Lecture Method: The Comprehensively Used Pedagogical Method: Dr. Radhika Kapur

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Lecture Method: The Comprehensively used Pedagogical


Dr. Radhika Kapur


Lecture method is regarded as the most comprehensively used pedagogical method

within educational institutions at all levels. In simple terms, this is the method in which the
instructors are imparting information to the students in terms of lesson plans and academic
concepts within the classroom settings. They make use of various types of teaching-learning
materials and instructional strategies. When these are made use of, various factors need to be
taken into consideration, i.e. grade levels of students, subjects and concepts, needs and
requirements of the students, academic goals and the overall system of education. When the
instructors are preparing lectures, they need to be well-equipped. One of the important
aspects is, they should be able to clarify the doubts and provide answers to the questions put
forward by the students. The lecture method has advantages as wells as disadvantages. The
advantages should be reinforced and disadvantages should be curbed. Therefore, when the
instructors are putting into operation the lecture method at all levels of education, they need
to make sure that students are able to acquire an efficient understanding of the concepts. The
main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, factors needed in
planning a lecture, skills needed to prepare the lecture method, and advantages and
disadvantages of lecture method.

Keywords: Academic Concepts, Educational Institutions, Information, Learning,

Lecture Method, Skills, Teaching

Lecture method is regarded as the oldest method of teaching. The instructors are
making use of this method in educational institutions at all levels. It is based on the
philosophy of idealism. In the present existence, it is regarded as one of the commonly used
methods. In the implementation of this method, the instructors are making use of modern,
scientific, technical and pioneering methods of teaching. Apart from these, there are usage of
technologies as well. Within the classroom settings, computers and projectors are made use
of to impart information to the students in terms of lesson plans and academic concepts. The
instructors clarifies the content matter to the students, so they are able to acquire an
understanding of the lesson plans and academic concepts in an efficacious manner. The
instructors make use of gestures, simple devices by changing voice, positions and facial
expressions (Sharma, n.d.). The instructors are more active and students are passive. In the
lecture method, the instructors are the ones who play an important role in educating students.
They speak and students are meant to listen to them and understand.

The lecture method can be economical and can be used among large number of
students. It saves time and the main aim of this method is to cover the syllabus. It is the
simplest method and does not require any arrangements. But when the instructors are
delivering lectures, they need to be well-prepared in terms of the topics. Within the course of
teaching of the lesson plans, the students may have number of questions. Hence, they put
forward questions before their instructors. The instructors need to ensure, they provide factual
information and answer the questions in such way that all the problems and difficulties will
be clarified. This method is useful in the case of large classes. One of the major limitations of
this method is, it provides less scope for the activity of the students (Sharma, n.d.). It is
against the principle of learning by doing. It does not take into consideration any differences
among students. In some cases, when the students are not provided with the opportunities to
participate in any activity, they experience a decline in interest and enthusiasm. Therefore, it
is understood, the lecture method is common, but its limitations are not appreciated.

In the implementation of the lecture method in a well-organized manner, the

instructors need to take into account various factors. These are, grade levels of students,
learning abilities, subjects and concepts, academic goals and objectives and the overall
system of education. In this method, there are various methods and approaches, which need
to be put into practice, in order to make it useful and meaningful to the students. Possession
of effective communication skills are regarded to be of utmost significance. The individuals,
both the instructors and students need to communicate with each other in an appropriate
manner, make use of decent language and words and treat each other with respect and
courtesy. The instructors need to carry out their job duties in a well-organized manner and
promote student learning. On the other hand, the students need to pay adequate attention and
listen to their instructors. Therefore, it can be stated, when the instructors and students will be
well-aware of their job duties and responsibilities, the lecture methods will be put into
practice in a well-ordered and regimented manner.

