Methods of Groundwater Exploration
Methods of Groundwater Exploration
Methods of Groundwater Exploration
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction:
1.1 Renewable resource
1.2 Heterogeneous distribution
2.0 Exploring groundwater
2.1 Surface methods:
2.2 Subsurface methods
3.0 Esoteric methods:
3.1 Water Witching
4.0 Geomorphological Methods
4.1 Study of Land forms
4.2 Topography and Drainage
4.3 Drainage density of stream network
5.0 Geological Methods
5.1 Structural methods
5.2 Well-inventory
6.0 Soil and Micro-Biological Methods
6.1 Moist depressions and seepages
7.0 Geophysical methods:
7.1 Gravity Method
7.2 Magnetic Method
7.3 Seismic Method
7.3.1 Analyzing Seismic velocities
8.0 Electrical resistivity method
8.1 Vertical electrical sounding
8.2 Profiling
8.3 Wenner array
8.4 Schlumberger array
8.5 Dipole-dipole array
8.6 Interpretation of data
9.0 Electromagnetic Method
9.1 Principles of EM Surveying
9.2 General Principles of EM Operation
10.0 Geophysical Logging Techniques
11.0 Photogeology
12.0 Remote Sensing
13.0 Conclusion
Renewable resource
Groundwater is a renewable source. Groundwater gets replenished after every rainfall. This is
called as rainfall recharge. The level of water seen in an open well denotes the uppermost
surface of the zone of saturation of the porous media. This is called as the water table. After
every recharge, the water table raises, denoting that the porous media has saturated with more
water. When we pump out water, the water level goes down. Continuous pumping of water,
beyond the recharge, will make the wells go dry and force to deepen the well. The search of
groundwater got increased, due to the non-availability of sources and due to the declining water
Heterogeneous distribution
Exploring groundwater
Surface methods
The surface methods are easy to operate and implement. These require minimum facilities like
topo-sheets, maps, reports, some field measurements and interpretations of data in the
laboratories. The surface methods of groundwater exploration include the following:
– Esoteric Methods
– Geomorphologic methods
– Geological & structural Methods
– Soil and Micro-Biological Methods
– Remote Sensing Techniques
– Surface Geophysical Methods
Subsurface methods
The subsurface methods of groundwater exploration includes both Test Drilling & Borehole
Geophysical Logging techniques. When compared to the surface methods, the subsurface
methods are very expensive. These are done for government level projects where large scale
investigations are carried out to ascertain the results of surface surveys. The subsurface methods
are very accurate methods as the help in direct observations of features in the form of bore-hole
lithologs as core samples and also geophysical measurements of formation properties.
Esoteric methods
The Esoteric methods are the ancient methods. These are the oldest water divining methods
practiced by ancient people for several centuries. They are also called as water-dowsing. People
believed that the flow of groundwater can induce some vital currents above the surface. When a
wet plant twig is moved above such zones, it tends to rotate the twig as well. Wet twigs of trees,
husk-removed coconuts, watches and other materials have been used as dowsing materials. The
person handling the twig has some role of induction and hence it is not applicable to everybody
attempting to divine water. All these methods have been practiced since 17th century. There is
no scientific explanation available with reference to these approaches. Probability of success is a
mere coin-tossing experiment. These methods are called as water divining.
Water Witching
Water witching is a traditional method adopted by people to detect bore-well locations. Using a
forked stick to locate water source is known as water witching. Although this method is lacking
any scientific justification for the method, water witches diligently practice the art wherever
people can be persuaded of its potential value. Commonly, the method consists of holding a
forked stick in both hands and walking over the local area until the butt end is attracted
downward-ostensibly by subsurface water. It is amazing that the idea of supernatural powers has
such a continued fascination for people to use despite its limitations.
Geomorphological Methods
Surface drainage is the subdued replica of topography. It is controlled by the basement rocks.
Mostly, groundwater flow coincides with the surface drainages. The streams and water courses
may also be controlled by some underlying structures. Junctions of streams at the down slopes
are promising zones for groundwater. Landforms originate due to several geological processes.
