Ce1302 Design of RC Elements

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01. List out the advantages of reinforced cement concrete when compared with other
building materials.
The advantages of reinforced cement concrete are

Concrete is workable when green and strong when hardens

It can be moulded into any required shape and size
The raw materials required are easily available
Skill is not required for casting concrete elements
Concrete is durable, fire resisting and rigid
Concrete requires less maintenance.

02. List out the disadvantages of reinforced cement concrete when compared with other
building materials.
The disadvantages of reinforced cement concrete are (Any four)
a. The self-weight of the structural elements will be more while concrete is used
b. Concrete has a very low tensile strength. Hence cracks will form in the tension zone if
reinforcement is not provided properly.
c. Cracks develop in concrete, also due to shrinkage, creep, temperature etc. which
permit seepage of water into the concrete. This causes corrosion of steel
reinforcement and thereby peeling of concrete
d. Concrete has poor insulating property
e. Dismantling and reusing of concrete elements are mostly not possible
f. Concrete is brittle in nature and hence has low impact resisting capacity.

03. State the important factors to be considered while designing structural elements.
The important factors to be considered while designing structurfal elements are Strength,
Serviceability, durability and fire resistance.

04. What are the different types of loads that have to be considered in the design of a
The different types of loads that have to be considered in the design of a building are

Dead load
Live load
Wind load
Snow load
Earth quake load

Page 1

05. What are different methods used in design of reinforced concrete members? (or)
Name the different methods of design of reinforced concrete members, which are
accepted in practice.
The different methods used in design of reinforced concrete members are as follows.
a. Working Stress Method or Modular Ratio Method
b. Ultimate Load Method or Load Factor Method
c. Limit State Method
06. What is meant by working stress method? Or What does the working stress
Working stress method is based on the elastic theory in which the materials (concrete
and steel), are assumed to be stressed well below their elastic limit under the design

WSD is based on the working loads and the criterion for the strength of the structure is
its capacity to sustain the loads and forces imposed on it.
07. State the advantages of Working Stress Method.
The advantages of working stress method are as follows:
a. The design usually results in relatively large sections of structural members,
compared to ultimate load. Due to this, structures designed by working stress
method give better serviceability performance under working loads.
b. This method is only the method available when one has to investigate the
reinforced concrete section for service stresses and for the serviceability state
of deflection and cracking.
08. List out the disadvantages of Working Stress Method.
The disadvantages of working stress method are as follows:
a. This method deals with only the elastic behaviour of the structure. It will not
show its real strength or the true factor of safety against failure.
b. The modular ratio itself is an imaginary quantity, It will give larger design, thus
resulting in uneconomical sections with compression members when
compression steel is used in bending members.
c. Due to creep and non-linear stress-strain relationship, concrete does not have a
fixed youngs modulus as in steel.
d. The working stress method fails to discriminate between different types of loads
that act simultaneously but have different uncertainties.
09. State the assumptions in case of working stress theory of bending as applied in
case of reinforced concrete section.

Page 2

The fundamental assumptions involved in the method based on elastic theory are:

At any cross-section, plane sections before bending remain plane after bending.
All tensile stresses are taken up by the reinforcements and none by concrete.
The stress-strain relationship of steel and concrete under working load is linear.
There is proper bond between steel and concrete.
e) The modular ratio m has the value
, where cbc is the maximum
3 cbc
permissible stress due to bending in concrete in N/sq.mm.
10. What is modular ratio?
The ratio of modulus or elasticity of steel (Es) to the modulus of elasticity of concrete
(Ec) is called as modular ratio and it is denoted by the symbol m.
According to IS code, the modular ratio m has the value
, where cbc is the
3 cbc
maximum permissible stress due to bending in concrete in N/sq.mm.
11. Why is the prescribed value of modular ratio m, of any grade of concrete much
greater than those obtained by general formula, m = S ?
The creep or any long-term effect goes on continuously deforming the elements during
the whole life time of a Reinforced concrete structure and, in effect, lowers the modulus
of elasticity of concrete. Thus actual smaller value of EC results in higher modulus ratio
12 What is Equivalent area of section?
The area of concrete plus modular ratio times area of steel whether tension or
compression, is called as Equivalent area of section.
13 Define the terms i) Gross section, ii) Transformed section, iii) Cracked section
based on IS 456.
Gross section
Transformed section
Cracked section

: The cross-section of the member ignoring reinforcement.

