Unit One This or That 1

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CEM System - Continuous Emission Monitoring

The use of continuous emissions monitoring systems, or a CEMS Analyzer, has expanded over the last
decade, from their conception as analyzers to monitor the equipment emission of flue gases for control
of industrial combustion, to monitor emissions into the environment from many types of industrial
processes. As technology has advanced, improved flue gas treatment in conjunction with a CEM
system, will reduce the levels of pollutants to be monitored.

Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems - CEMS Analyzers

The CEM system is driven by new regulations and improved knowledge of the consequences of
environmental pollution, Environmental Agencies worldwide have required that smaller processes be
monitored. New equipment monitoring technologies have led to new and improved continuous
emission monitoring systems, or CEMs, with Environmental Agencies insisting that continuous
emission monitors meet more stringent specifications, including repeatability and the capability to be
fully challenged to demonstrate compliance.

Specification & Applications CEMS

There are many applications for continuous emission monitors, covering a plethora of industries. The
specification of the CEM system will depend on not only the type of process, but also the pollutant
gases that are required to be measured.

Typical CEM System

Pollutants to be monitored with typical ranges:
Range 1
Range 2
Range 3

0-200 ppm CO
0-200 ppm NO
0-250 ppm NO2

0-250 mg/m
0-270 mg/m NO
0-500 mg/m NO2

Range 4

0-300 ppm SO2

0-850 mg/m SO2

Other gases to be monitored:

Range 1 0-20% CO2
Range 2 0-20% H2O
Stack Temperature:
Stack Diameter:
Performance Required:

Accuracy <2% FSD
Repeatability <2% FSD
Linearity <2% FSD
Zero drift per 24 hours <0.5%
FSD non-cumulative
Operational test period greater than 2200 hours (hours without

*FSD is the full scale deflection

Regulatory Authorities
The choice of CEM system will depend on many factors, including the monitoring and reporting
requirements of the local Environmental Authority.

Extractive CEM Systems

Until recently the extractive CEM system was dominant in most applications. The majority of these
systems fit into the following three main categories:
Cold Extractive
Hot Extractive
Dilution System

Cold Extractive

Above: Cold extractive system

In this type of system, a sample is continuously drawn from the stack through a sample probe and
transported via a heated line to the system housing which, in addition to the analyser(s), contains all of
the necessary sample preparation components. Sample preparation involves removing the water vapour
from the sample by rapid chilling prior to analysis.
In extractive CEM systems the sample probe incorporates an external and / or an internal filter to
prevent particulate matter entering the sample line. Build-up of particulate matter on the filter can be
prevented by the addition of a "blowback" cleaning system where high pressure air is periodically
blown back through the filter to remove the particulate matter. However, the "blowback" system can be
ineffective, depending on the nature of the particulate matter, and sampling problems can occur.
A plugged probe can prevent sample gas from being correctly measured and lead to the recording of
reduced emission levels. Plugging can also place strain on systems fittings, sample line and valves and
potentially lead to leaks that may go undetected once the plugging is cleared. If a leak arises, sample
gas dilution can occur resulting in lower gas concentrations compared to actual concentrations. Such a
system therefore requires a significant amount of maintenance to ensure that filters are free of
particulate matter and all of the sample preparation components are operating correctly.
The selection of filter porosity is also very important as too great a porosity can result in fine particles
entering the sampling line which can then scrub gases by reactive or adsorptive processes. Another
major drawback with this system is that a significant percentage of any soluble gas, such as NO2, SO2
and to a lesser extent NO is removed along with the water vapour.

Hot Extractive

Above: Hot extractive CEM system

Again, a sample is continually removed from the stack and transported through a heated line to the
system housing where the analysis of the stack gas at temperature is carried out. This is achieved by
ensuring that all sample wetted parts are maintained well above the temperature at which condensation
would occur. In many applications, this would be approximately 200oC, however, in several
applications, for example the monitoring of ammonia, the temperature has to be maintained at
approximately 325oC to ensure that ammonium chloride does not form. Obviously, all the components
making contact with the sample have to be specified to operate at elevated temperature, including
solenoid valves, filters, pump heads, and also the analyser sample cell.

Dilution System

Above: Dilution extractive system

To avoid the need to remove water vapour and to ensure condensation does not occur in the sample line
or analyser components, a technique of diluting the sample at the take-off was developed. Protection
against condensation is achieved by diluting the sample to a level at which even the lowest ambient
temperature would not cause any condensation to form. The sample is transported from the take-off
point to the system housing, where additional sample preparation components and the analysers are
mounted. The major drawback of this system is that, in addition to maintaining the dilution system, the
analyser has to be significantly more sensitive to monitor the diluted gas.

