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CAS N°:590-86-3


SIDS Initial Assessment Report

for SIAM 10
(10 -17 March 2000, Tokyo, Japan)

Chemical Name: 3-Methyl butanal

CAS N o : 590-86-3
Sponsor Country: Germany

National SIDS Contact Point in Sponsor Country

Name of lead organization: Umweltbundesamt
Contact person: Dr Jan Ahlers
Address : Postfach 330022
14191 Berlin

History: The substance was selected in 1991. A testing plan was

agreed in 1992 in conjunction with the chemical
isobutyraldehyde (CAS 78-84-2). The SIAR was
discussed at SIAM 9 and 10. Post -SIDS testing was
considered necessary (mouse-micronucleus test). The
revised SIAR including the new test results was agreed
in 2001.




CAS No. 590-86-3

Chemical Name 3-Methylbutanal (Isovaleraldehyde)

Structural Formula CH 3-CH(CH 3)-C H2-CHO


The chemical is currently of low priority for further work .


Human Health

Isovaleraldehyde is an irritating fluid of unpleasant odor, which at excessive doses may be absorbed
into the body via all routes of exposure (oral, dermal and inhalation). Under practical conditions the
irritation potential and chemical reactivity, however, would preclude significant systemic absorption.
Biotransformation occurs through the usual oxidative pathway, mediated by aldehyde dehydrogenase to
isovaleric acid, which may be incorporated into the intermediary metabolism. Furthermore, isovaleric
acid and – transiently - also isovaleraldehyde may arise from isovaleric alcohol (3-methylbutanol). For
that reason, toxicity data from this alcoh ol and also from isovaleric acid may help in the assessment of
potential systemic effects of isovaleraldehyde (i.e. this part of toxicity which is not mediated by the
protein-reactive aldehyde function).

Isovaleraldehyde is low in general acute toxicity after oral, dermal or inhalation exposure, is clearly
irritating to the eyes and is strongly irritant to the skin under occlusive conditions. The material is not
regarded as a potent sensitizer which is a common experience for aliphatic aldehydes with a single
aldehyde function in the molecule supported by the negative animal data from the structural analogous
aldehydes n-butyraldehyde, n- valeraldehyde and 2-methylbutanal. Studies with repeated exposure in
animals (subchronic toxicity) do not exist with isovaleraldehyde. However, the relatively uniform
toxicity profiles of aldehydes allow an estimation of these endpoints on the basis of data and results,
which have been obtained during the investigation of other structurally related aldehydes, such as
propionaldehyde, n-butyraldehyde and isobutyraldehyde. For systemic effects in the tested aldehydes
the NOAEL for oral uptake is 300 mg/kg in rats, with effects on blood at > 600 mg/kg bw (n-
butyraldehyde). For inhalation, the NOAELs with respect to systemic toxi city are > 150 ppm. Effects
observed were reduced food consumption in females rats at 750 ppm (propionaldehyde); no systemic
effects were found up to the highest concentration of 2,000 ppm in rats (n-butyraldehyde). At 4,000 and
8,000 ppm body weight depre ssion and mortality were observed in 13-week and 2 -year studies in rats
(isobutyraldehyde). In the metabolic precusor (3 -methylbutanol - 1) the only effects at the highest dose
of 1,250 mg/kg (drinking water, rats) were blood effects. With respect to irritat ion, there is a clear
dependency on molecule size, water solubility and Log Pow, indicating a NOAEL for isovaleraldehyde
of > 51 ppm; butyraldehydes show a distinct lower irritating potential than propionaldehyde. The
genotoxicity of isovaleraldehyde was in vestigated in-vitro with negative results in the Ames test and
questionable results on SCE-rate in human lymphocytes. The substance did not show DNA-damaging
activity in a Bacillus subtilis study (Rec -Assay). A mouse micronucleus test after intraperitoneal
administration in doses up to 100 mg/kg body weight was clearly negative with respect to
clastogenicity and impairment of chromosome distribution in the course of mitosis. Thus, there is no
concern with respect to genotoxicity. At present, there is no concern for carcinogenic effects of
isovaleraldehyde. The experiments with isobutyraldehyde indicate a LOAEL for non- neoplastic effects
of 500 ppm with weak local effects in female rats. Prenatal toxicity investigations have been carried out
with propionaldehyde in rats and isobutyraldehyde in rats and 3-methylbutanol-1 in rats and rabbits. In
these studies no prenatal defects and no high systemic toxicity was observed; hence, also isovaleric

acid is not expected to exert prenatal toxicity. Isovaleric acid is , furthermore, also physiolo gically
formed during the catabolism of leucine.

The NOAELs derived from the toxicological endpoints show no concern for the workplace, consumers
and in relation to direct and indirect exposure from the environment.


3-Methylbutanal has a log Kow of 1.3, a water solubility of 20 g/l and a vapour pressure of 61 hPa.
Based on the high vapour pressure of the substance isovaleraldehyde tends to pass from water to air.
The compound does not tend to adsorb on sediment/so il or accumulate in biota. According to Mackay I
the target compartment for this substance is the atmosphere.

It can be concluded that 3-methylbutanal is biologically readily degradable from a BOD5/COD ratio >
60 %.

Short-term tests with fish, daphnids and algae are available. For Daphnia magna EC50 -values of 210
mg/l (24 h) and 177 mg/l (48 h) based on nominal concentrations were found. For Scenedesmus
subspicatus a EC50 of 80 mg/l and a EC10 of 33 mg/l based on nominal concentrations was obtained in
a 72h test. In a flow-through study with Pimephales promelas a 9 6 h- LC50 of 3.25 mg/l was found
based on measured concentrations. With an assessment factor of 1000 a PNEC aqua of 3.3 µg/l was


The production level of 3-methylbutanal (isovaleraldehyde) in Germany is in the range of 1000 -

5000 t/a. A certain amount is exported (no data about volumes). There is no information about import
volumes. The chemical is used as an intermediate for pharmaceuticals, pesticides, solvents and
softeners. C onsumer exposure is not expected.


No recommendation.





2.1 Melting Point NA ca. -51 °C

2.2 Boiling Point DIN 51 751 91 - 93°C (at 1013 hPa)
2.3 Density NA 0.798 kg/m 3
2.4 Vapour Pressure NA 6100 Pa at 20°C
2.5 Partition Coefficient (Log NA 1.318
2.6 A Water solubility NA 20 g/l at 20°C


3.1.1 Photodegradation calc. (Atkinson) In air T 1/2 = 0.6 days

3.3 Transport and Distribution calculated in air: 90.06 %
(fugacity In water 9.91 %
level 1 type) in soil 0.02 %
in sediment 0.01 %
3.5 Biodegradation BOD 5 /COD readily biodegradable

(lowest effect concentrations only)

4.1 acute/prolonged toxicity to Pimephales NA LC 50 (96 hr) = 3.25 mg/l

fish promelas
4.2 acute/prolonged toxicity to Daphnia 84/449/EEC, C.2 EC 50 (48 hr) = 177 mg/l
aquatic invertebrates magna
4.3 toxicity to aquatic plants Scenedesmus DIN 38412 part EC 50(72 hr) = 80 mg/l
e. g. algae subspicatus 9

4.4 toxicity to microorganisms Pseudomonas NA TGK (16 hr) =310 mg/l

5.1.1 acute oral toxicity Rat Other LD 50 > 5000 mg/kg

Mouse Other LD 50 = 4750 mg/kg

5.1.2 acute inhalation toxicity Rat Other LC 50 = 91000 mg/m³
Rat Other LC 50 < 57000 mg/m³ (4 h)



Mouse Other LC 50 = 51000 mg/m³

5.1.3 acute dermal toxicity Rabbit Other LD 50 > 5000 mg/kg

Rabbit Other LD 50 2730 mg/kg

5.4 repeated dose toxicity Rat Close to NOAEL: 51 ppm (12

OECD 413 weeks)
(inhalation) (n-Butyraldehyde)

Mice,rat Close to 300 mg/kg NOAEL's (90

OECD 408 days; systemic and
(gavage) irritative)
Mice, rat Close to LOAEL (weak effects):
OECD 413 500 ppm (2 years)
(inhalation) (Isobutylaldehyde)

Rat OECD 408 NOAEL (3 months):

(drinking water) males: 4000 ppm = 295
females: 16000 ppm =
1430 mg/kg (2-Methyl-1-
5.5 genetic toxicity in vitro
A) bacterial test Salmonella Other with/without metabolic
(gene mutation) typhimurium activation: negative /
Other with/without metabolic
activation: negative /
Other with/without metabolic
activation: equivocal /
B) non-bacterial in vitro no data
test (chromosomal
C) other Bacillus Recombination with/without metabolic
subtilis Assay activation: negative /
Human SCE with/without metabolic
lymphocytes activation: not tested /
5.6 genetic tox icity in vivo Mouse OECD 474 (i.p.) Negative (doses 25 – 100
mg/kg bw)
5.8 toxicity to reproduction Rat Close to No effect on sex organs
OECD 413 (12 weeks)
(inhalation) (n-Butyraldehyde)



Rat OECD 408 No effect on sex organs at

(drinking water) 1068 (males) and 1431
(females) mg/kg (3
Rat Close to No effect on sex organs at
OECD 413 4000 ppm (m) and 2000
(inhalation) ppm (f) (13 weeks)
Rat Screening LOAEL: 500 ppm (13
Rat OECD 422 NOAEL: 1,500 ppm
5.9 developmental toxicity / Rat OECD 414 NOAEL (fetal)
teratogenicity (inhalation) 4000 ppm (= 12 mg/l)
NOAEL (maternal)
1000 ppm
Rat, rabbit OECD 414 NOAEL (fetal): 10 mg/ l
(inhalation) (3-Methylbutanol-1)

Rat OECD 422 NOAEL: 1,500 ppm

5.11 experience with human no data


SIDS Initial Assessment Report


Name: Butanal, 3-methyl-

Cas-No.: 590-86-3

Empirical formula: C 5 H 10 O

Structural formula : CH 3 -CH(CH 3)-CH 2 -C H O

Synonyms: 3-Methylbutanal


2. General Information on Exposure

The production level of isovaleraldehyde in Germany is in the range of 1000 - 5000 t/a. A
certain amount is exported (no data about volumes). There is no information about import
Data on production volumes in other countries are not available.
The compound is produced and used in closed systems. It is used as an intermediate for
pharmaceuticals, pesticides, solvents and softeners.
Isovaleraldehyde being an intermediate, exposure would happen at production and processing sites.
According to the German manufacturer, all exhaust gases are burnt in an incinerator. There is no
information about waste water emissions.
The compound also occurs as natural aroma component in fruits, vegetables and beverages
(0.02 up to 8.3 ppm; Arctander, 1969. and Maarse, H., 1991). Only very small amounts
(0.1%) of total production are used as aroma components in food, which might have a total
concentration of 0.5 –5 ppm.
Though isovaleraldehyde is allowed in cosmetic products (EU, 1996), there is no detailed
information on its actual use.