: The concrete area plus the area of reinforcement transformed on
the basis of modular ratio.
: The area of concrete in compression plus the area of
reinforcement transformed basis of the modular ratio.

Page 3


A singly reinforced concrete beam is of width 450mm and effective depth 715mm. It is reinforced
with 8Nos.20mm mild steel bars. Assuming M20 concrete, determine its moment of resistance
according to the working stress method. Determine also the stress in steel when the beam is
subjected to the above moment.

Determine the reinforcement for a T beam with flange width = 1500mm, web width = 300mm,
thickness of slab = 100mm, effective depth 735mm, to carry a moment of 380kNm due to
characteristic loads. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Using Working Stress Design.

A singly reinforced concrete beam is of width 400mm and effective depth 615mm. It is reinforced
with 8Nos.20mm mild steel bars. Assuming M25 concrete, determine its moment of resistance
according to the working stress method. Determine also the stress in steel when the beam is
subjected to the above moment.

Design a rectangular slab supported on its all four edges (600mm thick) over a classroom of size
4.8m x6.2m. Two adjacent edges of the slab are discontinuous and the remaining two edges are
continuous. A finishing surface of cement concrete of 20mm shall be provided over the slab. The
slab shall be used as classroom. M20 grade of concrete and HYSD bars shall be used. The unit
weight of finishing surface concrete is 24KN/m3.

Design a rectangular beam section subjected to an ultimate moment of 120kNm. Use concrete M20
and steel Fe415. Adopt limit state method.

Page 4


1 Define Underreinforced section.

A beam reaches its permissible stress in steel under the working moment before concrete
reaches its stress is called as Underreinforced section.
A section having actual neutral axis less than the critical neutral axis is known as
Underreinforced section.
A section having steel percentage less than the critical percentage is known as
Underreinforced section.
Underreinforced section is one in which the area of tensile reinforcement provided is less
than the required for balanced section.
2 Define Overreinforced section.
A beam reaches its permissible stress in concrete under the working moment before steel
reaches its stress is called as Overreinforced section.
A section having actual neutral axis greater than the critical neutral axis is known as
Overreinforced section.
A section having steel percentage greater than the critical percentage is known as
Overreinforced section.
An overreinforced section is one in which the area of tensile reinforcement provided is
more than the required for balanced section.
3 What is singly reinforced section?
The section reinforced in tension zone only is known as singly reinforced section.
4 What is Doubly Reinforced section?
The section reinforced in both tension and compression zone is known as doubly
reinforced section.

What is meant by limit state? (Or ) Define limit state.

Page 5

A limit state is a state of impending failure beyond which a structure ceases to perform
its intended function satisfactorily, in terms of either safety or serviceability.
The condition or the state at which the structure or part of a structure becomes unfit
for its use is called limit state.

State the advantages of limit state method over the other methods.
Advantages of limit state method over the other methods
a. In the limit state method of analysis, the principles of both elastic as well as
plastic theories used and hence suitable for concrete structures.
b. The structure designed by limit state method is safe and serviceable under
design loads and at the same time it is ensured that the structure does not
collapse even under the worst possible loading conditions.
c. The process of stress redistribution, moment redistribution etc., are
considered in the analysis and more realistic factor of safety values are used
in the design. Hence the design by limit state method is found to be more
d. The overall sizes of flexural members (depth requirements) arrived by limit
state method are less and hence they provide better appearance to the
e. Because of the modified assumptions regarding the maximum compressive
strains in concrete and steel, the design of compressive reinforcement for
double reinforced beams and eccentrically loaded columns by limit state
method gives realistic valued which is not so in other methods.

List out the types of limit state (or) What are the various limit states? (or) State
the different limit states considered in the design.

Page 6

The different types of limit state are

a. Limit state of Collapse
i. Flexure
ii. Compression
iii. Shear and Torsion
b. Limit state of Serviceability
i. Deflection
ii. Cracking
c. Limit state of Durability
i. Fire resistance
ii. Environmental and chemical actions
iii. Resistance to accidental collapse

Draw the stress-strain curve for concrete.


f ck

0.67 fck
0.67 f ck / m



Stress - Strain for Concrete

Sketch the typical stress-strain curve for mild steel bars and HYSD bars.

