Learning Strategiesfor Modern Pedagogy V

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Learning Strategies for Modern Pedagogy

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The students at all levels of education need to be well-aware in terms of the learning
strategies for modern pedagogy. It is comprehensively understood that it is the job duty of the
instructors to impart information and understanding among the students in terms of lesson
plans, academic concepts and other tasks and activities that need to be carried out within the
course of learning. On the other hand, the students need to be well-aware in terms of various
types of learning strategies and put them into operation in an appropriate manner. When the
learning strategies are put into practice, the students need to take into account factors such as,
subjects and concepts, and academic goals. When the students form the viewpoint that their
learning strategies are proving to be worthwhile and beneficial to them in achieving academic
goals, they need to focus upon bringing about improvements. Therefore, it can be stated,
within the course of time, there is a need to make use of modern, scientific and innovative
methods in the learning strategies for modern pedagogy. The main areas that are taken into
account in this research paper are, meaning and significance of learning strategies for modern
pedagogy, learning strategies for modern pedagogy and benefits of learning strategies for
modern pedagogy.

Keywords: Actions, Concepts, Learning Strategies, Pedagogy, Processes, Subjects,


Learning strategies are referred to the processes and actions that are put into practice
by the language learners to help them learn and to make use of the language in a suitable
manner. The students need to be well-equipped in terms of various types of learning
strategies and put into practice throughout the pursuance of an educational program. The
students are usually well-aware in terms of methods and approaches that would enable them
to acquire an efficient understanding of the subjects and concepts and ways of achievement of
goals and objectives. The learning strategies range from techniques that are utilized for
improved memory to study better and or test-taking strategies (Learning Strategies, 2020).
When the students are preparing themselves for tests, they usually put into practice the test-
taking strategies to find out how much they are prepared. The students need to establish a
connection between themselves and their learning. They need to develop motivation, interest
and enthusiasm towards learning.

Some of the learning strategies involve changes to the design and instruction. In other
words, when the students feel that their learning strategies are not proving to be worthwhile
and beneficial to them in achieving the desired goals, they need to bring about
transformations in them. In some cases, when the students make use of learning strategies to
prepare themselves for exams, they do not score the grades in accordance to their
expectations. This indicates that they need to bring about changes in them. The research
studies have indicated that normally students read and orally understand the concepts of all
subjects. But the instructors recommend that if they want to understand the concepts
efficiently, and apply them in their professional and personal lives, they need to hone their
writing skills. When learning takes place through writing, it is regarded as more
advantageous as compared to learning that takes place through verbal methods. Therefore, the
change that is brought about in the learning strategies will facilitate better understanding of
the lesson plans and academic concepts.

Memorising is a rare technique of learning. The students normally do not appreciate

this learning strategy, as they feel that they will forget. Hence, the learning strategy of
memorising has been replaced by reading and understanding the concepts. In elementary,
secondary and senior secondary education, when the students are required to understand the
concepts in an efficacious manner, they normally memorise them through various materials.
But in the present existence, with the advent of technologies, they are making use of
technologies in acquiring an understanding of the subjects and concepts. Learning through
technologies have proven to be beneficial and meaningful to the students at all levels of
education. In the present existence, from nursery schools till the universities, the instructors
are making use of technologies in imparting information to the students in terms of lesson
plans and academic concepts. On the other hand, the students too are making use of them to
prepare assignments and projects as well as in augmenting their understanding. Therefore, it
can be stated, the utilization of technologies in an efficient manner is regarded as one of the
prominent learning strategies that are made use of to a major extent.

Meaning and Significance of Learning Strategies for Modern

In a more specific manner, the learning strategies are referred to an individual’s
organized way of acquiring an understanding of the academic concepts and lesson plans.
When the students are determined towards the achievement of academic goals, they will put
into practice the learning strategies in an efficacious manner. The students at all levels of
education need to make use of their skills and abilities in learning the content as well as in
putting into operation other tasks and activities. The learning strategies are implemented by
the individuals in their lives not within the course of achievement of educational goals, but in
the case of non-academic settings as well. In schools and colleges, apart from academic
learning, the students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular and creative activities
as well. These include, artworks, handicrafts, music, singing, dancing, sports, role plays and
so forth. When the students depict interest and enthusiasm in terms of one or more of these
activities, they may even take them up as professions. Therefore, meaning and significance of
learning strategies are recognized in case of not only learning of academic concepts but also
in learning extra-curricular and creative activities.

