Creo Revolved Feature
Creo Revolved Feature
Creo Revolved Feature
Use the Revolve tool to create a feature by revolving a sketched section around a
centerline. The revolved geometry can be a solid or a surface. You can add or remove
• You can create different types of revolved features with the Revolve tool:
○ Revolved protrusion—Solid, Thickened
○ Revolved surface
The Revolve tab consists of commands, tabs, and shortcut menus. Click Model ▶
Revolve to open the Revolve tab.
—Creates a solid feature.
—Creates a surface feature.
collector—Displays the sketch that contains the axis of revolution.
• Side 1 angle of revolution options:
○ Variable—Revolves a section from the sketching plane by a specified angle value.
◆ Angle value box—Sets the angle value for Side 1.
○ Symmetric—Revolves a section on each side of the sketching plane by half of the
specified angle value in each direction.
◆ Value box—Sets the angle value for Side 1.
○ To Selected—Revolves a section to a selected point, plane, or surface.
◆ First direction angle reference collector—Displays the point, plane, or surface that
defines the revolve angle.
—Flips the revolve angle direction to the other side of the sketch.
—Removes material along the revolve to create a cut for a solid feature or a quilt
trim for a surface feature.
○ —Flips the remove functionality to remove material from the opposite side of the
—Adds a thickness to a sketch to create a thin solid, a think solid cut, or a thin
surface trim.
○ Value box—Sets a thickness value.
○ —Switchs the thicken direction to one side, the other side, or both sides of the
Quilt collector—Displays a quilt to trim when and are selected.
○ (to the left of the Quilt collector)—Switches the side of the quilt to remove to one
side, the other side, or keep both sides of the quilt.
○ (to the right of the Quilt collector)—Toggles the side of a quilt to retain the ID of
the original quilt if you keep both sides of the quilt.
• Placement
○ Sketch collector—Displays the sketch that defines the revolve feature.
◆ Define—Opens Sketcher so you can create an internal sketch.
◆ Edit—Opens the internal sketch in Sketcher for editing.
◆ Unlink—Breaks the association with the selected sketch and copies the sketch as
an internal sketch.
○ Axis collector—Displays the axis of revolution.
◆ Internal CL—Uses the sketched centerline as the axis of revolution.
• Options
○ Side 1 and Side 2—Sets the angle option on Side 1 or Side 2 of the reference.
◆ Value box—Sets an angle value when or is selected.
◆ Reference collector—Displays a reference when is selected.
○ Capped Ends check box—Closes each end of a revolve feature when is selected.
• Properties
○ Name box—Sets a name for a revolve feature.
○ —Displays detailed component information in the Creo Parametric browser.
Shortcut Menus
Right-click the graphics window to access shortcut menu commands.
• Define Internal Sketch—Opens Sketcher so you can create an internal sketch.
• Edit Internal Sketch—Opens the internal sketch in Sketcher for editing.
• Clear—Clears the active collector.
• Surface—Switches from solid geometry to surface.
• Solid—Switches from surface geometry to solid.
Remove Material—Toggles off and on.
Thicken Sketch—Toggles off and on.
• Flip Angle Direction—Switches the direction of the feature creation to the other side of
the sketching plane.
• Flip Material Side—Switches the side of the sketch from which to remove material when
creating a cut, or the side to which to add material when creating a protrusion.
Right-click a revolve feature to access shortcut menu commands.
• Placement Collector—Activates the Sketch collector.
• Trim Quilt Collector—Activates the Quilt collector.
• Axis of Revolution Collector—Activates the Axis collector.
• Intersection Components Collector—Defines the feature visibility and select the
components that the feature will intersect in Assembly mode.
• To Selected Angle1 Collector—Activates the Side 1 reference collector when the angle
option is To Selected.
• To Selected Angle2 Collector—Activates the Side 2 reference collector when the angle
option is To Selected.
Right-click a directional arrow to access shortcut menu commands.
• Flip—Switches the direction of feature creation.
Right-click a drag handle to access shortcut menu commands.
• Flip Angle Direction—Switches the direction of the feature creation in relation to the
sketching plane.
Variable—Sets the depth option to .
Symmetric—Sets the depth option to .
To Selected—Sets the depth option to .
The next table shows different types of geometry that you can create with the Revolve
Revolved Solid Protrusion
Revolved Cut
Revolved Surface
When you create a revolved feature, you must define a section to revolve and an axis of
revolution. The axis can be a linear reference or a Sketcher geometry centerline.
• You can use open or closed sections to create revolved surfaces.
• Geometry must be sketched only on one side of the axis of revolution.
• Use one of the following references to define an axis of revolution for a revolved
○ External reference—Use existing linear geometry. You can use the following
geometry types:
◆ Datum axis
◆ Straight edge
◆ Straight curve
Use the Revolve tool to remove material by revolving a sketched section around a
• To create a cut, use the same angle options as for protrusions.
• For solid cuts, use closed sections.
For cuts created with Thicken, you can use both closed and open sections.
• While defining a cut, you can switch between feature attributes by clicking the
following buttons:
○ Remove Material—Switches between cut and protrusion.
○ Flip—Switches the side from which material is removed.
○ Thicken Sketch—Switches between solid and thin cut.
Use the Revolve tool to create a surface by revolving a sketched section around a
• Define the angle of the revolved surfaces using one of the following angle options:
○ Variable—Revolves a section from the sketching plane by a specified angle value.
○ Symmetric—Revolves a section on each side of the sketching plane by half of the
specified angle value in each direction.