3. Environment

3.1 Environmental Exposure

3.1.1 General Discussion

Isovaleraldehyde is soluble in water at 20,000 mg/l (20°C) and has a vapour pressure of
6100 Pa at 20°C. Based on these data a Henry-constant of 26.3 Pa .m 3. mol-1 is calculated.
Its measured log Pow of 1.31 indicates that there is no considerable potential for bio- or
Based on these physico-chemical properties, the preferred environmental compartment is
the atmosphere (Mackay I: 90.06 %) The compound does not tend to adsorb on
sediment/soil or accumulate in biota.
From a BOD 5 /COD ratio of > 60 % it can be concluded that isovaleraldehyde is
biologically readily degradable. Although it was not possible to validate the test result, it
is assumed for the risk assessment that isovaleraldehyde is readily biodegradable. One
reason for this assumption is that the strucural analogue isobutyraldehyd has been shown
to be readily biodegradable in several tests. In addition because of the high vapour
pressure of the substance volatilization plays a significant role for elimination in a sewage
treatment plant. Hydrolytic degradation or direct ph otodegradation in the hydrosphere are
not to be expected. According to the model SIMPLETREAT, in waste water treatment
plants a removal rate of 89 % is predicted.
The half - life due to photochemical- oxidative degradation in the atmosphere is between 13
and 20 hours.

3.1.2 Predicted Environmental Concentration

Because there is no information about waste water emissions during production and
processing, we would consider the following worst case scenario according to the EU
Technical Guidance Documents:
For chemicals only used as intermediates, a release fraction of 1% of the production
volume into the waste water is assumed for production and processing. Based on a
maximum production volume of 5,000 t/a, a total amount of 50 t/a is emitted into the
sewage. With an elimination factor of 89% in the treatment plant, 5.5 t/a are emitted into
the river Rhine (near the site). In this model a flow of 734 m3/s (10% -ile) for the river
Rhine is used.
Assuming production/processing during 300 d/a, the predicted environmental
concentration is

5.5.106 g
PEC = -------------- = 0.29 µg/l
1.9. 10 13 l


3.2 Effects on the Environment

3.2.1 Aquatic effects

Available data
The following ecotoxic effect concentrations, corresponding to the aquatic compartment,
are available:

a) toxicity to fish
Pimephales promelas 96h-L C 50 3.25 mg/l (Geiger et al. 1984/85)
(flow -through, measured concentration)
Leuciscus idus 96h-L C 50 53 mg/l (BASF 1989a)
(static, nomional concentration)
Poecilia reticulata 14d-L C 50 13.3 mg/l (Deneer et al. 1988)
(semi-static, measured concentration)

b) toxicity to crustaceans
Daphnia magna 24h-E C 50 210.0 mg/l (BASF 1989b)
" 48h-E C 50 176.8 mg/l
(nominal concentration, effect: immobilization)

c) toxicity to algae
Scenedesmus subspicatus72h-E bC 10 33.0 mg/l (BASF 1989c)
" 96h-E bC 10 38.0 mg/l
" 72h-E bC 50 80.0 mg/l
" 96h-E bC 50 78.0 mg/l
(nominal concentration, effect: growth inhibition)

d) toxicity to bacteria
Pseudomonas putida 16h-E C 10 310 mg/l (BASF 1989d)
(nominal concentration, effect: growth inhibition)

Determination of PNEC aqua

According to the EU Technical Guidance Document, the value of the assessment factor F
is to be determined to 1000 for the aquatic compartment, as data from short-term toxicity
tests with species from 3 trophic levels are available. Applying this factor on the effect
value derived for the most sensitive species (Pimephales promelas, 96h-LC 50 = 3.25 mg/l)
the following PNEC is calculated:
P N E C = 3,250 µg/l / 1000 = 3.25 µg/l


3.2.2 Terrestria l organisms

There are no data available on terrestrial organisms.

3.3 Initial Assessment for the Environment

The following PEC/PNEC ratio for the German production and processing site can be
0.29 µg/l / 3.25 µg/l = 0.089
As the ratio is lower than 1, isovaleraldehyde represents presently no significant hazard
for the aquatic compartment.
The use pattern of isovaleraldehyde does not suggest an exposure of the terrestrial
compartment. Therefore a significant hazard to the terrestrial compartme nt is presently not
to be expected.


4. Human Health

4.1 Effects on Humans

4.1.1 Acute toxicity

Several studies on oral, inhalation and dermal administration route are available, mostly
only in tabular (summarized) form. Description and documentation of these mostly fairly
old investigations do not comply with today’s GLP requirements; e.g. purity of test
substance and concentrations administered were rarely reported; details on strain, number
of animals and dose groups were mostly missing.
Signs and symptoms, as far as reported, appear to be sequels of gastric ulceration,
peritoneal inflammation and exsiccosis. Acute oral toxicity

The following LD50 values were reported:

- L D 50 rat > 3,200 mg/kg bw (Patty, 1994)
- L D 50 rat > 5,000 mg/kg bw (Ford, 1988)
- L D 50 rat 6,200 mg/kg bw (7,200 µl/kg) in 2 – 30% aqueous emulsion (BASF, 1973)
- L D 50 rat 7,660 mg/kg bw (8,910 µl/kg; Carpenter et al., 1974)
- L D 50 guinea pig 2,950 mg/kg bw (Safronkina et al., 1987)
- L D 50 mouse 4,750 mg/kg bw (Safronkina et al., 1987) Acute inhalation toxicity

The following LC50 data were reported:

- L C 50 rat 91 mg/l; exposure duration unclear (Safronkina et al., 1987)
- L C 50 mouse 51 mg/l (exposure time?): Safronkina et al., 1987)
- L C 50 mouse approx. 6.2 mg/l/10 h (Salem and Cullumbine, 1960)
- L C 50 guinea pigs approx. 6.2 mg/l/10 h (Salem and Cullumbine, 1960)
- L C 50 rabbit > 6.2 mg/l/10 h (Salem and Cullumbine, 1960)
- L C 50 rat < 16,000 ppm/l/4 h (Carpenter et al., 1974)
- IRT * rat: no mortality after 15-minute exposure towards saturated vapor
concentrations; mortality after longer exposure times (Carpenter et al., 1974)
- IRT* rat, 30 min.: no mortality after 10 minutes; mortality after longer exposure times
(BASF, 1974)
Sensoric irritation (50% decrease of respiration rate; 10 min.) in B6C3F1 und Swiss-
Webster mice was reported as RD 50 concentrations of 2.7 and 3.6 mg/l (Steinhagen and
Barrow, 1984).
IRT = Inhalation risk test; results depending on toxicity and volatility
OECD SIDS 3-METHYLBUTANAL Acute dermal toxicity

The following LD50 data were reported:
- L D 50 rabbit 2,730 mg/kg (3,180 µl/kg; (Carpenter et al., 1974)
- L D 50 rabbit > 5,000 mg/kg (Ford, 1988)
- L D 50 guinea pig > 10 ml/kg (Patty, 1994) Experience in humans:

Wilkinson (1940) reported an instance in which several persons distilling isovaleraldehyde

experienced chest discomfort, nausea, vomiting and headaches. The odor of the material
was very pronounced, exposure was supposed to be high; all persons recovered completely
in the subsequent days.


In summary, acute toxicity is low.

4.1.2 Corrosiveness and irritation Skin

Isovaleraldehyde (in concentrated form) was found to be strongly irritant to rabbit skin
after 24-hour occlusive dermal administration (BASF, 1973;Ford, 1988).
In earlier reports on studies in rabbits (Carpenter et al., 1974) and guinea pigs (, Patty,
1994) slight to moderate irritation was found; however, due to the poor description of test
substance and experiments, it is not clear whether the material was allowed to evaporize.
According to Bagley et al. (1996), isovaleraldehyde (> 98.5%) was tested in rabbits for
4 hours under semiocclusive conditions under OECD guideline 404 and evaluated with a
primary irritation index of 2.83. Eye irritation

The material was found to be irritating to eyes according to Draize scoring (4/10) in
rabbits (Carpenter et al., 1974). Marked irritation was also found in another experiment
(BASF, 1973).


Isovaleraldehyde is clearly irritating to the eyes.

Isovaleraldehyde is strongly irritant to the skin under occlusive conditions. The irritation
potential under semiocclusive conditions (OECD 404) is slight to moderate.

4.1.3 Sensitization

No animal experiments of sensitization are available.

Dermal sensitization was examined in 29 volunteers in a maximiza tion test with a 1%
solution in petrolatum. Under those conditions, there was no dermal sensitization. This
may not totally preclude a hazard of sensitization of the concentrated material after
repeated ex posure; however, the material is not regarded as a potent sensitizer which is a
common experience for aliphatic aldehydes with a single aldehyde function in the

From structural analogous there are negative data: A Buehler test in guinea pigs was
negative for n-butyraldehyde (see Annex 1), for n -valeraldehyde there is a negative
maximization test in guinea pigs (see Annex 1) and for the isomer 2-methylbutanal there
is a negative maximization test in humans (see Annex 1).

