Thank you for taking the time to participate in our research study. Your responses will be
valuable in helping us understand the relationship between foreign language learning and
communication skills among AB English students. Please provide the following information by
checking the appropriate boxes to help us better understand your background.
1. Age:
- [ ] Over 35 years
- [ ] 31-35 years
- [ ] 26-30 years
- [ ] 21-25 years
- [ ] 18-20 years
2. Sex:
- [ ] Male
- [ ] Female
3. Year Level
- [ ] 2nd Year
- [ ] 3rd Year
- [ ] 4th Year
Part II. Proficiency in Foreign Language
This section of the questionnaire aims to assess your proficiency in foreign languages. Please
indicate your level of proficiency in the foreign languages you have learned using the following
4-point Likert scale by checking the appropriate box:
5 - Very Proficient
4 - Proficient
3 - Moderately Proficient
2 – Low Proficient
1 - Not Proficient
I have lived or traveled in regions where the foreign languages I've studied are
I feel confident in my ability to learn and use new foreign languages.
5 - Very Proficient
4 - Proficient
3 - Moderately Proficient
2 – Low Proficient
1 - Not Proficient
This section of the questionnaire aims to determine the challenges in learning foreign languages.
Please indicate your level of agreement using the following 4-point Likert scale by checking the
appropriate box:
5 - Very Proficient
4 - Proficient
3 - Moderately Proficient
2 - Low Proficient
1 - Not Proficient
Challenges 5 4 3 2 1
I find it challenging to grasp the grammar of foreign languages.