SSM ECE Engineering Physics Assignment 3

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Theory of Airwede

Let us Consider two pane sursfa ces 0A ad

Oß inclnd ct on an ogle ,u be the
refroive index ot he enclasivg filn in Air
between the two lane Surfa ces fim
OA and os The Thicknes ot a
fm n Cveases from o fo A.
when tre th in oir tilm is illninated by tha
worochortie sOurce ot tiht, interference ocUs
between the rays reftected fron ypper and (o wer
&urtate of the fim The interferig ras do not
enter Hhe eye p arallel but they ppear to diverge
from a point neor te filn.
Let t be Hhickness ot the fin at a
dístance trom the edge as
The path difference for la reflected tight A 2ut; coST.
foy nomal incidence r= 0j Caso = I csine =
the patt ditteren ce (4) < 2pt
1f e is very Snall then we Can
write tË = Xe
The path ditterene (4) = 24 X9’ 0
we lenow the condition for the formotÔn ot bright
frrges due to le refleted öht js
The path diferece s- cn +)4l2 ’
From egns i) nd (2), ue con write
The pah ditfeen te 2u%& - (n +)dl2
Since he filr enclosed i ajr mediun the
ef ractie index for air C) =l.
:. The path ditterene 226 = (2n+1) ’

similary we KvOs the condi hon fer dark frirges

due do refteated tight is
he ath differen ce A=nA’
from eym (D and cu), we con wnte
The path dftferenee 2 M6 = nd
Shce - I or alr) we bave
2X6 nd
Frirge idth ()
(ase ci): Let E (onsler the dark frirge
from the ede o y te the
dtstan e of the nth dark fríhge
of thicKyness Cth) andlin te e Xnt)
distance of the Cn+ i) th dark trnge ot thic Kness
hen frem he en () we Can write.

cntD= (nt/20
Frtnge wid th CBD, hich is te distore oy tuo
Consecuttve brig ht (or) dark fiiges can be got by
subtractirg egn (6) from e2u C)

pA/26 26

Case (ü! similary if we con

sider any feo
(onsecute prisht frirges, theh frlee niH
be te seme i-e P will
Hom e2n 3) we Can write
l46 (2n +) and
B= Cn+1Xn - 40 (2n +3-2n -)
Nd - YAG taser
Introduction :
" It is solid State laser
- Stavds fer Nedgmium
" YAG - Stovds for yittrium Alumini ym Char net
prieip le :
The actte medin s opticolly pompad by Irypton
flash tuhe and Neodymivm - At jons ave raised
to eyci ted level
Durirg tte tiansition fren meta stabla stite to
grourd State, laser bean 6f waelength l"064 u
Is emitted.
Choa cteristics :
Type : four level solid state (aser
" Actiue med im : Nd- YAa rod
" Pompiro me thed : optlal pumpirg
" Aun ptrg Soure : oron fah tbe
" Optioal resoroor : Two eflecting mirros at te
ends of Me
He rod
One end - fully silvered
other erd - Partially silercd
Pouer oUtput
Natue : Pulsed or Continuous
" wae length
Constrvction :
" (he Constroction is shown M te figure.
loo' ieflecfor eltipical caviy
Partial retlector


In active Mediun, a Small amout ot yit s
,replaced by AH3+
" Actiue mediun and pumping sourceSOUrce ave paed iside
elip iti al cavity
The ends ot he od ore polis ed and ophcal vesaata
set-y is formed -
workig :
The energ y leuel dia9am is shown ja fioure
Abso rpdion Eo ’ E4 & Eo
These two transt ttons are absorption
" Light photors Cje ab Sored and 3t jons ave
raised to exeited tted
Popvlation Inverslon :
These are an- radioactive
E js a eta - stable state Population inve rijon
achieved between Fz È
Laser action :
" E2’E First transition a kes a spotaneous
transidion fram E do Er emithg a photon ot
energ hu.
This ew tted photon leads to stimulated emisjon
Qnd laser acHon
no-radiative tvansition
Aivantages :
" High energy output
pefatition rate operation f high
" fasy to acheive population nve rslon.
Disad vantages :
Replacement of Nd2t in VAG Gnd i a
Complicajed process.
Uses :
. 4is uelaly used in englneerirg arplicatiors
Uke drilirg trimmíng and micro- machiig epeatibn.
1t is sed in medical applicadtovn Like
endos coy Uolo9 y ete
CO laser
Ihtroduction :
" Co Laser is a molecubr
e Photons ave emted durig
te tran s tion between the
vi bratioral states Eregg
|o Gnergy level diagam is
slown in te figure
E1,E2 are akctroic energy euel
V', ae víbratiaal energy (eLel
T3ave rotiatioal energy leel Et
co molecules,
Funda me ntal bades of vibration of the
Symmetric CI oo)
Bendivg mode (o10) , Co 20)
Asgmmetric made Co o 1), (0 0 2)
Sy mmetríc mode :
Carbon atom is statiorary
O atons vibrate hog He axís
Bendirg mede :
Carbon tom is Statiorary
the atoms are In perpendi colar vibraton
this rise to too zuanta of freguneny
Symm etric mode :
Al the three atons wpil| vibrate .
The carbon atons cwill vibrate in the
opposite divection ot Os vibvation
principle :
" he ntrogen atoms ave initially raled to e xicited
The nitvogen atom! deliver Yhe energy to Coz atoms
wjhich has the vey Close energy level to it.
" Then, te transition tales place betweeh he
vibra t'oral energ y leels ot he same eleconic
state of he Co Cloms hd heh Ce
te taser beanm
is emitted .

charcte vis tics :

" Type : Molecular gas laser
" Active medium Mixture of Co, N, and He
" Pumpig method : zlectvic dichavge method
opti cal resorajor : silicon mirrors coated with Al.
Powe r ootput
" Nature ot output : ContinvCUS
wavelergtr ! q. 6 Hm and 10 6 m
Constroction : (o2

Folly vetlec
Pavial eklecloy

Misture of
Biewsters uindow
Power suy

Active medin is placed in the discharge tube.

