Feb 2020 Final Print With Font
Feb 2020 Final Print With Font
Feb 2020 Final Print With Font
Compiled by
Hazrat Allamah Nafees
Ahmed Misbahī
Translated by
Mawlana Omar Khan
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بِ ْس ِ ِمِاللِِال َّر ْح ٰم ِنِِال َّرح ِْی ِمِ
Preface ............................................................................................. 15
Introduction.................................................................................... 16
Usūl al-Ḥadīth – Definition .......................................................... 16
Subject matter of this science ....................................................... 16
The aims and objectives of learning this science ....................... 17
Famous books on this science ...................................................... 17
al-Muḥaddith al-Fāsil Bayn al-Rāwi wa al-Wā’ī............... 17
Ma’rifah ‘Ulūm al-Ḥadīth .................................................... 17
al-Mustakhraj ‘alā Ma’rifat ‘Ulūm al-Ḥadīth .................... 17
al-Kifāyah Fī ‘Ilm al-Riwāyah ............................................. 17
al-Jāmi’ li Ādāb al-Shaykh wa al-Sāmi’ ............................. 18
al-Ilmā’ ilā Ma’rifah Usūl al-Riwāyah wa Taqyīd al-Samā’
................................................................................................. 18
Mā Lā Yasa’ al-Muḥaddith Jahlah ...................................... 18
‘Ulūm al-Ḥadīth (Muqaddimah ibn al-Ṣalāh)................... 18
al-Taqrīb wa al-Taysīr li Ma’rifah Sunan al-Bashīr al-
Nadhīr .................................................................................... 19
Tadrīb al-Rāwī fī Sharh Taqrīb al-Nawawī ....................... 19
Nadhm al-Durar fī ‘Ilm al-Athar ........................................ 19
Fath al-Mughīth fī Sharh Alfiyyah al-Ḥadīth.................... 19
Nukhbah al-Fikr fī Mustalah Ahl al-Athar ....................... 20
Nuzhah al-Nadhr fī Tawdhīh Nukhbah al-Fikr ............... 20
Muqaddimah al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-Haqq ‘alā al-Mishkāt al-
Masābīḥ ........................................................................................... 20
Definition of al-Ḥadīth .................................................................. 21
The meaning of al-Taqrīr .............................................................. 21
The three types of al-Ḥadīth .................................................... 22
al-Marfū’ ................................................................................ 22
al-Mawqūf.............................................................................. 22
al-Maqtū’ ................................................................................ 22
The difference between al-Ḥadīth and al-Athar........................ 23
Difference between al-Ḥadīth & al-Khabar................................ 24
There are two types of al-Ḥadīth al-Marfū’ ........................... 24
The three types of al-Sarīhī and al-Hukmī ............................ 25
al-Marfū’ al-Sarīhī al-Qawlī ..................................................... 25
al-Marfū’ al-Sarīhī al-Fi’lī ......................................................... 26
Examples of how an action may be explicitly attributed to
Messenger of Allāh À ................................................................... 26
al-Marfū’ al-Sarīhī al-Taqrīrī ................................................... 27
Examples of how approval may be explicitly attributed to
Messenger of Allāh À ................................................................... 27
al-Marfū’ al-Hukmī al-Qawlī .................................................. 27
Examples of when a statement may be impliedly attributed to
Messenger of Allāh À ................................................................... 28
al-Marfū’ al-Hukmī al-Fi’lī ...................................................... 29
al-Marfū’ al-Hukmī al-Taqrīrī ................................................. 29
Explanation of al-Sanad, al-Matn and matters connected to
them ................................................................................................. 30
al-Sanad ...................................................................................... 30
al-Isnād ....................................................................................... 30
The two types of al-Ḥadīth when considering the connection or
disconnection of al-Sanad............................................................. 30
1 - al-Ḥadīth al-Muṭṭasil ............................................................ 30
2 - al-Ḥadīth al-Munqatī’ .......................................................... 31
The types of al-Ḥadīth al-Munqaṭi’ ............................................. 31
1 – al-Mu’allaq ........................................................................... 31
Ta’līqāt al-Bukhārī ................................................................ 31
2 – al-Mursal .......................................................................... 33
Is al-Ḥadīth al-Mursal reliable as a form of proof within
Islamic Law? .......................................................................... 34
3 – al-Mu’ḍal .......................................................................... 36
4 – al-Munqaṭi’....................................................................... 36
5 – al-Mudallas ...................................................................... 37
Linguistic Meaning of al-Tadlīs .............................................. 37
The Terminological Meaning of al-Tadlīs.............................. 38
The ruling pertaining to al-Tadlīs ........................................... 40
The ruling of narrating a Ḥadīth narrated by a narrator who
carries out Tadlīs ....................................................................... 40
Causes of carrying out al-Tadlīs ............................................. 42
The ways in which narrations are conveyed ............................. 45
رواية بالمعني- Narrating the meaning of the narration without
quoting every word of the narration ...................................... 45
The first position ................................................................... 45
The second position .............................................................. 46
The third position ................................................................. 46
The fourth position ............................................................... 46
Important Note about the aforementioned difference
between Scholars ....................................................................... 47
Beneficial Note ...................................................................... 48
Exercising caution when narrating a Ḥadīth without
quoting exact words ............................................................. 48
رواية باللفظNarrating a Ḥadīth whilst quoting every word .. 50
العنعنةNarrating a Ḥadīth using the word عن......................... 51
The conditions for acceptance of a Mu’an’an narration ...... 51
al-Musnad .................................................................................. 52
al-Shādh, al-Munkar and al-Mu’allal al-Shādh – الشاذ............... 53
Ruling pertaining to al-Shādh ............................................. 53
al-Maḥfūdh ................................................................................. 53
al-Munkar ................................................................................... 53
al-Ma’rūf ..................................................................................... 54
The difference between al-Ma’rūf, al-Munkar, al-Maḥfūdh
and al-Shādh .............................................................................. 54
Beneficial Note ........................................................................... 54
al-Mu’allal .................................................................................. 55
al-Mutābi’ ................................................................................... 56
The Benefit of al-Mutāba’ah .................................................... 57
The Types of al-Mutāba’ah ...................................................... 58
al-Mutāba’ah al-Tāmmah – Complete Support ................ 58
al-Mutāba’ah al-Qāśirah – Incomplete Support ............... 58
Conformity in words and conformity in meaning ........... 59
al-Shāhid ..................................................................................... 60
A second definition of al-Mutābi’ and al-Shāhid ................. 61
A third definition of al-Mutābi’ and al-Shāhid ..................... 61
al-I’tibār ...................................................................................... 61
The classification of al-Ḥadīth as authentic and weak ............. 61
al-Ṣaḥīḥ ........................................................................................ 62
The two types of al-Ṣaḥīḥ ..................................................... 62
al-Ṣaḥīḥ li Dhātihī ...................................................................... 62
al-Ṣaḥīḥ li Ghayrihī.................................................................... 62
al-Ḥasan ...................................................................................... 62
al-Ḥasan li Dhātihī ................................................................ 63
al-Ḥasan li Ghayrihī .............................................................. 63
al-Ḍa’īf......................................................................................... 63
The types of al-Ḍa’īf narrations ................................................... 64
al-Ḥadīth al-Ḍa’īf bi Ḍu’f Qarīb ............................................... 64
al-Ḥadīth al-Ḍa’īf bi Ḍu’f Qawiyy wa Wahn Shadīd ........... 64
al-Maṭrūh .................................................................................... 65
al-Mawḍū’ - Fabricated............................................................. 65
The ways to strengthen Ḍa’īf narrations .................................... 66
Numerous Narrations .............................................................. 66
The action by the people of knowledge upon a narration .. 68
The action of the pious upon a Ḍa’īf narration ..................... 69
The derivation of proof by a Mujtahid ................................... 69
Strengthening a Ḥadīth based upon experience and spiritual
insight (Kashf) ........................................................................... 70
A Mawḍū’ (fabricated) narration cannot be strengthened by
similar narrations ...................................................................... 73
Beneficial Note about “authentic” and “weak” narrations . 73
al-‘Adālah – Good Character ....................................................... 75
al-Taqwa (piety) ........................................................................ 75
al-Murūah (dignity). ................................................................. 76
Difference between al-Adl (good character) required for al-
Riwāyah (narration) and al-‘Adl required for al-Shahādah
(witness testimony) ................................................................... 76
al-Ḍabṭ - Precision .......................................................................... 77
Ḍabṭ al-Ṣadr................................................................................ 78
Ḍabṭ al-Kitāb .............................................................................. 78
Causes for criticism of a narrator ................................................ 78
al-Kadhib (lying) ....................................................................... 79
al-Mawḍū’ – Fabricated narration ...................................... 79
The ruling of the narration of one who purposely lied
about a Ḥadīth ....................................................................... 79
Ruling a Ḥadīth to be Mawḍū’ is Dhannī (Presumptive) 80
Ittihām al-Rāwī bi al-Kadhib (A narrator being alleged to
have lied) .................................................................................... 82
al-Matrūk ............................................................................... 82
The ruling pertaining to a narrator who is infamous for
lying ........................................................................................ 82
The ruling pertaining to the narrator who lies on odd
occasions ................................................................................ 83
al-Fisq (Disobedience) .............................................................. 83
Jahālah al-Rāwī (the narrator being unknown) = al-Ḥadīth al-
Mubham ..................................................................................... 83
The ruling pertaining to al-Mubham ................................. 84
al-Bid’ah...................................................................................... 85
The ruling pertaining to the Ḥadīth of al-Mubtadi’
(innovator) ............................................................................. 86
Narrating a Ḥadīth from the members of the deviant sects
................................................................................................. 87
The Causes for criticism in a narrator connected to al-Ḍabṭ ... 88
Fart al-Ghaflah (excessive heedlessness) ............................... 88
Kathrah al-Ghalat (abundant errors) ...................................... 88
Mukhālafah al-Thiqāt (opposition of reliable narrators) ..... 89
al-Wahm (Illusion) .................................................................... 89
The intensity of knowledge required to realise that a
Ḥadīth is al-Mu’allal ............................................................. 90
Sū al-Ḥifẓ (Bad memory) .......................................................... 90
The ruling pertaining to the narrator with a bad memory
................................................................................................. 91
al-Mukhtalaṭ (short term memory loss) ................................ 91
The ruling pertaining to al-Mukhtalaṭ ............................... 91
Factors establishing fabrication ................................................... 92
Types of al-Aḥādīth in terms of the number of narrators ........ 98
al-Gharīb ..................................................................................... 99
al-Fard al-Nisbī ..................................................................... 99
al-Fard al-Mutlaq .................................................................. 99
A narration being Gharīb does not negate it being Ṣaḥīḥ
............................................................................................... 100
Another definition of al-Gharīb ........................................ 100
al-‘Azīz ...................................................................................... 101
al-Mashūr ................................................................................. 101
Note pertaining to the minimum amount required in al-
Gharīb, al-‘Azīz and al-Mashūr ........................................ 102
al-Mutawātir ............................................................................ 102
The different categories of al-Ṣaḥīḥ, al-Ḥasan and al-Ḍa’īf .... 103
Categories of al-Ḍa’īf .............................................................. 103
Categories of al- Ṣaḥīḥ and al-Ḥasan .................................... 104
Aṣaḥḥ al-Asānīd – The most authentic chains of narrations
................................................................................................... 105
The terminologies of al-Tirmidhī .............................................. 106
Objection – how can a narration that is Ḥasan also be Gharīb?
