Deepsoil User Manual v7
Deepsoil User Manual v7
Deepsoil User Manual v7
Version 7.0
July 15, 2021
Youssef M. A. Hashash
When referencing the DEEPSOIL program in a publication (such as journal or conference papers, or
professional engineering reports) please use the following reference format
Hashash, Y.M.A., Musgrove, M.I., Harmon, J.A., Ilhan, O., Xing, G., Numanoglu, O., Groholski, D.R.,
Phillips, C.A., and Park, D. (2020) “DEEPSOIL 7.0, User Manual”. Urbana, IL, Board of Trustees of
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
4.1.2 Generalized Quadratic/Hyperbolic (GQ/H) Model with Shear Strength Control ... 64
4.3.3 GMP (Green, Mitcher and Polito) Model for Cohesionless Soil............................. 75
7.4 Example 4: Equivalent Linear Analysis with Discrete Points ............................... 102
7.5 Example 5: Nonlinear Analysis (MKZ Soil Model with Masing Re/Unloading
Behavior) 104
7.6 Example 6: Nonlinear Analysis (GQ/H Soil Model with Non-Masing Re/Unloading
Behavior) 107
7.7 Example 7: Nonlinear Analysis / Multi-Layer, Elastic Rock, Pore Water Pressure
Generation and Dissipation ..................................................................................................... 116
7.10 Example 10: Nonlinear Analysis / Multi-Layer, Rigid Rock, Treasure Island Profile
7.11 Example 11: Nonlinear Analysis / Multi-Layer, Elastic Rock, MRDF................. 137
7.12 Example 12: Nonlinear Analysis with Auto-Profile Generation Option: .............. 142
7.13 Example 13: Nonlinear Analysis with Randomized Soil Profile: ......................... 150
7.14 Example 14: Nonlinear Analysis by Soil Profile with various Soil Models at Different
Layers: 157
Figure 2.1. DEEPSOIL Main Window and Key Tabs as (a) Analysis Tab, (b) Motions Tab, and
(c) Profiles Tab ............................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 2.2. DEEPSOIL Options Window. .................................................................................... 22
Figure 2.3. Motion Viewer (right-click choices on Plots) ............................................................ 23
Figure 2.4. Motion Viewer (Motion Metrics and Tools) .............................................................. 24
Figure 2.5 Single Motion View .................................................................................................... 25
Figure 2.6. Baseline Correction. ................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2.7 Kappa Estimator .......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 3.1. Step 1/5: Choose type of analysis.............................................................................. 34
Figure 3.2. Choose the Default Working Directory. ..................................................................... 35
Figure 3.3. Input Summary window. ............................................................................................ 37
Figure 3.4. Deconvolution analysis parameters. ........................................................................... 39
Figure 3.5. Complementary Equivalent Linear-Frequency Domain analysis............................... 40
Figure 3.6. Soil Profile Definition – Advanced Table View window. ......................................... 42
Figure 3.7. Layer Properties Tab. ................................................................................................. 42
Figure 3.8 Single Element Test Window ...................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.9. Soil Profile Plot. ......................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.10. Halfspace Definition – “Bedrock”............................................................................ 46
Figure 3.11. Input Motion Selection. ............................................................................................ 47
Figure 3.12. Dropdown tools menu. ............................................................................................. 49
Figure 3.13. Viscous/Small-Strain Damping Definition............................................................... 49
Figure 3.14. Analysis Control Definition. .................................................................................... 51
Figure 3.15. Analysis Running. .................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3.16. Results - Time History Plots..................................................................................... 57
Figure 3.17. Results – Stress Strain Plots. .................................................................................... 57
Figure 3.18. Results – Spectral Plots. ........................................................................................... 58
Figure 3.19. Results – Profile Plots. ............................................................................................. 59
Figure 3.20. Results – Mobilized Strength. .................................................................................. 60
Figure 3.21. Results – Displacement Animation. ......................................................................... 60
Figure 3.22. Results – Response Spectra Summary. .................................................................... 61
DEEPSOIL is a one-dimensional site response analysis program that can perform: a) 1-D nonlinear
time domain analyses with and without pore water pressure generation, b) 1-D equivalent linear
frequency domain analyses including convolution and deconvolution, and c) 1-D linear time and
frequency domain analyses.
DEEPSOIL was developed under the direction of Prof. Youssef M.A. Hashash in collaboration
with several graduate and undergraduate students including Duhee Park, Chi-Chin Tsai, Camilo
Phillips, David R. Groholski, Daniel Turner, Michael Musgrove, Byungmin Kim and Joseph
Harmon, Okan Ilhan, and Guangchao Xing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This
manual was developed in collaboration with these students as well as Maria Kontari and Hua Shao.
When referencing the DEEPSOIL program in a publication (such as journal or conference papers,
or professional engineering reports) please use the following reference format:
Hashash, Y.M.A., Musgrove, M.I., Harmon, J.A., Okan, I., Xing, G., Numanoglu, O., Groholski,
D.R., Phillips, C.A., and Park, D. (2020) “DEEPSOIL 7.0, User Manual”. Urbana, IL, Board of
Trustees of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The program is provided as-is and the user assumes full responsibility for all results. The use
of the DEEPSOIL program requires knowledge in the theory and procedures for seismic site
response analysis and geotechnical earthquake engineering. It is suggested that the user reviews
relevant literature and seek appropriate expertise in developing input of the analysis and
interpretation of the results.
Initial development of DEEPSOIL was based on research supported in part through Earthquake
Engineering Research Centers Program of the National Science Foundation under Award Number
EEC-9701785: the Mid-America Earthquake Center. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation. The authors gratefully acknowledge this support.
DEEPSOIL implements the Armadillo C++ linear algebra library (Sanderson, 2010; Sanderson,
2016). Armadillo is an open-source software released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. A
copy of this license is available at You may obtain a copy of
the Armadillo source code at
The appropriate use of this software program requires significant expertise and knowledge in a
number of areas including ground motions, site characterization, seismic behavior of soils and
numerical modeling. Often a team effort maybe required to develop the appropriate input for the
analysis and to interpret analysis results. The appropriate use of the software is exclusively the
responsibility of the user.
DEEPSOIL has been under development at UIUC since 1998. The driving motivation for the
development of DEEPSOIL was, and continues to be, making site response analysis readily
accessible to students, researchers and engineers worldwide and to support research activities at
As with any development, DEEPSOIL has benefited from many prior contributions by other
researchers as well as current and former students at UIUC. For the interested reader, a detailed
description of many of the theoretical developments and the background literature can be found in
the following publications:
The executable version of DEEPSOIL was originally (circa 1998-1999) developed as a MATLAB
program and (circa 1999) was later redeveloped as a C based executable to improve computational
efficiency. A visual user interface was added soon afterwards. Since then, numerous developments
have been added. Listed below are some important milestones:
• DEEPSOIL v1.0: First version of DEEPSOIL with both an equivalent linear analysis
capability and a new pressure dependent hyperbolic model in nonlinear analysis:
o The equivalent linear capability was based on the pioneering work of Idriss and Seed
(1968), and Seed and Idriss (1970) as employed in the widely used program SHAKE
(Schnabel, et al., 1972) and its more current version SHAKE91 (Idriss and Sun, 1992).
o The new pressure dependent hyperbolic model introduced by Park and Hashash (2001)
is employed in nonlinear analysis. This model extended the hyperbolic model
introduced by Matasovic (1992) and was employed in the nonlinear site response code
D-MOD, which was in turn a modification of the Konder and Zelasko (1963)
hyperbolic model. The hyperbolic model had been employed with Masing criteria
earlier in the program DESRA by Lee and Finn (1975, 1978). The hyperbolic model
was originally proposed by Duncan and Chang (1970), with numerous modifications
in other works such as Hardin and Drnevich (1972) and Finn et al. (1977).
• DEEPSOIL v2.0-2.6:
• System Setup:
DEEPSOIL uses “.” as the symbol for the decimal. For most users outside the USA please
change "," to "." for the decimal mark in your system when using DEEPSOIL.
• Hardware Requirements:
2 GHz or faster processor*
2 GB or more available RAM
250 MB available on hard drive for installation
Parallel analyses require a multi-core processor
• Software Requirements:
Windows 7 or later
The DEEPSOIL graphical user interface is composed of several steps to guide the user throughout
the site response analysis process as illustrated in the Navigation box shown in Figure 2.1,
presented to the user upon starting DEEPSOIL.
Figure 2.1. DEEPSOIL Main Window and Key Tabs as (a) Analysis Tab, (b) Motions Tab, and (c) Profiles
At the top left, the user has the option of choosing the “Analysis,” “Motions,” or “Profiles” tab.
These tabs are discussed in the following section.
Figure 2.2 shows the Options window. This window can be accessed by clicking on the Options
menu. The window allows the user to set the default working directory, the directory containing
Saved profiles are shown in this tab. The user can directly select a profile and start a new analysis
or modify a saved analysis file.
DEEPSOIL contains a Motions tab which can be used to view/process input motions. To
view/process a motion, simply click on the check box for the related motion. DEEPSOIL will
The ground motion parameters (PGA, PGV and PGD), timestep, Nyquist frequency and number
of points of the selected ground motion can be viewed under Motion Metrics and Tools at the
bottom of window (Figure 2.4). The pop-up menu of “Process” under Motion Metrics and Tools
provides the option of (i) kappa estimation, (ii) baseline correction, (iii) timestep reduction, (iv)
Similarly to the motion viewer, the baseline correction can be used by selecting a motion in the
list and clicking on the “Baseline Correction” option under Motion Metrics and Tools.