4.1.4 Repeated dose toxicity

No studies exist with isovaleraldehyde.

General comment:
In 1990 (SIAM) it was decided that aldehyde s are to be considered as a class in which one (or
several closely related) chemical(s) may serve as a surrogate. In 1991 OECD decided that con-
cerning isobutyraldehyde and isovaleraldehyde a developmental toxicity by inhalation route on
isobutyraldehyde was sufficient. According to the OECD SIAM group on existing chemicals in
02/1994 it was pointed out that "a DE-US joint combined testing for both of these chemicals
(isovaleraldehyde and isobutyraldehyde) has been developed. This followed the philosophy of the
SIDS Manual, where reduced test requirements can be applied for closely related homologous and
relevant precursors.
Aldehydes have a consistent profile of the aldehyde function due to electronegativity,
decreasing with increasing chain length. Protein binding is due to this electronegativity
and the resulting cytotoxicty. Water solubility and Log Pow are of similar orders of
magnitude and with regard to similar molecular size, the conclusion that toxicity data can
be cross-read is supported, especially for butyraldehydes (n- and iso-) (Annex 1).

Propionaldehyde showed a NOAEL for systemic toxicity of 150 ppm in a combined

OECD/SIDS study (No. 422); at 750 ppm, only decreased food consumption in females
was seen (SIAR).
For irritation (nasal damage) the LOAEL was 150 ppm.
There are two subchronic gavage studies on n-butyraldehyde available (Hazleton, 1986),
which were peer-reviewed (NTP, 1987). The test material was administered to rats and
mice at dose levels of 75, 150, 300, 600 and 1,200 mg/kg bw/d over 13 weeks. Increased
lethalities were observed throughout all dose groups (in rats 100% at 1,200 mg/kg bw/d),
yet the deaths were regarded as gavage-related. Gastric ulceration was a frequent finding,
furthermore, inflammatory lesions in the nasal cavity, both lesions resulting from a direct
effect of the (irritating) compound on the mucosal epithelium of both tissues. An increase
of alanine aminotransferase (male animals) and a decrease in the alkaline phosphatase
levels (female animals) were found at 600 mg/kg bw/d. An increase in reticulocyte count,
absolute reticulocyte and alkaline phosphatase levels was recorded only at 75 mg/kg bw/d
in male mice; these findings, however, are regarded as incidental findings since at high
doses no respective effect could be detected. With respect to systemic and local irritative
effects, the NOAEL was 300 mg/kg bw/d for both male and female rats. In mice the
NOAEL with respect to systemic effects was 600 mg/kg bw/d, taking into account also
local irritative effects the NOAEL is 300 mg/kg bw/d.
Male and female Sprague -Dawley rats were exposed 6 h/day, 5 d/week for 13 weeks to n-
butyraldehyde vapor in concentrations of 125, 500 and 2,000 ppm (0.34, 1.36, 5.44 mg/l).
There was a full investigation with respect to body and organ weights, urinalysis, blood
chemistry, pathology and hematological examinations. Rats of all concentrations had a
significant incidence of squamous metaplasia of mucosal epithelium, rhinitis and initial
globlet cell atrophy followed by globlet cell hyperplasia. These alterations were more
severe in rats sacrificed after 6 weeks of exposure than in those sacrificed after 13 weeks
of exposure. The changes are indicative of a response to repeated upper respiratory tract
irritation. In none of the other parameters investigated or organs any significant
differences were found between test and control groups which could be related to
inhalation of n-butyraldehyde vapor concentrations, i.e. no systemic toxicity was found
(Ballantyne et al., 1986). Thus, the NOAEL with respect to systemic toxicity is
> 2,000 ppm, with respect to irritative effects < 125 ppm.
A follow -up study with 51.3, 10.3 and 1.1 ppm (151, 30, 3.2 mg/m³) in 15 male and
female rats with a similar study design was performed in order to find also a NOAEL for
effects on the upper respiratory tract. Histopathological findings indicated that no specific
adverse effects could be attributed to n-butyraldehyde . A NOAEL of 51 ppm was
therefore be derived from this study for irritation (Ballantyne et al., 1986).
In a similar study (125, 500 and 2,000 ppm; n -butyraldehyde ; s. a.) with dogs over 14
weeks besides analogous responses to the upper respiratory tract no systemic effects were
found in any dose group (Ballantyne et al., 1986).
Isobutyraldehyde was administered by inhalation (whole -body exposure) to rats and mice
up to 13 weeks or 2 years in concentrations of 0; 500; 1,000; 2,000; 4,000 or 8,000 ppm;
complete necropsy and histopathological examinations were performed. In the 13-week
studies substance-related body weight depressions and deaths occurred in rats and mice at
4,000 and 8,000 ppm. At 2,000 ppm the rats showed lesions in the nose (olfactory
epithelium degeneration), at 4,000 ppm in addition hyperplasia (epithelium), squamous
metaplasia, osteodystrophy of turbinate bone and inflammation and severe necrosis at
8,000 ppm in respiratory tract. No other effects in organs/tissues were detected. Data on
clinical chemistry/ hematology were not given. In mice increased incidences of non-
neoplastic lesions of the nasal mucosa and nasal turbinate bone were observed at 500 ppm
(only minor effects) and at the higher concentrations. Other singular effects (organ
weights of liver, kidney, thymus) were not regarded as substance -related due to lack of
dose response and the absence of a histopathological correlate.
In the course of a prenatal study in rats (s. chapter 4.1.7) 1,000 ppm did not show adverse
Thus, a NOAEL of 1,000 ppm can be derived for rats and a LOAEL of 500 ppm with only
weak effects in female mice (Abdo et al., 1998). 3-methylbutanol-1 is a metabolic
precursor of isovaleraldehyde and is biotransformed in an oxidative pathway to
isovaleraldehyde and readily further oxidized to isovaleric acid. This means that
isovaleraldehyde and 3-methylbutanol-1 have the same common metabolite which is
inherently assessed in the 3-methylbutanol-1 study. For the intermediary isovaler aldehyde
no high bioavailability is assumed.
For estimation of the systemic toxicity of metabolic sequel products of isovaleraldehyde, a
3-month drinking water study with the precursor 3 -methylbutanol-1 in rats is available.
Though there are no quantitative kinetic data in this case, the mechanism of the oxidative
metabolism from alcohols to aldehydes is well known.
A 3-month drinking water study (OECD 408) was performed with 3 -methylbutanol-1
with doses of 16,000 ppm (1,250 mg/kg bw/d); 4,000 ppm (340 mg/kg bw/d) and
1,000 ppm (about 80 mg/kg bw/d). In the highest dose group the only effects were
increase in red blood cells (males) and decrease in the mean corpuscular volume und mean
corpuscular hemoglobin (males). The NOAEL of 340 mg/kg bw/d was established (BASF,
1991; Schilling et al., 1997).


For systemic effects in the tested aldehydes the NOAEL for oral uptake is 300 mg/kg
For inhalation, the NOAELs with respect to systemic toxicity are > 150 ppm. With respect
to irritation, there is a clear dependency on molecule size, water solubility and Log Pow,
indicating a NOAEL for isovaleraldehyde of > 51 ppm; butyraldehydes show a distinct
lower irritating potential than propionaldehyde.
It appears reasonable to postulate a similar profile for isovaleraldehyde as for n-butyr -
aldehyde and isobutyraldehyde with nasal irritation as critical effect in the lower dose
range. In analogy to n-butyraldehyde one may assume a NOAEL for isovaleraldehyde in
the same order of magnitude (ca. 50 ppm). Furthermore, isovaleraldehyde is slightly less
electrophilic and less chemically reactive than n-butyraldehyde and therefore also
considered to exert less irritating properties.

4.1.5 Genetic toxicity in vitro In vitro investigations

Three Ames test results with isovaleraldehyde are available, conducted with and without
metabolic activation:
Florin et al. (1979) tested isovaleraldehyde in S. typhimurium strains TA 98, 100, 1535,
1537 in concentrations of 0.03, 0.3, 3 and 30 µmol/plate; no increase in the number of
revertants were found.
Aeschbacher et al. (1989) tested isovaleraldehyde in S. typhimurium strains TA 98, 100,
102 in concentrations of 0,01 - 1,000 nmol/plate; there was no increase in the number of
Kamiya and Ose (1989) found equivocal results in a poorly described experiment in S.
typhimurium strains TA 98, 100, 104.
In a Bacillus subtilis study (Rec-Assay), Matsui et al. (1989) did not find DNA -damaging
activity in concentrations of 1.03 - 1.99 mg/l, with and without metabolic activation.
A sister chromatid exchange study in human lymphocytes gave equivocal results (Obe and
Beck, 1979). The concentrations were 0.002 - 0.003%; no metabolic activation was
employed. In vivo investigations

In a mouse micronucleus test after single intraperitoneal administration according to

OECD No. 474 isovaleraldehyde does not have any chromosome- damaging (clastogenic)
effect, and there were no indications of any impairment of chromosome distribution in the
course of mitosis. The test substance was administered once to male animals at dose levels
of 25 mg/kg bw, 50 mg/kg bw and 100 mg/kg bw. The a dministration of the test substance

led to evident signs of toxicity (piloerection, squatting posture, poor general state) (BASF


Since isovaleraldehyde was clearly negative in the Ames test and in an in vivo mouse micronucleus
test there is no concern with respect to genotoxicity.

4.1.6 Carcinogenicity

No data are available with isovaleraldehyde.

However, a 2-year inhalation study in rats and mice with isobutyraldehyde is published
employing 500, 1,000 and 2,000 ppm for the chronic exposure regimen (Abdo et al.,
1998). No biologically significant increase in tumors was observed in this study. At
500 ppm there was still a slight nasal metaplasia among the female rats. In the subchronic
studies (4.1.4) female mice showed a decrease of relative liver weights at 500 ppm; this
was not recorded in the chronic experiment.