○ To Selected—Revolves a section to a selected point, plane, or surface.
• A revolved surface can have open or closed ends. To create a revolved surface with a
closed volume, select the Capped Ends check box on the Options tab. Additional
surfaces are created that close off the feature.
With this method, you first create a section and then activate the Revolve tool.
When you use an existing sketch as a feature section, the selected sketch is copied into
the feature section. The Revolve tool analyzes the selected geometry and creates default
geometry. The default feature type depends on the selected geometry. For example, an
open sketch produces a surface.
To create a revolved feature using the object/action method:
1. Click Model ▶ Sketch to open Sketcher, and then sketch a section.
2. To define an axis of revolution, click Centerline, and then sketch an axis.
3. Click OK to exit Sketcher.
4.Click Model ▶ Revolve to open the Revolve tab. The sketch that you have created is
collected as a section. The Revolve tool constructs a default revolved feature.
A revolved feature must contain an axis of revolution. Create an axis of revolution either
by sketching a geometry centerline with the revolved section, or by selecting existing
linear geometry.
1. Click Model ▶ Revolve. The Revolve tab opens.
2.Select a sketch, or to create a sketch, click the Placement tab, click Define, sketch a
section, if desired click Sketch ▶ Centerline to create a geometry centerline, and click
You could also select a sketch first, or select a datum plane or planar surface first, and
then click Model ▶ Revolve.
If the sketched section does not contain a geometry centerline, click the collector,
and then select a linear reference to use as the axis of revolution.
4. Select an angle option from the menu:
Variable. Type an angle value.
Symmetric. Type an angle value.
To Selected. Select a datum point, vertex, plane, or surface as a reference.
The terminating plane or surface must contain the axis of revolution.
To flip the direction of feature creation in relation to the sketching plane, click .
6.To create a double-sided feature, click the Options tab. Select an angle option in the
Side 2 menu, and then type an angle value or select an intersecting reference.
7. Click .
A revolved feature must contain an axis of revolution. Create an axis of revolution either
by sketching a geometry centerline with the revolved section, or by selecting existing
linear geometry.
1. Click Model ▶ Revolve. The Revolve tab opens.
2.Select a sketch, or to create a sketch, click the Placement tab, click Define, sketch a
section, if desired click Sketch ▶ Centerline in the Datum group to create a geometry
centerline, and click OK.
You could also select a sketch first, or select a datum plane or planar surface first, and
then click Model ▶ Revolve.
If the sketched section does not contain a geometry centerline, click the collector,
and then select a linear reference to use as the axis of revolution.
To create a surface, click .
5. Select an angle option from the menu:
Variable. Type an angle value.
Symmetric. Type an angle value.
To Selected. Select a datum point, vertex, plane, or surface as a reference.
The terminating plane or surface must contain the axis of revolution.
To flip the direction of feature creation in relation to the sketching plane, click .
7.To create a double-sided feature, click the Options tab. Select an angle option in the
Side 2 menu, and then type an angle value or select an intersecting reference.
8.If you used a closed section for the revolved feature, you can close the ends of the
revolved surface. Click the Options tab and select Capped Ends.
9. Click .
To create a surface trim, you must have a quilt present in your model.
A revolved feature must contain an axis of revolution. Create an axis of revolution either
by sketching a geometry centerline with the revolved section, or by selecting existing
linear geometry.
1. Click Model ▶ Revolve. The Revolve tab opens.
2.Select a sketch, or to create a sketch, click the Placement tab, click Define, sketch a
section, if desired click Sketch ▶ Centerline in the Datum group to create a geometry
centerline, and click OK.
You could also select a sketch first, or select a datum plane or planar surface first, and
then click Model ▶ Revolve.
If the sketched section does not contain a geometry centerline, click the collector,
and then select a linear reference to use as the axis of revolution.
4. Select an angle option from the menu:
Variable. Type an angle value.
Symmetric. Type an angle value.
To Selected. Select a datum point, vertex, plane, or surface as a reference.
The terminating plane or surface must contain the axis of revolution.
To flip the direction of feature creation in relation to the sketching plane, click .
To create a surface, click .
To remove material, click .
8. Click the Quilt collector, and select a quilt to trim.
The sketch is projected to intersect with the quilt.
To review how the quilt will be trimmed, click .
To change the portion of the quilt to be removed, click to the left of the Quilt
collector. The arrow that lies within the sketching plane points to the side that will be
removed. Switch between three modes:
• Remove Side 1
• Remove Side 2
• Keep both sides
11.If you keep both sides of the quilt, you must select the side that will inherit the
original quilt ID. Click to the right of the Quilt collector.
12. Click .
With the Revolve tool, you can switch between different feature options while creating
the feature. You can also edit the feature after it has been created using one of the
editing tools:
• Edit Definition—Redefine the feature.
• Edit References—Change the existing references by replacing them with new.
• Edit—Modify feature dimensions.
When you redefine the feature type from solid to surface or vice versa, these changes
are not propagated to the dependent copies of that feature.
Using Direct Section Edit
You can access a feature section in the Model Tree and make changes to the section
without entering the feature Edit mode. This lets you work directly with the section and
placement references without opening the Revolve tool.
To edit a section from the Model Tree:
1.Click the feature icon in the Model Tree. The section subnode ( ) appears in the
Model Tree.
2. Right-click the section subnode and choose one of the options:
• Edit—Modify the section dimensions.
• Edit Definition—Modify the section placement and the section geometry.
Redefining a Copied Feature
If you edit a section while redefining a copied revolved feature, the redefined feature is
no longer associative with the original feature.