This document presents a template and guidelines for joining the praise team of Victory Baptist
Church. A core group but a sub-division of the Faith Choir.
Our purpose revolves around providing a worship experience that connects every individual
believer to an atmosphere that encourages a positive corporate encounter while leading them to
a personal form of communion with God.
We intend to invest our time, talent and available resources to make sure that our service in the
ministry is fully functional while concentrating on cohesiveness. We also strive towards personal
growth and development in every aspect of leading which will help include quality and
authenticity into our worship.
Praise team duties are quite demanding as the team is required to spend more time rehearsing
than the general choir. Members of the team must therefore be available for rehearsals and
ministrations. This is a very major requirement to be on the team. The implication of this is to have
the consent of the husband or the wife of members (for married couples) and also the consent of
parents for those still living under the roof of their parents.
This will also imply that the one to lead the praise will need to meet with the musician an hour
before the main choir rehearsal to help out with the fine-tuning of the arrangements before the
praise team rehearsal. All members are also expected to attend the general rehearsal without
any form of compromise. Be on time, ready for all rehearsals and worship-leading opportunities.
(Come early enough to set up your equipment and be ready.) Concentrate on all activities, not
just those involving you.
To be fully engaged and committed to the ministry. This means attending Bible Study, Prayer, and
Sunday morning service.
Leading or backing up praises during any service within the church is a serious spiritual exercise.
Praise team members are leaders who are expected to lead the church in Spirit and truth. Hence
praise team members are required to be spiritually sound Christians who are making steady
positive progress in their walk with God.
Members of the praise team must as a matter of service to God show a level of maturity
regarding being humble and showing respect to each other. No member of the group is
permitted to disrespect another member no matter their level of musical prowess. We must be
open to receiving other people's suggestions. God will only lift us and support our ministry when
we humble ourselves before Him.
Discipline - (Titus 1:8, 2 Peter 1:5-7)
Be polite and please be courteous when others are rehearsing. This means not playing one's
instrument or talking loudly when others are rehearsing. No cell phone usage during practice.
When the music stops, please wait for instructions. Positive comments are welcome during
rehearsal. Problems should be discussed with the worship leader privately.
There will be some conflicts at some point and this is not out of place. But this must be dealt with
maturely. All conflicts must be resolved as much as possible so as not to disrupt the flow of God
when we lead people to worship God.
Members of the team must intentionally work on living and leading a responsible lifestyle that is
consistent with the teachings of the scriptures. Church members should not be able to point
accusing fingers at us.
Members are to dress appropriately to lead worship so as not to draw attention to self but to
keep the focus of the congregation on God. We need to be aware that we are above the eye
level of the congregation in full view of people and cameras.
Specifically, there should not be exposure of midriffs, undergarments, etc., no excessively tight
clothing, and no torn clothing that causes distraction.
Praise team members are expected to have basic music skills, especially for part singing. Part
singing is a major and significant activity for praise team members. Intending members must be
able to show some level of comfort singing different parts of a song.
Growth focused - (1 Timothy 4:15, 1 Corinthians 9:25-27, Colossians 3:23)
Praise team members should be ready to learn and grow both spiritually and musically. They are
expected to get involved in personal and corporate training opportunities to improve their skills
both musically and in worship leading. Use your talents to the best of your ability, worshipping
with your entire being (yes, this means heart, soul, mind, hands, feet, face – inside and out).
Precautionary Statement.
In an attempt that an individual does not or could not meet the expectations above:
Choir members who intend to join the praise team will go through an audition that will be
conducted twice a year by the leadership of the choir. Those who scale through will be admitted
into the praise team. New members will attend rehearsals and observe closely how things are
done for a month, after which they can join the team for ministration. During this period,
observations will be made about their person.
1. Accurate Pitch – Speaks to the ability to learn and sing accurate notes at the appropriate
times. It means listening to yourself, the other singers, and the instruments, and
self-correcting any sharp or flat tendencies in a particular song. It also speaks to your use
of vibrato, which itself is a variation of pitch.
2. Rhythmic Precision – This speaks to your ability to sing phrases correctly as they are
rhythmically notated and intended. Are you dragging? Are you cutting off too early or
holding on too late?
