PFR Reviewer (Dela Cruz, B2023)
PFR Reviewer (Dela Cruz, B2023)
PFR Reviewer (Dela Cruz, B2023)
Faye Bengzon, B2023
LA Manlangit, B2023
UP Law B2022
Matthew Dayday, A2022
Karichi Santos, B2012
I N TRO D U C TI O N ii. Mercantile law – special relations produced by
commercial transactions
The term law maybe understood in two concepts: iii. Procedural law – provides for the means by which
• General/abstract sense (derecho) – the mass of private rights may be enforced
obligatory rules established for the purpose of governing
Specific laws are classified into three types:
the relations of persons in society; “the science of moral
• Mandatory – commands something to be done
rules, founded on the rational nature of man, which
• Prohibitory – commands something not to be done
governs his free activity, for the realization of individual
• Permissive – commands that what it permits to be done
ad social ends, of a nature both demandable and
should be tolerated or respected
• For Savigny, a more appropriate classification is that
• Specific/material sense (ley) – a norm of human conduct
between absolute and suppletory.
in social life, established by a sovereign organization and
o Absolute – obligatory character
imposed for the compulsory observance of all; “a
o Suppletory – leaves the will of the individual free
juridical proposition or an aggregate of juridical
to act
propositions promulgated and published by the
competent organs of the State in accordance with the Codification is the systematic organization of the law into
Constitution” one or more codes.
Law is a product of social life and human nature. • A code is a collection of laws of the same kind; a body
of legal provisions referring to a particular branch of the
• Regulates the relations between persons so that
harmony can be maintained by placing limitations on
individual liberty in order to make co-existence • Reasons for codifying the law:
possible.” o To simply and arrange the many juridical rules
scattered in several laws and customs
• Law rests on the concepts of order, existence, and
o To unify various legislations in the same country.
o To introduce reforms occasioned by social
The characteristics of law are: changes.
1. It is a rule of human conduct
The best codes of the world today underwent several
2. Promulgated by a competent authority
revisions before taking their present form.
3. Obligatory
4. Of general observance • First civil code – French civil code by Napoleon, known
as the Napoleon code, promulgated in 1804.
Human conduct is not only regulated by law but also by • Three years to draft the French civil code
morals and religion. • Fourteen years for the first draft of German civil code
• But only law has legal sanction and can be enforced by • Swiss and Chilean codes took eight years
public authority. • Argentine code took five years
• Laws and morals both spring from social conscience. • Philippine code was completed in only seven months
• Many laws take moral concepts, but not all moral duties
have been converted into judicial obligations because if The move to make laws in Spain was started by Alfonso X
this happens morals would lose their essence of being with the promulgation in 1255 of the Fuero Real.
voluntary. • The first step towards the codification of different
• The purpose of law and morals is happiness. branches of law started with the 1812 Constitution which
mandated the need for a civil code in the dominion of
Laws are divided into two general groups: Spain.
1. Divine law – God Himself legislated and promulgated • 1851 – Proyecto de Codigo Civil, not approved nor
2. Human law – law promulgated by man to regulate human promulgated
relations • May 11, 1888 – Ley de Bases promulgated; final form
a. General or public law took effect on July 24, 1889
i. International law – relations between nations or
states (human beings in their collective concept) The first step towards codification of private law in the
ii. Constitutional law – relations between citizens Philippines was taken by President Manuel L. Quezon in
and their government 1940, when he created a Code Committee to formulate a
iii. Administrative law – relations between the civil code for the Philippines.
officials and employees of the government • Committee was headed by Supreme Court Chief Justice
iv. Criminal law – guarantees the coercive power of Ramon Avanceña, with members including Justices
the law so it will be obeyed Jose P. Laurel and Antonio Villareal, Dr. Jorge Bocobo,
v. Religious law – regulates practice of religion and Dr. Pedro Ylagan.
b. Individual or private law • Records were destroyed in the battle for the liberation of
i. Civil law – relations of individuals with other Manila in 1945.
individuals for purely private ends • March 20, 1947 – President Manuel A. Roxas issued EO
48, creating a new Code Commission composed of five
Held: RTC cannot enforce the Agreement because it is contrary Held: Being a foreign national, Audrey’s national laws are what
to law by default, since Article 213 states that no child under 7 should be followed as stated in Article 16 with respect to her
years of age shall be separated from the mother. The divorce successional rights. Petitioner committed extrinsic fraud in
decree is also binding on the petitioner following the nationality failing to execute the decedent's will with respect to the
rule, since their divorce is valid according to the law of Illinois, applicable law of the State of Maryland.
and thus recognized as valid as well in the Philippines. The case
was remanded to trial court for further trial since Stephanie was
15 by then.
Article 18. In matters which are governed by the Code of • The family is a social institution in which the State has
Commerce and special laws, their deficiency shall be supplied an interest.
by the provisions of this Code. o Family as the foundation of society.
o The State has a stake in the welfare of the family.
• Commercial law – Civil Code applies suppletory • “Life of the mother and the unborn from conception”
• Where there is no deficiency in special law, the o Life begins upon implantation (WHO)
provisions of the Civil Code cannot be applied. • Magna Carta of Women provides protection to men
and women; customs which are contrary to law or
equality of gender shall not be countenanced.
• Bill of Rights
Articles 1-15 → Philippine law
1. Due process clause – there must be a procedure
Articles 14-18 → element of foreigners
before one is deprived of his or her rights
2. Equal protection clause – if not provided by law,
the state shall not differentiate among its citizens
• Birth means the removal of the fetus from the Held: The Supreme Court held that the spouses cannot recover
mother’s womb, which may be done naturally or damages from the physician. According to Article 40, birth
artificially by surgery. determines personality. Hence, an aborted child lacks juridical
o Before birth, the fetus is not a person but merely personality and thus cannot sue for damages through an agent.
a part of the internal organs of the mother. Moral damages could not also be recovered because the wife
o Because of the expectancy that it may be born, willingly had the abortions, and the father, despite knowledge
the law protects it and reserves its rights, thereof, did not investigate or prevent the abortions. The
making its legal existence, if born alive, retroact decision of the CA was reversed.
to the moment of its conception.
• Characteristics of fetal personality Article 42. Civil personality is extinguished by death. The effect
1. Limited – because it only has rights for purposes of death upon the rights and obligations of the deceased is
favorable to it determined by law, by contract, and by will.
2. Provisional/conditional – because it should be
born alive later before the rights can be claimed. • Only natural or physical death. The law does not
a. Birth = total separation from the mother recognize “civil death,” or death due to conviction or a
or removal of fetus in from mother’s religious profession.
womb by cutting off the umbilical cord • Upon death, the subject of legal relations disappears.
3. Can enjoy rights – inherit from will or intestacy and Some rights and obligations are completely
be given donations even before birth extinguished, while others are transmitted to successors
• Legally, in a normal child, the period of conception is the → determined by the law, contract, or the will involved.
first 120 days of the 300 days preceding the birth of the • For certain purposes, after the death of a person, his
child. personality continues in his estate—the estate of a
deceased person is also considered as having legal
personality independent of the heirs, wherein the mass
Article 41. For civil purposes, the fetus is considered born if it
of property, rights, and assets left by the decent
is alive at the time it is completely delivered from the mother’s
becomes directly vested and charged with his rights and
womb. However, if the fetus had an intra-uterine life of less than
seven months, it is not deemed born if it dies within 24 hours
• A corpse can no longer be considered a subject of legal
after its complete delivery from the maternal womb.
• Separation from mother involves the cutting of the
umbilical cord whether naturally or surgically.
Accused Baldesco and Tirol convicted for seven counts of
• The duration of extra-uterine life does not matter—as
murder and two counts of frustrated murder. While their appeal
long as the child is born alive, even for an instant, it gains
was pending, Baldesco died.
juridical personality.
• Complete respiration is necessary to determine if a Held: The Court dismissed the criminal case against Baldesco
child has an independent life necessary for it to gain because he was already dead and can no longer be prosecuted.
juridical capacity. Pursuant to Article 42, juridical personality is extinguished upon
o Crying of the child or floating of the lungs. death, but a person’s estate is considered as having an
• Viability is not required—the law presumes viability if independent legal personality. Therefore, Baldesco’s
the fetus is alive when born. personality is continued in his estate and his civil liabilities will
• If the child had an intra-uterine life of less than seven be recovered from the same.
months, the child must live at least 24 hours after
complete separation from the mother’s womb, otherwise Article 43. If there is a doubt, as between two or more persons
it does not acquire juridical capacity. who are called to succeed each other, as to which of them died
o Does not matter if the child is killed willfully or first, whoever alleges the death of one prior to the other shall
through an accident. prove the same; in the absence of proof, it is presumed that
o Difficult to apply in many cases because it is they died at the same time and there shall be no transmission
difficult to know the exact date when conception of rights.
• The presumption is that the baby was born alive, and • This article applies only in cases of doubt in
the burden of proof lies on those who allege the contrary. succession, when survivorship involves persons “who
• Mother can recover moral damages for the death of a are called to succeed each other.”
fetus. • When the persons involved succeed each other, this
article applies, whether the death be actual or merely
Article 1426. When a minor between eighteen and twenty-one BAMBALAN V. MARAMBA (1966)
years of age who has entered into a contract without the consent Plaintiff executed a deed of sale of land to the defendant,
of the parent or guardian, after the annulment of the contract despite the latter knowing that the plaintiff was still a minor at
voluntarily returns the whole thing or price received, that time. Plaintiff seeks the annulment of the deed of sale for
notwithstanding the fact that he has not been benefited thereby, lack of capacity.
there is no right to demand the thing or price thus returned.
Held: The court held that the sale is void because the plaintiff
Article 1427. When a minor between eighteen and twenty-one
was a minor at the time of its execution. The Mercado doctrine
years of age, who has entered into a contract without the consent
is not applicable because there was no reliance since the
of the parent or guardian, voluntarily pays a sum of money or
plaintiff did not pretend to be of age and the defendant knew
delivers a fungible thing in fulfillment of the obligation, there shall
be no right to recover the same from the obligee who has spent or him to be a minor as he was the one who purchased his cedula.
consumed it in good faith.
Article 1489. All persons who are authorized in this Code to Petitioner along with her two minor sons loaned money from the
obligate themselves, may enter into a contract of sale, saving the respondent. They defaulted on the loan, and were sued to pay
modifications contained in the following articles. the full amount plus interest as per loan contract. Petitioner
prayed that the Court consider the minority of her sons at the
Where necessaries are those sold and delivered to a minor or other
person without capacity to act, he must pay a reasonable price time that the contract was signed.
therefor. Necessaries are those referred to in article 290.
Held: The court held that the failure of the minors to disclose
their age does not constitute a fraud. Because it was merely a
EFFECTS OF MINORITY ON CONTRACTS passive misrepresentation, they were not estopped and cannot
• Art. 1327 (1) – unemancipated minors cannot give be legally bound by their signatures in the contract. Sons do not
consent to contract; but there is no more concept of have to pay the interest, only return their portion of the loan (1/3
unemancipated minors because age of emancipation is for each).
equal to age of majority.
• Art. 1390 (1) – if ONE is incapable of contract, the Although the written contract was unenforceable, the minors
contract is valid unless the court says otherwise → shall still make restitution to the extent that they may have
voidable profited from what they received, according to Art. 1399 of the
Civil Code (since money was used to buy necessaries).
• Art. 1403 (3) – if BOTH parties are incapable, the contract
is unenforceable unless ratified
Article 5, Family Code. Any male or female of the age of Article 1327, Civil Code. The following cannot give consent to
eighteen years or upwards not under any of the impediments a contract: (2) Insane or demented persons, and deaf-mutes
mentioned in Articles 37 and 38, may contract marriage. who do not know how to write.
Article 35, FC. The following marriages shall be void ab initio: Article 1328, CC. Contracts entered into during a lucid interval
are valid. Contracts agreed to in a state of drunkenness or
(1) Those contracted by any party below eighteen years during a hypnotic spell are voidable.
of age even with the consent of parents or guardians.
Article 1399, CC. When the defect of the contract consists in
• Article 5 of the Family Code states that male or female the incapacity of one of the parties, the incapacitated person is
persons of 18 years above may contract marriage. not obliged to make any restitution except insofar as he has
• Article 35 states that any marriage entered into by those been benefited by the thing or price received by him.
below 18 years of age, even with the consent of parents,
is void ab initio. • Article 1327 states that the insane/demented cannot
give consent to contract.
EFFECT OF MINORITY ON CRIMES • Article 1328 states that contracts entered while in a lucid
interval is valid, but the burden to prove lucid interval lies
RA 9344. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006. in the prosecution.
• Article 1399 states that restitution from the insane is not
• Section 6 states that a child fifteen (15) years of age or obliged if the same is not benefited.
under at the time of the commission of the offense shall
be exempt from criminal liability, but will be subject to an
intervention program.
Rebecca Zaballero, aged 75, signed a deed of donation
o A child above 15 but below 18 shall also be
granting her properties to the respondents. Upon her death, she
exempted from criminal liability and be subjected
left all of her properties to her nearest of kin, the petitioners.
to an intervention program, unless the child has
Petitioners sought the nullification of the donation documents
acted with discernment.
because it was executed while Rebecca was suffering from
o Exemption from criminal liability does not include
exemption from civil liability.
• Section 7 states that a child in conflict with the law shall Held: The deed of donation was void. The Court took
enjoy the presumption of minority and shall enjoy all the cognizance of the testimony of Rebecca’s doctor that she had
rights until he or she is proven to be 18 years old or older. been suffering from permanent dementia and had been taking
• Section 20 states that if the child taken into custody is medication for years. Hence, because of her dementia, it can
15 years old or below, the authority which had the initial be reasonably assumed that her consent was impaired, and
contact with the child has the duty to immediately that fraud or undue influence would have been employed in
release the child to the custody of his/her parents, order to procure her signature on the questioned deeds.
guardians, or nearest relatives.
o If those cannot be located, the child may be EFFECT OF INSANITY ON MARRIAGE
released to a duly registered NGO or religious
organization, a barangay official or member of the Article 45 of the Family Code states that a marriage is voidable
Barangay Council for the Protection of Children, if one of the spouses is insane at the time of the marriage.
or to the DSWD.
Article 47 states that an action for annulment must be filed by:
• Section 57 states that any conduct not considered an
• The sane spouse who had no knowledge of the other’s
offense or not penalized if committed by an adult shall
insanity or the guardian of the insane spouse, before the
not be considered an offense and shall not be punished
death of either party; or
if committed by a child.
• The insane spouse, during a lucid interval.
• Section 58 states that persons below 18 years of age
shall be exempt from prosecution for the crime of
vagrancy and prostitution, mendicancy, and sniffing of
rugby, as such are inconsistent with the United Nations Article 12, Revised Penal Code. The following are exempt
Convention on the Rights of the Child. from criminal liability: (1) An imbecile or an insane person,
• Section 59 states that no death penalty shall be imposed unless the latter has acted during a lucid interval.
upon children in conflict with the law.
• Article 12 of the Revised Penal Code states that an
insane person is not exempt from criminal liability if a
criminal act is committed by the same during a lucid
Article 1327. The following cannot give consent to a contract: Article 34, RPC. Civil interdiction shall deprive the offender
(2) Insane or demented persons, and deaf-mutes who do not during the time of his sentence of the rights of parental
know how to write. authority, or guardianship, either as to the person or property of
any ward, of marital authority, of the right to manage his
Article 807. If the testator be deaf, or deaf-mute, he must property, and of the right to dispose of such property by any
personally read the will, if able to do so; otherwise, he shall act or any conveyance inter vivos.
designate two persons to read and communicate to him, in
some practicable manner, the contents thereof. Article 135, FC. Any of the following shall be considered
sufficient case of judicial separation of property: (1) That the
Article 820. Any person of sound mind and of the age of spouse of the petitioner has been sentenced to a penalty which
eighteen years or more, and not blind, deaf, or dumb, and able carries with it civil interdiction.
to read and write, may be a witness to the execution of a will
mentioned in Article 805. Article 142, FC. The administration of all classes of exclusive
property of either spouse may be transferred by the court to the
• Article 1327 states that persons who are deaf-mute and other spouse: (3) When one spouse is sentenced to a penalty
cannot read nor write cannot give consent to a contract. which carries with it civil interdiction.
• Article 807 states that a deaf-mute may write a will, but
if the same cannot read nor write, he shall designate two • Article 34 of the Revised Penal Code states that a
persons who would communicate to him the contents of person under civil interdiction is deprived of rights to:
the contract. 1. parental authority
• Article 820 states that a deaf-mute cannot be a witness 2. guardianship
to a will because he would not be able to testify properly 3. marital authority
in court if ever the need arises. 4. manage his property, and
5. to dispose of such property.
• Article 135 of the Family Code states that the civil
PRODIGALITY interdiction of one spouse is a sufficient case for a
judicial separation of property.
Rule 92, Section 2, RC. Under this rule, the word
• Article 142 of the Family Code states that the civil
"incompetent" includes persons suffering the penalty of civil
interdiction of one spouse could be used as a
interdiction or who are hospitalized lepers, prodigals, deaf and
justification of the court to transfer all classes of
dumb who are unable to read and write, those who are of
exclusive property to the other spouse.
unsound mind, even though they have lucid intervals, and
persons not being of unsound mind, but by reason of age,
disease, weak mind, and other similar causes, cannot, without FAMILY RELATIONS
outside aid, take care of themselves and manage their property,
becoming thereby an easy prey for deceit and exploitation. Article 11, RPC. The following do not incur any criminal liability: (2)
Anyone who acts in defense of the person or rights of his spouse,
• Rule 92 of the Rules of Court defines prodigality as the ascendants, descendants, or legitimate, natural or adopted
wanton waste of one’s estate; without regard for family, brothers or sisters, or of his relatives by affinity in the same degrees,
exposing them to want and depriving inheritance; morbid and those by consanguinity within the fourth civil degree, provided
state of mind and disposition to spend. that the first and second requisites prescribed in the next preceding
circumstance are present, and the further requisite, in case the
MARTINEZ V. MARTINEZ (1902) provocation was given by the person attacked, that the one making
Petitioner, the son and compulsory legal heir of the respondent, defense had no part therein.
brought an action against his father for a declaration of Article 13, RPC. The following are mitigating circumstances: (5)
prodigality. Petitioner alleged that the respondent was That the act was committed in the immediate vindication of a grave
squandering the estate by making donations and handing over offense to the one committing the felony (delito), his spouse,
the administration of the estate to his second wife. ascendants, descendants, legitimate, natural, or adopted brothers
or sisters, or relatives by affinity within the same degrees.
Held: The court held that the defendant was not a prodigal, and
was still in the full exercise of his faculties and still possess the Article 1109, CC. Prescription does not run between husband and
industry, thrift and ability in managing the estate. In fact, the wife, even though there be a separation of property agreed upon in
father had increased profit while the son himself possesses the marriage settlements or by judicial decree. Prescription does
propensity to be prodigal. not run between parents and children, during the minority or
insanity of the latter, and between guardian and ward during the
continuance of the guardianship.
Article 1490. The husband and the wife cannot sell property to
each other, except: (1) when a separation of property was agreed
upon in the marriage settlements; or (2) when there has been a
judicial separation of property under Article 191.
Principal effects of a valid marriage. As a contract, only two persons, one man and the other a
1. Personal and economic relations between the spouses, woman, can enter into it.
which become sources of important rights and duties. • It differs from ordinary contracts wherein parties, with no
2. Legitimacy of sexual union and of the family. restriction as to number and sex, have rights and duties
3. Personal and economic relations between parents and arising from their agreement; instead, the law decrees
children. the duties and rights of the spouses and the breach
thereof are subject to penal and civil liabilities.
Held: The Court ruled in favor of the same-sex couples and The Court also held that there is no law that authorizes the
affirmed that the Massachusetts Constitution promotes the change of sex in the civil registry due to sex change. Under the
equality of individuals. According to the Court, the state Civil Register Law, the sex of a person is determined at birth,
purposes of promoting procreation, optimal child-rearing, and visually done by examining the genitals of the infant; and
conservation of resources are not met by denying same-sex without a law legally recognizing sex reassignment, the sex of
union. Massachusetts legalized same-sex unions. a person determined at birth is considered immutable.
IN RE MARRIAGE OF ANTONIA REYES MEDINA V. GIL 3) Any ship captain or airplane chief only in the cases
RAMOS MEDINA (2018) mentioned in Article 31.
In this case, which was decided by the Superior Court for the A marriage between passengers or crew members may
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the issue be solemnized by a ship captain or by an airplane chief
resolved was whether a marriage ceremony performed in a while the ship is at sea or the plain is in flight, and during
foreign consulate, not in compliance with local law, is valid and stopovers at ports of call only if the marriage is in articulo
enforceable by the local Court. mortis.
The Mariana Islands Superior Court referred to their law which
stated that only the governor and mayor, not consular officials, 4) Any military commander of a unit to which a chaplain is
are allowed to issue marriage licenses. Thus, for the purpose of assigned in the absence of the latter, during a military
marriage, the Consulate is not sovereign territory and the operation, only in the cases mentioned in Art. 32.
parties are deemed to have been married in the CNMI. The A military commander of a unit, who is a commissioned
Court held that the marriage of Virginia and Gil, who are both officer, shall also have the authority to solemnize
Filipinos, under the Philippine Consulate in Saipan was void, marriages in articulo mortis between persons within the
and Gil’s subsequent marriage with Antonia is valid. The Court zone of military operation, whether members of the
disregarded Article 10 of the Family Code which grants consuls armed forces or civilians. The presence or absence of the
the duties of the solemnizing officer and the civil registrar. chaplain should not have to be established before the
military commander may be allowed to solemnize the
5) Any consul-general, consult, or vice-consul in the case
Article 35. The following marriages shall be void from the provided in Article 10.
beginning: (2) Those solemnized by any person not legally The marriage should be within the Philippine embassy
authorized to perform marriages unless such marriages were grounds which is likewise the extent of the consul’s
contracted with either or both parties believing in good faith that authority. A consul may not solemnize a marriage of
the solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do so. Filipinos abroad outside of the embassy or consular
premises, over which foreign laws will govern. Consuls
Article 7 of the Family Code states that marriage may be on home assignments in the Philippines cannot
solemnized by: solemnize marriages.
1) Any incumbent member of the judiciary acting within the Sections 444 and 445 of the Local Government Code revived
court’s jurisdiction. the authority of city and municipal mayors to solemnize
Justices of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Court marriages.
of Tax Appeals and the Sandiganbayan can solemnize
marriage anywhere in the Philippines. However, judges NAVARRO V. DOMAGTOY (1996)
from inferior courts may only solemnize marriage within Administrative case was filed against respondent judge for
their jurisdiction.
solemnizing two marriages. One was solemnized without the
declaration of presumptive death of the first wife, which made
2) Members of the religious clergy, or any priest, rabbi,
the subsequent marriage bigamous. The second was
imam or minister of any church or religious sect.
solemnized outside the judge's jurisdiction.
a. Duly authorized by his church or sect
b. Registered with the civil registrar
Art 23 Duties of solemnizing officer Held: Provision does not violate the constitutional guarantee of
a. furnish couple with original marriage certificate religious freedom since the attendees retain the freedom to
b. furnish local civil registrar with duplicate and decide on matters of family life without the intervention of the
triplicate within 15 days after the marriage state. Attendees are still free to accept or reject whatever
c. keep with him the original marriage license, instructions are given to them, and hence there is no coercion.
quadruplicate of the marriage certificate and
affidavit of the contracting party to hold marriage SALGADO V. ANSON (2016)
elsewhere as said in Art 8 Respondent filed a complaint against petitioner spouses
seeking the annulment of the Unilateral Deeds of Sale and the
Art 24 Duties of local civil registrar Deed of Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate of the deceased
a. prepare documents required by this Title who was allegedly his wife. The spouses assailed the validity of
b. administer oaths to all interested parties without the marriage of Anson for lack of marriage license.
any charge
c. exempt from documentary stamp tax Held: The marriage is considered ab initio. No marriage license
was exhibited to the solemnizing officer and the marriage was
Art 25 Log in registry book every marriage and details not of an exceptional character under Article 77 of the Civil
Code, which exempts parties from the license requirement if
Art 26 Marriages validly solemnized in other countries are
they were already married in civil rites and the ratifying
valid here except for the following:
ceremony is purely religious in nature.