................................................................................................... 107
Responses to the objection ..................................................... 107
Taking proof from al-Ṣaḥīḥ, al-Ḥasan and al-Ḍa’īf ................. 108
Deriving proof from al-Ḥadīth al-Ḍa’īf ................................ 108
The manners of deriving proofs from al-Aḥādīth................... 110
al-‘Aqāid al-Qat’iyyah – The Definitive Beliefs .................. 110
al-‘Aqāid al-Ẓanniyyah – The Qualified Beliefs .................. 111
al-Ahkām– Rulings ................................................................. 111
al-Faḍāil and al-Manāqib - Virtues ....................................... 112
The different levels of al-Ṣaḥīḥ and the books containing al-
Ṣaḥīḥ narrations ........................................................................... 114
al-Muttafaq ‘Alayh .................................................................. 115
The stations of al-Ahādith al-Ṣaḥīḥah .................................. 115
What it means when a narration fulfils the conditions of al-
Bukhārī and Muslim ............................................................... 116
Are al-Aḥādīth al-Ṣaḥīḥah only found in al-Bukhārī and
Muslim? .................................................................................... 117
Important Note.................................................................... 118
Other books of al-Aḥādīth which consist of Ṣaḥīḥ narrations
................................................................................................... 119
al-Mustadrak of al-Imām al-Hākim ................................. 119
Ṣaḥīḥ ibn Khuzaymah ........................................................ 121
Ṣaḥīḥ ibn Ḥibbān ................................................................. 121
al-Mukhtārah ....................................................................... 122
Some further works ............................................................ 123
The six famous books – al-Ṣiḥāḥ al-Sittah ................................ 123
Are all narrations within these books Ṣaḥīḥ? ...................... 124
al-Ṣaḥīḥayn and al-Kutub al-Arba’ah ................................... 124
The terminology of al-‘Allāmah al-Baghawī ....................... 124
Sunan al-Darimī ...................................................................... 125
It is impossible to mention all the books of al-Aḥādīth ..... 126
al-Ikmāl bi Dhikr Asmā al-Rijāl ............................................ 127
The types of books of al-Aḥādīth .............................................. 127
al-Jāmi’ ...................................................................................... 128
al-Sunan .................................................................................... 128
al-Musnad ................................................................................ 129
al-Mu’jam ................................................................................. 129
al-Juz ......................................................................................... 130
al-Mufrad ................................................................................. 130
al-Gharībah .............................................................................. 130
al-Mustadrak ............................................................................ 131
al-Mustakhraj ........................................................................... 131
al-Risālah .................................................................................. 131
al-Arba’īn.................................................................................. 132
al-Amālī .................................................................................... 132
al-Aťrāf...................................................................................... 132
al-‘Ilal ........................................................................................ 132
al-Majma’ .................................................................................. 133
al-Zawāid ................................................................................. 133
al-Musannaf and al-Muatta ................................................... 134
The categories (al-Tabaqāt) of books of al-Ḥadīth .............. 134
al-Tabaqat al-Ūlā – The First Category ................................ 134
al-Tabaqat al-Thāniyah – The Second Category ................. 135
al-Tabaqat al-Thālithah–The Third Category...................... 135
al-Tabaqat al-Rābi’ah – The Fourth Category ..................... 135
Important Note – the categorisation does not result in the
third and fourth categories being rejected ...................... 136
The words used to narrate a Ḥadīth ......................................... 138
Situations when these words are used ................................. 139
Conclusion .................................................................................... 141
The etiquettes of writing al-Aḥādīth .................................... 141
Writing praise and supplications .......................................... 142
The importance of proofreading ........................................... 144
The virtues of writing books on ‘Ilm al-Ḥadīth .................. 144
Abbreviations of words used when narrating Aḥādīth ..... 146
al-Tahwīl – Mentioning a second Sanad along with first .. 147
This book, which is within your hands, is authored by
Hazrat Allamah Nafees Ahmed Misbahī, who is a teacher
in Jamiatul Ashrafia, Mubarakpur. With great proficiency,
he has gathered the major principles and terminologies of
the science of Usūl al-Hadīth.
May Allāh reward all those involved with this task and
bless them with success in this world and the hereafter.
1Editor’s note – This science is also called 'Ilm Musțalah al-Ḥadīth, 'Ilm Musțalah al-
Athar and 'Ilm Usūl al-Ḥadīth. (al-Īḍāh).
2Editor’s note – al-Sanad is the chain of narrators through whom the core text of the
narration reached us. (al-Īḍāh, al-Tamhīd, Ma'rifah 'Ilm al-Ḥadīth wa Ahammiyyatih)
3Editor’s note – al-Matn consists of the words of the Ḥadīth which strongly make clear
the meanings of the Ḥadīth. (al-Mukhtasar, al-Muqaddimah fī bayān usūl wa
The aims and objectives of learning this science
The purpose of learning this science is to check the
authenticity of the chains of narrations (al-Sanad) and the
narrations themselves (al-Matn), as well as their
acceptability and unacceptability.
4Editor’s note – As al-Rāmhurmuzī (Allāh shower mercy on him) was the first to write
upon this science, Shaykh Nafīs Ahmad Misbāhī (the author of this work) described
him as the founder of this science in his introduction to Sharh Nuzhah al-Naẓr.
(published by Majlis al-Barakāt, Mubarakpūr, India)
al-Jāmi’ li Ādāb al-Shaykh wa al-Sāmi’
This is also one of the works written by al-Khatīb al-
Baghdādī. This great scholar has written books in relation
to nearly every branch of the sciences pertaining to Ḥadīth.
The scholars of Ḥadīth after him all took blessings from his
al-Taqrīb wa al-Taysīr li Ma’rifah Sunan al-Bashīr al-Nadhīr
This is an abridgement of al-Muqaddimah li ibn al-Ṣalāh.
This work was penned by Shaykh al-Islām Muhyuddīn
Abū Zakariyyā Yahyā ibn Sharaf al-Nawawī (d. 676 AH)
Nukhbah al-Fikr fī Mustalah Ahl al-Athar
This is a concise but very comprehensive work written by
al-Ḥāfiẓ Shihābuddīn Ahmad ibn ‘Alī who is famously
known as ibn Hajr al-‘Asqalānī (d. 852 AH). Many
commentaries were written on this work amongst which
the most well-known is the following commentary written
by Shaykh ibn Hajr himself.
Definition of al-Ḥadīth
According to the majority of Ḥadīth Scholars, whatever is
attributed to the Prophet of Allāh À from statements
(qawl), actions (fi’l) and approval (taqrīr)5 is called al-
Ḥadīth. Similarly, the actions, statements and approval of
a Sahābī and a Tābi’ī6 are also sometimes described as al-
5Editor’s note – Similarly, the narrations that mention the blessed attributes of the Final
Messenger of Allah À are also included in the definition of al-Ḥadīth. (Taysīr Mustalah
al-Ḥadīth, Dr Mahmūd al-Tahān). Nevertheless, the definition given in the text can be
interpreted to be inclusive of the blessed attributes as they come under actions in some
The narration whose chain of narration reaches the
Messenger of Allāh À is called al-Marfū’.
The narration whose chain of narration reaches the Noble
Companions is called al-Mawqūf.
The narration whose chain of narration reaches al-Tābi’ūn
is called al-Maqtū’.
The difference between al-Ḥadīth and al-Athar
Some Scholars of Ḥadīth define al-Ḥadīth to be only
inclusive of those narrations that are attributed to
Messenger of Allāh À and his Companions and therefore
state that only al-Marfū’ and al-Mawqūf can be described
as al-Ḥadīth. These scholars categorise any narration
attributed to al-Tābi’ūn (which are known as al-Maqtū’) to
be al-Athar. However, there are many scholars who class
al-Ḥadīth and al-Athar to be identical in their meaning.
Difference between al-Ḥadīth & al-Khabar
The most common position is that al-Ḥadīth and al-
Khabar are similar and therefore, both words are
synonyms.7 However, some Scholars of al-Ḥadīth state
that the actions and statements of the Blessed Prophet À ,
the Companions and their pious predecessors (al-Tābi’ūn)
come under the definition of al-Ḥadīth whereas the events
and circumstances of the rulers and kings of the past come
under the definition of al-Khabar. This is why the scholar
who has expertise in al-Ḥadīth is called a Muḥaddith,
whilst the scholar who has expertise in history is known
as Akhbārī.
1) al-Marfū’ al-Sarīhī
2) al-Marfū’ al-Hukmī
Editor’s note – It is stated in Nuzhah al-Naẓr that al-Ḥadīth and al-Khabar are synonyms,
according to the scholars of this science.
