Living and Non-Living Things G3

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Living and Non-living Things G3


What are the 3 things living things need to stay alive?




Why is water important to living things?



Give 5 characteristics that are unique to living things.






Of the 5 characteristics listed above, write which one is applicable in the given scenario.
Marthas shoes doesnt fit her anymore. ______________________________________
Jake wore his shades because the sun is too bright. ____________________________
Sparky gave birth to 9 bunnies. _____________________________________________
Labs body parts malfunctioned because of his age. _____________________________
The dog ran after the ball. _________________________________________________


Mark can almost reach up to his Dads shoulder.

Our bamboo tree has almost reached the roof.
The young lion cub now looks like its father.
We can conclude that:
a. All of the above are living things.
b. Living things are tall.
c. Living things grow.
d. All of the Above
e. A and C
f. B and C

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Living and Non-living Things G3


Great Grandma passed away at age 93.

Lab the Labradors body malfunctioned when he turned 14.
The man died of a heart attack while inside the ambulance.
We can conclude that:
a. Living things die only when they are old.
b. Living things die.
c. Living things die only in sickness.
d. All of the Above
e. A and B

7. Mira shivered in the snow at Lake Tahoe.

Martin sneezed when snow dropped on his head.
Miles body hair stood up when there was a cold gust of wind.
We can conclude that:
a. Living things respond to its environment.
b. The cold is bad for living things.
c. Living things cannot live in cold places.
d. All of the Above
e. A and B
8. Why is a moving car not a living thing?
9. The young of a plant is called a ________________________
10. Give some examples of groups of living things:


True or False.
_________ 1. Sophias doll grows with her as she grows.
_________ 2. Many plants keep on growing until they die.
_________ 3. Non-living things can move with outside force.
_________ 4. Plants cannot move.
_________ 5. Micro-organisms can be useful or harmful to us.

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