Cross Duct & Reflective Cross Duct Analysers

In-Situ CEM System

Above: Cross-duct analyser

This was a significant step forward in continuous emission monitors, negating the need for expensive,
bulky, and high maintenance sample systems. However, the disadvantages soon become clear with the
inability to directly zero and calibrate the instruments. There are also restrictions on the diameter of
stacks which could be reliably monitored with this type of system (10m limit where NO is measured).
The cross stack and reflective cross stack rely on the stack as the sample cell, sending pulses of infrared
or UV light through the stack to either a receiver or a reflector, which is then returned to the stack
mounted transmitter/receiver unit. A benefit is that the analysed samples are true and unmodified with
response times also being fast. Disadvantages include the need to install the receiver and emitter on
opposite sides of the duct. The DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) technology is
expensive when only one or two gases have to be measured. There is a tendency for components to
suffer from heat and corrosion effects of the stack gases.

In-situ Open Path Analyser

Above: In-situ Open Path Analyser

In this configuration, the reflector is mounted on the probe, a slot in the probe allows the gas to pass

between the in-stack window and the reflector. In an attempt to zero and calibrate the instrument, a
second reflector is swung in front of the in-situ stack wndow and the system zeroed. In addition, test
gas can be passed into the enclosed portion of the probe, enabling the instrument to verify calibration.
The major problem with this configuration is that the full system is not challenged, i.e. a second
reflector is used and effects on the first reflector are not taken into account.

Above: In-situ Open Path Analyser configuration

In-situ Folded Beam

Above: Enveloped folded beam

In this configuration, the transmitter and receiver are mounted in one enclosure and the pulses of
infrared or UV light passed out through a tube containing two lenses, one on the exit of the optical
housing, the second, a process lens, mounted in the stack. The pulses of infrared/UV then pass through
a second portion of the probe, which is fitted with sintered panels, allowing the flue gas freely to pass
into the cell. The pulses of infrared/UV light strike a retro reflector and are returned through the same
path to the transmitter receiver.

Auto Zero/Auto Cal CEMS

Above: Auto-zero / Auto-cal

To comply with various Environmental Agency requirements, in particular US EPA 40 CFR Part 60 &
75, the instrument has to be challenged on a daily basis. Clearly, extractive instruments can be
challenged by diverting zero and the test gas into the sample cell, enabling the instrument to be
recalibrated and any errors reported. This is also possible in the enveloped folded beam. Normally, the
flue gas passes through the sintered panels, filling the in-situ gas cell, where the absorpton of infra red
or ultraviolet light takes place.

Above: Auto-zero / Auto-cal stack measurement

Periodically, either automatically or on demand, a solenoid valve can be activated by allowing

instrument air to be discharged into the in-situ cell, forcing out the flue gas, enabling the instrument to
check zero and adjust if necessary. In the same way, certified test gas, traceable to a National Standard,
can be introduced into the sample cell, enabling the instrument to check, and if necessary adjust
calibration. It is recommended that the auto-zero is carried out on a daily basis, however, experience
has shown that calibration verification need only be carried out every three months or so. Under US
EPA 40 CFR part 60 & 75, it is a requirement to carry out these checks on a daily basis, If the
instrument is outside 2.5% on either the zero or the span, the instrument is deemed to be out of
calibration for that day.

Multicomponent Gas Analyzer

Traditionally, analysers were designed to monitor a single gas species and if multiple gas analysis was
required then a series of analysers were used. With the requirement to monitor and report several

pollutant gas emissions, the modern CEM system is capable of simultaneously monitoring and
displaying concentrations of five to six species.

The type of analyser selected will depend on the species and concentrations to be monitored:
Photometer Photometer Spectro-photometer Spectro-Photometer Chemiluminescence



Cross Sensitivity
For many years, the only way of reliably monitoring several flue gas
components, such as NO, NO2, SO2 and HCl was to remove the water
vapour from the stack gas prior to carrying out the analysis. This was due
to the cross sensitivity between water vapour and the components to be
monitored. As can be seen from the above chart, water vapor absorption
occurs at the wavelengths the pollutant gases are measured. Two techniques
have been applied to reduce cross sensitivity. By using gas filter correlation
(GFC), the prime sensitivity is improved and cross sensitivity dramatically
reduced. In addition, by monitoring water vapour and applying a cross
sensitivity correction, the effect of water vapour can be virtually eliminated,
ensuring that the accuracy of the instrument is within the 2% requirement.
These techniques can be used to remove the cross sensitivity of other

Pressure and Temperature Compensation

Above: Temperature Monitoring

To ensure that the instrument is within 2% accuracy, it is necessary to carry out automatic correction
for changes in sample temperature and pressure. This is achieved by continually monitoring the
temperature and pressure within the sample cell and compensating for any changes.
The pressure compensation deals with changes in barometric and flue gas pressure. In addition, if the
certified test gas applied to the probe causes a pressure rise, this too can be compensated for.

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