GNPF Practical Manual Final
GNPF Practical Manual Final
GNPF Practical Manual Final
Geoinformatics and Nanotechnology for Precision
Farming Course Code: AGR-301
Course Credits:
2(1+1) Semester:
Department of Agronomy
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Sciences
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University
Gorakhpur, UP
List of Experiments
Exp. Date Date of Page
Title Signature Remark
No. Submission No.
of Exp.
Introduction to GIS Software, Spatial Data
Creation and Editing
Visual and digital interpretation of remote
sensing images
1.2 Introduction
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source GIS application licensed under the GNU
General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation
(OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous
vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities. Like all GIS applications, QGIS provides
a graphical user interface allowing display of map layers and manipulation of data for analyses
and map-making. A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a collection of software that
allows you to create, visualize, query and analyze geospatial data. Geospatial data refers to
information about the geographic location of an entity. This often involves the use of a
geographic coordinate, like a latitude or longitude value. Spatial data is another commonly used
term, as are: geographic data, GIS data, map data, location data, coordinate data and spatial
geometry data.
1) Open your browser and reach the official QGIS website using the link given below
( )
3) Click on “Previous releases of QGIS are still available here” and then select the version of
QGIS as per your choice
4) You browser will download the file to the browsers default download directory.
5) Hit the run button to start the installation process and follow the prompts. There is no need to
install the data sets suggested by QGIS.
6) Please go through the license agreement and click on the button> I agree and proceed with the
installation as shown in the screen.
7) As the software is very heavy it is advisable to install it in the different drive other than the
windows drive. As per our example, we will be installing in QGIS folder on D:\ drive and create
a desktop shortcut for easy access
8) After browsing the folder click the Next button and proceed with the installation
11) By default QGIS component is selected. Do not install any other data set at this point. Click
Install to proceed with installation.
12) You will see the progress of the installation on the screen.
13) Please reboot your machine once the installation is completed. Click finish to complete the
14) After machine is restarted, type QGIS on Run and open QGIS Desktop 3.10.9.
5) Select View>>Panels>>Layer
6) Select View>>Panels>>Browser
7) After selecting both layer and browser panels the QGIS workspace is ready to use
3) The interface consists of File name, Fine encoding, Geometry type and New field
4) Browse the folder where you want to store the created shape file as File name
8) Add fields to the shape file by providing the name, type of data and length of characters
9) Select ok
10) To edit new geometry feature in the QGIS workplace click on “Toggle editing”
12) Add the geometry feature and enter the data under the respective fields created
1) Visit
5) Click on “ok”
1.7 Symbology and Labeling
3) Select the layer where you want to add labels and do symbology
5) Go to attribute table and identify the name of column based on which labeling and
symbology is planned
6) Now go to properties option from a drop down menu appeared by right clicking the
layer again
7) Labelling>>Single labels>>value (select the column name from the attribute table)>>ok
1.8 Conclusion:
Experiment No. 2 Date:
2.1 Aim
2.2 Introduction
Image processing and interpretation can be defined as the act of examining images for the
purpose of identifying objects and judging their significance. Image analyst study the remotely
sensed data and attempt through logical process in detecting, identifying, classifying, measuring
and evaluating the significance of physical and cultural objects, their patterns and spatial
The ability of human to identify an object through the data content in an image/photo by
combining several elements of interpretation. There are two types of extraction of information
from the images/photographs namely:
1. Visual interpretation
2. Digital interpretation
Analysis of remote sensing imagery involves the identification of various targets in an image,
and those targets may be environmental or artificial features which consist of points, lines or
areas. Targets may be defined in terms of the way they reflect or emit radiation. This radiation is
measured and recorded by a sensor, and ultimately is depicted as an image product such as an air
photo or a satellite image. Indeed, interpretation benefits greatly in many applications when
images are viewed in stereo, as visualization (and therefore, recognition) of targets is enhanced
dramatically. Viewing objects from directly above also provides a very different perspective than
what we are familiar with. Finally, we are used to seeing only the visible wavelengths, and the
imaging of wavelengths outside of this window is more difficult for us to comprehend.
Recognizing targets is the key to interpretation and information extraction. Observing the
differences between targets and their backgrounds involves comparing different targets based on
any, or all, of the visual elements of tone, shape, size, pattern, texture, shadow and
association. Visual interpretation using these elements is often a part of our daily lives, whether
we are conscious of it or not. Examining satellite images on the weather report or following high
speed chases by views from a helicopter are all familiar examples of visual image interpretation.
The nature of each of these interpretation elements is described below, along with an image
example of each.
The basic elements are shape, size, pattern, tone, texture, shadows, location, association and
Size : This property depends on the scale and resolution of the image/photo. Smaller feature will
be easily indented in large scale image/photo.
Shadow: Indicates the outline of an object and its length which is useful is measuring the height
of an object. The shadow effect in Radar images is due to look angle and slope of the terrain.
