12.isca RJRS 2013 966
12.isca RJRS 2013 966
12.isca RJRS 2013 966
Keywords: Neo-Vernacular Building Technologies, Integration of Natural and Built Environments, Rammed-Earth, Model
of Tourist Village.
Introduction have used, have changed the surface of the earth in a vast range
extending from the two extremes of opposition to nature and
From the existence of human beings as a species on the earth, integration to it. If we consider the rights of next generations, it
man has passed three important cultural stages any of which seems that they will have a rational claim for the using different
have proposed specific patterns for the built environment. The resources; they have the right to use virgin natural environment.
first and the second eras are respectively related to the hunting What the next generations will enjoy or get interested in, would,
and agriculture. The third era which roots in the Greek to a great extent, depend on what they inherit from the world we
philosophy and the concept of Demos, leads to an intellectual, leave for them. In the natural image of sustainability, the key to
artistic and scientific bloom in the fifteenth and sixteenth sustainability is to work with, not against, nature; to understand,
centuries. In this era, the built environment and the buildings sensitively exploit and simultaneously avoid damaging natural
follow an industrial model in which the organic nature is systems2. In an ethical viewpoint, today, environmental ethics
disassembled to its elements and then reassembled in another need to go beyond the traditional boundaries and develop ethics
mechanical existence. The living earth and all people are the to non-human beings3; According to Alexander von Humboldt,
resources with which the economical system is structured. It in geographical perceptions of landscapes, the harmony between
seems that human beings are now moving on the edge of the climate, geomorphology, natural plants and the animal living,
fourth era the guiding principle of which is the ecologic will demonstrate landscape aesthetics. The geographical
principle. The ecology era follows the goal of revitalizing the aesthetics concerns conserving natural beauties and historical
living world in which the life forms are influenced by the values4.
existing resources. This era, does not reject science and
technology but aims at bringing together these two in a context In many developed countries, vernacular architecture in
in which the phenomena are the elements of a systematic different scales can be found, although these buildings are
spiritual1. widespread through the countries, vernacular traditions are
being subject to extinction by modern technology and the
Nature, as the basis for all architectural formations, has features process of modernization and globalization. In the second half
like diversity and harmony and it is generally a rich architecture of the 20th century, the globalization process has lead to fast
in itself. Human beings, through building technologies they and great changes in economic, social, cultural and natural
structures of local geographical habitats and brought about today's natural crisis roots in this kind of relation; the famous Le
international functions, forms and materials to all regions5. The Cor Busier's statement that “architecture is a machine for life”
necessity to integrate natural and built environments by follows the same viewpoint9. Among the environmental
architecture can be seen from many viewpoints mainly on the paradigms, the human-centric paradigm is taken by all the
basis of environmental ethics, which is one branch of movements of sustainability; in this paradigm, the provision of
sustainable acts, for the sake of the earth which eventually leads responses to human needs is in priority and balanced
to the good of humanity6. exploitation of nature is recommended10.
The research as an applied research, on the basis of the In another categorization, the relation of man and the
theoretical framework, would eventually seek solutions for environment comprises five branches of non-systemic,
construction phase. The research would follow a descriptive- detached-systemic, attached-systemic, organic and ultra-
analytic approach to the theoretical foundations, and finally by systemic1 relations 9.The utilization relation accords with the
analyzing the geo-natural features of Qeshm Island, we have values of non-systemic and detached-systemic, while the
tried to find proper nature-friendly technologies for the location conservative relation does with attached-systemic and organic
selected on the basis of a comparative approach. The research is relations.
also to seek substitutes for the current building technologies in
Qeshm Island; thus, all potentials in the region that might help Based on the range of the relations of man and the environment,
to introduce a new method have been studied, such as the four schools of architecture can be defined with their own
natural, geographical, cultural and architectural features. This approaches that are shown in table-1.
