Healthy and Faulty Experimental Performance of A T
Healthy and Faulty Experimental Performance of A T
Healthy and Faulty Experimental Performance of A T
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-081-501-0845
Abstract: The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system serving the test room of the
SENS i-Lab of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the University of Campania
Luigi Vanvitelli (Aversa, south of Italy) has been experimentally investigated through a series of
tests performed during both summer and winter under both normal and faulty scenarios. In partic-
ular, five distinct typical faults have been artificially implemented in the HVAC system and ana-
Citation: Rosato, A.; Guarino, F.; lyzed during transient and steady-state operation. An optimal artificial neural network-based sys-
Sibilio, S.; Entchev, E.; Masullo, M.; tem model has been created in the MATLAB platform and verified by contrasting the experimental
Maffei, L. Healthy and Faulty data with the predictions of twenty-two different neural network architectures. The selected artifi-
Experimental Performance of a cial neural network architecture has been coupled with a dynamic simulation model developed by
Typical HVAC System under Italian using the TRaNsient SYStems (TRNSYS) software platform with the main aims of (i) making avail-
Climatic Conditions: Artificial
able an experimental dataset characterized by labeled normal and faulty data covering a wide range
Neural Networks-based Model and
of operating and climatic conditions; (ii) providing an accurate simulation tool able to generate op-
Faults’ Impact Assessment. Energies
eration data for assisting further research in fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC units; and (iii)
2021, 14, 5362.
evaluating the impact of selected faults on occupant indoor thermo-hygrometric comfort, temporal
trends of key operating system parameters, and electric energy consumptions.
Academic Editor: Chi-Ming Lai
Keywords: HVAC system; air-handling unit; experimental performance; artificial neural network;
Received: 21 July 2021 simulation model; faults’ impact assessment
Accepted: 25 August 2021
Published: 28 August 2021
showed that up to 90% runs with one or multiple faults [6]. Lin et al. [7] underlined that
an effective detection of faults in HVAC units could save from 15% to 30% of overall en-
ergy required by buildings. In addition, Au-Yong et al. [8] highlighted a relevant impact
of poor maintenance of HVAC systems on indoor thermo-hygrometric comfort, identify-
ing several maintenance factors significantly correlated with occupants’ satisfaction. This
means that adopting a proper maintenance strategy is fundamental. Companies generally
adopt a reactive maintenance or a preventive maintenance. Repairs are carried out only
in the case of failures when a reactive maintenance is adopted; this approach could be
expensive and may cause safety issues. In the case of a preventive maintenance, systems
are examined and maintained at given periods (whatever their state is); however, this ap-
proach requires identifying a proper maintenance schedule in order to not waste compo-
nent life that is still profitable as well as avoid safety problems.
1.1. Automated Fault Detection and Diagnosis Methods for HVAC Systems
Critical points of reactive and preventive maintenance approaches underline how
“predicting” the faults of HVAC units could be essential. This task could be performed by
means of the so-called Automated Fault Detection and Diagnosis (AFDD), which is an
automated process of detecting faults and diagnosing the type of problem and/or its loca-
tion [5,7,9]. It could be adopted to take advantage of potentialities associated to building
energy management systems in quasi-real-time by comparing expected behavior with ac-
tual performance over a predefined period. AFDD technologies can provide numerous
benefits, such as improved operational efficiency, energy savings, reductions of utility
costs, as well as reduced equipment downtime [5,7,9]. Although currently underutilized,
AFDD products represent one of the most active research areas as well as a very fast-
growing market section in the sector of building analytics technologies [10]. The method-
ologies adopted for carrying out AFDD analyses can be categorized as (i) data-driven-
based, (ii) quantitative model-based, and (iii) qualitative model-based [5]. The first cate-
gory needs pre-labeled operational data acquired from the system under investigation in
order to the develop AFDD models; data-driven AFDD approaches achieved promising
results thanks to their applicability even in the case of simulation models are challenging
to be developed [5,10]. The quantitative model-based approach relates to the methods in-
volving simulation models physically describing the system at different levels of detail.
Finally, the qualitative models are based on the knowledge of the system deriving from
area expertise.
Nowadays, buildings are equipped with numerous sensors used for their energy
management. In addition, innovative devices are allowed to connect occupancy sensors,
power meters, and appliances that collect data in order to derive information with the aim
of taking data-driven actions. In this context, the integration of artificial intelligence tech-
nologies (that highlighted fast advancements in last years), including both unsupervised
and supervised algorithms [5,11], is particularly encouraging due to the fact that they
could allow to improve self-diagnosis capabilities and optimize energy management sys-
tems. In particular, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) represents a kind of artificial in-
telligence that simulates the operation of the human brain; it can learn from training data
and replicate the trends of data time series, approximating nonlinear relationships be-
tween inputs and outputs of advanced energy systems without involving explicit mathe-
matical representations [11]. The data-driven approach integrating artificial intelligence
[5,12,13], with respect to the other methods, allows (i) achieving higher accuracy of fault
detection and diagnosis; (ii) learning patterns from field data without involving physical
models as well as needing an a priori knowledge of connections among faults and associ-
ated symptoms; and (iii) performing AFDD analyses considering a restricted number of
variables and, therefore, limiting the number of sensors. In more detail, supervised ap-
proaches use the domain knowledge with the aim of developing a prediction tool, while
the unsupervised methods get out concealed knowledge without a predefined goal
[5,12,13]. Supervised models are mainly based on the implementation of residual analyses
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 3 of 42
to perform an AFDD process [5,14,15], where a residual is the difference between the pre-
dicted and the experimental values of a specific parameter.
Several studies focusing on supervised techniques for AFDD of HVAC systems are
reported in the scientific literature. Piscitelli et al. [5] suggested an innovative AFDD
method based on both unsupervised and supervised data-driven approaches by consid-
ering the operational data of an AHU recorded during steady-state and transient periods.
Dehestani et al. [16] suggested a methodology based on a multi-class support vector ma-
chine with the aim of identifying faults related to air dampers and fans of AHUs. A Bayes-
ian network was considered in [17,18] for diagnosing faults associated to air dampers,
return fan failure, and cooling coil valve; the network exploited as inputs the residuals
derived from a set of statistical models and checking rules. Mulumba et al. [19] suggested
a method to predict the occurrence of faults related to return air fan, air dampers, and
cooling coil valve by means of a support vector machine combined with an autoregressive
model. Yan et al. [20] presented a mixing of two supervised methods to detect blockage
of coil valves and air dampers, return air fan failure, and duct leakage; a classification tree
has been developed using as inputs both field data and residuals derived from a regres-
sion model, while the labels of different faults have been assumed as outputs; the method
described in [20] can be helpful in performing AFDD analyses without considering tran-
sient operation of HVAC systems. McHugh et al. [21] compared several classification
models for AFDD and the classification tree model was identified as the best option for
chilled water or steam leakage.
One more research gap associated with the application of AFDD analyses is related
to the fact that not many studies quantitatively examine how various faults and fault se-
verities impact energy consumption, user comfort, maintenance cost, and equipment life
cycle [6]. This point represents a demanding task taking into account that (i) several faults
could have comparable symptoms and (ii) faults of AHUs could interact each other and,
therefore, it could be challenging to isolate multiple faults of AHUs [1,24]. According to
the authors of [7], additional works better characterizing faults’ impact based on field
measurements could prove valuable in addressing future developments and implemen-
tation attempts of AFDD techniques. Piscitelli et al. [5] also indicated that the majority of
AFDD applications are used for detecting and/or diagnosing faults of HVAC units during
steady-state operation, and therefore they could not be effectively used with reference to
transient periods because they are not fully able to automatically determine the system
operation mode and prevent false alarms. In this context, accurate simulation models of
HVAC units can provide significant benefits for performing AFDD analyses taking into
account that they could help in quantifying faults’ impact on both energy demand and
occupant comfort and, therefore, supporting corrective actions which can facilitate more
reliable commissioning decisions, more efficient system operation, improved indoor con-
ditions, and prolonged equipment service life [29]. However, according to the authors of
[30,31], most existing simulation models of HVAC systems assume normal/healthy con-
ditions without any operational faults and do not capture the significant impact of faults
on energy consumption and indoor comfort conditions. In addition, Zhang and Hong [31]
highlighted that modeling activities of HVAC systems operating under faulty conditions
are still insufficient mostly due to the fact that several fault-related researches focus on
single subcomponent operation rather than whole system performance and, conse-
quently, they cannot predict the comprehensive faults’ impact.
One additional knowledge gap to be underlined relates to the fact that models of
HVAC units developed for AFDD purposes should be fully validated via extensive com-
parisons with experimental data under both faulty and normal conditions as well as dif-
ferent boundary scenarios. However, comparative analyses against field measurements
are usually not performed for validation purposes mainly because, as mentioned above,
accurate experimental datasets, covering a wide range of operating conditions and includ-
ing faulty data, are not generally available. For example, Zhang and Hong [31] introduced
a methodology for modeling operational faults of HVAC units by using a comprehensive
whole-building performance simulation program; impacts of faults with reference to a
small-size office building have been investigated in [31], but a validation process against
experimental data has not been carried out; similarly, Basarkar et al. [30] assessed the ef-
fects of four typical faults on the HVAC unit serving a commercial reference building by
means of a simulation program; the results of comparisons between predictions and field
measures have not been reported in the paper in order to check the models’ accuracy.
In this paper, the operation of the HVAC system assisting the integrated test room of
the SENS i-Lab of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the University
of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (located in Aversa, south of Italy) has been experimentally
characterized on the basis of a series of tests performed during both summer and winter
under both normal and faulty operating conditions (transient and non-transient). In par-
ticular, five different typical faults (affecting the supply/return air fans, the valve supply-
ing the heating coil, the valve supplying the cooling coil, and the valve supplying the
steam humidifier) have been artificially implemented in the HVAC system and analyzed
during transient and steady-state operation. An optimal artificial neural network-based
system model has been identified and verified by contrasting the experimental data with
the predictions of twenty-two different neural network architectures developed in the
MATLAB environment [32]; the selected artificial neural network has been coupled with
a dynamic simulation model developed using the TRaNsient SYStems (TRNSYS) software
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 5 of 42
platform (version 17) [33]. The effect of selected faults on occupant indoor comfort, tem-
poral trends of key operating system parameters, as well as electric energy consumptions
has been assessed.