The three types of al-Sarīhī and al-Hukmī
1) al-Qawlī
2) al-Fi’lī
3) al-Taqrīrī
عن رسول هللا صلي هللا عليه وسلم أنه قال كذا
“It is narrated from the Messenger of Allāh À that he said
such and such.”
al-Marfū’ al-Sarīhī al-Fi’lī
This is when a Companion clearly attributes an action to
the Messenger of Allāh À
al-Marfū’ al-Sarīhī al-Taqrīrī
فعل فالن أو فعل أحد بحضرة النبي صلي هللا عليه وسلم كذا
“So and so carried out such and such in the presence of the
Examples of when a statement may be impliedly
attributed to Messenger of Allāh À
al-Marfū’ al-Hukmī al-Fi’lī
This type of al-Marfū’ al-Hukmī is found when a
Companion carries out such an action which could not be
carried out using legal reasoning (Ijtihād). Due to the
nature of the action, it is understood that this action must
have been carried out by the Companion further to this
action being carried out by the Messenger of Allāh À .
Some scholars have stated that the word Sunnah, which
can be translated as “way”, can also refer to the way of the
Companions and more specifically, to the rightly guided
Caliphs. But the word generally refers to the way of
Messenger of Allāh À when used by itself. So, when it is
said that a certain act is from the Sunnah, it is normally
understood to refer to the Sunnah of RasulAllāh À .
al-Sanad refers to the chain of narrators i.e. the narrators
who have narrated a specific Ḥadīth.
al-Isnād comes in the same meaning as al-Sanad. It
sometimes refers to the act of mentioning a chain of
narrators for a Ḥadīth.
1 - al-Ḥadīth al-Muṭṭasil
This is the Ḥadīth in which every narrator is mentioned
within al-Sanad. The action of mentioning every narrator
in al-Sanad is called al-Ittisāl.
2 - al-Ḥadīth al-Munqatī’
This is the Ḥadīth in which either one or more narrator is
not mentioned. The action of not mentioning one or more
narrator is called al-Inqitā’.
1 – al-Mu’allaq
When the narrator is not mentioned at the beginning of al-
Sanad, the Ḥadīth is called al-Mu’allaq. The action of
removing a narrator in this way is called al-Ta’līq.
Beneficial Note
Ta’līqāt al-Bukhārī
al-Ta’līqāt are mentioned abundantly within the titles of
the chapters within al-Imām al-Bukhāri’s “al-Jāmi’ al-
Ṣaḥīḥ.” As al-Imām al-Bukhārī has ensured that all the
narrations within this book are Ṣaḥīḥ (authentic), therefore
al-Ta’līqāt of al-Bukhārī are in the ruling of al-Muṭṭasil –
thus even though al-Bukhārī did not mention the
narrators, the Ḥadīth is in the same status as those Aḥādīth
where the narrators are all mentioned.
relation to the authenticity (Siḥḥaḥ) of the narrations.
However, as these narrations have been mentioned by al-
Imām al-Bukhārī in this great book, it is evident that there
will be an origin for the narrations. This is why the
scholars of al-Ḥadīth state that al-Ta’līqāt of al-Bukhārī are
in the ruling of al-Ittisāl. Examples of how passive verbs
are used are as follows;
2 – al-Mursal
If one or more narrator is omitted from the last part of al-
Sanad after a Tābi’ī then the narration is known as al-
Mursal and the action of not mentioning the narrator is
called al-Irsāl. An example of this is when a Tābi’ī states
that the Messenger of Allāh À said such and such a thing.
As the Tābi’ī was not blessed with meeting Messenger of
Allāh, it is evident that at least one Companion of
Messenger of Allāh has not been mentioned and there is a
possibility that along with at least one Companion, one or
more of the al-Tābi’ūn have been omitted as well.
2 – al-Imām al-Āzam Abū Hanīfah and al-Imām Mālik
(Allāh shower mercy upon them both) stated that al-
Ḥadīth al-Mursal is absolutely reliable as evidence within
Islamic Law. The reason why they hold this position is that
they state that the scholar who is omitting narrators before
him is doing so because he has complete trust upon their
reliability. If the scholar was doubtful in relation to the
reliability of the narration he would never have said,
Tadrīb al-Rāwī (by al-Imām Jalāluddīn al-Suyūtī)
To gain further understanding regarding this discussion
the reader is encouraged to read Sharh Alfiyyah al-Ḥadīth
by al-Imām al-Sakhāwī.
3 – al-Mu’ḍal
When two narrators are omitted together (i.e. one after the
other) from the middle of al-Sanad then that narration is
called al-Mu’ḍal.
4 – al-Munqaṭi’
When one narrator is omitted from a Sanad or a number
of narrators are omitted from different parts of a Sanad
then the Ḥadīth is described as al-Munqaṭi’.
clear that they never gathered in the same place during
their lifetimes nor was there any Ijāzah (permission)
granted to the narrator by the Shaykh who is mentioned
in al-Sanad before him.
All of these aforementioned matters are related to the
biographical history of the narrators through which one
learns the dates of birth and death, the time periods of
their studies and the records of their journeys. This is why
the scholars of al-Ḥadīth give huge importance to the
biographical history of narrators.
5 – al-Mudallas
The act of narrating a Mudallas narration is known as al-
Tadlīs and the one who is narrating a Mudallas narration
is known as Mudallis.
The Terminological Meaning of al-Tadlīs
al-Tadlīs within the terminology of the Scholars of al-
Ḥadīth refers to the action of a narrator whereby he does
not mention the name of the Shaykh from whom he is
narrating the Ḥadīth and instead mentions the Shaykh
above his direct Shaykh and uses such wording that
causes one to assume that the narrator directly heard the
narration from his grand Shaykh.
the narrator had actually heard this narration from
someone else who had directly heard it from so and so.9
1 – Tadlīs al-Isnād
The narrator omits the Shaykh from whom he is narrating the Ḥadīth and narrates it
using words such as “narrated from” or “so and so stated that” in relation to the Shaykh
above the Shaykh from whom he took the narration.
An example of this is when Sufyān ibn ‘Uyaynah was narrating a Ḥadīth from al-Zuhrī,
he was asked if he had heard this from al-Zuhrī to which he replied that he had not
heard this narration from al-Zuhrī but rather had heard this Ḥadīth from ‘Abd al-
Razzāq who heard it from Ma’mar who heard it from al-Zuhrī.9
It should be noted that sometimes the grand Shaykh is someone from whom the
narrator has directly heard other narrations. For example, Sufyān ibn ‘Uyaynah had
directly heard other narrations from ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī but had not heard the
particular narration he was narrating in the above example directly.
2 –Tadlīs al-Shuyūkh
The narrator does not omit the Shaykh from whom he took the narration but describes
him with such a description or title with which he is not well known.
An example of this is when one of the leaders in the science of Qirā’ah, Abu Bakr ibn
Mujāhid narrated a Ḥadīth from “AbdAllah ibn AbdAIllah” who is in actuality Abū
Bakr ibn Abī Dāwūd al-Sijistānī. Therefore, he mentioned the lesser known title of this
The summary of these stanzas is that whatever comes as Mudallas is of two types; The first is
where the Shaykh is omitted, and the narrator mentions the narration from someone above
the Shaykh using the word عنor أن. The second type is where he does not omit the Shaykh
above him but describes him with such attributes with which he is not well known.
al-Shaykh Wajīhuddīn al-‘Alawī Gujrātī also mentioned a third type of al-Tadlīs in his
commentary upon Nuzhah al-Naẓr which is Tadlīs al-Taswiyah in which the narrator takes the
narration from a reliable narrator who took the narration from a weak narrator who had taken
it from a reliable narrator. In Tadlīs al-Taswiyah, the narrator omits the weak narrator from the
chain of narration and only mentions the two reliable narrators. This is the worst type of al-
The ruling pertaining to al-Tadlīs
al-Imām al-Shumunnī stated that al-Tadlīs is forbidden
according to the leading scholars. al-Imām al-Shummunnī
narrates from al-Imām al-Wakī’ that he said, “When it is
not permissible to hide factors pertaining to clothes then
how could this be allowed in relation to Aḥādīth?” al-
Imām al-Shu’bah described al-Tadlīs as being the brother
of lies and worse than fornication whilst emphasising its
condemnation to a large extent.10
Tadlīs as the narrator is sometimes not known for al-Tadlīs and therefore a reader assumes it
to be an authentic narration without becoming aware that there is an omitted narrator in the
chain of narration who is weak. This is very deceptive and thus this is the worst type of al-Tadlīs.
10 Note from compiler – Refer to al-Muqaddimah li ibn al-Salāh for further details
3 –The majority (Jumhūr) of al-Ḥadīth scholars state that
the narration of the narrator who only carries out al-Tadlīs
pertaining to reliable narrators will be accepted. An
example of such a narrator is Sufyān ibn ‘Uyaynah. Such
narrators only omit a narrator above them who is
authentic, so their narration is acceptable according to the
majority of al-Ḥadīth scholars.
“ سمعتI heard.”
“ حدثناMentioned to us.”
“ أخبرناInformed us.”
Causes of carrying out al-Tadlīs
al-Tadlīs is carried out for a number of immoral reasons
such as;
To a normal individual it will seem that the above are
names of different people when in actuality these are
names and titles of the same person.
This is such a narration where there is a contradiction
within al-Sanad or within al-Matn. This is caused by
mentioning certain names or words at the beginning
instead of mentioning them at the end, by adding
something, by mentioning a certain narrator rather than
another, by including a certain Matn rather than another
Matn, by alteration of certain parts within al-Sanad or al-
Matn or by removing certain names or words.
This is such a narration in between which the words of a
Companion or a Tābi’ī are added by the narrator for a
beneficial purpose e.g. explanation of the meaning of a
difficult word, elaboration on its meaning, the mentioning
of exceptions to an otherwise unrestricted principle or any
other such reason.
not forbidden. This is why the great leader, al-Imām al-
Zuhrī narrated some narrations in this manner.11
Refer to Tadrīb al-Rāwī for further details
have less words but have very vast meanings) nor does it
apply to the situation where the words of a Ḥadīth are
actually supplications which are recited during worship.
Editor’s note – In order to make this matter clearer to the reader, a statement of ibn al-
Salāh in his work, Ma’rifah ‘Ulūm al-Ḥadīth in this regard is worthwhile noting down;
“Furthermore we do not view this difference of opinion to be applicable (nor do the scholars
apply it as far as we know) upon the narrations that are included within the books. Therefore,
to rephrase a narration when narrating from a written
work as this will open the door to alteration and distortion
of literary works.13
Beneficial Note
al-Riwāyah bi al-Ma’nā is present in the six most authentic
books of al-Ḥadīth as well as other works of al-Ḥadīth.