paper will finally demonstrate how neo-vernacular building can
be applied to rural residential areas and thus has chosen tourist It should be noted that in order for human beings to have a
function to help demonstrate the ideas to the visitors. proper relationship with the nature, Islam (as the religion of the
region studied) has set up a responsibility for man toward the
Theoretical Framework natural environment. This responsibility evolves from the role
of man as God’s Khalifa on earth. The interpretation of this
In this part of the paper, firstly the relation of man and nature verse is that man is only a manager of the earth and not a
through architecture is covered and following that, the whys of proprietor; and that man may realize the following objectives:
the research have been explained. At the end of this section we (a) contemplation and worship, (b) inhabitation and
will introduce overlapping values of deep ecology and the construction, (c) utilization and (d) enjoyment and appreciation
natural image of sustainability and finally compare modern of beauty. So man’s responsibility toward the natural
building technologies with vernacular ones. environment can be framed within the two principles of
utilization of natural resources and preservation of natural
The Environmental Paradigms and the Relations of Man balance 11. This viewpoint accords with the principles of
and Nature from Architectural Viewpoint: The effect of conservation while utilization and vice versa.
human activities on the environment can be mentioned as the
following7: i. The change in the quality of air, water and earth, Ethical Viewpoint: Leopold's land ethics, and also the critical
ii. Influencing the natural resources, and iii. vital currents and view of Lockean to consider the earth as commodity, would
natural landscapes. In ecology schools and geography, there are lead us to the fact that human beings are no longer allowed to
two main viewpoints for the relation of man and the consider the earth as dead matter and to use it in any way they
environment; that is, the utilization relation, in which human desire; The earth must be seen as a living organism that might
beings master the environment, and the conservative which be healthy, injured or killed. Leopold describes the earth as “a
seeks the ways to conserve nature. The beginning of the fountain full of energies which is flowing in a circuit of earth,
utilization relation began with the religious beliefs in America plants and animals” 6. Generally, philosophers divide ethics to
in which human beings must mutate the virgin nature to achieve three branches of anthropocentric, non-anthropocentric and
the paradise; this can be seen in some of 19th century holistic ethics 6; this paper takes the holistic ethics as one of its
paintings8. This relation, in its extremes, leads to human's bases. On the basis of this ethical viewpoint, an act is perfect
mastery over the nature. Some theoreticians believe that the
The four schools of architecture in relation with the natural environment
School of Architecture System Description Development Approach Taken
Nature-Fighting Non-Systemic Opposing Nature
Nature-Escaping (Free) Mechanically Systemic (Detached) Isolation From Nature
Naturalist Organically Systemic (Attached) Harmony with Nature
Nature Maker Ultra systemic Completion of Nature
when it leads to connectedness, interdependency, continuity and The Aspects of Sustainability: Sustainability stems from the
the beauty of the living society. The ethical viewpoint to the word sustain. Meanings of sustain that are important to this
earth is completely non-anthropocentric. In this view, humans paper include: to keep in existence, i.e., to maintain a status quo.
have no privileges over other creatures and are ordinary It can mean to maintain a static state or maintain a rate of
members of the living society 3. In the green architecture growth. Sustain also means to keep alive. Sustainability is the
movement, the policy is to consider ethical issues in ability to sustain14. In the context of this paper, the word
construction processes, that is, by use of renewable, non- sustainability is used as it relates to the concept of sustainable
polluting and recyclable materials against the unlimited development. Something is said to be sustainable when it can be
development and the inimical relation with the nature. The maintained. Development is a noun that stems from the word
sustainability movement roots in the idea that sees the relation develop. To develop is to grow or change into a more advanced
of humans and nature in humans self-bloom on the earth. In this form14. This growth can be quantitative or qualitative or a mix
regard, the Frampton's critical regionalism also approves of of both. According to Coetzee, development is “a concept
indigenous way of building and the sensitivity to the carrying with it the connotation of a favorable change: moving
geographical and climatic features. Frampton, as well as from worse to better; evolving from simple to complex;
Heidegger, resists against globalizing and homogenizing advancing away from the inferior”15. Sustainable development
economic forces by defining a restricted boundary on the is development that can be maintained forever. Sustainable
earth12. development is defined quantitatively and qualitatively in
relationship to man whereby development should provide for his
The Rate of Natural Materials Consumption and Managing needs today while taking into account the needs of future
Human Resources in Construction Industry: Regarding generations: The main motivation behind sustainable
environmental problems, the consumption of building products development is to sustain the species Homo sapiens.
