Dunaiski 2007
Dunaiski 2007
Dunaiski 2007
PE Dunaiski*, JV Retief*, A Goliger**
*Institute for Structural Engineering, University of Stellenbosch
**Built Environment, CSIR
During 1995 a seminar was held under the auspices of the South African Institution of Civil
Engineering to investigate the introduction of a limit states design code of practice for geotechnical
engineering in South Africa. It was found that South Africa would lack the resources to develop
such a code of practice and therefore the adoption of Eurocode ENV 1997 was considered.
Incompatability in the basis of structural design in SABS 0160:1989 (1) and ENV 1990 respectively
led to the conclusion that the adoption of ENV 1997 as the limit states design code of practice for
geotechnical engineering in South Africa was not feasible at that stage.
Based on the findings of the above mentioned seminar the South African National Conference on
Loading (2) was convened by the South African Institution of Civil Engineering in 1998 to
deliberate on the future of the South African loading code. During this loading code conference the
decision was taken to review the South African Loading Code SABS 0160:1989. The primary
guidelines given by the South African National Conference on loading for the revision of SABS
0160:1989 were that the loading code should serve all the local material codes and that it should be
referenced to ISO-standards. Consequently the subcommittee of SABS SC 5120.61M Construction
Standards – Bases for Structures was established and the working group WG61M was convened by
the South African Institution of Civil Engineering. The background to the revision, including its
need, basis for the proposed standard and motivation for the changes are reported here.
The guidelines and considerations that were applied by the working group based on the primary
requirements set by the National Loading conference in the revision of SABS 0160:1989 are as
follows :
o International harmonisation of the revised standard not only utilises the international
structural engineering technology basis of practice and research, but also implicitly extends
the basis of agreement on the application of such technology to derive standardised design
procedures. Such harmonisation also facilitates the treatment of situations beyond the
scope of the standard by referring to harmonised standards.
o Harmonisation of materials based design is facilitated by the formulation of the basis for
the design of structures, not only in the treatment of actions and the resistance of
structures, but more importantly to ensure consistency between structures consisting of
different materials, even more so if this occurs in the same structure. Such harmonisation is
for instance important to the inclusion of geotechnical actions in the proposed standard.
o The scope of the proposed standard is determined by the scope of structures provided for;
basis of structural design, including target levels of reliability; actions to be considered;
related materials based standards; the function of the standard with regard to specifying
standards for structural safety and a code for sound design practice. As a general point of
departure the scope of the existing SABS 0160-1989 is maintained, with some incremental
development of the consistency of reliability and actions to be considered.
o The scope of structures of SABS 0160:1989 is maintained, but with some more explicit
indication that industrial structures similar to buildings are included. The clear formulation
of the general principles applied in the standard to derive design rules and the
achievement of levels of reliability should enable designers to judge on whether specific
structural configurations fall within the scope of this standard, and to assist in the
treatment of such design if this is not the case.
o Reference levels and consistency of reliability on which the present standard is based are
generally maintained, except where there is judged to be deficiencies in present practice
which need remediation; whilst a concerted effort is made to improve the consistency of
reliability through refined classification and treatment of situations requiring reliability
differentiation, including the role and importance of quality management considerations.
o Actions on structures provided presently in SABS 0160:1989 need to be critically reassessed
in terms of their models and representative values with a view to updating, with specific
reference to seismic actions. Provision for geotechnical actions on structures, particularly
relating to foundation design and the interface between building and geotechnical
structures have been identified as a specific deficiency in the present standard.
o Materials design standards presently referring to SABS 0160:1989 should be able to use the
revised standard; clear guidelines should however be provided for implementation during
future revision of materials based design standards to realise the enhanced harmonisation
of structural design practice as envisaged above.
o Capturing of sound structural design practice in the standard, not only as an aid to
practitioners, but also to provide the basis for the design of sound and economic structures
is maintained as an objective of the standard by providing clear guidance to this effect,
albeit in the form of informative procedures. Whereas this facet of the standard primarily
referred to the provision of serviceability criteria, consideration of aspects of execution of
the structure and provision for accidental design situations are also related to the optimised
design of structures.