This is proven in the narrations of these works as there are
often different words in various works pertaining to the
same event that occurred at the time of the Messenger of
Allāh À . The reader may refer to Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim and other
works in order to comprehend this.
it is not permissible for anyone to change any word from a book that has been written and
replace it with another word that is in its meaning. The only reason why a group of scholars
gave permission to narrate a narration without quoting exact words was due to the difficulty
in recollecting the exact words. This difficulty (in recollecting exact words) is not present in
narrations that are recorded upon papers and books. Another reason for this is that the
narrator has the authority to change a word (and replace it with another word which has the
same meaning) but does not have the authority to alter any work written by somebody else.
And Allāh knows best.”
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
نحوه “Similarly narrated.”
شبهه “Narrated similarly.”
They were very cautious and used such words at the end
of their narrations because they understood the possibility
of making errors when narrating without quoting every
It is narrated in Musnad al-Dārimī and al-Kifāyah of al-
Khatīb from Sayyidunā Abū Dardā that when he would
narrate a Ḥadīth of Messenger of Allāh À , he would say,
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
al-Tirmidhī, Musnad al-Imām Ahmad
العنعنةNarrating a Ḥadīth using the word عن
Narrating a Ḥadīth whilst using the word عنwhich
literally means “from” when mentioning the narrators
from whom one is taking the narration is known as al-
An’an’ah. The Ḥadīth which consists of this word is
known as al-Mu’an’an.
al-Fatāwa al-Riḍawiyyah Volume 2 Page 257
There are three statements in relation to the definition of
this type of al-Ḥadīth;
Nuzhah al-Naẓr
al-Shādh, al-Munkar and al-Mu’allal al-Shādh – الشاذ
Linguistically this refers to the one who is separate to the
mainstream group. According to Islamic terminology, al-
Shādh refers to a narration which opposes the narrations
of reliable narrators.
When comparing the narrations of two narrators, the
narration which has preference is known as al-Maḥfūdh
whilst the narration which does not have preference is
known as al-Shādh. In summary, al-Maḥfūdh is the
narration of the narrator who is greater in authenticity as
opposed to the narrator who is less authentic.
al-Munkar is the narration of the Aḍ’af (weaker) narrator
which opposes the narration of narrators who are less
weak than him.
This is the narration of the Ḍa’īf (weak) narrator which
opposes the narration of the Aḍ’af (weaker) narrator.
Beneficial Note
Some scholars of al-Ḥadīth have not placed a condition of
opposing other narrators within the definitions of al-
Shādh and al-Munkar regardless of whether the other
narrators are strong or weak.
This is the Ḥadīth in the al-Sanad of which there are such
hidden and technical defects which affect the authenticity
of the narration. Only the great experts amongst the
Scholars of al-Ḥadīth can recognise these hidden defects.
expertise but does not manage to convince somebody who
does not have the same expertise as him of this.18
When a Ḥadīth is narrated by a certain narrator and
another narrator narrates a Ḥadīth that is in conformity to
his narration, the second Ḥadīth is known as al-Mutābi’
(conformer) and the first Ḥadīth is known as al-Mutāba’.
The action of bringing a narration that is conformity to the
first is al-Mutāba’ah.
تابعه فالن
“So and so carried out al-Mutāba’ah of it.”
make clear that a narration is strong and has been
supported by other narrations, they write;
وله متابعات
“And it has other narrations supporting it.”
al-Manhal al-Latīf fī Usūl al-Ḥadīth al- Sharīf by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Alawī al-Malikī,
page 134
The Types of al-Mutāba’ah
There are two types of al-Mutāba’ah;
Editor’s note – It would be helpful to mention an example of both types given by ibn Hajar
al-‘Asqalānī in Nuzhah al-Naẓr. al-Imām al-Shāfi’ī narrated a Ḥadīth in his book “al-Umm” from
al-Imām Mālik who narrated from ‘AbdAllah ibn Dinār, who narrated from ibn ‘Umar that the
Messenger of Allāh À said,
ّ حن تروه فإن غم عليكم فأكملوا العدة
حن ترو الهالل ول تفطروا ي
الشهر تسع وعشون فال تصوموا ي
“The month is twenty-nine days. Therefore, do not fast until you see the new moon and do
not stop fasting until you see it. If it is clouded over you, then complete thirty days.”
Conformity in words and conformity in
al-Mutāba’ah is sometimes done with exactly the same
words which give exactly the same meaning whilst it is
sometimes done with varying words which provide the
same meaning;
If the supporting narration is in conformity to the
supported narration in both words and meaning, then the
scholars will use the word مثلهwhen stating that the second
Ḥadīth is similar to the first.
Some scholars stated that al-Imām al-Shāfi’ī was alone in narrating this particular type of
wording from al-Imām Mālik. This is because other students of al-Imām Mālik narrated this
Ḥadīth with the following wording;
However, a Mutābi’ was found for the narration al-Imām al-Shāfi’ī as the same words were
narrated by ‘AbdAllah ibn al-Maslamah al-Qa’nabī from al-Imām Mālik. Therefore, this is al-
Mutāba’ah al-Tāmmah as al-Mutābi’ here is also from al-Imām Mālik.
There is also a Mutāba’ah Qāśirah for this narration as there is a narration of Saḥīḥ ibn
Khuzaymah in which ‘Āśim ibn Muhammad narrated from his father, Muhammad ibn Zayd
who narrated from his grandfather, ‘AbdAllah ibn ‘Umar,
ّ فكملوا
Whilst the narration in this example is from the same Companion, ‘AbdAllāh ibn ‘Umar, the
narrator at the beginning is different and therefore this is al-Mutāba’ah al-Qaśirah.
If the supporting narration is in conformity to the
supported narration in meaning only and not in words,
then the scholars will use the word نحوهwhen stating that
the second Ḥadīth is similar to the first Ḥadīth.
If the supporting (al-Mutābi’) narration is narrated by a
different Sahābī then this supporting narration is
described as al-Shāhid. An example of this is when it is
له شواهد
“There are Shawāhid for this.”
Editor’s note – An example of al-Shāhid is given alongside the examples of al-Mutāba’ah al-
Tāmmah and al-Mutāba’ah al-Qāśirah by al-Hāfiẓ ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalānī in Nuzhah al-Naẓr. Again,
the point of discussion is the narration of al-Imām al-Shāfi’ī in his book al-Umm. The same
wording is mentioned in a narration of al-Nasā’ī from Sayyidunā ‘AbdAllah ibn ‘Abbās which
confirms the narration of al-Shāfi’ī (which is narrated from Sayyidunā ‘AbdAllah ibn ‘Umar). The
wording is;
The search through various chains of narrations in order
to find narrations that are al-Mutābi’ and al-Shāhid is
called al-I’tibār.
This is the loftiest type of al-Ḥadīth. This is that Ḥadīth
which is narrated by a narrator who is just (‘Ādil) and
complete in his preservation (Ḍhabt – i.e. strong precision
through memory or through writing). This narration has
to be Muṭṭasil (with a connected chain) and it should not
be al-Mu’allal or al-Shādh.
al-Ṣaḥīḥ li Ghayrihī
This is the Ḥadīth in which one of the aforementioned
attributes (i.e. Ḍhabṭ) is lacking which is covered by there
being numerous chains.22
In status, this type of al-Ḥadīth is between al-Ṣaḥīḥ and al-
Ḍa’īf. It has two types;
Editor’s note – As explained in works like Taysīr Mustalah al-Ḥadīth: al-Saḥīḥ li Ghayrihī is a
narration that is originally al-Hasan li Dhātihī, but which has been strengthened by another chain
of narration which is similar to it or stronger than it. Such that when two narrations that are al-
Hasan li Dhātihī meet, they result in the narration becoming al-Saḥīḥ li Ghairihī –
al-Hasan li Dhātihī + al-Hasan li Dhātihī = al-Saḥīḥ li Ghairihī
al-Ḥasan li Dhātihī
This is the Ḥadīth in which the aforementioned attributes
are lacking, and this has not been covered by other chains
of narrations.
Beneficial Note
It seems from the aforementioned words of al-Ḥadīth
scholars that any of the attributes of al-Ṣaḥīḥ can be lacking
in al-Ḥasan. However, this is not the case. The only
attribute that is lacking in al-Ḥasan is the attribute of
Ḍhabṭ. The rest of the attributes are all required for a
Ḥadīth to be classed as al-Ḥasan li Dhātihī.
al-Ḥasan li Ghayrihī
This is the Ḥadīth which is originally Ḍa’īf (weak) but its
weakness is covered by other chains of narrations23,
through the reliance of Islamic Scholars upon itor through
other means (which will be discussed in detail further on
with the Will of the Almighty).
This is that Ḥadīth in which some or all of the conditions
of al-Ṣaḥīḥ are not found and this has not been covered
through any other means.
This is the narration whose narrator is a fabricator, a liar
or a person who is accused of lying. This is the worst type
of al-Ḍa’īf.
al-Mawḍū’ - Fabricated
By consensus, it is not possible to cover the weakness of
such a narration nor is such a narration acceptable in
relation to virtues (al-Faḍāil). In reality such a narration is
not even a Ḥadīth. It is only described as being a Ḥadīth
The ways to strengthen Ḍa’īf narrations24
Numerous Narrations
When a Ḍa’īf narration is narrated through various chains
of narrations, it reaches the status of al-Ḥasan li Ghayrihī
whilst at times it reaches the status of al-Ṣaḥīḥ li Ghayrihī.