This paper addresses several research gaps highlighted by the literature review fo-
cusing on AFDD applications to HVAC systems. In fact, the dataset described in this arti-
cle includes fault free and faulty operational data of a typical HVAC unit, coupled with
ground-truth information and the indication of absence or presence of faults. In addition,
this dataset covers a wide range of operating scenarios (both transient and steady-state)
and weather conditions while encompassing five typical fault types. Moreover, a whole-
system simulation model using both MATLAB and TRSNSYS environments has been cre-
ated and extensively validated by contrasting predicted data with measurements; then, it
has been used to discover a number of patterns related to the faulty system operation and
assess the impacts of selected typical faults. Both the labeled measured data as well as the
developed simulation models will be made available on a public data repository allowing
access, consultation, and utilization to readers and organizations for institutional and re-
search purposes.
The paper consists of six main sections. In Section 2, the experimental setup is de-
tailed. Section 3 describes the investigated faults as well as the experimental results of
both fault free and faulty tests. A detailed outline of the simulation model is reported in
Section 4. An assessment of faults’ impact is performed and discussed in Section 5. Finally,
the conclusions and future research steps are indicated in Section 6.
grille is mounted on the ceiling of the test room. Figure 1 reports the scheme of the AHU
together with its main components.
Figure A1 of Appendix A shows the floor plan of the test room including the AHU,
together with the refrigerating system (RS), the heat pump (HP), as well as the return and
supply air ducts. Table 1 indicates the characteristics of the functional components of the
HVAC serving the SENS i-Lab. The system fulfills the requirements prescribed by the
Ecodesign Directive 1253/2014 [34] introduced by the European Union in order to support
the diffusion of energy efficient AHUs. The HVAC unit is equipped with a number of
sensors to observe and register the key operating system parameters. The measuring
range as well as the accuracy of the sensors are showed in Table 2.
The AHU is operated according to a specific control logic. In particular, the following
parameters are manually set (and eventually modified during the test) by the end users:
(i) the desired targets of both indoor relative humidity (RHSP,Room) and indoor air temper-
ature (TSP,Room) to be reached and maintained into the test room; (ii) the deadband DBT for
TSP,Room and the deadband DBRH for RHSP,Room; (iii) air flow rate of both the supply air fan
(OLSAF) and the return air fan (OLRAF); (iv) opening percentages of the outside air damper
(OPDOA), the return air damper (OPDRA), and the exhaust air damper (OPDEA); and (v) acti-
vation of the heat recovery system damper (OPDHRS). Flow rate of air moved by the supply
air fan can range between 0 (OLSAF = 0%) and 1080 m3/h (OLSAF = 100%), while flow rate of
air moved by the return air fan is between 0 (OLRAF = 0%) and 1460 m3/h (OLRAF = 100%);
the maximum electric consumption of the SAF and RAF are, respectively, 1.22 kW and
0.48 kW. The parameter OPDHRS can be fixed at 100% (no heat recovery) or 0% (heat recov-
ery takes place). The variation range of the parameters OPDRA, OPDOA, and OPDEA is 0÷100%
(100% corresponds to the dampers fully open). Once the previous parameters are manu-
ally set by the end-users, opening percentages of the valves (OPV_PreHC, OPV_PostHC, OPV_CC
and OPV_HUM) are automatically managed in the range 0 ÷ 100% by proportional-integral-
derivative (PID) controllers in order to achieve the indoor desired targets. Opening per-
centages of the valves are continuously regulated between 0% and 100% as a function of
differences between the targets of air temperature and relative humidity into the test room
and their current values. In more detail, volumetric flow rate of fluid streaming inside the
coils can be modulated between 0 and 0.860 m3/h, while flow rate of steam mass of the
steam humidifier can be varied from 0 up to 5 kg/h.
Table 3 reports the main criteria for activating and deactivating the main functional
subsystems of the AHU serving the test room. The pre-heating coil is not included in the
table because this subsystem has been kept deactivated during the entire duration of all
experimental tests. The post-heating coil is activated when return air temperature be-
comes not larger than the temperature difference (TSP,Room − DBT), while it is deactivated in
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 8 of 42
the case of TRA assumes a value not lower than the temperature (TSP,Room + DBT). The cooling
coil is activated when return air temperature becomes not lower than the temperature
(TSP,Room + DBT), while it is deactivated in the case of TRA assumes a value not larger than
the temperature difference (TSP,Room − DBT). The steam humidifier is activated when return
air relative humidity becomes not larger than the air relative humidity difference
(RHSP,Room − DBRH), while it is deactivated in the case of RHRA assumes a value not lower
than the air relative humidity (RHSP,Room + DBRH). The heat pump is activated when tem-
perature into the hot tank THT is lower than 44 °C, while it is deactivated in the case of THT
assumes a value not lower than 46 °C. The refrigerating device is activated when the tem-
perature into the cold tank TCT is larger than 8 °C, while it is deactivated in the case that
TCT assumes a value not larger than 6 °C. The signals managing the opening percentages
of the valves (OPV_PreHC, OPV_PostHC, OPV_CC, and OPV_HUM) are generated by PID controllers.
As an alternative to the automatic operation based on PID controllers, the opening per-
centages of the valves (OPV_PreHC, OPV_PostHC, OPV_CC, and OPV_HUM) can be also forced by the
end-users; therefore, the end user is allowed to force component operation/parameters
based on specific research purposes.
However, alternatively, the end users can also manually force (at the beginning or
during the test) the opening percentages of the valves for research purposes (instead of
operating according to the automatic control logic).
3. Experimental Tests
A set of 18 fault-free and faulty daily experimental tests has been performed in order
to examine the HVAC system operation during transient and steady-state operation un-
der both winter and summer conditions. Tables 4 and 5 describe the operating of the ex-
perimental tests under summer and winter conditions, respectively.
Table 4. Operating conditions of the experimental tests under fault free (tests 1–4) and faulty operation (tests 5–9) during
Table 5. Operating conditions of the experimental tests under fault free (tests 10–13) and faulty operation (test 14–18)
during winter.
During all the tests, a number of system parameters have been kept constant: DBT =
1 °C, DBRH = 5%, OPDRA = 100%, OPDOA = 20%, OPDEA = 20%, and OPDHRS = 100. In more
detail, 8 tests have been performed under fault free conditions (tests n. 1, 2, 3, 4 in Table 4
carried out during summer and tests n. 10, 11, 12, 13 in Table 5 carried out during winter).
The remaining 10 tests have been carried out while artificially introducing specific faults
(tests n. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in Table 4 carried out during summer and tests n. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 in
Table 5 carried out during winter). The experiments have been performed by measuring
every minute all the parameters indicated in Table 2. In this study, the recording time step
of measured data has been defined according to the experimental approaches adopted in
similar works available in the scientific literature. For example, the ASHRAE RP-1312 data
set [24] developed for AFDD purposes consists of experimental data recorded every mi-
nute from a facility comprising two AHUs; recently, Piscitelli et al. [5], Yun et al. [27], as
well as Fan et al. [28] proposed novel methodologies for performing AFDD analyses of
AHUs based on this ASHRAE RP-1312 database [24]; Cheng et al. [40] developed a new
AFDD method for AHUs using experimental data measured every minute. Therefore, a
measurement time step of one minute could be reasonably assumed as acceptable in order
to take into account the response time of HVAC components.
Only during the faulty tests, the operation of specific AHU components has been
forced to assure user-specified positions in order to artificially simulate the following 5
specific typical faults (named fault 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
• Fault 1 has been implemented during both the tests n. 5 and n. 14, i.e., the velocity of
the supply air fan has been kept at 20% (instead of the nominal value of 50%);
• Fault 2 has been implemented during both the tests n. 6 and n. 15, i.e., the velocity of
the return air fan has been kept at 20% (instead of the nominal value of 50%);
• Fault 3 has been implemented during both the tests n. 7 and 16, i.e., the valve man-
aging the flow rate entering the post-heating coil has always been kept closed (in-
stead of allowing its normal operation with an opening percentage in the range 0 ÷
100% according to the AHU automatic control logic);
• Fault 4 has been implemented during both the tests n. 8 and n. 17, i.e., the valve man-
aging the flow rate entering the cooling coil has always been kept closed (instead of
allowing its normal operation with an opening percentage in the range 0 ÷ 100% ac-
cording to the AHU automatic control logic);
• Fault 5 has been implemented during both the tests n. 9 and n. 18, i.e., opening per-
centage of the valve managing the flow rate entering the steam humidifier has always
been kept closed (instead of allowing its normal operation with an opening percent-
age in the range 0 ÷ 100% according to the AHU automatic control logic).
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 10 of 42
In this study, the above-mentioned faults have been introduced at the beginning of
the faulty tests and maintained during the entire duration of the experiments (what hap-
pens in the case of the faults are shorter has not been investigated).
During the tests n. 1–4 and n. 10–13 (fault free tests), the AHU’s components have
been operated without any artificial faults.
In both Tables 4 and 5, the parameters characterizing the corresponding faults have
been highlighted in red.
Figures 2a–d and 3a–e highlight the experimental trends of return air temperature
TRA, supply air temperature TSA, outside air temperature TOA, air temperature around the
test room TBEA, return air relative humidity RHRA, supply air relative humidity RHSA, and
air relative humidity around the test room RHBEA recorded during the fault free and faulty
tests, respectively, performed under summer conditions (detailed in Table 4).
42 100 42 100
a) b)
39 90 39 90
36 80 36 80
Relative humidity (%)
Temperature (°C)
30 60 30 60
27 50 27 50
24 40 24 40
21 30 21 30
18 20 18 20
15 10 15 10
12 0 12 0
29 May-13:26 29 May-13:55 29 May-14:24 29 May-14:52 29 May-15:21 29 May-15:50 29 May-16:19 28 Jul-9:57 28 Jul-10:12 28 Jul-10:26 28 Jul-10:40 28 Jul-10:55 28 Jul-11:09 28 Jul-11:24
42 100 42 100
c) d)
39 90 39 90
36 80 36 80
Relative humidity (%)
30 60 30 60
27 50 27 50
24 40 24 40
21 30 21 30
18 20 18 20
15 10 15 10
12 0 12 0
23 Jul-15:14 23 Jul-15:45 23 Jul-16:16 23 Jul-16:47 23 Jul-17:19 23 Jul-17:50 23 Jul-18:21 21 Jul-9:28 21 Jul-9:55 21 Jul-10:23 21 Jul-10:50 21 Jul-11:17 21 Jul-11:44 21 Jul-12:11
Figure 2. Experimental data measured during the fault free tests under summer conditions: test n. 1 (a), test n. 2 (b), test
n. 3 (c), and test n. 4 (d).