• 35(1) - under 18
• 35(4) - bigamous/polygamous except for Art 41
• 35(5) - mistake of identity
Wife filed a criminal complaint for bigamy against petitioner with
• 35(6) - void under Art 53
the first marriage contract as proof. The petitioner claimed that
• 36 - psychological incapacity
the first marriage does not exist and presented a certification
• 37 – incestuous
from the Civil Registrar that no record can be found of the
• 38 - public policy
license issued for the first marriage.
Held: The certification does not prove the nullity of the first
The following are exempted from obtaining marriage license.
marriage. The marriage contract, which indicated the marriage
Art 27 When either or both of the parties are in articulo mortis, license number and bore the signatures of the parties married
even if the ailing survives. and the solemnizing officer, is enough positive evidence to
prove that the petitioner has a previous subsisting marriage.
Art 28 If the residence of either party is in a remote location
and transportation is impossible (horse ride and
distant walking does not count).
Appellee filed a complaint assailing the constitutionality of
Art 31 Marriage in articulo mortis between passengers or Wisconsin Statue 245 which prohibits the issuance of marriage
crews by ship captain or airplane chief, whether in sea, licenses to persons who are behind in their child support.
in flight or stopovers.
Held: The Court subjected the statute to a strict scrutiny and
Art 32 Military commander of a unit, in articulo mortis,
found that despite the legitimate and substantial interests of the
between civilians or members of armed forces within
State, such as the counseling of applicants and protection of
the zone of military operations.
out-of-custody children, the means employed by the state for
Art 33 Among Muslims and ethnic communities as long as in achieving these interests unnecessarily impinge on the right to
accordance with their custom law. marry, therefore the statute was unconstitutional.
Held: The Court held that the certifications did not categorically BORJA-MANZANO V. SANCHEZ (2001)
say that no such license was issued, only that the person who Plaintiff filed a complaint against the defendant judge for
was originally in charge of handling the registry book had solemnizing a bigamous mirage of her husband since both
already retired and thus the book could not be located. contracting parties of the subsequent marriage were only
Presuming the regularity of performance, the Court resolved the separated from their previous spouses. The judge claimed that
case in favor of the validity of the marriage. when he officiated the marriage, he did know that the husband
was legally married—what he knew was that he had been
ALCANTARA V. ALCANTARA (2007) cohabiting with the woman for seven years already.
Petitioner filed a petition for nullity of marriage alleging that he
and respondent only paid a “fixer” to arrange a marriage for Held: For cohabitation to be ratified, the man and the woman
them, as they had not then secured a marriage license prior. He must have been living together for at least five years without
alleged that the marriage license in their contract was actually legal impediment to marry each other. However, such is not the
a sham and filled with numerous irregularities. case here because both parties were merely separated from
their previous spouses, and a legal separation does not dissolve
Held: The Court held that the couple was indeed issued a the marriage, much less authorize the parties to remarry.
license, albeit one from Cavite where neither of them resides.
This is a mere irregularity which does not affect the validity of
the marriage, but only subjects the parties responsible to civil, CEREMONY
criminal, and administrative liability. Art 3 Marriage ceremony takes place with the appearance
of the contracting parties before the solemnizing
SEGUISABAL V. CABRERA (1981) officer and their personal declaration that they take
Respondent judge solemnized a marriage without a marriage each other as husband and wife in the presence of not
license because he presumed that the papers were in order less than two witnesses.
since the parents of the parties were present and the woman
was already pregnant. Art 6 No prescribed form or religious rite for the ceremony,
aside from the personal appearance of the parties.
Held: The marriage was void because under the old Civil Code Declaration shall be contained in the marriage
a marriage license was required at the time of the solemnization certificate. If articulo mortis, sufficient for one of the
unless the marriage was of an exceptional character. He also witnesses to write the name of the said party.
failed to send to the Local Civil Registrar a copy of the duly
signed marriage contract within 15 days from the date of the Art 8 Marriage shall be solemnized publicly in the chambers
solemnization of the marriage. For gross neglect of duty, of the judge or in open court, church, chapel or temple,
Cabrera was fined a sum equivalent to three months of salary. or in the office of the consul-general, consul, and vice-
consul, except if the marriage is in articulo mortis or in
MORENO V. BERNABE (1995) remote places, or if both parties request in writing a
Petitioner filed a complaint against the respondent judge who different venue in a sworn statement.
solemnized the marriage without a license upon the promise of
the couple that a license was forthcoming. Judge later informed Art 28 Residence of either party is so located that there is no
means of transportation.
1987 CONSTITUTION Article 220, NCC. In case of doubt, all presumptions favor the
Section 22, Article II. The State recognizes and promotes the solidarity of the family. Thus, every intendment of law or facts
rights of indigenous cultural communities within the framework leans toward the validity of marriage, the indissolubility of the
of national unity and development. marriage bonds, the legitimacy of children, the community of
property during marriage, the authority of parents over their
Section 17, Article XIV. The State shall recognize, respect, and children, and the validity of defense for any member of the
protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities to family in case of unlawful aggression.
preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and institutions.
It shall consider these rights in the formulation of national plans Section 3 (aa), Rule 131. Disputable presumptions. The
and policies. following presumptions are satisfactory if uncontradicted, but
may be contradicted and overcome by other evidence: (aa) That
RA 8371 (Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997) a man and woman deporting themselves as husband and wife
Section 2. Declaration of State Policies. The State shall have entered into a lawful contract of marriage.
recognize and promote all the rights of Indigenous Cultural
• Article 220 → in case of doubt, solidarity of the family
Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) hereunder
and validity of the marriage must be presumed.
enumerated within the framework of the Constitution:
• Section 3, Rule 131 → unless there is evidence to the
(c) The state shall recognize, respect, and protect the contrary, it is to be presumed that a man and a woman
rights of ICCs/IPs to preserve and develop their cohabiting as husband and wife have entered into a
cultures, traditions, and institutions. It shall consider lawful marriage.
these rights in the formulation of national laws and
policies. PEOPLE V. BORROMEO (1984)
Defendant was found guilty of parricide for killing his wife and
Section 29. Protection of Indigenous Culture, Traditions, and was sentenced to reclusion perpetua. His lawyer claimed that
Institutions. The State shall respect, recognize, and protect the the trial court erred in its judgment in that Borromeo should only
right of ICCs/IPs to preserve and protect their culture, be held liable for homicide because he was never legally
traditions, and institutions. It shall consider these rights in the married to the deceased.
formulation and application of national plans and policies.
Held: The defendant is guilty of parricide. Borromeo himself
Section 32. Community Intellectual Rights. ICCs/IPs have the admitted that the deceased was his legitimate wife. Judgment
right to practice and revitalize their own cultural traditions and was affirmed based on the presumption of marriage, that
customs. The State shall preserve, protect and develop the persons living together in apparent matrimony are presumed, in
past, present, and future manifestations of their cultures as well the absence of any contrary evidence, to be in fact married.
as the right to the restitution of cultural, intellectual, religious,
and spiritual property taken without their free and prior informed TRINIDAD V. CA (1998)
consent or in violation of their laws, traditions, and customs. Arturo Trinidad filed an action for partition of land as the
compulsory heir of Inocente. Inocente's siblings contend that
• The 1987 Constitution pledges to recognize, promote, he died single. Arturo has to prove that his mother and Inocente
and protect the rights of indigenous cultural were married and that he was born from said marriage.
communities. In line with this national policy, the
Congress enacted RA 8371, which aims to promote the Held: Plaintiff proved the marriage of his parents by presenting
rights of indigenous cultural communities. a witness to the marriage ceremony. The Court stated that
o As part of promoting their cultural traditions, the marriage may be proven by relevant evidence such as
State shall develop and protect manifestations of testimony of a witness to the matrimony and the birth and
their culture that may include customs related to baptismal certificates of children born during such union. There
marriage. is a prima facie presumption that a man and woman living
maritally under same roof are legally married.
• This policy of the State to protect indigenous culture is
reflected in the Family Code. Specifically, Article 33 of
VDA. DE JACOB V. CA (1999)
the Family Code does away with the license
Petitioner claimed to be the surviving spouse of the deceased
requirement for marriages among members of the
and was appointed Special Administratrix for his various
indigenous communities provided that said marriage is
estates by virtue of a reconstructed Marriage Contract.
performed in accordance with their customs.
Defendant, who claimed to be the legally-adopted son of the
• Respect for customary laws is stressed in the Magna deceased, questioned the validity of the marriage for want of
Carta of Women with the caveat that they do not marriage license. The trial court declared the reconstructed
discriminate against women (Section 19). Marriage Contract as spurious due to a number of irregularities,
such as the use of thumbmark by Alfredo and that there was no
record in the books of the church where it was allegedly
Held: Psychological incapacity only refers to the most serious Held: The marriage is void ab initio because sufficient evidence
cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an was presented to show the psychological incapacity of the wife.
insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to the The root cause of respondent's psychological incapacity was
marriage. Evidence adduced by Roridel only showed that she medically identified and was found to have existed even before
and her husband could not get along with each other. Mere the marriage. The respondent’s habitual lying also disables her
showing of incompatible and conflicting personalities do not to assume the essential obligations of marriage based on love,
constitute psychological incapacity. Marriage is subsisting. trust, and respect. The Court also recognized that the marriage
was already annulled by the Catholic Church.
The Court established eight guidelines in the interpretation
and application of Article 36 of the Family Code: REPUBLIC V. MELGAR (2006)
1. Burden of proof is on the plaintiff, subject to investigation Norma and Eulogio Melgar were married with five children.
for collusion. Norma filed a petition for the declaration of nullity of her
2. Root cause must be psychological in nature and: marriage on the ground of Eulogio's psychological incapacity to
a. medically/clinically identified comply with his essential marital obligations because of his
b. alleged in the complaint habitual alcoholism, jealousy, laziness, maltreatment, and
c. sufficiently proven by the experts, and abandonment of the family for more than ten years.
d. explained clearly in the decision
3. Incapacity must exist at the time of the celebration of Held: Marriage is valid. The totality of evidence presented by
marriage; not necessarily perceivable during the the wife was insufficient to establish psychological incapacity.
celebration, but must have attached by then. While a personal psychological examination is not a sine qua
4. Incurable non condition to prove psychological incapacity, an expert
5. Grave enough to bring about the incapability to fulfill witness would have strengthened Norma's claim, and her
marital obligation. failure to present such turned out fatal to her position.
6. Cannot perform Art 68-71, 220-221 and 225
a. 68-71 (spousal obligations) DIMAYUGA-LAURENA V. CA (2008)
- Live together, observe mutual love, respect Petitioner filed a petition of declaration of nullity of her marriage
and fidelity, render mutual help based on the psychological incapacity of her respondent
- Fix the family domicile. husband. She claimed that during their honeymoon, her
- Jointly responsible for family support husband allowed their 15-year old companion to sleep in their
- Management of the household. room. He also prioritized his parents over the needs of his own
b. 220 – rights and duties of parents with respect to family and even tried to convert her to his religion. He is also
their unemancipated children effeminate but a womanizer at the same time.
c. 221 – civil liability of parents
d. 225 – legal guardianship over property Held: Sexual infidelity, homosexuality, forcing partner to change
7. Decision of the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal religion, and abandonment are grounds for legal separation but
of Catholic Church should be observed. not for the nullity of a marriage. Petitioner failed to identify the
8. State must participate through the fiscal or OSG root cause and ascertain the incurability of his psychological
Held: The marriage is void ab initio. The Court considered the Held: The marriage is valid. The evidence adduced by husband
expert’s opinion as evidence and found both parties to be merely showed that he and his wife could not get along. There
afflicted with severe and incurable psychological incapacity— was absolutely no showing of the gravity, juridical antecedence,
Edward had dependent personality disorder, while Rowena had or incurability of their marital problems. In fact, the couple
narcissistic and antisocial personality disorder. In an obiter, the already have two children, which proved that the alleged
Court avers that the Molina doctrine has become a straitjacket, absence of procreative sexuality was not present at the time of
forcing every case to be bound by its rules. the celebration of the marriage.
Parental consent is required to avoid hasty and ill-advised Held: Marriage is still valid. There was no ample showing that
marriages. Rita was mentally unsound when the marriage was celebrated.
The spouses cohabited continuously for about seven years and
have four children. Petitioner also admitted that Rita had lucid
MOE V. DINKINS (1981) intervals. The insanity of one spouse which occurred after the
15-year-old girl wanted to marry her 18-year-old boyfriend but celebration of the marriage cannot be a ground for nullity.
could not because a New York law required parental consent
for minors to marry. The girl’s mother refused to give her SUNTAY V. COJUANGO-SUNTAY (1998)
consent because she would lose welfare benefits. Husband and wife’s marriage was declared void on the ground
of husband’s schizophrenia. Later on, their daughter wanted to
Held: The law is constitutional. Even though mother had wrong
inherit the estate of her grandmother, but her grandfather
reasons in this case, there are legitimate state interests in
opposed and claimed that she is an illegitimate child and
requiring the consent of parents before entering into a marriage,
cannot be a successor.
such as (1) the peculiar vulnerability of children, (2) their inability
to make critical decisions in an informed and mature manner, Held: The marriage between Emilio and Isabel was only
and (3) the importance of parental role in child-rearing. voidable, pursuant to Article 85 of the Civil Code which provides
that a marriage may be annulled on the ground of insanity.
Levels of review: Therefore, since the daughter was conceived and born prior to
1. Rational basis – law has to be at least relevant the decree of annulment of the court, she is considered
2. Intermediate scrutiny – important interest legitimate and may invoke her successional rights.
3. Strict scrutiny – compelling interest
The State has interest in preserving marriage by preventing CONSENT OBTAINED BY FRAUD
immature persons from entering it. Instead of using maturity
Article 45(3) provides the third ground for a voidable marriage,
as the test or qualifier for marriage, it used age as a proxy.
wherein consent to the marriage was obtained through fraud.
Psychological testing would be expensive, time-consuming,
The party who was the victim of the fraud may, however, ratify
and inconvenient which could discourage people from getting
the detect in the marriage by voluntarily cohabiting with the
married. There are also credible studies establishing that as a
party after knowledge of the facts constituting the fraud.
rule, a person becomes mature as he or she ages.
Article 46 specifies the circumstances of fraud that are
What about those who are 18 to 21?
sufficient as ground for annulment:
They are no longer under parental authority as they are already
of majority age and considered emancipated. We cannot (1) Concealment of a crime involving moral turpitude
presume them to be incapable of making critical decisions. (2) Concealment of pregnancy by another man
Parental consent should be changed to parental advice, or (3) Concealment of sexually transmissible disease
remove the right of the parents to annul the marriage. (4) Concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism,
and homosexuality or lesbianism
INSANITY It also provides that no other misrepresentation or deceit as to
character, health, rank, fortune, or chastity shall constitute
Article 45(2) provides the second ground for a voidable
as fraud or a ground for annulment.
marriage, which is a marriage entered into by an insane party or
a person of unsound mind.
For Senator Tolentino, the test of insanity as a ground to annul A crime involves moral turpitude when it pertains to an act of
the marriage is "whether the party at the time of marriage was “baseness, vileness, depravity in the private and social duties
capable of understanding the nature and consequences of which a man owes to his fellow man or to society in general,
marriage itself." For Justice Sempio-Diy, even if the party is contrary to the accepted and customary rules of right and duty
mentally weak, so long as he or she still understands the between man and man.”
consequences of his or her action, then the marriage is valid.
The conviction referred to in Article 46, to constitute fraud, must
Intoxication amounting to lack of mental capacity and have been prior to the time of the celebration of the marriage. A
somnambulism are considered unsoundness of mind, as there conviction that takes place ten years after the marriage but was
was no knowledge of what he or she was giving consent to. successfully concealed from the other spouse is not a ground
for annulment.
Capacity to act must be supposed to attach to a person who
has not previously been declared incapable. Such capacity
continues as long as there is no evidence to the contrary. The
one alleging insanity has the burden of proving it.
The STD that must have been present at the time of the Art 41 Subsequent marriages shall be void unless the spouse
celebration of the marriage must be serious and incurable. had been absent for four consecutive years and there
The law does not consider the voluntary cohabitation by the is a well-founded belief that the absent spouse was
healthy spouse with the afflicted spouse for public health already dead. If there is a danger of death, two years
concerns. Instead, the law offers the healthy spouse a way out shall be enough.
of the marriage in order to shield the latter and any possible
offspring from acquiring the disease. For contracting subsequent marriages, the present
spouse must institute a summary proceeding for the
declaration of presumptive death of the absentee,
PRESCRIPTIVE PERIODS without prejudice to the reappearance of the latter.
Art 47 Action for annulment must be filed by the following Article 41 and Article 35(4) of the Family Code set the general
persons and within the periods: rule on the status of a marriage contracted during the
(1) Lack of parental consent – by the party without subsistence of a previous marriage. Due to the absence of legal
consent within five years after reaching the age of capacity, such subsequent marriage is void for being bigamous.
21, or by the parent or guardian of the minor at The exception is when the spouse who remarries does so after
any time before the minor reaches the age of 21. complying with the requisites in Article 41. Nonetheless, upon
(2) Insanity – by the sane spouse or by any relative or the filing of an affidavit of reappearance of the first spouse, the
guardian of the insane spouse at any time before subsequent marriage is automatically terminated.
the death of either party in the marriage, or by the
insane spouse during a lucid interval or after Three possible status of marriage
regaining sanity.
(3) Consent obtained through fraud – by the injured Of binding force and is legally sufficient or
party within five years after the discovery of the efficacious. Cannot be voided.
Considered to never have taken place and
(4) Consent obtained through force, intimidation or Void ab
cannot be the source of rights. Cannot be
undue influence – by the injured party within five initio
ratified nor given validity.
years after the force, intimidation or undue
influence disappeared or ceased. A valid and subsisting marriage until
(5) Impotence – by the injured party within five years Voidable
after the marriage.
Art 87 Action for annulment of marriage involving an REAPPEARANCE OF THE ABSENT SPOUSE
absentee spouse must be commenced by the spouse
who has been absent, during his or her lifetime; or by Art 42 Subsequent marriage shall be automatically
either spouse of the subsequent marriage during the terminated by the recording of the affidavit of
lifetime of the other. reappearance of the absent spouse, unless the
previous marriage has been annulled or declared void.
JONES V. HORTIGUELA (1937) Sworn statement of the reappearance shall be
Marciana contracted a subsequent marriage with respondent recorded in the civil registry of the residence of the
after the absence of her first husband. Her daughter claimed parties of the subsequent marriage by the absent
that the subsequent marriage was void because the declaration spouse or any interested parties.
of absence was made only six years after her father’s absence.
Held: Subsequent marriage is valid. It was not necessary under SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM V. JARQUE (2006)
the Civil Code to have the former spouse judicially declared an Bailon filed for a petition to declare his first wife presumptively
absentee before remarrying. The seven-year absence of Arthur dead. He married respondent and upon his death, she was able
was counted from the date Marciana last received news of him, to claim benefits from SSS. However, Alice reappeared and
and not from the date the court issued the order. filed an affidavit claiming that she is the widow of Bailon. SSS
cancelled the pension and declared her marriage void.
Under the Civil Code, a period of seven years was required for Held: The termination of the subsequent marriage by the
presumptive death and four years if there is presence of danger affidavit of reappearance does not preclude the filing of an
of death. Under the Family Code, the period of absence was action in court to dissolve the subsequent marriage. Mere
reduced to four years and two years for extraordinary absence reappearance by the absentee, even if made known to the
due to the developments in communication and transportation spouses in the subsequent marriage, will not terminate the
technologies. There is little to no excuse for a spouse not to subsequent marriage. Former spouse must still be regarded as
contact his family for a long time. legally an absentee until the subsequent marriage is terminated.
Subsequent marriages can only be assailed during the lifetime
Under the Civil Code, the absent spouse must be generally of the parties and not after the death of either, in which case the
considered as dead and believed to be so by the spouse before parties and their children will be left as if the marriage had been
the present spouse may remarry. However, the Family Code perfectly valid. Since no step was taken to nullify the
now merely requires that the present spouse has a well- subsequent marriage, Teresita was deemed the rightful spouse.
founded belief that the absent spouse was already dead. A well-
founded belief entails inquiring into and searching for the REPUBLIC V. GRANADA (2012)
whereabout of the missing spouse. The present spouse has no Respondent’s husband went to Taiwan and did not return so
duty to continue looking for the absent spouse through the she filed a petition to have him declared presumptively dead,
entire four or two years before filing for a declaration of which was granted by the trial court. Republic (OSG) elevated
presumptive death. the case to the Court of Appeals through a notice of appeal
claiming that she failed to exert reasonable efforts to locate
Article 41, FC Article 83, CC
Cyrus. The appeal was dismissed.
4 yrs; 2 yrs with 7 yrs; 4 yrs if
danger of death extraordinary Held: Republic’s arguments that Yolanda did not exert diligent
efforts are well-taken, but the Court was constrained to deny
Belief Well-founded General belief
the Republic’s petition since the RTC ruling on the presumptive
death of Cyrus was already final and can no longer be modified
Summary proc. Yes No
or reversed as it is indeed a summary judicial proceeding.
The decree of annulment and its effects are governed by the Article 51 requires the delivery of the presumptive legitimes to
following articles of the Family Code: the children in the form of cash, property, or sound securities,
while Article 52 requires its recording, along with the judgment
Art 50 The effects of the annulment of subsequent marriages of annulment and partition and distribution of properties, in the
shall also apply to marriages which are void ab initio appropriate civil registry. It is only upon compliance with this
or annulled by final judgment. recording requirement that the former spouses may enter into
another marriage.
Final judgment in such cases shall provide for:
Article 54 provides that children conceived or born prior to the
(1) liquidation, partition, and distribution of the judgment of annulment are legitimate. Those who are
properties of the spouses, conceived and born after the decree of annulment are
(2) custody and support of the common children illegitimate children.
(3) delivery of third presumptive legitimes
Legitimate children have the right to bear the surnames of their
All creditors of the spouses as well as of the ACP/CGP father and mother, pursuant to Article 174. Thus, an annulment
shall be notified of the proceedings for liquidation. decree will not disturb the right of legitimate children to
In the partition, the conjugal dwelling and the lot in continue using the surname of their father as their own
which it is situated shall be adjudicated in accordance username.
with Arts 102 and 129. In contrast, since by law and practice Filipino married women
Art 51 In partition, the value of the presumptive legitimes of attach their husbands’ surname to their maiden surname
all common children shall be delivered in cash, (Article 370), the decree of annulment affects the woman’s
property, or sound securities, unless the parties had continued use of the former husband’s surname. The Civil Code
already decided for such matters in a judicially- governs the matter of what name the woman can use, which
approved mutual agreement. depends on her being the innocent or guilty party.
