Charnwood LA30iB Installation
Charnwood LA30iB Installation
Charnwood LA30iB Installation
General Points 3
Fuels 3
Door Operation 3
Lighting 3
Controlling the Fire 3
Running the Fire with the Doors Open 4
Heating system 4
Ash Clearance 4
Riddling 5
Refuelling 5
Overnight Burning 5
Throat Plate and Flueway Cleaning 5
Maintenance 6
Chimney sweeping 6
Boiler Reduction brick 7
Trouble Shooting 7
GENERAL POINTS In non-smoke control areas other fuels may also be burnt. For
instructions on burning other fuels please ask your supplier
Before lighting the fire check with the installer that the work
for the ‘‘Charnwood Multifuel Instruction Supplement’’.
and checks described in the installation instructions have been
carried out correctly and that the chimney has been swept, is PETROLEUM COKE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR USE ON
sound, and free from any obstructions. THIS APPLIANCE, ITS USE WILL INVALIDATE THE
WARNING There must not be an extractor fan fitted in the
same room as this appliance as this can cause the appliance to At first you may find it helpful to try several fuels to find the
emit smoke and fumes into the room. most suitable. If you are unable to obtain the fuel you want
ask your supplier, an approved fuel distributor, or the Solid
If the appliance is fitted in place of an open fire then the
Fuel Association (tel. 0800 600 000) to suggest an
chimney should be swept one month after installation to clear
any soot falls which may have occurred due to the difference
in combustion between the appliance and the open fire. DOOR OPERATION
When using the fire in situations where children or infirm Use the spanner type tool to open and close the doors. Turn
people are present please use a fire guard to prevent the knob on the right hand door anti-clockwise to open and
accidents. The fire guard should be manufactured in clockwise to close. When closing the doors do not push on
accordance with BS 6539. the enamel with the tool as this can chip the enamel, instead
This appliance has been designed to conform with BS.3378. It push the doors on the door knobs.
HETAS Ltd. approval only covers the use of the following thermostat control knob to the maximum setting and light the
smokeless fuels on this appliance: paper or fire lighters. Close the doors and allow the fire to
burn until the fuel is well ignited then load with more fuel and
adjust the thermostat to the required level.
Anthracite Large Nuts,
Centurion, On initial lighting, the appliance may smoke and give off an
Cosycoke, odour as the silicon paint with which the firebox is painted
Extracite, reacts to the heat. This is normal and will cease after a short
Phurnacite, ventilated.
Sunbrite Doubles, Before relighting the fire, riddle, remove any clinker from the
Welsh Dry Steam Coal (Large Nuts). firebed and empty the ashpan.
HETAS Ltd. approval does not cover the use of other fuels
either alone or mixed with the above fuels, nor does it cover
instructions for the use of other fuels. The rate of burning and hence the output is controlled by the
control knob on the left hand side of the appliance, shown in
The above fuels are all suitable for use in smoke control areas.
Fig. 1. This is linked to a thermostat which controls the boiler
Fig. 1. Thermostat Control above the door opening as shown in Fig. 2. To adjust the
setting, open the doors and use the door opening tool to
move the flap to the desired position. This control should be
in the closed position when burning any of the recommended
fuels except for anthracite, or homefire which should be
burnt with the secondary air inlet open.
The fire may be run with the doors open. This will result in a
Control reduction in efficiency and hence heat output, particularly to
the boiler. The more reactive fuels, like homefire, will burn
better when the doors are open than fuels like phurnacite,
sunbrite and ancit.
Air Inlet For safety reasons if the fire is to be left unattended with the
doors open then use a spark guard which complies with BS
Never allow the ash to accumulate in the ashpan so that it as described above.
comes in contact with the underside of the grate as this will
Too much riddling can result in emptying unburnt fuel into the
seriously damage the grate bars. Ensure that the air inlet
ashpan and should therefore be avoided. Clinker should
damper is not prevented from closing by spilled fuel or ash.
regularly be removed from the firebed.
Care should be taken to ensure that ash is cool before
After riddling, the grate should be put back into the solid fuel
emptying it into plastic liners or bins.
position (the tool should be horizontal).
To make ash removal easier there is a special Charnwood ash
carrier available. This may be purchased from your supplier or,
in case of difficulty, from ourselves. Keep the firebox well filled (the fuel may be sloped up from
the front firebars), but do not allow fuel to spill over the top
of the front fire bars. Take care that fuel does not project
Riddling twice a day is usually sufficient. over the front fire bars or damage to the glass may be caused
The fire should be riddled with all doors shut. Place the tool when the doors are closed. If any pieces of fuel have been
on the knob and rotate between the horizontal and the 45° inadvertently loaded onto the top of the throat plate, then
position several times as shown in Fig. 3. remove them using the scraper tool.
the control knob to the desired setting.
