INTRODUCTION To RCC Learn Civil Tech & Tricks

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RCC means Reinforced Cement Concrete i.e. cement concrete reinforced with
steel bars, steel plates, steel mesh etc. to increase the tension withstanding
capacity of the structure.
Cement Concrete can take up immense compression but weak in tension
whereas steel is good in withstanding both tension and compression.

Advantages of RCC construction:-

1. Materials used in RCC construction are easily available.

2. It is durable and long lasting.
3. It is fire resisting and not attacked by termites.
4. It is economical in ultimate cost.
5. The reinforced concrete member can be cast to any shape because of the
fluidity of concrete.
6. Its monolithic character gives much rigidity to the structure.
7. Cost of maintenance is nil.


1. Scrap value of reinforced members is almost nil.

2. Constant checking is required.
3. Skilled labour is engaged in the work.
4. The advantages of RCC outweigh its disadvantages.

This is one construction technique that made construction very easy and
brought a boom to the field of construction.

Methods of Designing:-

1. Working Stress Method (WSM)

2. Limit State Method (LSM)

3. Ultimate Load Method

Page 1

This method of design was the oldest one. It is based on the elastic theory and
assumes that both steel and concrete and elastic and obeys Hook’s law. It
means that the stress is directly proportional to strain up to the point of
collapse. Based on the elastic theory, and assuming that the bond between
steel and concrete is perfect, permissible stresses of the materials are
obtained. The basis of this method is that the permissible stresses are not
exceeded anywhere in the structure when it is subjected to worst combination
of working loads.
In this method, the ultimate strength of concrete and yield strength or
0.2% proof stress of steel are divided by factors of safety to obtain permissible
stresses. These factors of safety take into account the uncertainties in
manufacturing of these materials. As per IS 456, a factor of safety of 3 is to be
used for bending compressive stresses in concrete and 1.78 for yield/proof
strength of steel.

Assumptions of the working stress method:-

1. Plane section remains plane before & after bending at any cross-section.
2. All tensile stresses are taken by reinforcements and not by concrete i.e.
concrete area on tension side is to be neglected.
3. The stress-strain relationship for steel and concrete under working load
is linear.
4. The modular ratio between steel & concrete is given by,

Page 2

Where, m = Modular ratio

σcbc = Permissible compressive stress in bending.

Drawbacks of the working stress method:-

The main drawbacks of the working stress method of design are as follows:-

(i) It assumes that concrete is elastic which is not true as the concrete behaves
in elastically even on low level of stresses.

(ii) It uses factors of safety for stresses only and not for loads. Hence, this
method does not give true margin of safety with respect to loads because we
do not know the failure load.

(iii) It does not use any factor of safety with respect to loads. It means, there is
no provision for the uncertainties associated with the estimation of loads.

(iv) It does not account for shrinkage and creep which are time dependent and
plastic in nature.

(v) This method gives uneconomical sections.

(vi) It pays no attention to the conditions that arise at the time of collapse.

The working stress method is very simple and reliable but as per IS 456:2000
the working stress method is to be used only if it is not possible to use limit
state method of design. Working stress method is the basic method and its
knowledge is essential for understanding the concepts of design.

Page 3

This is the most rational method which takes into account the ultimate
strength of the structure and also the serviceability requirements. It is a
judicious combination of working stress and ultimate load methods of
design. The acceptable limits of safety and serviceability requirements before
failure occurs are called a limit state. This method is based on the concept of
safety at ultimate loads (ultimate load method) and serviceability at working
loads (working stress method). The two important limit states to be
considered in design are:-

(i) Limit state of collapse.

(ii) Limit state of serviceability.

Limit State of Collapse:- This limit state corresponds to the strength of the
structure and categorized into following types:-

(a) Limit state of collapse: Flexure.

(b) Limit state of collapse: Shear and bond.

(c) Limit State of collapse: Torsion.

(d) Limit state of collapse: Compression.

Page 4

Limit State of Serviceability:- This limit state corresponds to the

serviceability requirements i.e., deformation, cracking etc. It is categorized
into following types:-

(a) Limit state of deflection.

(b) Limit state of cracking
(c) Limit state of vibration.
(d) Limit state of corrosion.

This method is based upon the probabilities variation in the loads and
material properties. Limit state method takes into account the uncertainties
associated with loads and material properties, thus uses partial factors of
safety to obtain design loads and design stresses.
The limit state method is based on predictions unlike working stress
method which is deterministic in nature, assumes that the loads, factors of
safety and material stresses are known accurately. In the limit state method,
the partial safety factors are derived using probability and statistics and are
different for different load combinations, hence giving a more rational and
scientific design procedure.