Factors needed in Planning a Lecture

In the planning of the lecture, the instructors need to be aware and take into
consideration various methods, strategies and approaches. It is necessary to recognize the
research findings, and viewpoints and perspectives of professionals. In other words, when the
instructors are novice, they need to take into consideration what strategies and approaches
have been implemented by experienced instructors. When the lecture methods are to be
implemented, the instructors have the major aim of ensuring that they are worthwhile and
favourable to the students. In the planning of the lecture, the major factors that need to be
taken into consideration are, generating information in terms of learning abilities of students,
being well-aware of academic goals and objectives, preparing introduction, body and
conclusion, utilization of modern, scientific and innovative methods, providing opportunities
to the students to share their experiences, and organizing question-answer sessions. These are
stated as follows:

Generating information in terms of Learning Abilities of Students

The students are different from each other in terms of their learning abilities. Some
students are sharp minded, who are able to acquire an understanding of the academic
concepts in just one lecture. Whereas, some students are slow in understanding even simple
concepts. The instructors need to be well-aware in terms of learning abilities of students.
Within the classroom settings, the students possess different learning abilities. Hence, the
lecture methods need to be planned in accordance to the learning abilities of the students.
When the students are having problems in acquiring an understanding of the lesson plans, the
instructors usually reiterate the concepts. In addition, the students are provided with
exercises, which help them to acquire an efficient understanding of the concepts. On the other
hand, when students are able to understand the concepts well, then normally reiteration is not
required and students are able to do well in studies. Therefore, when the instructors are able
to generate information in terms of learning abilities of the students, they are able to plan the
lecture in an appropriate manner as well as implement teaching methods that would be
beneficial to the students. In this manner, they are able to enrich the overall system of

Being well-aware of academic Goals and Objectives

The instructors and the students need to be well-aware in terms of academic goals and
objectives. These are, bringing about improvements in teaching-learning methods,
instructional strategies and teaching-learning materials; making provision infrastructure,
amenities, and facilities; bringing about improvements in extra-curricular and creative
activities; making use of modern, scientific and innovative methods in instructional
strategies; bringing about improvements in seminars and conferences; implementing
beneficial and meaningful evaluation methods; managing resources in a well-organized
manner; forming pleasant and amiable terms and relationships with each other, leading to
effective growth and development of the students, and leading to enrichment of the overall
system of education. When the members of the educational institutions, irrespective of their
job positions in the hierarchy of the educational institutions are well-aware of the academic
goals and objectives, they will be able to carry out their job duties well. When the instructors
will be well-aware in terms of these academic goals and objectives, they will be able to plan
their lectures in an efficacious manner. Therefore, it is well-understood that being well-aware
of academic goals and objectives is an indispensable factor that will contribute significantly
in promoting student learning and formation of pleasant and amiable environment within the
classrooms as well as the overall educational institution.

Preparing Introduction, Body and Conclusion

When the instructors are delivering lectures, they need to ensure that the lecture is
well-organized (The Lecture Method, 2014). When the lecture is well-organized and
comprise of all the necessary information, the instructors will be able to facilitate student
learning. In the planning of the lecture, there are various factors that need to be taken into
account, i.e. introduction, body and conclusion. In the introduction, the instructors impart
information to the students in terms of what the lesson plan is about. The body comprises of
all the concepts and the necessary information and the conclusion summarises all the
important points and concluding statement. These are the vital factors that are needed to be
taken into account in the planning of lectures. Another important part of lectures is, the
instructors also need to impart information to the students in terms of preparation of
assignments, reports, projects and so forth. Therefore, it is well-understood, the preparation
of introduction, body and conclusion are regarded as crucial in not only planning the lecture
in a well-ordered manner, but also in promoting student learning. Furthermore, the students
are assisted in achievement of educational goals, in inculcation of the traits of morality and
ethics and in leading to their effective growth and development.

Utilization of Modern, Scientific and Innovative Methods

With advancements taking place and with the advent of technologies, the instructors
need to be well-equipped with the usage of technologies. In other words, it is of utmost
significance to possess adequate technical skills. At all levels of education, the various types
of modern, scientific and innovative materials are, textbooks, articles, projects, reports, other
reading materials, models, charts, graphs, pictures, images, technologies, audio-visual aids
and so forth. When the instructors are making use of them, it needs to be ensured that they
render a significant contribution in facilitating student learning and enhancing the overall
system of education. When recruitment of instructors take place, it needs to be ensured, they
possess adequate knowledge in terms of various types of modern, scientific and innovative
methods. In addition, the members of the educational institutions need to be aware of
methods and approaches needed in the management of resources. Financial, technical,
material and human resources need to be managed in an appropriate manner in utilization of
modern, scientific and innovative methods. Therefore, it is well-understood, the utilization of
modern, scientific and innovative methods are regarded as crucial in not only planning the
lecture in a satisfactory manner, but also in promoting student learning and up-grading the
overall system of education.