At present, there is no concern for carcinogenic effects of isovaleraldehyde. The

experiments with isobutyraldehyde indicate a LOAEL for non-neoplastic effects of
500 ppm with weak local effects in female rats.

4.1.7 Developmental toxicity

No data are available with isovaleraldehyde.

According to the decision of SIAM (1990) structurally related substances can be used,
especially "that concerning isobutyraldehyde and isovaleraldehyde a developmental
toxicity study by inhalation route on isobutyraldehyde was sufficient" (see general
comment 4.1.4.).
Data are available for propionaldehyde and isobutyraldehyde:
Propionaldehyde "does not have specific adverse effects on the reproductive capabilities
of either male or female rats and does not produce specific adverse effects on the
developing offspring of laboratory animals". It showed a NOAEL in a OECD/SIDS
combined study (No. 422) of 1,500 ppm (SIAR).
A prenatal to xicity study (OECD 414) with isobutyraldehyde in Wistar rats was carried
out after inhalation exposure towards 1,000, 2,500 and 4,000 ppm (3, 7.6 and 12 mg/l;
6 h/day; day 6 – 15 p.c., 25 pregnant animals per group). In the two higher exposure
groups there were some signs of maternal toxicity, i.e. reduced body weights. No other
findings were recorded during the course of this study. The fetal NOAEL was evaluated as
4,000 ppm; the NOAEL for maternal toxicity is 1,000 ppm (BASF; 1995).
A prenatal toxicity study of a metabolic precursor of isovaleraldehyde, 3-methylbutanol-
1, may be used as a further surrogate for the following reason:
3-methylbutanol-1 is biotransformed in an oxidative pathway to isovaleraldehyde and
readily further oxidized to isovaleric a cid. Though there are no quantitative kinetic data in
this case, the mechanism of the oxidative metabolism from alcohols to aldehydes is well

known. This means that isovaleraldehyde and 3-methylbutanol-1 have the same common
ultimate metabolite which is in herently assessed in the 3-methylbutanol- 1 study. For the
intermediary isovaleraldehyde no high bioavailability is assumed. 3- methylbutanol-1
caused no prenatal toxicity in rats and rabbits and no other form of un expected systemic
toxicity at inhalation exposure levels up to 10 mg/l (OECD guideline 414; BASF,
1988/1990; Klimisch und Hellwig, 1995). This implies that 3-methylbutanol- 1 is devoid of
selective fetal toxicity.
Furthermore, isovaleric acid is also physiologically formed during the catabolism of
leucine and occurs naturally in many edible plants (Patty,1994).


From the data of the structurally related propionaldehyde and isobutyraldehyde it is

concluded that isovaleraldehyde is highly unlikely to cause selective fetal toxicity. The
metabolic sequel product of isovaleraldehyde, isovaleric acid, is also assumed to be
devoid of prenatal toxicity. This conclusion may be derived from studies with 3-
methylbutanol-1 in rats and rabbits. No additional investigations are necessary.
NOAEL > 1,500 ppm (propionaldehyde) in OECD/SIDS combined inhalation study (No. 422) and
the fetal NOAEL as 4,000 ppm and maternal NOAEL as 1,000 ppm for isobutyraldehyde (OECD
No. 414).

4.1.8 Effects on fertility

No data are available with isovaleraldehyde.

(see general comments 4.1.4.).
For propionaldehyde a NOAEL in a OECD/SIDS combined study (No. 422) of 1,500 ppm
was established (SIAR).
Subchronic and chronic investigations with isobutyraldehyde (Morrissey et al., 1988;
Abdo et al., 1998) did not indicate testicular or ovarian toxicity. In one study (Morrissey
et al., 1988) epididymal weight was adversely affected at high dose levels, but this may
have been a secondary, stress -related phenomenon.
Furthermore, the studies available on n -butyraldehyde and 3-methylbutanol-1 (see
chapter 4.1.4 Repeated dose toxicity) did not record toxic effects on sex organs.


There is at present no concern for adverse effects of isovaleraldehyde on fertility.

4.2 Risk characterization

4.2.0 General aspects

Isovaleraldehyde is an irritating fluid of unpleasant odor, which at excessive doses may be

absorbed into the body via all routes of exposure (oral, dermal and inhalation). Under
practical conditions the irritation potential and chemical reactivity, how ever, would
preclude significant systemic absorption.

Biotransformation occurs through the usual oxidative pathway, mediated by aldehyde
dehydrogenase to isovaleric acid, which may be incorporated into the intermediary
Furthermore, isovaleric acid and - transiently - also isovaleraldehyde may arise from
Isovaleric alcohol (3 -methylbutanol). For that reason, toxicity data from this alcohol may
help in the assessment of potential systemic effects of isovaleraldehyde (i.e. this part of
toxicity which is not mediated by the protein -reactive aldehyde function).
Isovaleric aldehyde is low in general acute toxicity and shows an irritation potential to
skin and mucons membranes.
Dermal sensitization was examined in 29 volunteers in a maximiza tion test with a 1%
solution in petrolatum. Under those conditions, there was no dermal sensitization. This
may not totally preclude a hazard of sensitization of the concentrated material after
repeated exposure, however, the material is not regarded as a potent sensitizer which is a
common experience for aliphatic aldehydes with a single aldehyde function in the
Studies with repeated exposure in animals (subchronic toxicity) do not exist with iso-
valeraldehyde. However, the relatively uniform toxicity profile s of aldehydes allow an
estimation of these endpoints on the basis of data and results, which have been obtained
during the investigation of other structurally related aldehydes, such as propionaldehyde ,
n-butyraldehyde and isobutyraldehyde :
Prenatal toxicity investigations have been carried out with propionaldehyde in rats and
isobutyraldehyde in rats and 3-methylbutanol-1 in rats and rabbits. In these studies no
prenatal defects and no high systemic toxicity was observed; hence, also isovaleric acid is
not expected to exert prenatal toxicity. Isovaleric acid is, furthermore, also physiolo-
gically formed during the catabolism of leucine.
The genotoxicity of isovaleraldehyde was investigated in-vitro with negative results in the
Ames test and questionable results on SCE-rate in human lymphocytes. The material did
not show DNA -damaging activity in a Bacillus subtilis test (Rec-Assay). Isovaleraldehyde
was clearly negative in an in vivo mouse micronucleus test. Thus, there is no concern for
Carc inogenicity data are only available with isobutyraldehyde . At present, there is no
concern for carcinogenic effects of isovaleraldehyde.

4.2.1 Workers Critical toxicity in the case of dermal exposure

Isovaleraldehyde is a dermal irritant and may cause irritation to the skin after exposure to
higher concentrations of the material, especially when repeated. No systemic effects are to
be expected from this administration route under practical work conditions, due to the
irritation potential. Uncontrolled dermal exposure is to be avoided. Critical toxicity due to inhalation exposure

In order the convert these data into a human health risk assess ment in the workplace, the
NOAEL of 50 ppm may be combined with a default factor of 5 (resulting from a factor of
2 - 3 in order to extrapolate for subchronic to chronic exposure and of 2 for potential
intra-species variations). 10 ppm are therefore considered as a safe level.

An inter-species extrapolation factor in order to compensate for the different metabolic
rates of rats and humans is not necessary, since in the course of inhalation exposure
experiments, small rodents inhale more material per kg bw than humans, due to their
higher respiratory rate which is related to the higher metabolic rate of smaller animal.

Conclusion for risks due to inhalation exposure:

Inhalation exposure appears to be the most important route. As has been shown with other
aldehydes, the rat model appears to be sufficiently conservative for humans in order to
protect against the local (nasal) toxicity, allowing to derive from a NOAEL of 50 ppm for
a safe level of 10 ppm.
Under practical conditions, the workplace today it is not expected to offer such exposure levels
unless for short moments. This is also suggested by current values of exposure measurements.

4.2.2 Consumers

Consumer exposure from food and possibly via cosmetics is very low (order of micro g/kg
bw/d) and with respect to the NOAELs derived there is no concern for consumers.

4.2.3 Man exposed indirect ly via the environment

The total exposure via air, drinking water and fruits is estimated to be lower than that of acetic
aldehyde, which occurs in ambient air (indoor) and in fruit and vegetable nutrients. The reactivity of
isovaleraldehyde is regarded to be lower than that of acetaldehyde. This difference is equivalent to a
kind of safety margin for this material when compared to levels of acetic aldehyde. The ratios
expected from environmental exposure levels and the no adverse effect levels in animal studies
already exhibit high margins of safety.
Isovaleraldehyde is of no concern in relation to indirect exposure from the environment.
There is at present no need for further investigations, for further testing of specific risk
reduction measures beyond those which have been applied already.


5. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions

The risk assessment for the aquatic compartment showed that the calculated PEC/PNEC ratio is
lower than 1. On the whole, isovaleraldehyde is of low concern to the environment.

