Proceedings of Spie: Breast Ultrasound Tomography: Bridging The Gap To Clinical Practice
Proceedings of Spie: Breast Ultrasound Tomography: Bridging The Gap To Clinical Practice
Proceedings of Spie: Breast Ultrasound Tomography: Bridging The Gap To Clinical Practice
Neb Duric, Peter Littrup, Cuiping Li, Olivier Roy, Steven Schmidt, Roman
Janer, Xiaoyang Cheng, Jeffrey Goll, Olsi Rama, Lisa Bey-Knight, William
Greenway, "Breast ultrasound tomography: bridging the gap to clinical
practice," Proc. SPIE 8320, Medical Imaging 2012: Ultrasonic Imaging,
Tomography, and Therapy, 83200O (24 February 2012); doi:
Event: SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012, San Diego, California, United States
Neb Duric1,2, Peter Littrup1,2, Cuiping Li1,2, Olivier Roy1,2, Steven Schmidt1,2, Roman Janer1,
Xiaoyang Cheng1, Jefferey Goll1, Olsi Rama1,2, Lisa Bey-Knight1,2 and William Greenway1
Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University, 4100 John R. Street, Detroit, MI 48201
Delphinus Medical Technologies, Plymouth MI
Conventional sonography, which performs well in dense breast tissue and is comfortable and radiation-free, is
not practical for screening because of its operator dependence and the time needed to scan the whole breast.
While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can significantly improve on these limitations, it is also not
practical because it has long been prohibitively expensive for routine use. There is therefore a need for an
alternative breast imaging method that obviates the constraints of these standard imaging modalities. The
lack of such an alternative is a barrier to dramatically impacting mortality (about 45,000 women in the US per
year) and morbidity from breast cancer because, currently, there is a trade-off between the cost effectiveness
of mammography and sonography on the one hand and the imaging accuracy of MRI on the other. This paper
presents a progress report on our long term goal to eliminate this trade-off and thereby improve breast cancer
survival rates and decrease unnecessary biopsies through the introduction of safe, cost-effective, operator-
independent sonography that can rival MRI in accuracy.
The objective of the study described in this paper was to design and build an improved ultrasound
tomography (UST) scanner in support of our goals. To that end, we report on a design that builds on our
current research prototype. The design of the new scanner is based on a comparison of the capabilities of our
existing prototype and the performance needed for clinical efficacy. The performance gap was quantified by
using clinical studies to establish the baseline performance of the research prototype, and using known MRI
capabilities to establish the required performance. Simulation software was used to determine the basic
operating characteristics of an improved scanner that would provide the necessary performance. Design
elements focused on transducer geometry, which in turn drove the data acquisition system and the image
reconstruction engine specifications. The feasibility of UST established by our earlier work and that of other
groups, forms the rationale for developing a UST system that has the potential to become a practical, low-cost
device for breast cancer screening and diagnosis.
Acoustic tomography (AT) is a technique that uses computed tomography (CT) methods to solve an inverse problem
involving sound signals. It is well suited for inferring acoustic properties of a volume of material from measurements
made along a surface surrounding the material. Applications can be found in seismology, process flow, industrial non-
destructive testing (NDT) and, increasingly in medical imaging where it is more commonly referred to as ultrasound
Medical Imaging 2012: Ultrasonic Imaging, Tomography, and Therapy, edited by Johan G. Bosch,
Marvin M. Doyley, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8320, 83200O · © 2012 SPIE
CCC code: 1605-7422/12/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.910988
Baseline clinical study: To quantify the ability of UST to detect clinically relevant masses of all sizes, we performed a
study of 100 patients with 107 diagnosed masses with either a cyst, fibroadenoma or cancer, ranging in size from 2 mm
to over 6 cm. The detection rate was calculated for both the benign and malignant lesions and the performance of the
scanner quantified for a continuum of mass sizes.
Simulations. Using the documented performance of the UST prototype as a baseline, we performed simulations to
estimate the needed improvements to bridge the performance gap. The simulations were used to (i) generate transducer
arrays of varying density and element count, (ii) simulate RF data generated by the arrays and (iii) simulate a variety of
signal to noise and dynamic range scenarios for data acquisition systems based on state of the art electronics.