Pedagogy is the relationship between learning techniques and culture. This factor puts
emphasis upon the point that pedagogy contributes in an efficient manner in enriching the
culture of the educational institutions at all levels. It is determined through the norms and
beliefs of the educators regarding how learning should take place. The teaching and learning
materials that are put into practice in teaching do not really matter. What matters is the
process. The procedures need to be effectual, meaningful and worthwhile. The strategies that
are put into operation should render a significant contribution in facilitating the achievement
of academic goals. The students need to be well-aware of what kinds of learning strategies
will prove to be advantageous in achieving academic goals. The instructors at all levels of
education encourage the students to work in groups. In other words, they encourage
teamwork, so students are able to develop mutual understanding and work in co-ordination
and integration with each other. Therefore, meaning and significance of learning strategies
are recognized, when the students make use of efficient procedures and work in groups.

In schools, whether they are nursery, elementary, secondary and senior secondary, the
students in most cases take help and support from other individuals in facilitating learning.
These are, family members, friends or private tutors. When the academic concepts are
complicated, they are able to facilitate understanding through the use of internet and
technologies, but they need help and assistance from others as well. In some cases, the
reading materials may not enable the students to understand the concepts in an efficient
manner and they will require others to explain the concepts to them. Hence, it is well-
understood that learning can take place in an operative manner, when the students
communicate with others. There are numerous types of learning strategies that are put into
practice in facilitating learning. Therefore, it can be stated, meaning and significance of
learning strategies are recognized, when the students make use of them on the basis of their
grade levels, subjects and concepts and academic goals.

Learning Strategies for Modern Pedagogy

The learning strategies for modern pedagogy that are highlighted are put into
operation in educational institutions at all levels. Through these, the students are able to
augment their understanding in terms of the fact that to enhance their learning in terms of
subjects and concepts, they not only have to make use of technologies, internet, books,
articles, projects, reports and other reading materials, but also augment their understanding in
terms of learning strategies. There are numerous types of learning strategies that are put into
practice in facilitating learning, i.e. getting engaged in effective communication processes,
interacting with the environment, making use of tools, devices, machinery, and ensuring the
mind and body work together. The instructors in educational institutions are vested with the
job duty of imparting knowledge and understanding to the students in terms of various types
of learning strategies. These are stated as follows:

Crossover Learning – The crossover learning is the learning that takes place through
visiting of various historical places, such as, museums, historical monuments, religious places
and so forth. Particularly, when the students are studying history, then making a visit to these
places will prove to be favourable to them. The crossover learning experiences provide the
students an environment, where they take pictures and notes. In schools, colleges and
universities, activities, picnics and field-trips are organized, which encourages crossover
learning. Furthermore, the crossover learning experience make provision of an environment,
where the students are provided with the authentic and participating opportunities for
learning. Learning takes place over the lifetime of the individuals. In other words, they need
to get engaged in learning throughout their lives. Hence, drawing of various kinds of
experiences from multiple settings proves to be beneficial to the students. Therefore, it can be
stated, crossover learning is regarded as a learning strategy for modern pedagogy, which is
put into practice by the students at all levels of education (10 Innovative Learning Strategies
for Modern Pedagogy, 2019).
Learning through Argumentation – Students can hone their knowledge and
competencies, particularly in the subjects of science and mathematics by implementing the
learning strategy of argumentation. Argumentation helps the students to attend to contrasting
ideas, which can deepen their thinking and learning. It makes technical reasoning public, for
all to learn. It also allows the students to refine the ideas with others. In this way, they learn
how the scientists think and work together to establish or refute the claims. The instructors
create an environment of the classroom in such a manner, where students are provided with
the opportunities to facilitate discussion by asking open-ended questions, restate remarks in a
more scientific language and develop and use models to construct explanations. Hence,
through these ways, learning through argumentation can be facilitated in an effective manner.
Therefore, it can be stated, learning through argumentation is regarded as a learning strategy
for modern pedagogy, which is put into practice by the students at all levels of education (10
Innovative Learning Strategies for Modern Pedagogy, 2019).