Page 7



E = 2 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 N / s q .m



S T R E S S - S T R A IN C U R V E


S T R E S S - S T R A IN C U R V E

Classify the slabs depending on the direction of spanning (direction of

distribution of loads).
The slab depending on the direction of spanning (direction of distribution of loads)
a. One way slabs
b. Two way slabs


What is One-way Slab

If the ratio of long span to short span is greater than or equal to 2, the slab is to be
defined as one-way slab or slab spanning in one direction.
When the slab is supported only on two opposite sides, the slab bends in one direction
only; hence it is called a one-way slab.

12. Define Two- way Slab

If the ratio of long span to short span is less than or equal to 2, the slab is to be defined
as two-way slab or slab spanning in one direction.
When the slab is supported on all four sides, the slab bends in both directions; hence it
is called a two-way slab.
13. What type of slabs are usually used in practice, underreinforced or
The depth of slab chosen from deflection requirements will be usually greater than the
depth required for balanced design. Hence the area of steel required will be less than
the balanced amount. So, the slab is designed as underreinforced section.
14. List the types of beams based on structural application.
The types of beams based on structural application are as follows:
a. Rectangular beam
b. T beam
c. L beam
15. Sketch the stress and strain distribution of R.C.C. beam.

Page 8


st / m




16. What do you understand by Flanged beams?

The concrete in the slabs, which is on the compression side of the beam (in the middle
portions of continuous beams), can be made to resist the compression forces, and the
steel in the tension side of the beam can carry the tension. These combined beam and
slab units are called Flanged beams.

1. A rectangular beam has b=200mm, d=400mm if steel used is Fe 415 and grade
of concrete is M25. Find the steel required to carry a factored moment of
12kNm. Design of roof slab for an interior panel of size 5mx6m. Live load is
5.0KN/m2. Use M30 Concrete and Fe 415 Steel.
2. Design a simply supported R.C.C.SLAB for a roof of a hall 4mx10m (inside
dimensions) with 230mm walls all around. Assume a live load of 4kN/m2 and
finish 1KN/m2.Use grade 25 concrete and Fe 415 steel.

3. A T beam continuous over several supports has to carry a factored negative

support moment of 1000kNm. Determine the area of steel at supports if bW =
Page 9

400MM, bfy =1600mm, Df = 100mm, D=610mm, d = 60mm, fck = 30N/mm2, f =

415 N/mm2.
4. A doubly reinforced concrete beam is 250mm wide and 510mm depth the
center of tensile steel reinforcement. The compression reinforcement consists of
4 Nos. of 18mm dia bars placed at an effective cover of 40mm from the
compression edge of the beam. The tensile reinforcement consists of 4Nos. of
20mm diameter bar. If the beam section is subjected to a BM of 85kNm,
calculate the stresses in concrete and tension steel.
5. Design a smallest concrete section of a RC beam to resist an ultimate moment
of 62kNm, assuming width 230mm, concrete grade M20 and HYSD bars of
grade Fe415.
6. A rectangular beam of width 300mm and effective depth 500mm reinforced with
4 bars of 12mm diameter. Find the moment of resistance and stresses in the top
compression fiber of concrete and tension steel. Use concrete M20 and steel
Fe415. A dopt working stress method.
7. Design the interior span of a continuous one way slab for an office floor
continuous over tee beams spaced at 3 meters. Live load = 4kN/m, Floor finish
= 1kN/m2.Use concrete M20 and steel Fe415. Adopt limit state method. Sketch
the steel reinforcement.


Define shear strength.

The resistance to sliding offered by the material of beam is called shear strength.

Name the different modes of shear failure and sketch it.

