Area and Volume

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Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Weekly Focus: solids

Weekly Skill: volume, surface area
LESSON 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Lesson Summary: For the warm up, students will solve a problem about Lake Superior. In Activity 1, they will
calculate the volume and surface area of spheres. In Activity 2, students will calculate the volume of pyramids
and cones. In Activity 3, students they solve for the surface area of pyramids and cones. In Activity 4, they will
do word problems. Activity 5 is an application problem about a big sinkhole that occurred in Guatemala.
Estimated time for the lesson is 2 hours.

Materials Needed for Lesson 48:

 The geometry notes come from:
(pages 22 – 26)
 Video A (length 5:15) on volume of pyramids, cones, and spheres
Video B (length 8:30) on surface area of pyramids, cones, and spheres
The videos are required for teachers and optional for students
 3 Worksheets (48.1, 48.2, 48.3) with answers (attached)
 Mathematical Reasoning Test Preparation for the 2014 GED Test Student Book (pages 108 – 109)
 Mathematical Reasoning Test Preparation for the 2014 GED Test Workbook (pages 154 – 157)
 The application activity comes from the site (link embedded in lesson plan)

Objectives: Students will be able to:

 Solve the word problem about Lake Superior

 Calculate the volume and surface area of spheres, cones, and pyramids
 Solve word problems about these solids
 Solve a real-life problem about a sinkhole that happened in Guatemala

ACES Skills Addressed: N, CT, LS, EC

CCRS Mathematical Practices Addressed: Model with Math, Mathematical Fluency, Use Tools Strategically
Levels of Knowing Math Addressed: Intuitive, Pictorial, Abstract, and Application

You can add more examples if you feel students need them before they work. Any ideas that concretely
relates to their lives make good examples.

For more practice as a class, feel free to choose some of the easier problems from the worksheets to do
together. The “easier” problems are not necessarily at the beginning of each worksheet. Also, you may
decide to have students complete only part of the worksheets in class and assign the rest as homework or
extra practice.

The GED Math test is 115 minutes long and includes approximately 46 questions. The questions have a focus
on quantitative problem solving (45%) and algebraic problem solving (55%).

Students must be able to understand math concepts and apply them to new situations, use logical
reasoning to explain their answers, evaluate and further the reasoning of others, represent real world
problems algebraically and visually, and manipulate and solve algebraic expressions.

This computer-based test includes questions that may be multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, choose from a
drop-down menu, or drag-and-drop the response from one place to another.

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 1

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

The purpose of the GED test is to provide students with the skills necessary to either further their education or
be ready for the demands of today’s careers.

Lesson 48 Warm-up: Solve the Lake Superior Questions Time: 5-10 Minutes

Write on the board: Lake Superior is located between Canada and the U.S. There are about
175,000 Canadians living along the lake’s northern border and about 425,000 Americans
along its southern border.

Basic Questions:
 What is the ratio of Canadians to Americans living along Lake Superior?
175,000 7
o =
425,000 17
 Americans consist of what percent of those living along Lake Superior?
425,000 425
o 600,000
= 600 = 71%

Extension Question:
 The volume of water in Lake Superior is 3.0 x 1015 gallons. Write this number in standard form.
o 3,000,000,000,000,000 (3 quadrillion gallons)
o Note: This enough water to cover all of South and North America in one foot of water!

Lesson 48 Activity 1: Volume and Surface Area of a Sphere Time: 15 Minutes

1. Use the attached Notes, pages 22 – 26, for reference.

2. A sphere is a round figure with no bases or faces; a ball is a good example.
3. The formulas for volume and surface area of a sphere are similar to each other. See below.
4. Solve the volume and SA of the spheres on Worksheet 48.1. Do #1 and #9 as examples. If the
diameter is given, it must be divided by two to get the radius.
5. Students can do some of the problems in class and complete the rest for homework.

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 2

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Lesson 48 Activity 2: Volume of Pyramids and Cones Time: 20 Minutes

1. The objective of this activity is to find the volume of cones and pyramids.
2. These two are grouped together because their formulas are similar. For both, the volume =
1/3 area of base x height.
3. A cone is a solid 3-dimensional object with a circular base and one vertex (point). A good
example is an ice cream cone (without the ice cream in it).
4. Since a cone has a circle as the base, we use 1/3 times π r2 for the area of the base and
multiply it by the height.
5. A pyramid is a solid 3-dimensional object with a polygon base and triangular sides that meet
at an apex (point). A pyramid can be a square pyramid, a triangular pyramid, a pentagonal
pyramid, etc.
6. The formula for the volume of a pyramid is 1/3 B, the area of its base, multiplied by its height.
7. Do #1 and #2 on Worksheet 48.2 as examples. Then students can do the rest on their own.
8. Volunteers can do a few problems on the board.

Lesson 48 Activity 3: Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones Time: 20 Minutes

1. The objective of this activity is to calculate the SA of pyramids and cones.

2. The lateral area, as referred to in videos and worksheets, means the sum of the area of all
surfaces except for the top and bottom bases.
3. The slant height, referred to as s or l on videos or worksheets, is the height of the face, or the
height of the triangles on the pyramid. The s is used on the GED formula sheet.
4. Finding the surface area of the pyramid means finding the area of each triangle and adding
the area of the base.
5. Use #10 on Worksheet 48.3 as an example. Have the students find the area of one triangle,
multiply it by 4, and add the area of the base. They should get ½ (4)(6.3)(4) + 16 = 66.4.
6. The formula given on the GED test gets the same results and is a little shorter, but it is
important for students to understand what they are doing when they calculate the surface
7. The SA of a cone is π r s + π r2 = π multiplied by the radius by the slant height of the cone + the
area of the circular base.
8. Use #1 on Worksheet 48.3 as an example. The radius is 13 and the slant height is 30. Using the
formula, we get (3.14)(13)(30) + (3.14)(132) = 1224.6 + 530.66 = 1755.26 units2.
9. Questions #1-6 on the worksheet are meant to label the parts of the figures correctly, and
questions #7-12 are to solve. You can have students solve all of them for SA if you have time.
10. Have volunteers do 1-2 problems on the board.

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 3

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Lesson 48 Activity 4: Word Problems Time: 45 Minutes

1. Do the problems on pages 108-109 of the student book together.

2. Have students do the problems in the workbook pages 154-157 independently.
3. Volunteers can solve a few of the more challenging problems on the board.

Lesson 48 Application: Guatemalan Sinkhole Time: 15 Minutes

1. Become familiar with the activity before class.

2. Show the students the photo of the sinkhole, which will foster good discussion.
3. Follow the suggested format of asking questions and discussion as time permits.
4. The purpose of an activity such as this one is for students to see there are real life applications
of the formulas and to make it interesting.

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 4

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Worksheet 48.1 Spheres

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 5

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 6

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Worksheet 48.1 Answers

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 7

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 8

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Worksheet 48.2 Volume of Pyramids and Cones

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 9

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Worksheet 48.2 Answers

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 10

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Worksheet 48.3 Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 11

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 12

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

Worksheet 48.3 Answers

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 13

Mathematical Reasoning

Lesson 48: Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres

D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 14

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