Assumptions of the Limit state method:-

1. Plane section normal to the axis remains plane after bending.

2. The max. Strain in concrete at the outermost compression fiber is taken
as 0.0035 in bending.
3. The compressive strength of the concrete in the structure shall be
assumed to be 0.67 times the characteristic strength & partial safety
factor of material may be 1.50.
4. The tensile strength of concrete is ignored.
5. The stresses in the reinforcement are divided depending on the stress
strain curve for the types of steel used.
6. The max. Strain in the tension reinforcement at the time of failure shall
not be less than

Page 5

Sr. Working Stress Method Limit State Method

1. This method is based on the elastic This method is based on the actual
theory which assumes that concrete stress-strain curves of steel and
and steel are elastic and the stress concrete. For concrete the stress-strain
strain curve is linear for both. curve is non-linear.

2. In this method the factor of safety In this method, partial safety factors are
are applied to the yield stresses to applied to get design values of stresses.
get permissible stresses.

3. No factor of safety is used for loads. Design loads are obtained by

multiplying partial safety factors of load
to the working loads.

4. Exact margin of safety is not known. Exact margin of safety is known.

5. This method gives thicker, sections, This method is more economical as it

so less economical. gives thinner sections.

6. This method assumes that the actual This method is based upon the
loads, permissible stresses and probabilistic approach which depends
factors of safety are known. So it is upon the actual data or experience;
called as deterministic method. hence it is called as non-deterministic
7. The F.O.S. for concrete in The F.O.S. for concrete in compression
compression in bending & steel in in bending & steel in tension are 1.5 &
tension are 3.0 & 1.8 respectively. 1.15 respectively.

Page 6

When only span is given, we can design the singly reinforced beam (simply
supported) with help of IS: 456-2000. We adopt the following procedure:-

Overall Depth of beam, D =

Width of beam =

Effective depth (d) = D – Cover (Assume 50mm, if not given)

Step–4 Load Calculations–

(i) Self weight of beam/Dead load = 25×B×D×L

(ii) Finishing load = 0.6 KN/m (Assume when not given)

(iii) Live load = Always given

Total load, w = Sum of above

Factored load, wu = F.O.S. × Total load

Step–5 Design Moment (Mu)–

Step–6 Design Shear (Vu)–

Page 7

Step–7 Limiting Moment (Mu lim) – According to IS: 456-2000 limiting moment
depends upon types of steel used.

Types of Steel Mu lim.

Fe-250 0.148 fck Bd2
Fe-415 0.138 fck Bd2
Fe-500 0.133 fck Bd2

If Mu<Mu lim., hence we design singly reinforced beam.

Step–8 Calculation for Reinforcement–

[ ]

From above Eqn Ast is determined.

No. of bars =

d= Dia. of bar

NOTE:- For checking Type of Section –

Depth of N.A. (Neutral Axis)–

Limiting Depth of N.A. (Neutral Axis)–

Types of Steel xu max.

Fe-250 0.53d
Fe-415 0.48d
Fe-500 0.46d

Moment of Resistance –
Mu = Compressive force × Lever arm
= 0.36 fck B xu (d – 0.42xu)
Mu = Tensile force × Lever arm
= 0.87 Ast fy (d – 0.42xu)
Page 8

Design a R.C.C. beam of clear span 7 m to simply support a design

working live load of 11 KN/m. Design the beam for limit state of collapse
for flexure and shear & check for limit state of deflection. Adopt M20
grade of concrete & Fe-415 bars.
Sol. Given:- Clear span = 7 m
Live load = 11 KN/m

M20 grade of concrete, fck = 20 N/mm2

Fe-415 grade of steel, fy = 415 N/mm2

Overall Depth of beam, D =


= 583.33 to 466.67

Hence, we adopt overall depth of beam, D = 500 mm.

Width of beam =

B= = 166.67 to 250

Hence width of beam, B = 250 mm.

[NOTE– we always try that our beam C/S is in Round Figure.]

Effective depth (d) = D – Cover
d = 500–50 = 450 mm

Page 9

Step–4 Load Calculations–

(i) Self weight of beam/Dead load = 25×B×D×L

= 25×0.25×0.5×1 = 3.13 KN/m

(ii) Finishing load = 0.6 KN/m (Assume)

(iii) Live load = 11 KN/m

Total load, w = 14.73 KN/m

Factored load, wu = F.O.S. × Total load (using Table 18 Pg. no. 68 in IS code)

= 1.5×14.73  22.10 KN/m

Step–5 Design Moment (Mu)–

= 135.36 KN-m

Step–6 Design Shear (Vu)–

= 77.35 KN

Step–7 Limiting Moment (Mu lim.) for Fe-415

Mu lim. = 0.138 fck Bd2

= 0.138×20×250×4502

= 139.73 × 106 N-mm (139.73 KN-m)

Since Mu<Mu lim., hence we design singly reinforced beam.