Some of them are likely to contain relatively permeable strata. River-borne modern alluvial
terraces, floodplains, stratified valley-fill deposits in abandoned channels, glacial outwash and
moraine deposits are good landforms for groundwater. Alluvial fans, beach ridges, partly drift-
filled valleys, sand dunes, moist depressions, and marshy environments are good localities.
Landforms are the likely indicators to show the relatively permeable strata. The locations of
modern alluvial terraces and floodplains, stratified valley-fill deposits, glacial outwash plains,
glacial deltas, kames , moraine complexes, eskers, alluvial fans and beach ridges are good
locations for groundwater occurrence. Partly drift-filled valleys marked by a chain of elongate
closed depressions, largely masked bedrock valleys cutting across modern valleys that are
indicated by local non-slumping of weak shale strata in valley sides, sand dunes assumed to
overlie sandy glacio-fluvial sediments, nearby locations of lakes and streams are very good
indicators for groundwater prospecting.
Physiographic methods analyse the surface topography and drainages. The locations of
confluence and junctions of surface streams at the downstream points of small watersheds are
good locations for groundwater for confluence. Hydraulic gradients of groundwater systems will
always follow the topographic gradients and slopes. Such locations are also suitable for water
collection and storage for recharge.
Drainage density is the ratio between the total length of all streams and the area of watershed or
river basin. The resultant drainage density is used to indicate the potentiality of groundwater. If
the drainage density is low, groundwater potentiality will be more. If it is high, due to more
streams, runoff will be more.
Geological Methods
A geologic investigation begins with the collection, analysis, and hydrogeologic interpretation of
existing topographic maps, aerial photographs, geologic maps and logs, and other pertinent
records. This should be supplemented, when possible, by geologic field reconnaissance and by
evaluation of available hydrologic data on stream flow and springs, well yields, groundwater
recharge, discharge, and levels and water quality. In some places, the drainages may be fully
controlled by the presence of minor and major structures like joints, faults and lineaments. Such
zones are good and potential zones for groundwater exploration. These are the conduits for
groundwater flow.
Structural methods
Contact points between permeable water-bearing strata overlying relatively impermeable strata-
usually along the sides of valleys that cut across the interface between different strata are suitable
locations for groundwater. Springs occurring on or near the base of hillsides, valley slopes, and
local scarps are indicators of groundwater occurrence over hilly terrain. Dykes are good barriers
for arresting the flow of groundwater. Location of dykes and analyzing their dip and strike help
in selecting the groundwater potential zones in the upstream side.
Well-inventory is a method of analyzing the well-cuttings and inner surfaces of open dug wells
to know about the subsurface geology, structures, seepage zones, fluctuations of water levels,
rate of recovery after pumping and the geo-environmental setting of the wells in a region. This
method helps to analyse the data collected from more number of the wells of a region and come
to a conclusion about the regional groundwater potentialities. The groundwater flow paths could
be easily identified through well-inventory. Promising zones could be identified for further
investigations though this method.
Geo-botanical indicators are valuable tools in groundwater exploration. The anomalous growth
of vegetation and alignment of big trees on a straight line, growth of termite mounds and location
of age old, deep rooted heritage trees can indicate the occurrence of groundwater at shallow
depths. Presence of Halophytes, plants with a high tolerance for soluble salts, and white
efflorescence of salt at ground surface, indicate the presence of shallow brackish or saline
groundwater. Xerophytes, the well-known desert plants , subsisting on minimal water, suggest a
considerable depth to the water table. All these are supplementary tools in detecting the
locations of groundwater zones.
Moist depressions, marshy environments, and seepages, string of alkali flats or lakes (playas)
along inactive drainage systems, salt precipitates (e.g., salt crusts), localized anomalous-looking
"burn out" patches in the soil, and vegetation associated with salt migration and accumulation are
good indicators for groundwater availability. Depression springs, where land surface locally
cuts the water table or the upper surface of the zone of saturation, Contact springs containing a
permeable water-bearing strata overlying relatively impermeable strata-usually along the sides of
valleys that cut across the interface between different strata are good locations. The presence of
artesian springs occurring on undulating upland till plains, and artesian springs occurring on or
near the base of hillsides, valley slopes, and local scarps are very good indicators.
