ZA7650 BQ
ZA7650 BQ
ZA7650 BQ
Source Questionnaire
(May 2019)
ISSP 2020 – Environment IV
Final Source
Austria (Convener):
Markus Hadler
Markus Schweighart
Ricardo González
Monica Mendez
Jonas Edlund
Ingemar Johansson
Thunghong Lin
Pei-shan Liao
Malcolm Fairbrother
Axel Franzen
1 All notes which are not part of the questionnaire are enclosed in pointed
e.g. <ISSP 1993 Q2, V5-6>.
2 For repeat items, the relevant question numbers from 1993/2000/2010 are
given in pointed brackets above the question text. New items are indicated by
3 Where [COUNTRY] appears in the question text, members should insert the
name of their country.
5 Translation notes for repeat questions are intended for those countries which
did not take part in the 1993, 2000 or 2010 ISSP. Others should repeat their
wording from the 1993/2000/2010 survey. ISSP policy on questions which you
have already translated for an earlier module is that members should not
tinker with wording to make slight improvements. Only real mistakes in
translation should be changed. These should be clearly documented in your
study monitoring report.
Education (2)
Crime (3)
Immigration (5)
Terrorism (7)
Poverty (8)
Education (2)
Crime (3)
Immigration (5)
Terrorism (7)
Poverty (8)
<Q1 Answer option 6 “The economy” should capture all aspects of the economy rather than single issues
such as unemployment or inflation>
<ISSP 2010 Q2a /2b/-/-/-, 2000 Q1a/1b/-/-/-, 1993 Q2a/2b/-/-/; ISSP 2013 / /Q5c/ /Q6e; New items / / /d/
<ISSP 2010 Q3a and 3b, 2000 Q2a and 2b, 1993 Q3a and 3b>
3a. Looking at the list below, please tick a box next to the one thing you think should be
[COUNTRY’S] highest priority, the most important thing it should do.
[COUNTRY] should …
Maintain order in the nation (1)
b. And which one do you think should be [COUNTRY’S] next highest priority, the second most important thing
it should do?
Next highest priority
1 2 3 4 5
5. On a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you personally trust each of the following institutions? 0 means you do not
trust an institution at all, and 10 means you trust it completely.
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (-8)
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (-8)
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (-8)
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (-8)
<Q5. University research centres include organized groups of researchers in universities or other similar
scientific and higher education institutions. The news media consists of the organizations producing TV,
radio, magazines, and newspapers (including in their online forms), but not social media. Business and
industry refers to firms in all sectors of the economy. Parliament refers to the national legislature, such as
the German Bundestag, Israeli Knesset, U.S. Congress, Chinese National People's Congress, or British
1 2 3 4 5
<Q6. By “concerned about” we mean being worried about environmental issues. “Concern” should not Imply
involvement with environmental pressure groups.>
<Q7.6 domestic waste disposal means disposal of household waste/garbage: adjust wording to national
<Q7.9 “Natural resources” can include both non-renewable sources such as coal or oil as well as other natural
resources such as wood or water.>
8. There has been a lot of discussion about the world’s climate and the idea it has been changing in recent
decades. Which of the following statements comes closest to your opinion?
The world’s climate has been changing mostly due to natural processes (2)
The world’s climate has been changing about equally due to natural processes and human activity (3)
The world’s climate has been changing mostly due to human activity (4)
9a. On a scale from 0 to 10, how bad or good do you think the impacts of climate change will be for the
world as a whole? 0 means extremely bad, 10 means extremely good.
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (-8)
9b. On a scale from 0 to 10, how bad or good do you think the impacts of climate change will be for
[COUNTRY]? 0 means extremely bad, 10 means extremely good.
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (-8)
c. Almost everything we do in
modern life harms the environ-
<ISSP 2010 Q12a-c/-, 2000 Q7a-c/-, 1993 Q8a-c/-, New item d>
11a. How willing would you be to pay much higher prices
in order to protect the environment?
d. How willing would you be to accept a reduction in
the size of [COUNTRY’s] protected nature areas,
in order to open them up for economic development?
<TN: Protected nature areas include parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Economic development refers to mining,
farming, forestry, other sorts of resource extraction, house-building, road construction, or any other form of
economic development that substantially transforms the land.>
<Q12c. This is an idiom which means in British English that the person has higher priorities in life than
environmentally friendly behaviour>
c. And do you think that pesticides and chemicals used in farming are …
d. And do you think that pollution of COUNTRY’S rivers, lakes and streams is …
<13b “Industry” refers to large-scale industry, but avoid using the adjective in the translation
13e In a change from 1993/2000 this question now talks about “climate change” rather than the greenhouse
effect/global warming. All countries should translate this question to refer to “climate change” (or the
nearest equivalent) even if they previously used a different term.
13f “Modifying the genes” refers to actual alteration of a crop’s genetic structure>
b. Which of these approaches do you think would be the best way of getting
people and their families in [COUNTRY] to protect the environment?
<Q14a “Business and industry” refers to large-scale business and industry, but avoid using the adjective in
the translation>
15. How much, if at all, do you enjoy being outside in nature?
16. In the last twelve months how often, if at all, have you engaged in any leisure activities outside in nature,
such as hiking, bird watching, swimming, skiing, other outdoor activities or just relaxing?
daily (1)
never (5)
17a. In the last twelve months, how many trips did you make by plane? Count outward and return journeys,
including transfers, as one trip.
_________ trips
(-8) Don´t know
b. In a typical week, about how many hours do you spend in a car or another motor vehicle, including
motorcycles, trucks, and vans, but not counting public transport?
Do not include shared rides in buses, minibuses, and collective taxis.
_________ hours
(-8) Don´t know
c. In a typical week, on how many days do you eat beef, lamb, or products that contain them?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 choose
18. How many rooms are there in your home (apartment or house)? Do not count any separate kitchens,
bathrooms, garages, balconies, hallways or cupboards.
_________ rooms
(-8) Don´t know
Always (1)
Often (2)
Sometimes (3)
Never (4)
b. And how often do you avoid buying certain products for environmental reasons?
Always (1)
Often (2)
Sometimes (3)
Never (4)
<Q19b “Avoid buying” refers to taking a decision deliberately not to buy certain products for the sake of the
Yes (1)
No (2)
22. Thinking about your neighbourhood, to what extent, if at all, was it affected by the following things over the
last twelve months?
a. Air Pollution
b. Water Pollution
c. Extreme weather events (such as severe storms, droughts, floods, heat waves, cold
snaps, etc.)
<Q22. By "neighbourhood" we mean the part of the town/city the respondent live in. If he/she lives in a village,
this can be taken as his/her "neighbourhood. “Affected” refers to the impact on the neighbourhood>