and energy in building industry, has caused the great need for Sustainability is thus the condition or state that would allow the
raw materials and energy which has lead to many environmental continued existence of Homo sapiens; Thus, Sustainability is the
problems with exploiting the resources, such as impoverished goal, while sustainable development is the process of attaining
environmental conditions, loosing different ecosystems and also the goal16. Green architecture is also a term entitled to the
with energy production such as pollutions, acid rains and global architectures which dedicate great importance to the
warming. In 1997, according to the US trade department, about environment, is one of the characteristics of the sustainable
36 percent of all consumed energy in US has been allocated to design in which environmental sustainability is more
commercial and residential sectors. To have a more clear important17. The Earth architecture which has been analyzed in
understanding of the scale of energy used, the energy used in this paper would be categorized into a green sustainable group
construction industry must also be added. The material of architectural building technologies.
consumption in construction industry even goes beyond that;
about 40 percent of the material consumption in the world Overlapping values in Deep Ecology Paradigm and the
relates to construction industry and repairing of the built Natural Image of Sustainability: For the modern science, the
environment13. natural world, comprising non-human animals and plants, is
considered as a resource for more economic benefit. This
Industrial construction substitutes human resources with approach, developed by the French Philosopher Rene Descartes,
abundant natural resources. In developing countries, where leads to a twofold attitude in which humans are the leaders and
human and natural resources are relatively abundant and cheap, controllers of the living earth. In the recent two centuries, the
modern technologies are rare and expensive, and the handicrafts idea of twofold attitude has lead to a great change in the quality
and skills are usually well-evolved, the tendency to industrial of exploiting the environment, and the mastery behavior, has
construction seems to result in environmental, social and greatly mutated the geographical face of the earth4. Eco-centric
economical disasters. Meanwhile, the indigenous ways are Paradigm seeks its roots in the system of universe. From this
neglected for they are assumed outdated and related to weak viewpoint, the whole environment and its elements, consisting
societies. Regarding the fact that in the beginning of the 21st of plants, animals, resources and the earth each has a specific
century, 1.3 billion people live in industrial buildings, two responsibility and value in such a way that each eco-system
billion in mud structures and the other 2 billion in other would maintain features like unity, balance, sustainability,
indigenous structures, and considering that the population of the variety and holistic purposes10. Aldo Leopold also, in his Land
world will reach 9 to 10 billion by 2050, it can easily be Ethics, emphasizes eco-centrism by developing the living
understood that maintaining and developing low-impact society to all natural elements6. Eco-centrism roots in a holistic
construction technology alternatives seems necessary. In natural approach in which every element is inter-related with other
architecture, two main goals are to be achieved; first, to increase things and it is this whole that is more dominant than the
the pallet of raw building materials and to decrease the energy elements10.
in production, manufacturing and transportation of the
materials13. Deep ecology also believes that the techno-centric paradigm that
rules in the industrial countries separates human beings from
nature and confirms his mastery over nature. A comparison of nature in an irrational expectation that nature must provide as
the approaches of mastering ideology and deep ecology is much energy as human beings can reserve. Technology ethics,
shown in the table-2 which asks questions of whether a new technology is good at all
Table-2 or not or that how power changes by changing technology,
The comparison of the approaches of mastering ideology together with new engineering philosophies take critical
and deep ecology approaches to modern technology. On the other hand, the
Deep Ecology Nature Mastering Ideology characteristics of vernacular technology that differentiates it
Integration with nature Mastering nature from modern technology might be listed as the following18:
Communal life style Competitive life style Rational exploitation of natural resources and an integrative
Social Democracy Hierarchy of power unfolding, Heaviness of masonry construction and decreasing
Abundant amount of stock the use of energy (of exploitation, transport etc.), Social
Limited earth resources dynamism of construction process and participation of the
Balanced consumption and people.
Unlimited consumption
Proper technology Advanced technology The Potential in the Region for Developing Neo-Vernacular
Architecture: Comparing the features and the values, lying in
In the natural image of sustainability, the key to sustainability is the architecture of central Iran and also the Persian Gulf
to work with, not against, nature; to understand, sensitively architecture, as the physical formation of the fundamental
exploit and simultaneously avoid damaging natural systems2. values of Iranian-Islamic culture, with the IEPs of utilization
“Design with nature”, at the building level, is a code for and preservation and also the different logics related to the
recognizing natural elements to work with in order to make natural image of sustainability, it can be concluded that this
somewhere for people to inhabit, while protecting specific architecture has in itself the values and the characters mentioned
natural features. In this attitude, natural features are used instead in IEPs and the natural image of sustainability and that these
of mechanical ones, and the building lives in symbiosis with the two bases, are inter-connected19. The diagram indicates that
natural environment. Thus, both the building and the “other” of there is potential for developing neo-vernacular architecture in
nature are sustainable. This image of architectural sustainability, the region.