Step–8 Calculation for Reinforcement–

[ ]

Here Mu=Mu lim., because we design the beam section for this moment.

Page 10

[ ]

Ast = 1072 mm2


[ √ ]

[ √ ]

Ast = 1072.68 mm2

Step–9 Number of bars – Assume 20 mm ϕ bars are provided on tension zone, then

No. of bars =

No. of bars = 3.41 ≅ 4 bars

Provide 4 bars of 20 mm ϕ.

Ast provided = 4× = 1256.64 mm2

Step–10 Check for Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 clause 40.1 at

(i) τv = = 0.69 N/mm2

(ii) % steel = = = 1.12

(According to IS code Table 19 give value of τc at Pg. no. 73)

Using interpolation

τc =

τc = 0.64 N/mm2

τc < τv hence, our beam is safe in shear reinforcement.

Page 11

Step–11 Spacing of Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 using clause

40.4 at Pg. no. 73

= 76.65×103 – 0.64×250×450  4650 N

Assume 2-legged stirrups of 6 mm ϕ.

But min. spacing Permitted is (clause at 47) –

(i) 0.75d = 0.75×350 = 260.50 mm ≅260 mm

(ii) 300 mm.

Hence provide 2-legged stirrups of 6 mm ϕ bar @ 260 mm c/c.

Step–12 Check for depth of beam –

Mu lim. = 0.138 fck Bd2 [Mu=Mu lim.]

135.36 × 106 = 0.138×20×250×d2

d = 442.91 mm

Hence our beam is safe d provided > d calculated

Step–13 Check for deflection – According to IS 456:2000 using clause 23.2.1(a) at

Pg. no. 37.
Ratio should be less than 20.

= 15.56 < 20
Hence, our beam is safe in deflection.

Page 12

When only span is given, we can design the doubly reinforced beam (simply
supported) with help of IS: 456-2000. We adopt the following procedure:-

Overall Depth of beam, D =

Width of beam =

Effective depth (d) = D – Cover (Assume 50mm, if not given)

Step–4 Load Calculations–

(i) Self weight of beam/Dead load = 25×B×D×L

(ii) Finishing load = 0.6 KN/m (Assume when not given)

(iii) Live load = Always given

Total load, w = Sum of above

Factored load, wu = F.O.S. × Total load

Step–5 Design Moment (Mu)–

Step–6 Design Shear (Vu)–

Page 13

Step–7 Limiting Moment (Mu lim) – According to IS: 456-2000 limiting moment
depends upon types of steel used.

Types of Steel Mu lim.

Fe-250 0.148 fck Bd2
Fe-415 0.138 fck Bd2
Fe-500 0.133 fck Bd2

If Mu>Mu lim., hence we design doubly reinforced beam.

Step–8 Calculation for Reinforcement– WKT, area of steel is in both side i.e. in
compression zone & tension zone. So, total area of steel is–

[ ]

According to IS code

Mu = Compressive force × Lever arm

= 0.36 fck B xu (d – 0.42xu)
Mu = Tensile force × Lever arm
= 0.87 Ast fy (d – 0.42xu) [xu = xu max.]

0.36 fck B xu = 0.87 Ast1 fy

NOTE:- For checking Type of Section –

Depth of N.A. (Neutral Axis)–

Limiting Depth of N.A. (Neutral Axis)–

Types of Steel xu max.

Fe-250 0.53d
Fe-415 0.48d
Fe-500 0.46d

Page 14

According to IS code

For determine fsc

( )

(i) fsc for Fe-250 is constant = 0.87fy when strain ϵsc is greater than 0.002; otherwise we
can use IS : 456-2000 .

(ii) fsc for Fe-415 & Fe-500 can determined by using this Table or Table A in SP-16.

Fe-415 Fe-500
Stress Level Strain ϵsc Stress fsc Strain ϵsc Stress fsc
0.80 fyd 0.00144 288.7 0.00174 347.8
0.85 fyd 0.00163 306.7 0.00195 369.6
0.90 fyd 0.00192 324.8 0.00226 391.3
0.95 fyd 0.00241 342.8 0.00277 413.0
0.975 fyd 0.00276 351.8 0.00312 423.9
1.0 fyd 0.00380 360.9 0.00417 434.8

Where fyd = fy/γms = fy/1.15 = 0.87fy

(iii) After finding the value of fsc, Asc can be determined by using formula-

Step–9 Number of bars – After determining value of Ast for both zones. We calculate
no. of bars for both zones.