Providing opportunities to the students to share their Experiences

In higher educational institutions, the students are adults. When they come to class to
attend lectures, the instructors provide opportunities to the students to share their experiences.
In case of some academic subjects and lesson plans, the students are familiar with the
concepts, or they have experiences, which enable them to acquire an understanding of the
lesson plans in an appropriate manner. One of the major benefits of lecture methods is, the
students are provided with the opportunities to share their experiences. When the students
share meaningful and interesting experiences, they are able to form effective communication
terms with the instructors as well as fellow students. In this manner, the students form
positive viewpoints in terms of various aspects of the educational institutions and feel they
can freely express their viewpoints and perspectives. The experiences are professional as well
as personal in nature. The students share all kinds of experiences depending upon the subjects
and the concepts they are learning. Hence, in this manner, the students develop motivation
towards learning. Therefore, it is well-understood, providing opportunities to the students to
share their experiences is regarded as crucial in not only planning the lecture in an
appropriate manner, but also in promoting student learning.
Organizing Question-Answer Sessions

In learning and understanding academic subjects and lesson plans, the students
experience number of problems. In other words, they find certain concepts difficult and have
doubts. The organization of question-answer sessions will enable the instructors to clarify any
problems and difficulties, which the students have. In this manner, the students will
understand the concepts well and will be able to overcome the problems and difficulties,
which may take place within the course of preparation of assignments, projects, reports and
for tests and exams. The students normally have number of problems and difficulties related
to academic learning, preparation of assignments, projects and reports and participation in
other academic activities. The question-answer sessions will enable the students to
communicate with the instructors and provide solutions to all their problems and difficulties.
Furthermore, they get to know their instructors and are able to form pleasant and amiable
terms and relationships with them. In order to facilitate student learning and achieve
academic goals, the question-answer sessions are regarded as worthwhile. Hence, these need
to be organized at the end of every lesson plan. Therefore, it can be stated, the organization of
question-answer sessions will enable the students to augment their interactive abilities and do
well in their studies.

Skills needed to prepare the Lecture Method

In making the lecture method effective and worthwhile, there are various skills, which
need to be put into practice. The instructors are not only required to possess adequate
knowledge and competencies in terms of the subjects that they are imparting, but they also
need to take into account various factors, i.e. provide factual information and answer the
questions put forward by the students. In this manner, they ensure that they clarify all the
problems and difficulties that the students have. Throughout their jobs, the instructors need to
be well-equipped in terms of the skills, needed to prepare the lecture method. Through these
skills, the instructors will not only make lecture method meaningful and advantageous, but
they will facilitate student learning and incur the feeling of job satisfaction. The skills needed
to prepare the lecture method in a well-ordered manner are stated as follows:

Communication Skills – Within the course of implementation of the lecture method,

communication skills are regarded to be of utmost significance. In the communication
processes, the speaker speaks information, the receivers understand and express their
responses and the speaker gives feedback. The instructors impart information to the students
in terms of lesson plans, the students understand and express their responses and the
instructors provide feedback. Within the course of entire lecture method, the communication
processes need to take place in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, there are various factors
that need to be taken into consideration, i.e. making use of polite language and decent words,
common language, positive viewpoints in terms of each other, and eye contact. Therefore, it
is comprehensively understood, when the communication skills will be put into practice in a
well-ordered manner, the instructors and students will contribute in an efficient manner in
leading to enrichment of the lecture method.

Time Management Skills – In educational institutions at all levels, the lectures are
organized in accordance to the timings, hence, when the instructors are preparing their
lectures, they need to take into account the timings. When the lessons are lengthy, they
usually are completed in more than one lecture. On the other hand, when the lessons are
short, they can be completed in just one lecture. When the time gets over, the instructors need
to continue with the lecture in the next class. Normally, the instructors are vested with
number of job duties and responsibilities. Hence, the implementation of time management
skills will enable them to take out time for all tasks and activities. Therefore, it is
comprehensively understood, when the time management skills will be put into practice in a
well-organized manner, the instructors and students will contribute in an effectual manner in
leading to enrichment of the lecture method.