DEEPSOIL can perform baseline correction for any input motion (Figure 2.6). By selecting an
input motion and clicking on the Baseline Correction option, a new window appears, which
shows the acceleration, velocity, and displacement time-histories corresponding to this motion.
Motions which exhibit non-zero displacement time-histories for the latter part of the motion should
be corrected. The corrected time-histories are also calculated and presented to the user. The
response spectra and Fourier amplitude spectra for the original motion and the baseline-corrected
1. Truncate both ends of the motion using the first and last zero-crossings as bounds.
2. Pad the motion with zeros at both ends.
3. Process the motion with a second order, recursive, high-pass (0.1 Hz cutoff frequency)
Butterworth filter with convolution in both directions in the time domain.
4. Truncate the new motion using the last zero-crossing as bound.
The frequency-domain solution, the Newmark β method and Duhamel integral solutions are the
three most common methods employed to estimate the response of Single Degree of Freedom
(SDOF) systems and therefore to calculate the response spectra. A brief description is presented
for each method to calculate the response of SDOF systems and to solve the dynamic equilibrium
equation defined as (Chopra, 1995; Newmark, 1959):
where m, c and k are the mass, the viscous damping and the system stiffness of the SDOF system
respectively. 𝑢𝑢̈ , 𝑢𝑢̇ and 𝑢𝑢 are the nodal relative accelerations, relative velocities and relative
displacements respectively and 𝑢𝑢̈ 𝑔𝑔 is the exciting acceleration at the base of the SDOF.
𝐻𝐻(𝑓𝑓) = 2 (2.2)
(𝑓𝑓 − 𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛2 ) − 2𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛
where fn is the natural frequency of the oscillator calculated as 𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 = 2𝜋𝜋 �𝑘𝑘⁄𝑚𝑚 and 𝜉𝜉 is the damping
ratio calculated as 𝜉𝜉 = 2√𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘. Use of the frequency-domain solution requires FFTs (Fast Fourier
Transforms) to move between the frequency-domain, where the oscillator transfer function is
applied, and the time-domain, where the peak oscillator response is estimated. Over the frequency
range of the ground motion, the frequency-domain solution is exact.
conditions and (c) response of the ramp force �− 𝑚𝑚 �𝑢𝑢̈ 𝑔𝑔 − 𝑢𝑢̈ 𝑔𝑔 �⁄𝛥𝛥𝛥𝛥 �. The solution in terms of
𝑖𝑖+1 𝑖𝑖
𝐴𝐴 = 𝑒𝑒 −𝜉𝜉𝜔𝜔𝑛𝑛Δ𝑡𝑡 � 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(𝜔𝜔𝐷𝐷 Δ𝑡𝑡) + 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(𝜔𝜔𝐷𝐷 Δ𝑡𝑡)� (2.5)
�1 − 𝜉𝜉 2
𝐵𝐵 = 𝑒𝑒 −𝜉𝜉𝜔𝜔𝑛𝑛Δ𝑡𝑡 � 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(𝜔𝜔𝐷𝐷 Δ𝑡𝑡)� (2.6)
𝐴𝐴′ = −𝑒𝑒 −𝜉𝜉𝜔𝜔𝑛𝑛Δ𝑡𝑡 � 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(𝜔𝜔𝐷𝐷 Δ𝑡𝑡)� (2.9)
�1 − 𝜉𝜉 2
𝐵𝐵 ′ = −𝑒𝑒 −𝜉𝜉𝜔𝜔𝑛𝑛Δ𝑡𝑡 �𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(𝜔𝜔𝐷𝐷 Δ𝑡𝑡) − 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(𝜔𝜔𝐷𝐷 Δ𝑡𝑡)� (2.10)
�1 − 𝜉𝜉 2
1 𝜉𝜉
𝐷𝐷′ = �1 − 𝑒𝑒 −𝜉𝜉𝜔𝜔𝑛𝑛Δ𝑡𝑡 � 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(𝜔𝜔𝐷𝐷 Δ𝑡𝑡) + 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(𝜔𝜔𝐷𝐷 Δ𝑡𝑡)�� (2.12)
𝑘𝑘Δ𝑡𝑡 �1 − 𝜉𝜉 2
𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑖+1 = 𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑖 + (∆𝑡𝑡)𝑢𝑢̇ 𝑖𝑖 + [(0.5 − 𝛽𝛽)(∆𝑡𝑡)2 ] 𝑢𝑢̈ 𝑖𝑖 + [𝛽𝛽(∆𝑡𝑡)2 ]𝑢𝑢̈ 𝑖𝑖+1 (2.14)
The parameters β and γ define the assumption of the acceleration variation over a time step (Δt)
and determine the stability and accuracy of the integration of the method. A unique characteristic
of the assumption of average acceleration (β = 0.5 and γ = 0.25) is that the integration is
unconditionally stable for any Δt with no numerical damping. For this reason, the Newmark β
method with average acceleration is commonly used to model the dynamic response of single and
multiple degree of freedom systems.
The Newmark β method has inherent numerical errors associated with the time step of the input
motion (Chopra, 1995; Mugan and Hulbe, 2001). These errors generate inaccuracy in the solution
resulting in miss-prediction of the high-frequency response. To determine if a motion’s time step
is too large to be used directly, the response spectrum calculated with the Newmark β method can
be compared with the response spectra calculated by other means, with and without a time step
correction in the motion viewer/processor (see section 2.2).
One of the most important factors to consider when evaluating ground motions is frequency
content. The most common measure of frequency content is the Fourier amplitude spectrum, which
where fi is the i-th frequency, n is the number of points in the FFT, |F|i is the Fourier amplitude at
the i-th frequency, and Ci is the i-th amplitude and phase (in complex number representation) of
the FFT. The maximum frequency that can be contained in the motion is dictated by the motion’s
time step. This maximum frequency is called the Nyquest frequency and is calculated using the
following equation:
fNyquest = (2.17)
2 ∗ time step
DEEPSOIL can also smooth the calculated Fourier amplitude spectrum to make interpretation
easier by providing a clearer view of the overall frequency content. DEEPSOIL uses a triangle
smoother in log space (also called a log-triangle smoother). The smoothing routine in DEEPSOIL
uses a sliding triangular smoothing window in log-space and is adapted from a routine developed
by David Boore. The weights assigned to each point are based on the log distance from the point
of interest. Currently, the maximum smoothing width is set to 0.2. At each frequency of the
spectrum the weights of the smoothing window are calculated as follows:
• For frequencies below the current frequency:
log10 (i ⁄ lower bound index)
Wi = (2.18)
log10 (current index ⁄ lower bound index)
• For the current frequency:
Wi = 1 (2.19)
The Arias intensity provides a measure of the intensity of the motion as a function of acceleration.
It is plotted as a function of time and is calculated using the following equation:
𝐼𝐼𝑎𝑎 (𝑡𝑡) = �[𝑎𝑎(𝑡𝑡)]2 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (2.21)
where g is the acceleration due to gravity and a(t) is the acceleration time history.
The significant duration is defined as the timespan (in seconds) between the occurrence of 5% and
95% of the total Arias Intensity (section 2.2.4). The significant duration, and its location in the
motion time histories, can be shown by checking the box at the lower left of the motion viewer.
The Housner intensity (also referred as spectral intensity) provides a measure of the intensity of
the motion as a function of spectral velocity. It is plotted as a function of time. The Duhamel
integral method is used in calculation of the acceleration response spectra for computational
efficiency, and converted to velocity spectra by multiplying the spectra by the corresponding
angular frequency. The Housner intensity is often reported as a single value, however, DEEPSOIL
is able to provide the Housner intensity as a time-history by calculating the response spectrum at
each point of an acceleration record. The Housner intensity is calculated using the following
𝑡𝑡 2.5
where T is the period and ξ is the damping ratio. In DEEPSOIL, the Housner intensity is calculated
assuming a damping ratio of 5%.
DEEPSOIL includes a tool to aid in the estimation of the high-frequency attenuation parameter κ.
This tool is accessed by clicking on the Estimate Kappa under Process of Motion Metrics and
Tools on the motion processor window. To estimate κ, the user defines two bounding frequencies.
DEEPSOIL will then average the Fourier amplitude spectrum (as described in section 2.2.3) and
perform a linear regression over the range of frequencies chosen by the user. The plot is then
updated to reflect the chosen range of frequencies and the resulting κ and amplitude intercept.
The user can also plot a fixed κ value. The resulting line can be moved vertically by specifying an
amplitude intercept.
Once a line of constant κ is plotted (either by estimation or user-specification), it can be
interactively positioned vertically using the scroll-wheel on the mouse. The user can also
show/hide the averaged Fourier amplitude spectrum and plot a legend by right-clicking on the plot.
Motions may be added to DEEPSOIL by clicking File Menu to select New and them Motion. This
tool is designed to convert motions from the PEER “.AT2” format to the DEEPSOIL format,
through a fully automated process. DEEPSOIL will read through the PEER file and determine the
number of data points and the time step. Additional options are provided for reading non-PEER
motions and should be set as needed. If DEEPSOIL cannot complete the conversion, a message
box is used to notify the user of the failure. Upon successful conversion, the user is notified by a
message box and the motion is added to the Motion Library.
