F3000 CFD
F3000 CFD
F3000 CFD
dd / mm / yy
Postcode 4109
5. Do you have a driver licence issued by another
Postal address (if same as residential address, write ‘as above’)
Australian state or territory or country?
as above No ✔ Yes Fill in details below. If you have a licence
issued by another Australian state or territory,
you must surrender it to be eligible for a Qld
Postcode driver licence.
Licence/reference number Effective date
Daytime contact phone number
0434358179 dd / mm / yy
State/territory/country of issue Expiry date
Email address
[email protected] dd / mm / yy
Licence type (e.g. L/P/O) Licence class/es (e.g. C/LR/MR)
2. Previous name or aliases
Do you currently hold or have you ever been issued a Qld driver
licence, industry authority, marine licence, adult proof of age card
or vehicle/vessel registration, in any other name? (e.g. name at
6. Licence type and class
birth, maiden name, previous married names, adoptive name, or What type/class of licence(s) are you renewing or applying for?
other aliases) Licence Type Licence Class
No ✔ Yes Provide details below Learner Car ✔ C Light Rigid LR
Previous family name P Car (Automatic CA Medium Rigid MR
P1 Learner Approved Heavy Rigid HR
Previous given name/s P2 Heavy Combination HC
Motorbike ✔ R
Open ✔ Multi-combination MC
Note: An evidence of identity document linking your previous Are you applying for a licence or class of licence that you held
name and your current name may be required. more than 5 years ago?
No Yes ✔ You must provide evidence of your previous licence
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7. Medical Condition Reporting 10. Applicant’s declaration
You must report any medical condition/s that may adversely Sign only in the presence of an authorised person.
affect your ability to drive. I declare that I have read the answers I have given to the
a. Do you need to wear glasses/contact lenses for driving? questions in this application and that the answers are complete,
No ✔ Yes S condition will be shown on your licence true and correct in every detail.
b. Do you have any of the following conditions? Check each statement. If undertaking a practical driving test, I declare that I have the
consent of the registered operator to use the vehicle for the test.
No Yes I also declare that the registered operator has given consent for
Vision or eye disorder (other than wearing glasses any Driving Examiner employed by the department or any Police
or contact lenses) that may adversely affect your ✔ Officer, to drive the vehicle during or in connection with the test
driving undertaken in the vehicle, if required.
Diabetes that requires treatment by tablet, insulin or I understand that if I have stated anything that is false or
✔ misleading, the driver licence granted to me as a result of this
other medication
application will be absolutely void and have no legal effect
Been diagnosed with epilepsy, experienced a whatsoever.
seizure; or been required to take anti-epileptic ✔
medication after the age of 11 I understand that I may be prosecuted for giving or stating any
false or misleading information or documents.
Any other medical condition/s that is likely to
✔ I consent to the department taking, keeping and using my
adversely affect your ability to drive safely
personal information, documents, digital photo and digitised
If you have answered Yes to any statement at 7b, you must signature for the purposes associated with my application.
provide a Medical Certificate for Motor Vehicle Driver (form F3712) I consent to the department verifying my EOI or evidence of
completed by your treating doctor. previous licence provided by me with the issuing authority or their
8. Traffic history agencies.
a. Have you currently, or within the last 5 years, had your licence Additional declaration by interstate or overseas licence holders.
cancelled or been disqualified from driving or obtaining a driver
licence by an Australian or overseas court? I understand that by signing this declaration I agree to the
surrender of my interstate driver licence.
No ✔ Yes Provide details below
I also consent to the department releasing information about
Reason for cancellation/disqualification my application for a Qld licence to the issuing authority or their
Applicant’s signature Date
dd / mm / yy
State/territory/country Duration It is an offence under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management)
Act 1995 to state anything or give a document to an authorised person
if you know it contains false or misleading information. The maximum
b. Is your licence currently suspended for any reason including penalty may be more than $7000.
speeding offences, demerit points, unpaid fines or any other
No ✔ Yes Provide details below
Reason for suspension