Page 10

The different modes of shear failure are


Shear Torsion
Shear bending
Shear - bond
Shear compression

F i g u r e 1 - S h e a r - te n s io n

F i g u r e 3 - S hear - bond

F i g u r e 2 - S h e a r - b e n d in g

F i g u r e 4 - S h e a r - c o m p r e s s io n

What are the important factors affecting the shear resistance of a Reinforced
concrete member without shear reinforcement?
The important factors affecting the shear resistance of a reinforced concrete member
without shear reinforcement are
e.Characteristic strength of concrete
f. Percentage of longitudinal steel
g.Shear span to depth ratio
h.Axial compressive / Tensile force
i. Effect of cross section
j. Effect of two way action

What are the types of reinforcement used to resist shear?

The types of reinforcement used to resist shear are
a. Vertical Stirrups
b. Inclined Stirrups
c. Bent up bars along with stirrups

List the different types of shear reinforcement of beam and sketch them.

Page 11

The different types of shear reinforcement of beam are

a. Vertical Stirrups
b. Inclined Stirrups
c. Bent-up bars with Vertical Stirrups

Fi gur e 1 - Ver t i cal St i r r ups

Figure 2 - Inclined St irrups

Figure 3-Bent-up bars with

Vertical Stirrups

State the minimum requirement of shear reinforcement.

A sv
0.4 b

s v min 0.87 f y
Asv = Total cross sectional area of legs of one stirrups
Sv = Spacing of stirrups along the length of member
B = Breadth of beam
fy = Characteristic strength of stirrup reinforcement (not to exceed 415
Define Torsion.

Equal and opposite moments applied at both ends of structural element (Member) or its
part about its longitudinal axis is called Torsion. Also termed as torsional moment or
twist or torque.

What is compatibility torsion? Give an example

Compatibility torsion is the torsion induced in the member due to compatibility of
rotations at the joint of interconnected members.
Spandrel beam rigidly connected to cross beam, inter connected bridge
girder and grids in horizontal plane.

Explain Equilibrium Torsion.

Torsional moment developed in one or more elements of a structure to maintain
equilibrium is called as equilibrium torsion. It is also known as determinate torsion or
Primary Torsion.


How can torsional resistance of R.C. members be enhanced?

Increasing strength of concrete and the amount of longitudinal as well as transverse
reinforcements over and above those required for bending and shear can enhance the
torsional resistance of a member.

Page 12


Define bond. (Or) What is bond?

Bond is defined as grip between concrete and steel.
The force that prevents the relative movement between concrete and steel is known as
Bond in reinforced concrete beams is the adhesive force developed between concrete
and steel bars embedded in concrete, which resists any force that tends to push or pull
the bars.


List out the different types of bond.

The different types of bond are
d. Flexure bond
e. Anchorage bond


Define flexure bond

In flexure member on account of shear of a variation in bending moment, which inturn
causes a variation in axial tension along the length of bar.


What is meant by Anchorage bond?

Over the length of anchorage provided for a bar or near the end (or cutoff point) of a
reinforcing bar.


Reinforced concrete slabs are generally safe and do not require shear
reinforcement. Why?
The thickness of slab (controlled by limiting deflection criteria) is usually adequate in
terms of shear capacity.
Normally the thickness of slab is so chosen that the shear can be resisted by concrete
itself and the slab does not need extra shear reinforcements