Geophysical methods
Exploring the ground water by geophysical method is termed Ground water geophysics.
Geophysical investigations are conducted on the surface of the earth to explore the ground water
resources by observing some physical parameters like density, velocity, conductivity,
resistivity, magnetic, electromagnetic & radioactive phenomena. Geophysical methods comprise
of measurement of signals from natural or induced phenomena of physical properties of sub
surface formation. Geophysical methods detect the differences, or anomalies of physical
properties within the earth's crust. Density, magnetism, elasticity, and electrical resistivity are
properties that are most commonly measured. The purpose of exploration is to detect the
indirect indicators and locate the potential zones for exploitation. The main geophysical
methods which are useful in solving some of the problems of hydrogeology, are the Electrical,
Seismic, Gravity, and Magnetic methods.
Gravity Method
The gravity method is a widely used geophysical method for finding out mineral resources and
groundwater in sedimentary terrain. Gravimeters are used in this method to measure the
differences in density on the earth's surface that may indicate the underlying geologic structures.
Because the method is expensive and because differences in water content in subsurface strata
seldom involve measurable differences in specific gravity at the surface, the gravity method has
little application to groundwater prospecting. Under special geologic conditions, such as a large
buried valley, the gross configuration of an aquifer can be detected from gravity variations.
Magnetic Method
The magnetic method enables detecting the magnetic fields of the earth which can be measured
and mapped. Magnetometers are the equipments used to measure the magnetic fields and
variations. Because magnetic contrasts are seldom associated with groundwater occurrence, the
method has little relevance for exploring groundwater. Indirect information pertinent to the
groundwater studies, such as the presence of dikes that form aquifer boundaries or limits of a
basaltic flow, could be obtained with this method.
Seismic Method
Seismic methods are of two kinds as seismic refraction and reflection methods. The seismic
refraction method involves the creation of a small shock at the earth's surface either by the
impact of a heavy instrument or by a small explosive charge and measuring the time required for
the resulting sound, or shock, wave to travel known distances. Seismic waves follow the same
laws of propagation as light rays and may be reflected or refracted at any interface where a
velocity change occurs. Seismic reflection methods provide information on geologic structure
thousands of meters below the surface, whereas seismic refraction methods-of interest in
groundwater studies-go only about 100 meters deep. The travel time of a seismic wave
depends on the media through which it is passing through. The velocities are greatest in solid
igneous rocks and least in unconsolidated materials. Based on these indications, it is possible to
delineate the subsurface zones of fractures, fissures, faults and lineaments.
Analyzing Seismic velocities
A basic understanding of the characteristic seismic velocities for a variety of geologic materials
is necessary. These velocities help to identify the nature of alluvium or bedrock. In coarse
alluvial terrain, seismic velocity increases markedly from unsaturated to saturated zones. In
seismic method, the depth to water table can be mapped, with an accuracy of 10 percent, where
the geologic conditions are relatively uniform. The changes in seismic velocities are governed by
changes in the elastic properties of the formations. The greater the contrast of these properties,
the more clearly the formations and their boundaries can be identified.
Vertical electrical sounding, VES, is used to determine the resistivity variation with depth. Single
VES should only be applied in areas, where the ground is assumed to be horizontal layered with
very little lateral variation, since the sounding curves only can be interpreted using a horizontally
layered earth (1D) model. To measure the apparent resistivity values a resistivity meter is used.
Resistivity meters normally give a resistance value, R = V/I, so in practice the apparent
resistivity value is calculated by pa = k R.