Taller features cast larger shadows than shorter features.
Tone: Refers to the colour or relative brightness of an object. The tonal variation is due to the
reflection, emittance, transmission or absorption character of an objects. This may vary from one
object to another and also changes with reference to different bands. In General smooth surface
tends to have high reflectance, rougher surface less reflectance.
Infrared imagery: Healthy vegetation reflects Infrared radiation much more stronger than green
energy and appears very bright in the image. A simple example is the appearance of light tone by
vegetation species and dark tone by water. Particularly in thermal infrared images the brightness
tone represents warmest temperature and darkness represent coolest temperature.
Radar Imagery : Smooth surfaces reflect highly and area blocked from radar signal and appear
dark. Bridges and cities show very bright tone, on the contrary calm water, pavement and dry
lake beds appears very dark tone.
Texture: The frequency of tonal change. It creaks a visual impression of surface roughness or
smoothness of objects. This property depends upon the size, shape, pattern and shadow.
Location Site : The relationship of feature to the surrounding features provides clues to words
its identity.
Resolution: It depends upon the photographic/imaging device namely cameras or sensors. This
includes of spectral and spatial resolutions. The spectral resolution helps in identifying the
feature in specific spectral bands. The high spatial resolutions imagery/photographs is useful in
identifying small objects
2.4 Digital interpretation using Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin in QGIS
In today’s world of advanced technology where most remote sensing data are recorded in digital
format, virtually all image interpretation and analysis involves some element of digital
processing. Digital image processing may involve numerous procedures including formatting
and correcting of the data, digital enhancement to facilitate better visual interpretation, or even
automated classification of targets and features entirely by computer. In order to process remote
sensing imagery digitally, the data must be recorded and available in a digital form suitable for
storage on a computer tape or disk. Obviously, the other requirement for digital image
processing is a computer system, sometimes referred to as an image analysis system, with the
appropriate hardware and software to process the data. Several commercially available software
systems have been developed specifically for remote sensing image processing and analysis.
In this section digital interpretation using Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin in QGIS has
been explained in brief
2.4.1 Installation of Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin in QGIS
• Remove all the clip bands from the layers panel and transfer the reflectance bands
created into the SCP bandset
2.7 Conclusion
Experiment No. 3 Date:
3.1 Aim
3.2 Introduction
Every natural and artificial object reflects and emits electromagnetic radiation over a range of
wavelengths in its own characteristic manner, according to its chemical composition and
physical state. The reflectance values for different objects, over a range of wavelengths, may be
plotted for comparison. Such plots are called “spectral response curves” or “spectral signatures.”
Spectral signatures can be defined as emittance and unique reflectance properties of target for
various conditions. Differences among spectral signatures of landscape features are used to help
classifying remotely sensed images, since the spectral signatures of similar features have similar
Multispectral imagery is a powerful tool for distinguishing different types of materials and
features in the landscape. Natural and man-made materials often have unique spectral signatures
that can be used to identify them quantitatively. Spectral profile charts allow you to select areas
of interest or ground features on the image and review the spectral information of all bands in a
chart format. A spectral profile consists of geometry to define the pixel selection and an image
with key metadata from which to sample.
3.3 Steps to generate spectral profiles
• Select create a ROI (region of interest) polygon and define various objects in the image
to form a temporary ROI
• Define macro-class and class for every object selected
• Select save temporary ROI to training input to create a permanent ROI
• Highlight the ROI with same macro class and class ID merge their highlighted spectral
signatures obtaining the average signature
• Highlight all the objects in the training input created and click to calculate signatures for
highlighted items
• Add highlighted signatures to spectral signature plot
3.4 Conclusion
Experiment No. 4 Date:
4.1 Aim
4.2 Introduction
Different landcover types in an image can be discriminated using some image classification
algorithms using spectral features, i.e. the brightness and colour information contained in each
pixel. Classification procedures can be “supervised” or “unsupervised”.
In unsupervised classification, the computer program automatically groups the pixels in the
image into separate clusters, depending on their spectral features. Each cluster will then be
assigned a landcovers type by the analyst.
In Supervised classification, the spectral features of some areas of known landcovers types are
extracted from the image. These areas are known as training areas. Every pixel in the whole
image is then classified as belonging to one of the classes depending on how close its spectral
features of the training areas.
Composite Name Bands
Natural Color 4-3-2
False Color (urban) 7-6-4
Color Infrared (vegetation) 5-4-3
Agriculture 6-5-2
Healthy Vegetation 5-6-2
Land/Water 5-6-4
Natural with Atmospheric Removal 7-5-3
Shortwave Infrared 7-5-4
Vegetation Analysis 6-5-4
4.5 Conclusion
Experiment No. 5 Date:
5.1 Aim
To get well acquainted with use of multispectral remote sensing for soil mapping
5.2 Introduction
Remote sensing involves the acquisition of visible, near infrared and short wave infrared images
in several broad wavelength bands and differentiating materials by their spectral reflectance
signatures. Different materials reflect and absorb differently at different wavelengths. As such, it
is possible to differentiate among materials by their spectral reflectance signatures as absorbed in
these remotely sensed images.