Incidental Learning – Incidental learning is the learning that is unplanned or

unintentional learning. It normally takes place within the course of implementation of tasks or
activities. In the present existence, with the advent of technologies, the students are making
use of them to generate awareness in terms of various concepts and aspects. For instance,
when a student is pursuing an educational program in home science, then within their homes,
when they observe the helpers and their family members carrying out the household chores
and responsibilities, they augment their learning. The incidental learning is not led by the
educators, nor does it follow the structured curriculum and nor it is the result of formal
certification (10 Innovative Learning Strategies for Modern Pedagogy, 2019). But this type of
learning is implemented through the use of technologies, observing the environment and
communicating with others. Therefore, it can be stated, incidental learning is regarded as a
learning strategy for modern pedagogy, which is put into practice by the students at all levels
of education. In addition, it proves to be meaningful and advantageous to them throughout
their lives.

Context-based Learning – Context enables the individuals to learn from experience.

By interpreting new information within the context of where and when it occurs and relating
it to the knowledge already possessed by the individuals, one is able to understand its
meaning and relevance. Within the classroom settings, the context is confined to fixed space
and limited time. In the lives of the students, in educational institutions and in homes, they
are provided with the opportunities to create context. This is facilitated through interacting
with the surroundings, holding conversations, making notes, modifying objects and
interacting with the environment. One can acquire an understanding of the context by
exploring the world around, measuring instruments and it is supported by guides (10
Innovative Learning Strategies for Modern Pedagogy, 2019). Therefore, one is able to
acquire an efficient understanding in terms of meaning and significance of context-based
learning and it is regarded as a learning strategy for modern pedagogy, which is
acknowledged at all levels of education.

Computational Thinking – Computational thinking is a strong approach to thinking

and providing solutions to problems. It involves breaking down large problems into smaller
ones, recognising how these relate to the problems that have been solved in the past, setting
aside unimportant details, identifying and developing the steps that are necessary to reach a
solution and refining the steps (10 Innovative Learning Strategies for Modern Pedagogy,
2019). Computational thinking skills are relevant in number of aspects of life. The primary
aim of computational thinking is to teach the students to develop their skills and abilities, so
they can provide solutions to various types of problems and challenges and prevent them
from assuming a major form. The students are not only able to hone their technical skills, but
they are able to master an art of thinking and cope with various types of problems and
challenges in an efficient manner. Therefore, it is recognized, one is able to understand that
computational thinking is a learning strategy for modern pedagogy, which is acknowledged
by the students in all subjects at all levels of education.

Learning through Science – The individuals on a large scale, in the present existence
are making selection of science as a subject. The reason being, they are augmenting their
knowledge and understanding and form the viewpoint that they will pursue medical and
engineering fields. Apart from medical and engineering, there are other fields as well that are
pursued by students belonging to science fields. When learning takes place through science
subjects, the students are required to perform experiments in laboratories as well. They need
to make use of tools, devices, machinery and chemicals, when they are performing
experiments in science subjects of physics, chemistry and biology. Science is a difficult field.
But when the students form constructive viewpoints and feel that they have to make their
career in this field, they select this field. Another important aspect that needs to be taken into
account is, when learning takes place through science, the individuals need to be well-
equipped in terms of methods, approaches and strategies. Therefore, it is well-understood
learning through science is a learning strategy for modern pedagogy that enables the students
to conduct research and acquire an efficient understanding of the academic concepts and
lesson plans.

Embodied Learning – Embodied learning involves self-awareness of the body

interacting with the real or simulated world to support the learning process. When learning a
sport, physical movement is regarded as the essential part of the learning process. The main
aim of embodied learning is to ensure the mind and body work together, so the learning
processes are reinforced by physical feedback and actions. For the more general learning, the
process of physical learning provides the way to encourage the participation of learners in
activities as they learn. One has to be more aware in terms of how one’s body interacts with
the world. In this manner, the students are able to support the mindful approach, which would
lead to up-gradation of learning and well-being (10 Innovative Learning Strategies for
Modern Pedagogy, 2019). Therefore, it can be stated, learning through science is a learning
strategy for modern pedagogy that enables the students to hone their learning and
understanding by ensuring the mind and body work together, so the learning processes are
strengthened by physical feedback and actions.