Even if the other narrations are Ḍa’īf, they will still raise
the original narration to at least the status of al-Ḥasan li
Ghayrihī, so long as they are not of the worst types of al-
قد احتج جمهور المحدثين بالحديث الضعيف إذا كثرت طرقه وألحقوه بالصحيح تارة
وبالحسن أخري وهذا النوع من الضعيف يوجد كثيرا في كتاب السنن الكبري للبيهقي
التي ألفها بقصد االحتجاج ألقوال األئمة وأقوال أصحابهم
al-Fatāwā al-Riḍawiyyah Volume 2 Page 449
The action by the people of knowledge upon a
A narration is strengthened when the people of
knowledge act upon it even if its chain of narration is Ḍa’īf.
al-Imām al-Tirmidhī stated in a number of places within
his As Sunan after discussing a Ḥadīth;
وإسناده:رواه الترمذي وقال غريب والعمل علي هذا عند أهل العلم قال النووي
ضعيف نقله ميرك فكان الترمذي يريد تقوية الحديث بعمل أهل العلم
Has only one narrator in each generation of its chain
The action of the pious upon a Ḍa’īf narration
When the pious bondsmen act upon a narration then this
strengthens the narration. The narration about Ṣalāh al-
Tasbīh is Ḍa’īf. al-Imām al-Hākim and al-Baihaqī stated
that this narration is strengthened by the fact that
Sayyidunā ‘AbdAllah ibn al-Mubārak (the student of al-
Imām Abū Hanīfah) acted upon the narration.
قال البيهقي كان عبد هللا بن المبارك يصليها وتداولها الصالحون بعضهم عن بعض
وفي ذالك تقوية للحديث المرفوع
al-Āthār al-Marfū’ah
Khātam al-Muhaqqiqīn (the seal of research scholars), al-
‘Allāmah ibn ‘Abidīn al-Shāmī writes;
إن المجتهد إذا استدل بحديث كان تصحيحا له كما في التحرير وغيره
‘When the Mujtahid derives proof from a Ḥadīth, this is
authentication of that Ḥadīth as is mentioned in al-Tahrīr
من قال ال إله إال هللا سبعين ألفا غفر هللا تعالي له ومن قيل له غفر له أيضا
‘Whoever recites ال إله إال هللاseventy thousand times, Allāh the
Almighty will forgive him and whosoever it is recited for will
also be forgiven.’
Radd al-Muhtār
of the recitation being for any specific individual. He then
attended a meal with some Companions amongst whom
was a young man well known for being bestowed with
spiritual insight (kashf). Whilst eating, he began to cry.
al-Mirqāt al-Mafātīh, Kitāb al-Salāh, Bāb mā ‘ala al-Ma Mūmimin al-Mutāba’ati wa Hukm al-
Messenger of Allāh À this narration is not Ṣaḥīḥ in my
view.” The Master of all creation À said, “It was enough
for you that this Ḥadīth reached you whilst being
attributed to me.” The Messenger of Allāh À wiped his
blessed hands over the body of the scholar. His whole
body was immediately cured from the leprosy.
Nasīm al-Riyādh Sharh al-Shifā, Volume 1 Page 344
Hāshiyah al-Tahtāwī ‘alā al-Durr al-Mukhtār Volume 4 Page 202
For further detail refer to: al-‘Atāyā al-Nabawiyyah fī al-Fatāwā al-Riḍawiyyah
A Mawḍū’ (fabricated) narration cannot be
strengthened by similar narrations
If a Ḥadīth is Mawḍū’ (fabricated) then it will remain
unreliable even if it is narrated through various Mawḍū’
chains of narration. Falsehood is not authenticated when
it meets with falsehood. Furthermore, a Mawḍū’ narration
is in reality not even a Ḥadīth. Therefore, as a non-existent
entity it cannot be strengthened.
When a Ḥadīth is not Ṣaḥīḥ, it is possible for it to be one of
seven types. Therefore, when the scholars of al-Ḥadīth
negate a narration being Ṣaḥīḥ, they refer to it as not being
al-Ṣaḥīḥ li Dhātihī. It is possible for it to be al-Ṣaḥīḥ li
Ghayrihī, al-Ḥasan li Dhātihī or al-Ḥasan li Ghayrihī.
As Sawā’iq al-Muharraqah, al-Fasl al-Awwal fī al-Ayāt al-Wāridah fī him
al-Asrār al-Marfū’ah fī Akhbār al-Mawḍū’ah, Ḥadīth number: 929
It is ignorance to conduce from the words “this Ḥadīth is
not Ṣaḥīḥ” that the Ḥadīth is to be rejected and that it is
fabricated. This is clear from our discussion above.
Anybody who draws such erroneous conclusions is
clearly unaware of al-Ḥadīth sciences.
al-Taqwa (piety)
This refers to abstinence from evil acts such as al-Shirk
(polytheism), al-Fisq (disobedience – major sins) and al-
Bid’ah (innovation).36 There is a difference of opinion
between the scholars in relation to whether the narrator
35Editor’s note – The word “al-‘Adālah”encompasses the good conduct of the narrator, his
honourable record and his integrity which is understood in the details that follow.
Editor’s note – More detail pertaining to al-Fisq and al-Bid’ah can be found in the coming
chapter pertaining to the causes for criticisms of a narrator.
has to abstain from minor sins as well in order to possess
this quality.
al-Murūah (dignity).
This involves the narrator being free from contemptible
and degraded traits. Though these traits are not prohibited
or censured, they do not befit a person of honour and
dignity. Examples of this are eating and drinking in public
and urinating on paths.
1) al-‘Adl for al-Riwāyah is inclusive of both slaves and
free people, whilst al-‘Adl for al-Shahādah is not
inclusive of slaves. Thus al-‘Adl for al-Riwāyah is more
general in comparison to al-‘Adl for al-Shahādah.
al-Ḍabṭ - Precision
This refers to the narrator possessing strong ability to
memorise a Ḥadīth that he heard and for him to have such
good precision that he does not omit or add anything to
the narration and can easily narrate it in this manner when
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
There are two types of al-Ḍabṭ;
1) Ḍabṭ al-Ṣadr
2) Ḍabṭ al-Kitāb
Ḍabṭ al-Ṣadr
Memorising the Ḥadīth and preserving it in the memory
in such a way that he can relay it whenever needed.
Ḍabṭ al-Kitāb
Keeping the Ḥadīth preserved in writing from the time of
the narration until the time that it is narrated to someone
1) al-Kadhib (lying)
2) Ittihām bi al-Kadhib (alleged lying)
3) al-Fisq (disobedience)
4) al-Jahālah (being unknown)
5) al-Bid’ah (innovation)
al-Kadhib (lying)
This criticism takes place when the narrator accepts that
he has lied in relation to a Prophetic Ḥadīth or when there
are other signs clearly establishing that he has lied about a
Prophetic Ḥadīth.38
Compiler’s note – The scholars of al-Ḥadīth have mentioned various ways through which a
narrator can be proven to have lied or fabricated a narration. al-Hāfiẓ Jalāluddīn al-Suyūtī has
discussed them in detail in Tadrīb al-Rāwī. Shāh ‘Abd al-‘Azīz al-Muḥaddith al-Dihlawī has
mentioned eleven scenarios in which such criticism can be proven against a narrator in his thesis,
‘Ujālah Nāfi’ah whilst al-Imām Ahmad Ridhā Khān al-Muḥaddith al-Barelwī has mentioned fifteen
methods of establishing fabrication in his thesis, Munīr al-‘Ayn fī Hukm Taqbīl al-Ibhāmain with
a lot of detail. There will be a summary of these methods in the coming pages so that the readers
may benefit.
It is important to note that the description of a Ḥadīth as
being Mawḍū’ by the scholars of al-Ḥadīth does not mean
that this specific Ḥadīth has been proven to have been
fabricated by the narrator. Rather, it entails that the
narrator of this Ḥadīth is someone who has been proven
to have lied and fabricated.
deemed to be Mawḍū’ based upon the narrator’s
acceptance. They understand this to mean that the
acceptance of the narrator is unreliable as he is a liar. al-
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Haqq al-Muḥaddith al-Dihlawī states that
the statement of scholars like ibn al-Jawzī is not valid as
the Dhann al-Ghālib (strong presumption) in this situation
is that the narrator is truthful when accepting that he has
lied about the Ḥadīth.
Ittihām al-Rāwī bi al-Kadhib (A narrator being
alleged to have lied)
This cause of criticism in a narrator arises when a narrator
is well known to be someone who lies in relation to normal
worldly affairs but is not proven to have lied about a
Prophetic Ḥadīth.
This is the narration of a narrator who is famously known
to lie about worldly affairs. It is stated that the narration
which goes against the specified and essential principles
of the Sharī’ah is also from this type. When describing a
Ḥadīth as al-Matrūk, the scholars use the following
The ruling pertaining to the narrator who lies on
odd occasions
Narrating a Ḥadīth from a person who sometimes lies or
rarely lies in relation to matters besides the Prophetic
Aḥādīth is permissible. Even though his lying about
matters besides the Aḥādīth on rare occasions is still a
sinful trait, this will not affect his narration. Therefore, his
narration will not be described as al-Mawḍū’ or al-Matrūk.
al-Fisq (Disobedience)
This refers to disobedience in actions rather than
disobedience in belief. Disobedience in belief comes under
al-Bid’ah (innovation). al-Bid’ah is predominantly used to
describe innovated beliefs.
Whilst lying (al-Kadhib) is also an act of disobedience, it is
classed as a separate type to other acts of disobedience by
the scholars of al-Ḥadīth due to its severity.
حدثني رجل “A man narrated to me.”
أخبرني شيخ “A Shaykh narrated to me.”
أخبرني عادل
‘A narrator of good character, narrated to me.’
حدثني ثقة
‘A reliable narrator, narrated to me.’
leading scholar with great expertise says that the
unknown narrator is ‘Ādil then this will be acceptable.
al-Bid’ah is belief in a new matter which opposes that
which is known within the religion of Islām and is in
opposition to that which is established with the Messenger
of Allāh À and his Companions. This opposition has to be
based upon a doubt or upon an interpretation and not
through rejection, as the opposition based upon rejection
is actually disbelief.
The ruling pertaining to the Ḥadīth of al-
Mubtadi’ (innovator)
There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars in
relation to the Ḥadīth of a Mubtadi’;
Narrating a Ḥadīth from the members of the
deviant sects
The author of Jāmi’ al-Usūl, al-‘Allāmah ibn Athīr al-Jazīrī,
stated, “A group of al-Ḥadīth Scholars narrated Aḥādīth
from narrators who were from al-Khawārij and those who
were attributed to al-Qadariyyah39, Shī’ism, al-Rifdh and
all the people of al-Bida’ (innovations) and al-Ahwā
(desires). Another group of al-Ḥadīth Scholars refrained
from taking narrations from these sects. All of them had
their own intentions.”