The calculated resistivity value is not the true resistivity of the subsurface, but an “apparent”
value which is the resistivity of a homogeneous ground which will give the same resistance value
for the same electrode arrangement. The relationship between the “apparent” resistivity and the
“true” resistivity is a complex relationship. To determine the true subsurface resistivity, an
inversion of the measured apparent resistivity values using a computer program must be carried
out. The measured apparent resistivity values are normally plotted on a log-log graph paper. To
interpret the data from such a survey, it is normally assumed that the subsurface consists of
horizontal layers.
Electrical Profiling
Another classical survey technique is the profiling method. In this case, the spacing between the
electrodes remains fixed, but the entire array is moved along a straight line. This gives some
information about lateral changes in the subsurface resistivity, but it cannot detect vertical
changes in the resistivity. Interpretation of data from profiling surveys is mainly qualitative.
The most severe limitation of the resistivity sounding method is that horizontal (or lateral)
changes in the subsurface resistivity are commonly found. In many engineering and
environmental studies, the subsurface geology is very complex where the resistivity can change
rapidly over short distances. The resistivity sounding method might not be sufficiently accurate
for such situations. Resistivity surveys give a picture of the subsurface resistivity distribution.
To convert the resistivity picture into a geological picture, some knowledge of typical resistivity
values for different types of subsurface materials and the geology of the area surveyed, is
important.The resistivity values of common rocks and soil materials are given in this table .
Igneous and metamorphic rocks typically have high resistivity values. The resistivity of these
rocks is greatly dependent on the degree of fracturing, and the percentage of the fractures filled
with ground water. Sedimentary rocks, which usually are more porous and have a higher water
content, normally have lower resistivity values. Wet soils and fresh ground water have even
lower resistivity values. Clayey soil normally has a lower resistivity value than sandy soil.
However, note the overlap in the resistivity values of the different classes of rocks and soils. This
is because the resistivity of a particular rock or soil sample depends on a number of factors such
as the porosity, the degree of water saturation and the concentration of dissolved salts.
The resistivity of ground water varies from 10 to 100 ohm•m. depending on the concentration of
dissolved salts. Note the low resistivity (about 0.2 ohm•m) of sea water due to the relatively high
salt content. This makes the resistivity method an ideal technique for mapping the saline and
fresh water interface in coastal areas.
Wenner array
This is a robust array which was popularized by the pioneering work. The Wenner array is
relatively sensitive to vertical changes in the subsurface resistivity below the centre of the array.
However, it is less sensitive to horizontal changes in the subsurface resistivity. The Wenner array
has a moderate depth of investigation. For the Wenner array, the geometric factor is 2(22/7)a,
which is smaller than the geometric factor for other arrays. Among the common arrays, the
Wenner array has the strongest signal strength. This can be an important factor if the survey is
carried in areas with high background noise.
Schlumberger array
In the Schlumberger array, A and B are current electrodes, and M and N are potential electrodes.
Let the current I enter the ground at A and return at B. Assuming the medium below the surface
of the earth to be homogeneous and isotropic of resistivity p, the potentials V M and V N as
measured at M and N, respectively. The calculations are done using these two equations:
VM = pl/27r 1/(a - b/2) - 1/(a + b/2)
VN =pl/27r 1/(a + b/2) - 1/(a - b/2)
from which p = 7r(a 2/b-b/4) (V M -VN /I).
Denoting (VM -VN ) by AV, and acknowledging the fact that, in reality, the medium is
anisotropic, the apparent resistivity pa as measured by the Schlumberger array is given by: Pa =
7r(a 2 /b - b/4) AV/1 [11
If a and b are measured in meters, and oV and I in millivolts and milliamperes respectively, pa
would be in ohm-meters (Slur).Equation (1) may be written as:
Pa =K/I AV; where K = (a2 /b - b/4) is the geometric factor for the Schlumberger array.
Dipole-dipole array
This array has been, and is still, widely used in resistivity/I.P. surveys because of the low E.M.
coupling between the current and potential circuits. The spacing between the current electrodes
pair, C2-C1, is given as “a” which is the same as the distance between the potential electrodes
pair P1-P2. Thus the dipole-dipole array is very sensitive to horizontal changes in resistivity, but
relatively insensitive to vertical changes in the resistivity. That means that it is good in mapping
vertical structures, such as dykes and cavities, but relatively poor in mapping horizontal
structures such as sills or sedimentary layers.
Interpretation of data
The interpretation of each VES curve is carried out in two steps. First, an approximate
interpretation is obtained by the curve-matching methods, and another interpretation is based on
the results obtained through the automatic interpretation using a computer program. Finally, the
layer-wise resistivities and thicknesses are obtained from these interpretations. Using them
spatial variation maps depicting the low resistivity contours and good thickness aquifer horizons
can be delineated.
Electromagnetic Method
The term electromagnetism is defined as the production of a magnetic field by current flowing in
a conductor. Coiling a current-carrying conductor around a core material that can be easily
magnetized, such as iron, can form an electromagnet. The magnetic field will be concentrated in
the core. This arrangement is called a solenoid. The more turns we wrap on this core, the
stronger the electromagnet and the stronger the magnetic lines of force become. The magnetic
field that surrounds a current-carrying conductor is made up of concentric lines of force. The
strength of these circular lines of force gets progressively smaller the further away from the
conductor. If a stronger current is made to flow through the conductor, the magnetic lines of
force become stronger. The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the current
that flows through the conductor. There are two methods as Passive and Active methods. The
Passive method uses the natural ground signals (e.g., magnetotellurics), natural sources like
lightning, magnetosphere activities, etc. The Active method uses a transmitter to induce ground
current, using an artificial source.
Principles of EM Surveying
The first step is to generate EM field by passing an AC through a wire coil ( transmitter). The
EM field propagates above and below ground. If there is conductive material in ground,
magnetic component of the EM wave induces eddy currents (AC) in conductor. The eddy
currents produce a secondary EM field which is detected by the receiver. The receiver also
detects the primary field (the resultant field is a combination of primary and secondary which
differs from the primary field in phase and amplitude). After compensating for the primary field
(which can be computed from the relative positions and orientations of the coils), both the
magnitude and relative phase of the secondary field can be measured. The difference in the
resultant field from the primary provides information about the geometry, size and electrical
properties of the subsurface conductor.
The apparent conductivity measured is the average conductivity of one or more layers in the
ground in the proximity of the instrument, to a depth of investigation. The depth of investigation
is dependent on the coil spacing, orientation, operating frequency of the instrument, and the
individual conductivity of each ground layer.
General Principles of EM Operation
There are two methods of EM surveys. One is the TDEM which means Time-domain (TDEM)
EM surveys. The measurements are done as a function of time. the Time-Domain
Electromagnetic (TDEM) methods are based on the principle of using electromagnetic induction
to generate measurable responses from sub-surface features. When a steady current in a cable
loop is terminated a time varying magnetic field is generated. As a result of this magnetic field,
eddy currents are induced in underground conductive materials. The decay of the eddy currents
in these materials is directly related to their conductive properties, and may be measured by a
suitable receiver coil on the surface. The second method is the FDEM –Frequency-domain
(FDEM) EM surveys. It is related to the measurements at one or more frequencies. The FDEM
Transmitter produces continuous EM field. The secondary field is determined by nulling the
primary field ( need two coils). The TDEM-Primary field is applied in pulses ( 20-40 ms) then
switched off and the secondary field measured ( same coil can be transmitter and receiver, more
often large coil on ground and move small coil around).
The term “logging” refers to making records of some measurements or observations. Borehole
geophysical logging is a procedure to collect and transmit specific information about the
geologic formations penetrated by a well by raising and lowering a set of probes or sondes that
contain water-tight instruments in the well. The data obtained is normally used to determine the
general lithology of formations, distribution of structures, vertical flow of fluids, and the water-
yielding capabilities of the formations. The geophysical logging of boreholes came a long way
since 1927, when Schlumberger brothers ran the first electric log. In India the geophysical
logging of water well was carried out for the first time in 1953 by GSI.