Problem Solving Skills – Within the course of understanding of lesson plans,

preparing assignments, reports and projects and in participating in other academic activities,
the students experience number of problems. Hence, the students as well as the instructors
need to be well-aware in terms of honing problem solving skills. In the up-gradation of
problem solving skills, there are various factors that need to be taken into consideration, i.e.
conducting analysis of the problems, their causes and the measures and strategies that need to
be put into practice in providing solutions to them. When the instructors up-grade these skills,
they are able to provide solutions to the problems experienced by the students. On the other
hand, when students hone these skills, they are able to solve their problems on their own.
Therefore, it can be stated, when the problem solving skills are put into practice in a
regimented manner, the instructors and students will contribute significantly in leading to
enhancement of the lecture method.
Creative Skills – Creative skills are the skills that are put into operation by the
instructors to carry out their job duties in a creative manner. When they are imparting
knowledge and understanding to the students in terms of lesson plans and academic concepts,
they need to be creative in their work. Creative skills enables the instructors and students to
augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of interesting ways to provide solutions
to their problems. These skills enable the individuals to look at things from a unique
perspective. In other words, it is the ability to consider something from the exceptional
perspective. Furthermore, the individuals will be able to devise modern, technical and
scientific ways in providing solutions to various types of problems, especially in the
achievement of academic goals (Doyle, 2020). Therefore, it can be stated, when the creative
skills are put into practice in an efficacious manner, the instructors and students will
contribute significantly in leading to enhancement of the lecture method.

Evaluation Methods – After the instructors have imparted information to the students
in terms of lesson plans and academic concepts, they need to find out how much the students
have learned and understood. Furthermore, they are also able to find out whether teaching-
learning methods and teaching-learning materials are proving to be worthwhile or there is a
need to bring about improvements. The various types of evaluation methods that are put into
practice are, class assignments, homework assignments, projects, reports, presentations,
quizzes, tests, exams and so forth. These methods are implemented within the course of
imparting lectures. When the students perform well, it is understood, the teaching-learning
methods and teaching-learning materials are favourable. On the other hand, when the students
experience setbacks, there is a need to bring about improvements in these methods.
Therefore, it is well-understood, when the evaluation methods are put into practice in a
meaningful manner, the instructors and students will contribute in an efficient manner in
leading to up-gradation of the lecture method.

Managerial Functions – In the lecture methods, there is a need to put into practice the
managerial functions of planning, organising, directing, leading, controlling and co-
ordinating. These functions are recognized in the implementation of teaching-learning
methods, instructional strategies, teaching-learning materials, resources, students,
infrastructure and the overall conditions within the classroom settings. Furthermore, the
instructors and students need to work in collaboration with each other and develop mutual
understanding. These are vital in not only implementing the teaching and the learning
processes, but also in the management of resources, technologies and in the management of
the overall environment within the classroom settings. The managerial functions need to be
up-graded within the period of time. Improvements need to be brought about in them through
the use of modern, scientific and innovative methods. Therefore, it is comprehensively
understood, the implementation of managerial functions in a well-ordered manner are not
only crucial in the formation of pleasant and amiable environment within the classroom
settings, but also in making the lecture method satisfactory.

Instructional Strategies – Instructional strategies are regarded to be of utmost

significance in the implementation of the lecture method. When the instructors are imparting
knowledge and understanding to the students in terms of lesson plans, they make use of
various types of teaching-learning materials. Some of these include, textbooks, articles,
projects, reports, other reading materials, models, charts, graphs, pictures, images,
technologies and so forth. The factors that influence the instructional strategies are, grade
levels of students, subjects and concepts, educational goals and the overall system of
education. There is a close relationship between instructional strategies and the use of these
materials. The teaching and learning materials need to be made use of in an efficacious
manner to make the instructional strategies effective and worthwhile. Therefore, it can be
stated, when the instructional strategies will be put into practice, the instructors as well as the
students will contribute in an efficient manner in leading to enrichment of the lecture method.