This is an early deviant sect and should not be confused with the Qadirī spiritual chain
The Causes for criticism in a narrator connected to al-
There are five causes for criticism of a narrator pertaining
to his Ḍabṭ (precision);
Mukhālafah al-Thiqāt (opposition of reliable
There are a number of ways in which opposition to other
reliable narrators may be found in al-Sanad and al-Matn.
By opposing reliable narrators, the Ḥadīth becomes al-
Shādh. There are a number of scenarios for this which may
be studied in more advanced works.
al-Wahm (Illusion)
When a narrator makes an error due to forgetfulness or
due to a misconception, then his narration is described as
al-Wahm. If this is ascertained through the signs that point
towards hidden defects, then the narration is known as al-
The intensity of knowledge required to realise
that a Ḥadīth is al-Mu’allal
The science of ascertaining if a Ḥadīth is al-Mu’allal is from
the most difficult and delicate of Ḥadīth sciences. Only
those scholars who were granted vast understanding
pertaining to the statuses of narrators, along with
extraordinary memory and complete knowledge about
the statuses of narrators and situations of al-Sanad and al-
Matn were able to master this science. This science was
mastered by Scholars of al-Ḥadīth from the early
generations like ‘Alī ibn al-Madīnī, Ahmad ibn Hanbal,
Muhammad ibn Ismā’īl al-Bukhārī, Ya’qūb ibn Abī
Shaybah, Abū Ḥātim and the last of these scholars was al-
Dāraqutnī. It is said about al-Dāraqutnī, “Nobody of his
stature in this science came after him.” And Allāh knows
The ruling pertaining to the narrator with a bad
If the issue of bad memory is something that persists at all
times throughout the life of a narrator, then his Ḥadīth will
not be acceptable. Some scholars of al-Ḥadīth state that the
narration of a person with bad memory comes under al-
acceptable. The same ruling applies to the narrations of
somebody whose situation is unknown (Aḥādīth al-
Mastūr) as well as to al-Mudallas and al-Mursal
The first six factors deal with the narration opposing them
without any possibility of conformity between the
narration and the factors, and without there being any
valid interpretation that can be made to remove the
disparity between the narration and these six factors.
These six factors are:
40Editor’s Note – This is an opportunity for the reader to revise and revisit the
definitions of al-Mutāba’ah, al-Shāhid, al-Tadlīs and al-Irsāl
After these six factors there are nine more factors
mentioned by al-Imām Ahmad Riḍā Khan;
7) The seventh method is where the meaning of the
narration is so disgraceful that it is unimaginable for it
to have been stated by the Messenger of Allāh À . This
occurs when (Allāh forbid) the narration consists of
strife, nonsense, stupidity, praise of falsehood or
condemnation of the truth.
The aforementioned fifteen factors may not be found as
having been discussed together in any other work prior to
this thesis of al-Imām Ahmad Riḍā Khān.41
There are three statements of the Noble Scholars in
relation to describing any narration as al-Mawḍū’ which
does not come under any of the aforementioned fifteen
al-Fatāwa al-Riḍawiyyah Volume 5
the position of the great Imām, al-‘Allāmah ibn Hajar al-
‘Asqalānī and other scholars. An example of this is the
narration in which al-Imām Mālik said to Khalīfah
Mansūr ‘Abbāsī, “Why turn your face away from the
Master of all creation À ? He is your Wasīlah (means)
and the Wasīlah (means) of your father, Adam. Ask for
his Shafā’ah (intercession) for indeed Allāh will accept
his intercession.”
Sharh al-Zarqānī ‘alā all Mawāhib al-Ladunyah
3) Some Scholars state that the narration about the
conversation between al-Imām Mālik and the Khalīfah
Mansūr could only have been described as al-Mawḍū’ if
one of its narrators was alleged to have lied (muttaham
bi al-kadhib). As this is not the case with this narration,
it is not Mawḍū’. It is apparent from this that it is the
view of these scholars that a narration of the one accused
of lying can be classed as al-Mawḍū’.
1) al-Gharīb
2) al-‘Azīz
3) al-Mashūr
4) al-Mutawātir
al-Fatāwa al-Riḍawiyyah Volume 5
This is that Ṣaḥīḥ Ḥadīth which has only one narrator in at
least one generation of its Sanad, if not all generations of
its Sanad.
1) al-Fard al-Nisbī
2) al-Fard al-Mutlaq
al-Fard al-Nisbī
If there is one narrator in the chain at only one point, then
this is called al-Fard al-Nisbī.44
al-Fard al-Mutlaq
If there is only one narrator in every generation within a
Sanad, then this narration is called al-Fard al-Mutlaq.
Editor’s note – with regards to al-Fard An Nisbi and al-Fard al-Mutlaq, the point at which there
is only one narrator starts from the generation of al-Tābi’ūn. al-Shaykh Wajīhuddīn al-‘Alawī al-
Gujrātī explains in his commentary upon Nuzhah al-Naẓr – that a narration in which a Companion
is alone in narrating from the Final Prophet of Allāh À is not al-Gharīb/al-Fard. As all the
Companions are reliable so there is no separate categorisation, regardless of whether there is
only one Companion narrating or many Companions narrating. In the same work it is explained
that al-Fard al-Mutlaq is where a Tābi’ī is alone in narrating from a Companion, whilst al-Fard al-
Nisbī is the narration which was narrated by more than one Tābi’ī from a Companion or
Companions but then there is only one narrator in a later generation.
A narration being Gharīb does not negate it
being Ṣaḥīḥ
A narration being Gharīb is not contrary to it being Ṣaḥīḥ.
It is possible for a Gharīb Ḥadīth to have such a reliable
narrator in each generation who fulfils the conditions of
This is that narration which has at least two narrators in
each generation of its Sanad. It is important to note that
there has to be at least two narrators in each generation for
the narration to be classed as al-‘Azīz. If there are two
narrators in only one place within the chain and there is
less anywhere else in the chain then the narration will be
al-Gharīb, and not al-‘Azīz.
When there are more than two narrators (i.e. at least three
narrators) in each generation of a Sanad, then the Ḥadīth
is known as al-Mashūr. This type of narration is known as
al-Mustafīdh. It should be remembered that there has to
be at least three narrators in each generation of al-Sanad
for the narration to be classed as al-Mashūr – otherwise the
narration will either be al-Gharīb or al-‘Azīz.
Note pertaining to the minimum amount
required in al-Gharīb, al-‘Azīz and al-Mashūr
The reader will have noticed that the focus in all three of
the aforementioned types is on the minimum amount of
narrators – (i.e. if the minimum amount of narrators in
each generation of al-Sanad is three then the narration is
Mashūr, if the minimum amount of narrators in each
generation of al-Sanad is two then the narration is al-‘Azīz
and if the minimum amount of narrators in each
generation is one then the narration is al-Gharīb). This is
why there is a maxim of the scholars of al-Ḥadīth;
إن األقل حاكم علي األكثر في هذا الفن
This is where there are so many narrators in each
generation of al-Sanad that it is habitually impossible for
them to have gathered upon a lie.
Categories of al-Ḍa’īf
As discussed previously, al-Ḍa’īf is that narration in which
either all or some of the conditions of al-Ṣaḥīḥ and al-
Ḥasan are not found and the narration is al-Shādh, al-
Munkar or al-Mu’allal.
Editor’s note – There are two types of al-Mutawātir:
1) al-Mutawātir al-Lafẓī –When the exact words of a narration are narrated by so many
narrators that it is habitually impossible for them to have collaborated upon a lie then the
narration is Mutawātir al-Lafẓī.
2) al-Mutawātir al-Ma’nawī – When the meaning of the narration (but not the exact words) is
narrated by so many narrators that it is habitually impossible for them to have collaborated
upon a lie, the narration is known as al-MutawātirulMa’nawī.45
al-Ḥadīth al-Ḍa’īf has many different types. According to
al-‘Irāqī; al-Shaykh ibn al-Ṣalāh stated that there are forty
two types of al-Ḍa’īf, ibn Ḥibbān stated that there are forty
nine types, some scholars have stated that there are sixty
three types and al-Shaykh Sharafuddīn al-Manāwī
mentioned that there are one hundred and twenty nine
types of al-Ḍa’īf. There are specific names and titles for
many of these types e.g. al-Shādh, al-Mawḍū’, al-Maqlūb,
al-Mu’allal, al-Muḍtarib, al-Mursal, al-Munqaṭi’, al-Mu’ḍal
and al-Munkar. Some of these types do not have any
specific title.46
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
Aṣaḥḥ al-Asānīd – The most authentic chains of
There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars in
relation to unrestrictedly describing a chain of narration as
the most authentic chain of narration;
Therefore, it is better and correct to state:
Objection – how can a narration that is Ḥasan also
be Gharīb?
An objection is raised which is that al-Imām al-Tirmidhī
states that a Ḥasan narration has to have a number of
chains of narrations. How can he then describe a Ḥasan
narration as also being Gharīb?
خبر الواحد علي تقدير اشتماله علي جميع الشرائط المذكورة في أصول الفقه ال يفيد
إال الظن وال عبرة بالظن في باب اإلعتقادات
“Khabar al-Wāhid gives benefit of speculative knowledge (al-
Ẓann) even if it fulfils all the conditions mentioned in Usūl al-
Fiqh. Speculative knowledge is not relied upon in relation to
matters of belief.”47
Sharh al-‘Aqāid al-Nasafiyyah, Bahth Ta’dād al-Ambiyā
al-‘Aqāid al-Ẓanniyyah – The Qualified Beliefs
These are beliefs that are not absolute or definitive.
Examples of these are beliefs pertaining to the
circumstances of the grave and the weighing of actions etc.