The publication of the normative (EN) version of the Eurocode Standard for structural design,
which is presently in progress, afforded the opportunity to use the Eurocode Standards EN 1990
and EN 1991 as the primary reference code for the revision of SABS 0160:1989. The decision of
using the Eurocodes EN1990 and EN1991 as the primary reference codes is also supported by a bi-
lateral agreement between CEN and SABS.
The Eurocode Standard for structural design consists of ten Standards, EN 1990 to EN 1999, with
58 separate Parts in total. In the review of the SABS 0160:1989 code the emphasis is placed on EN
1990 Basis of Structural Design, six Parts of EN 1991 Actions on Structures and one Part each from EN
1997 Geotechnical Design and EN 1998 Design Provisions for Earthquake Resistance of Structures to be
used as primary reference standards. A summary of the selected Parts from Eurocode to be used
as reference standards during the revision of SABS 0160:1989 is given in Table 2.1 on the next page.
Progress made during the development of Eurocode is captured in the publication of the
normative EN Standards which started in 2002 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2006
(3). Following the publication of a National Annex for each Part by the member countries, the
national standards are to be replaced by Eurocode after a five year period of co-existence.
Eurocodes provide design procedures for an extensive range of structures, structural materials and
design situations in a comprehensive and integrated set of Standards. The structures cover the
comprehensive range of civil engineering works, although for specialist structures mainly the
principles of design are specified, whilst application rules are developed into practical procedures
for the more conventional classes of structures. In addition to standard structural materials of
TABLE 2.1 Relationship between Sections in SANS 10160 and Eurocode Parts
Proposed SANS 10160 Sections Reference Eurocode Part
1-3 Scope, Normative references, Terms
4 Basis of structural design EN 1990 Basis of structural design
5 Self-weight and imposed loads EN 1991-1-1 General actions – Densities, self-
weight, imposed loads for buildings
6 Wind actions EN 1991-1-4 General actions – Wind actions
7 Thermal actions EN 1991-1-5 General actions – Thermal actions
8 Actions during execution EN 1991-1-6 General actions – Actions during
9 Accidental actions EN 1991-1-7 General actions – Accidental actions
due to impact and explosions
10 Actions induced by cranes and EN 1991-3 Actions induced by cranes and
machinery machinery
11 Seismic actions EN 1998-1 Design provisions for earthquake
resistance of structures: General
rules, seismic actions and rules for
12 Geotechnical actions EN 1997-1 Geotechnical design: General rules
13 Design assisted by testing EN 1990 Annex : Design assisted by testing
concrete, steel, composite steel/concrete, timber and masonry; geotechnical structures are
included. Accidental design situations are included generally, and developed into more detailed
procedures for structural fire design and seismic effects.
The downside of the comprehensive nature of Eurocode is that it consists of a complex system
with a large number of Parts. This is complicated further by allowance for national options, and
the schemes that are used to accommodate these options in a consistent manner. In spite of its
contribution to the complexity of Eurocode, the alternative options demonstrate the degree to
which consensus is reached and to identify the parameters which are dependent on environmental
conditions or critical to safety standards.
2.1 Motivation for the selection of Eurocode as the primary reference code
Two general considerations relate to the application of a reference in the revision of SANS 10160,
which are the need for a reference standard and the merit of Eurocode to fulfill this function.
o Limited resources : Proper revision of SANS 10160 is only possible when sufficient
resources are available for that purpose, which is presently not the case. The alternative is
to base the revision on a selected reference standard.
o Technology base : As a recently developed and formulated set of structural design
standards, Eurocode provides a wide range of consistent and up to date models and
procedures that can be considered. The options that are provided for and allowed clearly
reveal the manner in which provision should be made for local environmental and
regulatory conditions.
From these two general considerations, the following arguments led to the process of formulating
the proposed SANS 10160 by considering the related Eurode specifications.
Eurocode also provides for actions outside the present scope of the proposed SANS 10160, which
are actions caused by fire, actions on containment structures, actions on bridges and actions on
towers and masts.