Motions can also be added manually. This is done by using a text editor capable of producing .TXT
files. To add an input motion, enter the necessary data in the format described below and save as
a .TXT file in the “Input Motion” directory. The default input motion directory is: C:\Users\[User
Name]\Documents\DEEPSOIL\Input Motions\. If the user has specified a different directory, the
input motion file should be placed in the user-specified directory. The motion will then appear in
the motion list under Motions tab. The added motion should have the properties as:
• Units of the ground motion should be seconds and g’s.
• The format should be as follows:
o 1st row: Number of data points & time step (separated by 1 space)
o 2nd and subsequent rows: time & acceleration (separated by 1 space)
The analysis tab options are discussed in detail in the next section.
The first step in the analysis requires the selection of analysis type. Figure 3.1 illustrates the form
for Step 1.
In the introductory tab (Analysis Definition), the user is required to choose the Analysis Method,
the Solution Type (Frequency of Time domain), the Default Soil Model for all newly generated
layers and the Default Hysteretic Re/Unloading Formulation for the analysis of DEEPSOIL. In
addition, the user can choose whether DEEPSOIL will automatically generate profiles for the
given input data (Automatic Profile Generation on/off), the Unit System (English or Metric) as
well as the type of Complementary Analyses that may be requested (Equivalent Linear-Frequency
Domain, Linear-Frequency Domain and Linear-Time Domain). Finally, under Analysis Tag, the
user can see the identifiers, which are IDs that are included in the analysis results to help users
identify the kind of soil model analysis that DEEPSOIL performed (See Table 3.2 for Soil Models
Depending on the Analysis Method choice of the user, different Solution Type, Default Soil Model,
Default Hysteretic Re/Unloading Formulation choices may be available. The available
combinations for each Analysis Method are presented in tabular format in Table 3.1.
Note: To review the input parameters, you can select the Input Summary menu at any moment.
The Input Summary window (Figure 3.3) may be viewed any time after completing step 1. Note:
tabs will only appear after the corresponding parameters have been inputted.
The option of defining the soil curves using discrete points is only applicable for the Equivalent
Linear analysis. For this option, the G/Gmax and damping ratio (%) are defined as functions of
shear strain (%).
This approach is the same as the frequency-domain equivalent linear analysis approaches except
that the input motion can be applied at the ground surface or anywhere else in the soil column.
The corresponding rock motion is then computed and provided to the user.
Deconvolution requires definition of a soil profile. The following properties need to be defined
for each layer:
• Thickness
• Shear Wave Velocity (𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠) or Initial Shear Modulus (𝐺𝐺𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚)
• Unit Weight
• Damping Ratio (%)
The Advanced Table View (Figure 3.6) tab summarizes the input parameters of each layer along
with the generated information from the Layer Properties tab in a tabular format.
Single Element Test option (Figure 3.8) is provided under Layer Properties Tab (Figure 3.7) in
order to test the soil model behavior for given strain path. Soil Model can be changed to any of
available options. Additionally, different damping models and pore water pressure options can be
selected to evaluate the soil hysteresis behavior. Soil backbone curve can be plotted on top of
hysteresis loop. Figure 3.8 shows the hysteresis behavior for soil layer for which MKZ soil model
and Masing type of damping model is adopted.
𝜙𝜙 = 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡−1 � � (3.2)
Where 𝜙𝜙 is the friction angle, 𝜏𝜏𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 is the maximum shear stress as calculated above, and 𝜎𝜎′𝑣𝑣 is
the effective vertical stress at the mid-depth of each layer.
The user is encouraged to carefully check the provided plots. If the implied strength or friction
angle of particular layer is deemed unreasonable, the user should consider modifying the modulus
reduction curve for the layer to provide a more realistic implied strength or friction angle.
As part of the Soil Profile Definition, the user must also define the rock / half-space properties of
the bottom of the profile. This can be done through the Layer Properties tab by double clicking on
the last bottom of the Soil Profile Plot at the left side of the window (Figure 3.10).
The user has the option of selecting either an Elastic Half-space or a Rigid Half-space. An
informational display (Information Regarding Rock Properties) explains that an elastic half-space
The Viscous/Small-Strain Damping Definition step appears only for time domain analyses and allows
the user to set the viscous damping formulation and select the optimum modes/frequencies for the
analysis (Figure 3.13). This window is unique to DEEPSOIL and it helps control the introduction
of numerical damping through frequency dependent nature of the viscous damping formulation.
Note that when multiple input motions are selected for an analysis, the viscous damping
formulation and the selected modes/frequencies are the same for all the selected input motions.
The following options must be specified:
• Damping Matrix Type:
o Frequency Independent (recommended)
o Rayleigh Damping
1 mode/freq.
2 modes/freq. (Rayleigh)
4 modes/freq. (Extended Rayleigh)
• Damping Matrix Update:
The user can also press the Plot Damping Curve to generate a plot of the Normalized Damping
Ratio. This option is available only when the Rayleigh Damping option is activated. Also, the user
can choose whether the damping matrix will be recalculated at each step of the analysis or not by
choosing the appropriate circular button in the Damping Matrix Update section. Finally, the user
can plot the Frequency Domain Solution and the Time Domain Solution for his motion of choice
using the corresponding buttons from the Linear Response Evaluation section. For more details on
this stage, please refer to Example 6 in the tutorial.
Viscous damping formulation is used to model small strain damping. The viscous damping
formulation results in frequency dependent damping and can introduce significant artificial
damping. It is therefore important to select an appropriate viscous damping formulation and
corresponding coefficients to reduce the numerical damping (Hashash and Park, 2002; Park and
Hashash, 2004). There are three types of Rayleigh damping formulations in DEEPSOIL, as listed
below. It is, however, recommended that the frequency independent damping formulation be
selected for most analyses.
A complete explanation of the extended Rayleigh damping formulation is presented in Park and
Hashash, 2004.
𝐺𝐺 ∗ = 𝐺𝐺 (1 − 𝜉𝜉 2 + 𝑖𝑖2𝜉𝜉) (3.6)
The accuracy of the time domain solution depends on the time step selected. There are two options
in choosing the time step (Hashash and Park, 2001).
3.6 Results
After the completion of the analysis, the following output for each selected layer will be directly
exported to a text file “Results - motion.txt” in the working directory specified using the Options
The Results window (Figure 3.16) consists of a visual display of the Motions and Layers selection
and the following tabs: a. Time History Plots, b. Stress-Strain Plots, c. Spectral Plots, d. Profile
If multiple motions were selected for analysis, the output can be found in the user’s working
directory in a folder named “Batch_Output”. Within this folder, there will be a folder
corresponding to each profile and within this folder there will be the folders of each of the motions,
that contain the results from each motion.
If a single motion was selected for analysis, the results can be found in the user’s working
Output data for each layer is automatically exported to “Results – motion.txt” in the user’s working
DEEPSOIL provides the user with the option to export the analysis results to a Microsoft Excel®
file or an LS-DYNA® file. This is done by clicking the Export to Excel or the Export to LS-DYNA
buttons respectively, located in the left bottom part of the results window. Note that this feature
requires that Microsoft Excel® or LS-DYNA® is installed on the system. Also, by clicking on the
Show results in folder view the user is directed to the results’ folder.
A variety of models are available for DEEPSOIL analyses. These models include: a) Equivalent
Linear, b) Hyperbolic (MR, MRD, DC), c) a Non-Masing Hyperbolic model (MRDF), and d)
Porewater Pressure Generation and Dissipation.
where G0 = initial shear modulus, τ = shear strength, γ = shear strain. Beta, s, and γ r are the model
parameters, respectively. There is no coupling between the confining pressure and shear stress.
DEEPSOIL extends the model to allow coupling by making γ r confining pressure dependent as
follows (Hashash and Park, 2001):
where σv’ is the effective vertical stress. Reference stress is the vertical effective stress at which
γ r = Ref. stress. This model is termed as the “pressure-dependent hyperbolic model.”
The pressure-dependent modified hyperbolic model is almost linear at small strains and results in
zero hysteretic damping at small strains. Small strain damping has to be added separately to
simulate actual soil behavior which exhibits damping even at very small strains (Hashash and Park,
2001). The small strain damping is defined as
1 𝑑𝑑 (4.3)
where d can be set to zero in case a pressure independent small strain damping is desired.
In summary, the parameters to be defined in addition to the layer properties are:
(Darendeli 2001) study constructs the shear strength - shear strain curves based on the
experimentally obtained data. At small strains the data is collected using resonant column test, and
towards the medium shear strain levels the torsional shear test results are used. The values are
extrapolated at the large strain levels. This extrapolation may underestimate or overestimate the
shear strength at large strains. Therefore, shear strength correction is necessary to account for the
correct shear strength at large strains (Phillips and Hashash 2009). General Quadratic/ Hyperbolic
model proposed by (Groholski et al. 2016) has a curve fitting scheme that automatically corrects
the reference curves (such as Darendeli (2001)) based on the specified shear strength at the large
strains (the parameter τmax in the eq. (4.5)). The curve fitting parameters θ1 through θ5 (eq. (4.5))
are used to preserve the modulus reduction curves obtained from reference studies as much as
possible and modifies the large strain values based on the specified large strain shear strength.