These beliefs can be established through al-Khabar al-
al-Ahkām– Rulings
In order for rulings to be derived from a narration, it has
to be at least al-Ḥasan li Ghayrihī. Rulings cannot be
derived from al-Ḥadīth al-Ḍa’īf.48
أما األحكام كالحالل والحرام والبيع والنكاحوالطالق وغير ذلك فال يعمل فيها إال
بالحديث الصحيح والحسن إال أن يكون في احتياط في شيء من ذلك كما إذا ورد
حديث ضعيف بكراهية بعض البيوع أو األنكحة فإن المستحب أن يتنزه عنه ولكن
ال يجب
‘As for the rulings which are, for example, rulings of
permissibility, impermissibility, marriage and divorce etc. –
they cannot be implemented except through al-Ḥadīth al-Ṣaḥīḥ
and al-Ḥasan. That is, unless there is caution in any matter
e.g. when a Ḍa’īf narration states that certain business
transactions or matrimonial unions are disliked, then it is
al-Fatāwā al-Riḍawiyyah
preferred that such a transaction or union be avoided, but it is
not necessary to avoid it.’49
Nasīm al-Riyādh Sharh al-Shifā, Tatimmah wa Fāidah Muhimmah fī Sharh al-Khutbah
Tadrīb al-Rāwī, al-Naw’ al-Thānī wa al-‘Ishrūn
al-Fatāwā al-Riḍawiyyah
al-Imām Shaykh al-Islām Abū Zakariyyā Yahyā ibn Sharaf
al-Nawawī wrote in Kitāb al-Adhkār al-Muntakhab min
Kalām Sayyid al-Abrār;
Kitāb al-Adhkār, Fasl Qāla al-‘Ulamā min al-Muḥaddithīn
The different levels of al-Ṣaḥīḥ and the books
containing al-Ṣaḥīḥ narrations
Due to al-Ṣaḥīḥ narrations being of different levels, some
books of al-Ṣaḥīḥ narrations are of a higher level than
others. This is why, it is the view of Jumhūr (majority) of
the Scholars that al-Jāmi’ al-Ṣaḥīḥ of al-Imām al-Bukhārī
has superiority over all other books of al-Ḥadīth. The
Scholars state;
al-Muttafaq ‘Alayh
This title is used to describe a Ḥadīth which is narrated by
both al-Bukhārī and Muslim. al-Imām ibn Hajar al-
‘Asqalānī stated that it is also a condition that both the
narrations be narrated from the same Sahābī (Companion)
in order for them to be classed as al-Muttafaq ‘Alayh. The
Scholars of al-Ḥadīth state that the total number of al-
Muttafaq ‘Alayh narrations is two thousand, three
hundred and twenty-six (2326).
6) Then those narrations which fulfil the conditions of
Muslim but are not narrated by Muslim.
7) Thereafter, the narrations which are Ṣaḥīḥ and narrated,
as well as verified, by scholars who uphold the
conditions of Ṣaḥīḥ narrations firmly.
Are al-Aḥādīth al-Ṣaḥīḥah only found in al-Bukhārī
and Muslim?
Ṣaḥīḥ narrations are not found in Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī alone –
there are also other works which have Ṣaḥīḥ narrations
within them. Nevertheless, the majority of narrations
within al-Bukhārī and Muslim are Ṣaḥīḥ.
الذي أوردت في هذا الكتاب من األحاديث صحيح وال أقول إن ما تركت ضعيف
“Whichever Aḥādīth I mentioned in this book are Ṣaḥīḥ.
However, I do not say that the narrations I did not mention are
Other books of al-Aḥādīth which consist of Ṣaḥīḥ
Editor’s note – One of the great Huffāẓ of al-Ḥadīth and authors, who passed away in 405
AH. He was a follower of the Shāfi’ī school of jurisprudence and was born in the year 321 AH.
He heard Ahādīth from approximately two thousand Scholars of al-Ḥadīth. The reader may
refer to Siyar A’lām al-Nubalā for further details about his biography.
and seventy-five if we include the repeated narrations.
Otherwise there are four thousand narrations if we
exclude the repeated narrations.’ The repeated narrations
within al-Bukhārī are three thousand two hundred and
seventy-five. It is clear that the amount of narrations in al-
Bukhārī is only a small portion of the Ṣaḥīḥ narrations that
he knew by heart.
Ṣaḥīḥ ibn Khuzaymah
Amongst the other books consisting of Ṣaḥīḥ narrations is
the work of ibn Khuzaymah54 who is known as Imām al-
Aimmah (leader of the leaders). He was the Shaykh of ibn
Ḥibbān. Ibn Ḥibbān said in praise of his Shaykh, ibn
Khuzaymah, ‘I have not seen any person on the earth with
a stronger memory of al-Aḥādīth and with greater
expertise in the science of al-Ḥadīth. It seems as though all
al-Aḥādīth are before his sight.’
كان ابن حبان من أوعية العلم واللغة والحديث والوعظ وكان من عقالء الرجال
Editor’s note – The name of this Shaykh is Muhammad ibn Ishāq ibn Khuzaymah. His
appellation was Abū Bakr. He was a great jurist of the Shāfi’ī school, as well as a great Hāfiẓ of
al-Ḥadīth. He was born in 223 AH and passed away in 311 AH. (Siyar A’lām al-Nubalā)
Editor’s note – His name is Abū Hātim Muhammad ibn Hibbān ibn Ahmad al-Tamīmī. He was
a Shāfi’ī scholar who passed away in the year 354 AH. He was a master of Fiqh, Ḥadīth and
history. He wrote many works in the science of al-Ḥadīth. (Mu’jam al-Muallifīn)
The actual name of ibn Ḥibbān is Muhammad whilst his
appellation is Abū Ḥātim. His lineage is;
The author of this book is al-Ḥāfiẓ Ḍiyā al-Dīn al-Maqdisī.
He extracted narrations that were not narrated in al-
Ṣaḥīḥayn. Scholars have described this work as being
better than al-Mustadrak.
Bustān al--Muḥaddithīn by ‘Allāmah al-Shāh ‘Abd al-‘Azīz
Bustān al-Muḥaddithīn
Some further works
Amongst other works consisting of only Ṣaḥīḥ narrations
are; Ṣaḥīḥ ibn ‘Awānah, Ṣaḥīḥ ibn al-Sakan and al-
Muntaqā of Ibn al-Jārūd. However, some Scholars of al-
Ḥadīth criticised these works either based on rigidity or
based upon just reservations. ‘And above every possessor
of knowledge is another scholar.’58 And Allāh knows best.
1) Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī
2) Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim
3) al-Jāmi’ al-Tirmidhī
4) al-Sunan of Abū Dawūd
5) al-Sunan of al-Nasaī
6) al-Sunan of Ibn Mājah
Surah Yusuf 12:76
Bustān al-Muḥaddithīn
Some Scholars of al-Ḥadīth have stated that the sixth book
is al-Muatta of al-Imām Mālik rather than al-Sunan of Ibn
Mājah. The author of Jāmi’ al-Usūl, al-‘Allāmah Ibn al-
Athīr gave preference to the view that al-Muatta is the
sixth book rather than al-Sunan Ibn Mājah.
Sunan al-Darimī
Some Scholars of al-Ḥadīth classed Sunan al-Dārimī to be
the sixth book amongst al-Ṣiḥāḥ al-Sittah. This is because,
only a small number of its narrators are Ḍa’īf. There are
only a few Shādh and Munkar narrations within this book.
The chains of narration within this book are of high
standard. The Thulāthiyāt60 within Sunanal-Dārimī are
more in number in comparison to al-Bukhārī.
Thulāthiyāt – narrations in which there are only three links in the chain (to Messenger of
Allāh À ).
Mirqāt al-Mafātīh Volume 1 Page 23
Zur’ah al-Rāzī, Muhammad Ismā’īl ibn al-Bukhārī,
‘AbdAllah ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Dārimī al-Samarqandī
and Ḥasan ibn Shujā’ Balkhī.’62
al-Imām Ad Dārimī was born in 181 AH and passed away
on the day of ‘Arafah in the year 255 AH.
Bustān al-Muḥaddithīn
al-Ikmāl bi Dhikr Asmā al-Rijāl
The author of Mishkāt al-Maṣābīh, al-‘Allāmah Khatīb al-
Tabrezī, recorded the names of the most reliable Scholars
of al-Ḥadīth in the preface to Mishkāt al-Maṣābīh. He
mentioned the following great scholars; al-Imām al-
Bukhārī, al-Imām Muslim, al-Imām Mālik, al-Imām al-
Shāfi’ī, al-Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Imām al-Tirmidhī,
al-Imām Abū Dawūd, al-Imām al-Nasaī, al-Imām Ibn
Mājah, al-Imām al-Dārimī, al-Imām al-Dāraqutnī, al-
Imām al-Bayhaqī and al-Imām al-Razīn. He also briefly
referred to other scholars. al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-Haqq al-
Muhaddīth al-Dihlawī wrote the details about the lives of
these Scholars of al-Ḥadīth in his book, al-Ikmāl bi Dhikr
Asmā al-Rijāl. This is different to the work of al-Shaykh
Abū ‘AbdAllah Muhammad ibn ‘AbdAllah al-Khatīb al-
Tabrezī entitled al-Ikmāl fī Asmā al-Rijāl. The latter has been
published alongside Mishkāt al-Maṣābīh for many years.
This is a type of book of al-Ḥadīth which consists of eight
1) al-‘Aqāid (Beliefs)
2) al-Ahkām (Rulings)
3) al-Tafsīr (Exegesis of the Holy Qur’ān)
4) Siyar and Maghāzī (Biographies and Details of Battles)
5) al-Ādāb (Etiquettes)
6) al-Manāqib (Virtues)
7) al- Fitan (Situations of Tribulations)
8) Ashrāt wa ‘alāmāt al-Qiyāmah (The Signs of the Day of
This is the type of book in which the Aḥādīth pertaining to
rulings are set out in accordance with the chapters of Fiqh
(jurisprudence). Generally, these books do not consist of
narrations dealing with al-‘Aqāid, al-Manāqib, al-
Ghazawāt and al-Tafsīr etc. The narrations within this
type of book are Marfū’ (attributed to the Prophet À ).
Examples of this type of book are; al-Sunan of Abū
Dāwūd, al-Sunan of al-Nasaī, al-Sunan of Ibn Mājah and
al-Sunan of al-Bayhaqī etc.
This is the type of book in which, in each chapter, the
narrations of each Companion are gathered. The chapters
are either set out based on alphabetical order or based on
the virtues and excellences of each Companion. There are
just over one hundred books of this nature. Examples of
them are; al-Musnad al-Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-
Musnad al-Humaydī, al-Musnad Abū Dawūd al-Tayālisī
and al-Musnad ‘Abd ibn Hamīd.