Human Health:
Isovaleraldehyde is low in general acute toxicity after oral, dermal or inhalation exposure,
is clearly irritating to the eyes and is strongly irritant to the skin under occlusive
conditions. The material is not regarded as a potent sensitizer which is a common
experience for aliphatic aldehydes with a single aldehyde function in the molecule
supported by the negative animal data from the structural analogous aldehydes n-
butyraldehyde, n- valeraldehyde and 2-methylb utanal. Studies with repeated exposure in
animals (subchronic toxicity) do not exist with isovaleraldehyde. However, the relatively
uniform toxicity profiles of aldehydes allow an estimation of these endpoints on the basis
of data and results, which have been obtained during the investigation of other structurally
related aldehydes, such as propionaldehyde, n-butyr aldehyde and isobutyraldehyde: For
systemic effects in the tested aldehydes the NOAEL for oral uptake is 300 mg/kg bw/d (n-
butyraldehyde). For inhalation, the NOAELs with respect to systemic toxicity are
> 150 ppm. With respect to irritation, there is a clear dependency on molecule size, water
solubility and Log Pow, indicating a NOAEL for isovaleraldehyde of > 51 ppm;
butyraldehydes show a distin ct lower irritating potential than propionaldehyde. The
genotoxicity of isovaleraldehyde was investigated in-vitro with negative results in the
Ames test and questionable results on SCE-rate in human lymphocytes. The material did
not show DNA -damaging activity in a Bacillus subtilis test (Rec-Assay). An in vivo
micronucleus study (mouse) which was performed to clarify the genotoxic potential of
isovaleraldehyde is clearly negative: Isovaleraldehyde did not show any chromosome-
damaging (clastogenic) effects and did not show indications of any impairment of
chromosome distribution in the course of mitosis. Thus, there is no concern with respect to
genotoxicity. At present, there is no concern for carcinogenic effects of isovaleraldehyde.
The experiments with isobutyraldehyde indicate a LOAEL for non- neoplastic effects of
500 ppm with weak local effects in female rats. Prenatal toxicity investigations have been
carried out with propionaldehyde in rats and isobutyraldehyde in rats and
3-methylbutanol-1 in rats and rabbits. In these studies no prenatal defects and no high
systemic toxicity was observed; hence, also isovaleric acid is not expected to exert
prenatal toxicity. Isovaleric acid is, furthermore, also physiologically formed during the
catabolism of leuc ine.
The NOAELs derived from the toxicological endpoints show no concern for the
workplace, consumers and in relation to direct and indirect exposure from the

5.2 Recommendations
No recommendation.


6. References

Abdo, K.M. et al., Toxicol. Sci. 42, 136-151, 1998

Aeschbacher, H.U. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. 27, 217 - 232, 1989

Arctander, S.; Perfume and flavor chemicals; Montclair, N.J., 1969

Bagley, D.M. et al., Toxicol. in Vitro 10, 1 – 6, 1996

Ballantyne, B. et al., The Toxicologist 6, 59, 1986

BASF AG, Isovaleraldehyd – Gewerbetoxikologische Vorprüfung (Reports XXIII/198 and

533), 1973/1974

BASF AG, studies (88/56) for BG Chemie, Heidelberg (1988/1990)

BASF AG 1989a: unpublished data

BASF AG 1989b: unpublished data

BASF AG 1989c: unpublished data

BASF AG 1989d: unpublished data

BASF AG, study (88/56) for BG Chemie, Heidelberg (1991)

BASF AG, 1995: unpublished data

BASF AG 2001: unpublished data

Biodynamics Inc. (1979): Report to Monsanto, available as TSCAT-OTS Doc. 0517382

Carpenter, C.P. et al., TAP 28, 313 - 319, 1974

Deneer, J.W. et al., Aquatic Toxicology 12, 185-192, 1988

Dupont (1978/1992): Reports to EPA, available under TSCATs OTS 0517708 and

Florin, J. et al., Toxicol. 15, 119 - 132, 1979

Ford, R.F., Food and Chem. Toxicol. 26, 273 – 417, 1988

Geiger D.L. et al. 1984/85: Acute toxicities of organic chemicals to fathead minnows (Pimephales
promelas), Vols. I and II, Center for Lake Superior Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin
-Superior, Superior, Wisconsin, 414, 326 pp (cited in Protic M., Sabljic A. 1989: Quantitative
structure-activity relationships of acute toxicity of commercial chemicals on fathead minnows:
effect of molecular size, Aquatic Toxicology 14, 47-64)

Hazleton Laboratories America Inc. (1986): Reports to NTP

Kamiya, A. and Ose, Y., Sci. Total Environment 78, 131 - 145, 1989

Klimisch, H.J. and Hellwig, J., Fund. Appl. Toxicol. 27, 77 – 89, 1995

Maarse, H. et al., Volatile compounds in food; Qualitative and quantitative data;

Supplement 2 and cumulative index. TNO, The Netherlands, 1991

Matsui, S. et al., Wat. Sci. Techn. 21, 875 - 887, 1989

Morrissey, R.E. et al., Fund. Appl. Toxicol. 11, 343 – 358, 1988

NTP, National Toxicology Program (USA), TSCAT OTS 0516688, 1987Obe, G. and Beek,
B., Drug and Alcohol Depend. 4, 91 - 94, 1979

Opdyke, D.L.J., Letizia, C., Food Chem. Toxic. 20, 739-740, 1982

Patty's Ind. Hyg. Tox., Vol. II, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 303; p. 3545, 1994

Safronkina, E.J. et al., Gig. Truda i Prof. Zabol. 31, 53, 1987 and 27, 60 - 61, 1983

Salem, H. and Columbine, H., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 2, 183 – 187, 1960

Schilling, K. et al., Human & Experim. Toxicol. 16, 722 – 726, 1997

Steinhagen, W.H. and Barrow, C.D., Tox. Appl. Pharmacol. 72, 495, 1984

Technical Guidance Documents in Support of the Commission Directive 93/67/EEC on the

Risk Assessment for New Notified Substances and the Commission Regulation (EC)
1488/94 on Risk Assessment for Existing Substances (1996)

Wilkinson, D.W., J. Hyg. 40, 55, 1940

Wolfe, G.W. et al., The Toxicologist 7, 1, 209, 1987


Annex 1


SAR's (Aldehydes C 3 – C 6 ) and Precursor

propionaldehyde n-butyraldehyde iso-butyraldehyde Isovaleralde- n-valer- 2-methyl- n-hexanal 3-methyl-

hyde aldehyde butanal butano l-1

CAS No. 123-38-6 123-72-8 78-84-2 590 -86-3 110 -62-3 96-17-3 66-25-1 123 -51-3

Water solubility 22% at 20°C 11.8% at 20°C 6.7% at 20°C (weakly 2% at 20°C 1.4% at 20°C 1.3%at 0.5%at Ø
acidic) 20°C
7.5% at 20°C (neutral)

Partition coefficient Log Pow = Log Pow = 0.8; 0.88 Log Pow = 0.77 at 25°C Log Pow = Log Pow = N Log Pow = Ø
0.83 at 20°C 1.3 at 25°C 1.3 1.78 at

Repeated dose OECD 422 12 w inhal. r: NOAEL Inhal., 90 d, r and m: N N N N OECD 408
inhal. r: (systemic): > 2000 p p m NOAEL (r): 1000 p p m 90d drinking
NOAEL: 150 ppm NOAEL (irrit.): (syst) water rat
(systemic toxicity) 51 ppm; LOAEL (m): 500 ppm NOAEL:
LOAEL: < 150 ppm 90 d r and m p.o.: (irrit.) 340 mg/kg
(irritation) NOAEL's 300 mg/kg Effects: > 4000 ppm: bw/d
Effects at > 750 ppm: bw/d (systemic and body weight depression;
FC? (? ) irrit.) mortality
Effects at > 600 mg/kg
bw/d: blood toxicity

Toxicity to OECD 422 (s.a.) No toxic effects on Inhal., 90 d, r and m: N N N N No toxic

Reproduction (inhal., r): repro. organs up to NOAEL (r): 4000 ppm effects on
(Fertility) NOAEL > 1500 ppm 1200 mg/kg bw/d NOAEL (m): 2000 ppm reproorg. up
r + m in 90 -d study to the highest
(s.a.) dose
(1250 mg/kg
bw/d in 90 d


Develop. Toxicity/ OECD 422 (s.a.): N OECD 414 inhal., r: N N N N OECD 414
Teratogenicity NOAEL > 15 00 ppm NOAEL (mat.) Inhal. r + rbt:
1000 ppm no fetal tox.
NOAEL (fetal): up to highest
4000 ppm dose (10 mg/l
? 2780 ppm)

Sensit. (skin) N Buehler test (guinea N N Max. test Max. test N Patch test
pig): - (guinea (human): - (human): -
pig): -

N = No data available; + = positive; - = negative; r = rat; m = mouse; rbt = rabbit; + = and; Ø = not relevant; FC ? = reduced food consumption

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
1. General Information Substance Id: 590-86-3

I U C L I D D a t a S e t

Existing Chemical ID: 590 -8 6- 3

CAS No. 5 9 0- 86- 3
EINECS Name isovaleraldehyde
EC No. 2 0 9- 691 -5
Molecular Formula C5H10O

Producer Related Part

Company: BASF AG
Creation date: 17 -FEB- 2000

Substance Related Part

Company: BASF AG
Creation date: 17 -FEB- 2000

Memo: OECD SIAM 10

Printing date: 11 -JUN- 2002

Revision date: 16 -FEB- 2000
Date of last Update: 11 -JUN- 2002

Number of Pages: 42

Chapter (profile): Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10

Reliability (profile): Reliability: without reliability, 1, 2, 3, 4
Flags (profile): Flags: without flag, confidential, non
confidential, WGK(DE), TA -Luft (DE), Material
Safety Dataset, Risk Assessment, Directive
67/548/EEC, SIDS, BPD Notification

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
1. General Information Substance Id: 590-86-3

1.0.1 Applicant and Company Information

1.0.2 Location of Production Site, Importer or Formulator

1.0.3 Identity of Recipients

1.0.4 Details on Category/Template

1.1.0 Substance Identification

1.1.1 General Substance Information

Substance type: organic

Physical status: liquid
Purity: >= 98 - % w / w

1.1.2 Spectra

1.2 Synonyms and Tradenames

.beta.- Methylbutanal

3- Methyl- 1- butanal

3- Methylbutanal

3- Methylbutyraldehyde

Butanal, 3- methyl- ( 9 C I )

Butyraldehyde, 3-methyl- (7CI)

i s o- Valeraldehyde



Isovalera l


Isovaleraldehyde (8CI)

Isovaleric aldehyde

1.3 Impurities

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
1. General Information Substance Id: 590-86-3

1.4 Additives

1.5 Total Quantity

1.6.1 Labelling

Labelling: provisionally by manufacturer/importer

Symbols: (F) highly flammable
(Xi) irritating
R- Phrases: (11) Highly flammable
(36/38) Irritating to eyes and skin
S- Phrases: (16) Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking
(23) Do not breathe vapour