No. of bars =

d= Dia. of bar

Step–10 Check for Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 clause at & clause at
Max. Reinforcement = 0.04bD (Shall not exceed)
Min. Reinforcement = 0.15% of Cross-sectional area (B×D) [MILD STEEL]
= 0.12% of Cross-sectional area (B×D) [HYSD]
[Shall not less than]

Page 15

Step–11 Check for Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 clause 40.1

(i) τv =

(ii) % steel =

Step–12 Spacing of Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 using clause

40.4 at Pg. no. 73

Step–13 Check for deflection – According to IS 456:2000 using clause 23.2.1(a) at

Pg. no. 37.
Ratio should be less than 20.

( )

Here, F2 & F3 are modification factors which are taken as 1.

Page 16

For a clear span 6 m & superimposed load of 20 KN/m. at service state

using M20 grade of concrete & Fe-415 bars. Design simply supported
Sol. Given:- Clear span = 6 m
Live load = 20 KN/m

M20 grade of concrete, fck = 20 N/mm2

Fe-415 grade of steel, fy = 415 N/mm2

Overall Depth of beam, D =


= 500 to 400

Hence, we adopt overall depth of beam, D = 500 mm.

Width of beam =

B= = 166.67 to 250

Hence width of beam, B = 250 mm.

[NOTE– we always try that our beam C/S is in Round Figure.]

Effective depth (d) = D – Cover
d = 500–50 = 450 mm

[Effective span = clear span + thickness of wall & Effective span = clear span + Effective depth]

Less one choose.

Page 17

Step–4 Load Calculations–

(i) Self weight of beam/Dead load = 25×B×D×L

= 25×0.25×0.5×1 = 3.13 KN/m

(ii) Finishing load = 0.6 KN/m (Assume)

(iii) Live load = 20 KN/m

Total load, w = 23.73 KN/m

Factored load, wu = F.O.S. × Total load (using Table 18 Pg. no. 68 in IS code)

= 1.5×23.73  35.60 KN/m

Step–5 Design Moment (Mu)–

= 160.2 KN-m

Step–6 Design Shear (Vu)–

= 106.8 KN

Step–7 Limiting Moment (Mu lim.) for Fe-415

Mu lim. = 0.138 fck Bd2

= 0.138×20×250×4502

= 139.73 × 106 N-mm (139.73 KN-m)

Since Mu>Mu lim., hence we design doubly reinforced beam.

Step–8 Calculation for Reinforcement–WKT, area of steel is in both side i.e. in

compression zone & tension zone. So, total area of steel is–

According to IS code
0.36 fck B xu = 0.87 Ast1 fy [xu = xu max. (0.48d)]

0.36×20×250×216 = 0.87×Ast1×415
Ast1 = 1076.86 mm2

Page 18

According to IS code

For determine fsc

( )

( )

(ii) fsc for Fe-415 & Fe-500 can determined by using this Table (Table A in SP-16).

Fe-415 Fe-500
Stress Level Strain ϵsc Stress fsc Strain ϵsc Stress fsc
0.80 fyd 0.00144 288.7 0.00174 347.8
0.85 fyd 0.00163 306.7 0.00195 369.6
0.90 fyd 0.00192 324.8 0.00226 391.3
0.95 fyd 0.00241 342.8 0.00277 413.0
0.975 fyd 0.00276 351.8 0.00312 423.9
1.0 fyd 0.00380 360.9 0.00417 434.8

Where fyd = fy/γms = fy/1.15 = 0.87fy = 0.87×415 =361.05

Using interpolation
fsc =

fsc = 350 N/mm2

(iii) After finding the value of fsc, Asc can be determined by using formula-

Asc = 146.21 mm2

Ast in Tension zone = Ast1+ Ast2 = 1076.86+141.74  1218.6 mm2

Asc in Compression zone = 146.12 mm2

Page 19

Step–9 Number of bars – Assume 20 mm ϕ bars are provided on tension zone, then

No. of bars =

No. of bars = 3.43 ≅ 4 bars

Provide 4 bars of 20 mm ϕ.

Ast1 provided = 4× = 1256.64 mm2

Provide extra 12 mm ϕ bars in Tension side

No. of bars =

No. of bars = 1.25 ≅ 2 bars

Provide 2 bars of 12 mm ϕ.

Ast2 provided = 2× = 226.2 mm2

Assume 16 mm ϕ bars are provided on compression zone, then

No. of bars =

No. of bars = 1.08 ≅ 2 bars

Provide 2 bars of 16 mm ϕ.

