout Viewports

When you use the MVIEW command to create a new layout viewport, you specify the view
that you want to display in it with one of several methods:

• Click the diagonal corners of a rectangular area, and the extents of model space are
displayed automatically.
• Specify the Named option to use a previously saved model-space view.
• Specify the New option for temporary access model space to define a rectangular area.
• Choose the Object option and select a closed object such as a circle or closed L-shaped
polyline to convert into a layout viewport.
Note: It is important to create layout viewports on their own layer. When you are ready to
output your drawing, you can turn off that layer to display the layout viewport without its

3.2.5. Modify Layout Viewports

After you create a layout viewport, you can change its size and properties, and scale and
move it as needed.

• For control of all the properties of a layout viewport, use the Properties palette.
• For the most common changes, select a layout viewport and use its grips.

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Note: Because they are objects, you can also use editing commands such as COPY, MOVE,
and ERASE on layout viewports.

3.2.6. Locked Layout Viewports

To prevent accidental panning and zooming, each layout viewport has a Display Locked
property that can be turned on or off. You can access this property from the Properties
palette, the right-click menu when a layout viewport is selected, a button on the Layout
Viewports tab on the ribbon, and a button on the status bar when one or more layout
viewports are selected.

3.2.7. To insert view in viewports, follow the steps:

1. If necessary, click a layout tab.

2. Set the current layer to a layer that's reserved for layout viewports (recommended).
The border visibility of layout viewports is controlled by layer visibility. Whether this layer
is plotted is controlled by the setting in the Plot column in the Layer Properties Manager.

3. Click Layout tab Layout Viewports panel Insert View.

4. Do one of the following:
• If named views have not been saved in model space, click two points to define a
rectangular view from expanded model space. Press Enter to accept the results or
click two more points.
• If one or more named views were previously saved in model space, click to choose a
named view from the gallery.
• If one or more named views were previously saved in model space, click the New
View button at the bottom of the gallery. Then, click two points to define a rectangular
view from expanded model space. Press Enter to accept the results or click two more
5. Right click to display a list of scales and click one of them.
6. Click to place the layout viewport on the layout.
• To adjust the size, shape, and border of the new layout viewport, select the layout
viewport and click a size grip one of the corners of the viewport object.

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• To move the layout viewport, click the move grip at the center of the viewport and click a
new location. Alternatively, you can use the Move command.
• To change the display scale, click the triangular scale grip near the center of the layout
viewport. You can also select the edge of the viewport object and specify the viewport
scale in the Properties palette.
Viewports in layouts help to arrange drawings into an organised sheet at specific scales and
can set up a printer to make the printing process quicker every time, by Click on Page Setup
Manager and set the printer and paper size.

3.2.8. Scaling views in layout viewports

To scale each displayed view accurately for output, set the scale of each layout viewport.

When you work in a layout, the scale factor of a view in a layout viewport represents a ratio
between the actual size of the model displayed in the viewport and the size of the layout.
The ratio is determined by dividing the paper space units by the model space units. For
example, for a quarter-scale drawing, the ratio would be a scale factor of one paper space
unit to four model space units, or 1:4.

You can change the view scale of the viewport by using

• The Properties palette

• The triangular scale grip in a selected viewport
• The Viewports Scale on the status bar
• The XP option of the ZOOM command when model space is accessed from within a
layout viewport

• Scaling or stretching the layout viewport border does not change the scale of the view
within the viewport.
• When creating a new drawing based on a template, the scales in the template are used
in the new drawing. The scales in the user profile are not imported.
• You can modify the list of scales that are displayed in all view and plot scale lists with
SCALELISTEDIT. After you add a new scale to the default scale list, you can use the
Reset button in the Edit Drawing Scales dialog box to add the new scale to your drawing.
3.3. Annotative Objects and Scaling

Annotative objects are defined at a paper height instead of a model size and assigned one
or more scales. These objects are scaled based on the current annotation scale setting and
are automatically displayed at the correct size in the layout or when plotted. The annotation
scale controls the size of the annotative objects relative to the model geometry in the

You can specify the default list of scales available for layout viewports, page layouts, and
plotting in Default Scale List dialog box.

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To create your first sketch, select Top View with the compass. Disable Grid Snap by
pressing F9. Now type “line” and press Enter. This will enable the Line command.

With AutoCAD, you can simply type in the first letters of any command. The software will
autocomplete or show any available commands. When you have entered the line command,
it asks you to specify the first point. You can now either select a random point in your Draw
Space or enter the coordinates. Enter 0 for X-Coordinate, change to Y-Coordinate by
pressing Tab, enter 0 as well and confirm your coordinates by pressing Enter. You have now
selected the center of the coordinate system as Start.

Now move your mouse to the positive side of the X-Axis. You can now see how the
coordinate input changed to Polar coordinates. Enter 25 for the length of the line by pressing
Tab you can switch to the angular input. Try sketching a square for starting. When you have
returned to the center, press Escape to end the line command.