1.6.2 Classification

Classified: provisionally by manufacturer/importer

Class of danger: highly flammable
R- Phrases: (11) Highly flammable


Classified: provisionally by manufacturer/importer

Class of danger: irritating
R- Phrases: (36/38) Irritating to eyes and skin

1.6.3 Pac kaging

1.7 Use Pattern

1.7.1 Detailed Use Pattern

1.7.2 Methods of Manufacture

1.8 Regulatory Measures

1.8.1 Occupational Exposure Limit Values

Type of limit: MAK (DE)

Remark: no MAK value available


1.8.2 Acceptable Residues Levels

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
1. General Information Substance Id: 590-86-3

1.8.3 Water Pollution

Classified by: KBwS (DE)

Labelled by: KBwS (DE)
Class of danger: 1 (weakly water polluting)

1 . 8 .4 Major Accident Hazards

Legislation: Stoerfallverordnung (DE)

Substance listed: y e s

Remark: No 2 "highly flammeble liquids "


1.8.5 Air Pollution

1.8.6 Listings e.g. Chemical Inventories

1.9.1 Degradation/Transformation Products

1.9.2 Components

1.10 Source of Exposure

Remark: Isovaleraldehyde is probably not used in perfumes. It finds

considerable use in flavor compositions, mainly for
imitation Butter, Chocolate, Cocoa, Nut, Coffee, Caramel,
etc. and in many fruit complexes. The concentration in
f i n i s h e d p r o d u c t s w i l l be as low as 0.5 ppm up to 4 ppm or 5

Remark: Concentrations in ppm found in following researched food:

Kohlrabi 0.02; tomato 0.4 - 0.9; carrot 0.04 - 0.2; bourbon
whiskey 8.3; brandy 4.2 - 6

1.11 Additional Remarks

1.12 Last Literature Search

1.13 Reviews

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
2. Physico-chemical Data Substance Id: 590-86-3

2.1 Melting Point

Value: < -60 degree C

Remark: Pourpoint
Reliability: (4) not assignable
Manufacturer / producer data without proof

Value: = -51 degree C

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

2.2 Boiling Point

Value: = 90.4 degree C

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Secondary quotation

Value: = 91 - 93 degree C

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

Value: = 93 degree C at 1013 hPa

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

2.3 Density
Type: density
Value: = .795 - .799 g/cm³ at 20 degree C

Test substance: isovaleraldehyde > 98%

Reliability: (4) not assignable
Manufacturer / producer data without proof

Type: density
Value: ca. .798 g/cm³ at 20 degree C

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
2. Physico-chemical Data Substance Id: 590-86-3

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

2.3.1 Granulometry

2.4 Vapour Pressure

Value: = 61 hPa at 20 degree C

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

Value: = 70.04 hPa at 24.3 degree C

Method: other (measured): dynamic with Argon

Result: temperature (°C) / vapour pressure (hPa): 24.26/70.04;

31.55/99.80; 57.57/300.4; 71.52/500.6; 81.41/700.5;
Test substance: isovaleraldehyde 96.8%
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions
Discrepancy between documented test parameters and
standard methods, but scientifically acceptable.

2.5 Partition Coefficient

log Pow: = 1.31 at 25 degree C

Method: other (measured)

Test substance: isovaleraldehyde 99.22% (GC)

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions
Discrepancy between documented test parameters and
standard methods, but scientifically acceptable.

2.6.1 Solubility in different media

Value: = 20 g/l at 20 degree C

Remark: pH value: neutral

Reliability: (4) not assignable
Manufacturer / producer data without proof

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
2. Physico-chemical Data Substance Id: 590-86-3

Value: = 15 g/l at 20 degree C

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

Value: = 1.9 other: weight% at 24 degree C

Method: other: visual observation of cloud point and

g a s-chromatographic analysis of saturated phases

Test substance: isovaleraldehyde 97.9 area% (GC)

Re liability: (2) valid with restrictions
Discrepancy between documented test parameters and
standard methods, but scientifically acceptable.

2.6.2 Surface Tension

Value: = 28 mN/m at 0 degree C

Remark: = 24 mN/m at 40 °C
= 20 mN/m at 80 °C
Reliability: (4) not assignable
Se condary quotation

2.7 Flash Point

Value: = -5 degree C

Method: other: DIN 51 755

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

Value: = -4.5 degree C

Type: closed cup

Method: other: DIN 51 755

Test substance: isovaleraldehyde crude 6806

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions
Discrepancy between documented test parameters and
standard methods , but scientifically acceptable.

Value: = 0 degree C

Method: other: DIN 51 755

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
2. Physico-chemical Data Substance Id: 590-86-3

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

2.8 Auto Flammability

Value: = 175 degree C

Method: other: DIN 51 794

Remark: Autoignition temperature

Reliability: (1) valid without restriction
National standard specification

Value: = 210 degree C

Method: other: DIN 51794

Remark: ignition temperature

Reliability: (4) not assignable
Manufacturer / producer data w ithout proof

Value: = 240 degree C

Method: other: DIN 51 794

Remark: Autoignition temperature

Reliability: (4) not assignable
Manufacturer / producer data without proof

2.9 Flammability

Result: highly flammable

Reliability: (4) not assignable

Manufacturer / producer data without proof

2 .10 Explosive Properties

Result: not explosive

Remark: because of chemical structure

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Expert judgement

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
2. Physico-chemical Data Substance Id: 590-86-3

2.11 Oxidizing Properties

Result: no oxidizing properties

Remark: because of chemical structure

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions
Expert judgement

2.12 Dissociation Constant

2.13 Viscosity

2.14 Additional Remarks

Remark: Explosive limits: 1.7 - 6 .8 Vol.%

Hazardous reactions: Risk of self- ignition when a large
surface area is produced due to fine dispersion.
Reliability: (4) not assignable
Manufacturer / producer data without proof

Result: Explosion limits: 1.0 - 5.0 Vol.%

Reliability: (1) valid without restriction
Test procedure in accordance with generally accepted
standard methods.

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
3. Environmental Fate and Pathways Substance Id: 590-86-3

3.1.1 Photodegradation

Type: air
Sensitizer: OH
Conc. of sens.: 5000 molecule/cm³
Rate constant: =.0000000000274 cm³/(molecule * sec)

Remark: Rate Constant obtained at 25 Deg C. Half -life = 0.6 days

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Sensitizer: OH
Conc. of sens.: 500000 molecule/cm³
Rate constant: = .0000000000295221 cm³/(molecule * sec)
Degradation: = 50 % after 13 hour(s)

Method: other (calculated): AOP (v1.87)

Reliability: (1) valid without restriction


Type: other

Remark: K=2.89E -11 cm3/mol*s; calculated with AOP ac cording to

Meylan at 298 K
K=2.58E -11 cm3/mol*s; calculated with AOP according to
Meylan at 298 K
K=1.86E -11 cm3/mol*s; calculated with AOP according to
Meylan at 298 K
Reliability: (4) not assignable
(14) (16)

3.1.2 Stability in Water

3.1.3 Stability in Soil

3.2.1 Monitoring Data (Environment)

Medium: food

Remark: Isovaleraldehyd occurs in orange, lemon, eucalyptus and

other oils.

3.2.2 Field Studies

3.3.1 Transport between Environmental Compartments

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
3. Environmental Fate and Pathways Substance Id: 590-86-3

3.3.2 Distribution

3.4 Mode of Degradation in Actual Use

3 .5 Biodegradation

Type: aerobic
Inoculum: other bacteria: BASF -Belebtschlamm
Degradation: = 99 % after 10 day(s)
Result: other: gut eliminierbar aus Wasser
Kinetic: 1 day(s) = 5 %
3 day(s) = 11 %
7 day(s) = 98 %
10 day(s) = 99 %

Method: O E C D G u i d e- line 302 B "Inherent biodegradability:

Modified Zahn -Wellens Test"
GLP: no

Remark: About 20 -30 % of the elimination was due to

strippingStudy was completed in 1987, not in 1978
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: aerobic
Inoculum: other bacteria: sludge from aeration tank of waste
water system of HOECHST AG, not adapted
Concentration: 300 m g/l related to DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon)
Degradation: > 95 % after 10 day(s)

Method: OECD Guide -line 302 B "Inherent biodegradability:

M o d i f i e d Z a h n- Wellens Test"
GLP: no

Remark: Adsorption on activated sludge within 3 hours after

S t a r t o f t h e t e s t a m o u n t s 3 0 %.
Degree of elimination amounts 86% in 5 days, >95% in
10 days. A calculation of biological degradation is
not p o s s i ble, because isovaleraldehyde can be
eliminated by stripping because of its volatility.
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

3.6 BOD5, COD or BOD5/COD Ratio

GLP: no

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
3. Environmental Fate and Pathways Substance Id: 590-86-3

R A T I O B O D 5 / C O D

BOD5/COD: = .75
Remark: BOD5= 1423 mg/g; COD= 1908 mg/g
TOC = 701 mg/g
Reliability: (4) not assignable

3.7 Bioaccumulation

3.8 Additional Remarks

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
4. Ecotoxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3


4.1 Acute/Prolonged Toxicity to Fish

Type: semistatic
Species: Poecilia reticulata (Fish, fresh water)
Exposure period: 14 day(s)
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring: y e s
LC50: = 13.3

Method: other: according to Alabaster, J.S. and Abrams, F.S.H.:

Water Poll. Res., Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Tokyo, Vol 1,
Press, Oxford (1964)
GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Fish, freshwater. Original quotation of LC50; log LC50 =

2.19 umol/l
Reliability: ( 2 ) v alid with restrictions

Type: static
Species: Leuciscus idus (Fish, fresh water)
Exposure period: 96 hour(s)
Unit: mg/l Analyt ical monitoring: yes
NOEC: 22
LC0: 22
LC50: ca. 53
LC100: 100

Method: other: after DIN 38 412, test procedure with aquatic

organism Group L, Part L15
Year: 198 2
GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1.4