Multispectral imaging captures image data within specific wavelength ranges across
the electromagnetic spectrum including light from frequencies beyond the visible light range,
i.e. infrared and ultra-violet. In general, Multispectral imaging measures light in a small number
(typically 3 to 15) of spectral bands.
• Soil colour
• Mineral Content
• Organic matter: Less decomposed OM has high reflectance in NIR
• Particle size
• Soil texture
• Soil Stucture and roughness
5.5 Conclusion
Experiment No. 6 Date:
6.1 Aim
6.2 Introduction
The digital soil map is a raster-based map composed of 2-dimensional cells (pixels) organized
into a grid in which each pixel has a specific geographic location and contains soil data. Digital
soil maps illustrate the spatial distribution of soil classes or properties and can document the
uncertainty of the soil prediction. Digital soil mapping better captures observed spatial variability
and reduces the need to aggregate soil types based on a set mapping scale
• Open browser
• Search for FAO digital soil map (
• Select digital soil map of the world
• Download Digital Soil Map of the World - ESRI shapefile format, PDF format and KML
• Open QGIS software
• Go to layer menu and add Digital Soil Map of the World in ESRI shapefile format
• Save the added shapefile by selecting save features as from the drop down menu and
indicate its CRS (WGS 84)
• Provide file name and run
• Select properties of the customized shapefile
• Go to symbology and classify based on the soil type
• Go to project
• Select new print layout
• Right click on the blank sheet and select page properties
• Select add map from the drop down menu produced by clicking on add item
• Add labels and select add legends from the add item tab
• Click on save and go to layout to export the map
6.6 Conclusion
Experiment No. 7 Date:
7.2 Introduction
Productivity zones are areas in a field with different yield history. The area with the highest
harvest in the field for several seasons is considered a high productivity zone. There are also low
and moderate productivity zones.
They are mainly needed to assess field homogeneity, to implement variable rate technology and
to identify problems in the field.
• Open QGIS
• Install a plugin
• Open calculate indicators
• Select land degradation indicator
• Select “use customized date-productivity”
• Change NDVI data set to MODIS13Q1
• Go to advanced tab in the menu bar
• Select trajectory indicator as NDVI trend and designate starting and ending year
• Check performance and designate starting and ending year
• Check state and designate initial and comparison period
• Go to area tab
• Select region/city/point/area from file
• Then go to next tab “options”
• Enter the file name and click on continue
• Select “view google earth engine taks”
• Then click on refresh list
• Select the file name entered in the options tab of calculate indicators
• Click on download file
• Land productivity map is created
7.4 Conclusion
Experiment No. 8
8.1 Aim
To prescribe fertilizer doses for a given crop based on soil test values to achieve the “Targeted
yields” in a specific soil agro-climatic region considering the efficiency of utilization of soil and
added fertilizer nutrient by the crops.
8.2 Introduction
STCR approach is aiming at obtaining a basis for precise quantitative adjustment of fertilizer
doses under varying soil test values and response conditions of the farmers and for targeted
levels of crop production. These are tested in follow up verification by field trials to back up soil
testing laboratories for their advisory purpose under specific soil, crop, and agro climatic
The STCR concept was developed by Ramamoorthy and his co-workers in 1967. STCR
provides the relationship between a soil test value and crop yield.
2) Per cent contribution of nutrients from soil to total nutrient uptake (Cs)
4) Percent contribution of nutrients from organic manure to total uptake (Co) Percent
contribution from FYM (Cfym)
[Total uptake of nutrients in FYM treated plot]-[Soil test value for available NPK in FYM treated plot × Cf]
Cfym (%) = 𝐍𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐅𝐘𝐌 × 100
𝐍𝐑 𝐂𝐬 𝐂𝐟𝐲𝐦
𝐅𝐍 (𝐤𝐠/𝐡𝐚) = 𝐓 𝐒𝐍 − 𝐎𝐍
𝐂𝐟/𝟏𝟎𝟎 − 𝐂𝐟 𝐂𝐟
𝐍𝐑 𝐂𝐬 𝐂𝐟𝐲𝐦
𝐅𝐏𝟐𝐎𝟓(𝐤𝐠/𝐡𝐚) = 𝐓 × 𝟐. 𝟐𝟗 × 𝐒𝐏 − × 𝟐. 𝟐𝟗 × 𝐎𝐏
𝐂𝐟/𝟏𝟎𝟎 − 𝐂𝐟 𝐂𝐟
where, FN, FP2O5 and FK2O are fertilizer N, P2O5 and K2O in kg/ha , respectively; NR is
nutrient requirement (N or P2O5 or K2O) in kg/q , Cs is per cent contribution of nutrients from
soil, Cf is per cent contribution of nutrients from fertilizer, Cfym is percent contribution of
nutrients from FYM, T is the yield target in q/ha ; SN,SP and SK respectively are alkaline
KMnO4-N, Olsen-P and NH4OAc-K in kg ha-1 and ON, OP and OK are the quantities of N, P
and K in kg/ha supplied through FYM.