Learning through Memorising – Memorising is a learning strategy, which is

commonly put into practice by the students. It means development of commitment to memory
and learning by heart (Memorize, 2020). In some subjects, the concepts are easy to memorise,
whereas, in others, they are not easy to memorise. This learning strategy is usually not
appreciated by the students, as they tend to forget the concepts. In order to provide solutions
to this problem and enable the students to remember the concepts, the instructors recommend
that they should memorise the concepts through implementation of writing methods. When
the students learn through making notes, they will be able to augment their learning and
understanding. Another method that is put into practice for remembering the concepts is
reading them on a continuous basis. Some students do not make notes, but read the concepts
on a regular basis in order to understand and remember them thoroughly. Therefore, learning
through memorising is regarded as one of the learning strategies for modern pedagogy that is
put into practice by the students at all levels of education.

Learning through Practice – Practice makes the man perfect is a common saying,
which all individuals are aware of. When the students have acquired information in terms of
lesson plans and academic concepts, they need to get engaged in regular practice to hone their
knowledge, skills and abilities. Practice is the act of rehearsing a behaviour over and over
again. In a subject such as, mathematics, there are numerical problems involved. Hence, the
students need to practice them on a regular basis in order to master the concepts. Apart from
mathematics, when the students need to augment their skills and abilities in terms of writing
skills, then, practicing writing essays and articles will contribute in bringing about
improvements in writing skills. Apart from academic subjects and concepts, practicing also
enables the students to hone creative skills. For example, when the students need to up-grade
their skills in terms of production of artworks, handicrafts, sports and so forth, then too they
need to get engaged in practice on a regular basis. Therefore, learning through practice is
regarded as one of the essential learning strategies for modern pedagogy.

Learning through Communication – It is comprehensively understood that learning

cannot take place in isolation. The students need to communicate with their instructors,
supervisors, fellow students, friends, and private tutors in facilitating learning.
Communication takes place in a verbal, non-verbal and in a written form. The verbal
communication takes place face to face or over the phone. The non-verbal communication
takes place through gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, eye contact and body
language. The written communication takes place through letters, emails, notices and so
forth. When the individuals are communicating with each other to enhance learning, they
need to treat each other with respect and courtesy, provide accurate information and make use
of decent words. Hence, when the communication processes are put into practice in an
effective manner, it will contribute significantly in up-grading learning. Therefore, learning
through communication is regarded as one of the crucial learning strategies for modern

Benefits of Learning Strategies for Modern Pedagogy

The students need to be well-aware of the benefits of learning strategies for modern
pedagogy that are being put into practice by them to enhance their learning. In nursery and
elementary schools, when the students are young, the teachers in schools and parents at home
are making provision of help and support to them to learn and understand the subjects and
concepts. But in secondary, senior secondary and higher educational institutions, the students
themselves understand that they need to put into practice beneficial and meaningful learning
strategies. When the learning strategies are put into practice in a well-organised manner, the
individuals are able to recognize the meaning and significance and the benefits of learning
strategies for modern pedagogy. The benefits of learning strategies for modern pedagogy are
stated as follows:

Develops Collaborative Skills – The students at all levels of education are encouraged
by their instructors to work in collaboration with other students. In other words, they
encourage them to promote teamwork. Hence, one of the indispensable benefits of learning
strategies for modern pedagogy is they help in developing collaborative skills. When the
students are working in collaboration with each other, they are able to benefit in number of
ways. These are, obtaining support and assistance from others in the implementation of tasks
and activities, exchanging ideas and viewpoints, developing mutual understanding, accepting
each other’s cultures, beliefs and other factors, creating amiable and sociable environment
within the workplace and alleviating work pressure. The job duties get divided among the
group members in accordance to their skills and abilities. Therefore, it is comprehensively
understood, development of collaborative skills is regarded as one of the major benefits of
learning strategies for modern pedagogy that is acknowledged by the instructors and the
students to a major extent.