Move Tool
To Horizontal
It is important that the throat plate and all the appliance advisable to sweep the chimney and clean out the fire.
flueways are kept clean. They should be cleaned at least Spraying the inside of the doors and firebox with a light oil,
monthly, and more frequently if it if found necessary. such as WD40, will also help to keep all internal parts
working well.
The throat plate and flueways may be cleaned with a low fire
still burning. Use the scraper tool to scrape any sooty deposits After long periods where the fire has been out of use, the
to the front of the plate until they fall off into the fire. Ensure chimney and appliance flueways should be cleaned before
that soot deposits are not allowed to build up on the side lighting.
boiler faces because if the throat plate becomes tight between
Door Seals
the faces this can cause it to fail prematurely.
For the fire to operate correctly it is important that the door
More soot will be deposited on the throat plate and in the seals are in good condition. Check that they do not become
flueways if the appliance is run at low levels for long periods. If worn or frayed and replace them when necessary.
this is the case then more frequent cleaning will be necessary.
BOILER REDUCTION BRICK parts of the fire begin to glow red. To prevent over-firing
ensure that:
The optional boiler reduction brick may be used when
a) the door seals are kept in good condition, and that the
reduced outputs are required, e.g. during the summer or
doors are sealing correctly,
when the fire is fitted on to a small heating system.
b) the thermostat on the fire is working correctly,
To fit the brick, let the fire out, clear the grate of any ash and c) a suitable fuel is being used,
fuel, and scrape the boiler faces clean. Lift out the deepening d) the fire is not fitted onto a heating system which is too
bar and front firebar. Fit the brick into the fire with the thick large.
part of the brick at the bottom and the sloping face at the
Fume Emission
front as shown on the parts list. Push the brick hard up against
the rear face of the boiler. The brick should rest on the side Warning Note: Properly installed and operated this appliance
fireplates and should be clear of the grate bars. Replace the will not emit fumes. Occasional fume from de-ashing and re-
front firebar and deepening bar. fuelling may occur. Persistant fume emision is potentially
dangerous and must not be tolerated. If fume emission does
As the brick is not cemented into position, fitting and
persist then the following immediate actions should be taken:
removing it should only take a few minutes.
A) Open doors and windows to ventilate the room.
TROUBLE SHOOTING B) Let the fire out and safely dispose of fuel from the
d) there is an adequate air supply into the room, chimney blockage. For your own safety these must be kept
e) an extractor fan is not fitted in the same room as the fire. clean.
Check that: Do not light the fire if there is any possibility that any parts of
Check that:
a) the fire is burning properly - if not then carry out the checks
under "Fire Will Not Burn".
b) the throat plate is fitted correctly (see Fig. 4.) and that it is
not distorted.
c) the door seals are in good condition.
d) If the hot water goes cold when the pump is turned on, or if
some radiators are hotter than others, then the system may
need balancing, the pump may be pumping the water too
quickly around the system, or the radiators may need
bleeding. Please ask your installer to check these points.
e) Ensure that the boiler reduction brick has not been fitted
when it is not required.
Please take care when installing the appliance that the Boiler
requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 are (kW)
Some types of fire cement are caustic and should not be
allowed to come into contact with the skin. In case of contact 4.0
wash with plenty of water.
0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Space Output (kW)
There must not be an extractor fan fitted in the same room as
the fire as this can cause the appliance to emit fumes into the
borne in mind when calculating the heating requirements.
There must be an adequate air supply into the room in which CHIMNEY
the appliance is installed totalling at least 100 square cm. (16
In order for the appliance to perform satisfactorily the
square inches) to provide combustion air. This is particularly
chimney height must not be less than 4 metres measured
necessary if the room is double glazed.
vertically from the outlet of the appliance to the top of the
In addition to these instructions the requirements of BS:8303 chimney. The chimney should preferably be 175 mm (7
and BS:6461 Pt 1&2; 1984 must be fulfilled. Local Authority inches) or 200mm (8 inches) internal diameter or square with
Byelaws and Building Regulations regarding the installation of sides of 175mm or 200mm internally and MUST NOT BE
Solid Fuel burning appliances, flues and chimneys must also be LESS THAN 150mm (6 INCHES) INTERNAL DIAMETER OR
observed. 150 x 150mm INTERNAL SQUARE.
chimney but is not suitable for using for the complete chimney. Fig. 5. Limiting Dimensions of Hearth
Gravity Radiator
Gravity Return 28mm
Drain Cock
Gravity Flow 28mm
Gravity Radiator
Gravity Return 28mm
Gravity Flow 28mm
Drain Cock
Indirect Hot Water Cylinder
Gravity Return
(28mm Pipe)
Fig. 9. InjectorTee.