Asc provided = 2× = 402.12 mm2

Ast Provided in Tension zone = 1482.84 mm2

Asc Provided in Compression zone = 402.12 mm2

Step–10 Check for Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 clause at & clause at
Max. Reinforcement = 0.04bD = 0.04×250×450  4500 mm2

Min. Reinforcement = 0.12% of Cross-sectional area (B×D) [HYSD]

= 0.0012×250×450  135 mm2

Page 20

Step–11 Check for Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 clause 40.1


(i) τv = = 0.95 N/mm2

(ii) % steel = = = 1.32

(According to IS code Table 19 give value of τc at Pg. no. 73)

Using interpolation
τc =

τc = 0.68 N/mm2

τc < τv hence, our beam is safe in shear reinforcement.

Step–12 Spacing of Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 using clause

40.4 at Pg. no. 73

= 106.8×103 – 0.68×250×450  30300 N

Assume 2-legged stirrups of 8 mm ϕ.

But min. spacing Permitted is (clause at 47) –

(i) 0.75d = 0.75×350 = 260.50 mm ≅260 mm

(ii) 300 mm.

Hence provide 2-legged stirrups of 8 mm ϕ bar @ 260 mm c/c.

Page 21

Step–13 Check for deflection – According to IS 456:2000 using clause 23.2.1(a) at

Pg. no. 37.
Ratio should be less than 20.

= 13.33 < 20

( )

Here, F2 & F3 are modification factors which are taken as 1.

Now we have to determine F1.

With help of fig. 4 of IS code, it is clear that.

fs = 174.27 N/mm2

So, F1 = 1.17 (By graph)

( ) 

Page 22

We can design the one way slab (simply supported) with help of IS: 456-2000. We adopt
the following procedure:-

Effective Depth of Slab, d =

Overall depth (D) = d + Cover

Effective span = clear span + thickness of wall

Effective span = clear span + Effective depth

Less one choose.

Step–4 Load Calculations–

(i) Self weight of slab/Dead load = 25×B×D×L [we design slab for 1m width & length]

(ii) Finishing load = 1 KN/m (Assume when not given)

(iii) Live load = Always given

Total load, w = Sum of above

Factored load, wu = F.O.S. × Total load

Step–5 Design Moment (Mu)–

Step–6 Design Shear (Vu)–

Page 23

Step–7 Limiting Moment (Mu lim) – According to IS: 456-2000 limiting moment
depends upon types of steel used.

Types of Steel Mu lim.

Fe-250 0.148 fck Bd2
Fe-415 0.138 fck Bd2
Fe-500 0.133 fck Bd2

If Mu<Mu lim., hence we design singly reinforced section.

If Mu>Mu lim., hence we design doubly reinforced section.

Step–8 Calculation for Reinforcement–

[ ]


[ √ ]

Step–9 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-1 46,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) Calculated
(ii) 3d (d = depth of slab)
(iii) 300 mm.

Step–10 Distribution Steel – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-1 46,
dist. Steel area should be–

= 0.15% of gross area (Ag) [MILD STEEL]

= 0.12% of gross area (Ag) [HYSD STEEL]

Step–11 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-2 46,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) Calculated
(ii) 5d (d = depth of slab)
(iii) 450 mm.

Page 24

Step–12 Check for Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 clause 40.1

(i) τv =

(ii) % steel =
Now, we compare nominal shear strength & design shear strength of concrete
If τv < τc then OK.
If τv > τc then our slab fail in shear
From Table 20 of IS: 456-2000, we can determine τc max. for various grade of concrete.
Therefore the safe result is–

Step–13 Check for deflection – According to IS 456:2000 using clause 23.2.1(a) at

Pg. no. 37.
Ratio should be less than 20.

( )

Here, F2 & F3 are modification factors which are taken as 1.

Page 25

Design the simply supported slab for a room 9m × 4m, live load is 4 KN/m 2. The
width of support is 300 mm by using M15 & mild steel grade of steel.

Sol. Given:- Live load = 4 KN/m2

M15 grade of concrete, fck = 15 N/mm2

Fe-250 grade of steel, fy = 250 N/mm2

∴ One way slab

Effective Depth of Slab, d =
[The one way slab always design in shorter span]
Overall depth (D) = d + Cover  160+20 = 180 mm [Assume cover 20 mm]

Effective span = clear span + thickness of wall
= 4000+300  4300 mm (4.30 m)

Effective span = clear span + Effective depth

= 4000+160  4160 mm (4.16 m)
Less one choose.

