CU-2022 B.A. (Honours) History Semester-3 Paper-CC-5 QP

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2022 HISTORY — HONOURS Paper : CC-5 Full Marks : 65 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. are memete ata Mame! 21 Fiske emelis Bea me = axe ) aOR Ea TORE C2 (&) ote aes on ToT HP (ot) Arecenfe-eas famag Be (8) ROHS GPRS ae BS? (@) aE NCH ae Se ©) Ponies Hees stat BAGG Ae? (@) SACs Fee Fre TAA CATE TIN HEA WITS APHAARICES AIA CTCAT| (@) Gea rena crt co fre @) afd Stace ait efeeait areaTTAR AR CTC | (@) vherca oxy ae © ales oe fae? © FROM wy & feo? (©) water @ ferme (G) Saltera aS PR wea A? ). falta ape ser ara afofbe eae Qe Cartat BiRTE CHA BH MS (Aco ATH) & xs (=) eebarcars Row ARCHRL BTATEN CAT (a) Beatie eaters ree flere (A) orto a APTI Tes CPB A Kote ca) eae eros BA ares PreerTaN GAA FheTee ata ATA Please Turn Over “X(Grid Sm.) -Hisiory-HICC-SICBCS) (2) (2) Si Re THE 6 UGIIRw Sfreaa A fier fe ©) ORES ota eMC coleeREM eM Ze CRT @) ARIE Saw wheats wa By fete (S) FTO TTY S Wem ceils Sw Stes ofpier aN YR Fer see sacae Ol crceren eat aces Sam Ms (coo “Ks AU) ¢ yoxe (@) Seats Renee orm Refs yeu TAT CD ace OTe Boy aICATR Fal | CO) aes SrEceR Fine cree ore STOR FTA | ©) CRE ATE Tee Gere conte wy Rela scat (8) rem rece aera ¢ Resilemeatterss A war Rete ©) BRS orem Rita Be ec [ English Version] The figures in the margin indicate full marks. 1. Answer the following questions : 1x15 (@) Who was the author of Ramacharita? (b) Who was the greatest ruler of the Pala dynasty? (©) What is the subject matter of Gita Govindam? (@ Which sea was called as Chola Samudram? (©) What does ‘Naru’ mean? (©) Which powers were involved in the Tripartite Struggle? (e) Name one famous Indian historian who worked on Indian feudatism, {h) Who was the leader of the Kaivarta revolt? @ Name one South Indian sect of the Bhakti Movement. @ What is the significance of Charyapada? (k)_ Who was Dahir? (Who was Sultan Mahmud? (m) Who was Alberuni? (n) When was the second battle of Tarain fought? . (©) When was the Delhi Sultanate established? G) XGrd Si) -History-HICC-SICBCS. 2. Answer any four questions (in 250 words): ae (2) Briefly discuss the achievements of Dharmapala. (b) What were the causes of the Tripartite Struggle? (©) What were the features of the local self government of the Chola dynasty? (@ How do you explain the agrarian expansion in the early medieval period? (©) What was the role of the temples in the social and economic life of the early medieval period? (® Why was the Bay of Bengal called Chola Saraudram in the Chola age? () What were the causes of Arab invasion of India? hy) Hevea You differentiate the nature of the invasions of India by Sultan Mahmud and Muhammad i 3. Answer any three questions (in $00 words) : 103, (a) Make an estimate of Al-Beruni as a historian, (b) Discuss the achievements of Rajendra Chola. (©) Discuss the activities of the Guild system of South India. (@_ Determine the role of the tribes in Indian social system, (€) What was the contribution of the Nalanda University and Vikramshila Mahabihar in the spread of education? (8) Write the various features of the Bhakti movement.

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