Page 9
water system then a double feed indirect hot water storage Overflow
Figs. 7 and 8. The height differential between the header tank Drain Cock
The system must incorporate a gravity circuit which will 22mm Open Vents
Feed and Expansion Tank
Cold Water Tank
normally heat the domestic hot water and an unvalved
radiator with an output of at least 0.75 kW. When the
appliance is not connected to a domestic hot water system the
Domestic Hot Water Draw Off
Drain Cock
Indirect Hot Water Cylinder
Figures 7. and 8.
Gravity Return
(28mm Pipe)
If the fire is used to heat a small central heating system then
the heat output to the room from the fire will be reduced. Fig.
Central Heating Return Common Return to Boiler
4. shows the ratio of space heating to water heating which can (28mm Pipe)
be expected.
We recommend fitting a pipe thermostat onto the gravity Ensure that the flue pipe is not obstructed or restricted in any
return and wiring it into the mains supply to the pump so that way and that all joints are well sealed.
if the gravity return temperature drops below 45° C then the
Before infilling cover the front of the fire to protect it. Ensure
pump will cut out. This will help to prevent condensation
that the flue pipe is central and then fill the space between the
forming on the boiler faces and will thereby increase the life of
body of the fire and the structural brickwork with vermiculite
the boiler. Use of a minimum return thermostat also ensures
(eg. micafil or similar) concrete. Ensure that there are no air
that priority is given to the domestic hot water. These
pockets. The recommended mix is six volumes of vermiculite
thermostats are available from ourselves if you are unable to
granules to one volume of portland cement thoroughly mixed
obtain them locally.
together. Enough water should be added so that no more
FITTING THE FIRE than one or two drops of water are released when a handful
of the mixture is squeezed.
In some cases it may be necessary to place the connecting flue
pipe in the chimney before fitting the fire into the fireplace. After filling with vermiculite flaunch the top of the flue
connector pipe to the chimney with lime mortar.
Apply fire cement to the rear face of the sealing flange on the
appliance. Fit the appliance into the opening ensuring that it is Make good the holes in the front and side of the chimney
central and that a good seal is made between the sealing flange breast making sure that they are completely airtight. A typical
Remove any excess fire cement from around the sealing In most installations it will be possible to sweep the chimney
Make the flue connection with the special 150° elbow part no.
Take Flue Pipe
010/AV12. Please note that this item is ordered separately Up To Narrowest
Part Of Chimney.
from the appliance. The legs of the elbow may be cut on site
150° Elbow
to suit the chimney. Also note that the legs of the elbow are Part No. 010/AV12
0 5
and flaunched to the flue pipe to ensure that all soot deposits
can be cleared when the appliance is swept.
Before lighting the fire check the cold setting distance of the On completion of the installation and after allowing a suitable
thermostat. period of time for the fire cement and mortar to dry out, the
fire should be lit and checked to ensure that smoke and fumes
With the control knob at the maximum setting the flap should
are taken from the appliance up the chimney and emitted
be 18 mm from the air inlet as shown in Fig. 11. To adjust the
safely. Also check all joints and seals.
distance slacken the locking nut and adjust as necessary. When
set correctly re-tighten the locking nut. Ensure that the flap The central heating pump should be adjusted to give the
opens and closes freely as the knob is turned. correct water flow against the circuit resistance and the
system should be correctly balanced.
Fig. 11 Thermostat Setting
On completion of the installation and commissioning please
leave the operating instructions with the customer and advise
on the use of the fire and any controls on the system.
Locking Nut
Thermostat Flap
Fit the side panels, hood and top grid onto the appliance.
Instructions for this are enclosed with the panel pack.
1. The bottom grate bars must all be fitted and should move
freely and easily when the riddling mechanism is operated.
2. The plates round the sides and back of the grate must be in
position and sitting correctly.
C 150°
2 1
547 506
0 5
235 120 554
Issue G
41 49
31 18
38 45 46
Freestanding Kit
20 27 19 21 26 12 17 16 7 5 36
37 33a
T:+4 4 (0)1983 537799 • F:+4 4 (0)1983 537788 • [email protected] • WWW.CHARNWOOD.COM ®
your premier dealer
REV.LA 30IB 06/01
T:+44 (0)1983 537777 • F:+44 (0)1983 537788 • [email protected] • WWW.CHARNWOOD.COM
A D i v i s i o n o f A . J . We l l s & S o n s L i m i t e d Re g i s t e r e d i n E n g l a n d N o . 0 3 8 0 9 371