Fe 0007395

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Existing Plants, Emissions & Capture

Application of a Heat-Integrated Post- Shailesh D. Vora
combustion CO2 Capture System with Technology Manager
Existing Plants, Emissions & Capture
Hitachi Advanced Solvent into Existing National Energy Technology Laboratory

Coal-Fired Power Plant 626 Cochrans Mill Road

P.O. Box 10940
Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940
Background [email protected]
The mission of the U.S. Department of Energy/National Energy Technology Laboratory José D. Figueroa
(DOE/NETL) Existing Plants, Emissions, & Capture (EPEC) Research & Development (R&D) Project Manager
Program is to develop innovative environmental control technologies to enable full use National Energy Technology Laboratory
of the nation’s vast coal reserves, while at the same time allowing the current fleet of coal- 626 Cochrans Mill Road
fired power plants to comply with existing and emerging environmental regulations. The P.O. Box 10940
EPEC R&D Program portfolio of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions control technologies and Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940
CO2 compression is focused on advancing technological options for the existing fleet of 412-386-4966
coal-fired power plants in the event of carbon constraints. [email protected]
Pulverized coal (PC) plants burn coal in air to produce steam and comprise 99 percent Kunlei Liu
of all coal-fired power plants in the United States. Carbon dioxide is exhausted in the Principal Investigator
flue gas at atmospheric pressure and a concentration of 10–15 percent by volume. Post- University of Kentucky CAER
combustion separation and capture of CO2 is a challenging application due to the low 2450 Research Park Drive
pressure and dilute concentration of CO2 in the waste stream, trace impurities in the Lexington, KY 40511
flue gas that affect removal processes, and the parasitic energy cost associated with 859-257-0293
the capture and compression of CO2. Solvent-based CO2 capture involves chemical or [email protected]
physical sorption of CO2 from flue gas into a liquid carrier. Although solvent-based systems
are used commercially to remove CO2 from industrial gases, they have not been applied to
the removal of large volumes of gas, as in coal-fired power plant flue gas, due to significant
cost and efficiency penalties. Hitachi Power Systems American, Ltd
Electric Power Research Institute
Koch Modular Process Systems, LLC
Smith Management Group
Project Description Carbon Management Research Group’s
The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UK CAER) Team Industry Members
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
will develop a two megawatt thermal (0.7 megawatt electrical [MWe] equivalent)
slipstream post-combustion CO2 capture system for a coal-fired power plant using
novel concepts coupled with Hitachi’s proprietary solvent (H3-1). An innovative heat PROJECT DURATION
integration method will utilize waste heat from the carbon capture system while Start Date End Date
improving steam turbine efficiency. A two-stage stripping concept will be combined 10/01/2011 09/30/2015
with the heat integration method to increase solvent capacity and capture rate in the
CO2 scrubber. The advanced solvent utilized by the process has several advantages
over conventional amine solvents such as 30 weight percent (wt%) monoethanolamine COST
(MEA), including exhibiting lower heat of regeneration, higher capacity, and less Total Project Value
solvent degradation. Previous laboratory and pilot-scale tests of the H3-1 solvent, $19,351,780
as well as results from an initial techno-economic analysis of the capture process, DOE/Non-DOE Share
illustrate the potential of this CO2 capture system. Key features of the project are a two- $14,502,144/$4,849,636

Albany, OR • Fairbanks, AK • Morgantown, WV • Pittsburgh, PA • Sugar Land, TX DE-FE0007395

Website: www.netl.doe.gov
Customer Service: 1-800-553-7681
stage stripping process for solvent regeneration and a heat- Objectives
integrated cooling tower system that recovers waste energy
from the carbon capture platform. The two-stage stripping The objectives of the project are to (1) develop and deploy a
process will increase solvent working capacity by providing novel heat integration scheme demonstrating the capability to
a secondary air stripping column following the conventional integrate waste heat from the carbon capture platform to limit
steam stripping column. The air stripping stream will be sent the reduction in overall power plant efficiency, (2) determine
to the boiler as combustion air to increase the CO2 content in the performance of the H3-1 advanced solvent, and (3) collect
the flue gas exiting the boiler. The integrated cooling tower the necessary information on mass and energy balances, solvent
system will use a liquid desiccant to dry the cooling tower air degradation (rate and products), and corrosion to provide a full
and waste heat to dry the liquid desiccant. The overall effect techno-economic and environmental, health, and safety (EH&S)
will be improved power plant cooling tower and steam turbine analysis at a 550 MWe commercial-scale level.

The project will be located at LG&E and KU Services Company’s Planned Activities
E.W. Brown Generating Station, located near Harrodsburg,
Kentucky. The design, start-up, and commissioning of the • Perform an updated techno-economic analysis of the final
test facility will be performed with a generic 30 wt% MEA process design, based on a 550 MWe power plant.
solvent to obtain baseline data for comparison with other
proprietary solvents to be tested in the program. Testing will • Design, fabricate, and install the 0.7 MWe modular
be conducted on two proprietary solvents: Hitachi’s advance slipstream facility.
amine solvent (H3-1), and a proprietary solvent developed by • Commission and shakedown the facility with a baseline
the CAER as an alternative solvent. Parametric testing and long- 30 wt% MEA solvent.
term verification campaigns will be conducted for each of the
solvents. Corrosion evaluation and solvent degradation studies • Conduct parametric and verification investigations using
will be conducted concurrently with the verification runs. The two proprietary solvents.
potential heat integration, solvent and water management, and
CO2 capture system stability and operability will be the main • Conduct a system dynamics load-following study, a solvent
focal points. Process modeling will be performed to optimize degradation study, and a materials corrosion study.
the post-combustion CO2 capture system, determine power
plant integration strategies, and conduct sensitivity analyses. • Perform system and economic analyses of the proposed
The results of the modeling studies will be used to complete technology using various steam extraction and heat
an economic analysis of the process to determine its capital recovery configurations, and compression technologies.
and operating costs as well as to estimate the cost of electricity • Conduct transient tests to quantify the ability of the system
(COE) as compared to the reference MEA process. to follow the load demand of the power station.

• Perform an EH&S assessment of the process

• Kick-off meeting conducted in October 2011.

The novel concepts and advanced solvent used in this project
show promise of improving the overall plant efficiency when
integrated with a CO2 capture system, and can be utilized to
retrofit existing coal-fired power plants. The knowledge gained
from this project on various aspects such as material coatings,
process simplification/optimization, system compatibility
CAER’s three-process CO2 capture technology. and operability, solvent degradation and secondary environ-
mental impact, water management and potential heat
integration can potentially be applied to future commercial
Primary Project Goal applications directed toward achieving DOE’s current goals for
post-combustion CO2 capture.
The project goal is to design, fabricate, install, and test a modular
0.7 MWe CO2 capture system utilizing the advanced solvent
process with heat integration on a slipstream of flue gas from a
coal-fired power plant to show the potential to meet DOE’s target
of no more than a 35 percent increase in the COE while capturing
at least 90 percent of the CO2 released during the combustion of
fossil fuels in existing coal-fired power plants.
FE0007395 May 2012

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