Step–4 Load Calculations–

(i) Self weight of slab/Dead load = 25×B×D×L [we design slab for 1m width & length]

= 25×1×0.18×1 = 4.5 KN/m

(ii) Finishing load = 1 KN/m (Assume)

(iii) Live load = 4 KN/m

Total load, w = 9.5 KN/m

Factored load, wu = F.O.S. × Total load (using Table 18 Pg. no. 68 in IS code)

= 1.5×9.5  14.25 KN/m

Page 26

Step–5 Design Moment (Mu)–

= 30.83 KN-m

Step–6 Design Shear (Vu)–

= 29.64 KN

Step–7 Limiting Moment (Mu lim.) for Fe-250

Mu lim. = 0.149 fck Bd2

= 0.149×15×1000×1602

= 57.22 × 106 N-mm (57.22 KN-m)

Since Mu<Mu lim., hence we design a slab as singly R.C. section.

Step–8 Calculation for Reinforcement–

[ √ ]

[ √ ]

Ast = 998.06 mm2

Assume 16 mm ϕ bars are provided, then

Step–9 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-1 46,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) 200 mm
(ii) 3d  3×160 = 480 mm
(iii) 300 mm.

Hence, provide 16 mm ϕ bar @ 200 mm c/c.

Page 27

Step–10 Distribution Steel – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-1 46,
dist. Steel area should be–

= 0.15% of gross area (Ag) [MILD STEEL]

Assume 8 mm ϕ bars are provided, then

Step–11 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-2 46,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) 190 mm
(ii) 5d  5×160 = 800 mm
(iii) 450 mm.

Hence, provide 8 mm ϕ bar @ 190 mm c/c.

Step–12 Check for Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 clause 40.1


(i) τv = = 0.19 N/mm2

(ii) % steel = = = 0.63

(According to IS code Table 19 give value of τc at Pg. no. 73)

Using interpolation
τc =

τc = 0.50 N/mm2

τc > τv hence, our beam is safe in shear reinforcement.

From Table 20 of IS: 456-2000, we can determine τc max. for various grade of concrete.
= 2.5 N/mm2, Therefore the safe result is–

Page 28

Step–13 Check for deflection – According to IS 456:2000 using clause 23.2.1(a) at

Pg. no. 37.
= = 25

( )

Here, F2 & F3 are modification factors which are taken as 1.

Now we have to determine F1.

With help of fig. 4 of IS code, it is clear that.

fs = 144.03 N/mm2

So, F1 = 1.4 (By graph)

( ) 

( ) ( )

Hence, our slab is safe in deflection.

Step–14 Reinforcement Details –

16mmϕ bars @200 mm c/c

Wall Wall
8 mm ϕ Bars @ 190 mm c/c
300 mm 4m 300 mm

Page 29

We can design the two way slab (simply supported) with help of IS: 456-2000. We adopt
the following procedure:-

Effective Depth of Slab, d =


Overall depth (d) = d + Cover

For X & Y directions

Effective span = clear span + thickness of wall

Effective span = clear span + Effective depth

Less one choose.

Step–4 Load Calculations–

(i) Self weight of slab/Dead load = 25×B×D×L

(ii) Finishing load = 1 KN/m (Assume when not given)

(iii) Live load = Always given

Total load, w = Sum of above

Factored load, wu = F.O.S. × Total load

Step–5 Bending Moment– According to IS: 456-2000 clause D-1.1 90

Page 30

Step–6 Limiting Moment (Mu lim) – According to IS: 456-2000 limiting moment
depends upon types of steel used.

Types of Steel Mu lim.

Fe-250 0.148 fck Bd2
Fe-415 0.138 fck Bd2
Fe-500 0.133 fck Bd2

If Mx<Mu lim. & My<Mu lim. Hence OK

Step–7 Calculation for Reinforcement– In x-direction

[ ]


[ √ ]

Step–8 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-1 46,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) Calculated
(ii) 3d (d = depth of slab)
(iii) 300 mm.

Step–9 Calculation for Reinforcement– In y-direction

[ ]


[ √ ]

Page 31

Step–10 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-1 46,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) Calculated
(ii) 3d (d = depth of slab)
(iii) 300 mm.

Step–11 Check for Shear Reinforcement – Maximum shear force can be calculate
by these –


According to IS: 456 -2000 clause 40.1 at Pg. no.72.

(i) τv =

(ii) % steel =
Now, we compare nominal shear strength & design shear strength of concrete
If τv < τc then OK.
If τv > τc then our slab fail in shear
From Table 20 of IS: 456-2000, we can determine τc max. for various grade of concrete.
Therefore the safe result is–

Step–12 Check for deflection – According to IS 456:2000 using clause 23.2.1(a) at

Pg. no. 37.
Ratio should be less than 20.

( )

Here, F2 & F3 are modification factors which are taken as 1.

Step–13 Torsional Reinforcement – Area of steel required for torsional moment at

corners in the top of mesh will be given by–

Size of Mesh = According IS: 456-200 (Annex D)

Page 32

Design a slab for a room 5m × 4m, live load is 2 KN/m2. The slab is continuous over
two adjacent edges only, by using M20 & Fe-415 grade of steel.