Makes the Individuals more Disciplined – The students are usually dedicated towards
the learning of academic subjects and concepts and achievement of academic goals. But in
some cases, there are students, who do not concentrate on their studies and experience
setbacks. These students need to focus on their studies and become more disciplined. When
they do not attain good grades in tests and assignments, their instructors convey to them that
they need to be more focused and disciplined. When the learning strategies for modern
pedagogy are put into practice in an effectual manner, the students will understand that
during the time of studying, they are not supposed to get engaged in any types of leisure and
recreational activities. Furthermore, they are able to put into practice all the factors that
would make them disciplined. Therefore, it is well-understood, makes the individuals more
disciplined is a vital benefit of learning strategies for modern pedagogy.

Encourages Risk Taking – When the students put into practice various types of
learning strategies, in some cases, they are risky. Particularly in laboratories, when the
students are carrying out experiments, they are required to work with machines, tools and
chemicals. In some cases, when they do not possess sufficient knowledge, they experience
problems and challenges in putting into practice the experiments in an effective manner. But
when the students are well-aware, they will be able to face all types of challenges, take risks
and carry out their job duties well. Hence, possessing adequate knowledge in terms of
learning strategies will facilitate in generation of the desired outcomes and encourage risk
taking. Therefore, it can be stated, when the students are well-equipped in terms of learning
strategies for modern pedagogy, they will be able to acquire an understanding of the lesson
plans as well as be able to cope with risks.

Requires Student Preparation – The students need to be well-prepared. When they are
going to take tests or participate in competitions and quizzes or come to attend class lectures,
they need to be well-prepared. In other words, they need to possess sufficient knowledge, so
they can answer the questions that are put forward before them by their instructors. This is
apparent at all levels of education, when the students will put into practice the learning
strategies on the basis of academic subjects and lesson plans, they will be able to augment
their knowledge and prepare themselves well. The effective implementation of the learning
strategies will enable the students to provide solutions to the problems and difficulties that
they are experiencing. Therefore, it can be stated, when the students are well-equipped in
terms of learning strategies for modern pedagogy, they will be able to generate information
and be well-prepared in terms of academic concepts and lesson plans.

Increases Participation in Tasks and Activities – The students within the course of
acquisition of education, do not only make use of various sources, such as, technologies,
internet, books, articles, and other reading materials to augment their learning, but they
participate in other tasks and activities as well. The other tasks and activities include,
participating in seminars, workshops, conferences, competitions, giving presentations, doing
creative work and other activities. The tasks and activities are organized, taking into
consideration the fact that they will render an important contribution in up-grading their
knowledge, skills and abilities. The tasks and activities are organized, taking into account the
grade levels, subjects and concepts, age groups, and needs and requirements of the
individuals. Therefore, it can be stated, when the students are well-equipped in terms of
learning strategies for modern pedagogy, they will be able to develop the confidence and
aptitude that is needed to increase the participation in tasks and activities.

Improves Critical Thinking Skills – Critical thinking skills are the skills that are
needed by the students to think critically. The skills that are needed to think critically include,
observation, analysis, interpretation, reflection, evaluation, inference, explanation, problem
solving and decision making (Critical Thinking Skills, 2020). When the students are learning
academic concepts, they need to put into practice critical thinking skills. Through the
development of these skills, the students are able to get engaged in reflective and independent
thinking. The critical thinking skills are not only applicable in professional lives of the
individuals, i.e. when they are pursuing education or are engaged in employment settings, but
these are regarded as worthwhile in personal lives of the individuals as well. Therefore, it is
comprehensively understood that when the students are informative in terms of learning
strategies for modern pedagogy, they will hone critical thinking skills, and will be able to
acquire an efficient understanding of the lesson plans and academic concepts.

Improves Problem Solving Skills – Problem solving skills are the skills that are
needed to provide solutions to problems. It is apparent that within the course of acquiring an
efficient understanding of the academic concepts and achievement of academic goals, the
students experience problems. Hence, the up-gradation of problem solving skills will enable
them to provide solutions to various types of problems. The problems can take place in a
major form as well as in a minor form. In providing solutions to various problems, there are
various factors that need to be taken into account. These are, conducting an analysis of the
problems, its causes, and measures to provide solutions to them. In some cases, they are able
to solve them on their own, whereas, in other cases, they are required to obtain support and
assistance from others. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood that when the students
are informative in terms of learning strategies for modern pedagogy, they will be able to hone
problem solving skills, and will be able to provide solutions to various types of problems.

