Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
1. The structure, mode of transmission, life histories and host-parasite relationships are studied in:
(a) Entomology (b) Parasitology
(c) Microbiology (d) Histology
2. Only six bio-elements account for 99% of the total mass of:
(a) Human body (b) Animal body
(c) Plant body (d) Fungal body
3. The entire organism consists of a cell in:
(a) Virus (b) Bacteria
(c) Chlorella (d) Both b and c are correct
4. The arrangement of the organelles speaks of the division of labour within the: 11401031
(a) Cell (b) Organ
(c) Tissue (d) Organism
5. In multicellular animals and plants groups of similar cells are organized into loose sheets or bundles
performing similar functions, these are called:
(a) Organ (b) Tissue
(c) Organ system (d) All of above
6. As geological time passes and new layers of sediments are laid down, the older organisms should be in:
(a) Shallow layers (b) Surface layers
(c) Deeper layers (d) Top layer
7. What is the number of insects in percentage among known species of organisms:
(a) 17.6% (b) 63.1%
(c) 19.9% (d) 53.1%
8. Pasteurization is a technique developed by:
(a) Edward Jenner
(b) Robert Koch
(c) Chamberlandt
(d) Louis Pasteur
9. It is claimed that smallpox has been totally eliminated from world by using:
(a) Vaccination (b) Shots
(c) Immunization (d) All of above
10. A large regional community primarily determined by climate is a: (Board 2008,15)
(a) Biome (b) Triome 11401082
(c) Trichome (d) Bichome
PGCNOTES.COM Name ………………….
1. a) Define Biology.
b) What is life? Write down some characteristics of living things.