Growing Cannabis With LED Light
Growing Cannabis With LED Light
Growing Cannabis With LED Light
1 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
2 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
growers will be able to turn down air extraction rates or use smaller
extraction fans.
Why waste electrical energy to create excess heat from HPS lights
only to have to pay a second time to remove the heat. Growing
cannabis with LED is a better solution.
3 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
You may not notice this issue since soil (and many grow nutrients)
already contain adequate levels of Calcium and Magnesium.
Calcium/Magnesium supplemental nutrients are widely available in
any grow shop.
4 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
When light levels are too intense the tips of the plants are bleached,
they look white instead of green. This can be a sign to raise the LED
lights higher, or to tie down the tallest branches of your plants.
5 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
One easy solution is to keep seedlings in the tent corner (which may
have lower intensity light compared to the tent centre), or just to
raise the light and allow the plant to ‘grow into’ the more intense
light as it stretches later.
6 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
Water consumption
Due to the lower ambient heat levels associated with LED the plants
may often show a reduced need for water consumption. Remember
that when watering, since inexperienced LED growers can be
tempted to over water their plants which reduces root growth and
subsequent plant growth. Cannabis roots need oxygenation to grow
fast, over-watering them reduces root oxygenation and reduces
plant growth and yield.
7 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
Anyone that has opened a tent with mature cannabis plants under
HPS light which has been running at high temperatures (e.g. 30ºC)
will have smelled the intense aromas that `ood out of the plant.
Running your tent cooler with LED allows you to keep more taste
and `avour in your buds instead of losing them to extracted air.
8 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
The advantages of LED are becoming more and more obvious and
this is re`ected in their increased popularity. With each passing
year the power and eYciency of LED continues to improve. They
are less expensive to run compared to HPS and run much cooler.
Christopher Andrews
23/11/2019 05:14
I like this post. Very useful for me and totally related to me. thanks
Get more info,
9 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
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10 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36
Growing cannabis with LED grow lights | Dutch Passion Blogs
11 of 11 03/12/2023, 22:36