Sol. Given:- Live load = 2 KN/m2

M20 grade of concrete, fck = 20 N/mm2
Fe-415 grade of steel, fy = 415 N/mm2

∴ Two way slab

Effective Depth of Slab, d =
Overall depth (D) = d + Cover  160+20 = 180 mm [Assume cover 20 mm]

Step–3 Effective Span in Both Directions–

In x-direction– [Assume wall thickness 300mm]
Effective span = clear span + thickness of wall
= 5000+300  5300 mm

Effective span = clear span + Effective depth

= 5000+160  5160 mm (5.16 m)
In y-direction–
Effective span = clear span + thickness of wall
= 4000+300  4300 mm

Effective span = clear span + Effective depth

= 4000+160  4160 mm (4.16 m)
Less one choose.
Step–4 Load Calculations–
(i) Self weight of slab/Dead load = 25×B×D×L
= 25×1×0.18×1 = 4.5 KN/m
(ii) Finishing load = 1 KN/m (Assume)
(iii) Live load = 2 KN/m

Total load, w = 7.5 KN/m

Factored load, wu = F.O.S. × Total load (using Table 18 Pg. no. 68 in IS code)

= 1.5×7.5  11.25 KN/m

Page 33

Step–5 Bending Moment– According to IS: 456-2000 clause D-1.1 90

In x-direction–

Moment in x-direction Mx = 14.08 KN-m [Min. of two’s]

In y-direction–

Moment in y-direction My = 6.81 KN-m [Min. of two’s]

Step–6 Limiting Moment (Mu lim.) for Fe-415

Mu lim. = 0.138 fck Bd2

= 0.138×15×1000×1602

= 70.66 × 106 N-mm (70.66 KN-m)

Since, Mx < Mu lim

My < Mu lim

Hence OK

Page 34

Step–7 Calculation for Reinforcement in x-direction–

[ √ ]

[ √ ]

Assume 10 mm ϕ bars are provided, then

Step–8 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-1 46,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) 310 mm
(ii) 3d  3×160 = 480 mm
(iii) 300 mm.

Hence, provide 10 mm ϕ bar @ 300 mm c/c.

Step–9 Calculation for Reinforcement in y-direction–

[ √ ]

[ √ ]

Assume 8 mm ϕ bars are provided, then

Page 35

Step–10 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 26.3.3 b-1 46,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) 420 mm
(ii) 3d  3×160 = 480 mm
(iii) 300 mm.

Hence, provide 8 mm ϕ bar @ 300 mm c/c.

Step–11 Check for Shear Reinforcement – According to IS 456:2000 clause 40.1



(i) τv = = 0.18 N/mm2

(ii) % steel = = = 0.16

(According to IS code Table 19 give value of τc at Pg. no. 73)

Using interpolation
τc =

τc = 0.29 N/mm2

τc > τv hence, our beam is safe in shear reinforcement.

From Table 20 of IS: 456-2000, we can determine τc max. for various grade of concrete.
= 2.8 N/mm2, Therefore the safe result is–

Step–12 Check for deflection – According to IS 456:2000 using clause 23.2.1(a) at

Pg. no. 37.
= = 31.25

( )
Here, F2 & F3 are modification factors which are taken as 1.
Now we have to determine F1.

With help of fig. 4 of IS code, it is clear that.

Page 36

fs = 231.78 N/mm2
So, F1 = 1.42 (By graph)
( ) 

( ) ( )
Hence, our slab is safe in deflection.

Step–13 Torsional Reinforcement – Area of steel required for torsional moment at

corners in the top of mesh will be given by–

If we use 8 mm ϕ bars, then

Hence, provide 8 mm ϕ bar @ 260 mm c/c.

Size of Mesh = According IS: 456-2000 D-1.8

Provide 0.832 m × 0.832 m mesh on all four corners.

Step–14 Reinforcement Details –

10mmϕ bars @300 mm c/c

8 mm ϕ Bars @ 300 mm c/c

Wall 5m Wall

300 mm 300 mm

Page 37

Page 38

We can design the Square, Rectangular, Circular column, when only load & length of
column is given, with help of IS: 456-2000. We adopt the following procedure:-

Step–1 According to given condition, we first determine the effective length of the column
with help of IS: 456-2000 [Table 28].

Step–2 We determine design load,

Step–3 IS: 456–2000 clause (a) 48
We determine area of steel & area of concrete in terms of gross area. Generally

Asc = 1% Ag & Ac = 99% Ag

Step–4 Load Calculations– IS: 456–2000 clause 39.3 71

Step–5 We determine the gross area,

Hence our column size is determined.