Teaching-Learning Materials – In the lecture method, the teaching-learning materials

are regarded to be of utmost significance in facilitating learning. The various types of
teaching-learning materials are, textbooks, articles, projects, reports, other reading materials,
models, charts, graphs, pictures, images, technologies, audio-visual aids and so forth. When
the instructors determine the utilization of various types of teaching-learning materials, they
need to take into account various factors, i.e. grade levels of students, academic subjects and
concepts, educational goals and the overall system of education. The lecture methods will be
made satisfactory, when the teaching-learning materials will be put into operation in an
operative and worthwhile manner. With advancements taking place and with the advent of
modernisation and globalization, there is a need to lead to up-gradation of the teaching-
learning materials. Therefore, it can be stated, when the instructors will make use of
satisfactory teaching-learning materials in a suitable manner, the instructors as well as the
students will render an important contribution in leading to enrichment of the lecture method
and in achieving academic goals.
Conflict Resolution Methods – In some cases, within the classroom settings,
conflicting situations and disagreements do take place among students. It is the job duty of
the instructors to put into operation conflict resolution methods and impart information to the
students in terms of their meaning and significance. In the implementation of these methods
in an efficient manner, there are various factors that need to be taken into account. These are,
communicating with each other in an efficient manner; implementing listening skills in an
effective manner; treating each other with respect and courtesy; making use of polite
language and decent words; inculcating the traits of morality and ethics; accepting other
factors, norms and cultures; not discriminating against anyone on the basis of any factors, i.e.
caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, and socio-economic background; providing equal rights
and opportunities to all; having pleasant facial expressions, and learning to curb the
psychological problems of anger, anxiety, stress and frustration. Therefore, it can be stated,
when the conflict resolution methods will be put into practice suitably, the students will be
able to form pleasant and amiable terms and relationships with each other and do well

Work Ethics – In leading to up-gradation of lecture method and to prepare them well,
work ethics are regarded as indispensable skills, which the instructors need to be aware of.
Work ethics are referred to the attitude and determination towards one’s job. Having strong
work ethics will enable the instructors to be well-aware in terms of their job duties and
responsibilities. The primary job duties and responsibilities of the instructors is to impart
knowledge to the students, help them to achieve academic goals and enhance the overall
system of education. When the instructors recognize the meaning and significance of work
ethics, they will inculcate various traits among themselves, i.e. professionalism, integration,
cooperation, discipline, productivity, reliability, dedication, responsibility, socialization and
amiability (Work Ethic Skills, 2020). These traits are regarded as meaningful in doing well in
the job of lecturing. Therefore, it can be stated, when the work ethics will be recognized, the
instructors will not only render a significant contribution in doing well in their job duties of
lecturing, but will also incur the feeling of job satisfaction and lead to up-gradation of the
overall system of education.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Lecture Method

The advantages of lecture method are stated as follows: (Advantages and

Disadvantages of lectures, n.d.).
1. In learning and understanding academic subjects and lesson plans, the students
experience number of problems. They find certain concepts difficult and have doubts.
One of the major advantages of lectures is, the students will be able to communicate
face-to-face with their instructors and clarify their doubts. In this manner, the students
will understand the concepts well and will be able to overcome the problems, which
may take place within the course of preparation of assignments, projects, reports, tests
and exams.
2. The students are provided with the opportunities to enhance their social skills. This is
facilitated by implementing communication processes in an effective manner. In the
lecture methods, students are provided with the opportunities to share their
experiences. The experiences shared are personal as well as professional. When the
students share significant and stimulating experiences, they are able to form effective
communication terms with the instructors as well as fellow students. In this manner,
they acquire appreciation, are able to augment their social circle and are able to do
well in their studies.
3. In some educational institutions, the number of students in class are large. Hence, the
lecture methods are favourable to impart knowledge and understanding in terms of
lesson plans to large number of students. Through these methods, the students are able
to listen to their instructors and are able to acquire an efficient understanding in terms
of subjects and concepts. Furthermore, in this method, they are provided with the
opportunities to put forward any questions and doubts that they have. Hence, the
lecture method is considered useful as it facilities the communication processes.
4. The instructors are provided with the opportunities to depict their knowledge and
competencies through the lecture method. It is apparent that when the instructors get
recruited in educational institutions, they are required to possess the essential
educational qualifications, knowledge, competencies, and personality traits. Hence,
through the lecture method, the instructors are able to make use of their educational
qualifications, knowledge, competencies, and abilities. Furthermore, when they do
their job duties well, they acquire appreciation from their superiors. In this manner,
students also develop motivation towards learning.
5. Through the lecture method, the instructors are not only imparting knowledge in
terms of lesson plans, but they are making provision of information to them in terms
of other aspects as well, i.e. assignments, reports, projects, tests, events, functions,
academic activities and so forth. When the students are unaware in terms of any
aspects, they interact with their instructors. Furthermore, through the lecture methods,
the students also get to know each other and put into operation, communication
processes in a suitable manner. Hence, through this methods, the instructors and the
student can contribute in the creation of a pleasant and favourable environment within
the classroom.