Page 13

1 A rectangular beam width b=350mm and d=550mm has a factored shear of 400kN
at the critical section near the support. The steel at
the tension side of the section
consists of four 32mm bars which are
continued to support. Assuming fck=25 and
fy=415(N/mm2) design vertical stirrups for the section.
2 A reinforced concrete rectangular beam has a breadth of 350mm and effective depth
of 800mm. It has a factored shear of 105kN at section XX. Assuming that fck=25,
fy=415(N/mm2) and percentage of tensile steel at that section is 0.5percent, determine
the torsional moment the section can resist if no additional reinforcement for torsion is
provided. Workout the problem according to IS456 principles of design for torsion.
A simply supported beam is 5m in span and carries a characteristic load at 75kN/m. If
6Nos. of 20mm bras are continued into the supports. Check the development length at
the supports assuming grade M20 concrete and Fe415steel.
3 A rectangular RCC beam is 400x900mm in size. Assuming the use of grade M25
concrete and Fe415 steel, determine the maximum ultimate torsional moment at the
section can take it.
No torsion reinforcement is provided and
Maximum torsion reinforcement is provided.
4 A rectangular beam width b = 250mm and effective depth 500mm reinforced with 4
bars of 20mm diameter. Determine the shear reinforcement required to resist a shear
force of 150kN. Use concrete M20 and steel Fe415.
5 Design a rectangular beam section of width 250mm and effective depth 500mm,
subjected to an ultimate moment of 160kNm, ultimate shear force of 30kN and ultimate
torsional moment of 10kNm. Use concrete M20 and steel 415.
6 A RC beam 300x450mm in cross section in reinforced with 3 Nos. 20mm diameter of
grade Fe250, with an effective cover of 50mm. The ultimate shear at the section of
138kn.Design the shear reinforcement (i)Using only vertical strips without bending any
bar for resisting. (ii) Bending 1 bar dia 20mm at 45 degree to resist shear at the section.
Assume concrete of grade M20.
7 A reinforced concrete beam 500mm deep and 230mm wide is reinforced with
8Nos.20mm diameter bars at mid span to carry a UDL of 22.5kn/m (inclusive of its own
weight) over simple span of 8m. Assuming concrete grade M20, steel grade Fe415, load
factor 1.5 and width of support 230mm (i) determine the minimum development length
required for 20mm diameter bar to develop full strength (ii) apply check for flexural
development length at support assuming all bar to continue at support (iii) determine the
minimum number of bars required at support for development length of flexure.

Page 14

1 What is column?
When a member carrying axial load is vertical and having an effective length exceeding
three times the least lateral dimension is called as Column.
2 Classify the columns according to the materials.
The columns according to the materials are as follows:
a. Timber
b. Stone
c. Reinforced Cement Concrete
d. Prestressed concrete
3 Classify the columns according to slenderness.
The columns according to the slenderness (l/D) are as follows:
a. Short
b. Long
4 Classify the columns based on type of loading.
Columns can be classified into the following three types, based on the nature of loading.
a. Column with axial loading
b. Column with Uniaxial eccentric loading
c. Column with Biaxial eccentric loading
5 Classify the columns according to transverse reinforcement.
The columns according to the transverse reinforcement are as follows:
a. Tied
b. Spiral or Helical
6 Define Short column.
A column will be considered as short when the ratio of the effective length to its lateral
dimension is less than or equal to 12.
7 Explain the term Long column.
A column will be considered as long when the ratio of the effective length to its lateral
dimension is greater than or equal to 12.
8 What is axially loaded column? (or) Write short notes on axially loaded column?
An axial loaded column transmits the compressive force without an explicit design
requirement to carry lateral loads or end moments.
When the line action of load passes through from the centre of gravity of column, it is
called as axially loaded.

What is eccentrically loaded column? (or) Write short notes on eccentrically

loaded column?
Page 15

An eccentrically loaded column transmits the compressive force with an explicit design
requirement to carry lateral loads or end moments.
When the line action of load passes away from the centre of gravity of column, it is
called as eccentrically loaded.

What is uniaxial bending? (or) Write short notes on uniaxial bending?

A column is subjected to eccentric load along one axis only. Such a column is said to be
under uniaxial bending.
The moment due to load transferred from one direction of column is called as uniaxial


What is biaxial bending? (or) Write short notes on biaxial bending?

A column is subjected to eccentric load along both X and Y axes. Such a column is said to be under biaxial bending.
The moment due to load transferred from both direction of column is called as biaxial bending.


What is a braced column? (or) Write short notes on braced column?

When relative transverse displacement between the upper and lower ends of a column
is prevented, the frame is said to be braced column.


What is unbraced column? (or) Write short notes on braced column?

When relative transverse displacement between the upper and lower ends of a column
is not prevented, the frame is said to be unbraced column.

17. List out the various edge conditions for braced column and their effective length.
End Conditions
a. Both ends fixed rotationally
b. Pinned ends
c. One end fixed and the other pinned

Effective length
0.5 L
1.0 L
0.7 L

18. Listout the various edge conditions for unbraced column and their effective length.
End Conditions
a. Both ends fixed rotationally
b. One end fixed and the other partially fixed
c. One end fixed and the other free

Effective length
1.2 L
1.5 L
2.0 L

19. State the assumptions in case of limit state design of compression as applied in
case of reinforced concrete section.

Page 16

The assumptions involved in the limit state design of compression are:

a. Plane sections normal to the axis of the member remain plane after bending.
b. The maximum strain in concrete at the extreme fiber in compression has a
value of 0.0035 in bending.
c. The design stress-strain relationship for concrete is taken as the curve against
the value 0.67 fck / m.
d. The tensile strength of the concrete is ignored.
e. The stresses in the reinforcements are derived from representative stress-strain
curve for the type of steel used.
f. The maximum compressive strain in concrete in axial compression is taken as
g. The maximum compressive strain at the highly compressed extreme fibre in
concrete subjected to axial compression and bending and when there is no
tension on the section shall be 0.0035 minus 0.75 times the strain at the least
compressed fibre.
20. What is meant by slenderness ratio of compression member?
Slenderness ratio is a geometrical property of a compression member which is related
to the ratio of its effective length to its least lateral dimension.
21. Define slenderness ratio. How columns are classified based on this ratio?
Slenderness ratio is a geometrical property of a compression member which is related
to the ratio of its effective length to its least lateral dimension.
The columns according to the slenderness (l/D) are as follows:
ratio is less than 12 is said to be Short
b. ratio is greater than 12 is said to be Long


22. Under which condition a column is designed with axial load and biaxial bending.
A column with axial load and biaxial bending is commonly found in structures, because
of two major reasons.
a. Axial load may have natural eccentricities, through small, with respect to both the
b. Corner columns of a building may be subjected to bending moments in both the
directions along with axial load.
The diameter shall not be less than
a. one fourth of the largest longitudinal bar
b. 6 mm

Page 17

1. An R.C.Column 500x400mm is subjected to an axial ultimate load of 2500kN
and bent in single curvature about the minor axis with My(top)=90knm and
My(bottom)=120knm as ultimate moments. If L0=7.2m and Le=5.75m on both
axes, calculate the design moments for the column.
2. Design the reinforcement in a spiral column of 400mm diameter subjected to
a factored load of 1500kN.The column has an
supported length of 3.4m
and is braced against side way. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
3. A column 300x400mm has an unsupported length of 3m and effective length
of 3.6m.If it is subjected to pu=1100kNm and Mu=230kNm about the major
axis, determine the longitudinal steel using fck=25N/mm2.
4. Calculate the ultimate strength in axial compression of column 400mm in
diameter and reinforced with 8Nos. of 20mm dia. of grade Fe250 when the
column in helically reinforced by 8mm dia at (i) 60mm pitch, (ii) 30mm pitch.
Assume concrete of grade M20. Assume clear cover equal to 40mm.
5. Design an axially loaded tied column 400mmx400mm pinned at both ends
with an unsupported length of 3m for carrying a factored load of 2300kN.Use
M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
6. Design a circular column with helical reinforcement of 400mm diameter and
4m in length to carry factored load of 1000kN.The column is hinged at both
ends. Use concrete M25 and steel Fe415.
7. A column 300mmx400mm has an unsupported length of 4m and fixed at both
ends. It is subjected to a factored load of 1000KN and an ultimate moment of
200kNm about the major axis. Determine the longitudinal reinforcement and
lateral ties. Use concrete M25 and steel Fe415 d=60mm.
8. A rectangular column of effective height of 4m is subjected to a characteristics
axial load of 800kN and bending moment of 100kNm about the major axis of the
n. Design a suitable section for the column so that the width should not exceed
400mm. Use the minimum percentage of longitudinal steel. Assume
fy=415N/mm2 and fck=20N/mm2.

Page 18

1 List out the different types of footings.
The different types of footings are
a) Isolated footing
i. Flat
ii. Stepped
iii. Sloped
b) Combined footing
i. Rectangular footing
ii. Trapezoidal footing
c) Strap footing
d) Wall footing
2 Sketch the different types of isolating footings.

Flat Footing

Stepped Footing

Sloped Footing

3 Define Wall footing and also sketch it.

A footing provided under a wall used to be continuous along the length of wall.

W a ll F o o tin g

Page 19

4 When do you need combined footing? (or) When do you provide combined
footing for two columns?
Combined footing for two columns are provided for the following reason
a) When two or more columns/walls are located close to each other and/or if they
are relatively heavily loaded and/or rest on soil with low safe bearing capacity.
b) An exterior column located along the periphery of the building is so close to the
property line that an isolated footing cannot be symmetrically placed without
extending beyond the property line.
5 Under what circumstances combined footing is preferred.
The following circumstances are preferred for combined footing
a) When isolated footings for individual columns are touching or overlapping each
b) When the columns are located near the boundary lines or expansion joints.
6 Under what circumstances is a trapezoidal shape preferred for a two-column
combined footing.
When loads are unequal and there is restriction on sides, then the shape of the footing
will be trapezoidal being wider on greater load side.
7 Under what circumstances is a rectangular shape preferred for a two-column
combined footing.
When loads are equal and no restriction on sides, the footing will be rectangular with
equal overhang on both sides.
When loads are unequal and no restriction on sides, the footing will be rectangular with
smaller overhang on lesser load (P1) and greater overhang on greater load (P2) side.
8 Sketch the different types of combined footings.

C o m b in e d F o o t in g

T r a p e z o id a l F o o tin g

Page 20

9 What is meant by eccentric loading on a footing and under what circumstances

does this occur?
The load P acting on a footing may act eccentrically with respect to the centroid of the
footing base. This eccentricity e may result from one or more of the following effects
a. the column transmitting a moment M in addition to the vertical load
b. the column carrying a vertical load offset with respect to the centroid of the
c. The column (or Pedestal) transmitting a lateral force located above the
foundation level, in addition to the vertical load.

Sketch the strap footings.

S t ra p B e a m
E x te rio r C o lu m n

In t e r io r C o lu m n

E x t e r io r F o o t in g

In te r io r F o o t in g
S tr a p F o o tin g


Draw a neat sketch of the continuous strip footings.

F o o tin g 's W e b
F o o tin g 's F la n g e

C o n tin u o u s S trip F o o tin g

12 Write down the formula for calculating bending moment in design of

rectangular footings?

(B b)2 ; MYY
(L D)2 ;



Load from the column or walls

Length of footing
Width of footing
Dimension of column

Page 21

1. A rectangular column 300mmx400mm reinforced with 20mm diameter bars carries a load of
1400kN. Design a suitable footing for the column. The safe bearing capacity of the soil is
200kN/m2.Use concrete M20 and steel Fe415.
2. Design a combined rectangular footing for two columns spaced at 5 centers. The first column
400mmx400mm carries a load of 1200kN and the second column 450mmx450mm carries a
load of 1800kn at service state. Weight of Soil = 20kN/m2, angle of repose=300 and safe
bearing capacity of soil = 150kN/m2. Use concrete M20 and steel Fe415.
3. Design a interior wall of a single storied workshop of height 5.4m surrounding a RCC roof. The
bottom of the wall rests over a foundation block. Assume roof load equal to 45kN/m. A pier
provided at a spacing of 3.6m along length of wall.
4. Design a compound wall of height 1.8m to the top of 100mm thick coping. Assume wind
pressure is equal to 1kN/m2 and is UDL. The safe bearing pressure of soil is 120kN/m2.
5. A solid footing has to transfer a dead load of 1000kn and an imposed load of 400kn from a
square column 400mmx400mm. Assuming fck=20N/mm2 and fy=415N/mm2 and safe bearing
capacity to be 200KN/m2, Design the footing.
6. Design a combined rectangular footing for two columns spaced at 500cm centers. The first
column 300mmx300mm carried load of 1000kn.and second column 300mmx300mm carries a
load of 1500kn at service state. Weight of Soil = 20kN/m2, angle of repose=300 and safe
bearing capacity of soil = 150kN/m2. Use concrete M25 and steel Fe415.
7. A solid footing has to transfer a dead load of 1000kN and an imposed load of 400kN from a
square column 400x400mm (with 16mm bars.) Assuming fy=415 and fck=20N/mm2 and safe
bearing capacity to be 200kN/m2. Design the footing.
8. Design a plain concrete footing for a 450mm wall carrying 300kN per meter length. Assume
grade 20 concrete and the bearing capacity of soil to be 200kN/m2.

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