42 100 42 100
a) b)
39 90 39 90
36 80 36 80
Relative humidity (%)
Relative humidity (%)
33 70 33 70
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
30 60 30 60
27 50 27 50
24 40 24 40
21 30 21 30
18 20 18 20
15 10 15 10
12 0 12 0
31 Jul-9:53 31 Jul-10:44 31 Jul-11:36 31 Jul-12:28 31 Jul-13:19 31 Jul-14:11 31 Jul-15:02 03 Aug-10:48 03 Aug-11:29 03 Aug-12:11 03 Aug-12:52 03 Aug-13:34 03 Aug-14:15 03 Aug-14:57
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 11 of 42
42 100 42 100
c) d)
39 90 39 90
36 80 36 80
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
30 60 30 60
27 50 27 50
24 40 24 40
21 30 21 30
18 20 18 20
15 10 15 10
BEA 12 0
12 0
16 Sep-12:15 16 Sep-12:39 16 Sep-13:02 16 Sep-13:26 16 Sep-13:49 16 Sep-14:13 16 Sep-14:36 16 Sep-15:28 16 Sep-15:58 16 Sep-16:28 16 Sep-16:58 16 Sep-17:27 16 Sep-17:57 16 Sep-18:27
42 100
39 90
36 80
30 60
27 50
24 40
21 30
18 20
15 10
12 0
18 Sep-9:56 18 Sep-10:26 18 Sep-10:56 18 Sep-11:26 18 Sep-11:56 18 Sep-12:26 18 Sep-12:56
Figure 3. Experimental data measured during the faulty tests under summer conditions: test n. 5 (a), test n. 6 (b), test n. 7
(c), test n. 8 (d), and test n. 9 (e).
Figure 2a reports the experimental trends of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA
during the fault free test n.1; Figure 2b shows the measured parameters TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA,
RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the fault free test n.2; Figure 2c indicates the measured data
associated to TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the fault free test n.3; Figure 2d
highlights the temporal variation of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the fault
free test n.4.
Figure 3a reports the experimental trends of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA
during the faulty test n.5; Figure 3b shows the measured parameters TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA,
RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the faulty test n.6; Figure 3c indicates the measured data asso-
ciated to TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the faulty test n.7; Figure 3d high-
light the temporal variation of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the faulty test
n.8; the values of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA recorded during the faulty test n.9
are depicted in Figure 3e.
Figures 4a–d and 5a–e report the experimental trends of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA,
RHSA, RHBEA recorded during the fault free and faulty tests, respectively, performed under
winter conditions (detailed in Table 5).
40 100 40 100
a) b)
36 90 36 90
32 80 32 80
Relative humidity (%)
Relative humidity (%)
28 70 28 70
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
24 60 24 60
20 50 20 50
16 40 16 40
12 30 12 30
8 20 8 20
4 10 4 10
0 0 SA BEA
0 0
23 Dec-9:30 23 Dec-10:29 23 Dec-11:28 23 Dec-12:27 23 Dec-13:26 23 Dec-14:25 23 Dec-15:24 28 Dec-9:59 28 Dec-11:03 28 Dec-12:08 28 Dec-13:13 28 Dec-14:18 28 Dec-15:23 28 Dec-16:27
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 12 of 42
40 100 40 100
c) d)
36 90 36 90
32 80 32 80
Temperature (°C)
24 60 24 60
20 50 20 50
16 40 16 40
12 30 12 30
8 20 8 20
4 10 4 10
0 0 0 0
29 Dec-9:34 29 Dec-10:39 29 Dec-11:43 29 Dec-12:48 29 Dec-13:52 29 Dec-14:57 29 Dec-16:01 05 Jan-9:46 05 Jan-10:49 05 Jan-11:52 05 Jan-12:56 05 Jan-13:59 05 Jan-15:02 05 Jan-16:06
Figure 4. Experimental data measured during the fault free tests under winter conditions: test n. 10 (a), test n. 11 (b), test
n. 12 (c), and test n. 13 (d).
40 100 40 100
a) b)
36 90 36 90
32 80 32 80
28 70 28 70
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
24 60 24 60
20 50 20 50
16 40 16 40
12 30 12 30
8 20 8 20
4 10 4 10
0 0
12 Jan-9:18 12 Jan-10:30 12 Jan-11:42 12 Jan-12:53 12 Jan-14:05 12 Jan-15:17 12 Jan-16:29 14 Jan-9:15 14 Jan-10:43 14 Jan-12:10 14 Jan-13:37 14 Jan-15:05 14 Jan-16:32 14 Jan-17:59
40 100 40 100
c) d)
36 90 36 90
32 80 32 80
Relative humidity (%)
Temperature (°C)
24 60 24 60
20 50 20 50
16 40 16 40
12 30 12 30
8 20 8 20
4 10 4 10
0 0
28 Jan-9:51 28 Jan-10:59 28 Jan-12:06 28 Jan-13:13 28 Jan-14:20 28 Jan-15:28 28 Jan-16:35 15 Feb-9:40 15 Feb-10:54 15 Feb-12:09 15 Feb-13:24 15 Feb-14:38 15 Feb-15:53 15 Feb-17:08
40 100
36 90
32 80
Relative humidity (%)
28 70
Temperature (°C)
24 60
20 50
16 40
12 30
8 20
4 10
0 0
12 Feb-9:47 12 Feb-10:58 12 Feb-12:08 12 Feb-13:19 12 Feb-14:29 12 Feb-15:40 12 Feb-16:50
Figure 5. Experimental data measured during the faulty tests under winter conditions: test n. 14 (a), test n. 15 (b), test n.
16 (c), test n. 17 (d), and test n. 18 (e).
Figure 4a reports the experimental trends of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA
during the fault free test n.10; Figure 4b shows the measured parameters TRA, TSA, TOA,
TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the fault free test n.11; Figure 4c indicates the measured
data associated to TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the fault free test n.12;
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 13 of 42
Figure 4d highlights the temporal variation of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA dur-
ing the fault free test n.13.
Figure 5a reports the experimental trends of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA
during the faulty test n.14; Figure 5b shows the measured parameters TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA,
RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the faulty test n.15; Figure 5c indicates the measured data as-
sociated to TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the faulty test n.16; Figure 5d
highlight the temporal variation of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA during the faulty
test n.17; the values of TRA, TSA, TOA, TBEA, RHRA, RHSA, RHBEA recorded during the faulty
test n.18 are depicted in Figure 5e.
iation range (in this case between 30.0 °C and 34.0 °C); return air temperature is sub-
stantially constant, assuming a value larger than its upper deadband (in this case
equal to ~28.5 °C) and, therefore, out of the desired thermal comfort range;
• In Figure 3e (corresponding to the fault 5, i.e., steam humidifier valve kept fully
closed), return air relative humidity varies in a narrower range (in this case between
43.0% and 55.5%), highlighting a significantly reduced number of oscillations (as it
would be presumed in the case of the humidifier is not active).
Figure 5a–e (associated to the faulty tests performed during winter) allows to under-
line the different trends/patterns of key operating parameters with respect to the cases
without faults:
• In Figure 5a (corresponding to the fault 1, i.e., velocity of the supply air fan reduced
at 20%), the supply air temperature and supply air relative humidity are in a wider
range, with a much lower number of oscillations; similar trends can be recognized
for both return air temperature and return air relative humidity;
• Figure 5b (corresponding to the fault 2, i.e., velocity of the return air fan reduced at
20%) indicates that the impact of a reduced return ai flow rate is almost negligible in
terms of supply and return air temperature as well as supply and return air relative
• In Figure 5c (corresponding to the fault 3, i.e., post-heating coil valve kept fully
closed), supply air temperature assumes lower average values (as post-heating coil
is not active); in particular, TSA is almost constant (and equal to ~12.0 °C in this case).
As a consequence, return air temperature remains almost constant during the test,
assuming a value much smaller than its lower deadband and, therefore, out of the
desired thermal comfort range. In addition, it should be underlined that average val-
ues of supply air relative humidity are greater and included in a narrower range
(without significant oscillations); return air relative humidity is almost constant (and
equal to about 47% in this case);
• In Figure 5d (corresponding to the fault 4, i.e., cooling coil valve kept fully closed),
supply air temperature is characterized by lower average values (as it would be pre-
sumed due to the missing contribution of the cooling coil), with a narrower variation
range (approximately 19.0–24.0 °C in this case); return air temperature is substan-
tially constant, assuming a value out of desired thermal comfort range (slightly larger
than its upper deadband and equal to about 22.0 °C in this case);
• In Figure 5e (corresponding to the fault 5, i.e., steam humidifier valve kept fully
closed), return air relative humidity varies in a slightly narrower range (as it would
be expected in the case of the humidifier is not active).
4. Simulation Model
In this paper, an artificial neural network (ANN)-based model has been developed
in the MATLAB environment. The aim was to predict (i) the supply air temperature, (ii)
the supply air relative humidity, (iii) the opening percentage of the valve supplying the
post-heating coil, (iv) the opening percentage of cooling coil valve, and (v) the opening
percentage of the steam humidifier valve. This ANN has been first validated with meas-
ured data and then coupled with a dynamic simulation model developed in TRNSYS en-
vironment in order to simulate (i) the return air temperature; (ii) the return air relative
humidity; as well as (iii) the electric energy consumptions (not measured) of the heat
pump, the refrigerating system, the steam humidifier, the supply air fan, and the return
air fan with the aim of rating the effects of the selected faults on both energy consumption
as well occupant indoor thermo-hygrometric comfort. The artificial neural network-based
model is described in Sections 4.1, 4.1.1., 4.1.2., and 4.1.3., while the description of the
TRNSYS model is reported in Section 4.2.