The parameters τmax, and θ1 through θ5 are required to construct the shear strength corrected shear
strength - shear strain curves. Obtaining τmax is straightforward and user only needs to determine
the shear strength of the simulated soil material at large strains. The parameters θ1 through θ5 can
be obtained based on the reference study (Groholski et al. 2016). One easy way to obtain these
parameters is using DEEPSOIL (a 1-D nonlinear site response analysis software, (Hashash et al.
2016)). The user can create the layered domain in DEEPSOIL software and select the available
reference curve. Upon constructing the layered domain, GQ/H curve fitting routine calculates the
shear strength corrected shear strength - shear strain curve and provides the parameters θ1 through
θ5. These values can be directly used in soil hysteretic material without necessity to define any
reference shear strength - shear strain curve. The material model uses the τmax, G0, and θ1 through
θ5 to construct the shear strength - shear strain curve using the following functions:
where, 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟 is the reference strain and is calculated as 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟 = 𝜏𝜏𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 /𝐺𝐺0 . Once the θτ is determined, the
shear strength - shear strain curve is constructed as follows:
1 𝛾𝛾 𝛾𝛾 2 𝛾𝛾
𝜏𝜏 = 𝜏𝜏𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ∗ [ ∗ �1 + � � �
− �1 + � − 4 ∗ 𝜃𝜃𝜏𝜏 ∗ �] (4.5)
𝜃𝜃𝜏𝜏 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟
When the user wishes to fit a soil curve (i.e. determine the model parameters which most closely
match the defined curves), the following options are available:
MR: Procedure to find the parameters that provide the best fit for the modulus reduction
curve with potentially significant mismatch of the damping curve.
MRD: Procedure to find the parameters that provide the best fit for both the modulus
reduction and damping curve.
DC: Procedure to find the parameters that provide the best fit for the damping curve
with potentially significant mismatch of the backbone curve. MRDF-UIUC
The MRDF Pressure-Dependent Hyperbolic (Phillips and Hashash, 2009) model available in
DEEPSOIL allows the user to introduce a reduction factor into the hyperbolic model. The
reduction factor has the form:
where 𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 is the maximum shear strain experienced at any given time, 𝐺𝐺(𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 ) is the shear modulus
at 𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 , and P1, P2, and P3 are the fitting parameters.
By setting P1= 1 and P2= 0, the reduction factor is equal to 1 (regardless of the value of P3), and
the model is reduced to the Extended Masing criteria. MRDF-Darendeli
The MRDF Pressure-Dependent Hyperbolic model (Phillips and Hashash, 2009) can also be used
with alternative formulations for the reduction factor. One alternative is the formulation proposed
by Darendeli, 2001. This formulation is an empirically-based modified hyperbolic model to predict
the nonlinear dynamic responses of different soil types. The developed model is implemented as a
reduction factor with the form:
where 𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 is the maximum shear strain experienced at any given time, 𝐺𝐺(𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 ) is the shear modulus
at 𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 , and P1 and P2 are the fitting parameters.
By setting P1= 1 and P2= 0, the reduction factor is equal to 1, and the model is reduced to the
Extended Masing criteria.
𝐺𝐺0 ((𝛾𝛾 − 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 )⁄2) 𝐺𝐺0 (𝛾𝛾 − 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 ) 𝐺𝐺0 (𝛾𝛾 − 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 )
𝜏𝜏 = 𝐹𝐹(𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 ) �2 𝑠𝑠 − 𝑠𝑠 �+ + 𝜏𝜏𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 (4.9)
(𝛾𝛾 − 𝛾𝛾𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 ) 𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 𝛾𝛾𝑚𝑚 𝑠𝑠
1 + 𝛽𝛽 � 2𝛾𝛾 � 1 + 𝛽𝛽 � 𝛾𝛾 � 1 + 𝛽𝛽 � 𝛾𝛾 �
𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟
The following table summarizes the available excess pore water pressure generation models and
required parameters.
Table 4.1 Available Excess Pore Water Pressure Generation Models and Parameters
Dobry &
Sand S-M/D 1 f p F s γtvp v -
Clay C-M 2 s r A B C D γtvp
& Vucetic
GMP Cohesioneless GMP 3 α FC(%) - - v -
Generalized Any G 5 α β - - - v -
Each model is described in the following sections. The user is referred to the original sources for
additional details.
The Matasovic (1992) pore water pressure generation parameters must be determined by a curve-
fitting procedure of cyclic undrained lab-test data. Once the data is obtained, the following Remarks:
The uN parameter is defined as the normalized excess pore water pressure ratio (ru = u’ / σv’).
Neq is the equivalent number of cycles calculated for the most recent strain reversal. For uniform
strain cycles, the equivalent number of cycles is the same as the number of loading cycles. For
irregular strain cycles, since the cycle number does not increase uniformly, Neq is calculated at
strain reversals using the uN obtained from the previous step and is then incremented by 0.5 for the
current step.
γtvp is the shear strain value below which reversals will not generate excess pore water pressure.
F, s, and p are the curve fitting parameters and can be obtained from laboratory tests.
where Vs is the shear wave velocity in m/s and FC is the percentage of fines content. The fit is
produced using the data from Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 shows that the values of p range within +-7.1% of 1 for different types and relative
densities of sands. For practical purposes, p = 1 is often assumed in the absence of laboratory data.
0 0.8
F parameter
s parameter
s = (FC + 1)0.1252
F = 3810 x Vs-1.55
0 100 200 300 400 0 20 40 60 80 100
Vs (m/sec) FC (%)
Figure 4.1 a) Carlton (2014), best fit correlating Vs (m/sec) to parameter F of Dobry pore water pressure
model for sands. b) Carlton (2014), best fit correlating FC (%) to parameter s of Dobry pore water pressure
model for sands
Mei et al. (2015) developed correlation for the curve fitting parameter F using 123 cyclic shear test
results compiled from literature. Two soil index properties, relative density (Dr) and uniformity
coefficient (Cu) are used in the correlation and it is applicable to sub-angular to sub-rounded clean
Parameter, F
1 2.2
0 20 40 60 80 100
Relative density, D
Figure 4.2 Proposed correlation to estimate curve-fitting parameter F (Mei et al. 2015)
Matasovic and Vucetic (1995) propose the following equation for the excess pore water pressure
generation for clays:
𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟
𝑢𝑢𝑁𝑁 = 𝐴𝐴𝑁𝑁𝑐𝑐 −3𝑠𝑠�𝛾𝛾𝑐𝑐−𝛾𝛾𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 � + 𝐵𝐵𝑁𝑁𝑐𝑐 −2𝑠𝑠�𝛾𝛾𝑐𝑐 −𝛾𝛾𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 � + 𝐶𝐶𝑁𝑁𝑐𝑐 −𝑠𝑠�𝛾𝛾𝑐𝑐−𝛾𝛾𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 � + 𝐷𝐷 (4.13) Remarks:
The uN parameter is the same as in normalized excess pore water pressure ratio (ru = u’ / σv’)
Neq is the equivalent number of cycles calculated for the most recent strain reversal. For uniform
strain cycles, the equivalent number of cycles is the same as the number of loading cycles. For
irregular strain cycles, since the cycle number does not increase uniformly, and Neq is calculated
using the uN obtained from previous step and is then incremented by 0.5 for the current step.
γtvp is the threshold shear strain value below which reversals will not generate excess pore water
Figure 4.3 Comparison of the curves given by Matasovic (1993) and Vucetic (1992) (solid black lines)
for t, for different values of PI and OCR and the correlations presented (dotted red lines). (Carlton, 2014)
Table 4.5 Material parameters for the Matasovic and Vucetic (1995) clay pore pressure generation model
(From Carlton, 2014)
Marine Matasovic
Clay and Vucetic 0.1 0.064 0.520 14.62 -30.5124 18.4265 -2.5343
(OCR = (1995)
Marine Matasovic
Clay and Vucetic 0.1 0.054 0.480 12.95 -26.3287 15.3736 -1.9944
(OCR = (1995)
Marine Matasovic
Clay and Vucetic 0.1 0.042 0.423 11.263 -21.4595 11.2404 -1.0443
(OCR = (1995)
4.3.3 GMP (Green, Mitcher and Polito) Model for Cohesionless Soil
The GMP model (Green et al. 2000) is an energy-based pore pressure generation model. The
excess pore pressure is calculated as follows:
𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑢 = 𝛼𝛼� (4.20)
𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 Remarks:
The dissipated energy, 𝑊𝑊𝑠𝑠 , is calculated as the area beneath the current stress-strain path and has
the following functional form:
𝑊𝑊𝑠𝑠 = ′ �(𝜏𝜏𝑖𝑖+1 + 𝜏𝜏𝑖𝑖 ) ∗ (𝛾𝛾𝑖𝑖+1 − 𝛾𝛾𝑖𝑖 ) (4.21)
In DEEPSOIL, a scale factor “α” is introduced to allow for scaling of the generated excess pore
water pressure to match laboratory or field data.
The GMP model is a special case of the Berrill and Davis model (Berrill and Davis, 1985) that has
the form ru = α x Wsβ. In GMP model, α and β values are replaced by (1/PEC)0.5 and 0.5
The degradation parameter is as described by Matasovic (1993) and uses the same functional form
as defined in the Matasovic model for sands (see section 4.3.6).