8.4 Conclusion
Experiment No. 9 Date:
9.1 Aim
9.2 Introduction
Variable rate application is a method of applying varying rates of inputs in appropriate zones
throughout a field. The goals of VRA are to maximize profit to its fullest potential, create
efficiencies in input application, and ensure sustainability and environmental safety. There are a
variety of VRA technologies available that can be used with or without a GPS system. The two
basic technologies for VRA are: map-based and sensor-based.
Map based VRA adjusts the application rate based on an electronic map, also called a
prescription map. Using the field position from a GPS receiver and a prescription map of
desired rate, the concentration of input is changed as the applicator moves through the field.
This requires no map or positioning system. Sensors on the applicator measure soil properties
or crop characteristics “on the go.” Based on this continuous stream of information, a control
system calculates the input needs of the soil or plants and transfers the information to a
controller, which delivers the input to the location measured by the sensor
To develop a plan for variable-rate fertilizer application in a particular field, the map-
based method could include the following steps:
• Perform systematic soil sampling (and lab analysis) for the field
• Generate site-specific maps of the soil nutrient properties of interest
• Use some algorithm to develop a site-specific fertilizer application map
• Use the application map to control a variable-rate fertilizer applicator
A positioning system is used during the sampling and application steps to continuously know
or record vehicle location in the field. Differentially-corrected Global Positioning System
(DGPS) receivers are the most commonly used positioning devices.
• The sensor-based method utilizes sensors to measure the desired properties, usually soil
properties or crop characteristics
• Measurements made by such a system are then processed and used immediately to
control a variable rate applicator
• This method neither requires the use of a DGPS system nor extensive data analysis prior
to making variable-rate applications
9.7 Conclusion
Experiment No. 10 Date:
10.1 Aim
10.1 Introduction
The spectral characters of the vegetation are governed primarily by scattering and absorption
characteristics of the leaf internal structure and biochemical constituents, such as pigments,
water, nitrogen, cellulose and lignin. Pigments are the main determinants controlling the spectral
responses of analysis of crop condition assessment using geospatial technique.
Chlorophyll pigment content ins directly associated with photosynthetic capacity and
productivity. Reduced concentration of chlorophyll are indicative of plant stress. Consequently,
healthy vegetation shall have higher NDVI value.
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
10.1 Conclusion
Experiment No. 11 Date:
11.1 Aim
11.2 Introduction
Different methods are currently used for collecting crop area data viz., field reporting system, eye
estimation, interviewing of the farmers, objective measurement methods etc. However, all these
methods have their limitations in terms of reliability of crop area data, but the objective method
of measuring areas is considered to be the most reliable method. The major limitation in area
measurement is shape of the fields, which is not always polygonal but often a curvilinearly
closed. This to be reduced to a polygon with a small number of sides (e.g. less than 20) of an
equivalent area. Measuring errors, the another drawback either introduced by the surveyor or
inherent to the equipment used can be overcome by using tools like GPS.
The use of handheld geo-referencing devices (Global Positioning System) is also emerging as an
effective means of reducing the cost of crop area data collection and improving crop area data
In most of cases, land parcels and crop fields, have irregular boundary lines which are not
straight lines.With the emergence of the new handheld geo-positioning and mapping devices
such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) new perspectives exist as viable alternative to
cumbersome distance and angle measurement.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite based radio navigation system formed by a
constellation of 24-29 satellites and ground based stations, which can be used to locate positions
anywhere on the earth by measurement of ranges to the satellites. GPS provides continuous
(24hours/day), real-time, 3-dimensional positioning, navigation and timing worldwide in any
weather condition.
11.4.1 Space segment: The space segment consists of 24 satellite vehicles with six orbits. Each
orbit has foursatellites at the altitude of approximately20200 km. These six planes are
approximately inclined at 55 degrees with respect to the earth’s equatorial plane. Due to this
configuration, 4 – 12 satellites are visible to any place on the earth at any time.
11.4.2 Control Segment: The control segment is having five control stations which are capable
of tracking allGPS satellites. The Master control station contacts each satellite regularly and
synchronizes the atomic clocks on board and also applies orbital model corrections.
11.4.3 User Segment: The user community who uses GPS as a tool includes civilians and
military users withtheir antennas, receivers and other processors.
The kinds of GPS devices commonly used are: Garmin 12 xl (G12), Garmin 72 (G72), Garmin
60 (G60) Garmine-trex10,Garmin e-trex20, Garmin e-trex30, Magellan Explorist 400 (M400).