Nitrogen helps to increase the popsbtion ot atams
jn the pper leuel of co2'
" Heltum is Used to depopulate the atovns in he Sstate.
The dischavge is prod vce d by D'c- txcitation
Tuo silicon
stlton mircova Coated with Al , ave ued as
Optical resovators.
Workirg :
Eneigy leel diag1eam is shown ih figure.
N atoms are raised to higher energy vibatioral
te vel
o co atoms ave vaised through reorance eneg9
trans fer to co o ).
O 0 l ’ t oo: This transidion Generates a laser
beam of wave leng th t0. 6 em
9 00I ’ o20 : This transition generates a laser
beam of wae lergh q-6 ur
Sgmmetric Berdig metric


o 20

around State
Advartages : Co2

Constructon is stple
" E fficienc y is high
Dis advantoges :
" Operaton tempeature dous am importart role.
EtpoSure may dama9e our eyes
Ppplications :
Tt is wed in remote Sensirg
Tt is Used in various medical elds lie neuro
SUYgery t micro sUrgery, treatne mt ot Liuer et.
. lt (s ysed to pergforn bloodlers
Theory f Compton
when a beam of worochromatic radiation
Svch as X-rays, Y-rays etc -) of hlgh fregvency
Ís allouwed to fall on a fine
fine scatter,
saatter Me beam is
Scattered jnto two compone nts viZ"
One component tavirg the same fre qvency o)
wave length os that of the incident radiation, so
called Unmodified adia tion
iý The other compoOnent havirg lower freguency
hioher wave teng
tength compaved
Compayed to tnciden tt radiation
is called mo dífied radi ation
this effect of Saat te rivg is called Compton Efect.
Principle :
Compton Scatterig te callision hetween a
photon end an electron is consîdered Then by applgig
the taws ot conservation ot energg and yroymentum,
he expre&sjon for Compton waue lergth is deived.
|: The collision occurs batween yhe photon avd
electvon in te SCottert ng atenal
2 The electron is free avd is at rest before
collision w+tn inci dent plo ton
Let vs find te enagy aud momen tn Components
hefore and after collision proces .

Pholon lecoilelecton
al rest
E- m c?

Eneoy before coll (s ion:

Lt mo is rest ras ot the lectron, then
The total energy before collision - hu tm, c2
Energy after colis ion :
Total energy bfter coll ision = hul + mc2 ’ 2
Accordirg to Conneration taw of erergy
Energy betore co llis ion = ene99 after collsion
hut mo c = hul t mca
Morgertum alorg x- axs:
7otal momentun total womentun
be fore collsion after Collis ion

h/c =h cose t mv cos ’4

coso = mvcasd v-v'coso) = mu cas
h [v-vcose = m vc cos ’ 6
Momentm alog Y - axis:
Before colls ion :
Momentum ot phalon ahag y-axis = ö
Momentun ot election aho9 Y-axis =0
7otal Momentun ahorg y- oxÍs = o
AHter collision : Scattesch
Momentn ot Aho ton
alang Y-axis =h sine
Momentun ot MX
electen abg -mv sino Irident holon
Total momerntm ahorg
y- axîs hu' sine -
musing 8 D C
Applyirg he law of conseradion of momentum
1otal mo mentuyn (otal omentm
betore collision ater collision
0 = hu' siro - mu Sing ’ q

my sing hu' sine - mv c sin d hv sino

Sqwarig and adding 1o and cas) +

mc v cos ¢ t sín6) =}Cv 2vu' cose +(u)
Stnce Cog2 ¢ t sin' =1
m2 cty = h2 (v -2vb oSe t(v'2)) 12

From e egn C30 met = mocz t h (u-v')

3guarig on bat sides ueget
mc= [mo c +h cv -)J2
mo ck t 2hmo c Cu-) th(v- 20w +vi)>3
mct =
Subrtacti' I2 from 13
cc-y2) = m ct t 2hmo c(v-v-2h-vv'cI-cose)
frorm theory ot yelattity
m = mo/Jrvlce
Sqvarig and multiply c- on bo th sides
m c2 c - y = m' ch 15
Eqpating 4) nd (1s)
moci + 2hmac2 (v-v') - 2hvv' (CI-cose))
2h moc2 (U -v = 2 h2 w' (I-
V-v moc2
Cl- cose)
Mu ltiply by 'c' on both sides
change n he wavé length

Special Cases :
Case l :
When &=0 CoS e =1
6"625 I0-3

Hat vovo scaterig at

A =o (This means Hat e agle
eg val to
to zeo)
Case 2:

6625 x I0-34
= 0" O 242 40

This wavelevgth is Called

Cormpton wavelegth which
has a Good agreenent wË th he epe rin ental rsult.
Cae 3 :
Lhen e 1&0 coSe = -|
AA = 6623 x (0-34
q-(| > (0 3 x lo 8
You Thank
t Ato from
A shiffs leroth uuave the 80° to
dhom varibs satterigo of agle he When
maximom be tofound
is wae shitt
n he 18o° = e for Thus

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