The term “child” shall include natural or adopted Held: Legal separation was granted. Based on the credible
children. medical evidence and testimonies presented by Lucita, William
indeed inflicted physical violence on her during the marriage
Instead of adultery and concubinage as used in the Civil Code, and that she has been subjected to grossly abusive conduct.
the Family Code provides for sexual infidelity, a gender-neutral There is also no merit in William’s argument that having left their
ground for legal separation. According to Justice Sempio-Diy, home, Lucita should be found to have abandoned him and
this change satisfies the demands of Filipino women for equal could not file for legal separation. The abusive conduct of the
treatment because concubinage is harder to prove compared husband is a just cause for leaving her family and therefore
to adultery. It also gives more leeway for the court to determine there is still a ground for legal separation.
the extent of the sexual infidelity that would justify an action for
legal separation.
Physical Violence or Moral Pressure to Compel Change in
Religious or Political Affiliation
Attempt to Corrupt or Induce the Petitioner, Common Revisions should be made in these two grounds. With
Child, or a Child of the Petitioner, to Engage in Prostitution respect to the fifth ground, the similar vice of
excessive gambling should also be included. The
Only the respondent spouse must have been guilty of legislators should also rethink the sixth ground. All the
corrupting or inducing the petitioner, a common child, or a child other grounds involve the commitment of a marital
of the petitioner to engage in prostitution. If both the spouses offense, but if the homosexual or lesbian spouses can
are guilty, there is no logical reason for one spouse to desist still carry out the obligations of a loving and faithful
from living with the other. spouse and a devoted parent to the children, then
The law should include the attempt of the respondent there is no such offense. If the gay spouse enters into
to corrupt or induce his or her own child. This would a sexual relationship with another person or does acts
show the respondent’s depravity and the other spouse of perversity, the ground of sexual infidelity or
should not stand idly by until the respondent targets perversion under Article 55(8) is readily available.
the other spouse’s child or their common children.
Contracting by the Respondent of a Subsequent Bigamous
Final Judgment Sentencing Imprisonment of More Than
Six Years For bigamy to be prosecuted in the Philippines, all the
requisites of the crime must have taken place within our
The reason for including this ground is unclear. There is no jurisdiction. These requisites are:
requirement that the crime for which the respondent spouse
was imprisoned for had anything to do with the ability to carry (1) Offender has been legally married
out the responsibilities of a good spouse. (2) The marriage has not been legally dissolved or the
absent spouse could not yet be presumed dead
For example, a public officer who commits the crime of (3) Offender contracts a second or subsequent marriage
arbitrary detention of a person for more than 15 days suffers (4) The second or subsequent marriage has all the
a penalty of prision mayor, pursuant to Article 124 of the RPC. essential requisites for validity
Thus, a final judgment sentencing him with imprisonment of
more than six years is a sufficient ground for his spouse to For legal separation, there is no need for a criminal conviction
secure a legal separation decree. Presumably, that spouse no for bigamy. Also, there is still a bigamous marriage even if the
longer wants to live with or feels safe with a convicted felon as second or subsequent marriage takes place in another country.
a spouse. Even if the respondent has been extended a
presidential pardon, there is still a ground for legal separation. The absent spouse who returns and files an affidavit of
reappearance, automatically terminating the subsequent
Other felonies punishable by prision mayor: sedition; marriage, has a right to file for legal separation on the ground of
conspiracy to commit coup d’état, rebellion or insurrection bigamy. Subsequent marriages involving an absent spouse in
line with Article 41 of the Family Code are still characterized as
bigamous under Article 35 and will therefore fall under the
Drug Addiction, Habitual Alcoholism, Lesbianism or seventh ground for legal separation.
Homosexuality of the Respondent
Condonation means forgiveness of the martial offense and is BUGAYONG V. GINEZ (1956)
considered as a defense in legal separation since resuming Benjamin Bugayong, a US Navy serviceman, married Leonila
conjugal life together is contrary to the reason behind legal Ginez while he was on leave. Before reporting back to work, the
separation. For it to be a valid defense, the condonation must couple agreed for the wife to stay in the house of his sisters.
be done after the offense was committed, with the condoning Leonila stayed with her mother in Pangasinan, and shortly after,
spouse having full knowledge of the offense and intent to Benjamin claimed to begin receiving letters informing him of
forgive. If the innocent spouse stays with the erring spouse in alleged acts of infidelity of his wife. His wife also allegedly sent
him a letter saying that a man kissed her. A year later, Benjamin
order to save the family, the continued cohabitation cannot be
returned to Pangasinan and met with his wife. For two days and
considered as condonation because otherwise this would
nights, they slept together as husband and wife. When he asked
punish the innocent spouse for his or her patient forbearance
and instead encourage that spouse to file a legal separation her about her alleged adultery, Leonila just packed her bags and
case post-haste. left, which Benjamin construed as an admission of guilt.
Nonetheless, he still tried to look for her but to no avail. He filed
Condonation may be given a petition for legal separation but was dismissed.
1. Expressly – for instance, by saying “I forgive you” Held: There is condonation. Condonation is the forgiveness of
2. Implicitly – through the acts of the offended spouse a marital offense—it is the conditional forgiveness or remission,
by a husband or wife of a matrimonial offense which the latter
WILLAN V. WILLAN (1960) has committed. In the case at bar, there was a condonation on
The parties were married and have two children. The husband the part of Benjamin for the acts of infidelity amounting to
was away on military service during the war, but upon his return adultery committed by his wife. A reconciliation was effected
he continued living with his wife until he left the conjugal home. between the spouses when Benjamin persuaded Leonila to
According to the husband, she frequently demanded sexual come along with him, and the fact that she went with him and
intercourse with him at times when he did not want it, forcing consented to sleep with him for the next two nights as husband
him to conform to her wishes by subjecting him to various types and wife. Such reconciliation occurred almost ten months after
of violence. The wife would pull his hair, catch hold of him by he learned about her acts of infidelity amounting to adultery.
the ears, shake his head violently, and there was even one Thus, the conduct of the husband despite his belief that his wife
occasion where she kicked his injured leg. On the night before was unfaithful deprives him of any action for legal separation
he left the conjugal home, sexual intercourse occurred between against the offending wife, pursuant to the restriction of Article
the parties when the wife rolled on top of her husband and he 100 of CC. This is in line with American jurisprudence which
eventually acquiesced to her wishes. provides that any cohabitation with the guilty party—even with
just a single voluntary act of marital intercourse—after the
Held: There was condonation. A husband who repeatedly commission of the offense and with the knowledge or belief on
yielded to the unreasonable demands of his wife for sexual the part of the injured party on its commission, is sufficient to
intercourse is deemed to have condoned these acts of cruelty. constitute condonation.
Intercourse with the wife will amount to condonation of the
wife’s cruelty even though the husband was driven to it by her
violence. Even if he was unwilling to have sexual intercourse
with her, he did not act involuntarily and he was free to submit
or resist.
Consent is different from condonation in that it is given before While consent is a unilateral act of one spouse for the
the commission of a marital offense while the latter is given commission of a marital offense by the other, connivance
after. There are two types of consent: indicates agreement between the spouses to commit a
ground for legal separation. It is the willingness to secretly allow
1. Express consent – telling the other spouses in clear or be involved in wrongdoing, especially an immoral or illegal
terms that he or she is free to have other liaisons act. It is inferred from the conduct of one spouse that he or
2. Implied consent – acts of indifference or giving of corrupt she desires the other spouse to commit the offense.
counsel by one spouse to other from which the latter may
infer that commission of a marital offense in acceptable SARGENT V. SARGENT (1920)
to the other spouse Donald and Frances Sargent, a white and educated couple,
were married. The husband hired Charles Simmons, a black
MATUBIS V. PRAXEDES (1960) person, as their driver. Donald filed a suit for divorce against his
Socorro Matubis and Zoilo Praxedes were married. A year after, wife on the ground of adultery, alleging that the latter engaged
the couple agreed to live separately from each other for failing in repeated sexual acts with their driver.
to agree on how they should live as husband and wife. The Held: The husband was guilty of connivance. He had
couple then entered into a written agreement, one of which received reports from his servants and investigators for two
stipulating that the parties are free to live with anyone as months prior to the third circumstance of adultery, which gave
husband and wife without any interference by either of them, him reason to suspect that his wife was having an affair with
nor can they prosecute the other for adultery or concubinage or their driver, and yet he did nothing. He retained Charles in their
any other crime. When Zoilo began cohabiting with another employ and gave him the opportunity to spend more time with
woman who then gave birth to a son, Socorro filed a complaint his wife, and even intentionally absented himself from their
for legal separation on the ground of abandonment and home to facilitate their adultery. He threw no protection around
concubinage, which was dismissed by the trial court. his wife nor gave her any warning against intimacy with Charles;
Held: There was consent on the part of Socorro. The written instead, he left her in danger. Therefore, if consent that the wife
agreement between the spouses, which provide the said should commit adultery is to be inferred from the conduct, it is
stipulation, amounts to express condonation of and consent to clear that the husband desired his wife to commit adultery and
the adulterous acts of the wife. Because Article 100 of CC that he was also consenting thereto.
provides that legal separation may only be claimed by the
innocent spouse, provided there has been no condonation of or RECRIMINATION OR MUTUAL GUILT
consent to adultery or concubinage, the plaintiff wife is now
barred from seeking legal separation. The fourth defense to a suit of legal separation is the
commission by the complaining spouse of a marital
PEOPLE V. SENSANO AND RAMOS (1933) offense. A suit for legal separation presupposes that continued
Ursula Sensano and Mariano Ventura were married. After the life together with the other spouse is unbearable due to a
birth of their child, the husband left his wife to go to Cagayan serious marital wrong that the petitioner spouse finds offensive.
where he remained for three years without writing to his wife or However, if that spouse is likewise guilty of dishonoring their
sending her anything for their support. Eventually, she met marital vows, then he or she is not considered an offended
Marcelo Ramos, who took her and the child to live with him. spouse.
When Mariano returned, he filed a charge against his wife and
Marcelo for adultery and both were sentenced to four months
of imprisonment. After completing her sentence, Ursula left her COLLUSION
paramour and begged her husband to take her back. Mariano Collusion is the act of married persons in procuring a legal
refused to pardon her and told her to do as she pleased since separation by mutual agreement or consent, whether by:
he would have nothing more to do with her. Without any means
to support herself and her son, she returned to Marcelo. Seven 1. Agreeing ahead of time for one of the spouses to
years after, Mariano came back from Hawaii and filed a second commit a marital offense
charge of adultery against his wife and Marcelo. The co- 2. Feigning the commission of a ground under Article 55
defendants were convicted of adultery; hence, this appeal. 3. Failing to present evidence to defeat the suit for legal
Held: The husband gave his consent to his wife. The husband
acquiesced to his wife’s adulterous act by his refusal to take The participation of the prosecuting attorney or fiscal in legal
her back after she served her sentence for adultery and his separation proceedings is necessary to determine whether
subsequent absence for seven years. Such conduct warrants collusion exists between the parties and to guarantee that the
the inference that he consented to the adultery and therefore he evidence is not fabricated or suppressed. This agreement, if not
is not authorized by law to institute another criminal proceeding. express, may be implied from the acts of the parties.
Held: The CA did not err in affirming the judgment of RTC. Art 57 An action for legal separation shall be filed within 5
The Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages years from the time of the occurrence of the cause.
and Annulment of Voidable Marriages (AM No. 02-11-10-SC) Art 58 An action for legal separation shall not be tried before
requires the participation of the public prosecutor in cases 6 months have elapsed since the petition was filed.
involving void marriages and mandates the prosecutor to
submit his investigation report to determine the presence of Art 59 No legal separation may be decreed unless the Court
collusion between the parties. In this case, the trial court has taken steps towards the reconciliation of the
immediately directed the public prosecutor to submit the spouses and is fully satisfied, despite such efforts, that
required report, which was sufficiently complied with by the reconciliation is highly improbable.
Assistant City Prosecutor in his Manifestation, where he
attested that there could be no collusion between the parties Art 60 No decree of legal separation shall be based upon a
and no fabrication of evidence because Estrellita is not the stipulation of facts or a confession of judgment.
spouse of any of the private respondents. Likewise, even
The prosecuting attorney or fiscal shall take steps to
assuming the lack of participation of a fiscal, the decision could
prevent collusion between the parties and fabrication
not be invalidated because the opposition between the parties
or suppression of evidence.
in an adversarial proceeding negates the conclusion that
collusion existed between them. Under Article 102 of the Civil Code, the prescription period for
filing of a petition for legal separation is:
William H. Brown filed a suit to obtain legal separation from his 1. Within one year from the date the plaintiff became
wife Juanita Yambao. He alleged that while he was interned by cognizant of the cause; and
the Japanese at the Santo Tomas Internment Camp, his wife 2. Within five years from the date the cause occurred.
engaged in adulterous relations with another man of whom she
The first period has been found to be too short since in
begot a daughter, and that he only learned of such misconduct
Philippine culture, the innocent spouse is expected to seek
upon his release. Thereafter, they lived separately and later
advice from family members and guidance from spiritual
executed a document liquidating their conjugal partnership. The
advisers. As a result, many aggrieved spouses could not
said complaint also prayed for confirmation of the liquidation
comply with the requirement of filing a case within one year
agreement, custody of their children, and for his wife to be
from cognizance of the ground. Under Article 57 of the Family
disqualified from succeeding him. Despite his wife being in
Code, only the second prescriptive period remains.
default, the trial court denied his complaint for legal separation
after the Assistant City Fiscal discovered that William also
cohabited with another woman and also had children with her.
Elena Contreras and Cesar Macaraig were married. Cesar was
Held: The trial court did not err in permitting the Fiscal to employed as a manager of a printing establishment, where he
act as counsel for Juanita. Collusion in matrimonial cases met Lily Ann Alcala. Shortly thereafter, he became a special
refers to the act of married persons in procuring a divorce either agent at Malacañang and began to be away often and came
by mutual consent to commit a matrimonial offense or by failure home very late. In September 1962, Avelino Lubos, the family
to defend divorce proceedings. It was legitimate for the Fiscal driver, told Elena that Cesar was living with Lily Ann in
to bring to light any circumstances that could give rise to the Singalong. However, when he returned to the conjugal home on
inference that the wife’s default was calculated or agreed upon October of the same year, she refrained from verifying Lubos’
to enable William to obtain the decree of legal separation. One report in her desire not to anger and drive her husband away.
such circumstance is his cohabitation with a woman other than In April 1963, she once again received news that Lily Ann was
his wife, which bars him from claiming legal separation pursuant already pregnant, but because Cesar returned again to their
to Article 100 of CC. Therefore, evidence of such misconduct, home on May, she desisted from discussing the matter with
and the failure of the wife to set it up by way of defense, were him. Finally, in October 1963, Elena received reports that Cesar
proper subject of inquiry as they may justifiably be considered and Lily Ann already gave birth to a baby, and this was
circumstantial evidence of collusion between the spouses. confirmed by the baptismal certificate of the daughter. In
November 1963, she met with Lily Ann, who promised to give
Logically, if in the first place the wife did not append The reconciliation of the spouses may occur while the
her husband’s surname to hers upon marriage, then proceeding for legal separation is still pending or even after
there would be no bar to her continued use of her the issuance of the decree for legal separation. Pending
maiden name after legal separation. proceedings shall be automatically terminated at whatever
stage. If the reconciliation happens after the judgment of legal
separation but before the issuance of the decree, the spouses
RECONCILIATION shall express in their manifestation whether or not they are
Art 65 If the spouses should reconcile, a corresponding joint reviving their former regime or choosing a new regime.
manifestation under oath duly signed by them shall be Under Section 24(a) of the Rules on Legal Separation, the
filed with the court in the same proceeding for legal reconciling spouses shall file a verified motion for revival of their
separation. property regime or the adoption of a new one in the same
Art 66 Consequences of the reconciliation; shall be recorded proceeding as the legal separation. If the court approves it, the
in the proper civil registries. parties must record the Order in the proper registries within 30
(1) Pending legal separation proceedings shall be days from receipt of a copy of the Order. The Court will then
terminated at whatever stage. immediately issue a Decree of Reconciliation declaring that
(2) Final decree of legal separation shall be set aside the legal separation proceeding is set aside and specifying the
but the separation of property and any forfeiture regime that the spouses have chose to govern their property
of the share of the guilty spouse already effected relations. Section 23(f) of the Rules require the recording of
shall subsist, unless the spouses agree to revive this Decree of Reconciliation in the Civil Registries where the
their former property regime. marriage and the decree of legal separation were registered.
Held: Leouel Sr. should have custody over his child. Parental
RELATIONS WITH CHILDREN authority and responsibility are inalienable and may not be
transferred or renounced except in cases authorized by law.
ART. 211. The father and the mother shall jointly exercise When a parent entrusts a minor to another, what is given is
parental authority over the persons of their common children. In merely temporary custody, and even if renunciation is manifest,
case of disagreement, the father’s decision shall prevail, unless the law disallows it. Only in case of the parents’ death, absence,
there is a judicial order to the contrary. Children shall always or unsuitability may substitute parental authority be exercised
observe respect and reverence towards their parents and are by the surviving grandparent. In this case, Leouel Sr. is the
obliged to obey them as long as the children are under parental present parent. The aforementioned considerations are
authority. insufficient to defeat his parental authority and right to have
custody over the child because he has not been shown to be
ART. 213. In case of separation of the parents, parental unsuitable or unfit. The Bedias demonstrated love and affection
authority shall be exercised by the parent designated by the for the boy; nonetheless, the legitimate father is still preferred
court. The Court shall take into account all relevant over the grandparents. Wealth is not a deciding factor since
considerations, especially the choice of the child over seven there is no proof that petitioner cannot support his son. The fact
years of age, unless the parent chosen is unfit. No child under that he did not provide financial support in the past is not
seven years of age shall be separated from the mother unless enough to remove his permanent right of custody. Likewise, his
the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise. past inattention to the child does not mean abandonment and
his efforts now to keep his child may be regarded as serious
CHILD CUSTODY attempt to rectify his past misdeeds. His being a soldier is no
• Parents in de facto separation continue to have joint bar to custody as well. Soldiers cannot be deprived of authority
parental authority. and custody over their children just because of their duties.
o If parents are unable to reach a custody Finally, his abduction is also not enough to deprive him custody.
agreement, Court will decide pursuant to Art. 213.
▪ Tender years → below 7 years old. Based on SY V. CA (2007)
presumption that only a mother can provide Mercedes Sy filed a petition for habeas corpus against Wilson
the love and other basic needs of a child of Sy to get custody of her minor children Vanessa and Jeremiah
tender years. as their mother. Wilson opposed, claiming that Mercedes was
• Court needs to determine compelling reasons if unfit to take custody of the minors as she abandoned their
awarding child below 7 to the father OR if awarding child family, is mentally unstable, and cannot provide proper care to
above 7 to the parent not chosen. the children. The RTC and CA granted custody of the children
• Foremost consideration, when Court is determining to Mercedes and ordered Wilson to pay support.
custody, shall always be the welfare and best interest of
Held: Mercedes should have custody over her children. The
the child.
law favors the mother if she is a fit and proper person to have
• When do parents lose parental authority?
custody of her children so that they may have the benefit of a
o Death
mother’s love and devotion for which there is no substitute.
o Absence
Likewise, no children below the age of seven shall be separated
o Unsuitability
from their mother, unless there are compelling reasons to the
contrary. In this case, Wilson’s allegation of the unfitness of
SANTOS SR. V. CA (1995)
Mercedes were refuted by the latter. She left the conjugal home
Petitioner Leouel Santos, Sr., an army lieutenant, and Julia
to work in Taiwan and earn money to reclaim her children. Her
Bedia, a nurse by profession were married. They had one child,
act of praying in the rain is a mere expression of her faith
Leouel Santos, Jr. From his release from the hospital until when
different from that of Wilson’s family, which is also the reason
he was 3 years old, he had been staying with his maternal
for their separation. She is also financially able to provide her
grandparents. Julia left for the US to work and Leouel alleged
children with the necessities of life. The SC deferred to the trial
he is not aware of her whereabouts despite efforts to locate her.
court’s determination over the issue of unfitness.
Held: CA is correct in affirming that there be no granting of LIABILITY OF PROPERTIES FOR SUPPORT
custody to any party. Since parents are separated de facto,
Support is everything indispensable to sustenance, dwelling,
the issue of custody is yet to be adjudicated. No judicial grant
clothing, transportation, and medical expenses in keeping with
of custody means that both parents are still entitled to the
custody. Art 213 and tender years presumption may be used the financial capacity of the family.
only to counter the claim of custody and not habeas corpus. • CC: husband has sole responsibility to support the family
• FC: joint responsibility of the spouses to render mutual
Habeas corpus is the correct remedy when rightful custody help and support → support usually comes from
is withheld from a person entitled thereto. Proper to direct community property, but spouse will be solidarily liable
Marie to merely produce minor in court and explain why they in the absence of sufficient community property
are restraining his liberty. There is no grant of custody in habeas • Entitlement to Support → rests on whether or not that
corpus, only presentation of the person in court. Under Art 211 spouse left with justifiable reasons
In 1917, Act No. 2170 or the Divorce Law was passed by the
Article 142 of FC also allows the abandoned spouse to file for
legislature providing as grounds for absolute divorce the
administration of exclusive property of other spouse who has
criminal conviction of the wife for adultery and the husband for
been judicially declared an absentee, or when one spouse
becomes a fugitive from justice or is in hiding as an accused
in a criminal case. During the Japanese occupation, a new divorce law contained
• The court shall appoint a third person if the other in Executive Order 141 was issued, increasing the grounds of
spouse is not qualified by reason of incompetence, divorce to 11, similar to our current grounds for legal separation:
conflict of interest, or any other just cause.
• Since it is separate property of the other spouse, then 1. Adultery or concubinage
the present spouse has no right whatsoever → 2. Attempt on the life of one’s spouse
spouse must get court approval 3. A subsequent marriage contracted before the dissolution
of the prior marriage
4. Loathsome contagious diseases contracted by either
5. Incurable insanity
In a de facto separation, a wife may also resort to the
6. Impotency
application of a protection order under RA 9262.
7. Criminal conviction of a crime in which the minimum
Acts of Violence Against Women penalty is not less than six years imprisonment
(1) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her 8. Repeated bodily violence
children of financial support legally due her or her family 9. Intentional or unjustified desertion for one year
(2) Deliberately providing the woman’s children insufficient 10. Unexplained absence from the last conjugal dwelling for
financial support three consecutive years
a. Must be committed with the purpose or effect of 11. Slander by deed or gross by one spouse against the
controlling or restricting the woman’s or her other to the extent that further living together has
child’s movement or conduct become impracticable.