The disadvantages of lecture method are stated as follows:

1. One of the major limitations of this method is, it provides less scope for the
activity of the students. In order to learn and achieve academic goals, the students
not merely have to work on assignments, reports, projects and participate in tests,
quizzes and competitions, but there is a need to encourage their participation in
activities as well. Hence, through the implementation of lecture method, the
students are just required to listen to their instructors and their participation in
various types of academic activities is limited.
2. It is against the principle of learning by doing. In the lecture method, the principle
of learning by doing is not recognized. Normally, when the instructors are
delivering lectures, they are making use of various types of teaching and learning
materials. When the instructors are teaching, the students are primarily required to
pay attention and take notes. They are not encouraged to participate in tasks and
activities, where they learn by doing. Hence, this is regarded as one of the major
disadvantages of the lecture method, as in order to learn well and achieve
academic goals, it is necessary to learn by doing.
3. It does not take into consideration any differences among students. The students
are different from each on the basis of various factors, i.e. caste, creed, race,
religion, ethnicity, age, gender, skills, abilities, personality traits and socio-
economic background. The lecture method does not take into consideration these
factors. When the instructors come to the classroom to give their lectures, they
simply do their job duty and does not take into consideration any differences
between students. The students are different from each other in terms of their
learning abilities. In educational institutions, when the students experience
setbacks, extra classes are organized for them. But in lectures, the teaching
methods are implemented on an equal basis in terms of all students and
differences are not taken into consideration.
4. Lectures are not suited for teaching higher orders of thinking such as, application,
analysis, and evaluation. Furthermore, they will not be regarded as worthwhile for
imparting motor skills and influencing attitudes and values. In case of some
subjects, such as, science, mathematics, English and so forth, the concepts are
complicated. In the impartment of knowledge and understanding in terms of
complicated concepts, the lecture methods are not suitable. In such cases, the
students are encouraged to participate in various tasks and activities to augment
their understanding and to solve their problems.
5. In educational institutions at all levels, the students have different learning styles.
They put into operation different learning styles to understand the subjects and
concepts. The lecture method puts emphasis on listening. The main job of the
students is to listen to their instructors. In some cases, the listening skills of the
students are not in a well-developed state. They make use of different learning
styles in order to augment their learning and understanding. When the students do
not listen to their instructors, it is usually frustrating. Therefore, the disadvantage
of the lecture method is recognized, when the students do not have well-developed
listening skills.


Lecture method is regarded as the oldest method of teaching. The instructors are
making use of this method in educational institutions at all levels. In the implementation of
this method, the instructors are making use of modern, scientific, technical and pioneering
methods of teaching. In the planning of the lecture, the major factors that need to be taken
into consideration are, generating information in terms of learning abilities of students, being
well-aware of academic goals and objectives, preparing introduction, body and conclusion,
utilization of modern, scientific and innovative methods, providing opportunities to the
students to share their experiences, and organizing question-answer sessions. The instructors
need to be well-aware in terms of the skills needed to prepare the lecture method. The skills
needed to prepare the lecture method in a well-ordered manner are, communication skills,
time management skills, problem solving skills, creative skills, evaluation methods,
managerial functions, instructional strategies, teaching-learning materials, conflict resolution
methods and work ethics. The advantages and disadvantages of lecture methods are crucial to
understand. Finally, it can be stated, when the lecture method will be implemented in a
regimented manner, it will be beneficial in facilitating student learning as well as in enriching
the overall system of education.

Advantages and Disadvantages of lectures. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2020 from


Doyle, A. (2020). What is Creative Thinking? Definition and Examples of Creative Thinking.

Retrieved October 28, 2020 from thebalancecareers.com

Sharma, M. (n.d.). Lecture Method/Teaching Method. Retrieved October 28, 2020 from


The Lecture Method. (2014). Instructional Development and Distance Education. Retrieved

October 28, 2020 from uq.edu.au

Work Ethic Skills: Top 8 Values to Develop. (2020). Retrieved October 28, 2020

from indeed.com

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