Gap analysis. The baseline performance of the research prototype was compared with the simulation results to initiate a
scanner design that would bridge the performance gap.
Baseline clinical performance: Table 1 summarizes the research prototype’s ability to detect masses of various sizes
and types. Despite the current prototype's ability to generate MR-like images, its mass detection performance appears
limited for smaller, especially benign masses due to inadequate contrast and beam-width limitations (see below).
Required improvements in mass sensitivity. The initial MR
validation of UST, showed that the prototype is sensitive to
similar structures as MR and that mass volumes can be
quantified, indicating that UST performance has the
potential to rival that of MR but at much lower cost.
However, these preliminary studies have also identified
areas of improvements that are needed in order to bridge
the gap between research and clinical use. The performance
gap can be quantified by comparing the technical and
clinical performance of the current prototype and the
desired performance, based on the simulations, as shown
in Table 2. The targeted goals are based (i) on the desired Figure 3. Imaging of a 20mm Invasive Ductal Carcinoma:
ability to consistently detect masses that are routinely Coronal T1-FS-CE MR image (left) shows a tumor at 7
o’clock. SS colorized version of the UST image (right)
biopsied through ultrasound guidance (greater than or created by a fusion of reflection, SS and ATT images, shows
equal to 5 mm in size) thus covering almost all invasive a similar tumor region that is easy to define at a similar
cancers and (ii) to be consistent with voxel characteristics coronal level.
of routine MR. The new design minimizes risk by
following four simultaneous paths to better mass sensitivity: (i) reducing the image slice thickness, (ii) improving the in-
plane resolution (iii) improving image contrast and (iv)
suppressing artifacts. The four paths were attained by
improving the transducer array density and by utilizing a
higher central frequency, as summarized in Table 2.
Furthermore, the new scanner embodies hardware
acceleration of algorithms leading to a clinically relevant
Table 1: Detection rate for benign masses and cancer
Number included in
19 42 46
Fraction detected by
UST (%) [all masses 84% 89% 100%
> 5mm]
Desired detection
rate by UST (%) [all 100% 100% 100%
masses > 5mm] Figure 4. The effect of increasing transducer density. Left
column: Original data acquired from 256 transducer
elements. Right column: Data combined from 4 rotations of
image reconstruction time of 15 minutes for a bilateral the array. The increase in contrast is evident visually.
breast exam.
Distance (Reis)
Dist %e (pixels)
artifacts. The cross-cuts shown in Fig 5 show the direct Figure 5. The improvement in contrast is quantified using cross-
relationship between the increase in data acquired and cuts along the lines shown in Figure 4. The prominent features
the consequent increase in contrast (old value, new from left to right are the skin, parenchyma edge and cyst.
value) expressed as a signal-to-noise ratio. Skin:
(2.5,7.5); parenchyma relative to fat: (2.5, 10) and cyst (3,7). The new system is designed with 2048 transducer
elements, which is 8 times the number of the current prototype. Since the number of transmit-receive pairs scales with
the square of the number of elements the new system will yield 64 times the data than is generated by the prototype and
16 times that produced in the experiment above (rotation yields data that scale only linearly with the number of
transducer positions). The contrast improvement delivered by the new
system should therefore be proportionally greater than the improvement
that is shown in Figures 4 and 5, and much greater compared to the
current prototype.
Suppressing artifacts: The primary source of artifacts in our current
prototype is the wide spacing of the transducer elements (Figure 6).
With 256 elements spaced over 20 cm ring, the spacing is about 2λ at
1.5 MHz. With 2048 transducer elements, the spacing is about λ/2 at the
new system’s central operating frequency of 2.75 MHz. The narrower
spacing should greatly reduce the level of artifacts as shown in Figure 6.