(3) Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or
Upon the liberation of the Philippines, General Douglas
humiliation to the woman or her child, including denial of
MacArthur proclaimed null and void all laws other than those
financial support or custody of the minor child
passed by the Philippine Commonwealth. Act No. 2170 again
The court may issue a protection order which has the purpose became the prevailing law. Although provisions for divorce were
of safeguarding the victim from further harm, minimizing any contemplated in the drafting of the Civil Code, these were not
disruption in the victim’s daily life, and facilitating the passed into law.
opportunity and ability of the victim to independently regain
Aside from the Holy See, the Philippines is the only other
control over her life. This includes:
country in the world that does not grant divorce. Unhappily
• Barangay Protection Order (BPO)
married persons were expected to stay together, mainly for the
• Temporary Protection Order (TPO)
sake of their children, given that there was no legal way to
• Permanent Protection Order (PPO
terminate their marriage. The legal separation that is allowed
• These will compel the husband to provide support for his
in the Civil Code does not sever marriage ties. Article 15 of the
wife and children → failure to do so will render
Civil Code explicitly applies the nationality principle on all
respondent liable for indirect contempt of court.
issues involving family rights and duties, or the status, condition
Note: In de facto separation, the spouse must file ONE SEPARATE and legal capacity of persons, and are binding upon citizens
CASE for EACH remedy (custody, separation of property, even though living abroad. Given that there is no Philippine law
appointment as sole administrator), unlike in legal separation, where granting divorce, this law follows all Filipino citizens though they
the decree gives rise to all grounds are domiciliaries of a country that grants divorce.
In the Philippines, there is only relative divorce or legal The last line of Article 36 is often misunderstood as allowing
separation. Legal separation, which is mere separation from grounds that occurred after the solemnization of the marriage,
bed and board (divorce a mens et thoro), does result in the instead of grounds already there at the time the marriage was
dissolution of the marital ties but modifies the incidents of the celebrated but only became manifest during the marriage. This
marriage relationship by relieving the spouses of the duty of misconception, together with the ease by which a decree of
living with each other. It does not necessarily affect their nullity based on psychological incapacity could be obtained,
economic rights and duties since the Court may order the has led to the dubbing of Article 36 as “divorce, Philippine
spouse who gave cause for the separation to provide for the style.” This erroneous interpretation can be traced to the work
support of the innocent spouse and their common children. of the committees that prepared the Family Code when they
In contrast, absolute divorce (divorce a vincula matrimonii) is opted for an action for judicial declaration of invalidity of
the judicial termination of the legal marriage after which the marriage based on Canon Law to avoid strong opposition from
marriage vows are permanently severed. As a rule, erstwhile the Catholic Church and the Catholic sector. It was made to
spouses will have no rights or obligations unto each other. apply in civil law for three reasons:
Thus, it is essential that the court has personal jurisdiction over 1. As a substitute for divorce
the respondent spouse and the spouses’ community or 2. As a solution to the problem of church-annulled
conjugal properties that it seeks to affect by its decree. marriages
The Family Code also has provisions that govern de facto 3. As an additional remedy for problematic marriages
separation. Articles 100 and 127 of the Code provide that in that do not fall under the void and voidable marriage
case of de facto separation between husband and wife, the provisions of the Family Code.
regime of absolute community or conjugal partnership of the Perpetuating this error distorts the conceptual and legal
spouses shall not be affected. The Code enumerates distinctions between divorce and nullity and unwittingly lends
qualifications for this rule: support to those who object to a divorce law by arguing that
1. A spouse who leaves the conjugal home or refuses to live there is no need for such since Article 36 already exists.
therein, without just cause, shall lose the right to be Thus, in Marcos v. Marcos, the Court explained that Article 36
supported. is not a divorce law that dissolves the marriage when the causes
2. As to transactions entered by one spouse during the de manifest themselves; it refers to a serious psychological
facto separation, if the law requires consent, judicial illness afflicting a party even before the celebration of
authorization shall be obtained in a summary marriage. It is a malady so grave and permanent to deprive one
proceeding. from fulfilling his or her marital obligations provided under
3. As to support of the family, if the community or conjugal Articles 68 to 71, 220, 221, and 225 of the Family Code.
property is insufficient, the spouses’ separate properties
shall be solidarily liable. The spouse present may be
given judicial authority to administer or encumber any FOREIGN DIVORCE OBTAINED BY A FILIPINO CITIZEN
specific property of the other spouse to satisfy the
latter’s share. Two important provisions form the bases for judicial decisions
on foreign divorces involving Filipino citizens. These are:
DIVORCE VS. ANNULMENT AND NULLITY OF MARRIAGE Article 15, CC. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or
the status, condition and legal capacity of
A divorce decree is granted for grounds that arose only during persons are binding upon citizens of the
the married life of the spouses and presumes a valid marriage. Philippines, even though living abroad.
In contrast, annulment is for specific grounds enumerated in Article 26, FC. … Where a marriage between a Filipino
the Family Code which already existed during the marriage citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated
ceremony. These are voidable marriages considered valid until and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained
annulled. If the parties granted by law the right to file for abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him
annulment fail to do so within the prescribed period or ratify the or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall
defect in the marriage, then the marriage will be considered have capacity to remarry under Philippine
valid and can no longer be disturbed. law. (As amended by Executive Order 227)
Article 15 of the Civil Code applies to all Filipinos wherever Two decades after the case of Tenchavez v. Escaño and before
they are residing. It does not matter that the Filipino spouses the amendment to Article 26 was made, the Supreme Court
have been long domiciled in a country which allows divorce. decided the landmark case of Van Dorn v. Romillo, Jr., that gave
Although the courts of competent jurisdiction in the place of recognition to a foreign divorce decree obtained by an alien
domicile grant a divorce decree, such will not be recognized in spouse married to a Filipino. In this case, the Court ruled that
the Philippines given that the Philippine law does not have a the dissolution of the marriage brought about by a foreign
divorce law and therefore does not give Filipinos the legal divorce decree should also bind the Filipino spouse. The
capacity to obtain a divorce, much less enter into a subsequent amendment of Article 26 was designed to put an end to the
marriage. bizarre situation of a Filipino still being married to a foreigner
who, by the latter’s own law, is no longer married to the Filipino.
Pastor Tenchavez and Vicenta Escaño, both Filipino citizens, VAN DORN V. ROMILLO JR. (1985)
were married. Vicenta left for the US and filed for divorce in the Petitioner Alice Van Dorn is a Filipino while private respondent
state of Nevada on the ground of extreme mental cruelty. She Richard Upton is an American. They were married in Hong Kong
subsequently contracted a second marriage with Russell Leo and established their residence in the Philippines. Later on, they
Moran, an American citizen. Tenchavez then filed for legal obtained a divorce in Nevada. Alice thereafter remarried
separation, citing the divorce obtained by the wife in the United Theodore Van Dorn. Richard filed a suit against Alice, stating
States. that her business in Manila, the Galleon Shop, is a conjugal
property and asking that he be declared with right to manage
Held: The divorce decree obtained by Vicenta is void. The the conjugal property. Alice moved to dismiss the case on the
divorce has no effect and the valid marriage between them ground that the cause of action is barred by previous judgment
subsists, although the husband is entitled to a decree of legal in the divorce proceedings before the Nevada Court wherein
separation. The prohibition of the Philippine law against divorce Richard acknowledged that they had no community property.
cannot be circumvented by obtaining a divorce decree from a The respondent Judge, denied her motion on the ground that
foreign country. The Court also provided some rules with regard the property involved is located in the Philippines so that the
to foreign divorces: divorce decree has no bearing. Richard avers that the divorce
(1) That a foreign divorce between Filipino citizens, sought decree obtained in Nevada cannot prevail over the prohibitive
and decreed after the effectivity of the present Civil laws and national policy of the Philippines and that the acts and
Code, is not entitled to recognition as valid in this declaration of a foreign court cannot, especially if the same is
jurisdiction; and neither is the marriage contracted with contrary to public policy, divest Philippine Courts of jurisdiction
another party by the divorced consort, subsequently to to entertain matters within its jurisdiction.
the foreign decree of divorce, entitled to validity in this Held: The divorce decree is valid in the Philippines. The
country; Nevada divorce is valid in any of the States in the US and is
(2) That the remarriage of the divorced wife and her binding on Richard as an American citizen. In the Philippines, it
cohabitation with a person other than the lawful husband is true that because of the nationality principle embodied in
entitle the latter to a decree of legal separation Article 15 of the Civil Code Philippine nationals are covered by
conformably to Philippine law; the policy against absolute divorces, the same being deemed
(3) That the desertion and securing of an invalid divorce contrary to public policy and morality. However, aliens may still
decree by one consort entitles the other to recover obtain divorces abroad, which may be recognized in the
damages; Philippines, provided they are valid according to their national
(4) That an action for alienation of affections against the law. Thus, in this case, the divorce in Nevada released Richard
parents of one consort does not lie in the absence of from his marriage from the standards of American law, under
proof of malice or unworthy motives on their part. which divorce dissolves the marriage. Therefore, pursuant to his
In refusing to recognize the foreign divorce, the Court added national law, Richard is no longer the husband of Alice. He
that to give effect to foreign divorce decrees would give rise to would have no standing to sue her and would not be entitled to
discrimination in favor of wealthy citizens who have the exercise control over conjugal assets. As he is bound by the
means to travel abroad and obtain divorce decrees. decision of the Nevada Court, he is estopped by his own
representation before the said court from asserting his right
over the alleged conjugal property.
The Court gave the twin elements for the application of Article The validity of a divorce decree also impacts on other rights of
26(2) as follows: parties in the subsequent marriage and children of that
1. There is a valid marriage that has been celebrated marriage.
between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner; and
2. A valid divorce is obtained abroad by the alien spouse
capacitating him or her to remarry.
The starting point in any recognition of a foreign divorce is the MEDINA V. KOIKE (2016)
acknowledgment that our courts do not take judicial notice Petitioner Doreen Medina, a Filipino citizen, and respondent
of foreign judgments and laws. This means that the foreign Michiyuki Koike, a Japanese national, were married in the
judgment and its authenticity must be proven as facts under our Philippines. However, Doreen and Michiyuki, pursuant to the
rules on evidence, together with the alien’s applicable national laws of Japan, filed for divorce before the Mayor of Ichinomiya
law to show the effect of the judgment on the alien himself or City in Japan. They were divorced on the same date as
herself. Here, Gerbert was able to the attach to the petition a indicated in their Divorce Certificate and in the Official Family
copy of the divorce decree proving its authenticity. However, he Register of Michiyuki. Doreen filed a petition before the RTC for
failed to include a copy of the Canadian law on divorce. judicial recognition of foreign divorce and declaration of
Nonetheless, the Court allowed the case to be remanded so capacity to remarry pursuant to Article 26(2). She presented
that evidence proving the Canadian law on divorce may be several foreign documents, including the:
admitted, because this is the more appropriate course of action
1. “Certificate of Receiving/Acceptance of Divorce” and the
especially since it will serve the interest of Gerbert’s former wife
“Family Register of Michiyuki Koike," both issued by the Mayor
who has agreed to the filing of the petition. of Ichinomiya City and duly authenticated by the Consul of the
Philippines for Osaka, Japan.
FUJIKI V. MARINAY (2013) 2. Certified machine copy of the “Divorce Certificate” issued by the
Petitioner Minoru Fujiki, a Japanese national, married Consul for the Ambassador of Japan in Manila that was
respondent Maria Paz Marinay in the Philippines. The marriage authenticated by the DFA.
was disapproved by his parents, so Fujiki could not bring his 3. Certification issued by the Manila Civil Registrar that the original
wife to Japan, until they lost contact with each other. Later on, of said divorce certificate was filed and recorded in the said
Marinay met another Japanese, Shinichi Maekara. Without their
4. Photocopies of the Civil Code of Japan and their corresponding
first marriage being dissolved, they were married in the English translations, as well as two books entitled “The Civil
Philippines. However, Marinay allegedly suffered physical Code of Japan 2000” and “The Civil Code of Japan 2009.”
abuse from Maekara, so she left him and reconciled with Fujiki.
Fujiki helped Marinay obtain a judgment from a family court in However, the RTC denied Doreen’s petition, ruling that in action
Japan which declared the marriage between Marinay and for recognition of foreign divorce, the foreign divorce decree
Maekara void on the ground of bigamy. A year after, Fujiki filed and the national law of the alien recognizing his or her capacity
a petition in the RTC, praying for the recognition of the to obtain a divorce must be proven according to our rules on
Japanese Family Court judgment and the declaration of the evidence. The trial court found that Doreen failed to prove the
bigamous marriage between Marinay and Maekara as void ab national law of her husband, particularly the existence of the law
initio. The RTC dismissed the petition on the ground that only on divorce, and that she failed to present qualified expert
the Marinay or Maekara, and not Fujiki, can file the petition to witness on the family and divorce laws of Japan alongside the
declare their marriage void. documents she presented to the court.
(1) Every wife shall be obliged to observe ‘idda as follows: The use of the word “may” indicates that the use of the
(a) In case of dissolution of marriage by death, four husband’s surname is permissive rather than obligatory. There
months and ten days counted from the death of is no law providing that the wife shall change her name to that
her husband; of the husband upon marriage. This is in consonance with the
(b) In case of termination of marriage by divorce, for principle that surnames indicate descent. Thus, a married
three monthly courses; or woman may use only her maiden name and surname. She has
(c) In case of a pregnant woman, for a period an option, but not a duty, to use the surname of the husband in
extending until her delivery. any of the ways provided by Article 370.
(2) Should the husband die while the wife is observing ‘idda
for divorce, another ‘idda for death shall be observed in Therefore, when the marriage ties no longer exists as in the case
accordance with paragraph 1(a). of divorce authorized by the Muslim Code, the divorcee need
not seek judicial confirmation of the change in her civil status in
The effect of a Muslim divorce on the divorcee’s right to order to revert to her maiden name as the use of her former
revert to her maiden surname was deliberated on in Yasin v. husband’s name is optional and not obligatory for her. When
Sharia District Court. the petitioner married her husband, she did not change her
name but only her civil status. Neither was she required to
YASIN V. SHARIA DISTRICT COURT (1995) secure judicial authority to use the surname of her husband
Hatima Yasin filed in the Sharia District Court a petition to after the marriage as no law requires it. In view of the foregoing,
resume the use of her maiden name. She claimed that she had the Court deemed the petition to resume the use of petitioner’s
been formerly married but had been granted a decree of maiden name a superfluity and unnecessary proceeding since
divorce. She also asserted that her husband has already the law requires her to do so as her former husband has already
remarried. The Sharia court, however, denied the petition for remarried after obtaining a divorce decree in accordance with
lack of some formal requirements in accordance with Rule 103 Muslim laws, pursuant to Article 371 of the Civil Code. Petition
of the Rules of Court. The Court claimed that substantially, the is granted and Hatima is authorized to resume her maiden name
petition was one for a change of name, and thus compliance and surname.
with Rule 103 was necessary as it would result in the
resumption in her use of maiden name and surname.
The State shall also promote openness to life; Provided, that parents
bring forth to the world only those children whom they can raise in a
truly humane way.
PEOPLE V. LIBERTA (1984) Held: Police action is subject to the equal protection clause,
Mario and Denise Liberta were married. Shortly after the birth which applies equally to married and unmarried women.
of their son, he began to beat his wife. Denise obtained a The duty of the police to protect applies equally to women in
temporary order of protection from the Family Court which domestic relationship and to those not involved in such. If
ordered Mario to move out and to stay away from Denise and officials have notice of the possibility of attacks on women in
the family home. The order also provided visitation rights to him. domestic relationships or other persons, they are under an
One time, Mario asked Denise if he could visit his son. Denise affirmative duty to take reasonable measures to protect the
agreed with the condition that a friend was to accompany them personal safety of such persons in the community. Failure to
to his motel at all times. However, when they arrived at the perform this duty would constitute a denial of equal protection
room, his friend immediately left and Mario, threatening to kill of the laws. Today, any notion of a husband’s prerogative to
her, forced Denise to have sexual intercourse with him. The physically discipline his wife is an outdated misconception and
defendant even forced Denise to tell their son to watch what he thus must join other archaic and overbroad premises which
was doing to her. Shortly thereafter, Denise filed a complaint have been rejected as unconstitutional. A man is not allowed to
against Mario, who was later convicted for rape. physically abuse a woman merely he is her husband. Therefore,
a police officer may not knowingly refrain from interference in
Held: There is no rational basis for distinguishing between such violence, and may not automatically decline to make an
marital and non-marital rape. The rationales used in defense arrest simply because the assaulter and his victim are married
of the marital exemption are based upon archaic notions of to each other.
women that are no longer tenable. Any argument that is based
on a supposed consent is invalid because rape is not merely a If a similar case were filed in the Philippines, the outcome will
sexual act to which one party does not consent; rather, it is a not be different considering Article 34 of CC, which makes a
degrading, violent act which violates the person and causes member of a city or police force who refuses or fails to render
severe and long-lasting physical and mental harm. The Court aid or protection to any person in case of danger to life or
also discussed other rationales for the marital exemption: property to be primarily liable and the city or municipality
1) Protects against governmental intrusion into marital subsidiarily answerable for damages. The civil action shall be
privacy – No, marital privacy protects consensual, not independent of any criminal proceedings, and a preponderance
violent sexual acts. of evidence shall suffice to support such action.
2) Promotes reconciliation of the spouses – No, if the
marriage has already reached the point where In the Magna Carta of Women, the State:
intercourse is accomplished by violent assault, it is • Has the duty of ensuring that all women are protected
doubtful that there is anything left to reconcile. from all forms of violence as provided for in existing laws.
3) Marital rape is difficult to prove – No, the criminal justice • Mandates government agencies to give priority to the
system, with all its built-in safeguards, is presumed to be defense and protection of women against gender-based
capable of handling any false complaints. offenses and help them attain justice and healing.
4) Marital rape is not as serious as other rape – No, studies o Failure or neglect of a public servant to perform
show that marital rape is frequently more violent and has his official duties may give rise to damages and
more severe, traumatic effects on the victim. administrative sanctions.
Tolentino is NOT a feminist and misses the point. Article 73 of FC corrected the disparity in the spouse's right
• The joint management of the household is intended to to exercise a profession.
free the wife, who is equally responsible for support of • Issues:
the family, from the sole burden of household tasks o Benefit is used by the family
including cleaning, doing the groceries and cooking, o Benefit has been taken already and you just
washing and ironing the family's clothes, and attending object after
to the myriad needs of the family.
An amendment to Article 73 was introduced by RA 10572 which
This is a step towards meeting state parties' obligations under established the liability of the community or conjugal
the CEDAW to modify the social and cultural patterns of partnership properties for obligations arising from a
conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the spouse's exercise of profession. The second paragraph of
elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices Article 73 now reads:
which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority
of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and In case of disagreement, the court shall decide whether or not:
women (1) The objection is proper, and
(2) Benefit has accrued to the family prior to the objection
or thereafter. If the benefit accrued prior to the objection,
EXERCISE OF PROFESSION the resulting obligation shall be enforced against the
community property. If the benefit accrued thereafter,
Article 117, CC Article 73, FC
such obligation shall be enforced against the separate
The wife may exercise any Either spouse may exercise
property of the spouse who has not obtained
profession or occupation or any legitimate profession,
engage in business. occupation, business or
activity without the • Issue: Punished for not getting the consent
However, the husband may
object, provided: consent of the other. The
latter may object only on RA 7192 or the Women in Development and Nation Building Act
(1) His income is valid, serious, and moral recognizes the fundamental equality between men and women
sufficient for the grounds. by providing equal opportunities to both sexes.
family, according to
its social standing, In case of disagreement, the • Section 5 states that regardless of legal status, women
and court shall decide whether of legal age shall have the same capacity to act and to
or not: enter into contracts as men do.
(2) His opposition is
founded on serious • The objection is • Section 8 directs the PAG-IBIG, GSIS, and SSS
and valid grounds. proper; and coverage of married persons who devote their full time
In case of disagreement on • Benefit has accrued to managing the household and family affairs.
this question, the parents to the family prior to o Coverage shall be upon the working spouse's
and grandparents as well as the objection or consent because the contributions that will be
the family council, if any, thereafter. due shall be deducted from the salary of the
shall be consulted. If no If the benefit accrued prior working spouse to the extent of one-half of the
agreement is still arrived at, to the objection, the salary and compensation of the working spouse.
the court will decide resulting obligation shall be
whatever may be proper enforced against the The demand for equal opportunities for women and men was
and in the best interest of separate property of the also addressed in the Magna Carta of Women, which provides
the family. spouse who has not for State promotion of the rights of women to education (Sec.
obtained consent. 13), to credit, capital, and livelihood (Sec. 23), and to decent
work (Sec. 22).
Under Article 117 of CC, the wife may practice any lawful • In Section 12, the State is mandated to take steps to
profession but the husband has the right to object to her amend or repeal laws that are discriminatory to women
working outside of the home. within three years from the effectivity of the law.
• The husband could prevent the wife from exercising her • Given that it was enacted in 2009, the three-year period
profession if: has gone without the Congress having met this deadline.
o His income is sufficient
o His opposition is founded on valid grounds
Pursuant to Section 21 of the Anti-VAWC Law, these reliefs are GENERAL PROVISIONS
without prejudice to the filing of separate civil or criminal
actions for the violation of the protection order. Art 75 The future spouses may, in the marriage settlements,
agree upon the regime of ACP, CPG, complete
separation of property or any other regime. In the
absence of MS, or when the regime agreed upon is
void, the system of absolute community property as
established in this Code shall govern.
Regime of Community
• Common patrimony is formed to answer for the family
and divided equally between the spouses upon
NATURE AND PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE SETTLEMENTS Sufficient causes for voluntary judicial separation of
Void for being Contrary to Nature of Marriage property
1. Spouse of the petitioner has been sentenced to a
• Consider union dissolved for extrajudicial reasons penalty with civil interdiction
• Relieve spouse of obligations to other or to children 2. Spouse of the petitioner has been judicially
declared an absentee
Void for being Contrary to Morals and Good Customs 3. Loss of parental authority of the spouse of
• Monetary penalty for infidelity Art petitioner has been decreed
• Depriving the other of right to ask for legal separation 135 4. Spouse of the petitioner has abandoned the latter
or failed to comply with his or her obligations to the
• Effecting the purchase of one of the spouses family
5. Spouse granted the power of administration in the
Void for being Contrary to Liberty and Rights marriage settlements has abused that power
• Prohibition to contract subsequent marriage upon death 6. At the time of the petition, the spouses have been
• Imposing isolation of wife separated in fact for at least one year and
• Preventing exercise of individual right reconciliation is highly improbable
DONATION PROPTER NUPTIAS Held: The verbal contract with regard to the delivery of the
• Marriage is an essential condition, donation propter money by reason of the prospective marriage was valid.
nuptias cannot happen without marriage. Correctness in form required is for evidential purposes only. If
• Takes effect only upon the celebration of the marriage. the parties permit a contract to be proven, without objection as
• NOT a condition to the form of the proof, it is just as binding as if it had been put
o Condition can be separated from the act into writing. The defendant made no objection to the
concerned without affecting its validity admissibility of oral evidence during the trial, thereby permitting
o Condition has a retroactive effect the contract to be proven by evidence other than writing.
However, the donation is not a donation propter nuptias
REQUISITES FOR DONATIONS PROPTER NUPTIAS since the payment was given to a third party.
