181214170-Essay About AI

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Hanifah Surya Wijaya


Will Artificial Intelligence Endanger Humans’ Life in The Future?

Do you think that Artificial Intelligence can compete with humans? Have you ever
thought that Artificial Intelligence capability can surpass humans? How if it is happening in
the future? In this essay, I will emphasize the reasons why AI can endanger humans’ life in
the future. Before jumping into the topic, let’s get to know about Artificial Intelligence.
According to Investopedia (2020), “Artificial Intelligence, or simply AI, refers to the
simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and mimic their
actions like human.” AI has the ability to rationalize and taking actions to achieve its goals.
The example of AI in our daily life are Google Assistant or Siri if you are an iPhone user,
Google Maps, Waze, fingerprints security, and face recognition that we have on our
smartphone. Even though AI brings great impacts and many benefits to every aspect of
humans’ life, based on my research, it is possible that AI can endanger humans’ life in the
future. Here are the reasons:
My first reason is AI can be smarter than humans. The evidence of AI being smarter
than human has been proven by a programmed AI named AlphaGo, in 2016 AlphaGo has
defeated the former world champion of game board Go, Lee Sedol, and also defeated Ke Jie,
the current world champion, in 2017. Some people considered these victories as the defeat of
humanity. Moreover, according to The Atlantic (2018), AI has both convergent intelligence
and divergent intelligence. In convergent intelligence which involves the ability to answer
questions correctly, and mainly perform memory and logic, of course, AI can easily surpass
humans. On the contrary, people say that AI cannot surpass humans because they do not have
creativity. However, Derek Thompson, the staff writer at The Atlantic, claims that AI has
divergent intelligence which means AI has the ability to generate many potential answers
from a single problem or question, shows curiosity, and ability to think “outside the box.”
The evidence of his claim is called generative design, where a machine is given plenty of data
and asked to come up with hundreds or thousands of designs that meet the specific criteria.
This generative design is considered as an exercise in developing AI creativity and improving
AI divergent intelligence.
Second, AI can take over humans' jobs. Some hotels, cafes, and restaurants in Japan
have hired AI to works, it means AI has taken over the receptionist and waiter job.
Meanwhile, in China, according to TechRepublic (2015), a factory replaces 90% of human
workers with AI and it makes the production rate soar with minimal defects. Furthermore,
experts already predict some jobs that can be replaced by AI. I also believe, in the future, jobs
that do not require humans’ specialty will disappear because AI will take it over. On the other
hand, people say that we don’t have to worry since not every job cannot be replaced with AI.
Even so, some people will get affected, those jobs that can be replaced with AI will make
them become unemployed, and the rate of unemployment will increase, which can lead to
My third reason is technology is always evolving. It is ever-changing and it has no
limit, which makes AI keep developing and have the possibility to endanger humans’ life.
People used to do everything manually before technology become as modern as today, and
many things have changed because of technology. Back then, people read a newspaper, now,
people read news online from various reliable platforms. Before the internet exists, people
will find what they wanted to know from the book, not from google. In the past, people could
not bring computer because it was too big, then it was evolving become laptop, then things
that have the same usage as computer and laptop were made, such as tablet and smartphone.
Technology that always evolving makes everything possible. Theory of Risk Society from
Ulrich Beck (1992) explains that human creations such as technology will turn to attack or
provide great risks, for now, AI did not attack us, but it has already provided great risk: firing
human workers. The opposite will say that human is the maker and the controller, and it is
impossible for AI to endanger human, but Forbes (2018) stated that the new generations of AI
have “deep learning” that allows them to learn by themselves, and it performs high-level
thought and abstraction. For instance, there is a myth saying that AI cannot control humans,
but the fact is: humans can control a tiger by being smarter, then, how if AI becomes smarter
than humans in the future?
To sum up, it is possible that AI can endanger humans’ life in the future. It is because
AI can be smarter than humans, it has both convergent and divergent intelligence. Then, AI
can take over humans’ jobs, some people will be affected, and it can make them become
unemployed. The last, technology is ever-changing, which makes AI will always be
developing and evolving. After reading this essay, we should not be panic. Therefore, as a
human, we should be optimistic in facing the future that we cannot predict, and keep honing
our skills, so we can be ready to compete with AI at any time.

Beck, U., Lash, S., & Wynne, B. (1992). Risk society: Towards a new modernity (Vol. 17).

Frankenfield, Jake. (2020, March 13). Artificial Intelligence (AI). Investopedia. Retrieved

from https://www.investopedia.com/

Forrest, Conner. (2015, July 30). Chinese Factory Replaces 90% of Humans with Robots,

Production Soars. TechRepublic. Retrieved from https://www.techrepublic.com/

Marr, Bernard. (2018, October 1). What Is Deep Learning AI? A Simple Guide With 8

Examples. Forbes. Retrieved from https://forbes.com/

Thompson, Derek. (2018, September 28). The Spooky Genius of Artificial Intelligence. The

Atlantic. Retrieved from http://www.theatlantic.com/

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