Garmin Etrex.
11.5 Over view of Garmin eTrex device:
• The Power button is the button that turns GPS receiver on and off.
• The Click-Stick (mouse): The Click-Stick is very similar to a computer mouse. The
Click-stick will enable to navigate to different menu options by pushing the click-stick in
a direction (left or right; up or down). Furthermore, use the Click-Stick as a button to
activate highlighted selections.
• The Zoom-out button: From the map Page pressing this button will enable to zoom out
on the map.
• The Zoom-in button: From the map Page pressing this button will enable to zoom in
on the map. From any other page, press to scroll or move a highlighted slider down.
• The Menu button: Press and release once to view the options menu for a page or
press and release a second time to display the Main Menu from any page.
Figure 3: Location and satellite page of e-Trex 10
Turn on GPS receiver by pushing the power button. Use the menu button to go to the main menu
and then select the satellite option to view current satellites. The satellite page can be seen at any
time by going to the menu page and selecting Satellite page. After the GPS receiver is ready to
navigate, a location (x, y coordinates) and error (±24ft) for the location will appear in the upper
section of the satellite page. Thus, GPS receiver has now been initialized, and is ready for
estimation of agricultural area
(i) First clear the current active track log just before begin laying tracks by. Go to: Main Menu
> Track Manager > Current Track > Clear Current Track.
(iii) The Area Calculation page will have a Start option at the bottom; click Start using
the click-stick.
(iv) Begin walking around the perimeter of the area that has to be calculated. The screen
displays your progress. The GPS will “connect the dots” and link your recorded track
points in an attempt to estimate the enclosed area. View the saved track screen to decide
whether or not the integrity of the track was maintained.
(v) After returning to starting point, click on Calculate to get the area calculation. To change
units of area highlight and click on the Change Units option to bring up a selectable list of
choices (square feet, square yards, square meters, hectares, square miles, etc.
(vi) If this area calculation is needed to refer to later, select Save Track. A page will open
that will allow you to re-name the track if necessary.
(vii) To view all of saved tracks, go to: Main Menu > Track Manager> Archived Tracks.
First, mark and save waypoints of all important corners of the area to be
(iii)Select Create Route, and on the next screen, click on Select First Point. This takes to
the category selection menu.
Go to Way points, and see a list of waypoints to choose from. Select the way point that marks
the first corner of the area you want to calculate by clicking straight down. After seeing the
map of this way point, click on Use.
Now select more waypoints, in order, to complete the route by repeating steps 3 and 4.
After adding all the waypoints to route, go back to Main Menu > Route Planner. From the
Route Planner Menu, see the name of route (usually Route 001 if it is the first route saved to
your device). By selecting the Route name, can edit the Route (add more points or delete
points), rename, etc.
Once returned to the office, download route using the free software of GPS Utility (see
previous page). To view the resulting area calculation, view your routes and select the View
menu and then Reports. This will being up a report detailing each leg of route, total distance
and the area enclosed by the route.
11.7 Conclusion:
Experiment No. 12 Date:
12.2 Nanotechnology
The American physicist Richard Feynman lectured, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” at
an American Physical Society meeting at Caltech on December 29, 1959, which is often held toh
ave provided inspiration for the field of nanotechnology. The solid colloidal microscopic
particles with size ranging between 10-1000 nm are known as nanoparticles. Nanotechnology is
science of manipulating materials at nano-scale. Among the latest technological advancements,
nanotechnology occupies a central position. It has many applications in all stages of production,
processing, storing, packaging and transport of agricultural products. The reduced use of
herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers with increased efficiency, controlled release and targeted
delivery will lead to precision farming. Dream of automated, centrally controlled agriculture can
become reality now. They can be defined as system which contain active ingredient dissolved,
encapsulated or adsorbed in matrix material which are used as target delivery system. Eukaryotic
or prokaryotic cells had been founded to be larger in size than nanoparticle but for comparisons
of their size they belong. During the designing of nanoparticle some control has to take in.
12.3 Formulation Preparation of nanoparticle
In the preparation of nanoparticles different types of matrix material are used such as
polysaccharides, synthetic polymer and proteins. Various factors are involved in selection of
matrix material to be used in preparations which are:
(i) Required nanoparticle size.
(ii) Permeability and surface charge of nanoparticle.
(iii) Level of biodegradability and biocompatibility must be optimum.
(iv) Material must not be toxic.
(v) Solubility profile and stability of drug should not be affected.
(vi) It should show desired drug release profile.
(vii) Must not be immunogenic.