1. Made before celebration of the marriage
2. Made in consideration of the marriage SERRANO V. SOLOMON (1959)
3. Made in favor of one or both of the future spouses Melchor Solomon executed a supposed deed of donation
propter nuptias, stating that their children out of the wedlock
If any one of the three requisites are absent, then it is NOT a will be the ones to inherit their properties with equal shares. if
donation propter nuptias. They will NOT be governed by these there were no children, it would be donated to his brothers or
provisions. sisters or their heirs if he dies before his wife, or ½ of such as
well as those acquired during the marriage to those who raised
and took care of her if she dies before him. The wife, Alejandria
DONATIONS PROPER NUPTIAS OF PRESENT OR FUTURE (1) If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially
PROPERTY declared void ab initio except donations made in
the marriage settlements, which shall be
Art 84 If the future spouses agree upon a regime other than governed by Art 81
the absolute community of property, they cannot (2) When the marriage takes place without the
donate to each other in their marriage settlements consent of the parents or guardian, as required by
more than 1/5 of their present property. Any excess law
shall be considered void. (3) When the marriage is annulled and the donee
acted in bad faith
Donations of future property shall be governed by the (4) Upon legal separation, the donee being the guilty
provisions on the testamentary succession and the spouse
formalities of wills. (5) If it is with a resolutory condition and the condition
Rule only applies if the present property is given by one spouse is complied with
to the other. If given by anyone other than the future spouses, (6) When the donee has committed and act of
then rules on ordinary donation applies. ingratitude as specified in the provisions of CC
Donations of What does Par 2 mean? The donor is not the parent who did
• Present property → takes effect upon celebration of not give consent.
marriage What is a resolutory condition? The donation is already
• Future property → takes effect upon death (by will or received which enjoyment is subject to termination upon
mortis causa) happening of the future and uncertain event. In other words,
If Excess one is forbidden to do something. (E.g. Car is given but it will
be revoked if you use it anywhere outside NCR.)
• No limitation when the regime adopted is ACP.
• Law is based on policy that no spouse should be allowed Grounds of revocation in this article is not by operation of law.
to take advantage of the other to acquire property. Those which are revoked by operation of law are the following:
• Thus, the one-fifth limit applies even if the donation is
outside a marriage settlement as long as it is made in 1. If the DPN is stipulated in the marriage settlement and
view of the marriage. no marriage took place (Art 81)
Donations of Future Property ART 81, FC. Everything stipulated in the settlement or contracts
• Take effect upon the death of the donor spouse referred to in the preceding articles in consideration of a future
• Made in a will or testament, and thus can be revoked marriage, including donations between the prospective
• Governed rules by on testamentary succession spouses made therein, shall be rendered void if the marriage
• Cannot be given by anyone other than the spouses does not take place. However, stipulations that do not
depend upon the celebration of the marriage shall be valid.
Two scenarios:
Art 85 Donation by reason of marriage of property subject to (a) If donation propter nuptias is in the prenup agreement
encumbrances shall be valid. In case of foreclosure of and the marriage is not celebrated → VOID
the encumbrance, and the property is sold for less (b) If donation propter nuptias is not in the prenup
than the total amount of the obligation secured, the agreement and the marriage is not celebrated → ONLY
donee shall not be liable for the deficiency. If the REVOCABLE
property is sold for more than the total amount of said
obligation, the donee shall be entitled to the excess.
ART. 87. Every donation or grant of gratuitous advantage, Held: No, Bonifacio has no cause of action to claim the
direct or indirect, between the spouses during the marriage lands, as the donation made by Cirilo to him was prohibited
shall be void, except moderate gifts which the spouses may by Article 1335 of CC. At the time of the donation, Cirilo was
give each other on the occasion of any family rejoicing. The already married to petitioner’s grandmother, making petitioner
prohibition shall also apply to persons living together as a grandchild of Cirilo where the prohibition still applies. The
husband and wife without a valid marriage. petitioner has also not acquired the lands through prescription,
as there was no evidence that he ever possessed them
WHAT ARE VOID DONATIONS adversely as against Cirilo. In fact, he signed as a witness to the
1) Between spouses during marriage deed in favor of Ariola, implying that he never claimed the lands
2) Direct or indirect (e.g. stepchild or child of the other for himself as against his grandfather.
spouse and a person whom the spouse is a presumptive
heir at the time of donation) MATABUENA V. CERVANTES (1971)
Felix Matabuena executed a Deed of Donation inter vivos over
REASONS FOR PROHIBITION a parcel of land in favor of Petronila Cervantes, his common-
1) Donation inter vivos is dictated by principle of unity of law wife. Felix and Petronila were married; but shortly after,
personality of spouses during marriage Felix died intestate. His sister Cornelia Matabuena filed a
2) Prevent weaker spouses from being abused by stronger complaint, claiming that the donation made by Felix to Petronila
spouse, whether by abuse of affection or threats of
while they were cohabiting was void and that the parcel of land
in question belonged to her as his only sister and nearest
3) Protect creditors
4) Prevent indirect modification of the marriage settlement collateral relative. The CFI dismissed her complaint and upheld
the validity of the donation, reasoning that a donation under
PROHIBITION IS ALSO APPLICABLE TO Article 133 of CC is void if made between the spouses during
1) common-law marriages the marriage, but since the donation was made when Felix and
2) parties living in a state of adultery or concubinage Petronila were not yet married, the foregoing provision does not
Reason: possibility of undue influence and that if ruled
Held: The ban on donation between married spouses also
otherwise, those living in guilt would be better off than those in
applies to common-law relationships. Policy considerations
legal union
and dictates of morality require that the same prohibition should
Do NOT refer to donation propter nuptias. apply to common-law spouses. If the intent of Article 133 is to
Direct → donation given to the other spouse proscribe donations from one spouse in favor of the other
Indirect → donation given to someone to which the spouse is a because of some undue influence, coercion, or even genuine
presumptive heir of. love and desire to please his or her consort, then the prohibitive
policy should also cover unmarried cohabitants to prevent
exploitation between the same. As long as marriage is the
Obiter: The petitioners were admonished for raising for the first
time on appeal the invalidity of the donation based on the ban
on donations between those in a common-law relationship. This
would contravene the basic rules of fair play and justice.
In ACP, the husband and wife are joint owners of all the ART. 88. The absolute community of property between
properties of the marriage. The properties which each spouse spouses shall commence at the precise moment that the
brings into the marriage, and those which they acquire during marriage is celebrated. Any stipulation, express or implied, for
the marriage, all form a common mass, which, after the the commencement of the community regime at any other time
dissolution of the marriage or community, is divided between shall be void.
the spouses or their respective heirs, equally or in proportion
the parties have established, regardless of the value they each Under the CC, the property regime of the spouses shall
originally owned. commence precisely on the date of the celebration of marriage.
Under the Family Code, this was clarified to refer to the
While in the CPG, only the profits of the partnership are “precise moment” of the celebration of the marriage.
divided between the spouses, in the ACP it is the entire
common mass that is divided between them, each spouse The legal regime of ACP applies only to:
losing the ownership of the property brought to the marriage. 1. Marriages solemnized after the effectivity of the FC
where the spouses do not adopt a different system in a
No provisions on ACP although it marriage settlement.
Spanish code 2. Marriages where the ACP had been adopted by the
authorizes the adoption of such system
spouses before the FC took effect.
If the spouses adopt it in the marriage
settlement The legal regime of CPG commenced at the moment of
• Based on the custom that in marriage cannot be changed by the adoption of a different
majority of Filipino families, the system by a new law. The rights already vested in the parties
husband and wife consider would be impaired by giving retroactive effect to the ACP in
Civil Code themselves as co-owners brought violation of Article 256, FC. Article 105 supports this.
into and acquired during the
marriage CPG cannot be made to subject to a suspensive condition
• Spouses may choose this as their because the property relations of the spouses, especially as
property regime by stipulating it in regards third persons, cannot be left in a state of uncertainty
the marriage settlement even for a short time. The regime which will apply must be
determined in a clear and precise manner from the very
Family Code Automatic regime
moment the marriage began.
OÑAS V. JAVILLO (1934) The obligations to the family mentioned in the preceding
Crispulo Javillo died intestate and his property is now being paragraph refer to marital, parental or property relations.
subject to partition. His first marriage bore 5 children and
produced 11 parcels of land. The second marriage bore 4 A spouse is deemed to have abandoned the other when her or
children and produced 20 parcels of land. Petitioner is now she has left the conjugal dwelling without intention of returning.
questioning the ruling of lower court finding that the properties The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling for a period of
acquired during the second marriage were acquired with the three months or has failed within the same period to give any
products of the properties of the first marriage. information as to his or her whereabouts shall be prima facie
presumed to have no intention of returning to the conjugal
Held: The properties of the second marriage were not dwelling.
acquired with the products of the properties of the first
marriage. Javillo lived for about twenty years after his second Abandonment → departure with intent never to return. Not just
marriage and during that marriage acquired twenty parcels of physical separation, but absolute cessation of marital relations
land. Only eleven parcels were acquired during the first with the intention of perpetual separation.
marriage. It would take a person with a very vivid imagination to
Spouse can seek the remedies in the first paragraph (petition
believe that the product of eleven parcels of land acquired
for receivership, judicial separation of property, or sole
during the first marriage supplied all of the capital used in
administration of community) after three months of absence
acquiring the twenty parcels of the second marriage.
Justifiable separation obligates the husband to pay separate
Community property is terminated when the marriage is
maintenance to the wife.
dissolved or annulled. Whatever is acquired by the surviving
spouse after the death of the other is his separate property; • Maltreatment of spouse
consequently, the other spouse or his heirs can claim no share • Bringing a concubine into the house
of the property. Prior to the liquidation, the interest of the wife, • Forcing spouse to live with persons whose habits,
and in case of her death, of her heirs, is a mere expectancy character, and language are offensive to her dignity
which constitutes neither a legal nor an equitable estate and
does not ripen into title until it appears that there are assets in
the community as a result of the liquidation and settlement. In
this case it does not appear that there was a liquidation of the
property of the first marriage. Thus, the project of partition
approved by the lower court is not in conformity to law. As such,
1/2 of all the conjugal property of both marriages corresponds
to the deceased Javillo and must be divided share and share
alike among all the children of both marriages. One-half of the
conjugal property pertaining to the first marriage should be
divided share and share alike among the five children of that
marriage, while one-half of the conjugal property of the second
marriage must be adjudicated to the widow Oñas.
Under the CC, the system of CPG was the legal regime, and Law grants husband some General rule is all
was presumed if the spouses did not adopt a different system predominance in control, partners have same
in their marriage settlements. But under the FC, this regime is management, and disposition rights to such matters
merely optional and must be provided in the marriage
settlements. Not a juridical person Juridical person
If the spouses adopt this regime, they can provide terms or Not for profit For profit
rules to govern the partnership. Such ruled adopted by the
spouses will prevail over the provisions of the Family Code, Death does not
Dissolved by death
which is only suppletory in effect. Without any stipulation of necessarily dissolve it
rules, the provisions of FC will govern.
Liquidation can happen
Liquidated upon death
Said to be not reflective of Filipino culture since Filipinos anytime
don’t usually compute the source of funds.
Held: The said properties are capital properties of Eusebio. DEWARA V. ALVERA (2011)
While Article 160 presumes that all properties of the marriage Eduardo Dewara and petitioner Elenita Dewara were married
are conjugal in nature, the party who invokes the presumption before the enactment of FC. The spouses were separated in
must first prove that the property in question was acquired fact because Elenita went to work in California, while Eduardo
during the marriage. Proof of acquisition during the coverture is stayed in Bacolod City. Eduardo, while driving a private jeep
a condition sine qua non for the operation of the presumption registered in the name of Elenita, hit respondent Ronnie Lamela,
in favor of the conjugal partnership. Nonetheless, this who then filed a criminal case for serious physical injuries
presumption is rebuttable, but only with strong, clear, and against him. Eduardo was found guilty and was sentenced with
convincing evidence of exclusive ownership of one of the imprisonment and was ordered to pay actual and moral
spouses. In the case at bar, Teresita failed to show that the damages. The writ of execution on the civil liability was served
properties were acquired during her marriage with Eusebio. on Eduardo, but it was returned unsatisfied because he had no
As regards the land in Rizal, petitioner failed to rebut property in his name. The City Sheriff levied the land in Bacolod
Eusebio’s testimony that he inherited the same from his registered under the name of Elenita to satisfy the judgment,
parents. She even admitted that Eusebio brought into their and was consequently sold to Ronnie. A new certificate of title
marriage the said land, although in the concept of a possessor was then made in the name of respondent spouses. Elenita then
only as it was not yet registered in his name. Whether Eusebio filed a case for annulment of the sale, claiming that the property
inherited the property before or after his 2nd marriage is was her paraphernal property and could not be made to answer
inconsequential as the property should be regarded as his own for the personal liability of her husband. The RTC ruled in favor
exclusively as an acquisition by lucrative title, which refers to of petitioner, declaring the transfer certificate as null and void
properties acquired gratuitously by either spouse during the and the property paraphernal in nature as it was sold to her by
marriage through inheritance, devise, legacy, or donation. her father and her aunt from what they inherited from their father
Hence, even if Eusebio's succession of the land took place for the purpose of expanding her capital at the time so the sale
was essentially a donation gratuitous in character and therefore
could not be charged with Eduardo’s civil liability. On appeal,
The conjugal partnership does not have to reimburse the ART. 119. Whenever an amount or credit payable within a
spouse for those expenses of cultivation. period of time belongs to one of the spouses, the sums which
• The fruits themselves, however, are bound for the may be collected during the marriage in partial payments or by
payment of the necessary and indispensable expenses installments on the principal shall be the exclusive property of
in their production, administration, and preservation. the spouse. However, interests falling due during the marriage
• Fruits of paraphernal property cannot be considered as on the principal shall belong to the conjugal partnership.
conjugal property, until the liquidation and payment of
such expenses, because it is only the net income of Illustration of Art 119: The wife lent money to another before
separate properties which becomes conjugal. her marriage at interest, payable in installment for 10 years. The
interests falling due during the marriage are conjugal, but the
Intellectual and business property installment payments on the principal loan belong to the wife
Intellectual property is considered as separate property of the exclusively.
spouse who produces, invents, or discovers it. It is not
simply a product of one’s work or industry, but the physical or ZULUETA V. PAN AM (1973)
external manifestation of one’s intellect or genius which cannot Spouses Rafael and Carolina Zulueta together with their
be conceived separately from its author. daughter were passengers of Pan Am. Mr. Zulueta left the
• All the benefits or earnings derived from these during the terminal and went to the beach in search for a place where he
marriage belong to the CPG. could relieve himself. He was later offloaded from the plane.
Capt. Zentner asserted that he was offloaded due to drinking
Share of spouses in hidden treasure and his belligerent attitude, but Mr. Zulueta claims that the order
• If treasure is found by chance by a stranger on the land to off-load his family was a result of a prior verbal altercation
of a spouse, the share of the latter as proprietor will be that happened between him and Capt. Zentner. After Mr.
conjugal. Zulueta was off-loaded, Capt. Zentner intended to keep him
stranded in Wake Island for a minimum period of one week at
• If a spouse discovers treasure on the land of a stranger,
the former’s share as finder will be conjugal. the cost of $13.30 per day. In an action for damages against
Pan Am, the Zuluetas were awarded moral and exemplary
• If one spouse discovers treasure on the land of the other
damages, as well as attorney fees. Pending appeal, the
spouse, the whole treasure must be conjugal.
spouses separated and Mrs. Zulueta entered into a
Personal debts of the spouses, whether contracted before or AYALA INVESTMENT V. CA (1998)
during the marriage, are chargeable against the conjugal PBM obtained a loan of P50 million from AIDC. Alfredo Ching,
partnership insofar as they benefitted the family. the Executive VP of PBM signed as surety to the loan, making
himself liable with PBM’s indebtedness to AIDC. Upon PBM’s
• All personal debts which do not benefit the family must failure to pay the loan, AIDC filed a case to recover the sum of
be paid from the separate property of the debtor-spouse. money from PBM and Ching. A writ of execution was issued by
• However, under Article 122(3), personal debts before the Deputy Sheriff wherein the properties of Ching were to be
the marriage may be enforced against the partnership levied and scheduled for auction. The 3 properties involved
after the liabilities in Article 121 have been covered, if the were conjugal properties of Ching and his wife; thus, Ching
debtor-spouse has no or insufficient property. asked that the auction sale upon said properties be enjoined
• Despite the silence of the law on debts contracted during because such are part of the CPG and could not be held liable
the marriage, the rule on personal debts before the to answer for a loan that did not redound to the benefit of his
marriage should be applied. family. Nevertheless, the auction still took place and AIDC,
being the only bidder, acquired the properties. As such, Ching
Liabilities for damages instituted an action in the court to declare the sale null and void.
• General rule: pecuniary indemnities imposed upon the The RTC and CA ruled in his favor, rendering the sale null and
husband or wife are not chargeable against the conjugal void and holding that the loan procured was not for the benefit
property. of the conjugal partnership of the respondents.
• Exception: where the wrongful act inured to the benefit
of the partnership, it is unjust to make the partnership Held: The conjugal partnership is not liable for the surety
keep the benefit and impose the indemnity exclusively agreement of the husband. If the money or services are given
upon the spouse who committed the act. to another person or entity, and the husband acted only as a
surety, that contract alone cannot be categorized within the
context of obligations for the benefit of the conjugal
ART. 123. Whatever may be lost during the marriage in any partnership. In this case, the execution of the surety agreement
game of chance or in betting, sweepstakes, or any other kind did not redound to the benefit of the family since it was only a
of gambling whether permitted or prohibited by law, shall be corporate loan extended to and used by PBM. Art 161 of CC
borne by the loser and shall not be charged to the conjugal and Art 121 of FC are clear in requiring that the loan obtained
partnership but any winnings therefrom shall form part of the should redound to the benefit of the conjugal partnership in
conjugal partnership property. order for the same to be held liable. The burden of proof that
the debt was contracted for the benefit of the conjugal
partnership lies with the creditor-party litigant, and in this case
the AIDC failed to prove that the debt was contracted by the
husband for the benefit of his family. Moreover, actual benefits
Thus, Severino did not cease being the administrator of their A void contract cannot be ratified. The amicable settlement
conjugal properties at the time the motion for judicial approval entered into by Gilda and the spouses Guiang is a direct off-
of the sale was granted. Being the administrator, however, does shoot of the Deed of Transfer of Rights, which is a void contract,
not give him the outright authority to alienate or encumber and as such the amicable settlement is also null and void.
assets. This would require the express or implied consent of Neither can it be considered a continuing offer that was
Payuran subject to certain exceptions. Article 166 of CC states accepted and perfected by the parties.
that unless the wife has been declared incapacitated, the
husband cannot alienate or encumber any property of the CP RELUCIO V. LOPEZ (2001)
without her consent. But if she refuses unreasonably to give her Respondent Angelina Lopez filed a petition for her appointment
consent, the court may compel her to grant the same. This is as sole administratrix of the conjugal properties against her
precisely the reason why Severino sought the judicial approval husband Alberto Lopez and petitioner Imelda Relucio. Angelina
of sale of the Pasay property. alleged that Alberto abandoned her and their four children,
arrogated unto himself full and exclusive control over their
Moreover, as the evidence warrants, the sale was necessary to conjugal properties, and cohabited with Relucio. She further
answer for a big, conjugal liability which might endanger the claimed that in the course of their cohabitation, they have
family’s economic standing. The case at hand actually is one amassed a fortune consisting mainly of stockholdings in Lopez-
wherein the wife’s consent is not required and impliedly, no owned or controlled corporations and other properties through
judicial intervention is necessary. According to Article 171 of the actual contribution of money, property, and industry of
CC, the husband may dispose of the conjugal properties for the Alberto. However, Angelina and her four children did not benefit
purposes specified in Articles 161 and 162. In general, these from the said properties. Instead, Alberto has intentionally
articles deal with the obligations of the conjugal partnership. placed the conjugal properties beyond the reach of Angelina
And in this case, the sale was the surest and most practical and their children, and spent the proceeds thereof for his sole
means resorted to by Tinitigan to save them from a serious benefit, Relucio and their two illegitimate children. Relucio filed
financial setback. a motion to dismiss the petition on the ground that Angelina has
DISSOLUTION OF THE CPG ART. 128. If a spouse without just cause abandons the other or
fails to comply with his or her obligation to the family, the
ART. 126. The conjugal partnership terminates: aggrieved spouse may petition the court for receivership, for
(1) Upon the death of either spouse; judicial separation of property, or for authority to be the sole
(2) When there is a decree of legal separation; administrator of the conjugal partnership property, subject to
(3) When the marriage is annulled or declared void; or such precautionary conditions as the court may impose.
(4) In case of judicial separation of property during the
A spouse is deemed to have abandoned the other when he or
marriage under Articles 134 to 138.
she has left the conjugal dwelling without intention of returning.
When the CPG is dissolved, all the provisions of Articles 116 to The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling for a period of
125 cease to apply. Whatever is acquired by the surviving three months or has failed within the same period to give any
spouse after the dissolution of the partnership by death, or by information as to his or her whereabouts shall be prima facie
either spouse after the termination of the partnership for other presumed to have no intention of returning to the conjugal
reasons, forms a part of his or her own capital. dwelling.
• Fruits accruing to separate property of the husband after
his death cannot be considered as conjugal property
and are not responsible for the partnership’s obligations. LIQUIDATION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES
o It is only after the CPG has been exhausted that
the separate property of the husband and its fruits ART. 129. Upon the dissolution of the conjugal partnership
accruing after the dissolution of the partnership regime, the following procedure shall apply:
can be held liable for partnership debts. (1) An inventory shall be prepared, listing separately all the
• After the death of one of the spouses, in case it is properties of the conjugal partnership and the exclusive
necessary to sell any portion of the community property properties of each spouse.
in order to pay outstanding obligations of the (2) Amounts advanced by the conjugal partnership in
partnership, such sale must be made in the manner and payment of personal debts and obligations of either
with the formalities established by the Rules of Court. spouse shall be credited to the conjugal partnership
o Any sale, alienation, or disposition of said as an asset thereof.
property effected without said formalities shall be (3) Each spouse shall be reimbursed for the use of his or
null and void, except as regards the portion that her exclusive funds in the acquisition of property or for
belongs to the vendors as determined in the the value of his or her exclusive property, the ownership
liquidation and partition. of which has been vested by law in the conjugal
o Pending the liquidation, the disposition must be partnership.
considered as limited only to the interest of the (4) The debts and obligations of the conjugal partnership
vendor in the particular property shall be paid out of the conjugal assets. In case of
o Disposition cannot include the half that may be insufficiency of said assets, the spouses shall be
adjudicated to the heirs of the deceased spouse. solidarily liable for the unpaid balance with their
• The dissolution of the conjugal partnership must be separate properties, in accordance with the provisions
recorded in the registry of property in order to affect of paragraph (2) of Article 121.
third persons dealing with registered property. (5) Whatever remains of the exclusive properties of the
• Co-ownership for the management and control of the spouses shall thereafter be delivered to each of them.
community property → if there is no liquidation of the (6) Unless the owner had been indemnified from whatever
conjugal partnership even after the death of the spouse source, the loss or deterioration of movables used for
and the surviving spouse and the heirs of the deceased the benefit of the family, belonging to either spouse,
keep the properties undivided.