This model allows for a user-defined excess pore water pressure generation model based on the
framework adopted from Berrill and Davis (1985) and Green et al. (2000). The model is energy-
based and the excess pore water pressure is calculated as follows:
𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑢 = α ∗ 𝑊𝑊𝑠𝑠 (4.23)
The model is a generalized form of GMP model, and uses the same general functional form
presented in the Berrill and Davis (1985) formulation. α and β are curve fitting parameters and can
be extracted from laboratory tests. Ws is the dissipated energy and is calculated using the
formulation defined in the GMP model.
The degradation parameter is as described by Matasovic (1993) and uses the same functional form
as defined in the Matasovic model for sands (see section 4.3.6).
The Park and Ahn (2013) model is a stress-based excess pore water pressure generation model that
uses the concept of a damage parameter to account for the accumulation of stress. The excess pore
water pressure is calculated as follows:
( )
2 𝐷𝐷 2𝛽𝛽
𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑢 = arcsin � �
𝜋𝜋 𝐷𝐷𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟=1.0
Dru=1.0 is the value of damage parameter, D, at initiation of liquefaction and can be calculated from
CSR-N curves that are obtained from laboratory tests using the following formula:
Matasovic (1993) represents the degradation of the shear strength and shear stiffness of the soil
within the MKZ model by inclusion of two degradation indices. These degradation parameters
have also been implemented (and have similar effects) within the GQ/H model. The degradation
parameters are defined as:
Where 𝛿𝛿𝐺𝐺 is the shear modulus degradation function, 𝛿𝛿𝜏𝜏 is the shear stress degradation function, 𝑢𝑢∗
is the excess porewater pressure normalized by initial effective overburden stress, and 𝑣𝑣 is a curve-
Where 𝛿𝛿𝐺𝐺 is the shear modulus degradation function, 𝛿𝛿𝜏𝜏 is the shear stress degradation function,
and 𝑁𝑁 is the number of equivalent cycles.
The pore water pressure dissipation model is based on Terzaghi 1-D consolidation theory:
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕 2 𝑢𝑢
= 𝐶𝐶𝑣𝑣 � 2 � (4.33)
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕𝑧𝑧
Dissipation of the excess pore water pressure is assumed to occur in the vertical direction only.
Porewater pressure generation and dissipation occur simultaneously during ground shaking.
DEEPSOIL versions until V7.0 are designed to provide site response analysis results as text file(s).
In the case of single analysis, one text file output is generated as including results of each selected
layer in separate tables of (i) acceleration, strain and stress ratio (shear stress/effective vertical
stress) time histories, (ii) spectral accelerations at 113 oscillator periods from 0.01 to 10.0s, (iii)
Fourier amplitude spectrum (FAS) and Fourier amplitude ratio computed as FASsurface/FASinput,
and (iv) calculated PGA, minimum and maximum displacements at the top of each layer, and max.
strain, max. stress ratio and effective vertical stress at the mid-depth of each layer. The results of
a batch analysis, in which one site profile can be exposed to several input motions, are stored in
subfolders with motion names, and a unique text file is created for each table given in one text file
for every single analysis.
After the introduction of randomization of site profile properties, as VS and dynamic curve
randomization in DEEPSOIL V7.0, users have the ability to run large numbers of analyses (such
as parametric studies) through the interface, and this necessitates handling large amount of output
with complicated structure. Thus, SQLite database structure has been introduced to store the
analysis results in DEEPSOIL V7.0. The transition from using text files for the analysis results to
database files happened for mainly two reasons: (i) databases can handle querying and indexing of
more sophisticated output structure, and (ii) significant reduction of output size (1.5 ≈ 2.0 times)
can be achieved.
The next section gives further details on the database output structure for DEEPSOIL V7.0.
Figure 6.1 shows the database structure for DEEPSOIL V7.0 output. It is composed of mainly 6
components as:
The maximum stress ratio is not same as equivalent uniform stress ratio, which equals to maximum stress ratio
multiplied by 0.65.
• Depth_Layer_Top • Time
• PGA_Total • Layer#_Accel
• PGV_Relative • Layer#_Vel
• Min_DISP_Relative • Layer#_Disp
• Max_DISP_Relative • Layer#_Arias
• Depth_Layer_Mid • Layer#_Strain
• Initial_Effective_Stress • Layer#_Stress
• Max_Strain
• Max_Stress_Ratio
The tutorial is intended to help users get familiar with DEEPSOIL. Six examples are prepared to
guide the users through the various features of DEEPSOIL. It is recommended that the examples
are followed in the order they appear. The example soil profiles and strain paths are stored in the
“Examples” folder under the default DEEPSOIL working directory. The motions for use with
example profiles are included under the default DEEPSOIL motion directory.
Two analyses included in Example 1 consist of linear analysis with frequency domain
(Example_1A) and time domain solutions (Example_1B), respectively, and selected input motions
with analyses properties are presented in Table 7.1.
Unit Weight= 20 kN/m3
Vs=500 m/s
20 m
Damping (%) = 0.0
• The analysis definition for linear frequency-domain analysis (Example 1A) is given in
Figure 7.2. The solution type in Figure 7.2 should be changed to time-domain for time-
domain linear analysis (Example 1B).
• Figure 7.3 show Soil Profile Definition window to input basic soil properties (thickness,
unit weight, shear wave velocity, effective vertical stress) and soil model properties (small-
strain damping) for soil layer of interest
• Definition of bedrock as Rigid Half-space is presented in Figure 7.4
• After the definition of basic soil properties and small-strain damping for each soil layer,
profile plots as shear wave velocity, maximum frequency (fmax), small-strain damping can
be viewed as in Figure 7.5 along with implied shear strength, normalized implied shear
strength and implied friction angle.
• ChiChi motion is selected in Input Motion Selection window, where time-history
(Acceleration, velocity, displacement, Arias and Housner Intensity) and spectral plots (5%
damped spectral acceleration and Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (FAS) of selected motion
can be viewed, for two analyses in Figure 7.6.
• Viscous/Small-Strain Damping definition for time-domain analysis is presented in Figure
7.7. The recommended options as frequency-independent damping and no update on
damping matrix for Example 1B are selected.
• In Analysis Control Definition window, frequency-independent complex shear modulus
reduction is recommended for Example 1A (Figure 7.8). Flexible time-step control along
with maximum strain increment of 0.005 and time history interpolation method as zero-
padded in frequency-domain are adopted for Example 1B (Figure 7.9).
• Figure 7.10 and Figure 7.11 illustrate the computed time-history (acceleration, velocity,
displacement and arias intensity), and spectral plots (5% damped spectral acceleration,
FAS and FAS ratio) for Example 1A. Export output as Excel file and related Excel output
file are illustrated in Figure 7.12 and Figure 7.13, respectively. Calculated time-histories
and spectral plots for Example 1B are given in Figure 7.14 and Figure 7.15.
Figure 7.11 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration, Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (FAS) and Fourier
Amplitude Ratio (FAS at ground surface divided by FAS at input motion) for Example 1A
Figure 7.13 Results: Excel Output for Analysis Results for Example 1A
Figure 7.15 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration, Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (FAS) and Fourier
Amplitude Ratio (FAS at ground surface divided by FAS at input motion) for Example 1B
Two analyses included in Example 2 consist of linear analysis with frequency domain
(Example_2A) and time domain solutions (Example_2B), respectively, and selected input motions
with analyses properties are presented in Table 7.2.
Unit Weight= 20 kN/m3
20 m
Vs=500 m/s
Damping (%) = 0.0
The flow of analysis for Example 2 is quite similar to that described in Example 1. Only difference
between Example 1 and 2 is bedrock definition, and Elastic Half-space is defined for this case
Figure 7.18 Results: Acceleration, Relative Velocity, Relative Displacement and Arias Intensity Time-
Histories for Example 2A
Figure 7.20 Results: Acceleration, Relative Velocity, Relative Displacement and Arias Intensity Time-
Histories for Example 2B
Two analyses included in Example 3 consist of linear analysis with frequency domain
(Example_3A) and time domain solutions (Example_3B), respectively, and selected input motions
with analyses properties are presented in Table 7.3. Computed time-histories (Acceleration,
Velocity, Displacement, and Arias Intensity) for Example 3A and Example 3B are presented in
Figure 7.23 and Figure 7.25. Response spectrum at first layer of site profile for Example 3A and
3B along with that of input motion are given in Figure 7.24 and Figure 7.26.