Following are methods which are used in formulation of nanoparticles
1. Dispersion of preformed polymers.
2. Polymerization method.
3. Coacervation or ionic gelatin method.
4. Supercritical fluid technology
12.3.1 Dispersion of preformed polymers
For the preparation of biodegradable nanoparticles from polymers such as poly (lactic acid)
(PLA); poly (D, L-glycolide), PLG; poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and Poly-
(cyanoacrylate) (PCA), dispersion of preformed polymer method is used. This technique can be
used in various ways as described below.
a) Solvent evaporation method
In this method, there is conventional formation of emulsion between a partially water miscible
solvent containing the polymer and the drug, and an aqueous phase containing the stabilizer. In
this polymer is dissolved in an organic solvent such as dichloromethane, chloroform or ethyl
acetate. Oil in water (o/w) emulsion is prepared by emusification of drug and polymer mixture in
aqueous solution which contain emulsifying agent, which result in formation of stable emulsion.
After that by using pressure reduction method or continuous stirring, organic solvent is
evaporated. Usually high speed homogenizer or ultrsonication had been used to reduce the size
of nanoparticle to an optimum size.
b) Spontaneous emulsification or solvent diffusion method
This is also known as modified version of solvent evaporation method. In this method, two phase
solvent is used, one is water miscible and other is water immiscible i.e. organic in nature which
act as oil phase. In this method interfacial turbulence is created, by immediate diffusion between
two solvents (which are differing in phase) which lead to the formation of small particles. A
reduction in particle size can be gained by increasing the concentration of water miscible solvent
both the above described method and can be used for preparation of hydrophilic and hydrophobic
c) Salting out
It is one of commonly used method used for preparation of nanoparticle. This method involves
the mixing of saturated aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) into an acetone solution of
the polymer under magnetic stirring resulting in the formation of o/w emulsion. The precipitation
of the polymer occurs when sufficient amount of water is added to external phase to allow
complete diffusion of the acetone from internal phase into aqueous phase.
12.3.2 Polymerization method
Polymerization of monomers in an aqueous solution forms the basis of this method. Two
different techniques are used for the preparation in aqueous solution.
a) Emulsion polymerization: This method involves emulsification of monomer innon-
solvent phase.
b) Dispersion polymerization: This method involves dispersion of monomer in non
solvent phase. Incorporation of drug in nanoparticle can be achieved either by dissolving the
drug in polymerization medium or by adsorption onto nanoparticle. Suspension of nanoparticles
is formed, which contain surfactants and stabilizers that are used in polymerization which has to
be removed by method like ultracentrifugation or by suspending them in isotonic medium which
is free of surfactant. Polybutyl-cyanoacrylate or poly (alky-lcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles are
been prepared by this method. The polymer particle size had been affected by concentration of
stabilizer and surfactant involved in preparation.
12.3.3 Coacervation or ionic gelation method
Chitosan, sodium alginate and gelatin are hydrophilic biodegradable polymers which are used for
the preparation of nanoparticles by coacervation method. Preparation of hydrophilic chitosan
nanoparticles by ionic gelation was developed by Calvo and Co-worker. This method involves a
preparation of two aqueous phases, of which one is the polymer chitosan, adi-block co-polymer
ethylene oxide or propylene oxide (PEOPPO) and the other is a polyanion sodium
tripolyphosphate which are mixed, due to mixing positively chargedamino group of chitosan
interacts with negative charged tripolyphosphate to form coacervates with a size in the range of
nanometer. When electrostatic interaction take place between two aqueous phases coacervatesare
formed, and when two molecules interact due to ionic force, resulting in transition from liquid
phase to gel phase at room temperature this is known as ionic gelation method.
alternative to prepare biodegradable micro and Nanoparticles. Solvent which remain fluid in a
single phase regardless of pressure above critical temperature are known as supercritical fluid
Super critical CO2 is the most widely used supercritical fluid. The most common processing
techniques involves supercritical fluids are supercritical Antisolvent (SAS) and rapid expansion
of critical solution (RESS). Formation of hydrophilic drug Dexamethsone phosphate by the use
of modified SAS. RESS diffuse from SAS process in that its solute in dissolved in super critical
fluid. Thus with solvent power of super critical fluid the solute is eventually precipitated.
Nano materials are composed of components with very small size, and these components have
impacts on the properties of materials at the macro level. Nano particles can serve as “magic
bullets”, containing herbicides, chemicals, or genes, which target particular plant parts to release
their content. Nano capsules can enable effective penetration of herbicides through cuticles and
tissues, allowing slow and constant release of the active substances. This convergence of
technology with biology at the nano level is called nano biotechnology.
Method of determining particle size is by
1. Photon-correlation spectroscopy.
2. Dynamic light scattering.
3. Brownian motion and light scattering properties
4. Scanning or transmission electron microscopy
12.4 Conclusion
Experiment No. 13 Date:
Nanotechnology is a powerful technology allows us to have a look at the atomic and molecular
level and able to create nanometer-scale structures. Nanotechnology in agriculture and food
production, causing the agricultural land returned to its normal position, greenhouse construction
with high performance and productivity, prevent extinction and destruction of plants and animals
species, and overall nanotechnology provides the efficiency of the agriculture for higher
population. In the agricultural sector, nanotechnology research and development is likely to
facilitate and frame the next stage of development of genetically modified crops, animal
production inputs, chemical pesticides and precision farming techniques.
Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field that has been entered in different range of applied
sciences such as chemistry, physics, biology, medicine and engineering. Targeted research and
development, for understand, manipulate and measure at the materials with atomic, molecular
and super molecules dimensions is called nanotechnology. In other words, nanotechnology is the
manipulation or self-assembly of individual atoms, molecules, or molecular clusters into
structures to create materials and devices with new or vastly different properties.
Nanotechnology can work from the top down (which means reducing the size of the smallest
structures to the nanoscalee.g. photonics applications in nano electronics and nano engineering)
or the bottom up (which involves manipulating individual atoms and molecules into
nanostructures and more closely resembles chemistry or biology).
5) Suitable for combination therapy where two or more drug can be co-delivered.
6) Both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drug can be incorporated.
7) System increases the bioavailability of drugs.
8) Imaging studies can be done by utilizing them.
9) It is used for targeted drug delivery of drugs.
10) Development of new medicines which are safer.
13.4 Disadvantages of nanoparticles
a) Manufacturing costs of nanoparticle are high which result in overall product cost
b) Solvents are toxic in nature which is used in the preparation process.
c) Can start immune response and allergic reactions in body.
d) Extensive use of poly (vinyl alcohol) as stabilizer may have toxicity issues.
e) Nanoparticles are difficult to handle in physical form because particle-particle
aggregation occurs due their small size and large surface area.
13.5 Observations
13.5.2 What are the applications of nanotechnology in pest and disease management?
13.5.3 What are the applications of nanotechnology in agriculture and food industry?
13.6 Conclusion:
Experiment No. 14 Date:
To understand the philosophy of precision farming and its basic components and to get
knowledge about formulation and execution at field level
14.2 Scope
Precision farming is a management strategy that employs detailed site specific information to
precisely manage production inputs. This concept often called as precision farming, prescription
farming or site-specific management. The main objective is to know the soil heterogeneity and
crop characteristics variation and to optimize the production inputs within small portions of the
field. The main philosophy behind Precision farming is need based application of production
inputs (seed, fertilizer, chemicals etc.). Precision farming (PF) is a holistic management
approach that originated in the early 1990s with the goal of optimising profitability and
productivity while minimising the adverse environmental impacts in each spatial unit of the
field. It is centred on sound use of agronomic principles, and involves variable application of
external inputs and other cultural practices to match varying soil and crop conditions. Practical
implementation is dependent on technological developments to collect, manage, analyse and
utilise vast amounts of site-specific data. Rapid advances in both remote sensing sensors,
hardware (positioning and sensor technologies, yield monitors, variable rate applicators, etc.) and
software (data collection, geographic information systems [GIS] coupled with the availability of
low-cost powerful computers has made PF a reality today.
• Land preparation
• Seeding
• Chemicals application
• Fertilizer application
• Crop monitoring
• Nutrient auditing
• Soil and leaf testing
• Pest management
• Conservation practices
• Automation
14.3.1 Global positioning system (GPS) is a navigation system based on a network of satellites
that helps users to record positional information (latitude, longitude and elevation) with an
accuracy of between 100 and 0.01 m. GPS allows farmers to locate the exact position of field
information, such as soil type, pest occurrence, weed invasion, boundaries and obstructions.
There is an automatic controlling system, with light or sound guiding panel (DGPS), antenna and
14.3.2 Soil and plant Sensor technologies is an important component of precision agriculture
technology andtheir use has been widely reported to provide information on soil properties and
plant fertility/water status. A comprehensive list of current sensors as well as desirable features
for new sensors to be developed in the future. One of the most popular ways to characterize soil
variability is surveying the field with soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) sensors that
collect information continuously when pulled over the field surface. Because ECa is sensitive to
changes in soil texture and salinity, these sensors provide an excellent baseline to implement
site-specific management.
14.3.3 Geographic information system (GIS) Computerized GIS maps are different from
conventional mapsand contain various layers of information (e.g. yield, soil survey maps,
rainfall, crops, soil nutrient levels and pests). GIS is a kind of computerized map, but its real role
is using statistics and spatial methods to analyse characters and geography. A farming GIS
database can provide information on filed topography, soil types, surface drainage, subsurface
drainage, soil testing, irrigation, chemical application rates and crop yield. Once analysed, this
information is used to understand the relationships between the various elements affecting a crop
on a specific site .In addition to data storage and display, the GIS can be used to evaluate present
and alternative management by combining and manipulating data layers to produce an analysis
of management scenarios.
14.3.4 Grid soil sampling and Variable-Rate Technologies (VRT) application Variable-rate
technologies(VRT) are automatic and may be applied to numerous farming operations. VRT
systems set the rate of delivery of farm inputs depending on the soil type noted in a soil map.