Improves Technical Skills – In the present existence, the students are making use of
technologies in acquiring an understanding of the academic subjects and concepts. Learning
through technologies have proven to be beneficial and meaningful to the students at all levels
of education. The students usually get enrolled in training centres to generate information in
terms of using computers and bringing about improvements in technical skills. In some cases,
the individuals feel apprehensive, when they are to make use of technologies. But when they
need to make use of them to do well in their tasks and activities, they get engaged in regular
practice. Practice makes the man perfect. When the individuals make use of technologies on a
regular basis, they are able to bring about improvements in technical skills. The individuals,
belonging to all fields, categories and backgrounds need to hone their technical skills.
Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, the utilization of technologies in an efficient
manner is regarded as one of the major benefits of learning strategies for modern pedagogy
that are made use of to a major extent.
Facilitates better understanding of Subjects and Concepts – Acquiring a better
understanding of the subjects and concepts is one of the important goals of all individuals at
all levels of education. Some subjects and concepts are manageable to understand, whereas,
some are difficult to understand. Hence, when they will put into practice efficacious and
meaningful learning strategies, the individuals will be able to acquire a better understanding
of the subjects and concepts. After the instructors have completed imparting knowledge and
understanding to the students in terms of academic concepts and lesson plans, they need to
read and understand them on their own. They need to practice the exercises, which would
enable them to understand the subjects and concepts thoroughly that they will be able to
perform well in assignments and tests. Therefore, it is comprehensively acknowledged,
facilitates better understanding of subjects and concepts is regarded as one of the
indispensable benefits of learning strategies for modern pedagogy.

Facilitates Management of Talents – The individuals from the stage of early

childhood need to focus upon up-gradation of their talents and manage them. The individuals
need to possess various types of talents in enriching their lives and sustaining their living
conditions in a satisfactory manner. Talent management practices have evolved over the
years to cater to the people-specific trends much like all other aspects of work (Ghosh, 2019).
The students need to develop their knowledge and understanding in terms of various types of
learning strategies to hone their talents. For example, when the students aspire to develop
their skills in terms of production of artworks, they need to learn various aspects.
Furthermore, they need to get engaged in regular practice to ensure they are able to do well.
The management of talents enables the students to possess and up-grade the talents
throughout their lives and make use of them in leading to effective growth and progression.
Therefore, it can be stated, facilitates management of talents is regarded as one of the
significant benefits of learning strategies for modern pedagogy.


Learning strategies are referred to the procedures and activities that are put into
practice by the students at all levels of education to help them learn and to make use of their
communication skills in an effective manner. The learning strategies are referred to an
individual’s systematized way of acquiring an understanding of the academic concepts. When
the students are determined towards the achievement of academic goals, they will put into
practice the learning strategies in a worthwhile and useful manner. The students at all levels
of education need to make use of their talents and capabilities in learning the content as well
as in putting into operation other tasks and activities. The learning strategies are implemented
by the individuals in their lives not within the course of achievement of educational goals, but
in the case of other areas as well of non-academic nature.

The learning strategies for modern pedagogy are, crossover learning, learning through
argumentation, incidental learning, context-based learning, computational thinking, learning
through science, embodied learning, learning through memorising, learning through practice
and learning through communication. The benefits of learning strategies for modern
pedagogy are develops collaborative skills, makes the individuals more disciplined,
encourages risk taking, requires student preparation, increases participation in tasks and
activities, improves critical thinking skills, improves problem solving skills, improves
technical skills, facilitates better understanding of subjects and concepts, and facilitates
management of talents. Finally, it can be stated, when the learning strategies for modern
pedagogy are put into operation by the learners in an effective manner, they are able to
contribute in leading to up-gradation of their skills and abilities and in achievement of goals
and objectives.
Critical Thinking Skills. (2020). Retrieved October 03, 2020 from skillsyouneed.com

Ghosh, P. (2019). What is Talent Management? Definition, Strategy, Process and Models.

Retrieved October 03, 2020 from hrtechnologist.com

10 Innovative Learning Strategies for Modern Pedagogy. (2019). Retrieved October 02, 2020

from teachthought.com

Learning Strategies. (2020). Retrieved October 02, 2020 from instructionaldesign.org

Memorize. (2020). Retrieved October 03, 2020 from thefreedictionary.com

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