Unit Weight= 20 kN/m3
20 m
Vs=500 m/s
Damping (%) = 5.0
Figure 7.24 Result: Computed 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 along with that for Input
Motion for Example_3A
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 100 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.25 Result: Computed Time-Histories (Acceleration, Relative velocity, Relative displacement,
and Arias intensity) for Layer 1 for Example 3B
Figure 7.26 Result: Computed 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 along with that for Input
Motion for Example_3B
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 101 of 170 July 15, 2021
7.4 Example 4: Equivalent Linear Analysis with Discrete Points
One example included in Example 4 (Figure 7.27) consists of linear analysis with frequency
domain, and selected input motions with analyses properties are presented in Table 7.4. Computed
time-histories (Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, and Arias Intensity) and response spectrum
at first layer of site profile along with that of input motion are presented in Figure 7.28 and Figure
20 m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m3
Vs=500 m/s
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 102 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.28 Result: Computed Time-Histories (Acceleration, Relative velocity, Relative displacement, and
Arias intensity) for Layer 1 for Example 4
Figure 7.29 Result: Computed 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 along with that for Input
Motion for Example_3A
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 103 of 170 July 15, 2021
7.5 Example 5: Nonlinear Analysis (MKZ Soil Model with Masing Re/Unloading Behavior)
Three examples included in Example 5 consist of nonlinear site response analyses with different
types of fitting procedure as DC (Damping Curve Only), MR (Modulus Reduction Only), and
MRD (Modulus Reduction and Damping Curve) adopted for nonlinear dynamic curves (Table
7.5), and MKZ model with Masing type of re/unloading formation is used for dynamic curves
defined for each layer. Soil column is given in Figure 7.30. Selected input motions with analyses
properties are presented in Table 7.5. 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration and Fourier Amplitude
Spectrum computed at Ground Surface for Nonlinear and Equivalent-Linear Analyses using DC,
MR and MRD fitting procedures along with those for Input Motion are presented in Figure 7.31
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 104 of 170 July 15, 2021
Soil 1
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m3
Vs=250 m/s
Soil 2
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m
Vs=250 m/s
Soil 3
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m
Vs=250 m/s
Soil 4
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m
Vs=250 m/s
Soil 5
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m
Vs=250 m/s
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 105 of 170 July 15, 2021
1.5 1
Spectral Acceleration (g)
Figure 7.31 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration and Fourier Amplitude Spectrum computed at Ground
Surface for Nonlinear and Equivalent-Linear Analyses using DC, MR and MRD fitting procedures along
with those for Input Motion
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 106 of 170 July 15, 2021
7.6 Example 6: Nonlinear Analysis (GQ/H Soil Model with Non-Masing Re/Unloading Behavior)
Example 6 consists of nonlinear site response analysis along with supplementary equivalent-linear
analysis, and GQ/H model with Non-Masing type of re/unloading formulation is used for soil
dynamic curves. Selected input motion together with analyses properties are given in Table 7.6.
Soil 1
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m3
Vs=500 m/s
Soil 2
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m
Vs=500 m/s
Soil 3
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m
Vs=500 m/s
Soil 4
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m
Vs=500 m/s
Soil 5
4m Unit Weight= 20 kN/m
Vs=500 m/s
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 107 of 170 July 15, 2021
Table 7.6 Analyses properties and input motions for Example 6
Name Analysis Method Solution Type Analysis Tag Input Motion
Example_6 Nonlinear Time Domain DS-NL2 ChiChi.txt
• In the Analysis Type Definition window, nonlinear analysis method is selected along with
General Quadratic/Hyperbolic Model (GQ/H) soil model and Non-Masing Re/Unloading
formulation. Additionally, equivalent-linear analysis is performed using the option under
Complementary Analyses. (Figure 7.33)
• The basic soil properties for each layer is defined as given in Figure 7.34 (Only layer 1 is
illustrated in this example). The use of GQ/H model necessitates to input the shear strength
of soil layer to represent the large-strain behavior of soil. The target shear strength of the
nonlinear shear modulus reduction (G/Gmax) is calculated using the Mohr-Coulomb
equation as:
• Reference curve (Figure 7.36) is selected as Darendeli (2001) with parameters of OCR and
PI (%) as 1.0 and 0.0. The coefficient of earth pressure at rest (K0) required for calculation
of reference dynamic curves (Darendeli (2001) model is selected for this example) is
calculated using the (Jaky, 1948) eq. as,
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 108 of 170 July 15, 2021
𝐾𝐾0 = [1 − sin (𝜙𝜙)] ∗ 𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑅𝑅 sin (𝜙𝜙) (7.3)
where OCR is over-consolidation ratio.
• The modulus reduction and damping curve fitting (MRDF) with UIUC Reduction Factor
is used to capture the Non-Masing behavior (Figure 7.37), and GQ/H Model is fitted for a
shear strain range up to 0.05% considering the Modulus Reduction Curve under the
condition that the shear stresses reach 95% of the target shear strength at shear strain of
10% (Figure 7.38). The fitted modulus reduction and damping curve together with fitting
ranges for Layer 1 are illustrated in Figure 7.39.
• Chi-Chi Motion is used, and Frequency-Independent viscous damping along with no
damping matrix update are selected as in Example 1 and 2.
• Parameters for nonlinear and equivalent-linear analysis are assigned as (Figure 7.40):
o For frequency-domain analysis:
Number of iterations: 15
Effective Shear Strain Ratio (SSR): 0.65
Complex Shear Modulus Formulation: Frequency-Independent
o For nonlinear (time-domain) analysis:
Step Control: Flexible
Maximum Strain Increment: 0.005 %
Time History Interpolation Method: Linear in time domain
• Computed time-histories (Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, and Arias Intensity) from
nonlinear (blue line) and equivalent-linear analyses (red line) are given in Figure 7.41.
Response spectrum at first layer of site profile from nonlinear analysis and equivalent-
linear analysis along with that of input motion are given in Figure 7.42 and Figure 7.43.
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Figure 7.33 Step 1: Analysis Type Definition for Example 6.
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Figure 7.35 Step 2: Shear Strength Input for Soil Layer 1
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Figure 7.37 Step 2: Application of “MRDF with UIUC Reduction Factor” Option
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Figure 7.39 Step 2: GQ/H Model Fit and Model Parameters for Layer 1
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Figure 7.41 Result: Computed Time-Histories (Acceleration, Relative velocity, Relative displacement, and
Arias intensity) for Layer 1 via Nonlinear Analysis (blue line) and Equivalent-Linear Analysis (red line)
Figure 7.42 Result: Computed 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 along with that for Input
Motion via Nonlinear Analysis Method
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Figure 7.43 Result: Computed 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 along with that for Input
Motion via Equivalent-Linear Analysis Method
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 115 of 170 July 15, 2021
7.7 Example 7: Nonlinear Analysis / Multi-Layer, Elastic Rock, Pore Water Pressure
Generation and Dissipation
This example is composed of nonlinear analysis as an effective stress analysis with generation and
dissipation of pore water pressure. The steps are mainly identical to those taken in Example 6
except the definition of parameters for pore water pressure model. The flow of analysis through
DEEPSOIL V7.0 interface is illustrated below:
• The nonlinear analysis is selected for site profile in which soils are modelled using GQ/H
model with Non-Masing Re/Unloading formulation. “Generate Excess Porewater
Pressure” option is enabled to enable dissipation and to make both top and bottom of
profile as permeable boundaries. (Figure 7.44)
• Figure 7.45 shows the propertes of first layer, and shear strength is calculated using the eq.
(7.1) in Example 6. Friction angle for each sand layer is assumed as 300. Darendeli (2001)
is selected as reference curve along with K0 calculation by Jaky’s equation in Example 6.
• In Advanced Table View (Figure 7.46), Sand-Vucetic Dobry model is selected with the
paramaters give in Table 7.7.
• Half-space definition is given in Figure 7.47 with VS = 5000 ft/s, unit weight of 160.0 pcf,
and damping ratio of 2.0 %. The resultant soil profile properties can be viewed in Figure
• “Kobe” motion is selected for this example, and time-histories (Acceleration, Velocity,
Displacement, Arias and Housner Intensity), FAS, and 5% damped spectral acceleration
for Kobe motion can be viewed in Figure 7.49.
• After analysis, (i) profile plots, (ii) Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, and Arias
Intensity time histories, (iii) stress-strain plots for layer 1 and layer 3, and (iv) 5% damped
spectral acceleration, Fourier Amplitude Spectrum and Ratio for Layer 1 and Layer 3 are
presented in Figure 7.50, Figure 7.51, Figure 7.52 and Figure 7.53, respectively. Layer 1
and 3 are distinguished by blue and red lines, respetively. Maximum strain of
approximately 0.4% in site profile occurs Layer 3 due to development of significant level
of pore water pressure. (Figure 7.52)
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 116 of 170 July 15, 2021
Table 7.7 Sand-Vucetic Dobry PWP model parameters for Sand layer
Max ru Cv (ft2/sec) Cv–exponent f p s γ ν
0.95 0.1 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.02 3.80
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 117 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.44 Step 1: Analysis Type Definition for Example 7
Figure 7.45 Step 2: Soil Profile in Nonlinear Analysis with PWP Generation and Dissipation
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 118 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.46 Step 2: Definition of Parameters for PWP Generation and Dissipation Model of Sand-
Vucetic/Dobry Model
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Figure 7.48 Step 2: Soil Profile Plot
Figure 7.49 Step 3: Time Histories, FAS and 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Kobe motion
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 120 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.50 Results: Profile Plots after analyses
Figure 7.51 Results: Acceleration, Relative Velocity, Relative Displacement and Arias Intensity Time-
Histories for Example 7 for Layer 1 (blue line) and Layer 3 (red line).
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Figure 7.52 Results: Stress-Strain plots for Layer 1 (blue line) and Layer 3 (red line)
Figure 7.53 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration, Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (FAS) and Fourier
Amplitude Ratio (FAS at ground surface divided by FAS at input motion) for Layer 1 (blue line) and Layer
3 (red line)
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 122 of 170 July 15, 2021
7.8 Example 8: Nonlinear Analysis / Multi-Layer, Elastic Rock, Pore Pressure Generation
and Dissipation:
Example 8 is identical to Example 7 except that GMP PWP model is adopted for sand layers. The
details of analysis are presented as:
• The definition of parameters for GMP PWP model for each layer is given in Table 7.8, and
also can be viewed in Figure 7.54.
