Dihedral Group

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Dihedral group

Date created: 2023-10-25 15:41

Tags: #Type/Object #Topic/Abstract_Algebra

Types: Not applicable

Examples: Not applicable
Construction: σ τ = τ σ
i −i

Generalization: Groups

Properties: Order of the dihedral group

Sufficiencies: Not applicable
Equivalences: D = ⟨σ, τ ⟩

Justifications: Modular group, Modular arithmetic, Dihedral group is a group, Permutations

An often very important group studied for it's geometric symmetries is the dihedral group.

Definition: Dihedral group D 2n

The group D , called the dihedral group, is the group constituted of the set of all local and global symmetry preserving

permutations of a regular n-gon under the operation of function composition.

These Permutations are rotations σ and reflections τ . Describing them formally requires us to label each vertex with a number
between 1 and n (obviously making sure 2 comes after one or before). We can then describe these permutations as follows:

Definition: Rotation ​

A rotation of an n-gon is the permutation σ that does the following mapping:

σ : {1 ≤ i ≤ n} → {1 ≤ i ≤ n} : v ↦ σ(v)


σ(m) = j ⟹ σ(m + 1) = (j + 1) mod n ∨ σ(m + 1) = (j − 1) mod n

Whilst a reflection τ is defined as:

Definition: Reflection ​

A reflection τ of an n-gon around a vertex c is defined by the following mapping:

τ : {1 ≤ i ≤ n} → {1 ≤ i ≤ n} : v ↦ τ (v)


τ (c) = c ∧ τ (c + k mod n) = c − k mod n k ∈ Z

One would obviously need to verify this does indeed form a group (Dihedral group is a group).

We can extract the following properties from the definitions, which we will not prove with an exception for 5:

Properties of the dihedral group 1

1. σ j

∧ j ≠ k ⟹ σ
≠ σ

2. |τ | = 2

3. ∀τ , σ, i : τ ≠ σ

4. τ σ i
≠ τσ
⟺ j ≠ i

5. ∀i i
: σ τ = τσ

We can thus easily conclude that every element in D 2n has a unique representation of the form σ j
with 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1 and k .
= 0, 1

Remark : We haven't really develop a proper notation for all these properties, most of these remain very obvious so it is not really


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