ART. 138. After dissolution of the absolute community or of the Agreement to revive former regime shall specify (Art. 67)
conjugal partnership, the provisions on complete separation 1. What to contribute anew to restored property regime
of property shall apply. 2. What to retain as separate property
3. Names of all the creditors
ART. 139. The petition for separation of property and the final
judgment granting the same shall be recorded in the proper
local civil registries and registries of property. SOLE ADMINISTRATION OF OTHER SPOUSE’S PROPERTY
ART. 140. The separation of property shall not prejudice the ART. 142. The administration of all classes of exclusive
rights previously acquired by creditors. property of either spouse may be transferred by the court to the
other spouse:
Effects of decree of separation
1. Dissolution of the ACP or CPG and its consequent (1) When one spouse becomes the guardian of the other;
liquidation. (2) When one spouse is judicially declared an absentee;
2. Each spouse may thereafter own exclusively all his or her (3) When one spouse is sentenced to a penalty which
earnings and the fruits of his or her separate property. carries with it civil interdiction; or
3. The obligation of the spouses to support their children (4) When one spouse becomes a fugitive from justice or is
continues, each spouse contributing thereto in in hiding as an accused in a criminal case.
proportion to his or her income or property.
If the other spouse is not qualified by reason of incompetence,
a. Based not on the value of their respective
conflict of interest, or any other just cause, the court shall
property, but on the benefits or income derived
appoint a suitable person to be the administrator.
b. If insufficient, the basis will be the market value of Property covered
their respective properties. Civil Code Family Code
c. Support of children – if one spouse pays all the
expenses because the other has no means, the All classes of property in the marriage, All classes of exclusive
former cannot subsequently recover from the whether exclusive or conjugal property of either spouse
latter a proportionate share should his means
improve. Such payment was for his own
obligation imposed by law, which cannot be
In ACP/CPG, administration of common property is given in
case of incapacity. Exclusive property may be administered
4. Mutual obligation of the spouses to support each other
by the other spouse but court proceeding is required.
also continues.
Family home is the dwelling place of a person and his family. Difference between the Civil Code and Family Code on
• A real right, which is gratuitous, inalienable, and free from constitution of family home:
attachment, constituted over the dwelling place and the • Civil Code → may be constituted judicially (done by
land on which it is situated, which confer upon a filing a petition and with the approval of the proper
particular family the right to enjoy such properties, which court) or extrajudicially (done recording of a public
must remain with the person constituting it and his heirs. instrument in the proper registry).
• As an object → may actually exist even if not constituted • Family Code → actual occupation of the house as a
in the manner provided by the following articles. family residence which creates the family home, without
• Its constitution as provided in the CC created a real right; judicial or extrajudicial proceedings.
hence, the need for registration. o May be too simple → fraud against creditors, who
o Dissolved → not the property itself that is divided; have no means of determining which house is the
it is the real right that is extinguished. family home when a family has several houses
• A sacred symbol of family love and the repository of among which they move or live at certain periods,
cherished memories that last during one’s lifetime. or the exact date when it was constituted.
o Being a seat and symbol of family affections,
should not be seized for debs, except in certain The family home continues so long as any of the beneficiaries
special cases. actually resides therein.
• Unmarried head can mean live-in partners, eldest • Death of those who constituted the family home does not
sibling/child or widow. necessarily terminate the family home (Article 159)
• Cannot be a family home if you do not own the land it is • May be terminated or dissolved when the property on
situated on. which it is constituted is validly alienated.
In any event, if the value of the currency changes after the ART. 160. When a creditor whose claims is not among those
adoption of this Code, the value most favorable for the mentioned in Article 155 obtains a judgment in his favor, and
constitution of a family home shall be the basis of evaluation. he has reasonable grounds to believe that the family home is
actually worth more than the maximum amount fixed in
For purposes of this Article, urban areas are deemed to include Article 157, he may apply to the court which rendered the
chartered cities and municipalities whose annual income at judgment for an order directing the sale of the property under
least equals that legally required for chartered cities. All execution. The court shall so order if it finds that the actual
others are deemed to be rural areas. value of the family home exceeds the maximum amount
allowed by law as of the time of its constitution. If the
Considering this “price tag” imposed on family homes,
increased actual value exceeds the maximum allowed in Article
realistically speaking, there is no family home in the Philippines
157 and results from subsequent voluntary improvements
anymore. The law must first seek actuarial computation to
introduced by the person or persons constituting the family
update the equivalent value in today’s economy.
home, by the owner or owners of the property, or by any of the
beneficiaries, the same rule and procedure shall apply.
ART. 158. The family home may be sold, alienated, donated, At the execution sale, no bid below the value allowed for a
assigned or encumbered by the owner or owners thereof
family home shall be considered. The proceeds shall be
with the written consent of the person constituting the same,
applied first to the amount mentioned in Article 157, and then
the latter’s spouse, and a majority of the beneficiaries of legal
to the liabilities under the judgment and the costs. The
age. In case of conflict, the court shall decide.
excess, if any, shall be delivered to the judgment debtor.
Effect of alienation or encumbrance
This article refers to JUDGMENT DEBTORS.
• Alienated → ceases to be a family home; proceeds of the
sale or from other source may be used to constitute
another family home.
The court cannot order the sale on execution of a family MODEQUILLO V. BREVA (1990)
home on the mere allegation of a creditor that its value is After a vehicular accident, Jose Modequillo was ordered to
more than P300,000 or P200,000. indemnify the heirs of Audie Salinas who died in the same
• May subject the debtor to unnecessary embarrassment. accident. The judgment being final and executory, the RTC
• There must first be a hearing and appraisal of the issued a writ of execution to satisfy the liabilities on the property
property to determine whether there is reasonable of Modequillo. The sheriff levied a parcel of residential land in
ground to believe that its value exceeds the limit for his name. Modequillo filed a motion to quash and set aside the
family homes. levy, claiming that the same residential land is where his family
home was built since 1969 and prior to the commencement of
If the property can be divided without material injury, the court this case and as such, it is exempt from execution under
should order the appraisers to set aside for the debtor so much Articles 152 and 153 of the FC. He also claimed that the said
of the land and the building thereof as will amount in value of judgment is not one of those listed under Article 155. The trial
the family home exemption, over and above all liens and court denied the motion, holding that the said house and lot
encumbrances, and the execution may be enforced against the became a family home only when the FC became effective.
remainder of the land.
Held: His family home is not exempt from execution of the
A levy of execution upon the family home creates a foundation money judgment. Under the FC, a family home is constituted
for proceedings to ascertain the value of the property covered on a house and lot from the time it is occupied as a family
by the declaration of family home, to procure an order for the residence, in contrast to the CC where there is a need to
division or sale thereof, and to have the excess over the constitute the same judicially or extrajudicially. In this case, the
exempted value applied to the payment of the judgment credit. residential house of petitioner was not constituted as a family
• Creates a lien conditionally to the extent of any excess home under the CC. It was deemed constituted as a family
in value above the family home exemption, which may by home only upon the effectivity of the FC. Article 162 of FC does
proper proceedings be determined to exist. not mean that Articles 152 and 153 apply retroactively—it
• Lien is absolute when such excess is determined. simply means that all existing family residences at the time of
• Any purchaser of the property after such levy takes it the effectivity of the FC are considered family homes and are
subject to the rights of the judgment creditor to have prospectively entitled to the benefits accorded to a family home
such property sold upon such proceedings. under the FC. Thus, Article 152, or the automatic constitution of
family home by mere actual occupation, cannot be invoked by
The bid must exceed the amount of the family home exemption
the plaintiff. Therefore, the family home is not exempt from
plus the total amount of all liens and encumbrances, because
execution since the liability which was incurred at the time of
creditors holding such liens and encumbrances have a
the vehicular accident and the money judgment arising
preference to the proceeds of the sale, over all others.
therefrom both preceded the effectivity of the FC.
• Their claims can be enforced against the family home,
even if the latter does not exceed the value fixed by law;
the right of family home is subordinate to the lien or
Marcelino Dario died intestate. He was survived by his wife,
encumbrance in their favor; they must first be paid even
petitioner Perla Patricio and their two sons, Marcelino Marc and
before the amount fixed in Art. 157 is set aside.
respondent Marcelino Dario III. Among the properties he left
Ma’am Beth: was a parcel of land with a residential house in Quezon City.
• It’s not a wise move for creditors to go after the family The three extrajudicially settled the estate of Marcelino Dario,
home because he puts his debtor in a more financially and a new title was issued in their names. Thereafter, Patricio
precarious situation and the creditor is not a priority. and Marcelino Marc advised Dario III of their intention to
The order of liability among ascendants and descendants This refers to civil support, the amount of which is based on
would be: two factors:
1. Legitimate children and descendants 1. The means of the obligor
2. Legitimate parents and ascendants 2. The necessities of the recipient, according to the social
3. Illegitimate children and their descendants position of the family
The action for support may be brought against any of those
obliged to give it, but the plaintiff must show that those who
ART. 202. Support in the cases referred to in the preceding
are called upon to furnish the support before the defendant
article shall be reduced or increased proportionately,
are without means to give such support.
according to the reduction or increase of the necessities of the
• If the defendant can prove that another person who is recipient and the resources or means of the person obliged to
ahead of him in the order of liability can give the support, furnish the same.
the obligation must fall upon the latter.
A judgment for separate maintenance can never become final
and may always be modified at any time for sufficient reasons.
ART. 200. When the obligation to give support falls upon two
• May always be modified because of varying conditions
or more persons, the payment of the same shall be divided
affecting the ability of the obligor to pay the amount fixed
between them in proportion to the resources of each.
as support, and the ever-changing needs of the recipient
However, in case of urgent need and by special circumstances, himself.
the judge may order only one of them to furnish the support
A judgment increasing or decreasing the amount of support
provisionally, without prejudice to his right to claim from the
does not have retroactive effect, and should not in any matter
other obligors the share due from them.
affect the amount already paid to the recipient.
When two or more recipients at the same time claim support • The recipient does not have to return the difference
from one and the same person legally obliged to give it, should between what he has already received and the new
the latter not have sufficient means to satisfy all claims, the amount, if reduced; neither is he entitled to demand such
order established in the preceding article shall be followed, difference if the amount was increased.
unless the concurrent obligees should be the spouse and a • Past payments in arrears are not condoned or
child subject to parental authority, in which case the child shall extinguished by an order or judgment reducing the
be preferred. amount of future payments.
Where a wife has been abandoned, the period of prescription This exempts from execution both the right to support and the
of the action should be counted, not from the date of allowances received under such right. To allow attachment
abandonment, but from the time when she needed support. or execution of the right to support, or of what is used for
• In the absence of other evidence, this would be at the support, would defeat the protection which the law gives to
time when she filed the action for support. Hence, the the recipient against want and misery.
action for support would never prescribe. • Creditors cannot go after the support because it is
“indispensable,” hence essential to survival of recipient.
The heirs of a deceased person entitled to support are not
obliged to return whatever he may have received in advance
for such support. ART. 206. When, without the knowledge of the person obliged
• If the recipient dies on the 20th day of the month, the to give support, it is given by a stranger, the latter shall have a
obligor is compelled to pay the rest of the pension right to claim the same from the former, unless it appears
corresponding to the unexpired part of the amount, on that he gave it without intention of being reimbursed.
the theory that the amount for the whole month should
have been paid in advance, and there would have been For one to recover under this article, it must be alleged and
no duty to refund in case of death. proved:
1. That support has been furnished by a dependent of one
Ma’am Beth says: If you’re a legitimate child, everything just
bound to give support but who fails to do so.
trickles down to you. You don’t have to ask for support or
2. That the support was furnished by a stranger.
anything because you just go to the dining table and there’s
a. Stranger refers to one who does not have any
food waiting for you.
obligation to support the person given support.
b. The obligation to reimburse him arises from a
ART. 204. The person obliged to give support shall have the quasi-contract, and not from an implied contract.
option to fulfill the obligation either by paying the allowance 3. That the support was given without the knowledge of the
fixed, or by receiving and maintaining in the family dwelling person charged with the duty.
the person who has a right to receive support. The latter 4. That the support must not have been given without the
alternative cannot be availed of in case there is a moral or legal expectation of recovering it.
obstacle thereto.
The option granted to the obligor to support the recipient in ART. 207. When the person obliged to support another
his own home has two requisites: unjustly refuses or fails to give support when urgently
1. The obligor has his own home or domicile needed by the latter, any third person may furnish support
2. There exists no moral or legal reason which prevents the to the needy individual, with right of reimbursement from
recipient from living in the obligor’s home or domicile. the person obliged to give support. This Article shall
particularly apply when the father or mother of a child under the
Moral or legal obstacles age of majority unjustly refuses to support or fails to give
May prevent the court from upholding the option of the obligor support to the child when urgently needed.
to support the obligee in his own home. Examples include:
1. Subjecting the wife or their children to prostitution. Under Article 207, the obligor unjustly refuses to support the
2. The wife does not want the husband to keep an person entitled thereto; while in Article 206, there is a mere
illegitimate child with them. failure to give support.
3. Stepbrother and stepsister have an affair. • Not necessary that the obligor does not know that the
support is being given by another—the law creates a
Separate maintenance promise on the part of the person obliged to give support
Separate maintenance outside of the obligor’s home has been to reimburse the one who gave support.
allowed in the following instances:
1. When a wife is separated from her husband by reason of
a decree of legal separation.
ART. 305, CC. The duty and the right to make arrangements
for the funeral of a relative shall be in accordance with the
order established for support, under Article 294. In case of
descendants of the same degree, or of brothers and sisters, the
oldest shall be preferred. In case of ascendants, the paternal
shall have a better right.
ART. 306, CC. Every funeral shall be in keeping with the social
position of the deceased.
Paternity and filiation have been defined as the relation of PERIDO V. PERIDO (1975)
parents on one hand and their children on the other. This Lucio Perido married twice during his lifetime. First, with Benita
relation may arise from nature, that is, when it is derived from Talorong, with whom he begot three children: Felix, Ismael, and
generation; or by fiction of law, in imitation of nature, as in Margarita. After Benita died, Lucio married Marcelina Baliguat,
adoption. with whom he had five children: Eusebio, Juan, Maria, Sofronia,
and Gonzalo. Of the three children of the first marriage, only
Generation may be realized within lawful wedlock, in which Margarita is still living, while her deceased brother Felix is
case the paternity and filiation are legitimate; or it may be survived by 7 children and 2 grandchildren, and Ismael by his 4
realized outside of wedlock, in which case it is illegitimate. children and 1 grandchild (herein petitioners). The heirs of Lucio
from both marriages executed an extrajudicial partition of his
Children may be classified generally into:
estate. However, the heirs of the first marriage had second
1. Legitimate
thoughts and filed a complaint for the annulment of the
2. Legitimated
partition, alleging that all five children of Lucio with Marcelina
3. Illegitimate
were illegitimate and thus had no successional rights to the
4. Adopted
estate of Lucio. They claimed that the children of the second
marriage were born out of wedlock even before the death of
Benita and that the land certificate indicated that Lucio was still
ART. 163. The filiation of children may be by nature or by a widower. The trial court annulled the extrajudicial partition but
adoption. Natural filiation may be legitimate or illegitimate. did not order the partition according to the plaintiffs, finding that
the five children of Lucio with Marcelina were all legitimate. This
Kinds of filiation finding was affirmed by the CA.
1. By nature
Held: The five children of Lucio and Marcelina are all
a. Legitimate
legitimate. There was evidence to show that Benita died during
b. Illegitimate
the Spanish regime, and thus Lucio had no legal impediment to
2. By adoption
marry Marcelina before the birth of their first child in 1900.
Likewise, that Lucio stated that he was a widower in the
ART. 164. Children conceived or born during the marriage of
certificates of title was not conclusive to show that he was not
the parents are legitimate.
actually married to Marcelina. The law presumes that two
Children conceived as a result of artificial insemination of persons living together as husband and wife have entered into
the wife with the sperm of the husband or that of a donor or a lawful marriage, which may be overcome only by cogent proof
both are likewise legitimate children of the husband and his on the part of those who allege the illegitimacy.
wife, provided, that both of them authorized or ratified such
insemination in a written instrument executed and signed by LIYAO, JR. V. TANHOTI-LIYAO (2002)
them before the birth of the child. The instrument shall be Corazon Garcia is legally married to but living separately from
recorded in the civil registry together with the birth certificate of Ramon Yulo when she started cohabiting with the late William
the child. Liyao from 1965 to his death in 1975. They lived together along
with Corazon’s two children from her subsisting marriage,
A legitimate child is one that is born in lawful wedlock or within Enrique and Bernadette, with the knowledge of William’s
a competent time afterwards. The time of birth is the criterion legitimate children from his subsisting marriage with Juanita
of legitimacy. It is sufficient that the child was born after, Tanhoti-Liyao. Corazon gave birth to William Liyao Jr. or Billy,
though begotten before, the celebration of the marriage—this is herein petitioner. Billy, represented by his mother, filed an
made clear by the FC using the phrase “conceived or born action for the respondents to recognize and acknowledge him
during the marriage.” as a compulsory heir of William entitled to his successional
rights. The petitioners claimed that during Billy’s birth, William
Who are legitimate children? visited Corazon and paid all medical and other expenses. He
1. conceived before marriage, born during marriage also asked his secretary to secure a copy of Billy’s birth
2. conceived during marriage, born during marriage certificate and to open a bank account for him where he will
3. conceived during marriage, born after dissolution of deposit amounts on a weekly basis. William would likewise
marriage bring Billy to his office and introduce him as his son and even
had their pictures taken together. As such, Billy continuously
ART. 165. Children conceived and born outside a valid enjoyed and possessed the status of a recognized child through
marriage are illegitimate, unless otherwise provided in this William’s direct and overt acts. This was supported by
Code. testimonies from their neighbors saying that Billy is indeed the
son of Cora and William, as well as a note stating “To Cora,
The FC has abolished the classification of illegitimate children Love from William,” to the extent that the two had an amorous
into natural children, natural children by legal fiction, and other relationship. In contrast, the respondents painted a different
illegitimate children. Now they all belong to only one class: picture of the story, claiming that Juanita and William are not
illegitimate children.
SPOUSES LIVING SEPARATELY ART. 167. The child shall be considered legitimate although
The separation between the spouses must be such as to make the mother may have declared against its legitimacy or may
sexual access impossible. have been sentenced as an adulteress.
• This may take place when they reside in different
countries or provinces, and they have never been This rule is a guaranty in favor of the children.
together during the period of conception. • The status of children is protected from the passions of
• The husband may be in prison during the period of their parents.
conception, unless it appears that sexual union took
ART. 171. The heirs of the husband may impugn the filiation
ART. 169. The legitimacy or illegitimacy of a child born after of the child within the period prescribed in the preceding article
three hundred days following the termination of the only in the following cases:
marriage shall be proved by whoever alleges such legitimacy (1) If the husband should die before the expiration of the
or illegitimacy. period fixed for bringing his action;
(2) If he should die after the filing of the complaint without
If nobody asserts the legitimacy or illegitimacy of a child born having desisted therefrom; or
after 300 days following the termination of the marriage, the (3) If the child was born after the death of the husband.
child should be considered the illegitimate child of the
mother, unless she or the child proves legitimacy. Only the husband can contest the legitimacy of a child born
• Anomaly → Legitimacy cannot be presumed because to his wife. It is only in exceptional cases that his heirs are
the birth was beyond the period of gestation of a child allowed to contest such legitimacy. If the husband clearly did
conceived during the marriage; the presumption of not make use of such right or has desisted from such intention,
illegitimacy, on the other hand, runs counter to the the heirs cannot bring the action. This is to prevent the heirs
policy of the law to lean in favor of legitimacy. from subordinating the sentiments of the husband to their own
• State of limbo, wherein the child is statusless. patrimonial interest.
- Heirs → general; all kinds of heirs, whether testamentary
or legal, compulsory or voluntary.
ART. 170. The action to impugn the legitimacy of the child shall
be brought within one year from the knowledge of the birth JAO V. CA (1987)
or its recording in the civil register, of the husband or, in a Petitioner Janice Jao, then a minor, represented by her mother
proper case, any of his heirs, should reside in the city or Arlene Salgado, filed a case for recognition and support against
municipality where the birth took place or was recorded. respondent Perico Jao. Perico denied paternity so the parties
agreed to a blood grouping test under the NBI, which indicated
If the husband or, in his default, all of his heirs do not reside at that Janice could not have been the possible child of Perico and
the place of birth as defined in the first paragraph or where it Arlene. After a trial on merits, the trial court declared Janice as
was recorded, the period shall be two years if they should the child of Perico, thus entitling her to monthly support. On
reside in the Philippines; and three years if abroad. If the appeal, the CA reversed the trial court’s decision, holding that
birth of the child has been concealed from or was unknown to the result of the blood grouping tests is a conclusive and
the husband or his heirs, the period shall be counted from the indisputable evidence of Perico’s non-paternity and noting the
discovery or knowledge of the birth of the child or of the discrepancies as to when he and Arlene started cohabiting and
fact of registration of said birth, whichever is earlier. having sexual intercourse. The CA also found that Perico
repudiated Janice as his own daughter by filing a petition to
Action to impugn the legitimacy of the child must be within:
delete his name as her father in her birth certificate.
1) If there is no concealment
Held: The result of the blood grouping tests is admissible
From knowledge of birth or recording in the civil and conclusive on the non-paternity of Perico to Janice.
1 year register, if husband, or any of his heirs reside in Although the use of blood typing is inconclusive to paternity, it
the same place where the birth took place is conclusive as to non-paternity—if the blood type of the child
2 years Not the same place but within the Philippines is not the possible blood type when the blood of the mother and
3 years Abroad that of the alleged father are crossmatched, then the child
cannot possibly be that of the alleged father. In this case, no
evidence has been presented to show any defect in the testing
2) Concealed or unknown to husband or heirs → period for
methods for the conduct of the tests, and thus, its result should
filing of action shall be counted from discovery or
be accepted as accurate. The cohabitation of Perico and Arlene
knowledge of the birth of the child or the fact of registration
cannot also be a ground for compulsory recognition since such
of said birth, whichever is earlier
cohabitation could not have led to the conception of Janice.
Legitimacy of a child must be attacked in a direct action, not
PEOPLE V. TUMIMPAD (1994) Held: Consolacion is the natural child of Fr. Lumain. At the
Sandra Salcedo was a 15-year old mentally-challenged child time Consolacion was conceived, Trinidad was still single.
and the daughter of Lt. Col. Teofisto and Pastora Salcedo. She While the child can be presumed to be the legitimate daughter
had the mind of a five-year old who still needed to be fed and of the spouses Trinidad and Anastacio, this can be disputed or
dressed up and whose vocabulary was limited so most of the overcome. Nonetheless, the paternity of Consolacion is
time she expressed herself by motions. The Salcedo family was immaterial in this case, because in the last will and testament
living inside the police camp and they were assigned four of Fr. Lumain, she was not only acknowledged as his natural
security men, including the co-accused Moreno Tumimpad and daughter but she was also designated as his only heir. Since Fr.
Ruel Prieto. In 1989, Sandra complained of constipation and Lumain died without any compulsory heir, Consolacion is
was brought to the hospital, where she was found to be therefore his lawful heir as duly stated in his will.
pregnant for 17 weeks already. In January 1990, Sandra gave
birth to a baby boy named Jacob Salcedo. Consequently, Mrs. CHUA KENG GIAP V. IAC (1988)
Salcedo filed a complaint against Tumimpad and Prieto for the Chua Keng Giap filed a petition for the settlement of the estate
crime of rape against Sandra. During the investigation, Sandra of the late Sy Kao, which was dismissed by the trial court after
positively identified her assailants as Tumimpad and Prieto finding that he is not the son of Chua Bing Guan and Sy Kao in
three times—first when she picked up their pictures out of 30 a prior case for the settlement of the estate of the former. In this
people, second when she personally pointed to the two in a petition for review, petitioner insists that he is the son and the
police line-up of ten people in the investigation room, and third legitimate heir of the deceased Sy Kao.
when she identified them in open court. A blood grouping and Held: Chua Keng Giap is not the son of Sy Kao. The issue of
phenotyping test was also conducted on Sandra, Jacob, and his filiation has long been settled, and with finality, in the case
the two co-accused. Afterward, the trial court convicted of Sy Kao v. CA where Sy Kao categorically declared that she
Moreno of rape but acquitted Prieto since he has a different was not the petitioner’s mother and that the latter has no right
type of blood with Jacob and thus could not be his father. to settle the estate of Chua Bing Guan. To allow him to pursue
Held: Tumimpad was rightfully convicted for the rape of a trial on the merits would violate the doctrine of res judicata.