• After analysis, (i) profile plots, (ii) Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, and Arias
Intensity time histories, (iii) stress-strain plots for layer 1 and layer 3, and (iv) 5% damped
spectral acceleration, Fourier Amplitude Spectrum and Ratio for Layer 1 and Layer 3 are
presented in Figure 7.55, Figure 7.56, Figure 7.57 and Figure 7.58, respectively. Layer 1
and 3 are distinguished by blue and red lines, respetively. Results are similar to Example 7
except that much greater maximum strain of approximately 5.0% in site profile occurs
Layer 3 due to significant level of pore water pressure, which reaches ru = 0.95 (Figure
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 123 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.54 Step 2: Definition of Parameters for PWP Generation and Dissipation Model of Sand-GMP
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Figure 7.56 Step 3: Time Histories, FAS and 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Kobe motion
Figure 7.57 Results: Stress-Strain plots for Layer 1 (blue line) and Layer 3 (red line)
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 125 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.58 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration, Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (FAS) and Fourier
Amplitude Ratio (FAS at ground surface divided by FAS at input motion) for Layer 1 (blue line) and Layer
3 (red line)
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7.9 Example 9: Equivalent Linear Frequency Domain Analysis / Multi-Layer, Elastic
Rock, Bay Mud Profile
Example 9 is similar to Example 4 (equivalent-linear analysis with discrete points) but includes
31 layers as given in Figure 7.59. This is a typical profile near San Francisco Bay, and is included
to illustrate the capabilities of DEEPSOIL for more realistic profiles. The reference condition is
defined as elastic halfspace with shear wave velocity of 1500 m/s, unit weight of 22 kN/m3 and
damping ratio of 0.0%, and the resultant profile plots can be viewed in Figure 7.61. Analyses
results as (i) computed time-histories (accelertion, velocity, displacement and Arias intensity), and
(ii) 5% damped spectral acceleration, FAS and Fourier Amplitude Ratio at first layer (Fill) are
presented in Figure 7.62 and Figure 7.63, respectively.
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Figure 7.59 Step 2: Soil Profile Definition
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Figure 7.61 Step 2: Soil profile plot
Figure 7.62 Results: Computed Time-Histories (Acceleration, Relative velocity, Relative displacement,
and Arias intensity) for Layer 1
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Figure 7.63 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 (blue line) and for Input Motion (black
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7.10 Example 10: Nonlinear Analysis / Multi-Layer, Rigid Rock, Treasure Island Profile
• Nonlinear analysis using MKZ soil model with Masing Re/Unloading formulation along
with complementary equivalent-linear analysis is selected as given in Figure 7.64.
• The soil profile including 53 layers and MKZ model parameters to create soil backbone
curve for Layer 1 (as representative) can be viewed in Figure 7.65
• The reference condition is determined as rigid bedrock in Figure 7.66, and soil profile plots
can be seen in Figure 7.67
• Kobe motion is selected as input motion, and motion properties can be viewed in Figure
• Two modes of Rayleigh Damping along with update on Damping Matrix is selected as
given in Figure 7.69
• Parameters for nonlinear and equivalent-linear analysis are assigned as:
o For frequency-domain analysis:
Number of iterations: 15
Effective Shear Strain Ratio (SSR): 0.65
Complex Shear Modulus Formulation: Frequency-Independent
o For nonlinear (time-domain) analysis:
Step Control: Flexible
Maximum Strain Increment: 0.0005 %
Time History Interpolation Method: Zero-padded in frequency domain
• Computed time-histories as acceleration, velocity, displacement and arias intensity from
nonlinear (blue line) and equivalent-linear analysis (red line) at the top layer of soil profile
are given in Figure 7.70
• 5% damped spectral acceleration response spectra from nonlinear and equivalent-linear
analysis at top layer of the soil profile (blue line) along with that for input motion (black
line) are presented in Figure 7.71 and Figure 7.72, respectively.
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Figure 7.64 Step 1: Analysis Type Definition
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Figure 7.66 Step 2: Bedrock Profile Definition
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Figure 7.68 Step 3: Properties of Kobe Motion
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Figure 7.70 Result: Computed Time-Histories (Acceleration, Relative velocity, Relative displacement, and
Arias intensity) from Nonlinear (blue line) and Equivalent-Linear Analysis (red line) for Layer 1
Figure 7.71 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 via Nonlinear Analysis
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Figure 7.72 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 via Equivalent-Linear Analysis
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7.11 Example 11: Nonlinear Analysis / Multi-Layer, Elastic Rock, MRDF
Example 11 is composed of 80-layer profile located on elastic rock, and is generated to further
illustrate the the capabilities of DEEPSOIL for more realistic profiles as well as the MRDF curve
parameters. The flow of analysis through DEEPSOIL V7.0 intefrace is illustrated below:
• Nonlinear analysis using MKZ soil model with Non-Masing Re/Unloading Formulation
along with complementary equivalent-linear analysis is selected as given in Figure 7.73.
• The soil profile including 80 layers and MKZ model parameters to create soil backbone
curve for Layer 1 (as representative) can be viewed in Figure 7.74.
• The reference condition is determined as elastic halfspace with shear wave velocity of 2492
ft/s, unit weight of 137 pcf. and no damping in Figure 7.75, and soil profile plots can be
seen in Figure 7.76.
• Kobe motion is selected as input motion, and selection of Rayleigh Damping with 2
modes/freqs along with no update in damping matrix is illustrated in Figure 7.77.
• Parameters for nonlinear and equivalent-linear analysis are assigned as:
o For frequency-domain analysis:
Number of iterations: 15
Effective Shear Strain Ratio (SSR): 0.65
Complex Shear Modulus Formulation: Frequency-Independent
o For nonlinear (time-domain) analysis:
Step Control: Flexible
Maximum Strain Increment: 0.001 %
Time History Interpolation Method: Zero-padded in frequency domain
• Computed time-histories as acceleration, velocity, displacement and arias intensity from
nonlinear (blue line) and equivalent-linear analysis (red line) at the top layer of soil profile
are given in Figure 7.78
• 5% damped spectral acceleration response spectra from nonlinear and equivalent-linear
analysis at top layer of the soil profile (blue line) along with that for input motion (black
line) are presented in Figure 7.79 and Figure 7.80, respectively.
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Figure 7.73 Step 1: Analysis Type Definition
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Figure 7.75 Step 2: Halfspace Definition
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Figure 7.77 Step 4: Viscous/Small-Strain Damping Definition
Figure 7.78 Result: Computed Time-Histories (Acceleration, Relative velocity, Relative displacement, and
Arias intensity) from Nonlinear (blue line) and Equivalent-Linear Analysis (red line) for Layer 1
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 140 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.79 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 via Nonlinear Analysis
Figure 7.80 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 via Equivalent-Linear Analysis
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 141 of 170 July 15, 2021
7.12 Example 12: Nonlinear Analysis with Auto-Profile Generation Option:
This example is generated to illustrate the new feature in DEEPSOIL V7.0 as auto-profile
generation, which allows to (i) divide the soil layers considering the maximum frequency (fmax =
VS/4H), and (ii) automatically fit the selected soil model to reference curve for each layer. The site
profile in this example is one of the 70650 site profiles used in Harmon et al. (2017), and is
composed of 20 clay layers with constant unit weight of 19 kN/m3, PI = 15%, OCR = 1.5, and
friction angle (𝜙𝜙) of 250 along the profile. The shear wave velocity monotonically increases with
depth and, shear strength required for fitting GQ/H Model at each layer is calculated as explained
in Example 6.
The flow of analysis through DEEPSOIL V7.0 interface of this example is illustrated below:
• The analysis type definition for nonlinear analysis with auto-profile generation is illustrated
in Figure 7.81. The only difference from Example 6 is to turn Automatic Profile Generation
• In the Automatic-Profile generation page (Figure 7.82), maximum frequency (fmax = VS/4H)
value is provided as 50.0 Hz to specify the maximum layer thickness, and randomization
option for soil thickness, velocity and dynamic curve is turned off at this stage.
• Mean soil profile definition is illustrated in Figure 7.83 for Layer 1. The required basic soil
parameters as soil thickness, unit weight, shear wave velocity (as constant for each layer),
and shear strength (as constant for each layer) needed for fitting GQ/H Model have been
provided. These values for each soil layer can be viewed through Advanced Table View
(Figure 7.84) Mean reference curve is selected as Darendeli (2001), and K0 parameter is
calculated as 0.685 using the same eq. in Example 6.
• Bedrock is defined as elastic half-space with VS of 3000 m/s for CENA (Hashash et al.,
2014), unit weight of 22 kN/m3, and damping ratio of 0.5%.
• The subdivided profile and GQ/H Model fit performed automatically for each subdivided
layer is illustrated in Figure 7.86 (only Layer 1 is shown as representative). Additionally,
Soil profile plots are presented in Figure 7.87
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• Input motion for nonlinear and complementary equivalent-linear analyses is selected as
ChiChi (Step 3), and Frequency-independent viscous-damping along with “No update in
damping matrix” is used (Step 4).
