Audit Risk Compilation
Audit Risk Compilation
Audit Risk Compilation
8. New supplier costs not accounted Enquire with management rationale for
Identification - Co entered into a contract not accounting the cost and request for
with a new supplier and committed to a necessary adjustments.
minimum order quantity of 150,000
bottles per month for 12 months. No
costs have been accounted for to date.
Explanation - The costs of the order
received by the year-end should be
accounted for as trade payables.
If not done so, there is a possible risk that
the purchases and trade payables might
be understated.
9. Legal claim Review the correspondence from the
lawyer about the likelihood of the claim
Identification - Co's previous supplier has to succeed and ensure 0.3m provision has
launched a legal claim against the Co for been accounted.
the breach of a contract. Lawyers have
indicated that it is likely to lose the case
and have estimated the amount payable
to be in the region of $0.3m.
Explanation - According to IAS 37
'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and
Contingent Assets', If the likelihood of the
claim to succeed is probable, a provision
should be created of the estimated
There is a possible risk that the provision
might not have been created which might
understate provision liability and
10. Interest bearing loan Obtain the breakdown of the cost of
Identification - The Co obtained an $1.2m and assess whether the amount
interest bank loan of $1.2m repayable payable within the year is classed as
over the next three years in arrears. current liability and the other amount as
Explanation - The loan amount should be non-current liability.
correctly split between current liability
and non-current liability.
If not done so, there is a possible risk that
the current and non-current liability
might be misstated.
11. Loan covenant Maintain professional skepticism and be
Identification –In order to maintain a alert to the risk over revenue recognition
bank loan, the Co agreed to maintain a and the use of subjective judgments that
minimum net profit margin and meet might affect profit.
specific sales targets.
Explanation - Because of the terms of the
agreement, management might get tend
to manipulate sales and profit figures by
overstating revenue and through the use
of subjective judgments.
There is a possible risk that the profits
and sales might be overstated and
expenses understated.
12. Refund Liability Review the level of post-year-end returns
Identification - The company has a and compare it with the refund liability
returns policy which allows the customer created to assess the adequacy of refund
to return goods within 28 days of liability.
purchase. Historically, 5% of customers
return goods within the return period.
Explanation - According to IFRS 15
'Revenue Recognition', Revenue should
only be recognized when all the
performance obligations are satisfied.
Adequate refund liability should be
created based on past returns.
There is a possible risk that adequate
refund liability might not be created
which might understate refund liability
and overstate revenue.
63. Goods in transit (Responsibility not Enquire with managers the point at which
transferred) the goods are recorded and ensure that
Identification - The Co purchases goods the goods in transit are not recorded.
from suppliers in South Asia and these
goods are shipped to the company's
warehouse. The goods are usually in
transit for two weeks and the company
correctly records the goods when
Explanation - The goods and the related
payables should be recorded by the
company when goods are received in the
There is a possible risk that the goods in
transit are recorded in inventory which
might overstate inventory and payables.
64. Inventory (Sold at a discount) Review the post-year-end sales of the old
Identification - The old models have to be phone and assess whether the NRV is
sold at a significant discount as the higher than the cost. If not request the
customers usually want the latest model. management to make adjustments in line
The Co has a number of older models in with IAS 2.
Explanation - According to IAS 2
'Inventory', Inventory should be valued at
the lower of cost and NRV.
Since the old phones are to be sold at a
discount, the NRV might be lower than
the cost.
There is a possible risk that the inventory
might be overstated.
65. Movements in inventory Review sample of the goods receipt notes
Identification - The movements of and goods despatch notes received
inventory in and out of the warehouse during the inventory count and follow
during the inventory count was not through the inventory records to confirm
controlled. that they are correctly recorded.
Explanation - Because the movement of
inventory was uncontrolled, some
inventory might be counted twice, while
some might not be counted at all.
There is a possible risk that the inventory
might be misstated.
66. Sales return Obtain a sample of post-year-end sales
Identification - Since the year-end there returns, identify which relates to the pre-
has been an increased number of sales year-end, and confirm that these sales
returns and in the month of May over have been removed from sales and
$0.5 million of goods sold in April were included in inventory.
Explanation - Since the goods returned
relates to the pre-year-end, the value of
the returned goods should be removed
from revenue and the inventory should
be reinstated.
If not done so, there is a possible risk that
the revenue might be overstated and
inventory understated
67. Inventory(Written down to scrap value) Enquire with management the rationale
Identification - There was a fire in one of for assigning the scarp value of $0.2m
the warehouses. Inventory of $0.9m was and assess its reasonableness.
damaged and this has been written down
to its scrap value of $0.2m.
Explanation - The write-down should be
charged to profit or loss and the scrap
value should be reasonable.
There is a possible risk that the scrap
value is not reasonable and that might
overstate the inventory.
68. Contingent Asset Discuss with management the rationale
Identification - An insurance claim has for recognizing $0.7m within the profit or
been submitted for the difference of loss and confirm that the proceed is
$0.7m. Venus is still waiting to hear from treated in accordance with IAS 37.
the insurance company with regard to
this claim but has included the insurance
proceeds within the statement of profit
or loss.
Explanation - According to IAS 37
'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets', An asset should only
be recognised when the receipt is
virtually certain. Since the proceed is still
not certain, it should not be recognised.
There is an indication that $0.7m has
been recognised which has overstated
provisions and expenses.
68. Bank reconciliation Undertake detailed testing on the
Identification - The finance director has reconciliations and agree it with the
informed the audit manager that the May supporting documentation to confirm the
and June bank reconciliations each contained bank balances are accurate.
unreconciled differences; however, he
considers the overall differences involved to
be immaterial.
Explanation - The reconciliation might
contain significant errors that might cancel
off each other to give small unreconciled
If the differences are not fully reconciled,
there is a possible risk that the cash balances
might be misstated.
69 Work in progress Perform detailed cut-off testing over the
Identification - The company undertakes year-end WIP to confirm that it is correctly
continuous production in its factory, valued at the year-end.
therefore at the year-end, it is anticipated
that the WIP will be approximately $950,000.
Explanation - The value of WIP should be
correctly assessed at the year-end. As the
process of valuing WIP is complex, the cut-off
of WIP might not be correctly calculated.
So, there is a possible risk that WIP might be
70. Obsolete Inventory Review the aged inventory report and
Identification - During the interim audit, it perform cost and NRV testing for a sample of
was noted that there were some lines of old items to assess whether a write-down is
inventory that according to the records were required.
at least 90 days old. In addition, the inventory
holding period has increased from 47 days to
54 days.
Explanation - There may have been an
increase in slow-moving inventory and some
inventory might be obsolete which needs to
be written down.
There is a possible risk that obsolete
inventory has not been written down that
might overtstate inventory.
71. Branch records Discuss with management the significance of
Identification - There are four additional sites the accounting records maintained at the
where some records are maintained and four sites and consider visiting some of these
these sites are not visited during the interim sites during the final audit.
audit. The records for the site are
incorporated monthly through an interface to
the general ledger.
Explanation - As the auditors did not visit
these sites, they might not obtain sufficient
appropriate evidence over the completeness
and accuracy of the accounting records held
at these sites.
As a result, there is an increased detection