2.2.3 Simplification
A concerted effort is made to fully utilise the limited scope of the proposed SANS 10160, the
selection of appropriate alternatives, incorporating all normative provisions from the national
annexes into the main body of the code and condensing the different Parts into a single standard
format with limited procedures in order to achieve a significant simplification of SANS 10160.
The proposed SANS 10160 consists of a Foreword, three introductory sections and ten normative
sections. The Foreword and the sections as well as the implications of the proposed changes and
additions are described briefly.
3.1 Foreword
The foreword to the proposed SANS 10160 provides an outline of the purpose of the standard, its
function, general reference basis and the normative framework. The purpose of the foreword is to
provide the context for the use and the future development of the standard. These features are
summarized in Table 3.1.
3.1 Introductory sections
The introductory sections 1 to 3 define the scope of structures provided for, the normative
references related to this standard, and the terms, definitions and symbols used in the various
sections. The main features, considerations and reference on which these sections are based, are
summarised in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Main features and reference base for introductory sections
Section Basis for application of revision Reference
1. Scope The standard provides for the design of the following SABS 0160:1989
o Structures: Buildings and industrial structures, excluding
bunkers, silos, tanks, towers, chimneys, masts, bridges and
earth retaining structures not related to buildings.
o Actions: General actions on such structures, excluding
actions due to fire, internal pressures, hydrodynamic and
geotechnical effects not related to buildings.
2. Normative Normative references refer to Various
references o Structural materials standards: Design standards for structural
structural concrete, steel, timber, masonry and glazing design
o Complementary standards: ISO and Eurocode standards standards
provide a reference basis and can also be applied outside the
scope of the proposed SANS 10160.
3. Terms, Listed together in this Section: Self referenced
definitions and o General list per topic: When terms, definitions and symbols
symbols used in more than one Section
o List per Section: When terms, definitions and symbols used
only in that Section.
The general features of the basis of structural design consisting of reliability levels in accordance
with differentiated requirements and design situations for which partial factor based Limit States
Design (pfLSD) methods are used to prove compliance, as applied in the proposed SANS 10160 are
summarised in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3 General features of the revised basis for structural design
Section 4 Basis for application of revision Reference Base
Basis of o Compliance requirements: This section defines the general SABS 0160:1989
structural requirements for structural reliability and the design rules to be EN 1990
design followed to comply with these requirements:
o Reliability levels: Improvement in the consistent achievement of
the reference level of reliability is defined as an objective with
the revision of the standard.
TABLE 3.3 (Continued)
o Reliability framework: An elaborate reliability framework is
defined in terms reliability management and differentiation,
o Partial factor based limit states design: The pfLSD method is
formally specified, consisting of design situations with
appropriate action combination schemes, partial factors;
specified basic variables; including guidelines for the reliability
requirements of structural resistance.
Level of Level of reliability: Maintain level of reliability to the equivalence SABS 0160:1989
reliability of βt = 3,0 for the reference case, without any systematic adjustment.
Reliability Consistent reliability framework: A more elaborate partial factor EN 1990
framework based limit state design (pfLSD) framework improves consistency SABS 0160:1989
of reliability, whilst the overall general level is maintained:
o Ultimate limit state design situations extended to provide for
transient, persistent, accidental, seismic conditions.
o Serviceability limit state differentiates between reversible and
irreversible situations.
o Explicit reliability definition of basic variables for various
actions, material properties and geometry are provided.
o Guidelines are provided for application of principles of
reliability differentiation, management and calibration.
o Specification of generic materials based resistance reliability
Extension of Limit State Design procedures to provide for the elaborate system of action
combination schemes and partial factors results in the Eurocode design compliance procedures to
be referred to a partial factor method (PFM). The terminology of partial factor based limit states
design (pfLSD) for the procedure is used here to reflect the combined use of these two main
features; continuity with the generally accepted terms of limit states design is maintained, whilst
its extension into a more elaborate reliability framework is indicated. The elements of pfLSD as it is
applied in the proposed SANS 10160 are summarised in Table 3.4.