Basically, there are two types of logging techniques- first utilizing the natural source & second
utilizing stimulated controlled source. Geophysical logging technique utilizes the measurement
of certain physical parameters across different subsurface formations with the help of sensing
probe inside the bore hole providing a continuous record of these parameters versus depth.
These parameters are interpreted in terms of lithology, porosity, moisture content & quality of
formation fluids. Different physical properties like electrical conductivity, magnetic
susceptibility, radioactivity & velocity etc are utilized. The primary purpose of well logging is
the identification of formations traversed by a bore hole & salinity of fluids. Well logging is
a) for stratigraphic correlation, detection of bed boundaries, porous & permeable zones
b) for the water well design & construction and
c) for sea water intrusion studies of coastal aquifers.
Logging methods
e) Fluid logging – temperature, fluid resistivity, flow meter & tracer logging.
f) Caliper logging.
Electric well logging involves the continuous recording of electrical resistance / resistivity & SP
of the formations by a drill bore hole. In the SP log, the potential drop between bore hole
electrode & a reference electrode @ the surface is recorded. The SP logs are highly useful in
deciphering saline water & clay dominated zones. The Resistivity logs are used for ground
water & mineral explorations.
Photogeology is the art of making aerial photographs that are suitable for analyzing the earth’s
physiographic features, rack types, structures, mineralized zones, water resources, types of
vegetation, zones of cultivation and urbanization. The Photographs of the earth taken from the
aircraft or satellite can provide useful information regarding groundwater conditions. The
technology of remote sensing has developed rapidly in recent years. Stereoscopic examination
of black-and-white aerial photographs has gained steadily in importance. Observable patterns,
colors, and relief make it possible to distinguish differences in geology, soils, soil moisture
vegetation, and land use. Thus, photogeology can differentiate between rock and soil types and
indicate their permeability and areal distribution-and hence areas of groundwater recharge and
discharge. Maps classifying an area into good, fair, and poor groundwater yields can be prepared.
Aerial photographs also reveal the fracture patterns in rocks, which can be further related to the
porosity, permeability, and ultimately the well yields. They are suitable for identifying the
formations that are potential zones for the occurrence of groundwater.
Remote sensing is the science (and to some extent, art) of acquiring information about the Earth's
surface without actually being in contact with it. This is done by sensing and recording reflected
or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that information. In much of remote
sensing, the process involves an interaction between incident radiation and the targets of interest.
Remote sensing shows an increasing role in the field of hydrology and water resources
development. Remote sensing provides multi-spectral, multi-temporal and multi-sensor data of
the earth’s surface which are suitable for mineral explorations, water resources evaluation,
environmental monitoring and groundwater targeting. Remote sensing techniques help in the
demarcation of groundwater potential zones, identification of groundwater recharge sites and, to
analysis the future artificial recharge sites.
Satellite data products are much varied depending upon the spectra considered. The high
resolution satellite images are interpreted (visually or digitally) to identify the groundwater
potential zones. Thematic layers are prepared based on hydrogeomorphic units, land-use/ land-
cover/ lineaments, rock types, structures and many other features. The methodology involves
the delineation of hydrogeomorphic units which are influenced by the hydro geological
conditions of the area. The hydrogeological conditions are controlled by the lithology,
geomorphology, structures like lineaments, faults and fractures. The visual interpretation of
satellite data in conjunction with limited field verification of these features will focus on the
priority zones. Most of them are reflected as hydrogeomorphic units. Remote sensing provides
the distribution of these units.
Several geological, hydrogeological and geophysical methods are employed to target the
groundwater potential zones. The interpretation of satellite images and aerial photographs also
help more in this process. Groundwater exploration is a very unique exercise. As it is a hidden
resource, various indirect methods are attempted to identify the points. The success in the
groundwater targeting lies in experience of understanding the geological conditions, structural
conditions and hydrogeological conditions which favour the occurrence of groundwater. The
modern tools like remote sensing and aerial photography also provide a lot of spatial data for a
quick understanding of the domain for a better decision-making.