3.3.1. Select an object

To select objects, you can click on them. Unselect by holding down the “Shift” key and
clicking again. Select multiple objects by left clicking and moving from left to right. This will
select all objects fully enclosed within the blue rectangle. When you drag from right to left,
you will select all objects touched by the green rectangle. Click again to confirm the
selection. Clicking and holding the left mouse button will enable the lasso, which lets you
select a random shape.

3.3.2. Drawing tools

AutoCAD offers simpler ways to draw a square or rectangle. Select your entire rectangle by
marking it. Click on the far outside of your rectangle once. This will enable a rectangular
selection. If you click and hold you can lasso around the entity, you want to select. Press the
Delete Button on your keyboard or type “Delete” to remove the selected lines.

In the upper toolbar, you can find all the drawing tools. You can either type in the command
or click on the tool you want to use in the next steps. Coordinates, values, and angles are
separated by a dash so: X/Y/Angle°. You do not need to set ° to an angle when entering it in
AutoCAD. When referring to a specific coordinate, the cartesian convention (X, Y, Z) will be

3.3.3. Drawing Basic Shapes and Edit Sketches

For this AutoCAD tutorial, type in “Rectangle” and press Enter to initiate the command. Start
at the CenterPoint and end at (10,50).

Start a circle at (0,40) and confirm by pressing enter. Set the radius to 8. If you made a
mistake, simply double-click on the sketch you want to edit. In the popped-up window edit
the values.

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Start a center ellipse at (0,30). Set the major radius parallel to the X-Axis to 70 and set the
minor radius to 30.

3.3.4. Draw a second circle with Object Snap enabled

Draw a second circle at (25,40). Turn on Object Snap with by pressing F3 and guide the
radius of the circle parallel to the Y-Axis until you intersect with the ellipse. Click when you
see a green Cross. You need the circle to intersect the ellipse. Draw a line starting at
(10,55), you might want to turn off Object Snap, so the starting point will not get caught at
the corner of the rectangle. When you have placed the starting point turn on Object Snap
with the “Tangent” option enabled. Draw a line at a 65° angle until it snaps with the second
circle. Start a second line at the top right corner of the rectangle. Enable “Nearest” in Object
Snap option draw a line in a 130° angle, snapping to the first circle.

3.3.5. Drawing with the Spline Command for Beginners

Create a Spline starting at the center point. With the Spline tool, you can create a continuous
curved sine connecting points. First, you enter the distance, followed by the angle. If you
made a mistake type in “U” and press Enter to undo the last step. Enter the following polar
coordinates: 20/30°, 5/300°, 5/55°, 10/30°, 5/320°. End with a 230° Angle on the Ellipse.
Now type in a “T” to End Tangency and type in 190° for the angle and press Enter.

3.3.6. Trim Entities

Using the “Trim” command, you can remove extra lines up to an intersection. You can also
switch within the Trim command to “Erase” by typing R. This will remove lines not which are
not intersecting like the Delete command. Start the Trim command and press Enter to select
the entire Sketch for trimming. Trim the overhanging lines like in the picture. If you removed
a line by mistake type in “U” to Undo. Also, take a close look at any lines stuck in between
small edges. Those will most likely trouble in the extrusion process which will make your
sketch 3D. Confirm with Enter when you finished.

Next, select the line in the middle and the spare ellipse on the left and delete them. Finally,
highlight the tiny ellipse line in the upper triangle and delete it as well.

3.3.7. Mirror a Sketch

When drawing symmetrical sketches, it comes in handy to simply draw one-half of the
sketch and mirror it afterward. Type in “Mirror” or select Mirror in the Modify toolbar. Then
mark the entire sketch and confirm with Enter. Select CenterPoint as the first point of mirror
line and for the second point a positive coordinate along the Y-Axis. Click “No” on the
question to remove source object.

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3.4. Editing and transfer tools and methods

In AutoCAD there are editing capabilities, it is possible to import a PDF file and edit parts of
that file if needed.

The procedure is as follows:

Click on the insert command, at the import tab there is an option to import PDF files, it is
possible to specify the insertion points and if the file needs to be rotated or not. I the PDF file
has multiple files its is possible to choose which file is appropriate in order to continue with
the drawing.

Check in the options tab and select the options that needed to be kept in order to work with
that drawing, that will include text or raster images. Text is imported as text objects.

3.4.1. Transfer properties with Match Properties in AutoCAD

In AutoCAD this tool offers an efficient method of copying properties of one object to another
with complete control over properties copied.

Let’s assume that we have an object with particular set of properties like lineweight, linetype,
layer and transparency assigned to it and we want to transfer exact properties of that object
to another object in same or different drawing then we can directly use this tool instead of
assigning individual properties to the destination object.

3.4.2. How to access this command

You can start match properties command by using its command equivalent MA. You can
also place this command on quick access toolbar for easy access if you use it frequently. To
place it on quick access toolbar, click on the arrow on far right of the toolbar and select
Match properties from drop down menu. The match properties icon will appear on Quick
access toolbar.

3.4.3. Transferring properties

In order to copy properties type MA on the command line and press enter, now your cursor
will change into a Pickbox and command line will prompt you to select source object from
which properties will be copied. Click on object from drawing area then click on destination
object on which you want to transfer those properties. You can select multiple objects for
pasting properties as well.

In order to transfer properties between different drawings open both source and destination
drawings. Type MA press enter then select object from source drawing to copy properties
then go to drawing in which you want to paste properties, you will notice that match
properties command is still active in the second drawing. Now click on object(s) on which
you want to transfer properties.

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3.4.4. Deciding which property to copy

You can also decide which property to copy using match properties command. For changing
settings of match properties command type MA on command line press enter then select
any object from your drawing area.

3.4.5. Applying dimensions, text and symbols to drawing

To apply dimensions, follow the steps:

Create linear dimensions with horizontal, vertical, and aligned dimension lines. Create
baseline or chained dimensions. Place dimension lines at an angle to the extension lines or
make extension lines oblique.

3.4.6. Create Horizontal, Vertical, or Aligned Dimensions

1. Click Annotate tab Dimensions panel Dimension. Find

2. Select a line or specify the first and second extension line origin points.
3. Move your pointing device to the desired position and orientation of the dimension.
4. Before specifying the dimension line location, you can edit or rotate the text.
5. Click to place the dimension line.
6. Repeat steps to continue dimensioning or press Enter to end dimensioning.
Continued, baseline, and ordinate dimensions can be created using the options in this

3.4.7. Create a Linear Dimension with Angled Extension Lines

Click Annotate tab Dimensions panel Linear. Find

Specify the first and second extension line origin.

At the prompt, enter r (Rotated).

Enter an angle for the dimension line.

Click to place the dimension line.

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3.4.8. Create a Continued or Chain Dimension

Click Annotate tab Dimensions panel Continue. Find

If prompted, select the dimension to continue.

Note: This prompt is skipped if the first extension line origin can be assumed from the origin
of the second extension line of the last created linear or angular dimension.

Use object snaps to specify additional extension line origins.

Press Enter twice to end the command.

3.4.9. Create a Baseline Dimension

Click Annotate tab Dimensions panel Baseline. Find

If prompted, select the base dimension.

Note: This prompt is skipped if the first extension line origin can be assumed from the last
created linear or angular dimension.

Use an object snap to select the second extension line origin, or press Enter to select any
dimension as the base dimension.

The second dimension line is automatically located at the distance specified by the Baseline
Spacing option in the Dimension Style Manager, Lines tab.

Use an object snap to specify the next extension line origin.

Continue to select extension line origins as needed.

Press Enter twice to end the command.

3.4.10. Modify a Dimension to Specify Oblique Extension Lines

1. Click Annotate tab Dimensions panel Oblique. Find

2. Select a linear dimension.
3. Enter a value for the angle of obliqueness, or specify two points.
3.5. Create Multiline Text

For longer notes and labels with internal formatting, use multiline text.

1. Click Home tab Annotation panel Multiline Text. Find

2. Specify opposite corners of a bounding box to define the width of the multiline text
If the ribbon is active, the Text Editor contextual tab displays.

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If the ribbon is not active, the Text Formatting toolbar displays.

Note: The MTEXTTOOLBAR system variable controls the display of the Text Formatting
3. Specify the initial formatting.
• To indent the first line of each paragraph, drag the first-line indent slider on the ruler.
To indent the other lines of each paragraph, drag the hanging indent slider.
• To set tabs, click the ruler where you want a tab stop.
• To change the current text style, select the desired text style from the drop-down list.

4. Enter the text.

Note: While typing, the text may be displayed horizontally and at a legible size.

5. To change individual characters, words, or paragraphs, highlight the text and specify the
formatting changes.

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Note: SHX fonts do not support boldface or italics.

6. To save your changes and exit the editor, use one of the following methods:
• On the Text Editor ribbon contextual tab, in the Close panel, click Close Text Editor.
• Click OK on the Text Formatting toolbar.
• Click in the drawing outside the editor.
• Press Ctrl+Enter.
Note: Press Esc to exit the editor without saving your changes.

3.5.1. Create Single-line Text

For short, simple notes and labels, use single-line text.

Click Home tab Annotation panel Single Line Text. Find

Specify the insertion point.

If you press ENTER, the program inserts the new text immediately below the last text object
you created, if any.

Enter a height or click to specify the height of the text.

Note: If a specific text height is set in the current text style, this prompt is skipped.

Enter an angle value or click to specify the rotation angle.

Enter the text.

Note: While typing, the text may be displayed horizontally and at a legible size.

To create another single-line text, do one of the following:

Press ENTER to start another line of text immediately below.

Click a location for the next text object.

Press ENTER on a blank line to end the command.

3.5.2. Text Symbols and Special Characters Reference

You can include special characters and symbols by entering a control code or a Unicode

Symbols can be inserted in text using one of the following methods:

• In the In-Place Text Editor, right-click and click Symbol.

• On the expanded Text Formatting toolbar, click Symbol.
• Copy and paste from the Character Map.

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• Enter the control code or Unicode string.

Note: Precede the Unicode string with a backslash ( \ ).

Unicode strings and control codes

Name Control Codes Unicode Strings

Degree (°) %%d U+00B0

Plus/Minus Tolerance (±) %%p U+00B1

Diameter ( ) %%c U+2205

Text symbols and Unicode strings

Name Symbol Unicode String

Almost equal U+2248

Angle U+2220

Boundary line U+E100

Centerline U+2104

Delta U+0394

Electrical phase U+0278

Flow line U+E101

Identity U+2261

Initial length U+E200

Monument line U+E102

Not equal U+2260

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Unicode strings and control codes

Name Control Codes Unicode Strings

Ohm U+2126

Omega U+03A9

Plate/property line U+214A

Subscript 2 U+2082

Squared U+00B2

Cubed U+00B3

These text symbols are available in the following True Type (TTF) and SHX fonts:

• Simplex*
• Romans*
• gdt*
• amgdt*
• Isocp
• Isocp2
• Isocp3
• Isoct
• Isoct2
• Isoct3
• Isocpeur (TTF only)*
• Isocpeur italic (TTF only)
• Isocteur (TTF only)
• Isocteur italic (TTF only)
* These fonts also include the Initial Length symbol used for arc length dimensions.

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3.6. Import and export files into/out of working space

3.5.1. To Import or Open AutoCAD DWG Files

a. Importing DWG files.

The following workflows are available: You can also import and open an AutoCAD file
directly as an Associative DWG and create 3D Inventor models of 2D layouts.

You can open an AutoCAD DWG: You can then view, plot, and measure the file contents.
Objects display exactly as they do in AutoCAD.

You can import an AutoCAD DWG file into a part file. Importing an AutoCAD DWG into a
part file produces an associative underlay.

You can use the Project DWG Geometry command to project DWG underlay geometry and
then extrude the projected sketch.

You can create 3D Inventor models based on the DWG geometry created in AutoCAD.

The 3D model created in Inventor will associatively update when the 2D geometry changes
in AutoCAD.

In an assembly file, you can use the Joint and Constrain command to create relationships
between a DWG underlay geometry and a part.

You can import an AutoCAD or Mechanical Desktop DWG file using the DWG/DXF File

b. Open DWG files

To open an AutoCAD DWG file directly in Inventor:

File Open Import CAD Formats.

Get Started tab Launch panel Import CAD Formats

Get Started tab Launch panel Open

Import Associative DWG Underlay files into a Part file

3.6.2. To import into a part file, select:

1. To import into file, do one of the following:

• Manage tab Insert panel Import
• 3D Model tab Create panel Import
2. In the applicable dialog box, set the Files of type to view the available files.
3. Select the file to import and click open.
You can now use the Project DWG Geometry command to project DWG underlay geometry
and then extrude the projected sketch.

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After you project DWG block geometry you can extrude the DWG geometry and create 3D
features as desired.

3.6.3. Import non-Associative DWG files into a Part file

In the Sketch environment: Sketch tab Insert panel Insert

Note: You cannot import an DWG file into an assembly. You can open DWG underlay
geometry in an assembly file placing a part file that contains DWG model geometry.

3.6.4. Import Mechanical Desktop files (not available in Inventor LT)

You can convert 3D data in existing Mechanical Desktop files to features in Autodesk
Inventor part and assembly files. If Autodesk Inventor does not recognize the geometry or
features of the source files, they are skipped during translation and the missing data is noted
in the browser.

When you import Mechanical Desktop files, no links are maintained to existing files.

Note: You must have Mechanical Desktop on your computer to import files.

3.6.5. Importing DXF Files

If using a DWG file is not an option, the DXF file format is the next best method of getting
design data to and from 3ds Max. Most commonly, DXF files are used to import and export
modelling data to and from CAD programs that have support for DXF but not DWG files.

File menu > Import > Select File To Import dialog > Files Of Type > AutoCAD (*.DXF)

When you import an DXF file, 3ds Max converts a subset of AutoCAD objects to
corresponding 3ds Max objects. Importing DXF files employs the same methods as
importing DWG files.

3.6.6. AutoCAD Interchange (DXF) Files

DXF files are used to import and export objects to and from AutoCAD and other programs
that support this file format. Most commonly, DXF files are used to import and export
modelling data to and from CAD programs that have support for DXF but not DWG files.

• Entities that are frozen or turned off are ignored.

• The successful unification of face normals depends on the welding of coincident
vertices. Sometimes, depending upon the precision of the model as it was created in
AutoCAD, the vertices may not be close enough to be considered "coincident." They
will not be welded, and the faces will not be properly unified. In this case, increase
the Weld Threshold value in the Import DXF File dialog.
• Converting by layer can result in objects consisting of many elements. In certain
cases, some of these elements may have all of their face normals flipped the wrong
way. You can detect this in 3ds Max by turning off Backface Cull in the Display panel,
or by rendering the objects. Use the Normal modifier to correct this.
• If you do not want to flip normals, you can either use 2-sided materials, or turn on the
Render Setup dialog Force 2-Sided option.

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• If you are loading a large scene containing thousands of entities (such as 3D faces)
and have chosen to load an object by entity, the conversion can take a long time. It
also produces a huge number of objects to handle in 3ds Max. To avoid this,
organize your DXF file so that these kinds of entities are grouped by layer, then make
the conversion by layer rather than by entity.
• Keep the following in mind when you are creating your DXF geometry, and when you
are deciding whether to convert by layer, color, or entity:
• With AutoCAD Release 12, if you are using the AutoCAD Advanced Modelling
Extension (AME), use the SOLMESH command on your AME models prior to saving
the .dxf file.
• After importing a DXF file, you might want to divide the resulting 3ds Max file into
smaller objects.

3.6.7. Exporting to DXF Files

DXF files are used to import and export objects to and from AutoCAD (and other programs
that support this file format).

File menu > Export > Select File To Export dialog > Save As Type > AutoCAD (*.DXF)

Note: The DXF Exporter can export only mesh data. Therefore, all shapes and splines are
exported as mesh objects. Consequently, any open splines (which cannot be converted to
mesh objects) in your scene will not be exported.

These options are the same as for DWG export.

Export version drop-down list

Allows to choose the AutoCAD version to export. You can export to AutoCAD 2010,
AutoCAD 2007, AutoCAD 2004, AutoCAD 2000, or AutoCAD R12 DXF format.

3.6.8. Entire Scene / Selected Objects

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• Entire Scene (The default.) All objects in the scene are exported.
• Selected Objects When chosen, only the selected objects are exported. Choosing
this option is comparable to using File Export Selected.

3.7. Geometry Options group

3.7.1. Convert Instances to Blocks

Converts instances to AutoCAD block insertions. The block definition uses the same name
as the first instance converted. When turned off, each instance is converted as a separate
AutoCAD object. References are always exported as separate objects.

3.7.2. Skip Hidden Objects

Exports hidden objects. When turned off, hidden objects are not exported.

3.7.3. Ignore Extrude Capping

When turned on, exports shapes with Extrude modifiers as 2D AutoCAD objects with a
thickness property and ignores the state of the Cap Start and Cap End parameters. When
turned off, shapes with Extrude modifiers that also have Cap Start or Cap End turned on, are
exported as polyface 3D meshes. Extruded Circles, Donuts, and Rectangles export as
AutoCAD Circles, Donuts and Traces with a thickness property.

3.7.4. Export the attributes data

You can edit the attributes in Microsoft Excel. To do that, first you need to export the data
from AutoCAD. You can use ATTOUT command.

Or you can access it in express tools tab, blocks panel.

“ATTOUT and ATTIN are part of express tools command. If you don’t have it installed on
your computer, then you can’t use it.

export attributes will ask you to define a file name (in .txt format) and select objects to export.

3.8. Editing the attributes

You can edit the file using notepad. But it may not be convenient. It would be more
convenient to edit it in Microsoft Excel. And furthermore, you can use formula if the attribute
should be calculated value.

You can open txt file in Excel and edit there.

Open Microsoft Excel, then open file. You can’t double click from Windows Explorer.

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Change the file type to Text Files or All Files to see your exported file.

Click open. You will see import wizard. You can click Next to review the import settings. Or
just click finish to accept default settings.

Usually default settings would be fine. Now you can edit the values.

“DO NOT edit the handle column. It’s the block ID. If you change it, it might not import


When finished, save the file. There will be a warning because editing is in txt format. Just
click yes, to keep it in that format.

3.8.1. Importing the values

After finish editing the next step will be to import the value. Use import attributes or ATTIN.

Command: ATTIN

This is very handy if you work with many blocks in your drawing. Editing block attributes in
drawing would take a lot of time.

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3.8.2. To Create Drawing Views from AutoCAD 3D Models

Create base, orthogonal, and isometric projected views from 3D solids and surfaces in
model space.

1. At the bottom right of the drawing area, click the tab corresponding to the layout you
intend to create the base view on.
Tip: If the layout contains a viewport, we recommend that you delete it before you

2. Click Home tab View panel Base drop-down From Model Space. Find
Entire model space is selected, and a preview of the base view appears at the
cursor. To create the base view for selected objects only:

• Click Drawing View Creation tab Select panel Model Space Selection. Find
• SHIFT-click the objects you don't want to include in the base view.
Tip: If you accidently removed an object that you didn't intend to, click the object.
The object is selected for the base view.
• Press ENTER to return to the layout.
3. In the Orientation panel of the Drawing View Creation contextual ribbon tab, select
the orientation for the base view.
4. In the Appearance panel, specify the scale and view style.
5. Click in the drawing area to indicate the location to place the base view and press
ENTER. A preview of a projected view appears at the cursor.
Note: You can change the properties of the base view using the ribbon until you
press ENTER.
6. Move the preview to the desired location and click. Repeat until all the required
projected views are created.
Note: As you move the preview, the orientation of the projected view changes to
reflect its relationship to the base view.

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7. Click Drawing View Creation tab Create panel OK. Find

3.8.3. To Work with Parallel and Perspective Views

Define a Perspective View of a 3D Model Using DVIEW

1. At the Command prompt, enter DVIEW.

2. Select the objects to display.

3. Enter ca (Camera).

By default, a camera point is set at the center of the drawing.

4. Adjust the view as if you're aiming a camera.

A representation of a house shows the current viewing angle. You can set your view

dynamically by moving the crosshairs and clicking.

5. To switch between angle-input methods, enter t (Toggle Angle).

You also can adjust the view with one of two angle-input methods.

• For Enter Angle from the XY Plane, enter an angle up or down relative to
the XY plane of the current UCS. The default, 90 degrees, points the camera straight
down from above.
After you enter the angle, the camera is locked at that elevation. You can rotate the
camera around the target relative to the X axis of the current UCS.
• For Enter Angle in The XY Plane from The X Axis, rotate the camera around the
target relative to the X axis of the current UCS.

6. To turn on the perspective view, enter d (Distance).

7. Enter a distance, or press Enter to set the perspective view.

You can use the slider bar to set the distance between the selected objects and the

camera, or you can enter a real number. If the target and camera points are very close

(or if the Zoom option is set high), you might see only a small part of your drawing.

3.8.4. Turn off a Perspective View Using DVIEW

1. At the Command prompt, enter DVIEW.

2. Select the objects to display.

3. Enter o (Off).

Perspective is turned off and the view is restored to a parallel projection.

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3.8.5. Create a Parallel Projection Dynamically

1. At the Command prompt, enter DVIEW.

2. Do one of the following:

• Select the objects to display and press Enter.

• Press Enter without selecting objects to see a representation of a house that shows
the current viewing angle.

3. Enter ca (Camera).

By default, a camera point is set at the center of the drawing.

4. Adjust the view as if you're aiming a camera.

You can set your view dynamically by moving the crosshairs and clicking.

5. To switch between the angle-input methods, enter t (Toggle Angle).

You can also adjust the view with one of two angle-input methods.

• For Enter Angle from The XY Plane, enter an angle up or down relative to
the XY plane of the current UCS. The default, 90 degrees, points the camera
straight down from above.
After you enter the angle, the camera is locked at that elevation. You can rotate
the camera around the target relative to the X axis of the current UCS.
• For Enter Angle in The XY Plane from The X Axis, rotate the camera around the
target relative to the X axis of the current UCS.

6. Press Enter to exit and apply the projection.

3.8.6. About Presentations, Exploded Views, and Publishing

Use the default template or a custom template to create a presentation file (.ipn). Insert an
assembly model and create tweaks, trails, and snapshot views. Use snapshot views to
create exploded drawing views or raster images of the model. Or, create animations, and
output them as video files. Presentations are not available in Inventor LT.

3.8.7. Scenes, Source Models, and Model Representations

A presentation file includes one or more scenes. Scenes are independent and can use
different source models and different sets of model representations.

When you create a scene, you select a source assembly file. Then you specify a design
view, positional, and level of detail representation to use. The positional and level of detail
representations cannot be changed for existing scenes. Presentations maintain associativity
to the source model. Part and Assembly changes to models are automatically reflected in
the Presentation source model. If presentation views are used in a drawing, the drawing
views update with the Part or Assembly changes without having to open the presentation

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3.9. Design View Representations

You can change the design view representation or associativity setting for an existing scene.
An associative design view representation propagates edits from the source model to the
presentation scene. If appropriate, you can override properties inherited from an associative
design view representation, for example component visibility. When you start overriding a
design view representation in a scene, associativity is blocked for overridden properties.
Only the original property values are updated from the design view representation of the
source model.

If the Associative option is not selected for a scene, no link to the source design view
representation exists. Only the initial model and camera settings are populated from the
design view representation.

3.9.1. Storyboards

The Storyboard panel lists all storyboards saved in the presentation file. Storyboards include
animations of the model and camera. Use storyboards to create videos, or to store settings
for individual snapshot views or a sequence of snapshot views in editable form. The
Storyboard can be undocked and moved anywhere there is screen real estate available or
docked to another monitor. It can be expanded and collapsed.

An animation consists of tweaks and actions recorded on a storyboard timeline. To add

tweaks or actions to a storyboard, place the play head to the desired position on the
storyboard timeline, and then define the tweak or action.
• Tweaks represent component moves or rotations. Tweaks have duration by default but
can be made instantaneous.
• Actions represent changes in component visibility and opacity, and changes in camera
Tweaks and actions can be Instant or Duration. Instant actions are finished immediately.
Duration actions are a timed transition during which the action takes place.

3.9.2. Snapshot Views

Create snapshot views to save views of a model in the IPN file. Each snapshot view stores
specific component positions, visibility, opacity, and camera position.

A snapshot view can be independent or linked to the animation timeline. Independent

snapshot views are fully editable. Snapshot views linked to the animation timeline are
connected to a storyboard, and their editing is limited.

Both independent and linked snapshot views are listed in the Snapshot Views panel.

A mark in the bottom right corner of the thumbnail image indicates that a snapshot view is
linked to a storyboard. A snapshot view mark on the storyboard timeline denotes position of
the linked snapshot view.

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When you select a snapshot view in the Snapshot View panel, the corresponding snapshot
view mark is highlighted in the storyboard.

Hover over a snapshot view mark to display name of a snapshot view.

When edits in a storyboard affect a linked snapshot view, the snapshot view is marked with
an Update icon. The icon indicates the animation and the snapshot view are not
synchronized. Click the Update icon to update the linked snapshot view with edits from the

Component Visibility and Camera Settings

You can select a different design view representation for each presentation scene to get
different model and camera settings. Alternatively, you can use the default design view
representation, and create snapshot views in the IPN file to store specific component
visibility and camera settings.

3.9.3. To Create Presentation for a Model

Create a presentation file (IPN) and insert a model in the first scene. Create more scenes to
work with different source models or different sets of representations in one presentation file.

1. To create a presentation file:

• From the application menu: Click File New. In the Create New File, select the

default IPN template or locate and select other IPN template, and click Create.
• In an assembly file: Right-click the name of the assembly in the browser and
select Create Presentation from the context menu. The view is based on the last
active Design View Representation.
2. In the Insert dialog box, locate and select a model file to be inserted in the first Scene.
3. To specify model representations, in the Select Assembly dialog box, click Options. Then
in the File Open Options dialog box:
• Select a Design View Representation.

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• Select Associative to keep a link to the design view representation in the model file. If
the design view representation is edited, the model in the presentation view updates
with the edits.
Note: You can override the model settings in IPN scenes linked to design view
representations. The overridden properties are then preserved in the IPN and ignore
updates in the source model.

• Deselect Associative to break the link between the selected design view
representation and the IPN file.
• Select a positional and level of detail representation.
• Click OK to close the File Open Options dialog box.
4. Click Open to insert the model in the presentation file.
3.9.4. To Add a Scene to a Presentation

In the Model browser, right-click the root node, and click Create Scene. Then select a
source model file and model representations and click Open.

You can copy a Scene and paste it into the presentation. The source model and all tweaks
and actions from the source scene are included in the copy. You can rename scenes using
your naming conventions.

3.9.5 To Manually Insert a Model in a Scene

When creating a presentation, you do not have to select the model immediately. You can
save the empty file and add a model later.

1. In the QAT, click Presentation.

2. Cancel the Open dialog box and save the file with the desired name.

3. Return later, open the file and, in the ribbon click Presentation Model Insert
4. Specify the representation to use and the associativity state you prefer.
5. Click OK.
3.9.6 To Work with Design View Representations in a Scene

When you create a scene, you select a design view representation to use, and set the
Associative option.

To change the design view representation or Associative setting for an existing scene, right-
click the scene in the browser, and click Representations. Then edit the settings in the
Representations dialog box and click OK.

To edit component visibility or opacity in a presentation scene associative with a design view
representation, either break the associativity or override the property. In the message box,

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• Break to cancel associativity between the scene and the source design view
representation. The Break button clears the Associative option in the Representations
dialog box for the current scene.
• Override to block the design view associativity for the edited property. The Associativity
option remains selected for the scene. If the design view representation in the source
assembly changes, all property overrides in the scene are kept, and only original
3.10. Printing a drawing
The procedure described here is to print a drawing in model space,
To print a drawing click on the top left corner then various options will be shown:
1. Export
2. Publish
3. Print
In the publish option a new window is shown where:
A plotter named in page setup appear the options there are: DWF, DWFx and PDF. The
option that would be chosen will be PDF. Soon after will be ask where the files will be saved
as PDF file.
In the print option a new window is shown called page setup, in this window, a printer has to
set as shown in the figure below and also a paper size has to be set, there are options to set
up the orientation of the paper and the drawing area to be plotted, the options are: display
extents, limits and window.
If the drawing limits have been set the limits can be chosen, and if there is a need to show
only a part of specific section of the drawing then a window can be chosen, it will depend
what is needed to print.
There is an option of the plot scale as well to allow to print to a desired scale and it will only
depend to show a specific detail.
It will depend if that specific detail needs to be printed in the center of the paper or if it needs
to fit the paper size all those options are there to present the drawing to the customer in the
best way possible.

3.10.1. Plotting an area procedure:

In the Page Setup dialog box, under Plot Area, select one of the following options:

1. Layout. Prints all objects within the printable area of the paper. ...
2. Limits. Prints or plots the current grid limits. ...
3. Extents. Plots all objects in the drawing.
4. Display. Plots all objects displayed in the drawing area.
5. View. ...
6. Window.

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3.10.2. Saving a drawing

1. Go to the File menu and select Save As. The Save Drawing dialog box opens:
2. Browse to the location where you wish to save your drawing. You can sort your files by date
or name by clicking one of the icons in the top right corner. ...
3. Name/rename the drawing in the File name field.
Click the Save button.
3.10.3. Set the default file save format in your AutoCAD options:
1. Type OPTIONS in the AutoCAD command line.
2. In the Options dialog box, go to the Open and Save tab.
3. In the File Save area, click the Save as drop-down menu.
4. Select the desired file format.
5. Click OK.

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3.10.4. How to recover AutoCAD saved files

To find the exact location of where the backup files are located type in op in AutoCAD. This
will bring up the options window. Now under the files tab there should be a folder called
Automatic Save File Location. click the plus and copy the path.

Now navigate to that folder and the file you would like to recover. Once the file is located,
you need to rename the extension from .bak to .dwg.

This should allow you to then open the file in AutoCAD and save it to your desired location.

3.10.5. Save and close

To save a drawing for the first time it is necessary to specify the folder where the drawing will
be saved, then it will be saved in that folder as the drawing is progressing till it is finished, it
is necessary to save the drawing as many times as possible to avoid lose any detail in case
of an emergency.

When the drawing has been saved it can be closed soon after and reopen again if needs to
continue working on it. It is a good practise to remember that before the drawing has been
finalised and saved for the last time to print the drawing and check for any errors or missing
information, it is a good practise to ask a colleague to check, he o her may find an error that
can be identified by the originator of the drawing. If all the checks and corrections have been
done, then it will be time to do the final print of the drawing and proceed to close the drawing
using the command Close.

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Learning Activity 3 – Review exercises

1. Use AutoCAD to replicate the following drawing.

2. Using AutoCAD produce an assembly drawing from the following CY 1965 PA Fan,
please include DXF files, and assembly weight.

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2. Use AutoCAD to produce individual and assembly drawings and DXF drawings, include
Tittle block, detail drawings and part weight, flat pattern of the individual ducts.

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Flange plates are 8mm at the top duct and 6 mm PL at the bottom duct.

Duct plate is 3mm. mild steel 250 plate. Assembly has 2 reinforcing 5 mm plates of dia 100
and dia 80 respectively.

Produce a final assembly PDF file, that will include a nameplate with individual weights.

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Assessment 1: Multiple Choice Test

This test will be conducted in a Baxter Institute’s supervised computer lab. You will
need to book your assessment on the learning management system (LMS), and you
will receive details of the assessment and your booking confirmation via email.

This test will cover the topics covered in this unit. You are required to answer all of the
questions correctly to achieve a satisfactory result, and you must achieve a
satisfactory result in the online multiple choice test prior to undertaking the practical

Kindly arrive 10 minutes before the assessment is due to start. This is an open book
test, and you will have 30 minutes to complete it.

If you are caught cheating you will be asked to leave the computer lab. The test will
be marked “Not Satisfactory” and you will be subject to the penalties stated in the
institute’s Academic Conduct - Plagiarism and Cheating policy regarding cheating.

You can request support for using the computer, or submit a request for a paper based
version of the test.

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Assessment 2: Observation of practical tasks

You are required to undertake 2 drawing tasks using technical skills. Each task
involves identifying specifications / requirements, preparing equipment and materials
and undertaking technical drawing.

Assessment 2

Task 1 – Use AutoCAD

This task includes 3 parts A, B, C which require you to follow in the given order.

You are allowed to use pen (black or blue pen, pencil), ruler and other stationeries to
complete the task.

Task 1 – Using AutoCAD draw:

Part A – Draw a diffuser assembly drawing

Part B – Draw part details and produce a DXF file, select sheet size and scale

Part C – Draw a PDF file.

Task 2 – Using AutoCAD draw a shaft include all tolerances and surface finish and
welding symbols.

For these tasks, you will be assessed against the following criteria:

• check and validated drawing against job requirements:

o Dimensionally
o Drawing type (Isometric, Planometric, Oblique or 1st & 3rd angle)
• check and validate drawing version:
o Latest version
o Customer specified version
• Recognise components, assemblies and objects as required interpreting
technical drawings
• Identify dimensions as appropriate to field of employment
o Inches
o Millimetres
o Metres
o Diameter
o Radius
• Identify and followed instructions identified as required
• Identify material requirements as required
o Plate thickness
o Material grade
o Coating
• Recognise symbols in the drawing as appropriate
o Weld symbols

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o 1st Angle symbol

o 3rd Angle symbol
o Surface finish
• understand the applications of AS1100.101 in accordance with standard
operating procedures
• recognise relationship between the views contained in the drawing
o 1st angle
o 3rd angle
o Isometric
o Oblique
o Planometric
o Orthographic
• Followed all OH&S requirements
o Cotton work pants/shirt or coveralls
o Steel cap boots
o Safety Glasses
• Undertake numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae within
the scope of this unit.

The Trainer will complete an observation checklist and it will form part of the
evidence gathered for this unit.

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Learning Activities Checklist

Student Name:

Student ID:

Date Trainer’s name

No Learning Activities
completed and signature

Complete Learning Activity 1 – Review question

1 on
Section 1: General knowledge

Complete Learning Activity 2– Review question

2 on
Section 2: Occupational health and safety

Complete Learning Activity 3 – Review question

Section 3: CAD program capabilities and

Student Signature:

Completion Date:

Congratulations, you have completed all learning activities for MEM30031A!

Now you can proceed to undertake assessment activities

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