This is the work in which the narrations of the narrators
are set out according to alphabetical order. Sometimes the
narrators who are listed are the Companions of Messenger
of Allāh À , whilst at other times the Shuyūkh of the author
are considered. At times the Shuyūkh and Scholars are
listed according to their cities. al-Imām al-Tabarānī wrote
three books of this type. al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr is a book in
which the names of the Companions are considered when
listing. In al-Mu’jam al-Awsat and al-Mu’jam al-Saghīr,
the names of the Shuyūkh are considered.
This is a type of book in which all the narrations of a
certain narrator are gathered or al-Aḥādīth pertaining to a
certain topic are gathered. An example the first type is the
work of Abu Ma’shar ‘Abd al-Karīm al-Tabarī (d. 478 AH)
entitled, Juz Mā Rawāhu Abū Hanīfah ‘an al-Sahābah.
Examples of the second type is Juz Raf’ al-Yadayn fī al-
Ṣalāh and Juz al-Qirā’ah Khalf al-Imam.
This is a work in which the narrations of one narrator are
gathered. An example of this is Kitāb al-Afrād of
This is the book in which there are Gharīb narrations from
one student. An example of this is Gharāib Mālik.
This is a type of book in which the narrations that fulfil the
conditions of a certain author, which were not written in
the work of that author, are compiled. An example of this
is al-Mustadrak ‘alā al-Ṣaḥīḥayn of al-Hākim Abū
‘AbdAllah Nīshāpūrī.
This is a type of book in which the narrations of a specific
book are verified by mentioning alternative chains of
narrations for the Shaykh or Shuyūkh of its author. There
are many books of this nature. There are ten books
pertaining to al-Ṣaḥīḥayn. Examples of such books are;
This is a type of work in which narrations pertaining to a
specific subject from the eight subjects of al-Jāmi’ are
mentioned. Examples of these are Kitāb al-Zuhd wa al-
Adab of al-Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal and al-Adab al-
Mufrad of al-Imām al-Bukhārī.
This is a book in which forty Aḥādīth are gathered
regardless of whether they are connected to a certain topic
or various topics. An example of this is al-Arba’īn of al-
Imām al-Nawawī.
This is a type of literary work in which, the dictated
narrations and commentaries upon narrations of a certain
Shaykh are mentioned. An example of this is al-Amālī of
al-Imām Muhammad.
This is a type of book in which parts of al-Aḥādīth are
mentioned which point towards their respective
meanings, and then the entire chains of narrations are
mentioned or the chains of narrations from certain books.
Examples of such works are; Aťrāf al-Kutub al-Khamsah
of Abul ‘Abbās Ahmad ibn Thābit al-Turuqī and Atrāf al-
This is a type of book of al-Ḥadīth in which only those
Aḥādīth are gathered in which there are hidden defects,
and those hidden defects are identified and explained.
Examples of such works are ‘Ilal ibn Abī Ḥātim and ‘Ilal
This is a type of book in which many books of al-Ḥadīth
are gathered. Examples of such works include;
1) Mashāriq al-Anwār al-Nabawiyyah of Ḥasan ibn
Muhammad al-San’ānī (d. 650 AH) in which al-Bukhārī
and Muslim are gathered.
2) al-Tajrīd lī al-Ṣiḥāḥi wa al-Sunan of Abul Ḥasan Ahmad
ibn Razīn al-Andalūsī (d. 535 AH) in which the
narrations from the most authentic works of Ahādith i.e.
al-Bukhārī, Muslim, al-Tirmidhi, Abū Dawūd, al-Nasaī
and al-Muatta of al-Imām Mālik are gathered.
3) Jāmi’ al-Usūl min Ahādith al-Rasūl written by Ibn al-
Athīr (d. 606 AH) is also like al-Tajrīd lī al-Ṣiḥāḥi wa al-
4) Jam’ al-Fawāid min Jāmi’ al-Usūl wa al-Zawāid of
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Sulaymān al-Maghribī
(d. 1094 AH) which is a compilation of fourteen
important works.
5) Jam’ al-Jawāmi’ of al-Imām Jalāluddīn al-Suyūtī (d. 911
AH). This book is also known as al-Jāmi’ al-Kabīr.
This is a type of book in which those Aḥādīth are gathered
which are additional to other works. Examples of this type
are Misbāh al-Zujājah fī Zawāid ibn Mājah of Abul ‘Abbās
Ahmad ibn Abī Bakr al-Bawsīrī (d. 480 AH) and Ithāf al-
Sādat al-Mahrat -al-Khayyirah of the same author. In the
first book, such narrations of Ibn Mājah are mentioned
which are not mentioned in other books of al-Ṣiḥāḥ al-
Sittah. In the other book, the additional narrations to al-
Ṣiḥāḥ al-Sittah are mentioned in ten important chapters.
al-Tabaqat al-Thāniyah – The Second Category
These are books which are close to the high standards of
the books in the first category, but which have more weak
narrations within them in comparison to the first category.
Examples of works that come under this category are; al-
Jāmi’ al-Tirmidhī, al-Sunan of Abū Dāwūd and al-Sunan
of al-Nasaī.
are; al-Daylamī, Abū Nu’aym, Ibn al-‘Asākir and the
works of al-Hākim.
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
that the narrations within the third and fourth category are
unacceptable. It is, nevertheless, correct to assert that the
narrations within the third and fourth category have all
different types of Aḥādīth within them – al-Ṣaḥīḥ, al-Ḥasan
and al-Ḍa’īf etc.
Muqaddimah Nuzhat al-Qārī Sharh Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī
3) قرئ عليه وأنا أسمعwhich literally means, “Was read to him
whilst I was listening. “
4) أنبأنيwhich literally means, “He informed me.”
5) ناولنيwhich literally means, “He granted me.”
6) شافهني باإلجازةwhich literally means, “He directly
granted me permission.”
7) كتب إلي باإلجازةwhich literally means, “He wrote to me
with permission.”
8) عن فالنmeans, “Narrated from so and so”. There are
other similar words in which there is a possibility of
hearing and not hearing, and granting permission and
not granting permission, which are similar to this
sentence e.g. روي، ذكر،قال. This is the situation when the
first-person pronouns are not used with these three
words. Otherwise, when the first-person pronouns are
used, then it will be in the same meaning as65
Sharh Nukhbah al-Fikr ma’a Hāshiyah ‘Aqd al-Durar
reverence. Nevertheless, it is rare for these words to be
used when the narrator heard the narration whilst
3) سمعتis a word that establishes more clearly that the
narrator physically heard the narration from the Shaykh
as opposed to حدثني. This is because the narrator is clearly
stating that he heard the narration from the Shaykh,
which establishes that there is no other narrator between
the narrator and the Shaykh. However, when the word
حدثنيis used, there is a possibility of al-Tadlīs as this
sort of wording is used in a narration of al-Mudallis.
4) قرأت عليه، أخبرنيThese wordings are used when a narrator
reads a narration in front of the Shaykh whilst alone.
5) قرأنا عليه، أخبرناThese wordings are used when the
narrator reads the narration in front of his Shaykh whilst
there are other people present.
6) أنبأAccording to the earlier Scholars this wording is the
same as أخبرنا
Beneficial Note
It is the position of al-Imām al-Bukhārī that the following
words are all in the same meaning;
Nuzhah al-Naẓr
This is the position of al-Imām al-Zuhrī, al-Imām Mālik,
al-Imām Ibn ‘Uyaynah, Yahyā ibn Sa’īd al-Qattān, al-
Imām al-Azam Abū Hanīfah, the majority of the people of
al-Hijāz (al-Haramayn al-Sharīfayn and surrounding
areas) and the people of al-Kūfah. Ibn al-Hājib gave
preference to this position within his al-Mukhtasar. al-
Imām al-Hākim stated that this is the position of the four
schools of thought.
أخبر أنبأ
Muqaddimah Nuzhat al-Qārī
should write the letters in such a way that they are all very
clear, along with their shapes and their dots. Where there
are difficult words, the scribe should also place Tashkīl
(vowels – fathah, dhammah and kasrah) especially on
names, as it is difficult to comprehend difficult names. It
is important to exercise all these cautions so that the reader
does not enter into any doubt. It is mentioned in some
narrations that a change in the formation of a word in Injīl
led the Christians into the pits of disbelief. Allāh said to
Sayyidunā ‘Īsā in al-Injīl (the Bible);
عز و جل
سبحانه وتعالي
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
The scribe should write salutations and blessings upon the
Final Prophet of Allāh À fully without abbreviating the
words. It is severely prohibited to abbreviate the words of
salutations and blessings. The hands of the first person to
abbreviate salutations and blessings were cut off.
Similarly, the following words of supplications should be
written after the names of the Noble Companions and
great Scholars;
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
In the English language the condemned abbreviations are;
PBUH, RA etc. which are written by heedless individuals
in literature.70
The reader may refer to al-Saniyyat al-Anīqah fī al-Fatāwā al-Riḍawiyyah
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
1) By gathering information scattered across works into
one work.
2) By compiling a work in a specific order.
3) By writing contents for a book.
4) By providing references for Aḥādīth in unreferenced
بالتصنيف يطلع علي حقائق العلوم ودقائقه ويثبت معه ألنه يضطره إلي كثرة التفتيش
والمطالعة والتحقيق والمراجعة واإلطالع علي مختلف كالم األئمة ومتفقه وواضحه
من مشكله وصحيحه من ضعفه وجزله من ركيكه وما ال اعتراض فيه من غيره وبه
يتصف المحقق بصفة المجتهد
Tadrīb al-Rāwī
Abbreviations of words used when narrating
Scholars of al-Ḥadīth use abbreviations to signal towards
words of narration;
ثنا = حدثنا
نا = حدثنا
أنا = أخبرنا
أرنا = أخبرنا
ثني = حدثني
دثني = حدثني
al-Tahwīl – Mentioning a second Sanad along with
Mentioning an alternative chain of narration for a Ḥadīth,
along with its chain of narration, is called al-Tahwīl. This
is usually denoted by the letter ( حpronounced Ḥā) written
at the point in the original chain of narration, where the
second chain is about to start as a continuation of the first.
تم الكتاب بعون هللا الملك الوهاب وصلي هللا تعالي علي خير خلقه محمد وآله
وصحبه أجمعين
The translation of this work was completed on the 24th of Rabī al-Thānī 1441 AH, coinciding
with 21st December 2019 in Keighley, England.