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 15 of 42
per hidden layer in the range of 7 to 83 when applied to the ANNs investigated in this
The hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function (tansig) has been adopted in the
hidden and output layers of each ANN. Levenberg–Marquart back-propagation training
algorithms (trainlm) have been selected as training function with the aim of updating the
weights and biases.
ε = εi /N (2)
ε = εi /N (3)
1 N
ε -ε
N i=1 i
( ) (4)
(ε -ε)
i=1 N
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 18 of 42
( )
N g exp,i − g pred,i
R = 1 -
2 (6)
i =1 g exp,i − g pred,i )
where N is the total number of experimental points, while gpred,i, gexp,I, and g̅ pred are, re-
spectively, the predictions at time step i, the measurements at time step i, and the arith-
metic mean of the predicted values. Table 8 reports the calculated values of ε̅, |ε̅|, MSE,
RMSE, and R2 associated with the performance of all the ANNs developed in this study,
highlighting in green and red, respectively, the best and worst results.
TSA (°C) −0.11 −0.03 0.00 −0.01 −0.01 −0.01 −0.01 0.00 −0.01 0.00 0.05 −0.01 −0.09 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.04 −0.02 0.02 10.71 −0.01
RHSA (%) 0.22 −0.02 0.10 0.08 0.04 −0.06 0.04 −0.03 0.06 −0.02 −0.24 0.06 0.18 0.05 0.00 −0.01 −0.04 0.02 −0.05 −0.02 0.01 0.01
OPV_PostHC (%) 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 −0.01 −0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 −0.01 −0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 −0.01 0.00 3.66 −0.01
OPV_CC (%) 0.00 −0.02 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.04 0.01 −0.02 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 −0.03 0.00 0.02 0.01 −0.03 0.01 −2.48 0.00 0.02 0.01
OPV_HUM (%) 0.01 0.00 −0.03 0.04 −0.01 −0.02 −0.02 0.01 −0.01 −0.02 −0.02 −0.02 0.03 −0.03 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.03 0.03 −0.02 0.01
TSA (°C) 0.72 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.31 0.26 0.25 0.62 0.41 0.42 0.44 0.34 0.70 0.47 0.43 0.27 0.72 0.46 0.45 0.69 10.71 0.36
RHSA (%) 2.80 2.00 2.00 1.95 1.80 1.67 1.75 2.32 2.02 1.98 1.99 1.77 2.46 2.13 1.94 1.62 2.26 2.00 1.88 2.57 2.00 1.83
OPV_PostHC (%) 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.19 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.20 0.13 0.11 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.07 0.10 3.66 0.05
OPV_CC (%) 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.15 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.14 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.07 0.09 0.08 2.48 0.09 0.12 0.05
OPV_HUM (%) 0.19 0.13 0.15 0.20 0.15 0.13 0.17 0.13 0.12 0.23 0.15 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.11 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.11
TSA (°C) 0.81 0.26 0.26 0.28 0.21 0.16 0.14 0.77 0.35 0.38 0.36 0.24 0.94 0.50 0.40 0.16 1.15 0.50 0.44 1.04 6.01 0.27
RHSA (%) 16.59 10.00 9.86 10.14 9.18 8.05 8.60 13.07 10.13 10.48 9.74 8.73 13.77 11.16 10.17 7.69 13.30 10.17 8.93 15.38 9.48 8.31
OPV_PostHC (%) 0.49 0.35 0.43 0.82 0.50 0.38 0.51 0.37 0.32 0.81 0.51 0.51 0.42 0.43 0.49 0.36 0.32 0.52 0.38 0.47 36.62 0.28
OPV_CC (%) 0.41 0.48 0.28 0.75 0.40 0.65 0.39 0.57 0.28 0.57 0.49 0.46 0.59 0.39 0.37 0.41 0.61 0.41 24.83 0.47 0.80 0.33
OPV_HUM (%) 1.10 0.79 0.82 1.12 0.71 0.72 1.17 0.94 0.68 1.03 0.74 0.75 1.12 0.88 0.94 0.77 1.21 0.75 0.72 1.11 0.78 0.68
TSA (°C) 0.89 0.51 0.51 0.53 0.46 0.40 0.38 0.88 0.59 0.61 0.60 0.49 0.97 0.71 0.63 0.40 1.07 0.71 0.66 1.02 7.17 0.52
RHSA 4.07 3.16 3.14 3.18 3.03 2.84 2.93 3.62 3.18 3.24 3.11 2.95 3.71 3.34 3.19 2.77 3.65 3.19 2.99 3.92 3.08 2.88
OPV_PostHC (%) 0.70 0.59 0.66 0.90 0.71 0.62 0.71 0.60 0.57 0.90 0.71 0.72 0.65 0.66 0.70 0.60 0.56 0.72 0.62 0.69 4.82 0.53
OPV_CC (%) 0.64 0.69 0.53 0.86 0.63 0.80 0.63 0.75 0.53 0.75 0.70 0.68 0.76 0.62 0.61 0.64 0.78 0.64 4.32 0.68 0.89 0.57
OPV_HUM (%) 1.05 0.89 0.90 1.06 0.84 0.85 1.08 0.97 0.83 1.01 0.86 0.86 1.06 0.94 0.97 0.88 1.10 0.87 0.85 1.06 0.88 0.83
TSA (°C) 0.985 0.995 0.994 0.994 0.996 0.996 0.997 0.980 0.991 0.990 0.991 0.996 0.976 0.987 0.990 0.996 0.967 0.988 0.989 0.978 0.118 0.994
RHSA (%) 0.955 0.975 0.976 0.975 0.978 0.981 0.979 0.957 0.972 0.974 0.977 0.977 0.963 0.967 0.974 0.982 0.964 0.973 0.976 0.956 0.976 0.980
OPV_PostHC (%) 0.979 0.989 0.982 0.981 0.982 0.988 0.990 0.987 0.987 0.985 0.980 0.978 0.982 0.981 0.987 0.982 0.987 0.984 0.978 0.984 0.140 0.993
OPV_CC (%) 0.981 0.986 0.985 0.976 0.975 0.980 0.983 0.979 0.983 0.969 0.984 0.968 0.974 0.977 0.986 0.973 0.962 0.981 0.131 0.971 0.974 0.983
OPV_HUM (%) 0.965 0.975 0.978 0.972 0.982 0.973 0.977 0.970 0.977 0.957 0.977 0.981 0.961 0.965 0.969 0.970 0.975 0.975 0.966 0.969 0.990 0.981
For each line of Table 8 the green shade has been assigned to the cell corresponding
to the best performance (the readers can find more green cells for each line in the cases of
more ANNs achieve the same best performance), while the worst results have been high-
lighted by red shades.
The results reported in this table highlight that:
• the overall minimum value of ε (−2.48%) is obtained in the case of the ANN19 for
the parameter OPV_CC; the overall maximum value of ε (10.71 °C) is obtained in the
case of the ANN21 for the parameter TSA;
• the overall minimum value of |ε| (0.05%) is achieved by the ANN22 for the param-
eters OPV_PostHC and OPV_CC as well as in the case of the ANN17 for the parameter
OPV_PostHC; the overall worst value of |ε| (10.71 °C) is obtained in the case of the
ANN21 for the parameter TSA;
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 19 of 42
• the overall minimum value of MSE (0.14 °C) is obtained in the case of the ANN7 for
the parameter TSA; the overall maximum value of MSE (36.62%) is obtained in the
case of the ANN21 for the parameter OPV_PostHC;
• the overall minimum value of RMSE (0.38 °C) is achieved by the ANN7 for the pa-
rameter TSA; the overall worst value of RMSE (7.17 °C) is obtained by the ANN21 for
the parameter TSA;
• with reference to all the ANNs, average values of coefficient of determination R2 in
predicting supply air temperature, supply air relative humidity, opening percentage
of the post-heating coil valve, opening percentage of the cooling coil valve, and open-
ing percentage of the humidifier valve are very close to 1 and, respectively, equal to
0.95 °C, 0.97%, 0.95%, 0.94%, and 0.97%; the overall worst value of R2 (0.118) is ob-
tained in the case of the ANN21 for the parameter TSA; the overall best value of R2
(0.997) is achieved by the ANN7 for the parameter TSA;
• the ANN22 is characterized by 8 green cells in Table 8, i.e., it works better than the
other ANNs with reference to 8 lines of this table; the ANNs 3, 9, and 16 denote 5
green cells, while a lower number of green cells can be recognized for the other
ANNs; the ANN4 has no green cells, while the ANN with the largest number of red
cells (denoting the worst performance) is the ANN21;
• whatever the metric is, the ANN16 is characterized by greater performance in com-
parison to the ANN22 with reference to the predictions of both supply air tempera-
ture and supply air relative humidity. The percentage difference between the ANN16
and the ANN22 in predicting TSA is 27% in terms of |ε|, 40% in terms of MSE, 22% in
terms of RMSE, and 0.21% in terms of R2. The percentage difference between the
ANN16 and the ANN22 in predicting RHSA is 11% in terms of |ε|, 7% in terms of
MSE, 4% in terms of RMSE, and 0.21% in terms of R2;
• ANN22 provides better results than ANN16 in predicting the opening percentages
of the post-heating coil valve, the cooling coil valve as well as the humidifier valve.
The maximum percentage difference in terms of |ε| between the ANN22 and the
ANN16 in predicting OPV_PostHC, OPV_CC and OPV_HUM is 26%; the maximum percentage
difference in terms of MSE between the ANN22 and the ANN16 in predicting
OPV_PostHC, OPV_CC, and OPV_HUM is 21%; the maximum percentage difference in terms
of RMSE between the ANN22 and the ANN16 in predicting OPV_PostHC, OPV_CC and
OPV_HUM is 11%; the maximum difference in terms of R2 between the ANN22 and the
ANN16 in predicting OPV_PostHC, OPV_CC, and OPV_HUM is 1.13%.