then, mirrors a view that it is necessary to position human
activities as a non-damaging part of the ongoing ecological The Concept of Neo-Vernacular architecture
landscape, with a brief that “nature knows best”2. The deep
The word vernacular, as a word relating to language knowledge
ecology paradigm and eco-centric logic embraces this image of
has entered to the literature of architecture for a few decades
sustainability, linking it strongly with rhetoric of a fragile,
now. Many efforts have been taken to define the expression
delicately balanced earth where straying far from this path will
vernacular architecture, but no clear result has yet been gained.
lead to environmental catastrophe.
In general, it refers to a wide range of architectures such as
indigenous, folk, peasant or traditional ways of building20.
Comparison of Vernacular Building Technology and
Vernacular architecture, comprising shelters and other types of
Modern Technology: According to Heidegger, technology
buildings of the people, are usually constructed by the society in
must not be considered simply as means of doing something; it
relation to environmental contexts and available resources, and
is a kind of unfolding. On the basis of this viewpoint, modern
by using traditional technologies.
technology is criticized as having invasion essence. It puts
The Diagram Showing the Relation of Iranian Vernacular Architecture with the IEPs and the Natural Image of
All forms of vernacular architecture are built to meet specific investigated precisely to make possible proper architectural
needs and embody values, economies, life styles and cultures design and programming. For this purpose, we have holistically
that shape them. These architectures may adapt and develop studied Qeshm Island in order to decide properly for the
throughout time by change in needs and the environmental construction technology. The study covers the geo-natural,
conditions5. In another description, vernacular architecture cultural and architectural characteristics; besides that, the
means the complex of architectural and urban units which have handcrafts in the region, as a potential for creating neo-
been clustered together in a specific place and are harmonious in vernacular architecture, have been studied.
contexts such as shape, form, function, color and also in
material and construction aspects. This harmony has features Table-3
that might be referred to such as harmony on the basis of The Principles of Creating Neo-vernacular Architecture
difference, distinguishability based on rules, etiquettes and Principles in Design and Construction Scale
tastes of the environmental culture, uniqueness created by Least change in natural resources to keep the natural face of
mutual respect and having environmental behavior on the basis
the earth
of provided freedom from non-written but living contracts 21.
Proper exploitation of the resources near to the site
Christopher Alexander describes the process as "a process in
which architecture and the city are shaped instinctively by Creating visual harmony between architecture and the
human beings, animals, plants and whatever else there is in the natural context
environment22. Participation of local people in construction process and
construction dynamism
Vernacular architecture is always considered restricted by the Blending traditional methods of construction with modern
undeveloped technology. At the age of agricultural civilization, ones by a new technological viewpoint
the natural environment and the instruments limited the The use of mixed technologies to introduce and develop
appearance of all architecture and this condition lead to the new technologies
primary disadvantage of vernacular architecture, the limited Relative development of planting building-related trees
technology. Nevertheless, the circumstance has changed. We suitable in the specific climatic conditions
have varied means of communion among different. But if there
is vernacular spirit, it doesn’t mean “undeveloped”. Perhaps The Geo-Natural Features and Resources of Qeshm Island:
Vernacular Spirit contains the attitude towards technology; in Geologically, the main constituents of the land are coral, lime
the countryside, mountain valley or any other natural gravel and gravel. The island is environmentally divided into
environment where high modern technology can't easily be three main areas; the central land, the shores and the sea
used, architects may select feasible building means befitting the ecosystems. The most ecologically sensitive of these regions is
circumstance. The authors believe that in adaptation to the the linear shores around the island 23. The shores are varied in
present or future time, vernacular architecture, with all its different parts of the island; there are mainly three kinds of
nature-friendly aspects and all its environmental features and shores; coral-cliff, graveled and muddy shores. The variety of
societal benefits, might merge with new green-material the shores provides great tourist potential while the natural
technologies to produce alternative construction technologies, materials in any of them prescribe different natural building
creating namely neo-vernacular building technologies; That
technologies. Most of the natural resources in the northern part
may be done by upgrading the updatable features of vernacular
of the island are earth and rock. In the southern shores, coral
building technologies that can be taken from what mentioned
rocks dominate. The main plant texture in the island is the
before. This viewpoint, in accordance with eco-aesthetic
principles, reinforces accordance with nature and natural Avicenna Marina for a 2000 square kilometer area. Most of the
systems; in this case, neither does the building dominate its plants are suitable to dry conditions needing much humidity in
natural setting; rather it expresses humility in the face of nature, summer. Palm trees may grow in 300 meters heights from sea
and an impression of shelter (of a kind) is provided, but it is level but will grow much better in shores in sea level. Due to
constructed of local materials with minimal impact on its this and proper climatic conditions, in the long shores of the
environment and will decay back into the same environment. island, where land allows, there is the potential for growing
We are prepared to do so for the benefits to us of ‘living close to palm which can be used as a building material in different ways.