• Parameters for nonlinear and equivalent-linear analysis are assigned as (Figure 7.88):
o For frequency-domain analysis:
Number of iterations: 15
Effective Shear Strain Ratio (SSR): 0.65
Complex Shear Modulus Formulation: Frequency-Independent
o For nonlinear (time-domain) analysis:
Step Control: Flexible
Maximum Strain Increment: 0.00001 %
Time History Interpolation Method: Linear in time domain
• Computed time-histories (acceleration, velocity, displacement and Arias Intensity) from
nonlinear (blue line) and equivalent-linear (red line) analyses is presented in Figure 7.89.
5% damped spectral acceleration at the top of Layer along with that of input motion from
nonlinear and equivalent-linear analysis are given in Figure 7.90 and Figure 7.91.
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Figure 7.81 Step 1: Analysis Type Definition
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Figure 7.83 Step 2: Mean Soil Profile Definition (for Layer 1)
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Figure 7.85 Step 2: Bedrock definition as Elastic Half-space
Figure 7.86 Step 2: Subdivision of each Layer Thickness and GQ/H Model Fit to Layer 1
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Figure 7.87 Step 2: Soil Profile Plots
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Figure 7.89 Results: Acceleration, Relative Velocity, Relative Displacement and Arias Intensity Time-
Histories for Nonlinear Analysis (blue line) and Equivalent-Linear Analysis (red line)
Figure 7.90 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 (blue line) along with for Input Motion
(black line) from Nonlinear Analysis
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Figure 7.91 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 (blue line) along with for Input Motion
(black line) from Equivalent-Linear Analysis
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7.13 Example 13: Nonlinear Analysis with Randomized Soil Profile:
Example 13 is created to illustrate the new features in DEEPSOIL V7.0 as Thickness, VS and
Dynamic Curve randomizations. The mean site profile used as input to site realizations is identical
to that in Example 12. The theory behind the site realization will explained in Chapter 6 in detail.
The flow of analysis through DEEPSOIL V7.0 interface of this example is illustrated below:
• The analysis type definition for Example 13 is identical to that for Example 12 (Figure
• The maximum frequency (fmax) is specified as 50.0 Hz, and parameters for thickness, VS
and dynamic curve randomization are given below (Figure 7.92):
o Thickness Randomization: (Default parameters given in Toro (1995))
Minimum Thickness: 0.03 m
Maximum Thickness: 152.40
C1: 10.86
C2: 0.89
C3: 1.98
o Velocity Randomization:
Input Parameter Method: User Defined
σ: 0.2
ρ0 (Rho0): 0.0
Δ (Delta): 1.0
ρ200 (Rho200): 1.0
b: 0.0
h0: 0.0
o Dynamic Curve Randomization:
ρ1: -1.0
ρ2: 1.0
σ Randomization Bound: 1.50
o Number of Random Profiles: 20
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o ρ1 represents the correlation between G/Gmax and dynamic curve for each layer.
Perfectly negatively correlated G/Gmax (ρ1 = -1.0) and damping curves are assumed
in this example.
o ρ2 is inter-layer correlation for dynamic curves. Dynamic curves are perfectly
positively correlated (ρ2 = 1.0) for this example
o σ randomization bound is assigned as 1.5.
• After realization, layer properties of each realization can be viewed as given in Figure 7.93
(Layer 1 of 1st profile realization is illustrated as representative, and each realization can
be viewed using pop-up menu in red circle). GQ/H Model fitted to selected reference curve,
which is Darendeli (2001) as an only option for dynamic curve randomization, for each
layer can be monitored along with curve bounds (orange lines in Figure 7.93). Additionally,
options for exporting the thickness and VS of each layer for randomized VS profiles along
with mean soil profile are provided as (i) Excel file, (ii) SQLite database, and (iii) Enhanced
Metafile (EMF) of VS plot. Figure 7.95 shows the VS profiles of 20 site profile realizations
along with (i) mean input profile, (ii) logarithmic mean of 20 randomized VS profile, and
95% confidence interval (CI) on logarithmic mean.
• Figure 7.96 illustrates the soil profile plots for 1st realization. The purple and blue lines
represent plots for mean profile and selected realization, respectively (1st realization as
illustrated by red circle is shown in Figure 7.96).
• Input motion for nonlinear and complementary equivalent-linear analyses is selected as
ChiChi (Step 3), and Frequency-independent viscous-damping along with “No update in
damping matrix” is used (Step 4).
• Parameters for nonlinear and equivalent-linear analysis are assigned as:
o For frequency-domain analysis:
Number of iterations: 15
Effective Shear Strain Ratio (SSR): 0.65
Complex Shear Modulus Formulation: Frequency-Independent
o For nonlinear (time-domain) analysis:
Step Control: Flexible
Maximum Strain Increment: 0.005 %
Time History Interpolation Method: Linear in time domain
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• Computed time-histories (acceleration, velocity, displacement and Arias Intensity) from
nonlinear (blue line) and equivalent-linear (red line) analyses is presented in Figure 7.97.
5% damped spectral acceleration at the top of Layer along with that of input motion from
nonlinear and equivalent-linear analysis are given in Figure 7.98 and Figure 7.99.
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Figure 7.92 Step 1: Specification of Maximum Frequency and Definition of Parameters for Thickness, VS
and Dynamic Curve Randomization
Figure 7.93 Step 2: Properties of Layer 1 for first Realization after Randomization
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Figure 7.94 Step 2: Export Options for Site Profile Realizations
Figure 7.95 Randomized VS Profiles along with their logarithmic mean and 95% Confidence Interval on
Logarithmic Mean
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Figure 7.96 Step 2: Soil Profile Plot for Profile Realizations
Figure 7.97 Results: Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement and Arias Int. Time-Histories for Nonlinear
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 155 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.98 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration, Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (FAS) and Fourier
Amplitude Ratio (FAS at ground surface divided by FAS at input motion) for Nonlinear Analysis
Figure 7.99 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration for Layer 1 (blue line) along with for Input Motion
(black line) from Equivalent-Linear Analysis
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 156 of 170 July 15, 2021
7.14 Example 14: Nonlinear Analysis by Soil Profile with various Soil Models at Different Layers:
Example 14 is designed to illustrate the new feature in DEEPSOIL as allowing users to adopt
various soil models to different soil layers. This site profile is extracted as shear-beam from 2-D
finite element model of centrifuge model for Concrete-face rockfill dams with depth of 352.2 m,
which is composed of rock-fill with 202.2 m depth (from top to 42th layer (included) and
underlying bedrock layers. The properties of each layer can be detailed as:
The flow of analysis through DEEPSOIL V7.0 interface of this example is illustrated below:
• Nonlinear analysis without any complementary analyses is selected, and GQ/H soil model
with Non-Masing Re/Unloading formulation is used for the analysis.
• Figure 7.100 shows the assignment of properties for Rockfill material at Step 2.
• After properties of all Rockfill layers are assigned, the Soil Models from Layer 43 to 58
should be converted to “Linear” to represent the bedrock behavior (red rectangular in
Figure 7.101) along with removal of “Reduction Factor Formulation” in Figure 7.102
• Bedrock layer properties are assigned as given in Figure 7.103.
• Half-space is defined as “Rigid Halfspace” (Figure 7.104), and soil profile plots are
presented in Figure 7.105
• Parameters for nonlinear is assigned as:
o Step Control: Flexible
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o Maximum Strain Increment: 0.005 %
o Time History Interpolation Method: Linear in time domain
• Stress-strain plots for top of rockfill (Layer 1 with red line) and bedrock material (Layer
43 with blue line) are presented in Figure 7.106
• Computed time-histories (Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement and Arias Intensity) at top
of rockfill (Layer 1 with red line) and bedrock material (Layer 43 with blue line) are
presented in Figure 7.107
• 5% damped spectral acceleration and FAS at top of rockfill (Layer 1 with blue line) and
bedrock material (Layer 43 with yellow line) are presented in Figure 7.108.
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Figure 7.100 Step 2: Basic Soil Properties and GQ/H Model Fit to Rockfill Layers (Layer 1 as
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 159 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.102 Step 2: Removal of Reduction Factor Formulation for linear Bedrock layers
Figure 7.103 Step 2: Basic Soil Properties of Bedrock Layers (Layer 45 as representative)
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Figure 7.104 Step 2: Rigid half-space definition
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Figure 7.106 Results: Stress-strain plots for Soil Layer 1 (GQ/H Model with Non-Masing Un/Reloading
Formulation (red line) and Soil Layer 43 (linear elastic soil material (blue line)
Figure 7.107 Results: Acceleration, Relative Velocity, Relative Displacement and Arias Intensity Time-
Histories for Layer 1 (red line) and Layer 43 (blue line)
DEEPSOIL User Manual V 7.0 Page 162 of 170 July 15, 2021
Figure 7.108 Results: 5% Damped Spectral Acceleration, Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (FAS) and Fourier
Amplitude Ratio (FAS at ground surface divided by FAS at input motion) for Layer 1 (blue line) and Layer
43 (yellow line)
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8 References
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predicting the shear modulus and material damping of soils. Geomechanics and Geoengineering.
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No. SM7, 667-692.
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Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Paper no. OSP 4.
Hudson, M., Idriss, I.M., and Beikae, M. 1994. (1994) "QUAD4M - A computer program to
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