Even if the ANN22 performs better than the ANN16 in predicting the opening per-
centages of the valves, in this paper the ANN16 has been selected in order to obtain im-
proved predictions in terms of supply air temperature as well as supply air relative hu-
midity (that represent the fundamental outputs of AHU operation), while maintaining an
adequate accuracy in forecasting the valves operation. The errors reported in Table 8
demonstrate how the ANN16 can be effectively used to generate operation data for assist-
ing further research in fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC units.
Figures 6–9 report the instantaneous errors between the values predicted by the
ANN16 and the measured data in terms of (i) supply air temperature (TSA), (ii) supply air
relative humidity (RHSA), (iii) opening percentage of the post-heating coil valve
(OPV_PostHC), (iv) opening percentage of the cooling coil valve (OPV_CC), and (v) opening
percentage of the humidifier valve (OPV_HUM) as a function of time.
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 20 of 42
ΔT (°C)
ΔT (°C)
ΔT (°C)
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
−0.5 −2.5 −0.5 −2.5
−1.0 −5.0 −1.0 −5.0
−1.5 −7.5 −1.5 −7.5
−2.0 −10.0 −2.0 −10.0
−2.5 −12.5 −2.5 −12.5
−3.0 −15.0 −3.0 −15.0
−3.5 −17.5 −3.5 −17.5
−4.0 −20.0 −4.0 −20.0
23 Jul-15:14 23 Jul-15:45 23 Jul-16:16 23 Jul-16:47 23 Jul-17:18 23 Jul-17:49 23 Jul-18:20 21 Jul-9:28 21 Jul-9:55 21 Jul-10:22 21 Jul-10:50 21 Jul-11:17 21 Jul-11:44 21 Jul-12:11
Figure 6. Comparison between ANN16 predicted values and experimental data under fault free tests during summer: test
n. 1 (a), test n. 2 (b), test n. 3 (c), and test n. 4 (d).
ΔT (°C)
4.0 20.0
e) ΔT
TSA [°C]
OPV_PostHC [-]
OPV_CC [-]
OPV_Hum [-]
3.5 17.5
3.0 15.0
2.5 12.5
2.0 10.0
1.5 7.5
ΔT (°C)
0.0 0.0
−0.5 −2.5
−1.0 −5.0
−1.5 −7.5
−2.0 −10.0
−2.5 −12.5
−3.0 −15.0
−3.5 −17.5
−4.0 −20.0
18 Sep-9:56 18 Sep-10:26 18 Sep-10:56 18 Sep-11:26 18 Sep-11:57 18 Sep-12:27 18 Sep-12:57
Figure 7. Comparison between ANN16 predicted values and experimental data under faulty tests during summer: test n.
5 (a), test n. 6 (b), test n. 7 (c), test n. 8 (d), and test n. 9 (e).
Figure 8. Comparison between ANN16 predicted values and experimental data under fault free tests during winter: test
n. 10 (a), test n. 11 (b), test n. 12 (c), and test n. 13 (d).
ΔT (°C)
ΔT (°C)
4.0 20.0
e) ΔT
TSA [°C]
RHSA [%]
OPV_PostHC [-]
OPV_CC [-]
OPV_Hum [-]
3.5 17.5
3.0 15.0
2.5 12.5
2.0 10.0
1.5 7.5
0.0 0.0
−0.5 −2.5
−1.0 −5.0
−1.5 −7.5
−2.0 −10.0
−2.5 −12.5
−3.0 −15.0
−3.5 −17.5
−4.0 −20.0
12 Feb-9:48 12 Feb-10:59 12 Feb-12:09 12 Feb-13:19 12 Feb-14:30 12 Feb-15:40 12 Feb-16:50
Figure 9. Comparison between ANN16 predicted values and experimental data under faulty tests during winter: test n.
14 (a), test n. 15 (b), test n. 16 (c), test n. 17 (d), and test n. 18 (e).
where TSA, pred, RHSA, pred, OPV_PostHC, pred, OPV_CC, pred, and OPV_HUM, pred are, respectively, the
values predicted by the ANN16, while TSA, exp, RHSA, exp, OPV_PostHC, exp, OPV_CC, exp, and
OPV_HUM, exp represent the experimental values.
Figures 6–9 highlight that:
• the minimum value of ∆T is −3.41 °C (test n.1), while its maximum value is 3.80
°C (test n.1);
• the values of ∆RH range from −19.20% (test n. 17) up to 17.03% (test n. 17);
• the parameter ∆OP _ is in the range −10.05% ÷ 10.12%, where the minimum is
achieved during the test n. 4, while the maximum refers to the test n. 2;
• the values of ∆OP _ vary from −10.03% (test n. 18) up to 10.09% (test n. 9);
• the values of ∆OP _ range between −9.97% (test n. 4) and 10.11% (test n.17).
In order to better point out the results of comparisons between predicted and exper-
imental values reported in Figures 6–9, the values of the metrics defined by the Equations
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 23 of 42
(1)–(6), calculated for the parameters specified by the Equations (7)–(11), have been sum-
marized in Table 9. For each line of this table, the green shade has been assigned to the
cells corresponding to the best performance, while the worst results have been highlighted
by red shades.
Table 9. Errors between the ANN16-based model predictions and experimental points.
Fault Free Tests Faulty Tests Fault Free Tests Faulty Tests
during Summer during Summer during Winter during Winter
Test n. Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test n. Test Test Test Test n. Test Test Test Test
Errors Parameters
1 n. 2 n. 3 n. 4 n. 5 n. 6 n. 7 n. 8 n. 9 10 n. 11 n. 12 n. 13 14 n. 15 n. 16 n. 17 n. 18
∆TSA (°C) −0.10 0.09 0.22 0.17 0.06 0.09 −0.04 0.21 0.01 0.11 −0.01 −0.02 0.07 −0.02 −0.11 0.01 0.22 0.16
∆RHSA (%) −0.18 0.04 0.28 −0.88 −0.87 0.11 0.01 0.33 −0.05 −0.24 −0.43 −0.03 −0.36 −0.08 −0.61 −0.22 −0.02 −0.39
𝛆 ∆OPV_PostHC (%) 0.06 0.11 0.02 −0.06 0.00 −0.01 −0.07 0.00 −0.11 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.02 −0.03 0.05 −0.10 0.00 0.05
∆OPV_CC (%) −0.12 0.03 −0.05 −0.01 0.00 0.01 0.03 −0.10 0.06 −0.06 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.02 −0.01 −0.31
∆OPV_HUM (%) 0.12 0.00 −0.04 −0.10 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.12 −0.03 −0.07 −0.03 −0.16 0.11 −0.01 −0.04 0.00 −0.01 −0.16
∆TSA (°C) 0.55 0.46 0.60 0.56 0.19 0.38 0.53 0.44 0.43 0.47 0.38 0.48 0.43 0.41 0.47 0.30 0.45 0.46
∆RHSA (%) 1.97 2.19 2.57 2.40 1.21 11.09 2.12 1.47 1.99 2.24 2.04 2.49 2.32 1.18 2.26 0.70 2.84 1.69
|𝛆| ∆OPV_PostHC (%) 0.06 0.11 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.11 0.24 0.23 0.26 0.30 0.09 0.12 0.10 0.00 0.25
∆OPV_CC (%) 0.12 0.03 0.11 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.10 0.07 0.18 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.12 0.02 0.01 0.36
∆OPV_HUM (%) 0.12 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.00 0.37 0.07 0.21 0.03 0.19 0.20 0.26 0.22 0.02 0.15 0.00 0.45 0.16
∆TSA (°C) 0.71 0.51 0.58 0.51 0.07 0.38 0.52 0.36 0.47 0.36 0.27 0.42 0.32 0.28 0.38 0.14 0.34 0.32
∆RHSA (%) 8.59 7.44 11.13 10.23 2.48 11.09 10.08 4.85 6.15 10.50 9.12 11.06 12.27 2.73 13.25 1.08 22.41 5.19
MSE ∆OPV_PostHC (%) 0.58 1.15 0.09 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 1.18 0.74 0.73 0.99 0.95 0.40 0.43 0.31 0.00 0.87
∆OPV_CC (%) 1.16 0.03 0.60 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.07 0.60 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.40 0.00 0.00 3.00
∆OPV_HUM (%) 1.16 0.00 0.10 0.95 0.00 0.37 0.42 1.12 0.03 0.85 0.79 1.10 1.38 0.05 0.78 0.00 2.63 0.29
∆TSA (°C) 0.84 0.71 0.73 0.70 0.25 0.61 0.72 0.57 0.67 0.59 0.52 0.65 0.56 0.53 0.61 0.37 0.54 0.54
∆RHSA (%) 2.93 2.74 3.34 3.09 1.32 3.34 3.19 2.18 2.42 3.24 2.99 3.33 3.49 1.65 3.59 1.02 4.74 2.25
RMSE ∆OPV_PostHC (%) 0.76 1.07 0.30 0.79 0.00 0.01 0.46 0.01 1.05 0.86 0.85 1.00 0.98 0.63 0.65 0.55 0.01 0.93
∆OPV_CC (%) 1.08 0.17 0.78 0.35 0.00 0.01 0.68 0.25 0.75 1.15 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.61 0.63 0.04 0.07 1.71
∆OPV_HUM (%) 1.07 0.00 0.32 0.97 0.03 0.61 0.65 1.05 0.17 0.92 0.89 1.04 1.17 0.21 0.89 0.01 1.62 0.51
∆TSA (°C) 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.85 0.96 0.92 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.00 0.99 0.60 0.85 0.99
∆RHSA (%) 0.97 0.76 0.97 0.96 0.89 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.77 0.87 0.98
R2 ∆OPV_PostHC (%) 0.95 0.49 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.98 0.89 1.00 1.00 0.96
∆OPV_CC (%) 0.91 1.00 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.88
∆OPV_HUM (%) 0.94 1.00 0.99 0.94 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.92 1.00 0.93 0.95 0.92 0.86 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.87 1.00
This table underlines that the ANN16 is able to carefully predict the experimental
data measured during summer and winter under both normal and faulty conditions and
it provides a rigorous representation of the HVAC system’s steady-state and transient op-
eration taking into account that:
• with reference to all the tests, the average values of R2 in predicting TSA, RHSA,
OPV_PostHC, OPV_CC and OPV_HUM are, respectively, 0.95 °C, 0.93%, 0.95%, 0.97%, and
• with reference to the tests n. 1–4 (performed without faults during summer), the val-
ues of R2 are always larger than 0.9 for all the parameters, except the cases of ∆RHSA
and ∆OPV_PostHC for the test n.2;
• with reference to the tests n. 5–9 (performed with faults during summer), the coeffi-
cient of determination is always greater than 0.9 for all the parameters, except the
cases of ∆RHSA for the test n.5 (with fault 1) and ∆TSA for the test n.6 (with fault 2);
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 24 of 42
• with reference to the tests n. 10–13 (performed without faults during winter), the val-
ues of R2 are always larger than 0.9 for all the parameters, except the case of ∆OPV_HUM
for the test n.13;
• with reference to the tests n. 14–18 (performed with faults during winter), the coeffi-
cient of determination is always greater than 0.9 for all the parameters, except (i) the
cases of both ∆TSA and ∆RHSA for both the tests n.16 (fault 3) and n.17 (fault 4), (ii) the
cases of both ∆OPV_PostHC and ∆OPV_CC for the test n.15 (fault 2), (iii) the case of ∆OPV_CC
for the test n.18 (fault 5) as well as (iv) the case of ∆OPHUM for the test n.17 (fault 4);
• whatever the test is, the values of |ε|̅ for the parameter ∆TSA are always lower than
0.8 °C (that is the accuracy of the sensor used for measuring TSA), with a minimum of
0.19 °C (test n.5) up to a maximum of 0.60 °C (test. n.3);
• the values of |ε|̅ for the parameter ∆RHSA range between a minimum of 0.7% up to
a maximum of 11.1% and, therefore, they are always smaller than 3% (that is the ac-
curacy of the sensor used for measuring RHSA), except the only case of the test n.6
(performed with fault 2 during summer);
• the maximum values of MSE and RMSE with reference to the parameter ∆TSA are,
respectively, not larger than 0.71 °C and 0.84 °C (obtained for the test n.1 performed
without faults during summer);
• the maximum values of MSE and RMSE with reference to the parameter ∆RHSA are,
respectively, not larger than 22.4% and 4.74% (achieved for the test n.17 performed
with fault 4 during winter);
• the maximum value of MSE with reference to the parameters ∆OPV_PostHC, ∆OPV_CC
and ∆OPV_HUM is 3.0%, obtained in the case of the test n.18 performed with fault 5
during winter;
• the maximum value of RMSE with reference to the parameters ∆OPV_PostHC, ∆OPV_CC
and ∆OPV_HUM is 1.7%, achieved in the case of the test n.18 performed with fault 5
during winter.
Figure 10 depicts a screenshot of the TRNSYS model, highlighting the main circuits
with different colors. In particular, the circuit of cold fluid supplied by the refrigerating
system to the cooling coil is depicted in blue; the circuit of hot fluid supplied by the heat
pump to the post-heating coil is indicated in red; finally, the inputs and outputs of the
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 25 of 42
ANN-based model are highlighted in light blue. The other connections of TRNSYS Types
are pointed out by dashed black lines.
Table 10. Main simulated components and corresponding types of TRNSYS software.
The TRNSYS model has been coupled with the artificial neural network ANN16 (de-
scribed in the previous section) via the TRNSYS Type 155.
The ANN16 uses as inputs the 10 variables indicated in the previous section and pro-
vides as outputs the 5 parameters specified in the same section.
The Type 155 links ANN16 with both the Type 56 as well as the Type 661. In partic-
ular, the Type 155 provides two of the outputs of the ANN16, i.e., the supply air temper-
ature and relative humidity, as inputs to the Type 56. In addition, the Type 155 provides
as inputs to the Type 661 all the outputs of the ANN16, i.e., the supply air temperature,
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 26 of 42
the supply air relative humidity, as well as the opening percentages of the valves supply-
ing the humidifier, the pre-heating coil, and the cooling coil. The Type 661 models a
“sticky” controller with its outputs assumed equal to the inputs at the earlier time step;
the outputs of the Type 661 are then provided as inputs to the Type 155.
A dynamic model of the “building” corresponding to the integrated test room has
been developed by means of the Type 56. This model allows calculation of the return air
temperature and relative humidity (then assigned as inputs to the Type 661) according to
the geometry, thermo-physical properties of walls’ layers, air infiltration rate, as well as
internal loads/gains. In particular, the geometry and walls’ layers have been characterized
according to the content of the previous section, while air infiltration rate as well as inter-
nal loads/gains are kept equal to zero according to the experimental conditions.
The Type 941 has been considered for simulating the operation of both the refriger-
ating unit (RS) and the heat pump (HP) of the experimental setup. This Type allows to
obtain as outputs (a) the absorbed power and (b) the exiting fluid temperature in the case
of (i) the outside air temperature, (ii) the entering fluid temperature, (iii) the fluid flow
rate, as well as (iv) the performance maps of the devices are provided as inputs. In this
study, the outside temperature has been assumed to be equal to the measured values (the
Type 9a has been used for reading data from an external file and making them available
to the TRNSYS Types 941), the fluid mass flow rate is set to 2310 kg/h for the refrigerating
system and 2410 kg/h for the heat pump according to the manufacturer datasheet [36],
and the performance maps suggested by the manufacturer [36] and reported in Figure
A2a,b of Appendix A have been provided. In particular, Figure A2a,b, respectively, indi-
cates the coefficient of performance COP of the heap pump (useful thermal power output
divided by required electric power input) and the energy efficiency ratio EER of the re-
frigerating system (useful cooling power output divided by required electric power input)
depending on supply fluid temperature and outside air temperature.
Both the heat pump and the refrigerating system are coupled with a 75 L tank that is
devoted to storing the hot and cold fluids, respectively. The operations of both hot and
cold tanks have been simulated with the Type 534. This Type models a cylindrical vertical
tank; it divides the tanks into 10 isothermal temperature layers in order to carefully con-
sider thermal stratification (where the layer n. 1 is positioned on the uppermost portion
of the tank and the layer n. 10 is positioned on the lowest part of the tank).
With reference to the modeling of the fans, a specifically devoted data set was gath-
ered from a calibration activity performed by adjusting and maintaining the supply and
return fans at various speeds from 10% to 100%. Figure A3 in Appendix A shows the air
volumetric flow rate QV measured at SENS i-Lab and the power consumption Pel sug-
gested by the manufacturer as a function of the fan’ velocity OL. In particular, Figure A3a
refers to the supply air fan, while Figure A3b is related to the return air fan.
The following equations, interpolating the values reported in Figures A3a,b, have
been derived to calculate both the air volumetric flow rate QV as well as the power con-
sumption Pel of both supply and return air fans as a function of fans’ velocity:
QVSAF = −0.00001∙OLSAF3 + 0.0634∙OLSAF2 + 5.1789∙OLSAF + 8.7704 (12)
Equations (12)–(15) have been included in the TRNSYS project via the Type 9a (ex-
ternal file data reader) for calculating the fans’ power consumption according to the fans’
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 27 of 42
The operation of the adiabatic steam humidifier has been modeled via the Type 641;
this model permits the humidifier not to respond instantaneously to the control signal,
but to get the steady-state values of both power consumption and gain rate exponentially.
In the TRNSYS project, the control signal associated to the opening percentage of the hu-
midifier valve is provided as input to the Type 641 by the ANN16 through the Type 155.
Based on catalog data, the humidifier power consumption has been considered equal to
the nominal value of 3.7 kW, while the humidifier is activated taking into account that it
has been experimentally verified that water flow rate supplied by the humidifier increases
from the minimum to the maximum value (5 kg/h) almost instantaneously.
The Type 654 has been used for modeling the single-speed pumps maintaining a con-
stant fluid flow exiting/entering the heat pump and the refrigerating system.
The Type 647 has been used to model the diverting valves that split a liquid inlet flow
into two fractional outlet flows, while the Type 649 is adopted to simulate the mixing
valves that combine two individual liquid streams into a single outlet.
The moist air properties have been evaluated by means of the Type 33e; this Type
takes as inputs the air relative humidity and the air dry bulb temperature and generate
the other corresponding air properties as outputs.
In this paper, the Type 2 has been adopted for simulating on/off differential control-
lers. These devises generate a value in the range between 0 and 1 that is used to deactivate
or activate the refrigerating system or the heat pump. In particular, this Type activates the
component generating a signal equal to 1 when the observed parameter becomes lower
than the user-defined setpoint by a certain value (upper deadband), while it is switched
off in the case of the observed parameter approaches the user-defined setpoint within a
given limit (lower deadband). The successive value generated by the differential control-
ler is also affected by the value assumed by the control signal used as input at the earlier
time step. In this work, the differential controller is operated by connecting the input and
output signals in order to give a hysteresis effect. In greater detail, the temperature at node
2 of the tank storing the cold fluid has been assumed as the observed temperature for
activating/deactivating the refrigeration unit; with reference to the hot tank, the tempera-
ture at node 8 has been adopted as the watched temperature for operating the heat pump.
A target temperature of 45 °C was assumed for activating the heap pump, with a turn-on
temperature difference of 1 °C and a turn-off temperature difference of −1 °C. A target
temperature of 7 °C was defined for activating the refrigeration unit, with a turn-on tem-
perature difference of 1 °C and a turn-off temperature difference of −1 °C. The hot/cold
heat carrier fluid is moved by the pumps into the post-heating/cooling coil according to
the opening percentage of the corresponding valves defined by the related outputs of the
ANN16 via the Type 155. The temperature of the hot heat carrier fluid is assumed to be
reduced by 5 °C when flowing into the post-heating coil (before entering the hot tank),
while the temperature of the cold heat carrier fluid is assumed as increased by 5 °C when
flowing into the cooling coil (before entering the cold tank).
of the valve supplying the post-heating coil calculated by the ANN16 itself at previous
time step; (vii) opening percentage of the valve supplying the cooling coil calculated by
the ANN16 itself at previous time step; (viii) opening percentage of the valve supplying
the humidifier calculated by the ANN16 itself at previous time step; (ix) velocity of supply
air fan equal to the nominal value of 50%; and (x) velocity of return air fan equal to the
nominal value of 50%.This means that:
• The experimental tests n. 5 and n.14 (with the fault 1, i.e., with the velocity of the
supply air fan kept at 20%) have been compared with the simulation cases where the
velocity of supply air fan has been kept at the nominal value of 50%;
• The experimental tests n. 6 and n. 15 (with the fault 2, i.e., the velocity of the return
air fan kept at 20%) have been compared with the simulation cases where the velocity
of return air fan has been kept at the nominal value of 50%;
• The experimental tests n. 7 and n. 16 (with the fault 3, i.e., the post-heating coil valve
kept always closed) have been compared with the simulation cases where the values
of OPV_PostHC can vary according to the automatic control logic in the range of 0 to 100;
• The experimental tests n. 8 and n. 17 (with the fault 4, i.e., the cooling coil valve kept
always closed) have been compared with the simulation cases where the values of
OPV_CC can vary according to the automatic control logic in the range of 0 to 100;
• The experimental tests n. 9 and n. 18 (with the fault 5, i.e., the opening percentage of
the steam humidifier valve kept always closed) have been compared with the simu-
lation cases where the values of OPV_HUM can vary according to the automatic control
logic in the range of 0 to 100.
Figures 11 and 12 highlight the values of return air temperature (TRA) and return air
relative humidity (RHRA) over time, for the cases without faults (predicted values repre-
sented by solid lines) and the cases when only one of the 5 above-mentioned faults is oc-
curred (experimental values indicated by dashed lines) with the aim of helping the con-
trast between normal and faulty scenarios. In particular, Figure 11 refers to the summer
tests, while Figure 12 corresponds to the winter tests.
33 100 33 100
a) TTRA_exp
RA,exp,fault1 T
RA,pred,w/o_fault RH
RA,exp,fault1 RHRA,pred,w/o_fault
b) T
RA,exp,fault2 TRA,pred,w/o_fault
RA,exp,fault2 RHRA,pred,w/o_fault
32 95 32 95
31 90 31 90
30 85 30 85
Relative humidity (%)
28 75 28 75
27 70 27 70
26 65 26 65
25 60 25 60
24 55 24 55
23 50 23 50
22 45 22 45
21 40 21 40
31-Jul - 9.56 31-Jul - 11.09 31-Jul - 12.23 31-Jul - 13.36 31-Jul - 14.49 03-Aug - 10.46 03-Aug - 11.45 03-Aug - 12.44 03-Aug - 13.44 03-Aug - 14.43
33 100 33 100
c) TTRA_exp
RA,exp,fault3 TRA,pred,w/o_fault
RA,exp,fault3 RH
RA,pred,w/o_fault d) T
RA,exp,fault4 T
RA,pred,w/o_fault RH
RA,exp,fault4 RHRA,pred,w/o_fault
32 95 32 95
31 90 31 90
30 85 30 85
Relative humidity (%)
29 80 29 80
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
28 75 28 75
27 70 27 70
26 65 26 65
25 60 25 60
24 55 24 55
23 50 23 50
22 45 22 45
21 40 21 40
16-Sep - 12.15 16-Sep - 12.49 16-Sep - 13.23 16-Sep - 13.57 16-Sep - 14.31 16-Sep - 15.28 16-Sep - 16.12 16-Sep - 16.55 16-Sep - 17.38 16-Sep - 18.21
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 29 of 42
33 100
e) TTRA_exp
RA,exp, fault5 T
RA,pred,w/o_fault RH
32 95
31 90
30 85
Temperature (°C)
28 75
27 70
26 65
25 60
24 55
23 50
22 45
21 40
18-Sep - 9.56 18-Sep - 10.39 18-Sep - 11.22 18-Sep - 12.05 18-Sep - 12.48
Figure 11. Comparison between experimental faulty operation (dashed lines) and predicted normal operation tests (solid
lines) during summer in terms of TRA and RHRA: test n. 5 (a), test n. 6 (b), test n. 7 (c), test n. 8 (d), and test n. 9 (e).
25 90 25 90
a) TTRA_exp
RA,exp,fault1 T
RA,pred,w/o_fault RH
RA,exp,fault1 RH
RA,pred,w/o_fault b) T
RA,exp,fault2 TRA,pred,w/o_fault
RA,exp,fault2 RHRA,pred,w/o_fault
24 85 24 85
23 80 23 80
22 75 22 75
Relative humidity (%)
Temperature (°C)
20 65 20 65
19 60 19 60
18 55 18 55
17 50 17 50
16 45 16 45
15 40 15 40
14 35 14 35
12-Jan - 9.20 12-Jan - 10.39 12-Jan - 11.58 12-Jan - 13.17 12-Jan - 14.36 12-Jan - 15.56 14-Jan - 9.17 14-Jan - 10.43 14-Jan - 12.10 14-Jan - 13.36 14-Jan - 15.02 14-Jan - 16.29 14-Jan - 17.55
25 90 25 90
c) T
RA,exp,fault3 TRA,pred,w/o_fault
RA,exp,fault3 RH
RA,pred,w/o_fault d) T
RA,exp,fault4 T
RA,pred,w/o_fault RH
RA,exp,fault4 RHRA,pred,w/o_fault
24 85 24 85
23 80 23 80
22 75 22 75
21 70 21 70
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
20 65 20 65
19 60 19 60
18 55 18 55
17 50 17 50
16 45 16 45
15 40 15 40
14 35 14 35
28-Jan - 9.53 28-Jan - 11.05 28-Jan - 12.17 28-Jan - 13.29 28-Jan - 14.41 28-Jan - 15.53 15-Feb - 9.40 15-Feb - 10.59 15-Feb - 12.18 15-Feb - 13.37 15-Feb - 14.57 15-Feb - 16.16
25 90
e) T
RA,exp,fault5 T
RA,pred,w/o_fault RH
RA,exp,fault5 RHRA,pred,w/o_fault
24 85
23 80
22 75
Relative humidity (%)
21 70
Temperature (°C)
20 65
19 60
18 55
17 50
16 45
15 40
14 35
12-Feb - 9.46 12-Feb - 10.58 12-Feb - 12.10 12-Feb - 13.22 12-Feb - 14.34 12-Feb - 15.46
Figure 12. Comparison between experimental faulty operation (dashed lines) and predicted fault free operation tests dur-
ing winter in terms of TRA and RHRA: test n. 14 (a), test n. 15 (b), test n. 16 (c), test n. 17 (d), and test n. 18 (e).
These comparisons have been performed in order to assess the impact of each fault
on (i) the capability to achieve the desired indoor conditions, (ii) the arithmetic mean and
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 30 of 42
standard deviation of return air temperature and relative humidity, as well as (iii) the
electric energy consumptions. In particular, the effects of faults on occupant thermo-hy-
grometric comfort are reported in Section 5.1.; the faults’ impact associated with the trends
of return air temperature and relative humidity is described in Section 5.2.; the influence
of each fault on electric energy consumptions is indicated in Section 5.3. The discussion
about all the results is performed in last Section 5.4.
( d -μ )
where N is the whole number of points, while di is the value at time step i of the above-
mentioned parameters. Table 12 compares the arithmetic mean μ and standard deviation
σ during tests 5–9 (summer tests) and 14–18 (winter tests).
Table 12. Differences between predicted fault free data and experimental faulty data in terms of TRA and RHRA.
Table 12 also shows the percentage difference (%D) between the values of arithmetic
mean and the standard deviation under faulty (predicted values) and fault free operation
(experimental values) for each of the above-mentioned parameters. The percentage differ-
ence %D has been calculated by means of the following formula:
%D =
(X fault,i
- Xw/o_fault,i ) × 100 (18)
Table 13. Summary of symptoms associated to the 5 typical faults on TRA and RHRA.
ID Fault
μ σ μ σ
Fault 1
0 - 0 -
(related to velocity of the supply air fan)
Fault 2
0 0 0 0
(related to velocity of the return air fan)
Fault 3
Summer tests 0 + 0 0
(related to the post-heating coil valve)
Fault 4
0 - 0 0
(related to the cooling coil valve)
Fault 5
0 0 0 0
(related to the humidifier valve)
Fault 1
0 0 0 -
(related to velocity of the supply air fan)
Fault 2
0 0 0 0
(related to velocity of the return air fan)
Fault 3
Winter tests - - 0 -
(related to the post-heating coil valve)
Fault 4
0 - 0 +
(related to the cooling coil valve)
Fault 5
0 0 0 -
(related to the humidifier valve)
EEw/o_fault,i - EEfault,i
EPD = × 100 (19)
where EEw/o_fault,i and EEfault,i are, respectively, the electric energy consumption of AHU
component for the case without faults and with one of the above-mentioned faults.
5.4. Discussion
With respect to the case without faults, Tables 11 and 14 indicate the effects of the
occurrence of fault 1 (velocity of supply air fan kept reduced at 20% instead of the nominal
value of 50%):
• During summer (test n. 5) it strongly reduces both the thermal comfort time (66%)
and the hygrometric comfort time (71%), while significantly lowering the overall
electric energy consumption (42%) thanks to reduced consumption of the heat pump
(97%), the steam humidifier (100%), and the supply air fan (87%);
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 34 of 42
• During winter (test n. 14) it decreases the hygrometric comfort time (38%), without
significant variation of the hygrometric comfort time (1%), while considerably low-
ering the total electric energy consumption (31%) thanks to reduced consumption of
the refrigerating system (37%), the heat pump (19%), the steam humidifier (32%), and
the supply air fan (91%).
With respect to the case without fault, Tables 11 and 14 demonstrate the effects of the
occurrence of fault 2 (velocity of return air fan kept reduced at 20% instead of the nominal
value of 50%):
• During summer (test n. 6) slightly decreases both the thermal comfort time (8%) and
the hygrometric comfort time (7%), while slightly reducing the overall electric energy
consumption (2%) because of the lower consumption of both the heat pump (95%)
and return air fan (66%);
• During winter (test n. 15) slightly decreases the hygrometric comfort time (4%), with-
out relevant variation of the hygrometric comfort time (1%), while increasing the
overall electric energy consumption (8%) due to greater consumption of heat pump
With respect to the case without fault, Tables 11 and 14 show how the occurrence of
the fault 3 (the opening percentage of the valve regulating the flow to the post-hating coil
kept closed instead of allowing its normal operation in the range of 0 to 100 according to
the automatic control logic):
• During summer (test n. 7) strongly reduces the thermal comfort time (69%), without
significant variation of the hygrometric comfort time (1%), while lowering the overall
electric energy consumption (25%) because of the reduced consumption of the heat
pump (95%);
• During winter (test n. 16) strongly reduces the thermal comfort time (70%) and
slightly decreases the hygrometric comfort time (14%), while significantly lowering
the overall electric energy consumption (57%) because of the reduced consumption
of both the heat pump (96%), and the steam humidifier (100%).
With respect to the case without fault, Tables 11 and 14 highlight how the occurrence
of the fault 4 (the opening percentage of the valve regulating the flow to the cooling coil
kept closed instead of allowing its normal operation in the range of 0 to 100 according to
the automatic control logic):
• During summer (test 8) significantly decreases the thermal comfort time (63%) and
slightly reduces the hygrometric comfort time (4%), while greatly lowering the over-
all electric energy demand (81%) because of the reduced consumption of the heat
pump (96%), the refrigerating system (90%), and the steam humidifier (50%);
• During winter (test n. 17) significantly decreases the thermal comfort time (52%) and
slightly reduces the hygrometric comfort time (15%), while considerably lowering
the overall electric energy demand (75%) because of the reduced consumption of the
heat pump (96%), the refrigerating system (98%), and the steam humidifier (18%).
With respect to the case without fault, Tables 11 and 14 indicate how the occurrence
of the fault 5 (the opening percentage of the valve regulating the flow to the steam humid-
ifier kept closed instead of allowing its normal operation in the range of 0 to 100 according
to the automatic control logic):
• During summer (test n. 9) reduces the thermal comfort time by a slight amount (3%)
and decreases the hygrometric comfort time (16%), while decreasing the overall elec-
tric energy demand (37%) because of the lower consumption of the heat pump (32%),
the refrigerating system (20%), and the humidifier (100%);
• During winter (test n. 18) reduces the thermal comfort time by a slight amount (6%)
and significantly decreases the hygrometric comfort time (28%), while decreasing the
overall electric energy demand (56%) because of the lower consumption of the heat
pump (44%), the refrigerating system (34%), and the humidifier (100%).
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 35 of 42
6. Conclusions
In this study, a database consisting of experimental measurements of key operating
parameters during transient and steady-state operation of a typical HVAC system under
both normal and faulty conditions has been obtained with reference to a wide range of
summer and winter scenarios. In particular, five different typical faults (affecting the sup-
ply air fan, the return air fan, the post-heating coil valve, the cooling coil valve, and the
humidifier valve) have been artificially implemented in the HVAC system and analyzed.
An artificial neural network-based model of the HVAC system has also been devel-
oped in the MATLAB environment [32] and contrasted with measured data, highlighting
that it is able to provide a rigorous characterization of the HVAC system’s steady-state
and transient performance under both normal and faulty scenarios. In more detail, the
model is characterized by average values of coefficient of determination R2 in predicting
supply air temperature, supply air relative humidity, opening percentage of the post-heat-
ing coil valve, opening percentage of the cooling coil valve, and opening percentage of the
humidifier valve very close to the maximum values and, respectively, equal to 0.95 °C,
0.93%, 0.95%, 0.97%, and 0.96%.
The ANN-based model has also been coupled with a dynamic simulation model de-
veloped in TRNSYS environment [33] and then the experimental operation of the HVAC
unit without faults has been compared with the predicted performance of the same system
while operating with one of the five above-mentioned faults under the same boundary
conditions. The results of this analysis highlighted that:
• Fault 3 is associated with the valve supplying the post-heating coil (always kept
closed) is the one significantly affecting indoor thermal comfort, with a reduction of
about 68% (during summer) and 70% (during winter) with respect to the fault free
• Fault 1 is associated with the supply air fan (kept at a reduced velocity of 20% instead
of the nominal value of 50%) is the one considerably influencing indoor hygrometric
comfort, with a reduction of about 71% (during summer) and 38% (during winter) in
comparison to the fault free tests;
• Fault 4 is associated with the valve supplying the cooling coil (always kept closed) is
the one causing important variation in terms of overall electric energy consumption
(81% during summer and 75% during winter) with reference to the fault free scenar-
In addition, the following results in terms of standard deviation σ and arithmetic
mean μ of return air temperature (TRA) and relative humidity (RHRA) have been obtained:
• The fault 1 significantly affects the values of σ for both TRA and RHRA under summer
conditions as well as the values of σ for RHRA only under winter conditions;
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 36 of 42
• The fault 3 greatly affects the values of σ for TRA under summer conditions, the values
of both σ and μ for TRA under winter conditions, as well as the values of σ for RHRA
under winter conditions;
• The impact of the fault 4 is significant with reference to the values of σ for TRA under
summer conditions as well as the values of σ for both TRA and RHRA under winter
• The fault 5 significantly affects only the values of σ associated to RHRA under winter
Both the labeled measured data as well as the developed simulation models (together
with their learning/validation datasets) will be uploaded in a public data repository and
utilization will be permitted to readers for institutional and research purposes. This will
allow AFDD developers, AFDD users, and research organizations to (i) explore the symp-
toms associated to the selected faults on the performance of a typical HVAC system, (ii)
exploit the experimentally validated simulation model in order to generate operational
data for assisting further research for AFDD of HVAC units, (iii) compare accuracy among
AFDD methods, and (iv) identify research gaps to be addressed and future AFDD devel-
The presented experimental database will be extended over time with the aim of in-
vestigating a broader range of boundary conditions as well as different fault types. In par-
ticular, in the future the authors would like to perform additional tests with the aim of
analyzing the effects associated to new faults regarding sensors (e.g., positive and nega-
tive offsets in measuring return air relative humidity and temperature), devices (e.g.,
blockage of air dampers and coil/humidifier valves at different levels), equipment (e.g.,
complete failure of fans), or controllers (e.g., frozen control signal for coils, dampers, or
fans). A measurement time step equal to 1 s will be used during future experiments in
order to more carefully take into account the response time of some HVAC components.
In addition, the authors will extend the present analysis (where the faults have been in-
troduced at the beginning of the faulty tests and maintained during the entire duration of
the experiments) by also considering (i) faults arising suddenly during HVAC operation
and remaining at a constant level after occurrence as well as (ii) shorter faulty scenarios
where a component is ‘sticky’ and takes more time to be moved/operated with respect to
normal operation. Finally, the authors in the future would like to (i) compare experimental
fault free operation against experimental faulty performance of the HVAC system work-
ing under same boundary conditions, (ii) refine and improve the simulation model, and
(iii) develop and test an innovative method for performing AFDD analyses based on su-
pervised data-driven methods customized on experimental results.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.R., F.G., E.E. and L.M.; methodology, A.R., F.G., M.M.,
E.E. and L.M.; software, A.R., F.G., S.S., M.M. and E.E.; validation, A.R. and F.G.; formal analysis,
A.R., F.G., S.S., M.M., E.E. and L.M.; investigation, A.R., F.G. and M.M.; resources, A.R., S.S., M.M.
and L.M.; data curation, A.R., F.G. and M.M.; writing—original draft preparation, A.R., F.G., S.S.,
M.M., E.E. and L.M.; writing—review and editing, A.R., F.G., S.S., M.M., E.E. and L.M.; visualiza-
tion, A.R., F.G., S.S., M.M., E.E. and L.M.; supervision, A.R., S.S., M.M., E.E. and L.M.; project ad-
ministration, A.R. and L.M.; funding acquisition, A.R., M.M. and L.M. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: This work was undertaken as part of the program “PON FSE-FESR Ricerca e
Innovazione 2014–2020” of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Action I.1
“Dottorati Innovativi con caratterizzazione industriale”.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the
design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manu-
script; or in the decision to publish the results.
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 37 of 42
Appendix A
Thermal Con-
Material Thermal Resistance Heat Transfer
Thickness (m) ductivity
(from Outside to Inside) (m2K/W) Area (m2)
Plasterboard 0.0125 0.250 0.050
Ceiling Rock wool 0.0800 0.042 1.905 2.023 16.00
Polyurethane panel 0.0150 0.220 0.068
Subfloor 0.1000 1.350 0.074
Tiles 0.0500 2.100 0.024
Floor Polystyrene panel 0.0800 0.035 2.286 3.107 16.00
Galvanized steel slab 0.0020 52.000 0.000
Tiles 0.0100 1.050 0.010
Plasterboard 0.0125 0.250 0.050
West and East ori-
Rock wool 0.0800 0.042 1.905 2.005 14.40
ented vertical walls
Radiant panel 0.0150 0.300 0.050
South and North Plasterboard 0.0125 0.250 0.050
oriented vertical Rock wool 0.0800 0.042 1.905 1.998 14.40
walls Fiber-cement panel 0.0150 0.350 0.043
Door Soft wood 0.0500 0.140 0.357 0.357 1.68
Figure A1. Floor plan of the test room including the AHU.
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 38 of 42
Figure A2. (a) COP of the HP and (b) EER of the RS upon varying outside air temperature and supply fluid temperature.
1400 700
400 400
400 200
Figure A3. Experimental air volumetric flow rate and power consumption suggested by the manufacturer as a function of
fan velocity for the supply air fan (a) and the return air fan (b).
AFDD Automatic fault detection and diagnosis
AHU Air handling unit
ANN Artificial neural network
CAV Constant air volume
CC Cooling coil
COP Coefficient of performance (-)
CT Cold tank
DBRH Deadband of RHSP,Room (%)
DBT Deadband of TSP,Room (°C)
DEA Exhaust air damper
DHRS Damper of heat recovery system
di Value at time step i
DOA Outside air damper
DRA Return air damper
EEfault,i Electric energy consumption of AHU component with fault (kWh)
EEHP Electric energy consumption of the HP (kWh)
EEHUM Electric energy consumption of the HUM (kWh)
EER Energy efficiency ratio (kWh)
EERAF Electric energy consumption of the RAF (kWh)
EERS Electric energy consumption of the RS (kWh)
EESAF Electric energy consumption of the SAF (kWh)
Energies 2021, 14, 5362 39 of 42
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