Sandra. It was proven that they were not always with Col. There is no better person other than Sy Kao herself to know that
Salcedo and there were instances that they would even play the petitioner was not begotten of her womb.
with Sandra. Hence, it is not physically impossible for the
accused to have access to Sandra. Moreover, Tumimpad’s
culpability was established mainly by the testimonial evidence
given by Sandra and her relatives, notwithstanding the fact that
she positively identified her assailants three times through the
course of the investigation and the trial. Since group blood
testing is inconclusive when it comes to paternity, the blood test
was adduced as evidence only to show that he has the same
blood type as Jacob and may possibly be the father of the child.
A public instrument explicitly ART. 174. Legitimate children shall have the right:
A sworn affidavit duly
stating Pedro is the father of (1) To bear the surnames of the father and the mother, in
notarized and executed
Raymundo is strong evidence conformity with the provisions of the Civil Code on
by Bibiano declaring
that Bibiano does not Surnames;
that Raymundo is his
acknowledge or intend to
brother’s son (2) To receive support from their parents, their ascendants,
recognize Raymundo as his son.
and in proper cases, their brothers and sisters, in
If Raymundo really believed that conformity with the provisions of this Code on Support;
A sworn JOINT affidavit (3) To be entitled to the legitimate and other successional
he is the son of Bibiano he
duly notarized and rights granted to them by the Civil Code.
could not have consented to
executed by Raymundo
executing such declaration;
and Pedro correcting 3S → support, surname, succession
Trinidad’s claim about the
an error made on the
document was groundless since • The right to use the surnames of the parents never
marriage certificate of
they were not given a lot after prescribed by non-use.
the former
executing the document. o It is not an exclusive right and does not create a
monopoly in favor of the persons entitled to it.
o The child’s use of his/her father’ surname
Raymundo should and could have filed an action for indicates the family to which he/she belongs.
compulsory recognition during Bibiano’s lifetime, alleging Hence, it is mandatory for the child to do so.
continuous possession of the status of a natural child by direct o Our laws do not authorize legitimate children to
acts of Bibiano or his family. His failure to do so militates against adopt the surname of a person who is not their
his heirs’ complaint. Under Article 285 of the NCC, after the father.
death of Bibiano, Raymundo was precluded from filing an • The rights of legitimate children cannot be renounced.
action for compulsory recognition against the heirs of Bibiano. o The right to support cannot be renounced in
His heirs cannot invoke the same right because it is not advance, as it would be against public policy to
transmissible to the natural child’s heirs—the right to file an allow a person to commit suicide.
action for compulsory recognition is purely a personal one to o Article 905 of CC nullifies every renunciation or
the natural child. Thus, the evidence presented by the heirs of compromise as regards future legitime.
Raymundo does not constitute a sufficient act of voluntary o Article 1347 of CC prohibits contracts with
recognition, but may be a ground for compulsory recognition. respect to future inheritance.
However, since such the right to compel acknowledgment
solely belongs to the natural child and cannot be transferred REPUBLIC V. CA AND VICENCIO (1998)
and exercised by his heirs, the plaintiffs have no personality to Cynthia Vicencio was born to the spouses Pablo Vicencio and
file such action, and therefore their complaint is totally baseless. Fe Leabres. After a fight, Pablo left the conjugal home and has
since never reappeared nor sent support to his family. During
that time, it was Ernesto Yu who had come to the aid of Fe and
ACTION TO CLAIM LEGITIMACY Cynthia. Fe was allowed to dissolve their conjugal partnership
and to remove the surname of her husband from her name, an
ART. 173. The action to claim legitimacy may be brought by
after Pablo was declared an absentee, she married Ernesto.
the child during his or her lifetime and shall be transmitted
Since her childhood, Cynthia had known Ernesto to be her
to the heirs should the child die during minority or in a state of
father; but despite this, she continued using the surname
insanity. In these cases, the heirs shall have a period of five
“Vicencio” in her school and other activities therein. Because of
years within which to institute the action.
this, confusion arose as to her parentage, which subjected her
The legitimacy of a child which is controversial, or being denied, to inquiries from people, causing her extreme embarrassment.
can only be resolved in a direct action brought by the proper Nonetheless, when she entered two beauty pageants before,
she used the surname “Yu,” and when Cynthia petitioned for a
parties and within the period limited by law.
change in surname, Ernesto openly declared his consent. The
• In such action, the proofs provided in Article 172 may be
trial court ruled in favor of Cynthia, holding that there is no valid
used to establish the legitimacy.
cause for denying her petition and that Ernesto’s failure to
• The action of a child to claim legitimacy does not
adopt her does not disallow Cynthia from legally changing her
prescribe as long as he lives. Neither can it be
name. This was affirmed by the CA, which held that it is for the
best interest of Cynthia that her surname be changed since she
• While the action is imprescriptible for the child, the heirs
is suffering from embarrassment and inferiority complex due to
may only institute an action within five years upon
the confusion in her surname. The OSG opposed, saying that
transmission of the right if:
there was no valid, proper, and reasonable cause to grant her
1. The child dies during minority
request. Instead, it would generate problems especially with
2. The child dies in a state of insanity
regards to inheritance since her status will be affected. They
• The effect of legitimacy claim extends the successional
assert that Ernesto’s failure to adopt her means that he has no
intention of making Cynthia as an heir.
Giovanni likewise availed of the proper remedy and While the Court is mindful of the best interests of the child in
complied with all the procedural requirements thereof. His cases involving paternity and filiation, it is just as aware of the
petition for change of name under Rule 103 of the Rules of disturbance that unfounded paternity suits cause to the
Court is proper. There was also a hearing which sufficiently privacy and peace of the putative father’s legitimate family.
established that Giovanni is entitled to change his name as he Vallecera disowns Dolina’s child and denies having a hand in
was never recognized by his father, and thus, a change of name the preparation and signing of its certificate of birth. This issue
will be for his best interest as it will facilitate his reunification has to be resolved in an appropriate case.
with his mother. More importantly, all the requirements to make
a proceeding adversarial were satisfied. A proceeding is REPUBLIC V. LABRADOR (1999)
adversarial where the party seeking relief has given legal Respondent Gladys Labrador filed a petition for the correction
warning to the other party and afforded the latter an opportunity of entries in the birth certificate of her niece, Sarah Zita Erasmo.
to contest it. Trinidad gave notice of the petition by posting in a In the petition, which impleaded the Local Civil Registrar,
newspaper of general circulation notice of the filing of the Gladys alleged that she is the sister of Maria Rosario Cañon
petition. The lower court also furnished the OSG a copy thereof. who is presently residing in the US. In 1986, Maria Rosario had
And despite the notice, no one came forward to oppose the a common-law relationship with Degoberto Erasmo which
petition, and such fact did not deprive the trial court of its resulted to the birth of two children, one of which is Sarah Zita
jurisdiction to hear the same nor does it make the proceeding C. Erasmo, as registered in her birth certificate. During the
less adversarial in nature. registration of the birth of Sarah Zita, Maria Rosario told the
Local Civil Registrar that she was not legally married to the
DOLINA V. VALLACERA (2010) father of the child; however, the civil registrar erroneously
Petitioner Cherryl Dolina filed a petition with prayer for issuance entered the name of the child in her birth record as Sarah Zita
of a TPO against respondent Glenn Vallecera for alleged woman C. Erasmo, instead of Sarah Zita Cañon. Likewise, the name of
and child abuse under RA 9262 (Anti-VAWC Law). Dolina also the mother was also erroneously written as Rosemarie Cañon,
prayed for financial support from Vallecera for their supposed instead of Maria Rosario Cañon. Thus, in order to correct the
child on the basis of the latter’s birth certificate which named record of birth of the child pursuant to Article 176 of FC, her
him as the child’s father. She also asked the RTC to order name must be changed to Sarah Zita Cañon. The trial court then
Vallecera’s employer to withhold from his pay such amount of set the case for hearing and directed the publication of the
support as the court may deem appropriate. Vallecera opposed notice of hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in Cebu
the petition, claiming that it was essentially for financial support City once a week for three consecutive weeks. During the
rather than for protection against abuse. He averred that he was hearing, Gladys presented as evidence Maria Rosario’s birth
not the child’s father; that the signature on the birth certificate certificate and a certification from the Office of Civil Registrar
is not his; that he has never lived with Dolina, which makes the that it had no record of marriage between Maria Rosario and
issuance of a TPO unnecessary; and that the petition is a Degoberto. The trial court granted the petition for the correction
harassment suit intended to force him to acknowledge the child of the erroneous entries in the birth certificate of Sarah Zita.
as his and give it financial support. The RTC dismissed the Disagreeing with this decision, the OSG brought this petition
petition after finding that no prior judgment exists establishing directly to the Court on a pure question of law.
the filiation of Dolina’s son and granting him the right to support.
She moved for reconsideration, but was denied; instead, she Held: Rule 108 is inapplicable in the case at bar. Summary
was admonished to first file a petition for compulsory proceedings under Rule 108 of RC and Article 412 of CC may
recognition of her child as a prerequisite for support. be used only to correct clerical or innocuous errors, not to alter
or increase substantive rights, such as those involving the
Held: The RTC correctly dismissed her action for temporary legitimacy or illegitimacy of a child. Where the effect of a
protection and support. Dolina filed the wrong action to obtain correction in a civil registry will change the civil status of a child
support for her child—although the issuance of TPO against from legitimate to illegitimate, the same cannot be granted
Vallecera under RA 9262 may include the grant of legal support except only in an adversarial proceeding. In this case, because
for the wife and the child, this assumes that both are entitled to the correction of an entry in the birth certificate of Sarah Zita
a protection order and to legal support. In this case, the will change her status from “legitimate” to “illegitimate,” it
evidence shows that neither she nor her child ever lived with cannot be granted in a summary proceeding but only in an
Vallecera, and the true object of her action was to get financial adversarial proceeding to fully thresh out the allegations in the
support from him. However, to be entitled to legal support, petition of Gladys.
Dolina must, in a proper action, first establish the filiation of the
child. Since her demand for support for her son is based on her Moreover, a petition for substantial change in the civil registry
should implead not only the civil registrar, but also all other
LEGITIMATION is a remedy by which those who were not ART. 178. Legitimation shall take place by a subsequent valid
born in lawful wedlock and considered illegitimate children marriage between parents. The annulment of a voidable
are by fiction considered legitimated, it being supposed that marriage shall not affect the legitimation.
they were born when their parents were validly married.
Under the CC, the child must be acknowledged by both
• An act by which the quality of legitimate child is parents to be legitimated. Under the FC, this is no longer
conferred upon an illegitimate child. needed—the marriage of the parents is enough.
• A product of nature and law • Filiation of the child must still be established.
o Adoption → the law merely creates by fiction a o If the parties who contract marriage do not accept
relation which did not in fact exist a child as theirs, it will be necessary for such child
o Legitimation → the law merely makes legal what to prove his filiation by any of the means provided
exists by nature in Articles 172, 173, and 175.
• Takes place without prior judicial approval. • Effect of nullity or annulment of marriage
• Only those who were classified before as natural o If the subsequent marriage of the natural parents
children may be legitimated. is void → no marriage, child is not legitimated
o If the subsequent marriage is voidable and is later
annulled → child is still legitimated
1. Child was conceived AND born out of wedlock
2. The parents were not disqualified by any impediment to Civil Code Family Code
marry each other at the time of conception
Article 178 → Legitimation
Article 270 → Legitimation
takes place through subsequent
CHILDREN WHO CANNOT BE LEGITIMATED takes place through subsequent
marriage, as long as the
1. Adulterous marriage, provided that the
requisites of Art. 177 are met.
2. Incestuous parents have acknowledged the
The length of time between
child before or after the
3. Of marriages against public policy child’s birth and the parents’
4. Of bigamous marriages → but can be adopted to elevate marriage does not matter.
their status
WHY CAN’T CHILDREN OF ADULTEROUS RELATIONSHIPS ART. 179. Legitimated children shall enjoy the same rights as
BE LEGITIMATED? legitimate children.
1. Rational of legitimation would be destroyed
2. unfair to legitimate children in terms of successional
ART. 180. The effects of legitimation shall retroact to the time
of the child’s birth.
3. Problem of public scandal
4. Will destroy the sanctity of marriage The FC makes it effective from the birth of the child in order
5. Very scandalous, especially if the parents marry years to protect the child, because the parents may not marry until
after the birth of the child a very long time has passed.
6. It is tantamount to tolerating what would have been a
wrong act, it would seem to be more beneficial to the
ART. 181. The legitimation of children who died before the
erring spouse
celebration of the marriage shall benefit their descendants.
Legitimation also protects the child’s descendants because it
Persons already married and those enumerated in Articles 37
can happen that at the time of the marriage of the child’s
and 38 cannot be validly married due to some impediment.
parents, the child had already married and died. If he is survived
Notwithstanding such, if they have children, they cannot be
by children, they should benefit from the legitimation of their
legitimated. They must remain illegitimate and cannot be raised
deceased parent and inherit by representation of the same.
to the status of legitimate children. And yet, if the disqualified
parents had contracted marriage, which would be void, the
children would be considered legitimate under Article 54. ART. 182. Legitimation may be impugned only by those who
are prejudiced in their rights, within five years from the time
Even if after the birth of the child the parents become qualified their cause of action accrues.
to marry, the child cannot be legitimated. A child born from a
married father and a single mother cannot be legitimated even
Art 183 Only minors can be adopted Abandoned Child → No proper parental care or guardianship,
parents have deserted them for at least 3 continuous months
Art 187 Permits adoption of “a child by nature of the adopter
or his or her spouse, or, if prior to the adoption, said Foundling → person whose facts of birth is/are unknown
person has been consistently considered and treated
by the adopter as his or her own child during minority. Neglected Child → basic needs have been deliberately
unattended or inadequately attended within a period of three (3)
Although RA 8552 does not disturb the general rule, Section 8 continuous months
requires the adoptee to be below 18 years of age and adds that
he or she must have been administratively or judicially declared - Physical - malnourished, ill clad, and without proper
available for adoption. shelter. Unattended, or left by himself without proper
provision and/or supervision.
SEC. 8. Who May Be Adopted. – The following may be adopted: - Emotional - maltreated, sexually abused, raped,
(a) Any person below eighteen (18) years of age who has seduced, exploited, overworked, or made to beg in the
been administratively or judicially declared available for streets or left in moral danger
(b) The legitimate son/daughter of one spouse by the other Dependent Child → without parent, guardian, or custodian;
spouse; one whose parents, guardian, or custodian, for good cause,
(c) An illegitimate son/daughter by a qualified adopter to desires to be relieved of care and custody; and is dependent on
improve his/her status to that of legitimacy; public for support.
(d) A person of legal age, prior to the adoption, said person
has been consistently considered and treated by the 8(b) and 8(c): Legitimate/illegitimate “son or daughter”
adopter(s) as his/her own child since minority; • Adoption possible even when the son or daughter are
(e) A child whose adoption has been previous rescinded; or NOT of minor age
(f) A child whose biological or adoptive parent(s) has died:
Provided that no proceedings shall be initiated within six
(6) months from the time of death of said parent(s).
• Biological parent
CONSENT BY CHILDREN AND THIRD PARTIES • Adoptee (child given up for adoption)
• Adopters
Other Individuals
• Adoptee who is at least ten years of age (after Only when extended family cannot take over rights and
undergoing counseling) responsibilities may adoption by non-relatives be pursued
• Legitimate children who are at least ten years old
• Illegitimate children living with the adopter also 10 years
old adopter and adoptee’s spouses
• Adoptee’s spouse’s consent is required as additional The psychosocial services provided by professional trained
guarantee that motives are not contrary to public policy social workers of DSWD, social services units of local
or good morals government, private and government health facilities, Family
• Serve as notice for order of inheritance Courts, licensed and accredited child-caring and child- placing
• Consent must be authenticated according to the Rules agency, and other individuals and entities involved in adoption
of Court as may be authorized by the DSWD.
• Prepare actors by guarding against hurried decisions
and unnecessary separation of a child from biological
RA 8552 clarifies the State policy towards adoption. • Counseling → ensures no hasty decisions caused by
anxiety or stress are made
SEC. 2. State Policies.
(a) To ensure that every child remains under the care and custody COUNSELING OF BIOLOGICAL PARENTS
of his/her parent(s) and be provided with love, care,
understanding and security towards the full and harmonious Purpose
development of his/her personality. Only when such efforts • Guarantee that decision to give up child for adoption is
prove insufficient and no appropriate placement or adoption not a hurried decision borne of emotional and financial
within the child's extended family is available shall adoption by
pressures on the parents
an unrelated person be considered.
• Pre-adoption services before and after birth of child
(b) In all matters relating to the care, custody and adoption of a
• Focus on what it means to adopt.
child, his/her interest shall be the paramount consideration in
accordance with the tenets set forth in the United Nations (UN)
Convention on the Rights of the Child; UN Declaration on Social
and Legal Principles Relating to the Protection and Welfare of
Children with Special Reference to Foster Placement and
Adoption, Nationally and Internationally; and the Hague
Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in
Respect of Inter-country Adoption. Toward this end, the State
Preferences of Adopters SEC. 12, RA 8552. No petition for adoption shall be finally
• Sex and Age granted until the adopter(s) has been given by the court a
• Whether with developmental delay or physical disability supervised trial custody period for at least six (6) months
o Ascertain financial ability, emotional preparedness within which the parties are expected to adjust psychologically
o Same reason for testing of children with high risk of and emotionally to each other and establish a bonding
HIV/AIDS; for establishment of health status relationship. During said period, temporary parental authority
• Should NOT be partial to a “perfect child” (e.g. white, shall be vested in the adopter(s). The court may motu proprio
happy, intelligent, etc) or upon motion of any party reduce the trial period if it finds
o Burdens child to be perfect the same to be in the best interest of the adoptee, stating the
o Distorts purpose of adoption reasons for the reduction of the period. However, for alien
adopter(s), he/she must complete the six (6)-month trial
Religious Considerations custody except for those enumerated in Sec. 7 (b) (i) (ii) (iii).
Omnibus Guidelines on the Domestic If the child is below seven (7) years of age and is placed with
• Adoption Process the prospective adopter(s) through a pre-adoption placement
o Religious Affiliation → considered only if child has authority issued by the Department, the prospective
reached an age and level of understanding of adopter(s) shall enjoy all the benefits to which biological
religious practices parent(s) is entitled from the date the adoptee is placed with
o Age said to occur is 6 years old and above the prospective adopter(s).
o If infant or toddlers, religion is not a factor that
• Period of time during which a social worker oversees the
should deter their being matched with adopters
adjustment and emotional readiness of both adopters
who belong to another faith
and adoptee in stabilizing their filial relationship
o Consider children left to agencies run by religious
• Social worker shall conduct monthly home visits to
groups to be matched with adopters who profess
monitor adjustment and submit progress reports to the
a different religion
Department and CCA (IRR)
• W/N religion should be given weight in requirement of
• Upon termination, the Consent to Adopt is given.
“good moral character”
RA 8552 spells out the provisions on the adoption decree. Important Features
• Decree becomes effective as of date of filing of petition
SECTION 13, RA 8552 IRR. Decree of Adoption. - If, after the o If adopter passes away while case is being heard,
publication of the order of hearing has been complied with, and still considered to be the adoptive parent of the
no opposition has been interposed to the petition, and after child
consideration of the case studies, the qualifications of the
• Civil Registrar shall annotate the original birth certificate,
adopter(s), trial custody report and the evidence submitted, the and issue a new one which shall not bear any mark or
court is convinced that the petitioners are qualified to adopt,
annotation that it is new or annotated
and that the adoption would redound to the best interest of the
o End practice of merely stamping “amended” on
adoptee, a decree of adoption shall be entered which shall be
the original birth certificate and adding notes
effective as of the date the original petition was filed. This
about adoption (i.e. date, original name w/
provision shall also apply in case the petitioner(s) dies before adopter’s surname, name of adopters)
the issuance of the decree of adoption to protect the interest of
the adoptee. The decree shall state the name by which the Foundling → deserted or abandoned infant or child found, with
child is to be known. parent, guardian or relatives being unknown, or a child
committed in an orphanage or charitable or similar institution
SECTION 14, RA 8552 IRR. Civil Registry Record. - An
with unknown fact of birth and parentage
amended certificate of birth shall be issued by the Civil Registry,
• Foundling gets a Foundling Certificate containing place
as required by the Rules of Court, attesting to the fact that the
and date of finding, founder, and approximate age at
adoptee is the child of the adopter(s) by being registered with
time of finding
his/her surname. The original certificate of birth shall be
• SC Rule mandates issuing of new birth certificate after
stamped "cancelled" with the annotation of the issuance of an
the cancelling of the foundling certificate
amended birth certificate in its place and shall be sealed in the
civil registry records. The new birth certificate to be issued to
the adoptee shall not bear any notation that it is an
Corazon Chichioco filed a petition for the issuance of letters of
amended issue.
administration and the settlement of estate of the late Elena
Section 16 of the SC Rule specifies that the adoption decree Lising. She claimed that she was the niece and heir of Lising
shall contain the name of the child is to be known, which who died intestate and left real and personal properties
refers to the child’s first name, middle name, and surname. It allegedly in the possession of Ana Joyce Reyes, a grandniece
also provides that the decree shall order the following: of the deceased. The other relatives of Lising were named as
co-heirs of Chichioco. Reyes opposed the petition, claiming
Section 16, SC Rule. that she was an adopted child of Lising. She asserted that the
(1) The Clerk of Court to issue to the adopter a certificate of petition should be dismissed as she was the only heir of Lising.
finality upon expiration of the 15-day period within which Reyes presented as evidence a certification stating that she
to appeal; was adopted by Elena Lising and Serafin Delos Santos. She
(2) the adopter to submit a certified true copy of the decree also submitted a Decree of Final Distribution issued by the
of adoption and the certificate of finality to the Civil PVAO showing that, upon the death of Delos Santos, death
Registrar where the child was originally registered within benefits were paid to Lising and Reyes. Chichioco claimed that
30 days from receipt of the certificate of finality. In case no such adoption proceeding took place, and the OSG had no
of change of name, the decree shall be submitted to the records of the adoption case. Reyes’ mother allegedly made it
Civil Registrar where the court issuing the same is appear that the spouses adopted her. The RTC granted
situated; Chichioco’s motion for the appointment of a special
administrator and appointed its branch clerk of court. The CA
Adoptee has no fundamental right to view adoption records
since status of being an adoptee is derived from a legal
Confidentiality proceeding. Sealing adoption records is rationally related to
• “All hearings in adoption cases shall be confidential and protecting the integrity of the adoption process and is thus
shall not be open to the public. All records, books, and constitutional
papers relating to the adoption cases in the files of the Philippines does not impose confidentiality of proceedings
court, the Department, or any other agency or institution
against the adoptee himself but only against the public or
participation in the adoption proceedings shall be kept third persons.
strictly confidential.” (RA 8552)
• Why? No reason. Need to know about heritage and find
• If the court finds that the disclosure of the information to closure or resolve issues about their identity.
a third person is necessary for purposes connected with
o This hardly imperils the family relationship that
or arising out of the adoption and will be for the best
has been developed during the formative years
interest of the adoptee, the court may merit the
necessary information to be released, restricting the Post-Adoption Support Services
purposes for which it may be used (SC Rules and RA Includes that adoptee, adoptive parents, and the birth parents
8552) shall be consulted and their consent secured prior to the giving
o Law does not define of what is “necessity” and of information and/or search and reunion
how to assess “adoptee’s best interest”
• Reality is that adoption hearings remain open to public Intent to Search
in real life since they are scheduled together with other • Allowed only upon written request by adoptee who is of
special proceedings legal age, by adopters on their own behalf or
representing the minor adoptee, or by the birth parents
Nature of the Rules
• There must be written consent from the party as well as
• Does Birth → pertain only to “third person”, thus those
who were not party to the adoption
• If ADULT ADOPTEE petitions for the opening of OWN
Why the law?
records, Court should allow him
• Protect adopters against the disruption of their parental
o Law enacts a system of sealed records only with
authority and custody over the child
regard to outsiders
o ENDS upon the EMANCIPATION of the minor (i.e.