3. Appropriate Tone – Speaks to the quality of your vocal tone with which you sing in
particular sections of songs. Is it appropriate for the song? Should it be strong? Should it
be tender? Should it be loose? Should it be precise?
4. Blend – Speaks to the mixing of your voice with the other singers. Are you listening to the
other singers? Does your voice stick out? Is it too loud? Are you singing too softly?
5. Encouraging Presentation – Speaks to how you appear as a lead worshipper. Are you
connecting with the congregation through eye contact and facial expression? Do you
encourage clapping or other outward forms of worship? Do you have a stoic expression
with your eyes glued to the back monitor? Are you real or overly rehearsed?
6. Music Style – Speaks to the exposure, understanding, and experience with different
musical styles, especially today's praise and worship genre. Do you have the ability to
express that style with your voice?
7. Ear – Speaks to the ability to hear and respond to vocal strengths and weaknesses. Can
you self-correct? Are you able to ad-lib or sing in harmony? Can you tell when you are
succeeding or failing in these areas?
1. Music Reading – This speaks to your ability to read lead sheets, chord sheets,
instrumental parts, etc. Can you read and follow notes on a staff? For rhythm section
instruments, can you read and follow chord charts if necessary? Can you follow lead
sheets with chords and a vocal line only?
2. Number system – Can follow the band according to the numbers called out in the
sequence (1,4, 5, repeat, etc..) for cadence structuring of a song and able to quickly adapt,
be creative, and adjust spontaneously.
3. Rhythmic Precision – Speaks to the ability to play accurate rhythms in a precise manner
with the other players and singers as the song dictates. Can you keep in time?
4. Musicality – Speaks to the accuracy and exposure of certain rhythms, chord structures,
and moods of certain song styles. Does the instrumentation fight or enhance other
aspects of the worship presentation? Is it in sync with and is it sensitive to the other
players and singers?
5. Music Style – Speaks to the exposure, understanding, and experience with different
musical styles, especially today's praise and worship genre. Do you have the ability to
express that style with your instrument?
The praise team meets for one and a half hours after choir rehearsal every Saturday. However,
when the need arises extra rehearsal times may be communicated.
Weekly rehearsal will focus majorly on addressing members, praise arrangements and choir
presentations for Sunday. It is expected that the leader for that day runs through all the songs for
part sorting and then a dress rehearsal is done at the end.
Every praise team member is required to participate fully in the rehearsal. This implies that
singing on Sunday or not, every praise team member is expected to attend the rehearsal.
This aspect of the guidelines becomes very important in admitting anyone into the praise team.
The response to the questions below should be returned to the worship minister one week
before the scheduled audition. The individual to be auditioned should write clearly on a sheet of
paper or send his/her response via electronic mail (e-mail).
1. What is your music background and experience? (choirs, bands, soloing, etc.)
2. Please share any experience leading groups of people vocally, instrumentally, or
3. Do you read music? If yes, how did you learn to read?
4. In your own words, what is the role of a praise leader? Leading / Backup?
5. Why do you feel called to be a praise leader?
6. In what other ministries or areas are you involved at Victory Baptist Church, Ajah?
7. What's the greatest risk you have ever taken for Christ? How did it play out?
8. Please share a time when you experienced a great need and how God met it.
9. What weekly Bible study are you a part of and how has that involvement impacted you?
10. What gifts other than your musical abilities will you bring to the praise team?
11. Please briefly share your conversion testimony.
As a team, we seek to work with God and establish His covenant of praise by leading people into
the holies of holies while not missing out on the blessings of God. The intention is to build an
atmosphere where God can strive freely as worshippers experience God through praises. The
praise team will show up ready and in a position to lead the people while no power will be
attributed to Satan in any way. We will continue to press towards the mark until we hear
“Weldone my faithful servant.
It should also be noted that periodically, the praise team will be analysed, re-assessed and
re-evaluated. The result of the evaluation would determine if the team be dissolved to allow a
fresh start.
If I am chosen to be part of the Faith Choir Praise Team, I commit to fulfilling my responsibilities
outlined within this handbook toward the end of excellence, remembering always that my labour
is for God in His kingdom.
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..