Improving In-Plane Resolution: Based on our experience with over
100,000 image reconstructions we have found that bent ray tomography
has an inherent resolution limit of ~2λ. In our current prototype this
represents ~2mm spatial resolution, corresponding to image pixels of
~1mm. With the increase in frequency from 1.5 MHz to 2.75 MHz the
spatial resolution should improve to ~1mm, with image pixels of 0.5
Reducing slice thickness: The current prototype transducer is
characterized by an elevation (out-of-plane) beam thickness of 5 mm
which also defines the slice thickness of the 2-D cross sectional images
generated by the current software. It is defined by the 3 dB fall-off
points of an otherwise continuous beam profile. Consequently, the Figure 6. Top: Sound speed image of a simple
finite beam-width causes volume averaging which limits the contrast phantom reconstructed from a numerical simulation
of small masses, particularly those whose sizes approach the slice using 256 array elements. Note the linear artifacts
thickness. A study was carried out to determine the effect of mass size resulting from under- sampling. Bottom:
showing that the mass detection rate begins to fall off when the mass Reconstruction of the same phantom using a simulation
with 512 array elements. Note the suppression of the
size approaches the elevation beam width of the transducer, linear artifacts from just a modest improvement of the
confirming the reason for the underperformance. The dependence of spacing interval.
the elevation beamwidth on frequency suggests that the new
beamwidth will be ~ 2.5 mm, considerably narrower thereby
The aim of the improvements described in this paper is to build a UST scanner that can address important clinical needs
relating to breast cancer. We now discuss the possible role of such a device in a clinical setting.
According to SEER statistics, breast cancer incidence varies with the stage of the disease [17]. Approximately, 61% of
breast cancers are found to be localized at the time of diagnosis. About 31% are found to be regional. Another 5% are
diagnosed with distant metastases while about 3% are unstaged. The five year survival rate varies strongly with stage.
The 5-year survival rate for women with localized cancer is 98%. For regional, it drops to 84%. In the case of distant
stage, the survival rate drops dramatically to 23%. For unstaged cancers it is about 58%. The survival numbers decline
further when periods longer than 5 years are considered [17]. The combination of these trends applied to the population
of the United States results in approximately 190,000 new cancer cases diagnosed each year, with a corresponding
mortality rate of 40,000/year20. There are many reasons why cancers are not detected early but some of the major factors
relate to limited participation in breast screening and the performance of screening mammography.
Limited participation in screening. National cancer screening statistics indicate that only 51% of eligible women
undergo annual mammograms [18]. That rate is even lower for African American women and/or those of lower
socioeconomic groups. Access, fear of radiation and discomfort are some of the factors that contribute to the low
participation rate. Greater participation would lead to detection of cancer at an earlier stage leading to a greater survival
rate. Increased participation and improved breast cancer detection would have the greatest impact on the nearly 1 in 3
women who are diagnosed each year with later stage (regional or greater) breast cancer, totaling approximately 60,000
women per year in the United States. The net effect would be an increase in survival time and a corresponding decrease
in mortality rates, particularly among women at even higher risk for even participating.
Limited performance of mammography. For women with dense breast tissue, who are at the highest risk for developing
breast cancer [19-22], the performance of mammography is at its worst [23]. Consequently many cancers are missed at
their earliest stages when they are the most treatable. Improved cancer detection for women with denser breasts would
decrease the percentage of breast cancer incidence at later stages, which would significantly lower the mortality rate.
Role of Imaging. Although tomosynthesis may improve upon some of the limitations of standard mammography, it is
unlikely to create a paradigm shift in performance while still generating ionizing radiation. On the other hand, MR can
A new UST scanner has been designed to achieve clinical relevance in the area of breast cancer detection and tissue
characterization. The design bridges the gap between research and clinical practice. The resulting scanner has the
potential to become a clinically-relevant, operator-independent, non-ionizing imaging modality for cost-effective
diagnosis of breast cancer without compression or ionization. In future clinical work, testing on in-vivo data is expected
to demonstrate the readiness of the new UST technology for clinical trials in support of product commercialization. The
placement of such scanners in a clinical setting will have a positive societal impact because the accurate identification of
cancer, at relatively low cost, will enable widespread access in clinics, and a reduction in death rates from breast cancer.
Successful implementation of this technology will allow us to challenge existing paradigms. Current clinical practice is
based on Mammography screening with diagnostic follow-up and biopsy. The proposed methodology has the potential
to streamline this process by combining screening and diagnosis and dramatically reducing the biopsy rate. Such
streamlining is made possible by the fact that UST provides whole breast volumetric imaging whose performance is the
same regardless of whether it is used for screening or diagnostics. Furthermore, the paradigm of breast compression and
use of ionizing radiation is directly averted.
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