Step–6 Calculation for Reinforcement–

After this,

Step–7 Lateral ties or Transverse Reinforcement– There are 2 criteria for

transverse reinforcement as per IS code –
1. Dia. of lateral ties should not be less than ϕ/4.
2. 6 mm i.e. lateral ties should not be less than 6 mm.

Step–8 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause (c) 49,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) The least lateral dimension of column
(ii) 16ϕ
(iii) Should not be less than 300 mm.

Step–9 Check for Slenderness – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 25.1.2 41,

Step–10 Check for Eccentricity – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 25.4 42,

Page 39

Design a rectangular column having one side of 470 mm & load over it is 2000 KN.
The column has unsupported length of 3 m. & is braced against side sway in both
directions. Adopt M20 & Fe-415 grade materials.

Step–1 Given:- L = 3 m
Side of column, A = 470 mm
Load = 2000 KN
M20 grade of concrete, fck = 20 N/mm2
Fe-415 grade of steel, fy = 415 N/mm2
Step–2 We determine design load,
Step–3 IS: 456–2000 clause (a) 48
We determine area of steel & area of concrete in terms of gross area. Generally

Asc = 1% Ag & Ac = 99% Ag

Step–4 Load Calculations– IS: 456–2000 clause 39.3 71

Step–5 We determine the gross area,

Hence, our column size is 470 mm × 600 mm.

Step–6 Calculation for Reinforcement–

If we provide 20 mm dia. bars, then

Hence we provide 9 bars of 20 mm ϕ.

Page 40

Step–7 Lateral ties or Transverse Reinforcement– There are 2 criteria for

transverse reinforcement as per IS code –
2. 6 mm i.e. lateral ties should not be less than 6 mm.

Hence we adopt 6 mm ϕ bars as lateral ties.

Step–8 Check for Spacing – According to IS: 456-2000 clause (c) 49,
spacing should be min. of these–
(i) The least lateral dimension of column = 470 mm
(ii) 16ϕ = 16×20 = 320 mm
(iii) Should not be less than 300 mm.
Hence provide 6 mm ϕ bars @ 300 mm C/C.
According to given condition, we first determine the effective length of the column with
help of IS: 456-2000 [Table 28].

Step–9 Check for Slenderness – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 25.1.2 41,

Hence OK.

Step–10 Check for Eccentricity – According to IS: 456-2000 clause 25.4 42,

Hence OK.

6 mm ϕ bars @ 300 mm C/C

20 mm ϕ bars

Page 41

Step–1 Ultimate axial load = 2500 KN

Using M20 grade of concrete & Fe-415 grade of steel

Step–2 According to IS code

We determine area of steel & area of concrete in terms of gross area. Generally

Asc = 1% Ag & Ac = 99% Ag

Step–3 According to IS: 456–2000 clause 39.3 pg. no. 71

Step–4 Since our column is square, then

Hence, our column size is 490 mm × 490 mm.

490 mm × 490 mm

Page 42

Step–1 Size of column = 400 mm × 400 mm

Load on footing = 1500 KN

S.B.C. = 140 KN/m2


Add (Increase) 10% load in given load according to IS code = 150 KN

Total load = 1500+150 = 1650 KN


We design square footing, then

Hence provide 3.50 m × 3.50 m footing size.

3.50 m

3.50 m


Page 43

Step–1 Size of column = 400 mm × 600 mm

Load on footing = 1600 KN

S.B.C. = 180 KN/m2


Add (Increase) 10% load in given load according to IS code = 160 KN

Total load = 1600+160 = 1760 KN


We design rectangular footing (Assume one side of footing = 4 m) then other side

Hence provide 2.50 m × 4 m footing size.


2.50 m


Page 44

Step–1 Dia. of column = 400 mm

Load on footing = 1000 KN

S.B.C. = 200 KN/m2


Add (Increase) 10% load in given load according to IS code = 100 KN

Total load = 1000+100 = 1100 KN


We design circular footing, then

Hence provide 2.70 m footing size.

D = 2.70m


Page 45

Step–1 Size of column = 400 mm × 400 mm

Load on footing = 1500 KN

S.B.C. = 140 KN/m2

Size of footing = 3.50 m × 3.50 m

M20 grade of concrete & Fe-415 grade of steel

Step–2 Soil reaction for factored load–

From the consideration of shear, depth will be found.

The critical section is at the distance of d from the face of the column as show in fig.

3.50 m

3.50 m

According to IS code

( )

( )

Page 46

Assuming 0.2% of steel, for M20 concrete (IS code 456 Table 19 & 20 73)

Min. depth required is

Hence provide 570 mm depth of footing for safety purpose.


Page 47

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