Information extrapolated from the GIS can control processes, such as seeding, fertilizer and
pesticide application, herbicide selection and application at a variable rate in the right place at the
right time. VRT is perhaps the most widely used PFS technology in the United States. Grid soil
sampling uses the same principles of soil sampling but increases the intensity of sampling. Soil
samples collected in a systematic grid also have location information that allows the data to be
mapped. The goal of grid soil sampling is a map of nutrient needs, called an application map.
Samples may be collected for more than one area of a field which fall in to the same range of
yield, soil colour, etc. and thus the same zone. Grid soil samples are analysed in the laboratory,
and an interpretation of crop nutrient needs is made for each soil sample. Then the fertilizer
application map is plotted using the entire set of soil samples. The application map is loaded into
a computer mounted on a variable-rate fertilizer spreader. The computer uses the application map
and a GPS receiver to direct a product-delivery controller that changes the amount and/or kind of
fertilizer product, according to the application map.
14.3.4 Crop management Satellite data provide farmers a better understanding of the variation
in soil conditionsand topography that influence crop performance within the field ( intra field
variation). Farmers can, therefore, precisely manage production factors, such as seeds, fertilizers,
pesticides, herbicides and water control, to increase yield and efficiency.
14.3.5 Precision irrigation in pressurized systems are being released for commercialuse in
sprinkler irrigation by controlling the irrigation machines motion with GPS based controllers. In
addition to motion control, wireless communication and sensor technologies are being developed
to monitor soil and ambient conditions, along with operation parameters of the irrigation
machines (i.e. flow and pressure) to achieve higher water application efficiency and utilization
by the crop. These technologies show remarkable potential but further development is needed
before they become commercially available.
14.3.6 Software Applying precision agriculture technologies will frequently require the use of
software tocarry out diverse tasks such as display-controller interfacing, information layers
mapping, pre and post processing data analysis and interpretation, farm accounting of inputs per
field, and many others. The most common are software to generate maps (e.g. yield, soil);
software to filtering collected data; software to generate variable rate applications maps (e.g. for
fertilizer, lime, chemicals); software to overlay different maps; and software to provide advanced
geostatistical features. All are excellent options for precision agriculture farm management and
record keeping to keep up with the needs of modern, information-intensive farming systems.
There are a few companies that operate world-wide and provide integrated software packages
from generating all different types of maps, having statistical analysis tools and also record
14.3.7 Yield monitors are a combination of several components. They typically include several
different sensors and other components, including a data storage device, user interface (display
and key pad), and a task computer located in the combine cab, which controls the integration and
interaction of these components. The sensors measure the mass or the volume of grain flow
(grain flow sensors), separator speed, ground speed, grain. In the case of grains, yield is
continuously recorded by measuring the force of the grain flow as it impacts a sensible plate in
the clean grain elevator of the combine.
14.3.8 Internet of things (IoT) can also be applied inprecision farming.It refers to every things
or devices embedded with electronics, software and sensors to the Internet and enabling them to
collect data, exchange data without human-to-human or human-to-computer interface.Usually
the farmer pumps the water more or less to cultivate the land.This may result in wastage of water
or insufficient to the crops.IoTSends an alerting message to the farmer when the moisture level
increases or decreases. Often Farmers’ hard-works are destroyed by Pests that results in loss to
farmers.IoT has a system that detects the motion of pests using PIR sensor (Passive Infrared
Sensor).This information can be used by the farmers to reduce damage done by the pests.With
Precision agriculture farmers generate data via sensors and analyze the information to evaluate
current practice and make improvement for greater efficiency and effectiveness. This allows
farmers to monitor livestock, vehicles and other farming resources in remote areas.IoT
connected Devices detect water and nutrients timely for good production.
14.4 Precision farming on arable land
The use of PA techniques on arable land is the most widely used andmost advanced amongst
farmers CTF is a whole farm approach that aims at avoiding unnecessary crop damage and soil
compaction by heavy machinery, reducing costs imposed by standard methods. Controlled traffic
methods involve confining all field vehicles to the minimal area of permanent traffic lanes with
the aid of GNSS technology and decision support systems. Another important application of
precision agriculture in arable land is to optimize the use of fertilizers, starting with the three
main nutrients Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. In conventional farming these fertilizers are
applied uniformly over fields at certain times during the year. This leads to over application in
some places and under-application in others. The environmental cost is directly related to over-
application which allows nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from the field into ground- and
surface waters or to other areas of the field where they are not desired. With the use of precision
agriculture methods, fertilizers can be applied in more precise amounts, with a spatial and
temporal component to optimize the application. The technology that allows the farmer to
control the amount of inputs in arable lands is the Variable Rate Application (VRA), which
combines a variable-rate (VR) control system with application equipment to apply inputs at a
precise time and/or location to achieve site specific application rates of inputs. VRs are decided
on the basis of prior measurement, e.g. from remote sensing or machine mounted sensors.
14.5 Conclusion: