Sop 015
Sop 015
Sop 015
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 1 of 11
To obtain timely data for the purpose of air quality assessment, air quality trend reporting
Tedlar® bags and adsorbent tubes are the mediums used in this method of sampling
VOCs (volatile organic compounds), Semi-VOCs, light hydrocarbons C1-C6, and
sulphurs in ambient air are used.
Tedlar® sample bags are a convenient and accurate means of sampling gases and
vapors when concentrations are expected to be higher (>20ppmv) than the detection
limits of common analytical instruments.
Sorbent tube sampling is an appropriate monitoring method for volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) in ambient air at 0.5 to 25 parts per billion (ppbv) concentration
This method adheres to the requirements of the current Air Monitoring Directive (AMD)
drafted by Alberta Environment in 1989. In some cases the limits and specifications
exceed the requirements of the current AMD and subsequent amendments. It should be
considered that the current and any future amendments or drafts of the AMD will be
used as the benchmark for requirements and criteria for ambient air monitoring practices
conducted in the Province of Alberta. Information used to write this procedure was also
taken from sources identified in the reference section.
This method includes sampling at one location, storage and transport of the sample, and
analysis at another, typically more favorable site. This method is consistent whether
using the Tedlar® bag or adsorbent tube for sample collection. A Teflon sampling pump
is used to push ambient air into the sampling bag, or pull ambient air across the sorbent
material in the case of the sampling tubes. The pump can be configured for Tedlar® bag
or adsorbent tube sampling. A second method of sampling into a Tedlar bag is using a
“lung” sampler. This method utilizes a large sealed container constructed of clear plastic
with an airtight lid and two air line fittings. The Tedlar bag is inserted into the box and
the sample line connected to the Tedlar bag. A vacuum is applied to the cavity in the
container which, through pressure differential, draws sample air into the Tedlar sample
The bag type recommended for all samples except for light hydrocarbon C1-C6 samples
are the SKC series 233 bags that employ a single stainless steel fitting through which
the bag can be filled and the sample removed for analysis. AENV lung samplers
accommodate 5 litre sample bags
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 2 of 11
The sorbent tube monitoring procedure involves pulling a volume of air through a
sorbent packing to collect VOCs followed by a thermal desorption-capillary GC/MS
analytical procedure. The sorbent or sorbent mix must be tailored for a target compound
list, data quality objectives and sampling environment.
Portable samplers have been specially constructed for use by AENV to operate on
12volt DC with timers and flow control adjustment. These samplers are used to draw the
air through the tube at the specified flowrate for the determined sampling time or can be
used to evacuate the lung sampler box to cause the Tedlar® bag to fill. Consult the
manual for the sampler for more information.
SKC pumps can be used to draw air through the sorbent tubes.
Analyze the sample within 24-48 hours after sampling.
Tedlar® sample bags provide an accurate means of sampling gases and vapors when
concentrations are expected to be higher (>20ppmv) than the detection limits of common
analytical instruments.
Sorbent tube sampling is an appropriate monitoring method for volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) in ambient air at 0.5 to 25 parts per billion (ppbv) concentration
Commercially available air sampling equipment suitable for use in this method, and
currently in use in the AENV network, include:
AENV lung sampler
Tedlar® sample bag.
SKC air sample pump Model 224-PCXR7.
SKC sorbent tube.
Teflon® tubing.
Stainless steel fittings.
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 3 of 11
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 4 of 11
Site location for sampling gases and vapors using Tedlar® bags and sorbent tubes
should be determined according to the intended application of the monitoring data.
Unobstructed sites should be chosen with:
An ideal distance of 5-30 m downwind from the source or at a complainant’s
residence. Distances will vary depending on meteorological, physical, and other
source interference restrictions.
Sample train set on a level surface.
Intake height 0.2 to 10 meters above the ground.
Location well away from obvious local sources of sample contamination such as
areas of high vehicle activity (15 meters min), dusty roads, roof top flues and
vents, or close to local wood burning sources, unless sampling is being
conducted primarily to capture the impact of such sources.
Distance from sampler to any obstacle at least twice the height of the obstacle
above the sampler.
Unrestricted airflow in an arc of at least 270° around the sampler and no
obstructions in the source direction of prime interest.
No topographic hollows where air circulation is restricted.
No interference from buildings and trees. There must be no trees or structures
closer than a distance of two times the height of the obstruction from the sampler
or a distance of 20meters, whichever is greater.
At least 2 meters from any wall, parapet, penthouse, etc., if placed on a roof, and
no nearby flues that may significantly impact sampling.
If there is a power source nearby, a standard 110VAC, 15A household type receptacle is
required. In areas where 110 VAC outlets are not accessible use the battery pack.
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 5 of 11
The Tedlar® bags and sorbent tubes should be set up in order to collect 2 samples
downwind of the source and 1 sample upwind of the source, if necessary, to isolate the
source from other possible interferences.
The set up procedures for Tedlar® bags and sorbent tubes are typically specified by the
analytical method employed depending on the compounds being sampled for.
Considerations for site requirements can be found in section 7.0 above. The general
requirements for both methods of Tedlar® bag sampling are listed below:
Pressure Sampling:
1. If more than one sample is needed, label each bag with a unique sample number
and mark this unique sample number on the sample data sheet.
2. The bag must be flushed thoroughly at least 3 times with purified air or nitrogen
before use.
3. Connect the Teflon pump (SKC or AENV) intake port to the sample manifold or
open to the sampling location and the output to the connector on the Tedlar bag
using the tubing supplied with the pump.
The system is now ready to sample.
Lung Sampler
1. If more than one sample is needed, label each bag with a unique number and
mark the sample number on the sample data sheet.
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 6 of 11
2. The bag must be flushed thoroughly at least 3 times with purified air or nitrogen
before use.
3. Connect the pump (SKC or AENV pump) intake port to the vacuum chamber
stainless steel connector using the tubing supplied with the pump. The connector
on the chamber has no other line connected to it.
4. Open the vacuum chamber cover and connect the Tedlar® bag stem to the
Teflon® tubing. The other end of the tubing is connected to the side of the
vacuum chamber, which is open to ambient air. Ensure that there is no blockage
of this air line.
5. Open the bag valve by turning the knurled disc on the stem counterclockwise,
one full revolution.
6. Close the cover making sure it is sealed properly.
The system is now ready to sample.
In all cases, fill out the information required on the field sample log sheet for that
purpose. Ensure the log sheet accompanies the sample.
For both pressure and lung sampling, the pump low can be calculated and set so
that the bag is filled over a period of time creating an integrated sample.
The following list specifies the general set up requirements for sampling with sorbent
tubes. A more detailed description of requirements can be found in the USEPA’s
Compendium Method TO-17.
1. Once at ambient temperature, remove the tubes from the storage container,
uncap and connect them to the monitoring pumps as quickly as possible using
clean, non-outgassing flexible tubing. Multi-bed sorbent tubes must be orientated
so that the air sample passes through the series of sorbents in order of
increasing sorbent strength (i.e., weaker sorbent first). This prevents
contamination of the stronger adsorbent with less volatile components. Most
sample devices will have the proper flow direction indicated on them.
2. In all cases the sampling end of the tube must be clearly identified and recorded.
3. Pump flow rate must be set to the manufacturer’s requirement for that device.
4. Pump flow should be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions,
preferably at the monitoring location immediately before sampling begins or,
alternatively, in a clean environment before the tubes and pumps are transported
to the monitoring site.
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 7 of 11
The operational requirements and sampling procedures for Tedlar® bags and sorbent
tubes are specified by the analytical method employed depending on the compounds
being sampled for and the USEPA’s Compendium Method TO-17 for sorbent tubes.
All sections of the sample data sheet shall be completed when sampling ambient air
using Tedlar® bags and sorbent tubes. Comments should include any observations that
may affect the interpretation of the results at the sampling location or other helpful
information related to the sample taken.
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 8 of 11
Pump Type Sample time and/or volume for 5L bag and 33,567
mls volume
Grab 1 hour 8 hours 24 hours
AENV (10-1500 ml/min) 15 min @ 450 55 20 ml/min
1.5 l/min ml/min ml/min
SKC (1-5000 ml/min) 5 min @ 5 450 55 20 ml/min
l/min ml/min ml/min
3. Enter the appropriate beginning of sampling information into the sample data
sheet provided.
4. Make sure you enter any possible sources that could interfere with the
interpretation of the data.
5. After sampling is completed, either the pump will turn off by itself via the
program or you must manually turn the pump off.
6. Disconnect the line from the pump to the vacuum enclosure by slowly
loosening off the tube fitting. This will bring the chamber back up to
atmospheric pressure.
7. For Tedlar® bags open the chamber and close the bag valve stem by turning
the knurled disk clockwise until snug. For sorbent tubes immediately remove
the sampling tubes with clean gloves, recap the tubes withtight fitting caps,
rewrap the tubes with uncoated Aluminum foil, and place the tubes in a clean,
opaque, airtight container. If not to be analyzed during the same day, place
the container in a clean, cool (<4 ˚C), organic solvent-free environment and
leave there until time for analysis.
8. Complete the sample data sheet and make note again about any unusual
conditions that may affect the sample.
9. The sample data sheet/s must accompany all samples to the lab. A photocopy
should be sent to AENV air monitoring section. This copy is stored in a file for
that project.
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 9 of 11
Analyze the bag samples within 24 to 48 hours of sample collection unless it can
be shown that significant (> 20%) sample degradation does not occur over a
longer period of sample storage. Upon completion of the testing and sample
recovery, check all the data forms for completeness and the sample bags for
proper identification. Store the bags in rigid, opaque containers during all
sampling, storage and transport procedures. Ship the bags using ground
transportation. Follow all hazardous materials shipping procedures.
Both the SKC sampling pump and AENV’s sampling pump can be configured for
Tedlar® bag and adsorbent tube sampling among others. The only calibration
procedures that can be completed are to verify the flow through the pump agrees with
the settings on the flow controller. Complete the following steps:
Connect a primary flow meter to the inlet of the sample pump
Set the pump to sample at the lowest flow rate and measure the flow with the flow meter.
These readings should be converted to standard temperature and pressure (STP) using
the following calculation:
STP Flow (ccm) = Q * P * 298
760 * (273 + T)
Take a series of readings over the range of the sample pump and plot the results.
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 10 of 11
Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags
and Adsorbent Tubes
Procedure No: SOP-015 Revision No: 1.0 (January 19, 2011) Page No.: 11 of 11