Remark: Fish, fresh water

Reliability: (1) valid without restriction

Species: Pimephales promelas (Fish, fresh water)

Exposure period: 96 hour(s)
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring: y e s
LC50: = 3.25

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1.4

Remark: Fish, fresh water

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions
(23) (24)

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
4. Ecotoxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

4.2 Acute Toxicity to Aquatic Invertebrates

Species: D aphnia magna (Crustacea)

Exposure period: 24 hour(s)
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring:
EC0: = 125
EC50: = 210
EC100: = 500

Method: Directive 84/449/EEC, C.2 "Acute toxicity for Daphnia"

GLP: no

Reliability: (1) valid without restriction


Species: Daphnia magna (Crustacea)

Exposure period: 48 hour(s)
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring:
EC0: = 125
EC50: = 177
EC100: = 250

Method: Directive 84/449/EEC, C.2 "Acute toxicity for Daphnia"

GLP: no

Re liability: (1) valid without restriction


Species: other: Chaetogammarus marinus

Exposure period: 96 h o u r ( s )
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring:
EC50: = 170

GLP: no

Remark: Test solutions were almost saturated with oxygen

Throughout exposure.
Gammarid length=5mm; LC50 based on nominal

Test condition: pH -value: 8.00; purity: 97.0%

Temperature: 15.0 deg C; salinity: 28 o/oo
Reliability: (4) not assignable
no raw data were presente d

4.3 Toxicity to Aquatic Plants e.g. Algae

Species: Scenedesmus subspicatus (Algae)

Exposure period: 72 ho u r ( s )
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring:
EC10: = 33
EC50: = 80

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
4. Ecotoxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

Method: other: Scenedesmus Cell Multiplication Inhibition Test,

DIN 38412 part 9 (draft)
GLP: no

Reliability: (1) valid without restriction


Species: Scenedesmus subspicatus (Algae)

Exposure period: 96 h o u r ( s )
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring:
EC10: = 38
EC50: = 78

Method: other: Scenedesmus Cell Multiplication Inhibition Test,

DIN 38412 part 9 (draft)
GLP: no

Reliability: (1) valid without restriction


4.4 Toxicity to Microorganisms e.g. Bacteria

Type: aquatic
S p ec i e s : Pseudomonas putida (Bacteria)
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring:
TGK : = 310

Method: other: Cell Multiplication Inhibition Test

GLP: no

Remark: Start of inhibition at a concentration of 310 mg/l.

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions


Type: aquatic
Unit: mg/l Analytical monitoring:
EC20 : = 250

Method: other: Gas Production Test (Fermentation Tube Test), not

GLP: no

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions


4.5 Chronic Toxicity to Aquatic Organisms

4.5.1 Chronic Toxicity to Fish

4.5.2 Chronic Toxicity to Aquatic Invertebrates

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
4. Ecotoxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3


4.6.1 Toxicity to Sediment Dwelling Organisms

4.6.2 Toxicity to Terrestrial Plants

4.6.3 Toxicity to Soil Dwelling Organisms

4.6.4 Toxicity to other Non-Mamm. Terrestrial Species

4.7 Biological Effects Monitoring

4 . 8 B iotransformation and Kinetics

4.9 Additional Remarks

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

5.0 Toxicokinetics, Metabolism and Distribution

5.1 Acute Toxicity

5.1.1 Acute Oral Toxicity

Type: LD50
Species: rat
Value: = 7660 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Original quotation: LD50 = 8910 ul/kg

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: LD50
Species: rat
Value: > 3200 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (3) invalid

(30) (31)

Type: LD50
Species: rat
Value: ca. 6200 mg/kg bw

Method: other: BASF test

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Original quotation: LD50 ca. 7200 ul/kg

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: LD50
Species: rat
Value: = 5600 mg/kg bw

M e thod: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (4) not assignable


Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

Type: LD50
Species: rat
Value: > 5000 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (4) not assignable


Type: LD50
Species: mouse
Value: = 4750 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
T e s t s u b s ta n c e : as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (4) not assignable

(35) (36)

Type: LD50
Species: guinea pig
Va lue: = 2950 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (4) not assignable

(37) (38)

5.1.2 Acute Inhalation Toxicity

Type: LC50
Species: rat
Value: = 91 mg/l

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (3) invalid

(39) (40)

Type: other
Species: rat
Exposure time: 4 hour(s)
Value: = 57 mg/l

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

Remark: Original quotation: 1600 ppm cor. 57 mg/l, 4 hours; 5/6

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: other: IRT

Species: rat
Exposure time: 15 minute(s)

Method: other: no data

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: No mortality after 15 minutes exposure time (saturated

vapour resp. enriched with vapour in atmosphere, at 20
degree Celsius (room tempera ture)). Deaths occured at a
longer exposure time.
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: other: IRT

Species: rat
Exposure time: 30 minute(s)

Method: other: BASF test

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: N o m o r t a l ity after 10 minutes exposure time (saturated

vapour resp. enriched vapour atmosphere, at 20 degree
Celsius). Lethality after a longer exposure time.
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: LC50
Species: mouse
Value: = 51 mg/l

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (4) not assignable

(42) (40)

Type: other
Species: mouse
Exposure time: 10 hour(s)
Value: = 6.2 mg/l

Method: other: according to Salem, H.: Dissertation, Univ. of

Toronto, Canada (1958)
GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

Remark: 10 hours, lethal at 3/5 mice; aerosole: mean

concentration of substance was 6.176 mg/l.
Reliability: (4) not assignable

Type: other: RD50 (50 % decrease of respiration rate)

Species: mouse
Exposure time: 10 minute(s)
Value: 2.7 - 3.6 mg/l

Method: other: according to Alarie, Y.: Arch. Environ. Health

13, 433 -449 (1966)
GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Sensoric irritation RD50 757 -1008 ppm; B6C3F1, Swiss

Webster, decrease of respiration rate to 50 %.
Reliability: ( 3 ) i n v a l id

Type: other
Species: rabbit
Exposure time: 10 hour(s)
Value: = 6.2 mg/l

Method: other: according to Salem, H.: Dissertation, Univ. of

Canada (1958)
GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: 10 hours, lethal 0/5 rabbits, aerosol: mean

ofsubstance was 6.176 mg/l.
Reliability: (4) not assignable

Type: other
Species: guinea pig
Exposure time: 10 hour(s)
Value: = 6.2 mg/l

Method: other: according to Salem, H.: Dissertation, University

Toronto, Canada (1958)
GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: 10 hours, lethal 5/20 guinea pigs, aerosol: mean

concentration of substance was 6.176 mg/l.
Reliability: (4) not assignable

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

5.1.3 Acute Dermal Toxicity

Type: LD50
Species: rabbit
Value: = 2730 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Origina l quotation: LD50 = 3180 ul/kg

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: LD50
Species: rabbit
Va lue: > 5000 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (3) invalid


Type: LD50
Species: guinea pig
Value: > 8600 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Original quotation: LD50 = 10 000 ul/kg

Reliability: (3) invalid

5.1.4 Acute Toxicity, other Routes

Type: LD50
S p e c ie s : mouse
Route of admin.: i.p.
Value: ca. 237 mg/kg bw

Method: other: BASF test

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Original quotation: LD50 ca. 275 ul/kg

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: other
Species: rat

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

Route of admin.: i.p.

Value: = 800 mg/kg bw

Method: other: no data

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Lethal concentration 800 mg/kg (no further information).

Reliability: (4) not assignable

5.2 Corrosiveness and Irritation

5.2.1 Skin Irritation

Species: rabbit
Result: irritating

Method: other: BASF test

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions


Species: rabbit
Result: irritating

Method: other: occlusive, 24 hours

GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Framework to determinat ion of LD50

Reliability: (3) invalid

Species: rabbit
Result: not irritating

Method: other: Smyth Carpenter

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Degree 2/10

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Species: guinea pig

Result: irritating

Method: other: no data

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Quotation originates from a tabular review. Irritation

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

effect is described as "moderate".

Reliability: (3) invalid
(49) (31)

5.2.2 Eye Irritation

Species: rabbit
Result: irritating

Method: other: Smyth Carpenter

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1. 4

Remark: Degree 4/10

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Species: rabbit
Result: irritating

Method: other: BASF test

GLP: no
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions


5.3 Sensitization

Type: other: maximization test

Species: human
Result: not sensitizing

Method: other: according to Kligman, A.M.: J. Invest. Derm. 47,

(1966) and Kligman, A.M. and Epstein, W.: Contact
1, 231 (1975)
Year: 1975
GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Tested were 29 probands, substance was dissolved (1 %)

in petroleum
Reliability: (3) invalid

5.4 Repeated Dose Toxicity

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

5.5 Genetic Toxicity 'in Vitro'

Type: Ames test

System of testing: Salmonella typhimurium TA98, TA100, TA1535,
Concentration: 0.03, 0.3, 3 and 30 umol/plate
Metabolic activation : with and without
Result: negative

Method: other: according to Ames, B.N. et al.: Mutation Research

31, 347 -364 (1975)
Year: 1975
GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1 .1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Result originates from a summary.

Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: Ames test

System of testing: Salmonella typhimurium TA98, TA100 and TA104
Concentration: no data
Metabolic activation: with and without
Result: ambiguous

Method: other: according to Kamiya, A. and Ose, Y.: Sci. Total

Environ. 65, 109 -120 (1987)
GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Not to evaluate, tested were fractions of water leakage,

no data for single components, in case of
isovaleraldehyde onlyreference to a slight, positive
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: Ames test

System of testing: Salmonella typhimurium TA98, TA100 and TA102
Concentration: 0.01- 1000 nmol
Metabolic activation: with and without
Result: negativ e

Method: other: according to Yahagi, T.: Mutation Research 48,

121 (1977)
GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Only at TA98 (+S9) were found a slight, not significant

mutation factor of 1.4.
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions

Type: Bacillus subtilis recombination assay

System of testing: Bacillus subtilis H17, M45
Concentration: 1.03- 1.99 g/l

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

Metabolic activation: with and without

Result: negative

Method: other
GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: In this trial isovaleraldehyde even generates an reverse

Reliability: (3) invalid

Type: Sister chromatid exchange assay

System of testing: human lymphocytes
Concentration: 0.002 -0.003 %
Metabolic activation: without
Result: ambiguous

Method: other
GLP: no data
Test substance: as prescribed by 1.1 - 1 . 4

Remark: Result, ambigous positive, tested were only 20 -6 2

metaphases. No dose dependence was found.
Reliability: (3) invalid

5.6 Genetic Toxicity 'in Vivo'

Type: Micronucleus assay

Species : mouse Sex: male
Strain: NMRI
Route of admin.: i.p.
Exposure period: single injection
Doses: 0, 25, 50, 100 mg/kg bw
Result: negative

Method: OECD Guide-line 474 "Genetic Toxicology: Micronucleus

Year: 1997
GLP: yes
Test substance: other TS: Isovaleraldehyde, purity: 99.3 % (GC)

Method: In this study, the ability of the test substance to

Induce chromosomal damage (clastogenicity) and to induce
Spindle poison effects (aneugenic activity) was
The test substance was dissolved in DMSO
Administration volume: 4 ml/kg bw.
5 animals / dose group.

Negative control: DMSO

Positive controls: cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg bw),
vincristine(0.15 mg/kg bw).
The animals were sacrificed and the bone marrow of the

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

Two femora was prepared 24 and 48 hours after

administration in the highest dose group of 100 mg/kg
body weight and in the vehicle controls. In the test
groups of 50 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg body weight and in the
positive control groups, the 24- hour sacrifice interval
was investigated only. After staining of
the preparations, 2,000 polychromatic erythrocytes were
evaluated per animal and investigated for micronuclei.
The normocytes with and without micronuclei occurring
per 2,000 polychromatic erythrocytes were also
Result: The administ ration of the test substance led to evident
Signs of toxicity:
- 25 mg/kg bw: squatting posture
- 50 mg/kg bw: squatting posture and poor general state
- 100 mg/kg bw: squatting posture, piloerection, poor
general state
There was no increase in the number of polychromatic
erythrocytes containing either small or large
The rate of microneuclei was nearly the range of the
concurrent negative control in all dose groups and
within the range of the historical control data.
No inhibition of erythropoiesis, determined from the
ratio of polychromatic to normochromatic erythrocytes,
was detected.

The test substance had no chromosome- damaging

(clastogenic) effect, and there were no indications of
an y impairment of chromosome distribution in the course
of mitosis (aneugenic activity) in bone marrow cells in
Both of the positive control chemicals, i.e.
cyclophosphamide for clastogenic effects and vincristine
for induction of spindle poison effects, induced the
expected increases in the rate of polychromatic
erythrocytes containing small or large micronuclei.
The result for the negative control was within the
historical control range.
Reliability: (1) valid without restriction
11 -JUN- 2002 (56)

5.7 Carcinogenicity

5 . 8 . 1 Toxicity to Fertility

5.8.2 Developmental Toxicity/Teratogenicity

5.8.3 Toxicity to Reproduction, Other Studies

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

5.9 Specific Investigations

5.10 Exposure Experience

Remark: A group of seven chemists were accidentally exposed

To isovaleraldehyde leaking from a laboratory
apparatus for several days. Toxic effects were mainly
tightness in the chest, irriatationof the upper
respiratory tract, cough, dyspnoea, marked loss of
energy and weakness, dizziness, headahes, profuse
perspiration, tachcardia, nausea, vomiting, dirrhoea,
anorexia, somnolence, sometimes insomnia, and in one
case a partial pneumothorax. All recovered rapidly
after removing the exciting cause.
Isovaleraldehyde was detected in the air by
aspirating it through a solution containi n g
dinitrophenylhydrazine. Odor was descriebed as
pungent but no informations on actual air
concentrations were given.
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions
basic data given, acceptable restrictions

Remark: The mean plasma isovaleraldehyde concentration in

n o n- fasting patients with hepatic encephalopathy,
0.244 µmol/litre (range 0 -1.30) was not significantly
different from the mean value in controls, 0.116
µmol/litre (o -0 . 3 4 9 ) .
Oral leucine feeding (a total of 9.5 g) resulted in
significant increases in plasma isovaleraldehyde in
both control subjects (mean 1.61 µmol/litre, range
0 . 7 6 7- 2.09 µmol/litr e) and patients with cirrhosis
(mean 1.09 µmol/litre, 0.791- 1.326 µmol/litre).
Reliability: (2) valid with restrictions basic data given,
acceptable restrictions

Remark: A maximization test according to Kligman was carried

out on 29 volunteers. The material was tested at a
concentration of 1 % in petrolatum and produced no
sensitization reactions.
Reliability: (1) valid without restriction
Method and performance conform to standard

5.11 Additional Remarks

Type: Biochemical or cellular interactions

Remark: The oxidative metabolism (noradrenaline -i nduced

respiration)from "brown fat" tissue cells of hamsters
was decreased to 55 % at concentration of 1 mM

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
5. Toxicity Substance Id: 590-86-3

Type: Biochemical or cellular interactions

Remark: The membrane permeability of human lung fibroblasts was

increased up to 25 % (after incubation with 25 mM test
substance = isovaleraldehyde, dissolved in Tris-buffered
NaCl solution ). Incubation time, 30 minutes .

Type: Biochemical or cellular interactions

Remark: The incubation with 5 mM isovaleraldehyde for a time of

60 minutes did not lead to a decrease of the ciliar
activity intrachea -cell cultures of chicks embryos .

Type: Biochemical or cellular interactions

Remark: The test substan ce (isovaleraldehyde) led to a

significant inhibition of the acetaldehyde oxidation in
rat liver and showed itself as a very potent inhibitor
of the oxidation ofdifferent mitochondrial substrates.

Type: Cytotoxicity

Remark: Isovaleraldehyde inhibited cell growth of Ascites

sarcoma BP8 cells about 13 % (87 % growth were found),
concentration: 0.1 mM. At a concentration of 1 mM no
cell growth was observed.

Type: Metabolism

Remark: Degradation of higher aliphatic alcanoles among other

thingsshowed isovaleraldehyde.
Type: other

Remark: Skin irritation: reference chemicals data bank


Type: other: RD50

Remark: Evaluation of the sensory irritation test for the

assessmentof occupational health risk. RD50: The
concentration that induces a 50 % decreas e i n t h e
respiratory rate.
Mouse: Smith Webster; RD50: 1.008(1008?)
ppm (10 minutes¿ exposure); mouse: B6C3F1; RD50: 757 ppm
(10 minutes¿ exposure).
Type: other: summarizing reports

Remark: Summarizing reports (isovaleraldehyde )


Date: 11-JUN.-2002
6. References Substance Id: 590-86-3

(1) BASF AG, safety data sheet isovaleraldehyde, 16.03.1999

(2) TRGS 900 of 10/1996 and 905 of 4/1995

(3) Stoe rfall -Verordnung of 20.09.1991

(4) Actander, Steffen, Perfume and Flavor Chemicals (Aroma

Chemicals) Vol. II, 1969, Montclair, N.J.(U.S.A.)

(5) TNO, Biotechnology and Chemistry, Volatile Compounds in

Food, Qualitative and Quantitative Data, Supplement 2

(6) Hoechst AG, Firmenschrift Aldehyde, Alkohole, Ester,

Acetale/Ether, Business Line Amine/Oxo- Derivate

(7) BASF AG, Verfahrenstechnik, unveröffentlichte Untersuchung,

Bericht 185.0552.2, 18.12.1985

(8) BASF AG, Mischphasenthermodynamik, unveröffentlichte

Untersuchung, Bericht BRU 94.322, 10.08.1994

(9) BASF AG, Analytisches Labor, unveröffentlichte Untersuchung,

Bericht zu J.Nr.: 130239/02, 28.10.1988

(10) BASF AG, Physikalisch-chemische Konstanten,

unveröffentlichte Untersuchung, Bericht BRU 73.82,

(11) BASF AG, Sicherheitstechnische Kenndaten, unveröffentlichte

Untersuchung, SIK- Nr. 76/0984, 08.12.1976

(12) BASF AG, Sicherheitstechnische Kenndaten, unveröffentlichte

Untersuchung, SIK- Nr. 78/0066, 16.02.1978

(13) BASF AG, Sicherheitstechnik, interne Mitteilung, 15.09.1999

(14) Atkinson,R., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Monograph 1 (1989)

(15) BASF AG, department of ecology, unpublished calcul a t i o n ,


(16) Meylan,W., Howard,P., Atmospheric Oxidation Programme

Version 1.5. Syracuse Research Corporation, New York (1993)

(17) Merck Index, 10.ed., 5076; (1983)

(18) BASF AG, Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Analytics,

unpublished data (1987)

(19) HOECHST AG, Abt. UWS, Abwasserforschung, REPRINT OF AN

EXISTING TEST REPORT from 1979, (22.05.92)

(20) BASF AG, Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Analytics,

unpublished data (1978)

Date: 11-JUN.-2002
6. References Substance Id: 590-86-3

(21) Deneer, J.W. et al.: Aquatic Toxicol. 12, 185 -192 (1988)

(22) BASF AG, Department of Toxicology, unpublished data (88/712)


(23) Geiger, D.L. et al.: Acute Toxicity of Organic Chemicals to

Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas), Vol 2, Center for
Lake Superior Environmental Studies, Univ. of Wisconsin,
Superior (1985).
quoted in: Protic, M. and Sabljic, A.: Aquatic Toxicol. 14,
47 -6 4 ( 1 9 8 9 )

(24) Geiger, D.L. et al.: Acute Toxicity of Organic Chemicals to

Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas), Vol. 2, Center
forLake Superior Environmental Studies, Univ. of Wisconsin,
Superior (1985)

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