• Legislative Intent is to protect the privacy rights of the
becomes legal age)
adopter and adoptee and enable the adoptee to access
• Having an open records system would allow parents to
information about their own life
establish connection with birth child but at the expense
Does an adoptee have the right to his unsealed records of security and stability of the new adoptive family
WITHOUT a court order? YES • Adoptee is enabled to assert his/her right to own
• Under Sec 53 of Inter-Country Adoption Rules and adoption records under the language of the Domestic
Regulations, allow DSWD to reveal birth and adoption Adoption Act
The relationship established by adoption is limited to the (4) The adopted remains an intestate heir of his/her natural
adopting parent and does not extend to his other relatives, parents and other blood relatives because the adoption
except as expressly provided by law. did not dissolve his/her relationship with them.
• The adopted child cannot be considered as a relative of - However, under RA 8552, all legal ties between the
the ascendants and collaterals of the adopting parents, biological parents and adoptee had been severed.
nor of the legitimate children which they may have before - With the amendment of the law under Article 17 of
or after adoption. RA 8552, the adopted is now given the right of
• Neither are the children of the adopted considered as representation which is endowed on legitimate
descendants of the adopter. children.
o In effect, what the legitimate children enjoy,
The adopted child is entitled to inherit from two sources: the adopted must also enjoy without
1) The adopting parents discrimination.
2) The biological parents and relatives by blood o It is only just and fair that adopted children
who are deemed legitimate children be
granted the same right.
If the adopted had no legitimate children or descendants, the According to this provision, when a person adopts the
adopters can concur in the inheritance with the certain heirs. illegitimate child of the other, both the adopter and the
biological parent of the child exercise parental authority.
BETWEEN ADOPTEE AND ADOPTER ART. 971, CC. The representative is called to the succession by the law
RA 8552 provides that the adopter and adoptee have and not by the person represented. The representative does not
succeed the person represented but the one whom the person
reciprocal rights of succession without distinction from
represented would have succeeded.
legitimate children in legal and intestate succession.
ART. 981, CC. Should children of the deceased and descendants of
BETWEEN ADOPTEE AND ADOPTER’S RELATIVES other children who are dead, survive, the former shall inherit in their own
The relationship created by adoption is exclusively between the right, and the latter by right of representation.
adopter and the adopted. Hence, the adopted child has no
right to inherit from the relatives of his adopted parents.
SAYSON V. CA (1992)
Eleno and Rafaela Sayson begot five children: Mauricio, ART. 189. Adoption shall have the following effects:
Rosario, Basilia, Remedios, and Teodoro. Teodoro married (3) The adopted shall remain an intestate heir of his
Isabel, and when they died, their properties were left in the parents and other blood relatives.
possession of Delia, Edmundo, and Doribel Sayson, who claim
Two views of Prof. Balane on the successional relationship
to be the children of the spouses. Later on, the siblings of
between the adoptee and biological parents:
Teodoro filed a complaint for partition and accounting of the
estate of Teodoro and Isabel Sayson to the exclusion of the 1. Adopted has no right of compulsory and intestate
alleged children. The children then filed their own complaint for succession to his biological parents and relatives
partition and accounting of the intestate estate of Eleno and
Under Article 189(3) of FC, the adopted shall remain an
Rafaela Sayson against the couple’s four surviving children.
intestate heir of his parents and other blood relatives.
They claimed that Delia and Edmundo were the adopted
However, the new law is silent and neither gives nor denies
children and Doribel was the legitimate daughter of Teodoro
an adopted child the right to a legitime from his biological
and Isabel, and as such they were entitled to inherit Teodoro’s
parents. RA 8552 could have easily reproduced Article
share in his parents’ estate by right of representation. The trial
189(3), but it did not.
court declared the three children as entitled to inherit from
Since many biological parents relinquish their child for adoption SEC. 11. Conditions for the grant of maternity leave. – Married
by reason of poverty or emotional unpreparedness, their women in the government service who have rendered an
biological child should not be prevented from inheriting if aggregate of two (2) years of service, shall, in addition to the
they were able to improve their lot. vacation and sick leave granted them, be entitled to maternity
• However, the clear intent of the law is to severe all legal leave of sixty (60) calendar days with full pay.
ties between the biological parents and the adoptee.
Maternity leave of those who have rendered one (1) year or
• There is nothing that precludes the biological parents in
more but less than two (2) years of service shall be computed
this situation to give their biological child his or her
in proportion to their length of service, provided, that those
rightful share in their last will and testament.
who have served for less than one (1) year shall be entitled to
One reason behind the law severing all legal ties is to quell the sixty (60) days maternity leave with half-pay.
fears of prospective adopters that whatever they might
leave to their adoptee could merely end up with the This CSC resolution is binding on all those in government
biological parents, who failed to fulfill their parental duties in service, but not to those in the private sector.
the first place. • Adoptive mothers and fathers have to rely on the grant
of maternity and paternity benefits from the generosity of
• Those who pursued relative and independent adoptions
their employers.
know the identity and whereabouts of the adopters.
• Even in the absence of a resolution or guideline, the
• Knowledge that the adopters have passed away and left
provision of RA 8552 is clear and should be sufficient to
a sizable estate to the adoptee could induce an
provide the legal basis for claiming maternity, paternity,
unprincipled person to take the life of his or her biological
child to inherit from the latter. and all the benefits to which biological parents are
The court shall order the Civil Registrar to cancel the amended COONRACH V. SAILORS
certificate of birth of the adoptee and restore his/her original birth Where one voluntarily assumes the relationship of parent to a child by
certificate. formal adoption, it cannot be lightly set aside. In the absence of such
statute the courts will not assume jurisdiction to annul a decree of
Succession rights shall revert to its status prior to adoption, but adoption at the instance of the adopting parent and the child to
only as of the date of judgment of judicial rescission. Vested rights again become a public charge.
acquired prior to judicial rescission shall be respected.
All the foregoing effects of rescission of adoption shall be without LAHOM V. SIBULO (2003)
prejudice to the penalties imposable under the Penal Code if Spouses Dr. Diosdado and Isabelita Lahom adopted the latter’s
the criminal acts are properly proven. two-year-old nephew, Jose Melvin Sibulo. After the adoption
was decreed, the child’s name was changed to Jose Melvin
Lahom. More than twenty years later, Mrs. Lahom commenced
GROUNDS FOR RESCISSION a petition to rescind the decree of adoption, alleging that:
A fundamental difference between the FC and Domestic (1) Despite their pleadings, Jose refused to change his surname
Adoption Act is on who has the right to rescind the adoption. from Sibulo to Lahom, as evidenced by his records with the PRC
and in all his dealings and activities in his profession;
(2) Mrs. Lahom being a widow, and living alone with only her
household helps to attend to her, has yearned for the care and
Section 21 of RA 8552 penalizes any person who shall causes Under RA 8552, persons who simulated the birth of a child were
the fictitious registration of the birth of a child under the given an opportunity to correct their mistake without fear of
name(s) of a person who is not his or her biological parents for prosecution:
simulation of birth.
SECTION 22. Rectification of Simulated Births. – A person who has,
Section 3(j) of RA 8552 defines simulation of birth as the prior to the effectivity of this Act, simulated the birth of a child shall
tampering of the civil registry making it appear in the birth not be punished for such act: Provided, That the simulation of birth
records that a certain child was born to a person who is not was made for the best interest of the child and that he/she has been
his or her biological mother, causing such child to lose his or consistently considered and treated by that person as his/her own
son/daughter: Provided, further, That the application for correction of
her true identity and status.
the birth registration and petition for adoption shall be filed within five
It is also a crime punishable under Article 347 of the RPC. (5) years from the effectivity of this Act and completed thereafter:
Provided, finally, That such person complies with the procedure as
ART. 347. Simulation of births, substitution of one child for another and specified in Article IV of this Act and other requirements as determined
concealment or abandonment of a legitimate child. — The simulation of by the Department.
births and the substitution of one child for another shall be punished by
prision mayor and a fine of not exceeding 1,000 pesos. From the time RA 8552 took effect in March 1998 until five
years later, in 2003, those who sought to rectify simulated births
The same penalties shall be imposed upon any person who shall could file a single petition for correction of entries in or
conceal or abandon any legitimate child with intent to cause such child cancellation of the birth certificate, a declaration of
to lose its civil status.
abandonment to make the child available for adoption, and a
Any physician or surgeon or public officer who, in violation of the duties petition for adoption.
of his profession or office, shall cooperate in the execution of any of the
crimes mentioned in the two next preceding paragraphs, shall suffer the Section 8 of the Rule on Adoption requires that the petition
penalties therein prescribed and also the penalty of temporary special that seeks to rectify a simulated birth allege that:
disqualification. (a) Petitioner is applying for rectification of a simulated birth;
(b) The simulation of birth was made prior to the date of
One way by which simulation of birth takes place is when a effectivity of Republic Act No. 8552 and the application
pregnant woman has herself admitted to a hospital under an for rectification of the birth registration and the petition
assumed name, with the intention of having her infant registered for adoption were filed within five years from said date;
as the child of another. (c) The petitioner made the simulation of birth for the best
• Since hospital expenses are out of pocket, a pregnant interests of the adoptee; and
woman could easily get away with this. (d) The adoptee has been consistently considered and
• She then provides the hospital with data pertaining to the treated by petitioner as his own child.
woman and her husband who will later on pass
themselves off as the child’s parents. Meanwhile, the IRR of RA 8552 provides that the Department
• These fraudulent information will be the same entries shall conduct its child and home study reports through a
appearing in the child’s birth certificate. licensed and duly credited social worker to determine if said
• Given birth certificate establishes legitimate filiation, the conditions exist.
child’s birth certificate is the best proof that he is the • DSWD shall also secure a deed of voluntary commitment
legitimate child of the individuals. executed by the child’s biological parent(s) or a
• This can be impugned only under stringed grounds in declaration of abandonment transferring legal custody of
Art. 166 of FC. the child to the Department.
• Any publication to determine the whereabouts of the
child’s parents shall be limited to the circumstances at
Hence, those who simulated the birth of a child prior to RA 8552 imposes penalties ranging from a fine of P50,000 to
1998 but filed after 2003 may still rectify the same but P200,000 to imprisonment from six years and one day to
should be apprised of the possibility that they could be twelve years for violations of the Act. These violations include:
apprehended and punished. • Obtaining consent for adoption through coercion, undue
The same single petition should be allowed if petitioners influence or fraud
agree to file the same despite the risks involved. • Non-compliance with procedures and safeguards
provided by law
(2) Beyond the five-year period, three separate petitions • Subjecting the child to be adopted to danger, abuse, or
have to be filed exploitation
If this is upheld, then some “adopters” might file a petition Simulation of birth is punishable by prision mayor in its
to correct the birth certificate as the first step to the legal
medium period (8 years and 1 day to 10 years) and a fine not
adoption of the child. Since there is no guarantee that the
exceeding P50,000.
persons will proceed to have the child declared legally
available for adoption then file for a petition of adoption, Acts punishable under this Article are deemed committed by a
rectification of simulated birth by way of three separate and syndicate if carried out by a group of three (3) or more persons
distinct legal procedures can be used to circumvent the law conspiring and/or confederating with one another in carrying out any of
preventing adopters from rescinding the adoption. It will the unlawful acts defined under this Article. Penalties as are herein
also be more costly and time-consuming. provided, shall be in addition to any other penalties which may be
imposed for the same acts punishable under other laws, ordinances,
One way to address this confusion was to seek an extension of executive orders, and proclamations.
the prescriptive period. As a result, several bills were filed in the
Any violation is presumed to be committed by a syndicate if
Congress, such as SB No. 1245 (filed in 2007) which sought to
three or more persons conspiring to do any unlawful act carry it
extend the prescriptive period to 10 years.
out. It also states that the penalties provided by the Domestic
• The bill explained that the DSWD has estimated that
Adoption Act shall be in addition to other penalties imposed
there are several hundred thousand Filipinos who have
for the same act by other laws.
been informally adopted in this manner.
• Low number of applicants applying for amnesty → The IRR of RA 8552 also makes it a duty of every person, child-
unreadiness of the parents to legalize the adoption and caring or placing agency who has knowledge of any violation to
their ambivalence to tell the child of his/her status report such to the nearest police station, local government
o Parents also complained about the tedious unit, or the DSWD, which in turn is compelled to act on the
process in the rectification of the simulated birth. report within 24 hours. Delay or negligence in acting on the
o The public has misconception towards the report will give rise to criminal and administrative liability.
amnesty provided by law.
Finally, the failure of the adopters to start the legalization of the
Although RA 8552 became effective on March 22, 1998, the SC adoption of children in their care within 6 months from the
Rule on Adoption was issued only on August 22, 2002. Thus, completion of the 6-month trial custody period is considered an
the procedural steps for adoption and rectification of simulated act not in the best interest of the child. Since at this point the
birth were spelled out only then and ended within six months. child has been with the prospective adopters for more than a
year already, this delay is unconscionable and leaves the child
without legal protection should they die before filing the petition
for adoption.
ART, 2180, CC. The father and, in case of his death or The preference to the father over the mother for appointment as
administrator of a child’s estate is an arbitrary legislative choice
incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the damages
Reed forbidden by the 14th Amendment—no attempt was made to
caused by the minor children who live in their company. determine the relative capabilities of the parents to administer the
Guardians are liable for damages caused by the minors or
The presumption of dependence in case of spouses of male
incapacitated persons who are under their authority and live in members of the Army but not to spouses of female members
their company. relegates the entire class of females to inferior legal status
without regard to their actual capabilities. For administrative
Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and convenience, it presumes that only men are the breadwinner of
the family and women are generally dependent on them.
trades shall be liable for damages caused by their pupils and
students or apprentices, so long as they remain in their The Alabama statute imposing alimony obligations on husbands
but not wives reinforces stereotypes about women and their
custody. Orr
need for special protection. The State cannot be permitted to
classify on the basis of sex.
The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease when the
persons herein mentioned prove that they observed all the The distinction under New York law between the adoption rights
diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage. of unmarried fathers and unmarried mothers violated the Equal
Protection clause of the 14th Amendment—maternal and paternal
roles are not invariably different in importance.
Is there a fit between the test and the proxy? No, because GUALBERTO V. GUALBERTO (2005)
even if mothers are closer than fathers during infancy, it is not Crisanto Gualberto filed a petition to nullify his marriage to
sufficient because as the child matures, the difference between Joycelyn Gualberto, with a prayer for custody pendente lite of
the parental skills of the father and the mother decreases. their three-year-old son Rafaello whom Joycelyn allegedly took
away with her when she abandoned the conjugal home. The
SY V. CA (2007) RTC granted the prayer of Crisanto for custody pendente lite of
Mercedes Sy filed a petition for habeas corpus against Wilson the child, finding that Joycelyn was having lesbian relations and
Sy to get custody of her minor children Vanessa and Jeremiah was not attentive to the needs of Rafaello. Later on, the RTC
as their mother. Wilson opposed, claiming that Mercedes was reversed its previous order and awarded custody of Rafaello to
unfit to take custody of the minors as she abandoned their Joycelyn, citing Article 213 of FC. Crisanto filed a petition for
family, is mentally unstable, and cannot provide proper care to certiorari before the CA, which reversed the ruling of the RTC.
the children. The RTC and CA granted custody of the children
Held: Custody should remain with Joycelyn. The use of the
to Mercedes and ordered Wilson to pay support.
word “shall” means that a mother is to be preferred in awarding
Held: Mercedes should have custody over her children. The custody of children under the age of seven. The tender age
law favors the mother if she is a fit and proper person to have presumption may be overcome only by compelling evidence of
custody of her children so that they may have the benefit of a the mother’s unfitness under certain instances, such as neglect,
mother’s love and devotion for which there is no substitute. abandonment, unemployment, immorality, habitual
Likewise, no children below the age of seven shall be separated drunkenness, drug addiction, maltreatment of the child, insanity
from their mother, unless there are compelling reasons to the or affliction with a communicable disease. Sexual preference
contrary. In this case, Wilson’s allegation of the unfitness of alone does not prove parental neglect. Instead, the husband
Mercedes were refuted by the latter. She left the conjugal home must clearly establish that her moral lapses have had an
to work in Taiwan and earn money to reclaim her children. Her adverse effect on the welfare of the child or have distracted the
act of praying in the rain is a mere expression of her faith offending spouse from exercising proper parental care. In this
different from that of Wilson’s family, which is also the reason case, Crisanto failed to prove that his son was exposed to the
for their separation. She is also financially able to provide her mother's alleged sexual activity or that his proper moral and
children with the necessities of life. psychological development suffered as a result.
Philip and Mady Feldman were married with two minor children,
Petitioner Reymond Laxamana and respondent Ma. Lourdes
Joyce and Scott. Mady then obtained a divorce on the ground
were married with three children. Initially, the family was well-
of cruel and inhuman treatment from Philip and was awarded
off, until Reymond became drug dependent. Despite several
custody of their two children. Later on, Philip filed a petition for
attempts for treatment and rehabilitation, Reymond’s condition
habeas corpus for the custody of the two children. Because the
worsened and he became violent, which led Lourdes and her
trial court found that Mady was having a sexually-liberated
children to abandon him. When he was declared drug-free,
lifestyle, it transferred the custody of the two children to Philip,
Reymond filed a petition for habeas corpus for the custody of
despite them living with their mother since birth.
the three children. The parties then underwent psychiatric and
Held: Having unusual sexual practices do not ipso facto psychological evaluation, which revealed that the children were
constitute unfitness for custody. The evidence established psychologically affected by the father’s drug-related behavior,
that Mady’s private sex life in no way affected the children. They and that Reymond is still not completely cured of his addiction.
are well-provided for, both emotionally and physically—in fact, However, the psychiatrist did not find that paternal visits would
both children were elected as class officers in school. The be harmful to the children. Hence, the court granted custody to
atmosphere of the mother’s home is also happy and cheerful, Lourdes and visitation rights to Reymond.
and the premises well-kept and comfortable. Mady is likewise
Held: The issue of custody was not properly resolved. The
sincerely concerned and devoted to her children and she
fundamental policy of the State to promote and protect the
always shows them love and care. Hence, for the best interests
welfare of the children shall not be disregarded by mere
of the children, a change of custody should not be made as it
technicality. The trial court should have conducted a trial
will only cause the psychological dislocation of the children.
notwithstanding the agreement of the parties to submit the case
Because neither Mady nor Philip are unfit to have custody, the
for resolution on the basis of the psychiatric report. Although
tender years presumption shall apply in favor of the mother,
Reymond is not completely cured of his drug dependence,
who shall have custody over the children.
there is no evidence showing that he is unfit to give the children
Moreover, the right of a divorced woman to engage in private adequate support, education, and moral and intellectual
sexual activities is within the penumbra of privacy mandated training and development. Moreover, the children in this case
ART. 222. The courts may appoint a guardian of the child’s A verified petition for approval of the bond shall be filed in
property or a guardian ad litem when the best interests of the the proper court of the place where the child resides, or, if the
child so requires. child resides in a foreign country, in the proper court of the
place where the property or any part thereof is situated.
This provides for substitute representation when the interests
The petition shall be docketed as a summary special
of the child so require.
proceeding in which all incidents and issues regarding the
• In case of conflict of interest between the parent and the
performance of the obligations referred to in the second
child, the child should be represented by a guardian in
paragraph of this Article shall be heard and resolved.
• If the father does not properly administer the property of Ordinary rules on guardianship shall be merely suppletory
the child, the court may appoint a guardian for such. except when the child is under substitute parental authority, or
• Child’s welfare is paramount. the guardian is a stranger, or a parent has remarried, in which
case the ordinary rules on guardianship shall apply.
ART. 223. The parents or, in their absence or incapacity, the Administration includes all acts for the preservation of the
individual, entity or institution exercising parental authority, property and the receipt of fruits according to the natural
may petition the proper court of the place where the child purpose of the thing. Any act of disposition or alienation, or any
resides, for an order providing for disciplinary measures over reduction the substance of the patrimony of the child, exceeds
the child. The child shall be entitled to the assistance of the limits of guardianship.
counsel, either of his choice or appointed by the court, and a • Parents cannot validly dispose of the property of their
summary hearing shall be conducted wherein the petitioner children without express judicial authorization.
and the child shall be heard. • But they can keep the money of their children.
• Parents are also not authorized to enter into compromise
However, if in the same proceeding the court finds the petitioner
agreements with respect to the rights of their children,
at fault, irrespective of the merits of the petition, or when the
for the right to administer property does not include the
circumstances so warrant, the court may also order the
authority to compromise.
deprivation or suspension of parental authority or adopt
such other measures as it may deem just and proper. The legal guardianship of the property of minor children by their
parents cannot be renounced by the same.
ART. 224. The measures referred to in the preceding article may • It is a natural and logical consequence of parental
include the commitment of the child for not more than thirty authority and of the presumption that no one can take
days in entities or institutions engaged in child care or in care of such property with more zeal and affection than
children’s homes duly accredited by the proper government the parents.
agency. • Also, a consequence of the duty of assistance and
protection which parents owe to their children.
The parent exercising parental authority shall not interfere • A matter of public interest.
with the care of the child whenever committed but shall
provide for his support. Upon proper petition or at its own The power of administration cannot be delegated to the child
instance, the court may terminate the commitment of the child himself or to a third person.
whenever just and proper. • Father designated by the court → transfer to the mother
must be approved by the Court, otherwise void.
If a parent finds that the discipline imposed upon the child fails • No judicial designation → mother may exercise such
to correct him, this article provides for a civil remedy. legal guardianship alone.
• Civil action will review the conduct of the child and the • The court may legally remove the guardianship of the
treatment of him by the parent. child’s property from the father for sufficient cause.
In some instances, the law itself denies the parent the power
of administration over some properties of the child.
Whenever the appointment of a judicial guardian over the All other cases not covered by this and the preceding articles
property of the child becomes necessary, the same order of shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code on quasi-
preference shall be observed. delicts.