nature’ and the benefits to nature of continuing to live Because of proper climatic conditions, reeds, as minor building
undisturbed. materials, may also be grown in the island and be used for
different purposes.
Some of the principles of creating neo-vernacular architecture
might be listed as in the table-3. The architectural features and architecture-related
handcrafts: In architectural scale, we may refer to
Qeshm Island as the Case Study Site for Design Badgirs[wind catchers], domes, minarets, etc. The form of the
settlements may follow natural topography in their form having
In order to create architecture in harmony with and integrated to Badgirs as vertical distinctive elements such as those in Laft
natural environment in a specific geographical context, it is Village port. The main color of the outer facades’ finishing is
needed that the geo-natural features of the region be
white. The dominant materials are coral rocks, gypsum-earth the village to provide and prepare enough human resources for
mortar, with wooden beams covered by matting with the outer the construction process is another important factor that has
mud-straw finishing on the roof. The materials used to construct been considered.
Badgirs are adobe, mud bricks, earth, gypsum and wood 24.
These compositions of materials are found in most of the Construction Technology Proposed (For the Northern Sub-
vernacular architectural heritage. In some of the buildings, the Region of the Island): On the basis of the information given in
construction materials have been transmitted from overseas. In the previous section, as the selected site is situated in the
this paper, we have chosen an attitude to use local materials in northern muddy shore, where earth, to a great extent, and rock,
different structural scales. In Qeshm Island, numerous to some extent, dominate, the authors propose a mixed natural
handcrafts can be found; these handcrafts might be regarded as a structure for the village, including: i. The use of the rock context
potential that may contribute to developing neo-vernacular for foundation purpose and the cut rocks in landscape
technologies. Matting, mat basket making, dhow model making, construction, ii. The use of rammed-earth system for the main
wooden crafts, and crafts like these might be considered structure (regarding the northern shore resources). iii. The
architecture related crafts. system of wattle and daub for interior partitions. iv. The use of
preserved palm wood and matting for the roof structure.
Architectural Design Approach
Some of the advantages of this system of construction may be
In this section of the paper, site selection considerations, the listed as: decreasing materials with high reserved-energy,
proposed construction technology and finally the architectural decreasing construction wastes, optimum energy consumption
design documents are introduced. during use and building’s long life25. Regarding the capabilities
of the system to be mechanized, it seems suitable in the present
Site Selection and Analysis: The location of the tourist time for a great portion of rural residences.
complex has been the result of many considerations in different
scales; in the largest scale, the tourist potential of the Island Architectural Design: The architectural design of the village
itself which has been previously mentioned within Qeshm contains residential houses as hotels and a main open square in
tourism-related footnotes. In the scale of the island which is by front for the visitors to experience mud structures. The
itself a great natural museum, it has been located within a proper appearance of the buildings and the spatial and physical
distance from the main harbor and the main city and beside one elements typical of the region are easily detectable. There is also
of the greatest tourist attractions of the island to let the tourists a larger-scale building (in rammed-earth structure) that may be
glance experience the nature on their routes from the city to the used as an exhibition or a commercial space. The buildings are
village. The proper distance from Avicenna Marina water jungle at most in two stories. The following are the architectural design
as a distinctive and famous natural-tourism attraction and from documents related to the village:
Air views of the selected site in Qeshm Island
(a) (b)
(a): Constructing a Rammed Earth Wall (b): Walls after Removing Forms
(b) (e)
(d) (f)
Architectural Design (a): Ground Floor Plan, (b): 1st Floor Plan, (c): Top view, (d): bird view perspective, (e): Perspective,
(f): perspective of inside the village