Table 3.4 Elements of the partial factor based Limit States design procedure
Topic Basis for application of revision Reference
Action combination Differentiated action combinations schemes: Provide for EN 1990
schemes an extended range of design situations
o ULS: Structural; geotechnical;
o Beyond ULS: Accidental; seismic.
o SLS: Irreversible, reversible; quasi-permanent
ULS Structural Improved consistency of reliability: Modification of twin EN 1990
action combination expression for combination of permanent and variable SABS 0160:1989A
scheme actions:
o Modification of format according to Eurocode;
o Reliability levels according to current standard;
o Modification of present partial factors;
o Maintain use of point in time value for combined
variable action.
Partial action and Extended range of partial factors: The range of partial
combination factors action and combination factors are increased to provide
o Improved reliability differentiation;
o Extended range of design situations with associated
combination schemes;
o Extended range of actions provided for.
TABLE 3.4 (Continued)
Geotechnical actions Combination scheme for geotechnical actions: Introduce EN 1990
a combination scheme for treatment of geotechnical EN 1997-1
o Geotechnical actions on structures;
o Structural actions on foundations.
Serviceability limit o Normative requirements: Compliance to serviceability SABS 0160:1989
state requirements are maintained; including the
requirement that appropriate serviceability criteria
should be applied.
o Serviceability criteria: Although material independent
serviceability criteria are provided informatively, the
requirement to comply to these criteria is specified
normatively, allowing justified deviations from these
Serviceability criteria Revision of deflection limits: Deflection limits were SABS 0160:1989
revised to take account of formal introduction of
serviceability design situations (irreversible, reversible,
quasi-permanent); and updated:
o Criteria tabulated as a function of design situation;
deflection component and actions to be considered.
Table 3.5 Basis for the revised specification of self weight and imposed loads
Section 5 Basis for application of revision Reference
Self-weight General approach: The general approach taken is to EN 1991-1-1
and imposed o Present Standard: Use the present standard for the values specified.
loads o Eurocode: Use Eurocode as basis for the scope of imposed loads,
the format and layout of the sections, the way in which the loads
are specified.
o Modifications: Modifications to improve the format and values
where warranted.
Self weight o Representative value Self weight as a permanent action with
formalisation of the representative value determined from expected
value of densities and nominal dimensions
o Densities Informative tables of densities combined from Eurocode
and present standard.
Imposed o Format of specifications Eurocode format of specified values
loads simplified.
o Imposed floor loads Modified classification and values:
• Eurocode occupancy classes, modified;
• Specified values thoroughly revised due to indications of
systematically low values;
• Combination values revised.
o Imposed roof loads Values modified to differentiate between
transient and persistent situations.
o Additional imposed loads Provide for fork lifts; helicopter
landings on buildings.
3.4 Wind actions
The selection of an appropriate reference model for the revised specification of wind actions was
an involved process during which alternative international wind action standards were
considered. Finally the selection of EN 1991-1-3 General actions – Wind actions not only brought
closure to the selection process, but also contributed to the validation of the selection of Eurocode
as reference to the standard as a whole.
The reliability basis for wind action specification consists of the following:
o Application of the Eurocode wind action models to the South African wind climate is done on
the basis that the reliability basis is not adjusted systematically;
o The more extensive sets of pressure coefficients from Eurocode are however considered to
represent more advanced results from research, and applied as such, although coefficients are
generally higher, particularly for local pressures.
The application of the Eurocode models for wind action to the South African wind climate and a
degree of maintaining existing practice resulted an a major revision of the specification. A
summary of the way in which the specification developed is provided in Table 3.6.
The specifications provide for the determination of characteristic climatic extreme temperatures
(maximum and minimum), including radiation effects, and the structural effects thereof, for use
according to the design procedures of Section 4 of the revised standard.
o Climatic effects are based on information from TMH-7 (5);
o Guidance on radiation effects is based on Eurocode procedures where there is a lack of
specific information;
o Treatment of the structural effects of temperature changes and differentials are based on
Eurocode procedures.
The basis for the consideration of thermal actions for structures exposed to temperature changes
are summarised in Table 3.7.
The main features of the provisions for actions during execution are summarised in Table 3.8
Table 3.8 Basis for specification of actions during execution of the construction works
Section 8 Basis for Specifications Reference
Actions Provide for the occurrence of transient general and construction EN 1991-1-6
during actions which apply to the partially completed structure during
execution execution of the works:
o Design assumptions: Compliance with assumptions on which the
design is based;
o Basic requirements: Sustain actions, maintain robustness and
- Actions on partially completed structure;
- Noting imperfections and boundary conditions;
o Duration: The duration of the activity (<3 days – > 1 year) is
related to a return period for the action (2 – 25 years)
o Classification: Actions are classified in terms of:
Variation in time, direct/indirect application, fixed/free distribution;
static/dynamic nature;
TABLE 3.8 (Continued)
o Construction loads: Provide for:
• Handling; geotechnical; prestressing, pre-deformation; tempe-
rature, shrinkage & hydration
• Personnel; storage of movable items; non-permanent equipment;
moveable heavy machinery; accumulation of waste materials.
The logical basis for structural design to treat accidental design situations consists of the following:
o Accidental actions or design situations are considered to have only a small probability to occur
within the economic life of the structure; structures can therefore not be designed to provide
resistance to accidental situations economically.
o The basis for structural design is to ensure an acceptable level of risk, where the consequences
of failure are traded for the low probability of occurrence of such an event.
o Practical design measures include accepting localised damage, but ensure that it will not
endanger the overall load bearing capacity of the structure, at least for an appropriate period of
time to allow for emergency measures, particularly evacuation; as well as provide sufficient
robustness through redundancy, strengthening of key elements and provision of sufficient
ductility to absorb strain energy.
o A general principle to follow is that the consequences of failure should not be disproportionate
with its cause.
The most pertinent aspects of the provisions for accidental actions in the proposed SANS 10160, as
derived from EN 1991-1-7, are summarised in Table 3.9.
Table 3.9 Basis for specification of accidental design situations and actions
Section 9 Basis for Specifications Reference
Accidental o Adaptation: The Eurocode Part was scaled down to provide only EN 1991-1-7
actions for building and similar structures, with the application of some
rationalisation and simplification.
o The scope of actions for which provision is made include the
• General strategies: Treatment of accidental actions in
accordance with Section 4 consist of accidental actions requiring
consideration are identified through risk assessment, following
measures to reduce its probability of occurrence and
consequences to acceptable levels of risk.
• Consequences of localised failure : treated as unidentified
accidental actions and provision for sufficient robustness in
agreement with consequence classification of the building is
• Specific accidental actions:
- Impact: Actions from impact of vehicles, fork lift trucks,
hard landing of helicopters on building roofs.
- Internal explosion: Considering pressures from internal
explosions from combustible materials, excluding
3.8 Actions induced by cranes and machinery
The specifications of SABS 0160:1989 for actions induced on the structure supporting overhead
travelling cranes were evaluated and compared to international standards. The specifications
were found to be very simplistic and in most cases conservative. The possibility of using Eurocode
as the reference standard for the specification of actions induced by overhead travelling cranes was
considered because it represented a recent standard which was derived from the highly rated
standard DIN 15018:1984 Pt 1. This consideration also contributed ultimately to using Eurocode as
the reference standard
The main characteristics of the specified load models, the reliability basis for the specified
procedures and comparison to existing practice are summarised in Table 3.10.
Actions induced by overhead travelling cranes in the proposed SANS 10160 are described in detail
by JS Dymond (6).
The specifications for the induced harmonic dynamic effects applied to structures supporting
stationary rotating machines, as presented in Section 10.4 of the proposed SANS 10160, are
summarised in Table 3.11.
Table 3.11 Basis for specification of actions induced by stationary rotating machines
Section 11 Basis for Specification Reference
Actions Actions from machinery are classified as permanent, variable static EN 1991-3
induced by and variable dynamic, and accidental actions which are represented
machinery by various models.
o Permanent actions during service include the self-weight of all
fixed and moveable parts and static actions from service
o Variable static actions during service include the actions from
service and imposed loads
o Variable dynamic actions from machinery during normal service
are dynamic actions caused by accelerated masses
o Accidental actions may occur from accidental magnification of the
eccentricity of masses, short circuit or mis-synchronisation between
generators and machines or impact effects from pipes by shutting
3.9 Seismic actions
The specification of structural design requirements to provide resistance against earthquakes is
one of the sections of SABS 0160:1989 which needs the most attention. The specifications only
apply to small parts of the country and are generally considered to be too severe by practitioners.
The difficulty of separating seismic actions and resistance against earthquakes is also recognised
by Eurocode, where a separate Standard EN 1998 Design provisions for earthquake resistance of
structures is concerned with this topic, of which the Part EN 1998-1 General rules, seismic actions and
rules for buildings applies to the revision of section 11 of the proposed SANS 10160.
Seismic actions in the proposed SANS 10160 are described in detail by J Wium (7).
The most appropriate design approach for South African conditions and design practice of the
three approaches provided for in EN 1997-1 : General rules : Geotechnical design has been selected.
The provisions for geotechnical actions in the proposed SANS 10160 will be based on design
approach 1 from EN 1997-1.
Table 3.13 Requirements and guidelines for the application of testing in structural design
Section 13 Basis for application of revision Reference
Design o Basis for testing: The scope and format of EN 1990 are used for the EN1990 Annex D
assisted by specification, all provisions of the SABS 0160:1989 are included. SABS 0160:1989
testing o Requirements: Determination of representative or design values
based on testing is allowed, provided that the level of reliability for
the design situation should be achieved.
• Statistical uncertainty, including those as the result of a limit
number of tests, should be taken into account;
• Appropriate partial factors should be applied.
• Planning, execution and assessment of the results should be
carried out with the required competence
Guidance on o Planning: Provision should be made for a test plan to define the
testing objectives of the testing, prediction of the results; specification of
test specimens and sampling; loading; measurement; reporting.
o Design values: Characteristic values could be derived to be used
with partial factors, or design values with appropriate reliability
could be determined directly.
o Statistical evaluation: Guidelines are provided for statistical
treatment of results, with reference to the more extensive
procedures of EN 1990 and ISO 12491.
Although the scope of structures provided for and the general level of reliability of the current
SABS 0160:1989 is maintained in the proposed SANS 10160, the provisions for the basis of design,
actions, load models and procedures are substantially revised, updated and extended.
The revision benefited substantially from the extensive development of the Eurocode Standards.
Whilst maintaining sufficient compatibility with Eurocode to be able to use it for situations beyond
the scope of SANS 10160, the local standard is simplified substantially in comparison to its
The extended reliability framework and range of design situations are resulting in an improved
consistency of reliability and are allowing for reliability differentiation as well as an additional
limit state for accidental design situations.
The draft Standard therefore represents a significant advancement and improvement in structural
design practice. It incorporates improved and extended specifications for structural design
requirements and actions, which are calibrated to present South African practice, and extensively
assessed within the limits of available resources.
The proposed SANS 10160 also provides a platform for the possible future alignment of structural
steel and composite design to Eurocode, the introduction of extensive structural fire design and
other standardised procedures.
(1) Standards South Africa : SABS 0160:1989 South African Standard Code of Practice for The
general procedures and loadings to be adopted in the design of buildings, Pretoria, 1989
(2) South African National Conference on Loading. 1998. South African Institute of Civil
Engineering, Southern African Institute for Steel Construction Midrand, South Africa.
(3) Fullalove S. Half of Eurocode now published. EurocodesNews Issue 3, November 2005.
(4) Standards South Africa : SANS 2394:2004 (Ed 1) (ISO 2394:1998 Ed 2) General principles on
reliability for structures.
(5) TMH-7. Code of practice for the design of highway bridges and culverts in South Africa: Part 1 –
General. Department of Transport, Pretoria, 1989.
(6) JS Dymond, The future of crane support structure design in the South African context, Proceedings of
SAISC Steel 50 Conference, Johannesburg, November 2006
(7) JA Wium, Steel Construction and the Seismic Provisions of the proposed SANS 10160 loading Code ,
Proceedings of SAISC Steel 50 Conference, Johannesburg, November 2006