SSM ECE Engineering Physics Assignment 3
SSM ECE Engineering Physics Assignment 3
SSM ECE Engineering Physics Assignment 3
cntD= (nt/20
Frtnge wid th CBD, hich is te distore oy tuo
Consecuttve brig ht (or) dark fiiges can be got by
subtractirg egn (6) from e2u C)
pA/26 26
In active Mediun, a Small amout ot yit s
,replaced by AH3+
" Actiue mediun and pumping sourceSOUrce ave paed iside
elip iti al cavity
The ends ot he od ore polis ed and ophcal vesaata
set-y is formed -
workig :
The energ y leuel dia9am is shown ja fioure
Abso rpdion Eo ’ E4 & Eo
These two transt ttons are absorption
" Light photors Cje ab Sored and 3t jons ave
raised to exeited tted
Popvlation Inverslon :
These are an- radioactive
E js a eta - stable state Population inve rijon
achieved between Fz È
Laser action :
" E2’E First transition a kes a spotaneous
transidion fram E do Er emithg a photon ot
energ hu.
This ew tted photon leads to stimulated emisjon
Qnd laser acHon
no-radiative tvansition
Aivantages :
" High energy output
pefatition rate operation f high
" fasy to acheive population nve rslon.
Disad vantages :
Replacement of Nd2t in VAG Gnd i a
Complicajed process.
Uses :
. 4is uelaly used in englneerirg arplicatiors
Uke drilirg trimmíng and micro- machiig epeatibn.
1t is sed in medical applicadtovn Like
endos coy Uolo9 y ete
CO laser
Ihtroduction :
" Co Laser is a molecubr
e Photons ave emted durig
te tran s tion between the
vi bratioral states Eregg
|o Gnergy level diagam is
slown in te figure
E1,E2 are akctroic energy euel
V', ae víbratiaal energy (eLel
T3ave rotiatioal energy leel Et
co molecules,
Funda me ntal bades of vibration of the
Symmetric CI oo)
Bendivg mode (o10) , Co 20)
Asgmmetric made Co o 1), (0 0 2)
Sy mmetríc mode :
Carbon atom is statiorary
O atons vibrate hog He axís
Bendirg mede :
Carbon tom is Statiorary
the atoms are In perpendi colar vibraton
this rise to too zuanta of freguneny
Symm etric mode :
Al the three atons wpil| vibrate .
The carbon atons cwill vibrate in the
opposite divection ot Os vibvation
principle :
" he ntrogen atoms ave initially raled to e xicited
The nitvogen atom! deliver Yhe energy to Coz atoms
wjhich has the vey Close energy level to it.
" Then, te transition tales place betweeh he
vibra t'oral energ y leels ot he same eleconic
state of he Co Cloms hd heh Ce
te taser beanm
is emitted .
Folly vetlec
Pavial eklecloy
Misture of
Biewsters uindow
Power suy
o 20
around State
Advartages : Co2
Constructon is stple
" E fficienc y is high
Dis advantoges :
" Operaton tempeature dous am importart role.
EtpoSure may dama9e our eyes
Ppplications :
Tt is wed in remote Sensirg
Tt is Used in various medical elds lie neuro
SUYgery t micro sUrgery, treatne mt ot Liuer et.
. lt (s ysed to pergforn bloodlers
Theory f Compton
when a beam of worochromatic radiation
Svch as X-rays, Y-rays etc -) of hlgh fregvency
Ís allouwed to fall on a fine
fine scatter,
saatter Me beam is
Scattered jnto two compone nts viZ"
One component tavirg the same fre qvency o)
wave length os that of the incident radiation, so
called Unmodified adia tion
iý The other compoOnent havirg lower freguency
hioher wave teng
tength compaved
Compayed to tnciden tt radiation
is called mo dífied radi ation
this effect of Saat te rivg is called Compton Efect.
Principle :
Compton Scatterig te callision hetween a
photon end an electron is consîdered Then by applgig
the taws ot conservation ot energg and yroymentum,
he expre&sjon for Compton waue lergth is deived.
|: The collision occurs batween yhe photon avd
electvon in te SCottert ng atenal
2 The electron is free avd is at rest before
collision w+tn inci dent plo ton
Let vs find te enagy aud momen tn Components
hefore and after collision proces .
Pholon lecoilelecton
al rest
E- m c?
Special Cases :
Case l :
When &=0 CoS e =1
6"625 I0-3
6625 x I0-34
= 0" O 242 40