2.4. National Income
2.4. National Income
2.4. National Income
2.4.1 National income
Saving income removes it from the circular flow. This is a withdrawal of income.
Investing money into the economy is an injection.
Taxes are also a withdrawal of income, whilst government spending on public and
merit goods, and welfare payments, are injections into the economy.
International trade is also included in the circular flow of income. Exports are an
injection into the economy, since goods and services are sold to foreign countries
and revenue in earned from the sale. Imports are a withdrawal from the economy,
since money leaves the country when goods and services are bought from abroad.
The economy reaches a state of equilibrium when the rate of withdrawals = the
rate of injections.
The full circular flow of income can be derived from this:
Income is a flow of money that goes to the factors of production. For example,
wages, welfare payments, profits, dividends, rents and interest are forms of income.
Wealth is a stock of assets, such as savings, shares, property, bonds and pension
2.4.2 Injections and withdrawals
An injection into the circular flow of income is money which enters the economy.
This is in the form of government spending, investment and exports.
A withdrawal from the circular flow of income is money which leaves the economy.
This can be from taxes, saving and imports.
The economy reaches a state of equilibrium when the rate of withdrawals = the
rate of injections.
If there are net injections into the economy, there will be an expansion of national
If there are net withdrawals from the economy, there will be a contraction of
production, so output decreases.
2.4.3 Equilibrium levels of real national output
The economy reaches a state of equilibrium when the rate of withdrawals = the rate
of injections. This is equivalent to the point where AD = AS.
The effects of shifts in AD and AS on the price level and real national
Shift in AS:
If the economy becomes more productive, or if there is an increase in efficiency,
supply will shift to the right. This lowers the average price level (Pe to P1) and
increases national output (Ye to Y1). The economy is no longer producing at long
run equilibrium, as they producing beyond the LRAS.
Shift in AD:
If firms have less confidence or there is a recession, AD might shift inwards. This
causes the price level to fall from Pe to P1, and national output to fall from Ye to Y1.
If AD increases, the price level and level of national output both increase.
2.4.4 The multiplier
This is the ratio of the rise national income to the initial rise in AD. In other words, it
is the number of times a rise in national income is larger than the rise in the initial
injection of AD, which led to the rise in national income.
The multiplier effect occurs when there is new demand in an economy. This leads to
an injection of more income into the circular flow of income, which leads to
economic growth. This leads to more jobs being created, higher average incomes,
more spending, and eventually, more income is created.
The multiplier effect refers to how an initial increase in AD leads to an even bigger
increase in national income.
This is defined as the proportion of each pound taxed by the government.
The higher the rate of tax, the less disposable income each consumer has,
and the smaller the size of the multiplier.
o Example:
If consumers spend 0.6 of every £1 they earn, they save 0/4. Therefore, the
multiplier will be:
1/(1-0.6) = 1/0.4 = 2.5.
o An open economy has three areas of withdrawals: taxes, imports and savings.
o The marginal propensity to withdraw is calculated by MPW = MPS + MPT +
o This gives another formula for calculating the multiplier:
o 1/MPW
If an economy has a lot of spare capacity, extra output can be produced quickly and
at little extra cost. This makes AS elastic and it means the size of the multiplier will
be larger. A small increase in AD will lead to a large increase in national income. This
is perhaps best shown on the Keynesian curve. The vertical section is perfectly
inelastic, with no spare capacity, whilst the horizontal section is perfectly elastic,
with lots of spare capacity.
If AS is inelastic, the multiplier effect is likely to be smaller than its potential. This is
because if AD increases, prices will increase. The increase in output will not be as