Electrochemistry Notes...
Electrochemistry Notes...
Electrochemistry Notes...
(At cathade
Overall 0action Zn(5) +
t is the study of chemical energy Cvo elecdnica) Cuas)>Zntogt Cus)
enegy nd how one Can be convetec indo anothe Cell ephes endaton
called electonochemistsy.
Eien Ecatksde - Eansde
tlectaochemical cell Fe 0.34v -(-o.16 v) =1.1v
halvani cell (o) votta'e cell
The clevice in which chemital enengy is onverted Flou o e Oyoltmet
into electaical enengy i caleol electochemical cel.
Salt bridoge
Daniell cel
Zn nad is placed in Znsoy Soluhon (Mola) and Cy
Sod is placecl in 1 molas Cu soy Solution,
|Zn od and Cu god Connected by metallie wihe
thaugh voltimete and swith.
Two hal cells cne connected by salt bmidge. IM Zhsoy Solvion IM Cusou Solvhon
tlectohemical Seies
Ihe aoorcungement of elements in the ondes,
M*ag) t ne
2. Resistivity (0) rho) R A
Am12YS Cm'ml
The poless of slow heating up of the metal
|Sace by the gases (o) nd waten vapous poieen
in ain due to.fohmaton o compounds such as
Oxides,Sulphides, Casbonate is icailecd Coroosion:
Eg: Rus ting of Inon Fes0,Huo), aonishing o{ sitver
(Ag), deve lopment ot geen Coating on Coppeh an
Kusing as Shon
RustHycboted fes9ic oxide (feso3.x Htao)
The tesous ions ae funther oxicd; sed by atmasphee
O to fee ions which cameout as hust in the
tonm of hyatecd fernic oxide (Feao,. XHLo).ihsh
Hfet O,t4Hyo'2fe07t 8H'ag
feyOg tMH20feo3.xHyo.