Five Senses Worksheet-1

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Name: __________________ Date: __/__/____ Score_______


Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate word

from the list given below.
tongue, smell, touch, eyes, hear, ears, skin, see, taste,
nose, move, balance

1. I taste food with my _____.

2. I use my eyes to _____.

3. I hear the birds chirping with my _____.

4. I use my skin to _____.

5. I smell the flowers with my _____.

6. I use my tongue to _____.

7. I see the world with my _____.

8. I use my ears to _____.

9. I touch the feathers with my _____.

10. I use my nose to _____.

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1. tongue
2. see
3. ears
4. touch
5. nose
6. taste
7. eyes
8. hear
9. skin
10. smell

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